P Baxi Habeas Corpus in The Realm of Love Litigating Marriages of Choice in India
P Baxi Habeas Corpus in The Realm of Love Litigating Marriages of Choice in India
P Baxi Habeas Corpus in The Realm of Love Litigating Marriages of Choice in India
Pratiksha Baxi
To cite this article: Pratiksha Baxi (2006) Habeas Corpus in the Realm of Love:
Litigating Marriages of Choice in India, Australian Feminist Law Journal, 25:1, 59-78, DOI:
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Pratiksha Baxi1
The discussion on habeas corpus, a legal term that literally means produce the body or the person
detained in court, has ordinarily been evoked in discussions on political prisoners and illegal
detention of subjects in state institutions in India. This discussion has eclipsed the routine use of
the writ in the domestic realm. Yet procedural legality is a site where issues of substantive justice
are regularly adjudicated. In this paper, I wish to point to the way people use the writ of habeas
corpus in a domain of everyday life considered to be private, intimate and opaque to law. The
paper illustrates how narratives of love are entangled in procedural law, how sovereignty is
defined in relation to love and how love labours in the punitive corridors of law. The picture of
heterosexual love presented herein underscores how love is a contested category that unfolds in
the juridical field of force. The recent literature on the right of women to choose marriage, if and
when they want to, has inaugurated feminist critiques of the techniques by which a range of laws
are used to criminalise love in plural legal contexts in South Asia2. While the criminalisation of
love has found documentation3, the use of the writ of habeas corpus in the realm of love needs
foregrounding since it allows us to highlight the nature of custodial power over women by their
natal families in alliance with state and non-state bodies of law and governance.
1 I am grateful to the Ford Visiting Fellowship at the Centre for the Study of Law and Governance, JNU for funding the
research that informs this paper. This paper is based on a longer working paper entitled, Till honour does us apart:
Legislating Womens Right to Marry to be published shortly by CSLG, JNU. I have benefited enormously from the comments
of the anonymous referees. I was able to sharpen some of the arguments following the comments on an earlier version of
this paper at the Critical Legal Studies Conference, Nalsar, Hyderabad, held in September 2006. I deeply appreciate Judith
Grbichs encouragement and interest in this research. Uma Chakravarti, Shirin Rai, Shaheen Sardar Ali, Ujjwal Kumar
Singh, Usha Ramanathan, Yasmin Arif, Kalpana Kannabiran, Upendra Baxi, Jaivir Singh and Julian Moti have been critical
interlocutors in the journey of this text.
2 See Lynn Welchman and Sara Hossain (eds) Honour: Crimes, Paradigms and Violence against Women Zed Books London
2005. Also see Mody Perveez Love and the Law Love-Marriage in Delhi (2002) Modern Asia Studies (36) 223
3 We know that the laws of abduction in late nineteenth century Canada, for instance, were used by parents to punish a
daughter and her boyfriend for marrying against their wishes. Dubinsky suggests that the English laws on abduction
which were applied in Canada in the 1840s expanded the criminalisation of the abduction of propertied daughters to
include all women under the age of 16. She argues that the prosecutions against consenting adults were scripted around
those improper alliances between Canadian women and foreigners from East or South Europe. See Dubinsky Karen
Improper Advances Rape and Heterosexual Conflict in Ontario, 18801929 University of Chicago Press Chicago & London 1993.
The legal stories presented herein also find contrast with the feminist critique of the
enforcement of marriage in contexts of violence and abuse, whereby familial and legal discourses
congeal to enforce reconciliation between a battered woman and her abusive husband, in the terrible
struggle to break the intimacy of violence that marriage enforces. While marriages without love
are enforced through the technique of reconciliation, marriages premised on heterosexual love
(rather than other social arrangements) may be forced to die, suffer or endure punishing afterlives
in courts and state-run institutions. Here, I am not going to turn to the many painful instances
where consensual marriages forged on the basis of love have resulted in extra judicial killing, in
what has now come to be named as honour killings. Rather, I wish to look at how state law is
used as a resource to recover an adult runaway daughter. The socio-legal discourse on the
recovery of women who forge improper alliances is most clearly explicated by the use of habeas
corpus petitions. By juxtaposing recovery with reconciliation, I wish to highlight the contradictions
within the Indian judiciary about the right of a heterosexual adult woman to choose her partner in
marriage. I argue that the lower judiciary acts in complicity with the family to rescue adult
women from improper alliances, which contradicts the juridical emphasis on enforcing marital
relations through the technique of reconciliation. The emphasis on upholding the institution of
marriage means that distinctions between arranged marriages and marriages of choice must find
challenge within the judiciary. It is this tension between the discourses of recovery and
reconciliation that is explored in this paper.
In order to understand, how different laws are deployed to criminalise marriages of choice,
I must digress briefly to outline the picture of legality and illegality that the letter and practice of
Indian law proffers. In Indian law, a woman attains the right to choose a partner in marriage at
the age of 18, when she is recognised as a major. Even though the laws on kidnapping and
statutory rape address the underage female subject, these laws are concerned primarily with
securing the rights of the guardian over the underage female subject. The realm of control over
the sexuality of the underage female is clearly gendered for the age of consent for girls is 16, and
there are no such legal standards set for boys. There is a further distinction between married and
unmarried minors, for a married female minor is not allowed to withhold consent to sexual
relations within marriage when she turns 15, despite the law, which prohibits women from
marrying until they are legal adults at the age of 18. The law on statutory rape of married female
minors by their husbands is anchored in the colonial legal history on the prevention of child
marriage, and continues to be viewed as deterring child marriage rather than entailing the
protection of married minors from sexual abuse in marriage. While young girls are taught to
desire marriage at an early age, they may be severely punished if they engage in relationships of
choice when underage. Furthermore, there are no exceptions in the laws on abduction and
kidnapping that allow a minor to opt out of guardianship or to leave their home on grounds of
domestic abuse and neglect. These are adult hetero-normative discourses. Thereby, it is important
to examine how the law uses adult categories to constitute girls and female childrens experience
of violence, and how it denies them an active agency.
In this paper, however, I look at how adult heterosexual women who choose to get married
in contravention to the wishes of their families are brought under the fold of criminal and
constitutional law. I argue against that picture of black letter law which suggests that marriages of
choice contracted by adult women are not criminalized since the law permits an adult woman to
make a choice in marriage. I contend that this picture of rule of law elides how illegality resides in
the heart of state law4. Illegality is operationalised through criminal complaints which forge the
age of an adult daughter to present her as a minor or claim a prior marriage to suggest bigamy. A
criminal complaint against the partner of the daughter charging him with statutory rape,
abduction and/or kidnapping is a stabilised legal strategy to recover a daughter who enters into
an improper alliance. This may be accompanied with a habeas corpus petition that claims that the
daughter is held in private detention. The resourcefulness with which the laws on rape, abduction
and kidnapping are deployed by the natal family, in consultation with lawyers and police, then
follows a rather efficient police procedure. The police hunt the couple down. After finding the
couple, they are brought to the police station for questioning. If the woman states that she was
not abducted or raped, she may face custodial violence which is normalised under the category of
police remand. If she is able to withstand the pressure and violence to break off her relationship,
she may be jailed on grounds of a criminal complaint brought against her usually on grounds of
having stolen some valuables from her parents home before she eloped. Or she may be detained
in a state-run institution for women. Detention in state institutions of consenting adults follows a
stabilised legal strategy5. The woman must bear the burden of proving that she was not raped,
abducted or kidnapped. She must now prove to the court that she is a consenting subject in a
situation when she cannot appeal for resources for legal representation from her natal family who
initiate the proceedings against her, and all the resources for the legal dispute over her must flow
from her affinal family who bear the costs of legal representation for their son and his wife.
How do courts then ascertain choice and what are the procedures that are instituted to set
the stage of the judicial recognition of choice? Who evokes the writ of habeas corpus and to what
end? First, the writ of habeas corpus has been used by adult women to challenge their detention in
state-run womens shelters or protective homes for women. When the fact that the woman is not
4 See Foucault Michel Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison New York Vintage Books 1995; 1977 translated from
French by Alan Sheridan.
5 While this paper is confined to marriages of choice, recent work on the use of criminal law and the writ of habeas corpus to
control lesbian love remains critical to further our understanding of how state law is deployed to control womens
sexuality. In a stunning paper, Arasu and Thangarajah, show how the laws of abduction and kidnapping have been used
against adult queer women in India. They document how criminal law has been deployed against runaway lesbian
couples, which results in charges of abduction against one of the women. While in some cases, the couples have been
successfully separated whereby Judges have prescribed medical treatment as a cure to lesbian love, in other cases charges
of abduction do not succeed since use of force is not established. In habeas corpus cases, the court in some cases has
ordered the woman, whose custody is contested by her parents, to live in a womens shelter. In other cases, Magistrates
have ruled that if an adult woman chooses not to live with her parents, then she cannot be held in detention by anyone.
Unlike heterosexual love, in such cases lesbian love remains a muted category, although the dominant issue in the habeas
corpus cases remains whether the adult woman is held in illegal detention, underscoring thereby the status of the woman as
an adult rather than her sexual preferences. While recovery of daughters seems to be the driving force of the criminal
complaints of abduction, the argument that tests the legality of detention seems to hinge on whether the woman is an
adult. This reading of queer sexuality in legal records allows us to understand how standardised legal strategies used to
control heterosexual love are also deployed to litigate lesbian love in contexts where public disavowal of lesbian love is a
norm (see Ponni Arasu and Priya Thangarajah `Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code and Queer Women in India Paper
Presented at the Critical Legal Studies Conference, Hyderabad September 13, 2006)..
underage and therefore is capable of giving consent to marriage legally is established in court, the
stage is set to further establish that the woman is indeed a consenting subject. Second, habeas
corpus is used routinely by parents to recover adult daughters who run away and get married
against parental consent. Here, we find a contestation between social constructions of adulthood
and legal definitions of the rights of adults to choice in marriage. If the daughter, now married to
the man of her choice, is produced before the court, she may be influenced, or threatened, by her
natal family depending to her response to familial pressure to break off her marriage. Third,
habeas corpus may be used by the husband or his family, in the instance when the woman is being
detained by her natal family. This adjudication is often constructed as a dispute over the custody
of the woman between two parties i.e., her natal family in dispute with her affinal family. Fourth,
when couples file a writ petition under different constitutional provisions seeking protection from
potential arrest and detention. Writ jurisdiction then comes to detail contestation over the legality
of the detention of a woman who is described by her family as a subject who has been abducted for
the purpose of illicit sex or forcible marriage, and by the affinal family as a consenting subject.
The criminalization of marriages of choice in state law narrates the techniques by which
politics of honour is folded into state law. Such privatization of state law co-exists with the
suspension of legal action against those bodies, in a plural legal context, that act to punish
transgressive subjects. This issue gains particular poignancy when children or young people are
the subjects of accusation of dishonour brought to a community by extra-judicial bodies such as
the caste panchayat. For instance, caste panchayats in Haryana have meted out various forms of
sanctions against alliances between couples considered to be illicit violating norms of fictive
kinship, village exogamy and caste norms6. There is other evidence to show that young girls are
also subjected to sanctions on the grounds of suspicions of having consented to illicit sexual
relationships. Apart from forcing the family or community of the accused couple to pay fines and
go through rituals of public humiliation or social boycott, a couple may be forced to leave their
home and in the worse case, killed. Such abject subjects are constituted as being beyond the
circuits of power that routinely bind subjects to state law. This is most clearly articulated in the
jurisprudence of habeas corpus that I wish to explore herein.
I have mostly selected cases that concern adult women heard before Allahabad High Court
in Uttar Pradesh, a state in North India that has witnessed widespread extra judicial killings of
consenting adults who marry against existing norms of alliance and the extensive use of state law
in the attempt to enforce these codes7.
6 Chowdhry Prem Private Lives, State Intervention: Cases of Runaway Marriage in Rural North India (2004) 38 Modern
Asian Studies 55.
7 See AALI Report Choosing a LifeCrimes of Honor in India The right to, if, when and whom to Marry Lucknow
AALI 2004
This reading does not submit to the idea that early colonial law allowed some quantum increase
in freedom for individuals since the effects of habeas corpus functioned in colonial India to free
people from either governmental or private confinement11. Rather, the irregularities of the
process through which habeas corpus inscribed people in a system of state power that has hardly
altered today were fraught with the contestations within the spheres or branches of the emerging
state form12. The oscillation between intervening to test the legality of detention and claiming
sovereign immunity from such judicial probes is evident through the reports of cases of habeas
Taking the example of Calcutta and Madras Courts, Hussain observes that the court was
even willing to use the writ to intervene in family disputes13. He cites several cases from different
High Courts to make this point, while remarking that the Madras High Court agreed to issue the
writ in some surprising circumstances14. One such surprising circumstance is found in The King v
DeUrilla a case published in 1814 where the Madras High Court held that the court will
not, upon a habeas corpus compel a young woman that is marriageable to go home with her
father contrary to her consent15. Hence, the fact that the writ was petitioned for and granted in
8 Hussain Nasser The Jurisprudence of Emergency: Colonialism and the Rule of law. Ann Arbor The University of Michigan Press
9 As Above at 6970
10 As Above at 70
11 As above at 95
12 As above at 95
13 As Above at 85
14 As Above at 85
15 As Above at 85
such instances suggests that habeas corpus had found a place in the social relations of early-
nineteenth century India16.
Hussains analysis of habeas corpus in colonial law then is extremely important to flag since it
directs our understanding of how habeas corpus by offering definitions of personal liberty is equally
directed at bodies and conducts, where rights may be understood as another resource that can be
used to convince others how to behave in routine everyday cases17. At the same time, the writ of
habeas corpus brings the woman into circuits of sovereign power where her consent or choice must
be staged in courtrooms as the manoeuvre in the field of govermentality, invoking, prescribing
and cancelling out new expectations of normative conduct on the part of both governors and
governed18. It is to the staging of womens choice in courtrooms through the activity of the
habeas corpus in contemporary postcolonial settings that this paper draws attention, while
indicating that further research on the use of the writ of habeas corpus to regulate womens
sexuality remains critical to furthering our understanding of legal manoeuvres in the field of
govermentality today19.
2.1 Habeas Corpus Against Detention by the State: The Case of the
Legality of Detention in a Protective Home for Women
One of the ways womens right to choice in marriage has been staged in courtrooms is through
the evocation of the writ of habeas corpus against illegal detention by the state in everyday contexts.
The forms of state detention are varied. Women may be illegally detained in police stations,
prisons, state-run womens shelters, or state-run asylums20. Detention may be temporary or may
span to long periods such as six months or more. When the woman refuses to go back to her
natal family, the police and Magistrates often consider state-run institutions to be the only spaces
where the woman can be safe from the struggle over custody between two parties her natal
family and her affinal family. In other cases, we learn the woman is sent to the shelter to be free
of pressures brought upon her either by her natal family or her affinal family; hence this space is
16 As Above at 85
17 As Above at 72
18 As Above at 85
19 I have chosen to use Hussains reading of colonial law as a primary text since it points to the use of habeas corpus in the
realm of the domestic in early colonial law. Hussains reading of habeas corpus may also be creatively situated within
feminist histories of the legal discourse around the Partition of India in 1947. Most legal histories of the writ have elided
the fact that the writ of habeas corpus was denied to those women and children who were declared as abducted by the
Abducted Persons (Recovery and Restoration) Act passed by the Constituent Assembly on 15 December 1949 till the law lapsed
eight years later. The constitutional challenge to this Act failed after a man named as an abductor challenged the recovery
of a minor. Hussains reading of colonial law to regulate custody of women [whether minor or major], in early nineteenth
century India, allows us to make sense of how a legal subject named as an abductor in law could use the writ of habeas
corpus to claim of a female minor in the exceptional context of the Partition.
20 Pankaj Sharma and Sarika got married against her parents wishes. Pankaj, an artificial jewellery maker, was not as well off
as her family. The inter-caste alliance was opposed by Sarikas brother who alleged that she was mentally unstable and
therefore, could not consent to marriage. On June 23, 2005, the Court ordered that Pankaj and Sarika should be confined
for 10 days at the Agra Mental Asylum. The couple were in the Asylum for ten days till the certification from the doctor
could declare them of sound mind (See www.http//ndtv.com).
constructed as the neutral space21 which allows a woman to know her mind. In Chandrasinh K.
Jadav v. the State of Gujarat & Ors, for instance, we learn that the woman was sent back to the nari
gruh (womens shelter) despite the fact that she stated that she wanted to return to her
matrimonial home,
by way of abundant caution to enable her to disabuse her mind, if possibly under some
threat or pressures she was not freely expressing herself before the court and further to
coolly ponder over her fate embolden her and reassuredly (sic) telling us where she ultimately
intended to return!.22
State detention in womens shelters has been challenged by women in courts of law on the
grounds of illegal detention. Gian Devi, an eighteen year old woman, filed a petition for writ of
habeas corpus against her detention in a Nari Niketan in Sonepat on February 28, 197423. Her father
was opposed to her marriage and wanted her to marry someone else. He brought criminal charges
of abduction and rape against her husband and claimed in court that his daughter was already
married to another man. The magistrate sent her to the Nari Niketan. Gian filed a habeas corpus
petition in the Punjab and Haryana High Court, which failed on the grounds of jurisdiction on 18
March 1974. She then moved the Delhi High Court. On 15 April 1974, the Delhi High Court
dismissed the petition on the grounds that she was a minor and continued to be so at the time of
detention. Subsequently, she petitioned the Supreme Court under Article 32 of the Constitution
for issue of a writ of habeas corpus to enforce her fundamental rights.
After hearing the lawyers representing all the parties24, the court directed that Gian be
presented before the court, whereupon she testified that she did not want to be detained in the
Nari Niketan and wanted to live with her husband denying her fathers allegation that she was
already married to someone else. The SC held that:
whatever may be the date of birth of the petitioner25, the fact remains that she is at present
more than 18 years of age. As the petitioner is sui generis no fetters can be placed upon her
choice of the person with whom she is to stay nor can any restriction be imposed regarding
the place where she should stay. The court or the relatives of the petitioner can also not
substitute their opinion or preference for that of the petitioner in such a manner. The fact
that the petitioner has been cited as a witness in a case is no valid ground for her detention
21 Although this space is constructed as a neutral space, it is often a route to influence the woman to break off her
relationship or marriage, or the institution itself may hold many dangers to her safety as the nature of such institutions
curtails a number of fundamental rights while increasing vulnerability to different kinds of custodial violence. See
Chakravarti Uma `From Fathers to Husbands: Of Love, Death and Marriage in North India in Lynn Welchman and Sara
Hossain (eds) Honour: Crimes, Paradigms and Violence against Women Zed Books London 2005 p 308 at 331.
22 Spl. Criminal Application No. 356 of 1996, 10-04-1996.
23 Gian Devi v The Superintendent, Nari Niketan, Delhi & Others (1976) 3 SCC 234
24 Initially the Superintendent of the Nari Niketan, the Judicial Magistrate (Sonepat) and State of Haryana were impleaded in
the petition. Later, at the behest of the Supreme Court her father and the man he alleged she was married to, were also
25 Both father and daughter gave different date of birth, with the father claiming that she was two years younger than what
she declared to be her age.
in Nari Niketan against her wishes. Since the petitioner has stated unequivocally that she
does not wish to stay in Nari Niketan, her detention cannot be held to be in accordance of
law. 26
with women who refuse to be exchanged in matrimonial trafficking, to paraphrase Gayle Rubin30.
However, we often come across discussion on how women are sent to state-run home including
protective homes as if this was a neutral space to make up their minds without pressure. This
form of illegal detention is anchored in discourses of recovery of women from improper
alliances, and habeas corpus then becomes a route to recover lost honour. The case law then is
anchored in socio-legal discourses of the rescue and recovery of the woman named as abducted in law.
Hence, how the consenting subject is represented in law becomes critical to understand the way
choice is overwritten as coercion.
I wish to make two points here. First, we may argue that underlying this judicial method is
the assumption that women are easily manipulated and do not know their minds. Their rationality
and capacity to reason as adults is seen as suspect until they satisfy judicial standards of who is a
consenting subject. The capacity to consent to a marriage of choice thereby may entail having the
strength to survive contexts of incarceration and violence in state institutions.31 Second, we may
argue that while the courts may not hand over the daughter to the father who contests his
daughters desire to live with her lover or husband, the court acts as parens patriae. In a sense, the
sovereign power over an adult daughter is folded into state law, thereby localizing state law.
30 Rubin Gayle `The Traffic in Women: Notes on the Political Economy of Sex in Feminist Theory Mayfield London 2000
31 Also see Payal Sharma alias Kamala Sharma vs. Superintendent, Nari Niketan, Agra and Others 2001(3) AWC 1778 (cited in
Chakravarti above note 21).
32 Dwarka Prasad v State of Rajasthan and Ors 2002 Cri LJ 1278
Vedwanti was a major and she had eloped voluntarily with the accused.33 She was 19 when she
married Rajesh Sharma. She had given birth to a son who was three months old when she gave
her statement in the court. The writ of habeas corpus was declared infructuous. The Court made
two observations that are pertinent to the discussion herein.
First, the Court emphasised that in habeas corpus petitions, it is not the High Courts place,
to monitor police investigations as that is the bounden duty of the police being the
investigating agency without any interference of law courts and the High Court is certainly
not meant to be treated as an executing court for enforcing investigation of the cases which
are registered by entertaining habeas corpus (2002 Cri LJ at 1279).
Second, the Court remarked that the State as the respondent was at liberty to launch action
against the father during the criminal trial as to why he had lodged a false report of abduction
when his daughter was a major and had left voluntarily with Rajesh Sharma, if it were established
that she was indeed an adult at the time. This liberty was granted to the state in order to check
frivolous litigations which is repeatedly brought before this court in the form of habeas corpus.34
The ire at the father-complainant for patently falsifying the complaint is important to note since
the Court suggests that such frivolous litigation is routine in the Rajasthan High Court. By and
large cases, which are falsified by the parents, are not tried on grounds of perjury or contempt of
court. Police officials, magistrates and prosecutors do not usually perceive the father as a subject
of perjury since the understanding of elopement as a crime against the father is often a shared
discourse and therefore, voluntary elopement becomes a marked category in legal discourse.
Voluntary elopement is the counterpart to forced rape, a socio-legal category in Indian legal discourse
that seeks to determine the meaning of rape in legal discourse in India.
What happens then when a father refuses to produce his daughter after a habeas corpus
petition filed by her husband?35 The case in concern involved a Muslim father, a practising lawyer
whose daughter married a Hindu man and converted to Hinduism. Typically, the father pressed
criminal charges against his daughters husband and recovered her. Her husband claimed that she
was being illegally detained by her father. One of the questions that arose here is whether the
accused-husband could file a writ of habeas corpus to secure the release of his wife, while he faced
charges of having abducted and raped her? In October 1963, the Supreme Court held that such a
petition was highly unusual. I quote:
The writ of habeas corpus issues not only for release from detention by the State but also for
release from private detention. At Common Law a writ of habeas corpus was available to the
husband for regaining the custody of his wife if she was wrongfully detained by anyone from
him without her consent. What amounts to wrongful detention of the wife is, of course, a
question for the Court to decide in each case and different circumstances may exist either
entitling or disentitling a husband to this remedy. Exigence of the writ at the instance of a
husband is very rare in English Law, and in India the writ of habeas corpus is probably never
used by a husband to regain his wife.
The SC held that the remedy provided under section 100 of the Criminal Procedure Code
allowed husbands to take action when the detention was an offence, and the civil suit of
restitution of conjugal rights could be evoked when the detention was not an offence. The SC
further explained that:
In both these remedies all the issues of fact can be tried and the writ of habeas corpus is
probably not demanded in similar cases if issues of fact have first to be established. This is
because the writ of habeas corpus is festinum remedium and the power can only be
exercised in a clear case. It is of course singularly inappropriate in cases where the petitioner
is himself charged with a criminal offence in respect of the very person for whose custody he
demands the writ.
A writ of habeas corpus at the instance of a man to obtain possession of a woman alleged to
be his wife does not issue as a matter of course. Though a writ of right, it is not a writ of
course especially when a man seeks the assistance of the Court to regain the custody of a
woman. Before a Court accedes to this request it must satisfy itself at least prima facie that
the person claiming the writ is in fact the husband and further whether valid marriage
between him and the woman could at all have taken place. It is wrong to think that in
habeas corpus proceedings the court is prohibited from ordering an inquiry into a fact.
The Supreme Court then clarifies that the petition of habeas corpus filed by the accused-husband
must be preceded by an enquiry into the facts of the validity of the marriage.
The other issue before the court was whether the Courts sentence against the father was
justified when he failed to produce his daughter in court despite the courts orders. Upholding the
contempt sentence, the SC held that the father seemed to have overreached himself in saving
his daughter from her husband. The father was willing to go to jail rather than allow the marriage
to survive. By the time the SC heard the appeal, the husband eventually compromised the case
with his wifes father. He had abandoned his wife and child, and did not pursue the habeas corpus
proceedings he had originally filed. The criminal prosecution against him were dropped. In cases,
such as this one, the womans relationship with her husband or his family may not be able to
withstand violence, criminal prosecution, and detention. This case allows us an insight into the
way criminal law is used to separate a man and a woman in a marriage of choice. The case
illustrates how a father prefers going to jail to regain control over the daughter; thereby a prison
sentence is seen as accruing lesser stigma than relinquishing control over the daughters marital
parties. The appeals to state law range from petitions to quash the FIR (First Information
Report), challenges to illegal detention and plea for personal liberty under the writ of habeas corpus,
and filing collusive suits for the restitution of conjugal rights. Appellate judgments in India tell us
that typically after the couple marries, the husband may file a case of restitution of conjugal rights
against his wife. The collusive case of restitution of conjugal rights is aimed to gain legal recognition
of the fact that the woman was not abducted nor was she forced into marriage. This sets the stage
for the womans consent to be certified. The performance of womens agency in court is grounded
in the anticipation of police action i.e., fear of arrest, illegal detention and custodial violence.
Courts of appeal have been fairly responsive to women when such petitions are filed36.
The legal strategies adopted by pro-love lawyers suggest that this sub-specialisation of law
has grown in response to the growing demand for legal representation by consenting adults who
wish to prevent arrest or illegal detention and seek protection from the state against familial
violence. These legal strategies are used in marriages of choice across caste or community37. In
Oroos Fatima alias Nisha and another v Senior Superintendent of Police, Aligarh and another38 we find the
Courts appreciation of fatherly restraint in a case where a Hindu woman converts and marries a
Muslim man. The facts of the case are as follows: On 5 May 1992, Mr. Jagdish Prasad Jain
informed the police that his daughter, Nisha Jain had disappeared. Five days later, he filed a FIR
stating that he had learnt since that Sabeeh Haider, who was assisted by his brother Aslam, had
taken his daughter away. He also stated that the money his daughter had in her possession a
sum of over ten thousand rupees and her papers (such as school certificates and degrees) were
missing. He expressed his fear that his daughters life was in danger. Oroos Fatima alias Nisha
(petitioner 1) and Sabeeh Haider filed a criminal miscellaneous writ petition in the Allahabad
High Court under Articles 21 and 226 of the Constitution of India seeking protection from arrest
and detention. They petitioned the Court to quash the FIR and subsequent investigation filed in
the Civil Lines police station in Aligarh to investigate the crimes of kidnapping and abduction as
defined under sections 363/366 IPC.
Sabeeh Haider and Oroos Fatima told the court that they refuted the claims made in the
FIR. They told the court that they had married each other of their choice. They met in college as
students in the computer-training institute at Aligarh. They fell in love and decided to marry. On
12 Jan 1992 when they married, Oroos was twenty-three years old. The copy of the nikahnamma
was attached to the petition. Subsequently the couple moved to Delhi. The judgment details the
subsequent action taken by the couple.
In paras 7 to 14 of the writ petition it was stated that the petitioner No 1 withdrew from the
society of her husband, petitioner No 2 and hence a suit for restitution of conjugal rights
was filed at Delhi which ended in compromise and the husband and wife again started living
as husband and wife. In the subsequent paras it is stated that the informant Sri Jagdish
Prasad Jain became very much annoyed with the petitioners and lodged a false FIR which is
sought to be quashed in the present writ petition (1993 Cri LJ 1 at 2).
I wish to make two points here very briefly before moving on to describing what happened next.
First, the petition does not use the language of honour rather the category of annoyance (at the
daughter for marrying a Muslim man, and converting to Islam against his wishes) is the framing
device for situating the motive for a false complaint. Second, the reference to the restitution of
conjugal rights litigation whereby Oroos Fatima withdrew from the society of her husband was
filed in anticipation of the criminal trial when the couple moved to Delhi. The Judge observed
that I am not expressing any opinion regarding the allegations of marriage of the two petitioners
and its legality. However, in my opinion the suit for restitution of conjugal rights was apparently a
collusive suit, but once again I am not expressing any final opinion about the same.39 The
judgment by offering us a probable explanation of the collusive suit is careful in not casting
aspersions on the legality of the marriage yet offers a framework to understand the stabilisation of
legal strategies in the face of criminal charges brought about by the womans parents.
What happened in court then when the petition came up for hearing in the court on 11
June 1992? When the opposing counsel, pleaded for time to prepare his opposition, the Court
ruled that the petitioners could not be arrested on the charges of kidnapping and abduction for
one month. Subsequently, the Court heard the petition on 17 June 1992. We learn from the
judgment that Oroos Fatima appeared in court with her husband. Her parents were also present
in court. The Court made an oral direction that Oroos Fatima sit in the room of the Court
officers, so that the father and other relatives could talk to her at leisure throughout the day. This
was done. At 4 p.m., the case was again called out. The father of the petitioner No. 1 stated that
he had enough opportunity to have conversation with his daughter and felt satisfied. However, I
gave another opportunity to the parents to talk to their daughter and try to convince her. The
case was again taken up on 18-6-92 and again the petitioner No. 1 and her parents were allowed
to talk among themselves at leisure. The case was called out after lunch.40
The Court makes space available to Oroos Fatima and her family members to allow
repeated conversations so that her parents could convince her at leisure. The failure of the
negotiation marked the limits of judicial rectitude when the case was called out after lunch
accommodating the hearing solicitously through the typically busy workload of courts.
Subsequently, Oroos Fatimas statement was recorded in court in the presence of her husband
and her parents. Oroos Fatima alias Nisha Jain stated that she was twenty-three years old when
married Sabeeh Haider on 12 Jan 1992. She stated that Haider had not deceived her. She
expressed her desire to go to and live with her husband and she has further stated that she was
living with him out of her own free will.41 Commenting on the FIR, the Court held that it was
but natural for her father to apprehend that the life of her daughter might be in danger.42 The
39 1993 Cri LJ 1 at 3
40 1993 Cri LJ 1 at 2
41 1993 Cri LJ 1 at 2
42 1993 Cri LJ 1 at 3
Court was appreciative of the fact that Oroos Fatimas father showed restraint in his FIR by not
making any wild or untrue allegations.43
This appreciation of fatherly restraint is noteworthy. It suggests that the High Court is
aware that a father under such circumstances could make wild and untrue allegations. Moreover,
it absolves the father of false prosecution or untrue allegations on the grounds that he
apprehended danger to his daughters life. Even though the fathers petition is dismissed on legal
grounds, he is not pictured as blameworthy. While the father is not found blamed, the police are
held responsible for illegally detaining women who leave their natal home to marry against their
familys wishes. The Judge observed that Oroos Fatima had:
filed the present writ petition seeking protection from arrest and detention and in my
opinion her apprehension of detention are well founded and she has locus standi to file the
present writ petition. Our experience tells us that when young females leave their parental
roofs the police out of sheer sympathy towards the parents or for other reasons forcibly
detain such women even if they are major and have taken a decision of their own the police
coaxes and sometimes coerces them to make a statement suited to the prosecution.44
This judicial experience is grounded in awareness of local practices of policing whereby the police
acting in concert with the family or in an advisory capacity to the family break the law by
detaining adult women and fabricating criminal cases against both the woman and her partner45.
Thereby, the abducted woman who is ostensibly the victim is often named as the accused or an
abettor. It is significant that the Court felt it necessary to spell out that Oroos Fatima was not an
accused but as the alleged victim, she could not be arrested or detained even if an offence was
committed.46 The Court is clear that an alleged victim of a crime of abduction and kidnapping
could not be treated as an accused, yet the practice of law divulges that the production of an
alleged victim sets in motion a series of illegal processes to produce a legal subject coerced to
name herself a victim of abduction. Hence, this face of custodial violence at the site of the police
station, which marks the alliance between the policing practices of the family and the state remain
central to our exposition of the normalisation of the politics of honour by state law.
This judgment is important since it recognises that adult women are illegally detained by
the police and coerced through the threat and/or actualisation of criminal charges, incarceration,
violence and humiliation to name themselves as victims of abduction. The Court quashed the FIR
and held that the police would not arrest any of the petitioners in connection with the above
crime. The Court held that:
43 Since, the daughters statement established that she was a major who left her parents home of her own choice and hence
the charge of abduction and kidnapping under Sections 366 and 363 were not valid. Oroos Fatimas statement had shown
that there was no deception and she was living there out of her own free will (1993 Cri LJ 1 at 3).
44 1993 Cri LJ 1 at 3
45 The Court cites a division bench judgment, in almost similar circumstances, to uphold its judgment. See Pratibha Singh vs
State of UP, Civil Miscellaneous Writ petition No 7708 of 1991, decided on 1-5-91.
46 1993 Cri LJ 1 at 3
Even a temporary illegal detention is violative of the fundamental rights guaranteed under
Article 21 of the Constitution. Coercion of any kind is an antidote to the concept of the
personal liberty. Blackstones commentary on the laws of England 1 134, describes personal
liberty as including the power of locomotion of changing situation or removing person to
whatever place ones inclination may direct without imprisonment or restraint unless by due
course of law. I respectfully agree with the notions of personal liberty mentioned above.
The word coercion in modern times cannot be construed in a narrow sense. It includes
psychological restraints, psychological restraints are much more deterrent than physical
restraints. They include all fear complexes of external origin and can be described as
infringements of personal liberty. The fear of detention by police dilutes the concept of
personal liberty and very attribute of living with human dignity.47
By focussing on the different forms of coercion during illegal detention, the judgment shifts the
focus to practices of policing that suggest their investment in the use of law in enforcing codes of
kinship and alliance in the context of intercommunity marriages. The judicial address here is to
the way policing is embedded in the local in constituting a public, which is invested with affect
rather than legal rationality.
In restoring the legal rights of adults to marry a partner of their choice, the Courts have
also been mindful of the fact that even though inter-caste or inter-faith marriages may be
considered to be immoral by society, these are not illegal. 48 In yet another case where a Hindu
woman married a Muslim man and converted to Islam to marry him, the Court held that efforts
should be (made) to preserve the marriage rather than destroy the same49. In this case, the Court
observed that if the woman were to be married elsewhere and then it were to be known that she
was previously married two lives would be ruined. Furthermore, if she were sent back to her
parents she would be killed. The separation of law and morality calls for testing the legality of
detention rather than enforce detention in order to uphold notions of male honour. Hence,
courts have recognised that restoring daughters back to the custody of their fathers may be akin
to signing their death warrants.
While similar legal strategies may be adopted in inter-caste marriages or inter-faith
marriages, my reading of recent appellate judgments suggests that Hindu-Muslim marriages of
choice are haunted by the spectre of communal violence. For instance, a case decided in
December 2005 in the Allahabad High Court, details how a Hindu boy married a Muslim girl
creating a furore in the local communities, which the Court points out is of course nothing
unusual, in the prevailing social scenario. In cases such as these, the Law Enforcement
Authorities usually buy peace at the cost of constitutional rights and privileges of citizens of this
country50. The AHC directs the police not to interfere with the matrimonial life of the petitioners
47 1993 Cri LJ 1 at 3
48 Payal Sharma alias Kamala Sharma vs. Superintendent, Nari Niketan, Agra and Others 2001(3) AWC 1778 (cited in Chakravarti
above note 21).
49 Mohd Kallo alias Mohd Jubeel v State and Others, Writ Petition No. 979 (MIB) of 1999 (cited in Chakravarti above note 21 at
50 Smt Pooja Arya & Anr v State of UP & Ors 2006 (1) ALJ 424 (DB) at 424. Writ Petition filed under Article 21, Constitution
of India, right to life. The judgment was pronounced on 1-12-2005.
and to provide them adequate protection to them, as and when necessary 51. It is suggested here
then the police use the trope of maintaining communal peace to break up Hindu-Muslim
marriages. The threat of the communal riot is then used as a resource. The practices of policing
are embedded in the way these publics are constituted and the survival of a marriage of choice is
seen as a threat to public tranquillity.
51 Smt Pooja Arya & Anr v State of UP & Ors 2006 (1) ALJ 424 (DB) at 424
52 1993 Cri LJ 487
53 While the police may use the argument that Hindu-Muslim marriages of choice lead to communal tension or communal
riots in order to break up such a marriage, this iconography is not used when a woman is subjected to gang rape and
terrible forms of sexual humiliation in the view of village publics. This judgment allows us to trace how the police
interpret the violence endured as an act of punishment for a transgression rather than a communal riot. The latter is
seeped in a specific iconography of the riot, anchored in an understanding of communal violence as reciprocal violence
between communities by anonymous crowds leading to death, injury and destruction of property. It may be noteworthy to
mention that rape as an offence is rarely prosecuted during communal riots cases and in this case the sexual violence
against a single woman by an identifiable mob of men is not framed as a communal riot. We may recall here that those
Hindu women who chose to marry Muslim men featured on the death lists prepared during the surveys of killable
are as follows: Santaraji was widowed for six years when she met Ali Raza. She met him after
gaining employment in the governments Angan Bari scheme a program for women that runs
rural crches and pre-school informal education centres in every village. Prior to getting a job, she
was on the verge of destitution surviving on the sixty eight rupees pension after her husbands
death with six children to support. She began to earn two hundred and fifty rupees when she
started working with the Angan Bari. Ali Raza, employed in the adult education programme, and
Santaraji met in 1988. They started living together from middle May 1998. They married in the
registry office. At first, no one commented on this alliance. Matters got contentious when the
Gram Pradhan Paras Nath Yadav, who according to the newspaper report, had courted
Santarajis favour but without any success objected to this marriage and swore he would
teach them a lesson.54
What happened next is best described in the words of the court:
In the afternoon of June, Yadav barged into their house. In the fracas that ensued Raza was
beaten up by the headmans Hindu supporters. The police arrived and removed the three
protagonists to the Camporganj police station about 15 kms away. Raza was remanded to
custody but Santaraji and Parasnath were released, contravening standard procedure which
requires all persons immediately connected with a case to be taken in for questioning. Worse
the woman was handed over to the villagers, to be used as they saw fit.
And then began the abominable outrage. Santaraji was taken to the house of one
Badri Kiwat, one of the dadas (toughs) of Rampur. At nightfall they entered her room. She
was repeatedly raped till early hours. Everyone seemed to be waiting to have his fill. At
dawn, after satiating half a dozen men, she made desperate bid to escape. But she could then
hardly walk and was predictably captured and punished for her temerity.
A grand carnival of sexual insult was arranged. One Bijlee Singh, assistant pradhan
and Parsanaths right hand man, and Phool Singh, another heavy weight, were placed in
charge of special effects. They cropped her hair, garlanded her with a neck-lace of shoes.
Painted half her face with black ink and half with lime, stripped her, smeared her body with
red paint, sat her on an ass and paraded her four hours through every lane in the locality.
The bizarre procession featured amateur music makers heralding the principal exhibit with
drums and trumphets. The Pradhans Bullet motor cycle, symbol of power in the outback,
brought up the rear. At any given time, at least hundred people were involved in the
proceedings. Santaraji was stoned and beaten with lathis all along the 50 km route. She often
fell off the ass, only to suffer the indignity of being hauled back by the breasts. Finally she
was thrown out of the village and warned never to return.55
This case was reported to the local newspaper by a local schoolteacher after ten days.
This chilling account has been cited here to indicate the manner in which legal discourse
discursively produces the abject body by anchoring terror in normative categories of the carnival
i.e., bizarre processions, amateur music markers and participation of crowds in the proceedings. The
subjects during the Gujarat 2002 violence. See International Initiative for Justice Report Threatened Existence: A
Feminist Analysis of the Genocide in Gujarat Bombay New Age Printing Press 2003.
54 1993 Cri LJ 487 at 488
55 1993 Cri LJ 487 at 489
genealogy of the description of women being paraded has been stabilised in law and popular
discourse in India such that collective and organised violence is domesticated through categories
of parades, proceedings or processions.
The anchoring of the violence in communitarian forms of disciplining and punishing
through processions of shaming in village spaces may be traced to the evocation of the colonial
law on offences that evoke notions of divine displeasure.From the judgment, we learn that the
police registered a First Information Report (FIR) against Paras Nath Yadav, Phool Singh Jethu,
Ram Sevak and Rasul. The accused were chargesheeted subsequently for offences under s. 294
(obscene acts or songs), s. 342 (punishment for wrongful confinement), s. 354 (assault or force
with intent to outrage a womans modesty), s 498 (enticing or taking away or detaining a married
woman with a criminal intent), s. 504 (intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of peace),
s. 508 (act caused by inducing a person to believe that he will be rendered an object of divine
displeasure) and s. 509 (word, gesture or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman).
The chargesheet is revelatory. Even though some of the men who orchestrated this terrible
violence were subsequently charged, they were not charged on the ground of gang rape or rioting.
Rather, they were charged with breach of public peace, for outraging a womans modesty and
illegally detaining a married woman. The most telling evocation is the application of section 508,
IPC. Section 508 holds that
whoever voluntarily causes or attempts to cause any person to do anything which that
person is not legally bound to do, or to omit to do anything which he is legally entitled to do,
by inducing or attempting to induce that person to believe that he or any person in whom he
is interested will be rendered by some act of the offender an object of Divine displeasure if
he does not do the thing which it is the object of the offender to cause him to do, or if he
does the thing which is the object of the offender to cause him to omit, shall be punished
with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to one year, or with
fine, or both56.
The police by evoking this clause seemed to have charged the accused for having acted against
Santaraji to do that which she was not legally bound to do, and by inducing Santaraji to believe
that she will be rendered by some act of the offender an object of divine displeasure if she did not
comply. In other words, the police interpret this violence as a form of communitarian
punishment that follows the transgression of an inter-faith marriage, which derives its authority
from customs that source divine sanction.
It is startling how the police translate and author the spectacle of sexual violence as
legitimate customary punishment. The evocation of the colonial law on divine pleasure assumes a
shared discourse amongst the perpetrators, witnesses and the victim about what constitutes
custom and the divine sanction underlying custom. It positions the woman as a complicit subject
in these local economies of power. The manner in which criminal law is translated here produces
an iconography of customary punishment, which is not only based on a violent exclusion on the
rights of the woman as a citizen but also sanctifies this form of violence by naming it as custom.
56 Cited in Ratanlal and Dhirajlal, The Indian Penal Code Wadhwa and Company New Delhi 2001 p 714.
We are told tersely that the matter reached the trial court whereby the victim turned hostile
to the case and her application seeking permission to compound the offence was accepted57. We
are told that Santranji specifically stated on oath that nobody had done any insult to her nor had
any offence been committed vis-a vis her person nor was she mal-treated.58 On 27 September
1991 the accused were acquitted. Dismissing the habeas corpus petition, the court further held that:
It cannot be helped observing that from the judgment of the Magistrate it is apparent that
the helpless woman has helplessly surrendered to the might of her adversaries. That alone
might be the reason why no evidence was forthcoming in such an outrageous case.
However, the type of evidence expected to come in such matters may never be forthcoming
if normal mode of the role of evidence is followed. What alternative method of investigation
or of recording of evidence in order to bring the guilty to book shall have to be taken
requires immediate and serious deliberation by those who are responsible for making and
enforcing laws and maintaining order in the society.
Painfully and with a heavy heart, this petition is dismissed but with not too remote an
optimism that necessity being the mother of invention, an appropriate law-net will be
thrown to catch such rotten fish. After all, there is a silver lining to the blackest of the
We learn from the judgment that Santarajis marriage broke up. We know nothing about how she
was faring, whether she had any resources to support her children or how she survived this
violence. Judicial inability to proceed without legislative changes to bring about alteration in
evidentiary law marked the closure of this case. The evocation of criminal law here produces an
iconography of customary punishment, which is not only based on a violent exclusion on the
rights of the woman as a citizen but also sanctifies this form of violence by naming it as custom.
We may argue then that judicial horror, at the appellate level, is displaced since it domesticates the
violence in custom as if this were the natural habitat of this form of violence. The painful and
heavy heart of the court then beats in the patriarchal body of the law. It laments the patriarchy of
customary punishment. The object of judicial horror is the failure of state law to preclude the
formation of local publics that are embedded in the rule of law. The evocation of habeas corpus, in
this case, points to those women who are made abject and not brought within such circuits of
57 Section 354 and Section 509, IPC can be compounded, with the permission of the court, by the woman against whom the
criminal force has been used or who has been insulted or whose privacy has been violated. Under section 342, which
defines wrongful restraint, the person restrained can compound the offence. Likewise, section 498 allows the husband of
the married woman who has been detained with criminal intent to compound the offence since the offence is seen as
being against the husband rather than the woman.
58 1993 Cri LJ 487 at 489
59 1993 Cri LJ 487 at 490
In this paper, I have suggested that the habeas corpus case law is instructive in highlighting
questions of citizenship in the domestic realm and the constitution of the spaces of the family or
the community as a site of illegal detention and custodial violence. In other words, it persuades us
to look at the nature of custodial power in the domestic realm, and how state law is privatised. I
have gestured towards the competing socio-legal discourses of recovery and reconciliation which
frame notions of male honour and the rule of law respectively. I have suggested how law is used
to ensure that the intimate project of heterosexual love remains incomplete and how law is used
to prevent the terrible separation of love that parental or community based sanctions seem to
guarantee. The apparatus of state law is used as a resource to destroy relationships based on love
and longing by producing a body devoid of autonomy to make a choice in marriage. In contrast,
the abject body, which cannot be produced in court, on grounds of insufficient evidence in a
criminal trial, points our attention to the manoeuvres of law and sovereignty in different sites, to
show how habeas corpus fails when legal discourse excludes women from claims to citizenship in
the domestic realm. For example, Dhagamwar60, talks of a case of habeas corpus that failed to
rescue a young Muslim woman separated from her Hindu husband, who had been taken to
Pakistan and subsequently murdered there. The dismissal of habeas corpus, in this case on grounds
of jurisdiction points to the operations of familial networks, which escape from the sovereign
power to capture the body and bring it into law. We may suggest that in the contexts of
immigration and globalization, the histories of the writ of habeas corpus in the post- colony rather
than signifying the production of a right, new or otherwise indicates a maneuver in the
production of a new configuration of law and sovereignty, and that the legitimating project of
procedural legality, is incomplete without an understanding of how legal regimes are intrinsically
entangled with genealogies of dispersion61. z
60 Dhagamwar Vasudha Law, Power and Justice The Protection of Personal Rights in the Indian Penal Code Delhi Sage Publications
61 Hussain above note 8 at 71-2