AVC Sensing Module
AVC Sensing Module
AVC Sensing Module
The AVC Sensing Module provides a convenient and The AVC Sensing Module is housed in a potted,
cost-effective method for expanding the applications plastic case that can be mounted in any convenient
where AVC63-12 and AVC125-10 voltage regulators position. Overall module dimensions and panel
can be applied. The AVC Sensing Module increases drilling dimensions are illustrated in Figure 1.
the nominal sensing voltage of style BX AVC63-12
and AVC125-10 voltage regulators from 200/240 Vac Mounting Hardware
to 480 Vac or 600 Vac. The AVC Sensing Module is The AVC Sensing Module can be mounted directly
compatible with nominal sensing frequencies of on a genset using #10-32 or equivalent hardware. A
50/60 Hz and 400 Hz. lock washer should be used between the screw head
and body of the module. Torque applied when
A compact, rugged (potted) case enables the AVC
tightening the mounting hardware should not exceed
Sensing Module to be mounted directly on the
generator. Other than making connections during 25 inch-pounds (2.8 Nm).
installation, the AVC Sensing Module requires no CONNECTIONS
adjustment or calibration.
All AVC Sensing Module connections are located on
SPECIFICATIONS the back panel. Sensing voltage is applied to the
lower, six-position terminal block. Sensing voltage is
Sensing Voltage Inputs supplied to the voltage regulator from the upper,
Configuration: 1- or 3-phase three-position terminal block. Connections consist of
Burden: <1 VA #6 terminal screws. Each terminal accepts a
Nominal Frequency: 50, 60, or 400 Hz maximum wire size of 12 AWG (13 mm ). When
Power Dissipation: 2.2 W securing connections, apply no more than 9 in-lb
480 Vac Nominal Input (1 Nm) of torque to each terminal screw.
Range: 432 to 528 Vac Before connecting the module, review the terminal
Terminal Assignments: A1, A2, A3 descriptions listed in Table 1 and the connection
diagram of Figure 2. At any given time, only one of
600 Vac Nominal Input
the two sets of sensing voltage input terminals can be
Range: 540 to 660 Vac
used. Under no circumstance can both the 480 Vac
Terminal Assignments: B1, B2, B3
and 600 Vac sensing input terminals be connected to
Sensing Voltage Output a voltage source.
Nominal: 200/240 Vac Table 1. Terminal Descriptions
Range: 180 to 264 Vac Term # Description
Terminal Assignments: 20, 24, 22 A2 B-phase, 480 Vac nominal sensing voltage
input to AVC Sensing Module
Type Tests A3 C-phase, 480 Vac nominal sensing voltage
input to AVC Sensing Module
Shock: Withstands 20 G in each of A1 A-phase, 480 Vac nominal sensing voltage
three mutually perpendicular input to AVC Sensing Module
planes B2 B-phase, 600 Vac nominal sensing voltage
Vibration: Withstands 4.5 G at 18 to input to AVC Sensing Module
2,000 Hz B3 C-phase, 600 Vac nominal sensing voltage
input to AVC Sensing Module
Physical B1 A-phase, 600 Vac nominal sensing voltage
Temperature: 40 to 70C (40 to 158F) input to AVC Sensing Module
22 A-phase sensing voltage output supplied to
operation and storage
AVC63-12/AVC125-10 terminal 22
Maximum Humidity: 95%, non-condensing
24 B-phase sensing voltage output supplied to
Approximate Weight: 160 g (6 oz.) AVC63-12/AVC125-10 terminal 24
20 C-phase sensing voltage output supplied to
AVC63-12/AVC125-10 terminal 20