6th Sem EEE 18
6th Sem EEE 18
6th Sem EEE 18
Course Outcomes:At the end of the course the student will be able to:
• Model the power system components & construct per unit impedance diagram of power system.
• Analyze three phase symmetrical faults on power system.
• Compute unbalanced phasors in terms of sequence components and vice versa, also develop
sequence networks.
• Analyze various unsymmetrical faults on power system.
• Examine dynamics of synchronous machine and determine the power system stability.
The Earth and Nuclear Power: Sources and Resources: Introduction, Earth’s Internal Heat
Generation, The Earth’s Energy Flow, The Fission Process, Thermal Energy Resources.
How Reactors Work: Introduction, The Fission Process, Basic Components of a Nuclear Reactor,
Thermal Reactors, Fast Reactors.
Cooling Reactors: Introduction, General Features of a Reactor Coolant, Principles of Heat Transfer,
Gaseous Coolants, Liquid Coolants, Boiling Coolants.
Loss of Cooling: Introduction, The Electric Kettle, Pressurized-Water Reactor, Boiling-Water
Reactor, CANDU Reactor, Gas-Cooled Reactors, Sodium- Cooled Fast Reactor.
Loss-of-Cooling Accidents: Introduction, Incidents in light Water-Cooled Reactors, Heavy Water-
Moderated Reactors, Gas-Cooled Reactors, Liquid Metal-Cooled Fast Reactors.
Postulated Severe Accidents Introduction: Introduction, Postulated Severe Accidents in Water-
Cooled Reactors, Specific Phenomena relating to Severe Accidents, Severe Accidents in other
Reactor Types, Fission Product Dispersion following Containment Failure.
Cooling during Fuel Removal and Processing: Introduction, Refuelling, Spent Fuel Storage and
Transport, Reprocessing Plant.
Cooling and Disposing of the Waste: Introduction, Classification of Waste Products, Fission
Products and Their Biological Significance, Options for Nuclear Waste Disposal, Long-Term Storage and
Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel, Storage and Disposal of Fission Products from Reprocessing Plants,
Disposal of other Materials.
Fusion Energy -Prospect for the Future: Introduction, The Fusion Process, Confinement, Current
Technical Position, Conclusions.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
• Explain the fission process in nuclear materials, basic components of nuclear reactors, types
of nuclear reactors and their working.
• List different types of coolants, their features, and cooling of reactors,
• Summarize loss of cooling accidents in different reactors.
• Discuss postulated severe accidents in reactors and cooling of reactor during removal of spent
• Discuss cooling and disposing the nuclear waste and prospect of fusion energy in the future.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question is for 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of three sub questions in one full question)
from each module.
• Each full question with sub questions will cover the contents under a module.
• Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Text Book
1 Introduction to Nuclear Power Geoffrey F. Hewitt Taylor & Francis 1st Edition, 2000
Reference Books
1 Nuclear Reactor Engineering G.Vaidyanathan S.Chand 1st Edition, 2013
2 Introduction to Nuclear Engineering John R Lamarsh Pearson 3rd Edition, 2016
Anthony J Baratta
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education (OBE)
Course Code 18EE642 CIE Marks 4
Number of Lecture Hours/Week LTP(L:T:P) 3:0:0 SEE Marks 06
Credits 03 Exam Hours 0
Course Learning Objectives: 3
• To impart the knowledge of conducting, dielectric, insulating and magnetic materials and their
• To impart the knowledge of superconducting materials and their applications
Introduction to Electrical and Electronic Materials: Importance of materials, Classification of
electrical and electronic materials, Scope of electrical and electronic materials, Requirement of
Engineering materials, Operational requirements of electrical and electronic materials, Classification of
solids on the basis of energy gap, Products – working principle and materials, Types of
engineering materials, Levels of material structure. Spintronics and Spintronic materials,
Ferromagnetic semiconductors, Left handed materials.
Conductors: Conductor materials, Factors affecting conductivity, Thermal conductivity, Heating effect of
current, Thermoelectric effect, Seebeck effect, Thomson effect, Wiedemann – Franz law and Lorentz
relation, Problems .
Conductive Materials and Applications: Mechanically processed forms of electrical materials,
Types of conducting materials, Low resistivity materials, High resistivity materials, Contact
materials, Fusible materials, Filament materials, Carbon as filamentary and brush material, Material
for conductors, cables, wires, solder, sheathing and sealing.
Dielectrics: Introduction to dielectric materials, classification of dielectric materials, Dielectric
constant, Dielectric strength and Dielectric loss. Polarization, Mechanisms of polarization,
Comparison of different polarization process, Factors affecting polarization, Spontaneous
polarization, Behavior of polarization under impulse and frequency switching, Decay and build-up of
polarization under ac field, Complex dielectric constant.
Insulating Materials: Insulating materials and applications – Ceramic, Mica, Porcelain, Glass,
Micanite and Glass bonded mica. Polymeric materials – Bakelite, Polyethylene. Natural and
synthetic rubber. Paper. Choice of solid insulating material for different applications, Liquid
insulating materials – Requirements, Transformer oil, Bubble theory, Aging of mineral insulating oils.
Gaseous insulating Materials – Air, Nitrogen, Vacuum.
Magnetic Materials: Origin of permanent magnetic dipole, Magnetic terminology, Relation between
relative permeability and magnetic susceptibility. Classification of magnetic materials, Diamagnetic,
Paramagnetism, Ferromagnetism, Antiferromagnetism and the corresponding materials.
Ferrimagnetism and ferrites – properties and applications, Soft and hard ferrites. Curie temperature, Laws
of magnetic materials. Magnetization curve, Initial and maximum permeability. Hysteresis
loop and loss, Eddy current loss.
Magnetic Materials (continued):Types of magnetic materials, Soft and hard magnetic materials, High
energy magnetic materials, Commercial grade soft and hard magnetic materials.
Superconductive Materials: Concept of superconductors, Meaning of phenomenon of
superconductivity, Properties of superconductors, Types of superconductors, Critical magnetic field
Superconductive Materials (continued):and critical temperature, Effects of Isotopic mass on
critical temperature, Silsbee rule, Depth of penetration and coherence length. Ideal and Hard
superconductors, Mechanism of super conduction, London’s theory for Type I superconductors, GLAG
theory for Type I superconductors, BCS theory, Applications and limitations. Applications of high
temperature superconductors, Superconducting solenoids and magnets, MRI for medical diagnostics.
Plastics: Introduction, Thermoplastics, Rubbers, Thermosets, DC and AC properties, Mechanical
properties and processing of plastic.
Materials for Opto – Electronic Devices: Introduction, Optical phenomena, Reflection, Refraction,
Transmittivity, Scattering, Optical absorption, Optical properties of non-metals, Optical properties of
metals, Optical properties of semiconductors, Optical properties of insulators. Luminescence, Opto –
Electronic devices, Photoconductivity, Photoconductive cell.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
• Discuss electrical and electronics materials, their importance, classification and operational
• Discuss conducting, dielectric, insulating and magnetic materials used in engineering, their
properties and classification.
• Explain the phenomenon superconductivity, super conducting materials and their application in
• Explain the plastic and its properties and applications
• Discuss
Question papermaterials
pattern:used for Opto electronic devices.
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question is for 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of three sub questions in one full question)
from each module.
• Each full question with sub questions will cover the contents under a module.
• Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Text Book
1 Advanced Electrical and Electronics K.M. Gupta Wiley First Edition, 2015
Materials; Processes and Nishu Gupta
Reference Books
Electronic Engineering Materials R.K. Shukla McGraw Hill 2012
1 Archana Singh
2 Electrical Properties of Materials L Solymar et al Oxford 9th Edition, 2014
3 Electrical Engineering Materials A.J. Dekker Pearson 2016
4 Principle of Electronic Materials and S.O. Kasap McGraw Hill 3rd Edition
Devices 2010
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education (OBE)
Course Code ELECTIVE)
18EE643 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week(L:T:P) 3:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03
Course Learning Objectives:
• To discuss the terminology of DC and AC armature windings.
• To discuss design and procedure to draw armature winding diagrams for DC and AC machines.
• To discuss the substation equipment, their location in a substation and development of a layout for
• To discuss different sectional views of transformers, DC machine, its parts and alternator and its
• To explain development of sectional views of Transformers, DC machine and alternators using
the design data, sketches.
Suitable CAD software can be used for drawings
Winding Diagrams:
(a) Developed Winding Diagrams of D.C. Machines: Simplex Double Layer Lap and Wave Windings.
(b) Developed Winding Diagrams of A.C. Machines:
(c)Integral and Fractional Slot Double Layer Three Phase Lap and Wave Windings.
(d) Single Layer Windings – Un-Bifurcated 2 and 3 Tier Windings, Mush Windings, Bifurcated 3
Tier Windings.
Single Line Diagrams: Single Line Diagrams of Generating Stations and Substations Covering
Incoming Circuits, Outgoing Circuits, Busbar Arrangements (Single, Sectionalised Single, Main and
Transfer, Double Bus Double Breaker, Sectionalised Double Bus, One and a Half Circuit Breaker
Arrangement, Ring Main),Power Transformers, Circuit Breakers, Isolators, Earthing Switches, Instrument
Transformers, Surge or Lightning Arresters, Communication Devices (Power- Line Carrier) and Line Trap.
Electrical Machine Assembly Drawings Using Design Data, Sketches or Both:
Transformers - Sectional Views Of Single And Three Phase Core And Shell Type Transformers.
Electrical Machine Assembly Drawings Using Design Data, Sketches or Both:
D.C. Machine - Sectional Views of Yoke with Poles, Armature and Commutator dealt separately.
Electrical Machine Assembly Drawings Using Design Data, Sketches or Both:
Alternator – Sectional Views of Stator and Rotor dealt separately.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
• Develop armature winding diagram for DC and AC machines
• Develop a Single Line Diagram of Generating Stations and substation using the standard symbols.
• Construct sectional views of core and shell types transformers using the design data
• Construct sectional views of assembled DC and AC machine and their parts using the design data or
the sketches
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have two parts, PART – A and PART – B.
• Each part is for 50 marks.
• Part A is for Modules 1 and 2.
• Questions 1 and 2 of PART - A will be only on DC windings or only on AC windings. Students
have to answer any one of them. The marks prescribed is 25.
• Question 3 of PART – A covering module 2 is compulsory. The marks prescribed is 15.
• Part B is for Modules 3, 4 and 5.
• Questions 4 and 5 will cover any two modules of modules 3, 4 and 5. Students have to answer
any one of them. The marks prescribed is 40.
Reference Books
1 A course in Electrical Machine design A. K. Sawhney DhanpatRai 6th Edition, 2013
2 Electrical Engineering Drawing K. L. Narang Satya Prakashan 2014
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education (OBE)
Course Code 18EE644 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 3:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03
Course Learning Objectives:
• To understand the concepts of Embedded system design such as ROM variants, RAM, SOC
• To learn the technological aspects of Embedded system such as signal conditioning, Sample &
• To understand the design trade offs.
• To study about the software aspects of Embedded system.
• To learn how to interface various subsystems with external systems.
Concept of Embedded System Design: Components, classification, skills required. Embedded Micro
controller cores: Architecture of 6808 and 6811.Embedded Memories ROM variants, RAM. T3
and R3
Technological Aspects of Embedded System: Applications of embedded system: Examples of
Embedded systems SOC for bar code scanner. Interfacing between analog and digital blocks,
Signal conditioning, digital signal processing, DAC & ADC interfacing, Sample & hold,
multiplexer interface Internal ADC interfacing (excluding 6805 & 6812). T1
Design Trade Offs Due to Process Incompatibility, Thermal Considerations: Data
Acquisition System and Signal conditioning using DSP . Issues in embedded system design. Design
challenge, design technology, trade offs. Thermal considerations.
R1 and Internet Sources
Software aspects of Embedded Systems: Real time programming Languages, operating systems.
Programming concepts and embedded programming in C. Round Robin, Round Robin with interrupts,
function queue-scheduling architecture. T3 and R3
Subsystem interfacing: With external systems user interfacing, Serial I/O devices, Parallel port
interfaces: Input switches, Key boards and Memory interfacing. T1
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
• Identify the Embedded system components.
• Apply technological aspects to various interfacing with devices.
• Elaborate various design tradeoffs.
• Apply software aspects and programming concepts to the design of Embedded System.
• Explain how to interface subsystems with external systems.
Text Books:
1 Embedded Microcomputer Valvano, J.W Cengage 2nd Edition 5th
systems: Real time interfacing Learning, Indian
2 The Art of Designing Embedded Jack, Newness reprint,2009
systems- Ganssle,
3 Embedded System, Raj Kamal TMH,
Architecture, Programming and 2nd Edition
Design Books:
Reference Operational Amplifiers 2008.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
• Explain physical interpretation of sampling theorem in time and frequency domains.
• Evaluate the impulse response of a system.
• Perform convolution of given sequences to evaluate the response of a system.
• Compute DFT and IDFT of a given sequence using the basic definition and/or fast methods.
• Provide a solution for a given difference equation.
• Design and implement IIR and FIR filters.
Conduct of Practical Examination:
1. All laboratory experiments are to be included for practical examination.
2. Breakup of marks and the instructions printed on the cover page of answer script to be strictly adhered by
3. Students can pick one experiment from the questions lot prepared by the examiners.
4. Change of experiment is allowed only once and 15% Marks allotted to the procedure part to be made
Open Electives A/B
• To discuss the concept of transfer functions for the representation of differential equations.
• To discuss mathematical equations for electric servo motors, both DC and brushless DC servo
• To represent servo drive components by their transfer function, to combine the servo drive
building blocks into system block diagrams.
• To determine the frequency response techniques for proper servo compensation.
Servos: Introduction, Benefits of Servo Systems, Types of Servos - Evolution of Servo Drives,
Classification of Drives, Components of Servos - Hydraulic/Electric Circuit Equations, Actuators—
Electric,Actuators—Hydraulic,Amplifiers—Electric,Amplifiers—Hydraulic,Transducers (Feedback).
Machine Servo Drives: Types of Drives, Feed Drive Performance.
Troubleshooting Techniques: Techniques by Drive, Problems: Their Causes and Cures.
Machine Feed Drives: Advances in Technology, Parameters for making Application Choices.
Application of Industrial Servo Drives: Introduction ,Physical System Analogs, Quantities and
Vectors, Differential Equations for Physical Systems, Electric Servo Motor Transfer Functions and Time
Constants, Transport Lag Transfer Function, Hydraulic Servo Motor Characteristics, General Transfer
Generalized Control Theory: Servo Block Diagrams, Frequency-Response Characteristics and
Construction of Approximate (Bode) Frequency Charts, Nichols Charts, Servo Analysis
Techniques, Servo Compensation.
Indexes of Performance: Definition of Indexes of Performance for Servo Drives, Indexes of
Performance for Electric and Hydraulic Drives.
Performance Criteria: Percent Regulation, Servo System Responses.
Ser Plant Compensation Techniques: Dead-Zone Nonlinearity, Change-in-Gain Nonlinearity,
Structural Resonances, Frequency Selective Feedback, Feed forward Control.
Machine Considerations: Machine feed drive Considerations, Ball Screw Mechanical Resonances
and Reflected Inertias for Machine Drives.
Machine Considerations: Drive Stiffness, Drive Resolution, Drive Acceleration, Drive Speed
Considerations, Drive Ratio Considerations, Drive Thrust/Torque And Friction Considerations, Drive
Duty Cycles.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
• Explain the evolution and classification of servos, with descriptions of servo drive actuators,
amplifiers, feedback transducers, performance, and troubleshooting techniques.
• Discuss system analogs, vectors and transfer functions of differential equations.
• Discuss mathematical equations for electric servo motors, both DC and brushless DC servo
• Represent servo drive components by their transfer function, to combine the servo drive
buildingblocks into system block diagrams.
• Determine the frequency response techniques for proper servo compensation.
• Explain perform indices and performance criteria for servo systems and discuss the mechanical
considerations of servo systems.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question is for 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of three sub questions in one full question) from each
• Each full question with sub questions will cover the contents under a module.
• Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Text Book
1 Industrial Servo Control George W. Younkin Marcel Dekker 1st Edition, 2003
Systems Fundamentals and
Reference Books
1 Servo Motors and Industrial Control Riazollah Firoozian Springer 2nd Edition, 2014
2 DC SERVOS Application and Stephen M. Tobin CRC 1st Edition, 2011
Design with MATLAB
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education (OBE)
PLC and SCADA (Open Elective)
Course Code 18EE652 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 3:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03
Course Learning
• To explain advantages and disadvantages, main parts and their functions, basic sequence of
operation of PLC.
• To describe the hardware components: I/O modules, CPU, memory devices, other support
devices and the functions of PLC memory map.
• To describe program scan sequence, the communication of information to the PLC using
different languages, internal relay instruction.
• To explain identification of common operating modes found in PLCs, writing and entering
theladder logic programs.
• To define the functions of Relays, Contactors, Motor Starters, Switches, Sensors, Output Control
Devices, Seal-In Circuits and Latching Relays.
• To explain conversion of relay schematics into PLC ladder logic programs and writing PLC
programs directly from narrative descriptions.
• To explain the functions of PLC counter instructions, applying combinations of counters and
timers to control systems.
• To describe the function of selectable timed interrupt and fault routine files and use of
temporary end instruction.
• To explain the execution of data transfer instructions, interruption of data transfer and data
compare instructions.
• To explain the basic operation of PLC closed-loop control system, various forms of
mechanical sequencers and their operations.
• To describe the operation of bit and word shift registers and develop programs that use shift
• To discuss the operation of various processes, structures of control systems and the method of
communication between different industrial processes.
Programmable Logic Controllers: Introduction, Parts of a PLC, Principles of Operation, Modifying
the Operation, PLCs versus Computers, PLC Size and Application.
PLC Hardware Components: The I/O Section, Discrete I/O Modules, Analog I/O Modules,
Special I/O Modules, I/O Specifications, The Central Processing Unit (CPU), Memory Design,
Memory Types, Programming Terminal Devices, Recording and Retrieving Data, Human Machine
Interfaces (HMIs).
Basics of PLC Programming: Processor Memory Organization, Program Scan, PLC Programming
Languages, Relay-Type Instructions, Instruction Addressing, Branch Instructions, Internal Relay
Instructions, Programming Examine If Closed and Examine If Open Instructions, Entering the
Ladder Diagram, Modes of Operation
Developing Fundamental PLC Wiring Diagrams and Ladder Logic Programs: Electromagnetic
Control Relays, Contactors, Motor Starters, Manually Operated Switches, Mechanically Operated
Switches, Sensors, Output Control Devices, Seal-In Circuits, Latching Relays, Converting Relay
Schematics into PLC Ladder Programs, Writing a Ladder Logic Program Directly from a Narrative
Programming Timers: Mechanical Timing Relays, Timer Instructions, On-Delay Timer
Instruction, Off-Delay Timer Instruction, Retentive Timer, Cascading Timers.
Programming Counters: Counter Instructions, Up-Counter, Down-Counter, Cascading Counters,
Incremental Encoder-Counter Applications, Combining Counter and Timer Functions.
Program Control Instructions: Master Control Reset Instruction, Jump Instruction, Subroutine
Functions, Immediate Input and Immediate Output Instructions, Forcing External I/O Addresses, Safety
Circuitry, Selectable Timed Interrupt, Fault Routine, Temporary End Instruction, Suspend Instruction.
Data Manipulation Instructions: Data Manipulation, Data Transfer Operations, Data Compare
Instructions, Data Manipulation Programs, Numerical Data I/O Interfaces, Closed-Loop Control.
Math Instructions: Math Instructions, Addition Instruction, Subtraction Instruction,
Multiplication Instruction, Division Instruction, Other Word-Level Math Instructions, File Arithmetic
Sequencer and Shift Register Instructions: Mechanical Sequencers, Sequencer Instructions,
Sequencer Programs, Bit Shift Registers, Word Shift Operations.
Process Control, Network Systems, and SCADA: Types of Processes, Structure of Control Systems, On/Off
Control, PID Control, Motion Control, Data Communications, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
• Discuss history of PLC and describe the hardware components of PLC: I/O modules, CPU, memory
devices, other support devices, operating modes and PLC programming.
• Describe field devices Relays, Contactors, Motor Starters, Switches, Sensors, Output Control
Devices, Seal-In Circuits, and Latching Relays commonly used with I/O module.
• Analyze PLC timer and counter ladder logic programs and describe the operation of different program
control instructions
• Discuss the execution of data transfer instructions, data compare instructions and the basic operation of
PLC closed-loop control system.
• Describe the operation of mechanical sequencers, bit and word shift registers, processes and structure of
control systems and communication between the processes.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question is for 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of three sub questions in one full question) from each
• Each full question with sub questions will cover the contents under a module.
• Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1 Programmable Logic Frank D McGraw Hill, 4th Edition, 2011
Controllers Petruzella
Reference Book
1 Programmable Logic E A Parr Newnes 3rd Edition, 2013
Controllers an Engineer’s
2 Introduction Gary Dunning Cengage 3rd Edition, 2006
Programmable Logic
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education (OBE)
Course Code 18EE653 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 3:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03
Course Learning Objectives:
• To discuss causes of energy scarcity and its solution, energy resources and availability of
renewable energy.
• To explain sun – earth geometric relationship, Earth – Sun Angles and their Relationships
• To discuss about solar energy reaching the Earth’s surface and solar thermal energy applications.
• To discuss types of solar collectors, their configurations and their applications
• To explain the components of a solar cell system, equivalent circuit of a solar cell, its
characteristics and applications.
• To discus benefits of hydrogen energy, production of hydrogen energy, storage its
advantages and disadvantages.
• To discuss wind turbines, wind resources, site selection for wind turbine
• To discuss geothermal systems, their classification and geothermal based electric power
• To discuss waste recovery management systems, advantages and disadvantages
• To discuss biomass production, types of biomass gasifiers, properties of producer gas.
• To discuss biogas, its composition, production, benefits.
• To discuss tidal energy resources, energy availability, power generation.
• To explain motion in the sea wave, power associated with sea wave and energy availability and the
• for harnessing wave energy.
Introduction: Causes of Energy Scarcity, Solution to Energy Scarcity, Factors Affecting Energy
Resource Development, Energy Resources and Classification, Renewable Energy – Worldwide
Renewable Energy Availability, Renewable Energy in India.
Energy from Sun: Sun- earth Geometric Relationship, Layer of the Sun, Earth – Sun Angles and
their Relationships, Solar Energy Reaching the Earth’s Surface, Solar Thermal Energy Applications.
Solar Thermal Energy Collectors: Types of Solar Collectors, Configurations of Certain Practical
Solar Thermal Collectors, Material Aspects of Solar Collectors, Concentrating Collectors, Parabolic
Dish – Stirling Engine System, Working of Stirling or Brayton Heat Engine, Solar Collector Systems
into Building Services, Solar Water Heating Systems, Passive Solar Water Heating Systems,
Applications of Solar Water Heating Systems, Active Solar Space Cooling, Solar Air Heating, Solar
Dryers, Crop Drying, Space Cooing, Solar Cookers, Solar pond.
Solar Cells: Components of Solar Cell System, Elements of Silicon Solar Cell, Solar Cell materials,
Practical Solar Cells, I – V Characteristics of Solar Cells, Efficiency of Solar Cells, Photovoltaic
Module-3 Panels, Applications of Solar Cell Systems.
Hydrogen Energy: Benefits of Hydrogen Energy, Hydrogen Production Technologies, Hydrogen
Energy Storage, Use of Hydrogen Energy, Advantages and Disadvantages of Hydrogen Energy,
Problems Associated with Hydrogen Energy.
Wind Energy: Windmills, Wind Turbines, Wind Resources, Wind Turbine Site Selection.
Geothermal Energy: Geothermal Systems, Classifications, Geothermal Resource Utilization,
Resource Exploration, Geothermal Based Electric Power Generation, Associated Problems,
environmental Effects. Solid waste and Agricultural Refuse: Waste is Wealth, Key Issues, Waste
Recovery Management Scheme, Advantages and Disadvantages of Waste Recycling, Sources
and Types of Waste, Recycling of Plastics.
Biomass Energy: Biomass Production, Energy Plantation, Biomass Gasification, Theory of
Gasification, Gasifier and Their Classifications, Chemistry of Reaction Process in Gasification,
Updraft, Downdraft and Cross-draft Gasifiers, Fluidized Bed Gasification, Use of Biomass Gasifier,
Gasifier Biomass Feed Characteristics, Applications of Biomass Gasifier, Cooling and Cleaning of
Biogas Energy: Introduction, Biogas and its Composition, Anaerobic Digestion, Biogas Production,
Benefits of Biogas, Factors Affecting the Selection of a Particular Model of a Biogas Plant, Biogas
Plant Feeds and their Characteristics.
Tidal Energy: Introduction, Tidal Energy Resource, Tidal Energy Availability, Tidal Power
Generation in India, Leading Country in Tidal Power Plant Installation, Energy Availability in Tides,
Tidal Power Basin, Turbines for Tidal Power, Advantages and Disadvantages of Tidal Power,
Problems Faced in Exploiting Tidal Energy.
Sea Wave Energy: Introduction, Motion in the sea Waves, Power Associated with Sea Waves, Wave
Energy Availability, Devices for Harnessing Wave Energy, Advantages and Disadvantages of Wave
Ocean Thermal Energy: Introduction, Principles of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC),
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion plants, Basic Rankine Cycle and its Working, Closed Cycle,
Open Cycle and Hybrid Cycle, Carnot Cycle, Application of OTEC in Addition to Produce
Electricity, Advantages, Disadvantages and Benefits of OTEC.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
• Discuss causes of energy scarcity and its solution, energy resources and availability of renewable
• Outline energy from sun, energy reaching the Earth’s surface and solar thermal energy
• Discuss types of solar collectors, their configurations, solar cell system, its
characteristics and their applications.
• Explain generation of energy from hydrogen, wind, geothermal system, solid waste and
agriculture refuse.
• Discuss production of energy from biomass, biogas.
• Summarize tidal energy resources, sea wave energy and ocean thermal energy.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question is for 20 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of three sub questions in one full question) from
each module.
• Each full question with sub questions will cover the contents under a module.
• Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1 Nonconventional ShobhNath Singh Pearson 1st Edition, 2015
Reference Books
1 Nonconventional B.H. Khan McGraw Hill 3rd Edition,
2 Renewable Godfrey Boyle Oxford 3rd Edition, 2012
Energy; Power
for a sustainable
3 Renewable TasneemAbbasi PHI 1st Edition, 2011
Energy Sources: S.A. Abbasi
Their Impact on
global Warming
and Pollution
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education (OBE)
Course Code 18EE654 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 3:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03
Course Learning Objectives:
• Describe the process to plan, control and implement commissioning of electrical
• Differentiate the performance specifications of transformer and induction motor.
• Demonstrate the routine tests for synchronous machine, induction motor, transformer &
• Identification of tools and equipment’s used for installation and maintenance of electrical
• Explain the operation of an electrical equipment’s such as isolators, circuit breakers,
insulators and switchgears.
Electrical Tools, accessories: Tools, Accessories and Instruments required for Installation,
Maintenance and Repair Work, India Electricity Rules, Safely Codes Causes and Prevention of
Accidents, Artificial Respiration, Workmen’s Safety Devices.
Transformers: Installation, Location Site Selection, Foundation Details, Code of Practice for
Terminal Plates, Polarity and Phase Sequence, Oil Tanks, Drying of Winding sand General
Inspection. Commissioning Tests As Per National and International Standards - Volts Ratio Earth
Resistance, Oil Strength, Insulation Tests, Impulse Tests Polarizing Index, Load Temperature Rise Tests.
Specific Tests for Determination of Performance Curves like Efficiencies, Regulation Etc.,
Determination Mechanical Stress Under Normal and Abnormal Conditions.
Synchronous Machines: Specifications as per BIS Standards. Installation - Physical Inspection,
Foundation Details, Alignments, Excitation Systems, Cooling and Control Gear, Drying Out.
Commissioning Tests - Insulation, Resistance Measurement of Armature and Field Windings, Wave
Form and Telephone Interference Tests, Line Charging Capacitance. Performance Tests -Various
Tests to Estimate the Performance of Generator Operations, Slip Test, Maximum Lagging Current,
Maximum Reluctance Power Tests, Sudden Short Circuit Tests, Transient Sub Transient Parameters,
Measurement of Sequence Impedances, Capacitive Reactance, and Separation Of Losses,
Temperature Rise Test, and Retardation Tests. Factory Tests -Gap Length, Magnetic Eccentricity,
Balancing Vibrations, Bearing Performance.
Induction Motor: Specifications. Installation- Location of Motors and its Control Apparatus, Shaft
Alignment for Various Coupling, Fitting of Pulleys and Coupling, Drying of Windings. Commissioning
Tests -Mechanical Tests For Alignment, Air Gap Symmetry, Tests for Bearings, Vibrations and
Balancing. Specific Tests -Performance and Temperature Raise Tests, Stray Load Losses, Shaft
Alignment, Re-Writing and Special Duty Capability, Site Test.
Laying of Underground Cables: Inspection, Storage, Transportation and Handling of Cables, Cable
Handing Equipment, Cable Laying Depths and Clearances from other Services such as Water
Sewerage, Gas, Heating and other Mains, Series of Power and Telecommunication Cables and
Coordination with these Services, Excavation of Trenches, Cable Jointing and Terminations Testing
and Commissioning. Location of Faults using Megger, Effect of Open or Loose Neutral Connections,
Provision of Proper Fuses on Service Lines and Their Effect on System, Causes and Dim, and Flickering
Switchgear and Protective Devices: Standards, Types, Specification, Installation, Commissioning
Tests, Maintenance Schedule, Type and Routine Tests.
Domestic Installation: Introduction, Testing of Electrical Installation of a Building, Testing of
Insulation Resistance to Earth, Testing of Insulation and Resistance between Conductors Continuity or
Open Circuit Test, Short Circuit Test, Testing of Earthing Continuity, Location of Faults, IE Rules for
Domestic Installation.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
• Describe the process to plan, control and implement commissioning of electrical equipment’s.
• Differentiate the performance specifications of transformer and induction motor.
• Demonstrate the routine tests for synchronous machine, induction motor, transformer &
• Describe corrective and preventive maintenance of electrical equipment’s.
• Explain the operation of an electrical equipment’s such as isolators, circuit breakers, induction
motor and synchronous machines.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten questions.
• Each full question is for 16 marks.
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions in one full question)
from each module.
• Each full question with sub questions will cover the contents under a module.
• Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Text/ Reference Books
1 Testing, Commissioning, Operation S. Rao Khanna Publishers 6th Edition, 19th
and Reprint, 2015
2 Testing of Electrical Equipment
and Commissioning of R.L.Chakrasali Prism Books Pvt 1st Edition,2014
Electrical Ltd
3 Equipment
Preventive Maintenance of Electrical S.K.Sharotri Katson Publishing 1st Edition, 1980
Apparatus House
4 Handbook of Switchgears BHEL McGraw Hill 1st Edition, 2005
5 Transformers BHEL McGraw Hill 1st Edition, 2003
6 The J&P Transformer Book Martin J. Newnes 12th Edition,
Heathcote 1998