Job Notification Form, IIT Delhi
Company Overview
Job Details
Place of
Job Details:
Axis bank Limited
Private Sector
Manager (Business Analyst/ Solution Analyst)
Job Description:
Candidate will be assisted to build various Unsecured / Secured products using
technology solutions/Digital platforms to meet the overall business goals. Focus
will be to use technology and digital platforms to:
1. Launch digital products and services for retail assets
2. Provide a par excellence customer experience through digital channels
3. End to End Program/Project Management with specific focus on on-time and
quality delivery.
4, Prepare business requirement document with regard to Retail Assets Business,
5. Design the solutions, work with technology, partners and fintechs to develop the
solution, work with various stakeholders to ensure the solutions meets all their
6. Liaise with various internal and external stakeholders - business, ops, risk, tech
teams to ensure project is delivered within time & scope.
7. Exposure to Product development using the aglle framework
Key Responsibilities:
- To ensure technology provides the necessary platform to meet the business
goals of Retail Assets
= Design various digital channels to enable lower cost of acquisition and servicing
of customers.
= Coordinating with business, operations and other stakeholders to gathering
requirements, Understand Requirement, Feasibility Check - to understand
business requirements
- Prepare Business requirements and Requirement Sign-off
- Work with various technology teams and vendors to design solutions to meet the
end to end business requirements
- Create Functional solution documents, and ensure they meet requirements of all
- Recommend process/product changes based on solutions that will add better
value to businessJoining By:
- Track projects and ensure timely deliveries
- Oversee the test planning, test case preparation, testing and ensure UAT
- Oversee resolution of any critical issues and provide support when require to
ensure BAU is not impacted
June 1
Salary Details
Perks /
1299556 INR Per Annum
1299556 INR Per Annum
Basic 328680
Provident Fund 39442
Gratuity 15810
BOA 711668
Fixed Cash+Retiral 1095600
Location Pay 115038
Subtotal - | (FC+R) 1210638
Group Mediclaim Policy 6,500
Group Term Life Insurance 1,250
Loan Benefits 81,168
Sub Total - Il (Total Benefits) 68,918
TOTAL PAY (Fixed Cash +Retirals + Benefits) 12,99,556
* Performance linked Bonus is indicative and subject to change as per
performance on Job.
* Compensation details are for Mumbai location. However, the HRA component will
vary basis the final posting.
Selection Process
Written Test:
Online Test:
Medical Test:
No. of
M.Tech in Chemical Engineering, M.Tech in Molecular Engineering: Chemical
Synthesis & Analysis, M.Tech in Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering,
M.Tech in Rock Engineering & Underground Structures, M.Tech in Structure
Engineering, M.Tech in Water Resources Engineering, M.Tech in Construction
Engineering & Management, M.Tech in Environmental Engineering &
Management, M.Tech in Transportation Engineering, M.Tech in Computer Soience
& Engineering, M.Tech in Applied Optics, M.Tech in Solid State Materials, M.Tech
in Fibre Science & Technology, M-Tech in Textile Engineering, M.Tech in Textile
Chemical Processing, M.Tech in Atmospheric-Oceanic Science and Technology,
M.Tech in Biomedical Engineering, Master of Design in Industrial Design, M.Tech
In Communications Engineering, M.Tech in Computer Technology, M.Tech in
Control & Automation, M.Tech in Integrated Electronics & Circuits, M.Tech in
Power Electronics, Electrical Machines & Drives, M.Tech in Power Systems,
M.Tech in Radio Frequency Design & Technology, M.Tech in Mechanical Design,
MTech in Industrial Engineering, M.Tech in Production Engineering, M.Tech in
Thermal Engineering, M.Tech in Engineering Analysis & Design, M.Tech in
Industrial Tribology & Maintenance Engineering, M.Tech in Energy Studies,
M.Tech in Instrument Technology, M.Tech in Optoelectronics & Optical
Communication, M.Tech In Polymer Science & Technology, M.Tech in
Telecommunication Technology & Management, M.Tech in VLSI Design Tools &
Technology, M.S.(R) in Chemical Engineering, M.S.(R) in Civil Engineering, M.S.
(R) in Computer Science & Engineering, M.S.(R) in Telecommunication
Technology and Management, M.S.(R) in Information Technology, M.S.(R) in
Applied Mechanics, M.S.(R) in Mechanical Engineering, M.S(R) in Electrical
Engineering, B.Tech in Biochemical Engineering & Biotechnology, B.Tech in Civil
Engineering, B.Tech in Chemical Engineering, B.Tech in Computer Science &
Engineering, B.Tech in Electrical Engineering, 8.Tech in Electrical Engineering
(Power and Automation), 8.Tech in Mechanical Engineering, B.Tech in Production
& Industrial Engineering, B.Tech in Mathematics & Computing, B.Tech in
Engineering Physics, B.Tech in Textile Engineering, B.Tech and M.Tech in
Biochemical Engg & Biotechnology, 8.Tech and M.Tech in Chemical Engineering,
B.Tech and M.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering, B.Tech and M.Tech in
Mathematics & Computing, B.Tech in Production & Industrial Engineering and
MTech In Production Engineering, B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering and M.Tech
In Mechanical Design, B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering and M.Tech in Applied
Mechanics, B.Tech in Production & Industrial Engineering and M.Tech in
Mechanical Design, B.Tech in Textile Engineering and M.Tech in Computer
Science & Engineering, B.Tech in Chemical Engineering and M.Tech in Computer
Science & Engineering, B.Tech in Production & Industrial Engineering and M.Tech
in Computer Science & Engineering, B.Tech in Civil Engineering and M.Tech in
Structural Engineering, B.Tech in Civil Engineering and M.Tech In Construction
Engineering & Management, B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering and M.Tech in
Thermal Engineering, M.Sc in Mathematics