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FYSH551: - From Classical World To QM and QFT

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FYSH551 - From Classical world to QM and QFT

Lecture notes

Jan Rak

Jyvskyl University, HIP, Finland

March 11, 2015

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Lecture Goal

The goal is to:

Get you familiar with URHI physics and method frequently used the the field and
prepare potentially interested candidates for an easy integration into the
international collaboration/community.

Give you more ideas about what the formulas are telling you. Many learn just
formulas and how to use them but the message is often lost-in-the-translation

Help you to think critically about your (and not only yours) research.

Jan Rak (Jyvskyl University, HIP, Finland) FYSH551 - From Classical world to QM and QFT March 11, 2015 2 / 22
Examples of Critical Reading

Where Physics Went Wrong By: Bernard Lavenda (University of Camerino, Italy)

Where Physics Went Wrong Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com

by Prof Jan Rak on 02/25/15. For personal use only.

Jan Rak (Jyvskyl University, HIP, Finland) FYSH551 - From Classical world to QM and QFT March 11, 2015 3 / 22
Examples of Critical Reading

Where Physics Went Wrong By: Bernard Lavenda (University of Camerino, Italy)

The book points out what has gone wrong with physics since Einsteins formulation of
this theory of general relativity a century ago. It points out inconsistencies and fallacies
in the standard model of the big bang and the inflationary scenario which was
supposed to have overcome those shortcomings, the evolution of string theory from a
theory of the strong interaction to a theory of gravitation and quantum mechanics which
has not produced a single verifiable prediction, and what it has accomplished is
reaffirming wrong results like the entropy of a black hole, which is not an entropy at all.
There have even been attempts to demote gravity to an emergent phenomenon with
catastrophic effects. We know exactly what happened at 1034 seconds after the big
bang, but do not know how fast gravity propagates, whether gravitational waves exist,
and what are the limits of Newtons law. Attempts to rectify this are the prediction of
dark energy/matter, which has never been observed nor ever will, and MOND. The
latter is really not a modification of Newtonian mechanics, but a transformation of a
dynamical law into a statistical one.

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Examples of Critical Reading

The Higgs Fake By: Prof. Wolfgang Unzicker


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Examples of Critical Reading

The Higgs Fake By: Prof. Wolfgang Unzicker

The news given on the 4 July 2012 CERN Press Conference was at best an abuse
of language and at worst a lie.
They declared the discovery of the century and yet did not resolve a single one of
the fundamental problems of physics.
. . . particle physics, as practiced since the 1930s, is a futile enterprise in its
entirety . . . It has become a high tech sport that has little to do with the laws of
It annoys me too much to see another generation of physicists deterred by the
dumb messy patchwork called the standard model of particle physics, that hides
the basic problems physics.
This book wont appeal to particle physicists there is no way to convince an expert
that he or she has done nonsense for thirty years.
This book should provide journalists and people responsible for funding decisions
with information they need to challenge the omnipresent propaganda.

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CERN press release February 2000

c c

Color Screening

6/26/07 Jan Rak 10

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Lectures from Ancient History Epicycle

In the Hipparchian and Ptolemaic systems of astronomy, the epicycle (literally: on the
circle in Greek) was a geometric model used to explain the variations in speed and
direction of the apparent motion of the Moon, Sun, and planets. In particular it
explained the apparent retrograde motion of the five planets known at the time.
Secondarily, it also explained changes in the apparent distances of the planets from

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Lectures from Ancient History Epicycle

Quite impressive agreement with the data :-)

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Jan Rak (Jyvskyl University, HIP, Finland) FYSH551 - From Classical world to QM and QFT March 11, 2015 10 / 22
Yet some other questions to think about

Where is the force coming from? And where is the force in QM and QFT coming
Where is the attractive force coming from?
Why the two point-like objects (quark) could ever scatter?

Jan Rak (Jyvskyl University, HIP, Finland) FYSH551 - From Classical world to QM and QFT March 11, 2015 11 / 22
Yet some other questions to think about

Where is the force coming from? And where is the force in QM and QFT coming
Where is the attractive force coming from?
Why the two point-like objects (quark) could ever scatter?

Newton Law / equation of motion: F = mx explains HOW but doesnt say anything
about WHY.

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Ernst Mach (1883-1916) stated that Newtons law of Inertia

F = m.a, f established by all the matter of the universe.
Mach saw the connection between inertia and distant
matter in the universe from considerations on the following
experiment, which produces two fundamentally different
ways of measuring a bodys rotation in Space:

First, without looking at the sky, one can measure the

centripetal (inertial) force on a rotating mass m using
Newtons law in the form F = ma = mv 2 /r to find
circumferential speed v . The second way is to compare an
objects angular position and circumferential speed v relative
to the distant fixed stars. Remarkably, both methods give
exactly the same result and this was a great mystery at the
time. Mach realized that the inertia law required a means to
link the inertial behavior of each body with all other matter
(the stars) of our universe.

Jan Rak (Jyvskyl University, HIP, Finland) FYSH551 - From Classical world to QM and QFT March 11, 2015 12 / 22
Quantum vs Classical Meachanics
Newtonian Lagrangian Hamiltonian
The equations of motion of classical mechanics are embodied in a variational principle,
called Hamiltons principle = the motion is such that it extremis the action functional
Z t2
S[q(t)] = dt L(q, q, t)

L=T U vs H =T +U

Jan Rak (Jyvskyl University, HIP, Finland) FYSH551 - From Classical world to QM and QFT March 11, 2015 13 / 22
Quantum vs Classical Meachanics
Newtonian Lagrangian Hamiltonian
The equations of motion of classical mechanics are embodied in a variational principle,
called Hamiltons principle = the motion is such that it extremis the action functional
Z t2
S[q(t)] = dt L(q, q, t)

L=T U vs H =T +U

Describe same physics and produce same results

Difference is in the viewpoints

Symmetries and invariance more apparent
Flexibility of coordinate transformation

Hamiltonian formalism linked to the development of

Hamilton-Jacobi theory
Classical perturbation theory
Quantum mechanics
Statistical mechanics
Jan Rak (Jyvskyl University, HIP, Finland) FYSH551 - From Classical world to QM and QFT March 11, 2015 13 / 22
Lagrange Hamilton

Lagranges equations for n coordinates

d L L i = 1, . . . , n
dt qi q =0 2nd order diff eq. for n vars

n equations 2n initial conditions qi (t = 0), qi (t = 0)

Can we do with 1st -order differential equations?
Yes, but youll need 2n equations
Well keep qi and replace qi by conjugate momentra

L(qj ,qj ,t)

pi qi generalized momenta

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Configuration vs Phase space

consider 2n-dim Phse space
2n independent variables qi in n-dim space.
(gi , qi , t) (qi , pi , t)
Trajectory could cross. More natural is
Trajectory never crosses.

Jan Rak (Jyvskyl University, HIP, Finland) FYSH551 - From Classical world to QM and QFT March 11, 2015 15 / 22
Legendre Transformation

Start from a function of two variables f (x, y ).

Total derivative is
f f
df = x dx + y dy

Define g(x, y , u) ux f (x, y ) and consider its total derivative

f f
dg = d(ux) df = udx + xdu x dx y dy

At this point u is an independent variable. But suppose we choose it to be

u(x, y ) = x

then dg becomes
dg = xdu y dy

Or, in other words, g is function only g = g(u, y )

Jan Rak (Jyvskyl University, HIP, Finland) FYSH551 - From Classical world to QM and QFT March 11, 2015 16 / 22
Legendre Transformation

To be explicit:

g(u, y ) = ux(u, y ) f (x(u, y ), y ) This is Legendre Transform

The Lagrangian L(qi , qi , t) is a function of the coordinates qi , their time derivatives qi
and (possibly) time. We define the Hamiltonian to be the Legendre transform
Lagrangian with respect to the qi variables:
H(qi , pi , t) = i=1 pi qi L(qi , qi , t)

and now by comparing the variation of

H(qi , pi , t) = H/qi dqi + H/pi dpi + H/tdt with the variation of the equation
above we get the the Hamiltonian equation (exercise session)

pi = q i
qi = pi L
dt =

Jan Rak (Jyvskyl University, HIP, Finland) FYSH551 - From Classical world to QM and QFT March 11, 2015 17 / 22
Determinism, Independence, and Objectivity are Incompatible

PRL 114, 060405 (2015)

Hidden-variable models aim to reproduce the results of quantum theory and to satisfy
our classical intuition. Their refutation is usually based on deriving predictions that are
different from those of quantum mechanics. Here instead we study the mutual
compatibility of apparently reasonable classical assumptions. We analyze a version of
the delayed-choice experiment which ostensibly combines determinism, independence
of hidden variables on the conducted experiments, and wave-particle objectivity (the
assertion that quantum systems are, at any moment, either particles or waves, but not
both). These three ideas are incompatible with any theory, not only with quantum

Jan Rak (Jyvskyl University, HIP, Finland) FYSH551 - From Classical world to QM and QFT March 11, 2015 18 / 22
Think Quantum Mechanically

Jan Rak (Jyvskyl University, HIP, Finland) FYSH551 - From Classical world to QM and QFT March 11, 2015 19 / 22
Quantum Mechanics

1 Replace (qi , pi , t) (r , t) , complex phase - current conservation.

 ~ 2

Replace class. EM by i~ t (r , t) = 2m + V (r , t) (r , t)

Re Re


x x

1 Img Img

0 5 10 15 20 i i
x (x) = e (x) (x) e (x)
Exercise session - calculate the interference pattern for particle passing
through a single/double slit.

Jan Rak (Jyvskyl University, HIP, Finland) FYSH551 - From Classical world to QM and QFT March 11, 2015 20 / 22
My/Quantum Physics billion dollars questions

What is the Quantum Mechanics teaching us about the Objective Reality?

Particle-wave duality. How do we understand it? Just single or double slit
experiment tells it all.
Entanglement and non-locality in Quantum mechanics. Einestein-Podolski-Rosen
Wheelers Delay Choice experiment.
Quantum tunneling
Interaction free measurement.
Quantum Zeno effect: take the decaying atom observing it and finding it
undecayed resets the system to a definitive state, and the Schrdinger-equatlon
evolution towards "decayed" must start again from scratch. The corollary is that If
you keep measuring often enough. the system will never be able to decay.
Casimir effect - nothing comes from nothing (more about this in the next lecture.)
Aharonov Bohm effect
Determinism, independence and objectivity.
Roger Penrose, Amit Goswami, debunking materialism, consciousness.

Jan Rak (Jyvskyl University, HIP, Finland) FYSH551 - From Classical world to QM and QFT March 11, 2015 21 / 22
Ultra-relativistic Heavy Ion Physics

Slides for this talk will be available at:


FYSH551 - From Classical world to QM and QFT

Lecture notes

Jan Rak

Jyvskyl University, HIP, Finland

March 11, 2015

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