Signals and Systems PDF
Signals and Systems PDF
Signals and Systems PDF
Q2. (a) Find if the discrete time system defined by y[ n] =~ is linear, causal, stable, invertible.
(b) Find impulse response of the system defined by 3y[n] + 4y[n- 1] + y[n- 2] = x[n] + x[n- 1]
Q3. (a) Define DTFS and inverse DTFS. Show how it can be expressed in terms of matrix
(b) Prove Parseval' s Theorem :
Q4. (a) Compare Continuous Time Fourier Transform and Discrete Time Fourier Transform.
(b) State and prove the time scaling property of Discrete Time Fourier Transform. How
upscaling and downscaling are different in terms of uniqueness?
(c) Consider following discreet time systems
(i) y[n] = {x[n] +x[n-1] +x[n-2]}/3
(ii) y[n] = x[n] -0.6 x[ n-1] + 0.4x[n-2]
Find their Discrete Time Fourier Transform; plot magnitude and phase response; calculate
their 3-dB cut-off frequency and comment on their utilities. 2+4+9