21st Century Business Jet
21st Century Business Jet
21st Century Business Jet
Project Members
Table of Contents:
Table of contents…………………………………………………………………………..2
List of figures……………………………………………………………………………...6
List of tables……………………………………………………………………………….6
Chapter 1 Introduction……………………………………………………………………..8
1.1 Scope of the project………………………………………………………………...8
1.2 Business jet – Yesterday and Today………………………………………………...8
1.3 Business jet definition and their market…………………………………………….9
1.4 Classification of business jet……………………………………………………….10
21 Century Business Jets
Aircraft Design Project University of Adelaide
Chapter 10 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………78
21 Century Business Jets
Aircraft Design Project University of Adelaide
From analyzing the business jet history to illustrating the future, this report shows a method
of designing the 21st century business jet. As broadly known, business jet is becoming more
and more popular all over the world. Therefore this report might be useful to the aircraft
The first three chapters mainly concerned about the background research and market analysis
of business jet. However, after defining what sort of aircraft will be designed in this paper, the
project proceeds to a calculation stage. The chapters later on show the procedures of
21 Century Business Jets
Aircraft Design Project University of Adelaide
List of tables
Table 2.2.1…………………………………………………………………………………12
Table 2.2.2…………………………………………………………………………………12
Table 2.2.3…………………………………………………………………………………14
Table 2.2.4…………………………………………………………………………………17
Table 2.3.1…………………………………………………………………………………19
Table 2.3.2…………………………………………………………………………………20
Table 2.3.3…………………………………………………………………………………21
Table 2.4.1…………………………………………………………………………………26
Table 2.4.2…………………………………………………………………………………30
Table 3.1……………………………………………………………………………………33
Table 3.2……………………………………………………………………………………34
Table 5.1.1…………………………………………………………………………………36
Table 7.4.1…………………………………………………………………………………43
Table 8.1.2…………………………………………………………………………………49
Table 8.2.1…………………………………………………………………………………51
Table 8.2.3…………………………………………………………………………………55
Table 8.2.4…………………………………………………………………………………56
Table 8.2.5…………………………………………………………………………………57
Table 8.2.6…………………………………………………………………………………58
Table 8.2.7…………………………………………………………………………………59
Table 8.3.1…………………………………………………………………………………66
Table 8.3.2…………………………………………………………………………………68
Table 9.1.1…………………………………………………………………………………69
Table 9.1.2…………………………………………………………………………………71
21 Century Business Jets
Aircraft Design Project University of Adelaide
List of figures
Figure 1.4.1…………………………………………………………………………………8
Figure 1.4.2…………………………………………………………………………………9
Figure 2.4.1…………………………………………………………………………………27
Figure 2.4.2…………………………………………………………………………………27
Figure 2.4.3…………………………………………………………………………………29
Figure 2.4.4…………………………………………………………………………………31
Figure 2.4.5…………………………………………………………………………………32
Figure 4.1...…………………………………………………………………………………35
Figure 5.1.2…………………………………………………………………………………36
Figure 7.9.1…………………………………………………………………………………47
Figure 8.1.1…………………………………………………………………………………62
Figure 8.1.2…………………………………………………………………………………62
Figure 8.1.3…………………………………………………………………………………63
Figure 8.1.4…………………………………………………………………………………63
Figure 8.1.5…………………………………………………………………………………64
Figure 8.1.6…………………………………………………………………………………65
Figure 8.1.7…………………………………………………………………………………66
Figure 8.1.8…………………………………………………………………………………68
Figure 9.1.1…………………………………………………………………………………71
21 Century Business Jets
Aircraft Design Project University of Adelaide
Chapter 1
1. Introduction
This project uses original/conceptual engineering design approach. The project mainly
covers the following areas of aircraft design:
• Preparation of technical task and writing mission specification based on
customer requirements, market survey, operational analysis and research.
• Aircraft conceptual design, preliminary design and detail design. Detail design
will be dealt partially and the other two (conceptual and preliminary design)
design stages will be the main focus of the project.
• Other aspects of aircraft design process are not in the scope of this project.
One of the most important technological innovations during the World War II was
introduction of jet planes. After the end of World War II many commercial airliners started to
realize the value of jet planes as they were faster than prop planes. As time progressed many
new concepts of jet planes came into picture and finally the concept of jet planes was made
During 1962 to 1984 concept of globalization became very popular and there were many
high class business travelers, this was perhaps one of the reasons the airline companies had
introduced business class and first class. What business people wanted was not only to reach
the destination earlier but less hassle, less stress and less time in the airport. When jet travel
became a commercial enterprise, concept of having smaller jets for the business travelers
came into being. Finally when requirements of mega rich customers coupled with
requirement of business travelers were considered a new industry of business jets was born.
21 Century Business Jets
Aircraft Design Project University of Adelaide
Aviation industries like Lear, Lockheed, Bombardier and Gulfstream designed and
manufactured many such business jets. The interiors of these early business jets had
semblance of luxury hotels. Only after 1990’s business jet interiors started to have an
impression of offices and less like hotels. Jets now have LCD monitors, satellite phones, and
all the other equipment and accoutrements you would expect from a flying office. Jets are
now used not only for getting to the destination, but for getting things done on the way there.
The concept of using business jets was not limited for business travellers alone. It
became a very attractive proposition for government and federal bodies to use it for
transporting their VIPs and Head of state. These jets were also used for military operations
and express parcel deliveries. The market for business jets kept increasing and finally the
whole concept became commercially viable. However, not every business enterprise could
afford a business jet. Thus with time many air taxi and charter companies started to emerge
who bought business jets and provided on-demand and point to point air transportation.
Today Private jets are the ultimate way to travel to your business
destinations while working, resting, and travelling on a vacation or conferencing with
colleagues. If your business requires a lot of travel and you want to accomplish more while
traveling, then business jet is a good option. Whether you charter a jet as needed, own a
fractional jet share, or own a jet outright, you’ll enjoy being able to accomplish more in less
time with less stress.
Business jets are miniature aircrafts when compared to large passenger jet transport
aircrafts, primarily used by corporate bodies to transport their business executives,
21 Century Business Jets
Aircraft Design Project University of Adelaide
transport their officials, Organizations providing Air taxis/charters for on demand passengers.
Business jets are also used by sporting bodies to transport the team members, press
corporations for express transportation of panel members and many bodies /individuals who
have a large associates and time is their crucial factor. However, these jets are also used for
pleasure or personal transportation and not for business purposes. For instance, celebrities use
it for their excursions and wealthy people use it for family trips etc…
A 21st century business jet is termed for an aircraft which can persuade over all
needs/desires of the above mentioned groups/bodies or individuals in a way faster or cheaper
or in way unique when compared with the older aircrafts of the same category. This project
aims at an endeavor to design such an aircraft.
Business Jets
Very Light Jets Light Jets Heavy Jets Ultra Heavy Jets
MTOW < 10000 lbs MTOW > 10000 lbs < 22500 MTOW > 22500 lbs < 60000 lbs MTOW > 60000 lbs < 100000 lbs
Figure 1.4.1
21 Century Business Jets
Aircraft Design Project University of Adelaide
Business Jets
Supersonic Subsonic
Figure 1.4.2
Business Jets
21 Century Business Jets
Aircraft Design Project University of Adelaide
Chapter 2
2. External Research and Statistical Analysis
Now that we have defined business jet and also classified its types, it is a very important
for us to determine which of these types of business jets should be designed? In order to
answer this question we need to do gather information about the following:
2.2 Potential users and future design considerations for business jets:
Primary users of business jets are business men from many multi-national companies and
corporate bodies whose business required a lot of travel. However, with the advent of global
delivery models, fast internet bandwidth and many other available services like video and
voice conferencing the frequency of travel of such business men has reduced with time. Due
to this reason it is not necessary for the entire business panel or team to travel to the client’s
location, only required members whose work cannot be accomplished with the use of above
mentioned services need to travel. Thus the number of people travelling is reducing with
21 Century Business Jets
Aircraft Design Project University of Adelaide
This factor should be considered in future when a business jet is designed for such business
Air taxi and charter companies find it very difficult to always operate at full loads.
Usually there are many delays and cancellation of flights due to lack of availability of
minimum number of passengers and hence keeping a fixed cost per passenger seat becomes
very difficult. More delays or more cancellation means more maintenance cost to keep the
airplane stationary in an airport. There is a heavy price that these companies have to pay for
such reasons. Hence while designing a business jets for such bodies, one has to keep in mind
the number of passengers and the most frequently used destinations and distance of travel and
maintenance cost of aircraft in an airport.
Also with the increasing number of wealthy people in the world and increasing
technologies in the field of material and avionics, if one would design a lighter and cheaper
business jet, then there is a potential market of selling the jets for such people and they could
use it for personal or pleasure purposes rather than business purpose. Such a trend has already
started and there has been few design concepts emerging in the aviation industry.
It is important for us to know who among the above mentioned groups fly more when
compared with other groups. The below mentioned charts gives us an explanation and also
Table 2.2.1
Use Percentage Description
of flying
Air Taxi 10.6 On demand passengers and all cargo operations
Business 12.0 Use of aircraft in connection with pilot’s occupation or private business
Corporate 11.4 Use of aircraft owned or leased by a corporation or business and flown
by professional pilot
Instructional 13.5 Flying under the supervision of a flight instructor
Personal 34.3 Use of aircraft for pleasure or personal transportation and not for
business purpose
Other uses 17.9 Examples Include: Federal State, or local government owned or leased
aircraft used for a government function
Total 100 The total was rounded off to 100
Source: FAA
It is evident from Table 2.2.1 that majority of flying hours are contributed by personal
Now we have to consider the distances the business jet has to be designed for such
customers. Generally speaking, two different ranges should be considered, that is both
domestic and international. For one hand, if domestic air routes are considered, the ranges
between the main cities in Australia can be found as follows:
Table 2.2.2
Adelaide Brisbane Canberra Hobart Melbourne Perth Sydney
Adelaide N/A 1599 968 1164 655 2138 1165
Brisbane 1599 N/A 935 1786 1370 3614 728
Canberra 968 935 N/A 863 473 3106 240
Hobart 1164 1786 863 N/A 601 3020 1058
Melbourne 655 1370 473 601 N/A 2730 713
Perth 2138 3614 3106 3020 2730 N/A 3301
Sydney 1165 728 240 1058 713 3301 N/A
Note: the values are all in kilometers in this table.
As can be seen from the table above, if considering the domestic bookings, the
longest distance should be applied to when designing the business jet, which is 3614 km and
can be rounded up to 3700 km. Also the average distance could be calculated which is around
2300 kms.
21 Century Business Jets
Aircraft Design Project University of Adelaide
On the other hand, if the design must be used in a global range, the main cities distance
are tabulated as follows:
Table 2.2.3
Cities Berlin Buenos Cairo Calcutta Cape Caracas Chicago
Aires Town
Berlin — 7,402 1,795 4,368 5,981 5,247 4,405
Buenos Aires 7,402 — 7,345 10,265 4,269 3,168 5,598
Cairo 1,795 7,345 — 3,539 4,500 6,338 6,129
Calcutta 4,368 10,265 3,539 — 6,024 9,605 7,980
Cape Town 5,981 4,269 4,500 6,024 — 6,365 8,494
Caracas 5,247 3,168 6,338 9,605 6,365 — 2,501
Chicago 4,405 5,598 6,129 7,980 8,494 2,501 —
Hong Kong 5,440 11,472 5,061 1,648 7,375 10,167 7,793
Honolulu 7,309 7,561 8,838 7,047 11,534 6,013 4,250
Istanbul 1,078 7,611 768 3,638 5,154 6,048 5,477
Lisbon 1,436 5,956 2,363 5,638 5,325 4,041 3,990
London 579 6,916 2,181 4,947 6,012 4,660 3,950
Los Angeles 5,724 6,170 7,520 8,090 9,992 3,632 1,745
Manila 6,132 11,051 5,704 2,203 7,486 10,620 8,143
Mexico City 6,047 4,592 7,688 9,492 8,517 2,232 1,691
Montreal 3,729 5,615 5,414 7,607 7,931 2,449 744
Moscow 1,004 8,376 1,803 3,321 6,300 6,173 4,974
New York 3,965 5,297 5,602 7,918 7,764 2,132 713
Paris 545 6,870 1,995 4,883 5,807 4,736 4,134
Riode Janeiro 6,220 1,200 6,146 9,377 3,773 2,810 5,296
Rome 734 6,929 1,320 4,482 5,249 5,196 4,808
San Francisco 5,661 6,467 7,364 7,814 10,247 3,904 1,858
Shanghai 5,218 12,201 5,183 2,117 8,061 9,501 7,061
Stockholm 504 7,808 2,111 4,195 6,444 5,420 4,278
Sydney 10,006 7,330 8,952 5,685 6,843 9,513 9,272
Tokyo 5,540 11,408 5,935 3,194 9,156 8,799 6,299
Warsaw 320 7,662 1,630 4,048 5,958 5,517 4,667
Washington, 4,169 5,218 5,800 8,084 7,901 2,059 597
21 Century Business Jets
Aircraft Design Project University of Adelaide
21 Century Business Jets
Aircraft Design Project University of Adelaide
Table 2.2.3(continued)
Mexico Montre New Rio de
Cities City al Moscow York Paris Janeiro Rome
Berlin 6,047 3,729 1,004 3,965 545 6,220 734
Buenos Aires 4,592 5,615 8,376 5,297 6,870 1,200 6,929
Cairo 7,688 5,414 1,803 5,602 1,995 6,146 1,320
Calcutta 9,492 7,607 3,321 7,918 4,883 9,377 4,482
Cape Town 8,517 7,931 6,300 7,764 5,807 3,773 5,249
Caracas 2,232 2,449 6,173 2,132 4,736 2,810 5,196
Chicago 1,691 744 4,974 713 4,134 5,296 4,808
Hong Kong 8,782 7,729 4,439 8,054 5,985 11,021 5,768
Honolulu 3,779 4,910 7,037 4,964 7,438 8,285 8,022
Istanbul 7,110 4,789 1,091 4,975 1,400 6,389 843
Lisbon 5,390 3,246 2,427 3,364 904 4,796 1,161
London 5,550 3,282 1,555 3,458 213 5,766 887
Los Angeles 1,589 2,427 6,003 2,451 5,588 6,331 6,732
Manila 8,835 8,186 5,131 8,498 6,677 11,259 6,457
Mexico City — 2,318 6,663 2,094 5,716 4,771 6,366
Montreal 2,318 — 4,386 320 3,422 5,097 4,080
Moscow 6,663 4,386 — 4,665 1,544 7,175 1,474
New York 2,094 320 4,665 — 3,624 4,817 4,281
Paris 5,716 3,422 1,544 3,624 — 5,699 697
Riode Janeiro 4,771 5,097 7,175 4,817 5,699 — 5,684
Rome 6,366 4,080 1,474 4,281 697 5,684 —
San Francisco 1,887 2,539 5,871 2,571 5,558 6,621 6,240
Shanghai 8,022 7,053 4,235 7,371 5,754 11,336 5,677
Stockholm 5,959 3,667 762 3,924 958 6,651 1,234
Sydney 8,052 9,954 9,012 9,933 10,544 8,306 10,136
Tokyo 7,021 6,383 4,647 6,740 6,034 11,533 6,135
Warsaw 6,365 4,009 715 4,344 849 6,467 817
1,887 488 4,858 205 3,829 4,796 4,434
21 Century Business Jets
Aircraft Design Project University of Adelaide
Table 2.2.3(continued)
San-Fra Shangha Stockho Washing
Cities ncisco i lm Sydney Tokyo Warsaw ton
Berlin 5,661 5,218 504 10,006 5,540 320 4,169
Buenos Aires 6,467 12,201 7,808 7,330 11,408 7,662 5,218
Cairo 7,364 5,183 2,111 8,952 5,935 1,630 5,800
Calcutta 7,814 2,117 4,195 5,685 3,194 4,048 8,084
Cape Town 10,247 8,061 6,444 6,843 9,156 5,958 7,901
Caracas 3,904 9,501 5,420 9,513 8,799 5,517 2,059
Chicago 1,858 7,061 4,278 9,272 6,299 4,667 597
Hong Kong 6,897 764 5,113 4,584 1,794 5,144 8,147
Honolulu 2,393 4,941 6,862 4,943 3,853 7,355 4,519
Istanbul 6,703 4,962 1,348 9,294 5,560 863 5,215
Lisbon 5,666 6,654 1,856 11,302 6,915 1,715 3,562
London 5,357 5,715 890 10,564 5,940 899 3,663
Los Angeles 347 6,438 5,454 7,530 5,433 5,922 2,300
Manila 6,967 1,150 5,797 3,944 1,866 5,837 8,562
Mexico City 1,887 8,022 5,959 8,052 7,021 6,365 1,887
Montreal 2,539 7,053 3,667 9,954 6,383 4,009 488
Moscow 5,871 4,235 762 9,012 4,647 715 4,858
New York 2,571 7,371 3,924 9,933 6,740 4,344 205
Paris 5,558 5,754 958 10,544 6,034 849 3,829
Riode Janeiro 6,621 11,336 6,651 8,306 11,533 6,467 4,796
Rome 6,240 5,677 1,234 10,136 6,135 817 4,434
San Francisco — 6,140 5,361 7,416 5,135 5,841 2,442
Shanghai 6,140 — 4,825 4,899 1,097 4,951 7,448
Stockholm 5,361 4,825 — 9,696 5,051 501 4,123
Sydney 7,416 4,899 9,696 — 4,866 9,696 9,758
Tokyo 5,135 1,097 5,051 4,866 — 5,249 6,772
Warsaw 5,841 4,951 501 9,696 5,249 — 4,457
2,442 7,448 4,123 9,758 6,772 4,457 —
Note: the values are in miles in this table.
21 Century Business Jets
Aircraft Design Project University of Adelaide
As can be seen from the tables above, the longest distance has to be considered in the
global ranges is 11,533 miles, which can be converted to 18,560 km. Therefore, if the product
has to cover the global services, a range of 18,560 km should be considered. The average of
the distances is around 5300 miles, approx 8500 km.
Finally, how fast do they want to travel? Although there are seldom statistics on the
flying time requirements of the different groups, the mainly consideration in this case is the
normal flying durations which are currently operated by the commercial airliners.
Table 2.2.4
Adelaide Brisbane Canberra Hobart Melbourne Perth Sydney
Adelaide N/A 2:00 1:15 1:30 0:50 2:45 1:30
Brisbane 2:00 N/A 1:15 2:20 1:45 4:30 0:55
Canberra 1:15 1:15 N/A 1:05 0:40 3:55 0:20
Hobart 1:30 2:20 1:05 N/A 0:45 3:50 1:20
Melbourne 0:50 1:45 0:40 0:45 N/A 3:25 0:55
Perth 2:45 4:30 3:35 3:50 3:25 N/A 4:10
Sydney 1:30 0:55 0:20 1:20 0:55 4:10 N/A
Note: for 1:15 means 1 hour and 15 minutes.
Therefore, using the typical flying durations which the most airliners operate as the table
showed above, the probable speed of this business jet can be calculated using the values in
table 2.2.2 divided by the values in table 2.2.4 and, finally the results is around 850 km/h.
Most of the market forecasters and analysts from reputed aeronautical industries
forecasted that aviation business will grow over next 20 years with annual growth rate of
3.5% to 5 %. However, because of the current economic crisis the growth is expected to slow
down. Forecast organizations & Aviation industries like Embraer, Honeywell, PMI Media,
Forecast International, Teal Group and FAA still feel that despite the economic crisis there
21 Century Business Jets
Aircraft Design Project University of Adelaide
will be a continuous growth in air transport demand and growth will be 1% in 2009 and 4.9%
for a period of 2009 to 2028. (Embraer-Mkt-Outlook-2009-2028,2009).
Despite the fact that this is good for all the aviation allied industries for their growth in
business with increase in demand for air transport, it also means that necessary expansion and
developments in airports and related infrastructure is necessary to meet these demands. Many
international airports in the world are already experiencing the peak load and have been
operational beyond its saturation point. Projects related to such expansions are not in control
of aviation industries and are usually influenced by economical, environmental, social and
political factors. In the past these factors have delayed many proposed developments and
expansions of airports and related infrastructure. There is no indication of improvements
under such circumstances in the near future.
Demands for amenities in existing main airports are ever increasing, with this increase in
demand there will be many delays and this can be a potential threat in the future.
Investigations in main airports has shown that 30% of aircraft movements involve very big or
large airplanes, the rest of movements are because of the relatively smaller planes. These
small aircrafts do not need all the amenities that are available in main airports. Thus
separating these categories of planes will help improve the efficiency of the main airports.
Many researchers have recommended that shifting the smaller planes to smaller airports like
regional or satellite airports and connecting satellite airports with the main airports through
ground travel will help improve the current situation. This will also improve the efficiency of
the main airport and will not require many changes to accommodate the future demand.
The smaller planes mentioned above includes all the varieties of business jets. Let us
have a look on which type of business jet has a potential market and why? What are the
forecasters saying?
21 Century Business Jets
Aircraft Design Project University of Adelaide
The following table gives us the forecast (2007-2016) by Embraer of business jets by product
Table 2.3.1
Segment Total Share
Very Light 2,715 24%
Light 2,390 21%
Mid-Light 1,080 10%
Mid-Size 1,305 12%
1,250 11%
Large 1,310 12%
850 8%
Ultra-Large 215 2%
11,115 100%
Embraer had estimated an overall demand for 11,115 business jets over the next eight
years, the values of the sales is expected to be approximately US$ 169 billion. It has also
been estimated that the new air taxi market may add another 2,500 to 3,000 aircraft to the
Very Light Jet (VLJ) segment.
From the forecast, it is evident that Very Light Jets have the major market share. Also the
light jets have a good share in the market which is just 3% lesser when compared with very
light jets. The other categories of business jets have a huge difference in the margins.
21 Century Business Jets
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Let us have a look at what forecast organizations have predicted on total number of very
light jets deliveries.
Table 2.3.2
21 Century Business Jets
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Let us have a look on what are the assumptions made by these forecast organizations in
making very light jet forecasts.
Table 2.3.3
21 Century Business Jets
Aircraft Design Project University of Adelaide
MTOW (lbs)
Twin Single Twin Turbo Low VLJ High VLJ Light Jet
Piston Turbo
Nautical Miles
Twin PistonSingle TurboTwin Turbo Low VLJ High VLJ Light Jet
21 Century Business Jets
Aircraft Design Project University of Adelaide
Twin PistonSingle TurboTwin Turbo Low VLJ High VLJ Light Jet
Cabin Volume (ft3) per Passenger
Twin Piston Single Twin Turbo Low VLJ High VLJ Light Jet
Price in
(USD) $15
$10 VLJs
Twin Pistons
Single Turbos
Twin Turbos
Light Jets
Medium Jets
Super Mid Jets
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
From the discussion from section 2.2 and section 2.3 we can summarize the following:
o The numbers of passengers travelling on business purposes are reducing.
o The government bodies continue to use business jets, but passengers travelling
are limited and operating and maintaining cost should be less, safety level
should be more.
o Air taxi and charter companies are finding it difficult to operate with full loads
thus the number of passengers requirement could be reduced also cost of
keeping the aircraft in the airport should be less
o Wealthy people are using business jets for their pleasure or personal purposes.
This fact is also evident from table 2.2.1
o The average distance from table 2.2.2 for domestic travel is 2300kms.
o The average distance from table 2.2.3 for international travel is 8500kms.
o The average speed from table 2.2.4 for air travel is about 805km/hr.
o The main airports are getting congested with 70% smaller aircrafts operating in
main hubs.
o Moving these smaller aircraft to satellite airports is considered to be a good
o Market share of light jets and very light jets are higher compared with market
shares of other categories of business jets.
o VLJ have MTOW of 1000lbs, can have a range of about 2000nm, 400-500 knots
and they are priced below 5 million USD.
Analysing the summary we can conclude that designing very light jet with a little trade
off in range of travel we can get a good market share and we can target majority of
customer groups.
21 Century Business Jets
Aircraft Design Project University of Adelaide
This part we will analyse and consider, in detail, each of the design parameters required to
design a VLJ.
(1) Certification
The certification requirement should be FAR 23, as FAA considers VLJ will operate similar
to General Aviation (GA) aircrafts and maximum takeoff weight of VLJ is less than
The aircraft should be designed to fly with a single pilot and this is from the definition of
Baggage allowance is a standard value could be any value between 30-40lbs per passenger.
In order to limit the value of maximum takeoff weight we will consider 30 lbs per passenger.
(3) Range
Range selection is very crucial parameter, from our survey we know that average domestic
range is around 1300nm (2300km) and average international range is around 4600nm
(8500km). From the definition of VLJ (table 2.3.4) for VLJ maximum range is around
2000nm. Hence a range of 2000nm is very reasonable. Also from definition of VLJ, advance
avionic systems are present, hence this range is IFR range.
21 Century Business Jets
Aircraft Design Project University of Adelaide
Referring to the calculations shown in “chapter 5 weight calculation”, the Williams FJ33 was
selected. However this model is a trade off between costs and power and the market shares. If
a more popular engine is used, the maintenance will not cost the owner too much.
21 Century Business Jets
Aircraft Design Project University of Adelaide
(6) Altitude
The altitude at which this flight should fly is determined by capabilities of structure, engine
and characteristics of equipment. Usually for FAR23 planes altitude should not be more than
25000ft, and the cabins should be pressurized unless and until the luminous transmittance
value is more than 70%. These particular constraints are for VFR operations. However, we
are considering IFR operations and because of the type of engine and statistics it can be
(11) Swet/Sref
Swet/Sref of 8 is estimated from statistical data for similar category of planes.
(12) L/D
L/Dmax value of 15 is estimated from the diagram as follows.
21 Century Business Jets
Aircraft Design Project University of Adelaide
As maximum value is 15, the value of cruise could be 13 and value for alternate airport flying
could be 12. The maximum value could be used for loiter phase.
In order to produce enough lift a double slotted flap is used along with wing lets. Value of CL,
CLmax, and CLL depends on this data.
21 Century Business Jets
Aircraft Design Project University of Adelaide
produces good lift. Engines cannot be mounted on wings because of minimum clearance
between engine nacelle and ground.
21 Century Business Jets
Aircraft Design Project University of Adelaide
From the table above, the relationship between the weights can be plotted as follows:
Empty Weight ~ We ~ lbs
However, if we plot the values in the last two columns, the regression coefficients can be
21 Century Business Jets
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3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1
21 Century Business Jets
Aircraft Design Project University of Adelaide
Chapter 3
3. Technical Task
By combining all the design above, the technical task can be tabulated, however we break
down the TT into two categories, and one is the structure and configuration of the aircraft
while the other is the performance and attributes of the aircraft.
Table 3.2 List of performance
Parameters Specifications
Certification FAR 23
Cruise speed 0.80 mach
Cruise height 41000 ft
Cruise height (alternative) 24600 ft
Range 2000 nm
Climb rate 477.24 ft/sec
Descent rate 477.24 ft/sec
Loitering time 15 min
Type of engine High bypass turbofan
Name of engine Williams FJ33
Number of engine 2
Length 47.9 inches
Diameter 19.03 inches
Dry weight 310 lbs
Thrust 1800 lbs
SFC 0.486 lbs/lbs/hr
Fly to alternate airport 100 nm
Ccr 0.5 lbs/lbs/hrs
Cloiter 0.4 lbs/lbs/hrs
(L/D)cr 13
(L/D)loiter 15
21 Century Business Jets
Aircraft Design Project University of Adelaide
21 Century Business Jets
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Chapter 4
4. First Sketches:
The first sketch shows the concepts of the design. However it is based on the prototypes,
empirical statistics and technical tasks as narrated above.
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Chapter 5
5. Weight Estimation:
5.1 Prototypes
Before designing our business jet, it is necessary to find some prototypes by researching the
current products in the market. However, some typical models are listed as follows:
The typical mission profile for this business jet can be illustrated as follows:
Cruise Loiter
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Phase 2: Taxi
Phase 4: Climb
Phase 5: Cruise
Here we assume the velocity of takeoff and landing is 180 ft/sec and, however the climbing
time and descending time is 20 min and 10 min relatively. Therefore:
, ,
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Phase 6: Loiter
As assumed above, the endurance of loiter phase is 15 min = 900 sec. and the values are
, , ,
And therefore:
Phase 8: Descent
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And apply the Roskam’s equation by using the regression coefficient A and B as calculated in
the previous pages.
Solving the equation (1) and (2), the takeoff weight, empty weight and fuel weight of the
business jet can be found as:
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21 Century Business Jets
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Chapter 6
6. Sensitivity Analysis
6.1 Takeoff weight sensitivity to payload weight
Applying the equation below, the takeoff weight sensitivity to payload weight can be
calculated as:
Where the coefficient A and B are the regression coefficient and where C and D can be
calculated as:
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21 Century Business Jets
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As can be seen from the calculations, the SFC is the most effects to the takeoff weight.
Therefore, a good engine model must be selected in order to decrease the SFC.
Chapter 7
7. Aircraft sizing
7.1 Stall speed sizing
According to FAR 23, those aircrafts should be sized for the stall speed if the takeoff weight
is smaller than 12500 lbs. As can be seen from “Chapter 5, First calculation”, the takeoff
weight is 8625 lbs, hence the stall speed sizing is necessary and it has to be smaller than 61
As mentioned in the technical task in “Chapter 4, Technical Tasks”, the lift coefficient is:
By the requirements of sizing the takeoff distance in FAR 23, first of all, assuming the VTO is
at about 1.1 Vs, and the following equation can be used:
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Assuming the takeoff altitude is 500 m, and the air density ratio is:
Using the requirement given in the FAR 23 and as assume above, the parameters are:
Gear up
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The time of climbing is defined to 20 minutes. For jet engines aircraft, the equation below
should be applied:
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According to the FAR 23, the minimum required climb rate is RC=500 fpm.
Plugging in all the values obtained above, the matching diagram can be plotted as:
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21 Century Business Jets
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Chapter 8
8. Overall Configuration Design
8.1 Fuselage Design
For this project we have used recommended dimensions of the cockpit for small aircrafts with
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Very light jet is a business jet aircraft, thus passenger cabin should be designed to get greater
comfort and luxuary. The following things were considered.
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21 Century Business Jets
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Wing area (S) (sq ft) Aspect ratio (A) Wing span (b)
375 7.5 53
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2- A low wing is considered to be the most appropriate for the designed Business Jet
3- The sweep angle of the Biz is selected to be suitable to the critical Mach number
M=0.8. The cruise speed lift coefficient can be estimated from the following equation
CLcr =(Wto -0.4Wf)/q.S
CLcr= (8625-0.4*2070)/(1/2*0.00056*(0.8*968.1)^2)*375=0.125
If a supercritical airfoil is used, then from fig (6.2 Roskam’s book part II) the
value of sweep angle of 25 deg and thickness ratio value of 0.12 for root and 0.11 for
wing tip are acceptable.
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Source: (Raymer)
6.Typical aileron dimension for Biz: the inboard ailerons will run along the wing from
0.7b/2 to 0.86b/2. The chord ratio is 0.25 (The data come from table 8.5a,b Roskam
book Part II).
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Resource (Raymer)
7. Define the front spar line of the wing: The value C=7.62 is defined and then C/4=
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21 Century Business Jets
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These values are assumed for climb sizing calculations. It is not essential to be
2. Verifying that the existing wing platform can produce a value of CLmaxw, which is
consistent with the required value of CLmax.
- Compute the Raynol’s value for the wing root and wing tip.
Rnr = 14.033.10^6
Rnt = 4.9.10^6
- From the figure 7.1(Roskam’s book part II), with (t/c)r =0.12 then Clmaxr =1.9, (t/c)t
=0.11 then Clmaxt =1.65.
- The Clmaxw can be compute as the following
Clmaxw =Kλ(Clmaxr+ Clmaxt)/2; Kλ =0.4
Clmaxw =1.7
- Correct Clmaxw with the sweep angle 25 deg
Clmaxw =1.7*cos(25)=1.57
CLmax =1.57/1.05=1.5
3. Determine the incremental values of maximum lift coefficient which need to be
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5. Compute the required value of incremental section lift coefficient ∆ Cl, which the
flaps must generate and relate this value to flap type, flap angle and flap chord.
∆ Clmax=(1/K) ∆ Clmax
Assume that
+ The flap to chord ratio Cf/c=0.3
+ The flap deflection angle : σfTO=30 deg and σfL=40 deg.
+ we also collect Fowler double slots, then from fig (7.4) (Roskam’book part II):
Cf/c=0.3, K=0.94, then the results are
Take-off flaps Landing flaps
S/Swf 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.8
∆ Cl 0.23 0.305 0.535 0.713
+ The flaps may be designed to run from 0.25b/2 to 0.7b/2, then the S/Swf can be
computed as the following.
S/Swf =(η0-ηi)(2-(1-λ)( η0+ηi))/(1+λ)=
21 Century Business Jets
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Length l ft 11.925
Length l ft 4.25
Type: Winglet
Hight h ft 1.25
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Empennage design
1- The following table shows value coefficient and control surface size data of
comparable business jet. The data of the new business jet will be collected based on
Table 8: Statistics of available business jet
Aircraft type Vhbar Se/Sh Vvbar Sr/Sv
2- For the very light business jet the data are chosen as following
Table 9: The data for VLJ vertical and horizontal tail
Vhbar Se/Sh Vvbar Sr/Sv
0.7 0.25 0.065 0.27
The reason for the selection is to apply flexible static stability combined with a digital fly by
wire flight control system.
3- Compute the geometric data for horizontal and vertical tail
Vh= Vhbar.S.C/xh
Vv= Vvbar.S.C/xv
S=375 ft^2, xh/C=2.5, xv/C=2.5
Then Vh=105 ft^2, Vv=67.8 ft^2
The following table shows the dimensions for horizontal and vertical tail of Biz
Table 10 : The data for drawings of vertical and horizontal tail
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21 Century Business Jets
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2- From the results of weight calculation and matching diagram the required thrust is
Tto =0.381.8625=3286 (lbs).
3- Two engine are used, so the maximum required thrust for each is 1643 (lbs).
4- From the research and requirements the following engine may be collected from
the given catalogue.
Table 11: The data of Williams-FJ33-418 M engine
Parameters Symbol values units
Engine type Williams-FJ33-418
Thrust T 1800 lbs
Specific fuel SFC 0.486 lbs/lbs/hour
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5- The selected engine can be scaled so that it may be fit the designed Biz
- Scale factor: SF=1643/1800=0.913
- Apply the principle of scale the following data of required engine can be obtained
- L=47.9.(0.913)^(0.4)=46.2 (in)=3.85 (ft)=1.1735(m)
- D=19.03.(0.913)^(0.4)=17.37 (in)=1.4476 (ft)=0.4412(m)
- W=310.(0.913)^(0.4) =298.92 (lbs)
- From the fig(10.16- Ramer book ) the capture area to mass flow ratio as following .
- M=26.(1.158)^2=34.86 (kg/s)
- The design mach number is 0.8 then from fig 10.16 the value of Ac is determined as:
Ac=0.0251.34.86=0.875 (sq ft).
8- Propulsion integration:
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The cruise speed is about 0.8~0.85 mach, which is significantly more than 150 knots. If
considering the drag to the aircraft, the retractable landing gear is selected.
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For typical business jet, the tricycle type of landing gear is selected.
(3) CG calculations
Refer to “Chapter 9, Weight and Balance Analysis”.
There are two criteria is needed to be verified of the design, one is the angle A and B which is
shown in figure 8.1.2 while the other is the angle Ψ which is shown in figure 7.2.2.
A b B
Where the angle A must be either greater than B or A must greater than 15 degree. However
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The minimal strut length should meet the angle requirement when the aircraft takeoff and
lands. The diagram can be shown as follows:
As can be seen from the diagram above, the angle A should be smaller than the tipback angle,
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which is defined as 15 degree. In this case, we define the angle to be 13 degree. And the
minimum length of the strut can be found.
There are three options for selecting the main gears position:
In the fuselage:
In the fuselage-podded:
Wing/fuselage junction
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For the first option, the fuselage of the very light jet is not large enough to retract two gears
and the scenario is not applicable in the VLJ design.
For the second option, it will use large spaces on the both sides of the aircraft and therefore
the wings are hard to be placed. Another consideration is the costs of the idea. Extra structure
design and material must be used.
For the third option, which is suitable for placing the gears, has made use of the space by a
reasonable and smart way. And finally this scenario was selected.
The conventional retraction of the nose gear can be selected for the design. Considering the
safety, the forward retracting gear is selected. It is shown as follows:
By calculating the static load per tyre, we are able to select the minimum tyre size for
maximum weight. However the static load can be calculated by
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Values (lbs)
Applying the equations below, the dimension can be found through the values in the table
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From the type VII catalogue, the suitable tyre can be found
Main gear:
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Definition Values
ηT FAR23 0.62
Ngear FAR23 3.0
ST (0.5)(24-10.6) 6.7
In this table, we assume the landing angle is 3 degree, and assume all the values according to
FAR 23; however the ST is half of the diameter of the tyre minus the rolling radius.
21 Century Business Jets
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Chapter 9
9. Weight and balance analysis
As first sketch, the weights of components are not given, therefore estimations must be found
based on the statistics.
The structure weight can be broken down into four parts, which are fuselage weight, wing
weight, empennage weight and landing gears weight. For a business jet, which is under the
subsonic passenger (small) category of the aircrafts, the weight of other components can be
found as:
There are two important categories of CG should be found. One is the most forward CG
while the other is the aft CG. The nose of the aircraft is the selected datum. However the
values can be tabulated (the CG of every part of the aircraft) as the following table:
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Note: x is the distance from the front of the aircraft to the CG (length), z is the distance from
the ground to the CG (height).
If we summed up the weight for each operation configuration, the weights and CG of
different configuration (in terms of fuselage station) can be found:
Table 9.1.2 Components CG II
weight x
We 5138 293.05
We+TFO 5178 310.027
We+TFO+Pilot 5353 303.095
We+TFO+Fuel 7190 284.834
We+TFO+Fuel+Passenger 8240 282.944
We+TFO+Fuel+Passenger+Pilot 8415 279.098
We+TFO+Fuel+Passenger+Pilot+Bag 8625 282.285
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Note: x is the distance from the front of the aircraft to the CG.
Weight (lbs)
From the diagram above, the most forward CG and aft CG can be found. As can be seen, the
most forward CG occurs at x=318 inches, which the weight is 5322 lbs. The aft CG occurs at
x=328 inches, which the weight is 8622 lbs. The results can be shown as follows:
Forward CG: ,
Aft CG: ,
Hence the CG range is 10 inches which is quite a typical value for the very light business jet.
21 Century Business Jets
Aircraft Design Project University of Adelaide
Chapter 10 Conclusion
Through all the analysis above, we come up with the conclusion which shows the advantages
and disadvantages of the very light business jet. The discussion of the market futures and
manufacturer notes are the main considerations in this part.
For the advantages, there is dissatisfaction with other forms of transportation due to increased
hassle associated with commercial airline and automobile travel. With the introduction of VLJs
the situation will be pacifying
There will be access to satellite airport or regional airport. The reason being VLJ have shorter
take off and landing distances and do not require all the amenities that a large transport
aircraft requires
On the other hand, for the disadvantages, improvement in infrastructure is necessary for
linking satellite airports with main airports, which is a overhead with VLJ operating in
satellite airports
Pilot training and insurance requirements can be burdensome. VLJs are usually certified for
single pilot operations and hence necessary training needs to be imparted. Most of the
customers ask for two pilots to ensure safety and peace of mind.
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Problems associated with standards. As this is a new class of aircraft there may be many
standards which are not specified by FAA or under development, hence certification process
becomes very tedious.
Due to the limited capacity, the VLJ cannot fly a long distance. Ideas on how to increase the
range of the VLJ business jet would probably needed.
Finally, the output and design of the aircraft can be listed (dimension)
Span 53 ft
Root chord 6.66 ft
Tip chord 3.67 ft
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21 Century Business Jets
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Chapter 11 Drawings
1. 3-view drawing
2. Manufacturer drawing
3. Working drawing
4. Figures of 3D modelling
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5. Figures of 3D modelling:
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21 Century Business Jets
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United States Government Accountability office (GAO): Very light jet several Factors
Could Influence Their Effect on the National Airspace System , August 2007.
Barnes and Mccormick, 1979, ‘Aerodynamics, Aeronautics and Flight Mechanics’, Wiley &
21 Century Business Jets