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SAP Standard Tables of MM

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12th April 2013 SAP Standard Tables of MM

Material Management:
Material Management
T001L Storage Locations
T006M Units of Measure Groups
T024L Laboratory/off ice f or material
T024X Laboratory/Off ice Texts
T025 Valuation Classes
T025K Account Category Ref erence
T025L Account Category Ref erence Description
T025T Valuation Class Descriptions
T130A Material master f ield selection
T130P Status and table
T130W Plant parameters f or master data maintenance
T132 Status def inition
T132T Def inition of Valid Statuses
T133A Logical Screens: Attributes
T133B Descriptions of Logical Screens
T133C Assignment of Screen Modules to Logical Screens
T133D Sequence Control f or Logical Screens
T133E Function-Oriented Masking f or Table T133D
T133F Field Selection: Material Master (Part 2)
T133S Screen Sequences
T133T Screen Sequence Descriptions
T134 Material Types
T134T Material Type Descriptions
T134W Initial Status of Batch
T136E Fields f or stock display: individual list
T136V Assignment of Stock Line to Version f or Segregated List
T137 Industries f or materials
T137T Industry Descriptions
T141 Material Status f rom Materials Management/PPC View
T141T Descriptions of Material Status f rom MM/PP View
T142 Storage Conditions f or Materials
T142T Storage Condition Texts
T143 Temperature Conditions f or Storing Materials
T143T Temperature Condition Texts
T144 Container Requirements f or Storing Materials
T144T Container Requirement Texts
T148 Special Stock Indicator
T148T Special Stock Descriptions
T148W Plant parameters f or special stock maintenance

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T149 Valuation type/valuation class

T149A Valuation types f or valuation area
T149B Valuation Category/Valuation type
T405 Purchasing Value Key
TLOG Logistics Handling Group f or Workload Calculation
TLOGT Descriptions f or Logistics Handling Groups
TMABC Values Table f or the ABC Indicator f or Materials
TMABCT Texts f or ABC Indicator f or Materials
TMBG Material Master: Authorization Groups
TMBGT Material Master: Descriptions f or Authorization Groups
TNTP International Article Number (EAN) Categories
TNTPB Descriptions of EAN Categories
TSKM Material Taxes
TSKMT Taxes: Materials: Texts
TSTMT Taxes: Material: Texts (Obsolete, Superseded by TSKMT)
TWEW External Material Groups
TWEWT Descriptions f or External Material Groups
TWSPR Check Table f or Basic Material Field
USRM1 Material Master User Settings: Organizational Levels
USRM2 User Settings f or the Material Master: Logical Screens
T001K Valuation area
T001W Plants/Branches
TWLOF Storage location determination
TWRF11 Plant blocking reasons
TWRF11T Plant blocking reason description
TWRF16 Group Applications
TWRF16T Description: group application
TWRF2 Plant Prof iles
TWRF2T Descriptions f or plant prof iles
TWSIT Storage Locations f or Materials
TWSITT Situations texts

TWVMO Control prof iles f or transf erring material data to vendor
TWVMOQ Inf o System Access Parameters f or Qty Sold and Forecast Data
TWVMOT Material data transf er: text table f or TWVMO

Inventory Management
T003M Transaction/Event Types f or SAPMM07M/SAPMM07I
T043I Tolerance Groups f or Persons Processing Inventory Diff .
T063 Screen Control: Inventory Management
T064A Physical Inventory Stock Types
T064B Stock Types and Texts f or Physical Inventory
T064S Stock Mngmt Levels f or Inventory Sampling

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T134H Organiz. Unit: Business Area Determ. - MM View

T134M Control of Qty/Value Update
T150 Physical Inventory Stock Types and Allocated Movement Types
T150F Stock Types and Allocated Fields in Physical Inventory
T156 Movement Type
T156B Movement Types: Screen Selection
T156C Stock Types and Their Values
T156F Fields in Quantity String
T156HT Main Text f or Movement Type
T156K Account Assignment Fields in Field Selection (up to 2.1)
T156M Posting String: Quantity
T156N Next Movement Type
T156S Movement Type: Quantities/Value Posting (Until Rel. 4.5B)
T156SC Mvt Type: Qty/Value Posting: Customer Table; as of Rel. 4.6A
T156SY Mvt Type: Qty/Value Update: System Table; Rel. 4.6A
T156T Movement Type Text
T156V Availability Table
T156W Posting string values
T156X Trans./Event Key Modif ication
T157D Reason f or Movement
T157E Text Table: Reason f or Movement
T157H Help Texts f or Movement Types
T158B Check Table: Movement Type f or Transaction Code
T158G MMIM: Possible Codes f or BAPI Goods Movement
T158N Next Transaction Code in Inventory Management
T158V Inv. Mngmt - General: Transaction/Event Types Allow ed
T158W Long Text f or Transaction/Event Type
T159C Value table f or counting cycles in cycle counting
T159E IM Print Func.:Determ.No.of Copies f . Label Print.
T159F MMIM: Error Messages Resulting From Blocked Objects
T159L Def ault values f or inventory management and physical invent.
T159M Inv. Managmt Print Function: Active Form Version, Labels
T159N Invent. Mgmt Print Function: Active Form Versions
T159O Inv. Mngmt Print Function: Maintain Text Name f or Labels
T159P Parameters f or Printing GR/GI Slips
T159Q Inventory Management Print Function: Value Table f or KZDRU
T159R IM Document Reorganization - Lif e of Documents
T159T Invntry Mgmt. Printing: Text Table f or Table T159Q
T159X Inventory Management: XAB numer range determination
T159Z Inventory Management: XAB number range
T6WP3 Check Table f or Labeling Type
T6WP4 Check Table f or Label Shape
TNAD9 Output Determination: Printer per SLoc. and User Group
TWPR Prof ile f or Value-Based Inventory Management
TWPRT Text Table: Prof iles f or Value-Based Inventory Management

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TWUP Prof iles f or Revaluation at Retail

TWUPT Text Table: Retail Revaluation Prof iles

IM-Valuation Procedure
T001Y Valuation Levels f or LIFO Inventory Valuation
TAPOL Automatic Allocation of Materials to LIFO Pools
TCKMLPR_EB Customizing f or Bal. Sheet Valuation: Def ine Valuation Areas
TMY01 Procedure Model f or Balance Sheet Valuation (LIFO/FIFO)
TMY02 Balance Sheet Valuation Method (LIFO/FIFO)
TMY03 Valuation Levels f or FIFO Material Valuation
TMY05 Directory f or Versions f or LIFO Valuation
TNIW3 Low est Value: Document Types
TNIW4 Low est Value: Movement Types
TNIW5 Low est Value: Deval. by Rge of Coverage
TNIW6 Low est Value: Deval. f or Reasons of Slow /Non-Movement
TPOOL Master Record, LIFO Pools
TSPOL Text Descriptions f or LIFO Pools
TSVER Text Descriptions f or LIFO Layer Versions

T440L Correction Factors: Forecast

TMCA Evaluating movement types f or LIS update

Vendor Evaluation
T147 Control Table f or Vendor Evaluation
T147A Def inition f or Main Criteria f or Vendor Evaluation
T147B Texts f or Main Criteria in Vendor Evaluation
T147C Def inition f or Subcriteria f or Vendor Evaluation
T147D Texts f or Subcriteria in Vendor Evaluation
T147E Def inition of Weighting Keys by Main Criterion
T147F Description of Weighting Keys in Vendor Evaluation
T147G Main Criteria in Vendor Evaluation
T147H Intervals f or Delivery Time Statistics
T147I Def inition f or Subcriteria f or Main Criterion
T147J Weighting Keys in Vendor Evaluation
T147K Vendor Evaluation: Assignment Percentages - Points Scores
T147L Intervals f or Quantity Reliability Statistics

Invoice Verif ication

T003S Document Types f or Storing Documents (Log. IV)
T169A Posting String f or Invoice Verif ication
T169B Notif iable PO Supplement Types
T169D Invoice Verif ication: Amount Check
T169E Tolerance Limit Keys
T169G Tolerance Limits, Invoice Verif ication
T169H Entry Prof ile

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T169HT Entry Prof ile Description, Logistics Invoice Verif ication

T169K Def ault Values, Account Maintenance
T169L Vendor-Specif ic Parameters f or Invoice Verif ication
T169P Parameters, Invoice Verif ication
T169R MR Document Reorganization - Document Validity Period
T169S Tolerance Limit Keys
T169T Text Table f or Tolerance Limits
T169V Def ault Values, Invoice Verif ication

Valuation and Account Assignment

T149C Global Valuation Categories
T149D Global Valuation Types
T149E Global Valuat.Type/Valuat.Categ. Combinations
T149T Global Valuation Category Descriptions

T024 Purchasing Groups
T024E Purchasing Organizations
T024W Valid Purchasing Organizations f or Plant
T024Z Purchasing Organizations
T026 Purchasing Area
T026Z Assignement of purchasing group to purchasing area
T027A Shipping Instructions, Purchasing
T027B Texts: Shipping Instructions
T027C Codes f or Compliance w ith Shipping Instructions
T027D Compliance w ith Shipping Instructions: Texts
T069 Certif icate Categories
T069T Certif icate Categories: Text Description
T160M Message Control: Purchasing (System Messages)
T160S Selection Parameters f or Purchasing Lists
T160T Description of Selection Parameters
T161 Purchasing Document Types
T161A Linkage of Requisition Doc. Type to Purchasing Document Type
T161B Def ault Business Transaction Type f or Import
T161E Release Codes
T161F Release Point Assignment f or Purchase Requisition Release
T161I Determination of Release Strategy
T161M Fine-Tuned Control: Message Types
T161N Message Determination Schemas: Assignment
T161P Check of Document Type, Document Category, Item Category
T161R REORG Control, Purchasing
T161S Release Indicator, Purchase Requisition
T161T Texts f or Purchasing Document Types
T161U Texts f or Release Indicator
T161V Shipping-Specif ic Data f or Stock Tf r. f or Purch. Doc. Type

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T161W Order Types f or Stock Transf er

T161Z Additional Checks f or Outline Agreements on Reorganization
T162 Field Selection, Purchasing Document
T162K Field Selection, Account Assignment Fields, Purchasing
T162T Description of Field Selection Ref erence Key
T163 Item Categories in Purchasing Document
T163A Check Item Category/Account Assignment Category
T163B Purchase Order History Categories
T163C Texts f or Purchase Order History Categories
T163E Conf irmation Categories
T163F Conf irmation Categories: Descriptions
T163G Conf irmation Control
T163I Texts f or Account Assignment Categories
T163K Account Assignment Categories in Purchasing Document
T163KS Assignment of Tax Indicator to Account Assignment Category
T163L Conf irmation Control Keys
T163M Conf irmation Control Keys: Description
T163P Release Creation Prof ile
T163Q Prof ile: Quantity Diff erences Shipping Notif ./Inb. Delivery
T163S Description f or Release Creation Prof ile
T163X "Zombie" T163X
T163Y Texts f or Item Categories
T165K Copying Options: Header Texts
T165P Copying Options: Item texts
T166A Supplement Text in Purchasing Document Printouts
T166K Header Texts in Purchasing Document Printouts
T166P Item Texts in Purchasing Document Printouts
T166U Headings in Purchasing Document Printout
T16CA DCM Control Table: Change Management
T16FB Release Indicators: Purchasing Document
T16FC Release Codes
T16FD Description of Release Codes
T16FE Descriptions of Release Indicators: Purchasing Documents
T16FG Release Groups
T16FH Descriptions of Release Groups
T16FK Release Statuses
T16FS Release Strategies
T16FT Descriptions of Release Strategies
T16FV Release Prerequisites
T16FW Assignment of Role to Release Code
TBSG Purchasing Documents: Reasons f or Ordering
TMAM Internal Comment on Quotation
TMAMT Internal Comment on Quotation: Descriptive Text
TMBW1 Source of Supply Keys
TMBW2 Source of Supply Keys

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TMBWT Source of Supply Keys

TMKE Group f or Calculation Schema (Purchasing Organization)
TMKET Group f or Calculation Schema (Purch. Org.): Description
TMKG Group of Conditions Table
TMKK Group f or Calculation Schema (Vendor)
TMKK1 Taxes: Account Assignment (Purchasing)
TMKK1T Taxes: Account Assignment (Purchasing)
TMKKT Group f or Calculation Schema (Vendor): Description
TMKM1 Taxes: Materials (Purchasing)
TMKM1T Taxes: Materials (Purchasing)
TMKS Calculation Schemas: Purchasing
TMKSU Calculation Schema: Purchasing: f or Stock Transf er
TMKW1 Taxes: Plant (Purchasing)
TMKW1T Taxes: Plant (Purchasing)
TMQ2 Quota Arrangement Rules
TMSI1 Sub-Item Category in Purchasing
TMSI1T Description of Sub-Item Category
TMSI2 Processing Key f or Sub-Items
TMSI2T Description of Processing Key f or Sub-Items
TMSI3 Copying Fields: Main to Sub-item
TWLAD Determination of Address f rom Plant and Storage Location

T163LV Determination of Conf irmation Control Key
TMW03 Call Structure: Catalogs
TMW3T Entity Table: Catalogs
TMW3TEXT Catalog Names

T6B3 Business Volume Comparison and Agreement Type
T6B3T Subsequent Settlement: BV Comparison/Agreement Types, Texts
T6B4 Business Volume Tolerance Group
T6B4T Subsequent Settlement: Business Vol.Comparison Groups, Texts
TAOBJTYP Object Types (Worklist)
TAOBJTYPT Text f or Object Type (Worklist)
TAOBJVWD Allow ed Object Usages per Object Type (Worklist)
TAOBJVWDPF Allow ed Object Usages per Object Type (Worklist)
TAOBJVWDPFT Allow ed Object Usages per Object Type (Worklist)
TAOBJVWDT Allow ed Object Usages per Object Type (Worklist)
TMAB Aggregation Level
TMAB1 Fields, Aggregation Level per Usage and Application
TMABCUS1 Aggregation Level: Usage Levels per Application
TMABCUS1T Text f or Usage Aggregation Levels
TMABT Text f or Aggregation Level
TMUSERGT Text f or User Group

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External Services Management

T162B SRV: Names of Field Selection Ref erence Keys
T162S Field Selection f or External Services Management
T165A Condition Schema f or Services
T165E Def ault Values: Service per Purchasing Organization
T165F Descriptions f or User Fields per Purchasing Organization
T165R Reason f or Cancellation
T167F Formulas f or Service Lines
T362 Service Categories
T362O Org. Status: Service Category
T362T Service Category Names
T362U Name of Org. Status: Service Category

Trading Contract
T6WL5 Check Table - Label Type
TB2BA Trading Contract: Application Status
TB2BAT Trading Contract: Application Status Description
TB2BB Trading Contract: Status Group Def inition
TB2BBT Trading Contract: Status Group Description
TB2BC Trading Contract: Purchasing Grouping
TB2BCT Trading Contract: Purchasing Grouping Description
TB2BD Trading Contract: Sales Grouping
TB2BDT Trading Contract: Sales Grouping Description
TB2BE Trading Contract: Trading Contract Type
TB2BET Trading Contract: Trading Contract Type Description
TB2BF Trading Contract: Status Group/Application Stat. Link
TB2BG Trading Contract: Incompleteness Group
TB2BJ Trading Contract: Item Categories
TB2BJT Trading Contract: Item Category Descriptions
TB2BK Trading Contract: Links From Item Category And Documentation
TB2BN Trading Contract: Assignment of Expense Type CondType Grp
TB2BR TC: Item Texts Types Whose Changes are to be Saved
TB2BS TC: Header Text Types Whose Changes are to be Saved
TB2BT Text Types f or Display of Changes (Header)
TB2BU Text Types f or Display of Changes (Item)
TMCW_AA_APP MCCW_AA: Analytical Applications
TB2BMAPSTATUS Trading Contract - Mapping of Appl. to Web status values
TB2BWEBST Trading Contract Web Status

Agency Business
TMCPF Vendor billing document: copy control
TMFK Agency Business: Billing Document Types
TMFK4 Price Change Group

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TMFKT Agency Business: Document Type Texts

IS-R Labeling
TWEA IS-R Labeling: Check Table Material Groups
TWEAT IS-R Labeling: Text Table Material Groups
TWEP IS-R Labeling: Check Table Label Categories
TWEPT IS-R Labeling: Text Table Label Categories
TWET IS-R Labeling: Check Table Label Types
TWETT IS-R Labeling: Text Table Label Types

Batch Management
T160MVAL Message category restriction f or T160M
T685H Conditions: Batches => Def ault Values
TBICBRO BIC - Tables: Batch-Related Objects
TBICBROF BIC - Display Fields: Batch-Related Objects
TBICBROU BIC - Assignment Tables/User Group: Batch-Related Objects
TBICFU Selection Fields f or Batch Inf ormation Cockpit
TBICS Selection Tab Titles f or Batch Inf o. Cockpit - Standard -
TBICSEL Selection Enhancement in the Batch Inf ormation Cockpit
TBICSELU Assign User Group to Enhanced Selection: BIC
TBICST Texts f or BIC Selection Tab Titles - Standard -
TBICSU Selection Tab Titles f or Batch Inf ormation Cockpit
TBICSUT Texts f or Batch Inf ormation Cockpit Selection Tab Titles
TBICUG Batch Inf ormation Cockpit User Groups
TBICUGT Texts f or Batch Inf ormation Cockpit User Groups
TCHW1 Batch-Specif ic Units of Measure (Proportion/Product Un)
TCHW2 Units of Measurement f or Batch-Specif ic Units of Measure
TFSBD Sequence of Procedure f or Batch Determination

Conf iguration Management

TCM_LC_PH_TRANS CM: Link betw een the phases of a lif e cycle
TCM_LC_PHASE CM: Lif e cycle phase
TCM_LC_PHASET CM: multi-lingual text f or the lif e cycle phases of a cycle
TCM_LIFECYCLE Lif e cycle f or product under Conf iguration Management
TCM_LIFECYCLET CM: multi-lingual text f or the lif e cycle

Global Trade
TASSGROUP Global Trade: Association Group
TASSTYPE Global Trade: Association Types N:M Processing
TPOST Portf olio Determination: Control Table
TPOSTT Portf olio Determination: Control Table

TB2BCPA Trading Contract: Copy Control
TB2BV Trading Contract: Schema f or Fields to be Checked

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TSTATUSCUST_PR_T Trading Contract: Table of Status Fields

TSTATUSCUST_T Trading Contract: Table of Status Fields

Trading Execution Workbench

TEWSTEP Business Process Step
TEWTCGROUP Trading Contract Groups
TEWTYPE Trading Execution Workbench Type

Handling Unit
TERVH Allow ed Packaging Materials f or each Mat.Group f . Pckg.Matls
THUINVBWART BWART f or Posting Inventory Diff ereneces w ith HUs
THUWBBWART Movement Type per HU Goods Movement Event
THUWBEVENT Def inition of Possible Events f or HU Goods Movements
TVEGR Material Group: Packaging Materials
TVEGRT Material Group: Packaging Materials: Designations
TVTY Packaging Material Types
TVTYT Packaging Material Types: Descriptions
THUBEW2 HU: Movement Types f or Stock Category Posting Change
THUBEW3 HU Movement Types f or Packing and Unpacking w ith Posting Chg

Logistics Inf ormation System (LIS)

TFCA Permitted Field Catalogs f or Each Application
TFCF Fields in Field Catalogs
TFCG Fields Catalogs f or Statistics Fields
TFCS Permissible Source Tables per Application
TFCT Field Catalog Description
TMC1 Generated DDIC Structures f or LIS, Conditions, Output
TMC1T Short Texts on Generated DDIC Structures
TMC2 LIS: Status Management - Updating

Inventory Management and Physical Inventory

T434G Stock determination group
T434H Texts f or stock determination rule (T434G)
T434K Stock determination: Header table
T434L Texts f or stock determination - header table
T434P Stock determination: FS item table
T434R Stock determination rule
T434S Texts f or stock determination rule (T434R)

Product Catalog
TWGA Layout type
TWGAT Layout type description
TWGLV Layout Area
TWGLVT Layout area description

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TWGV Layout
TWGVT Description f or layout
TWPCTYPE Product Catalog Type
TWPCTYPET Product Catalog Type Description

TWAA Promotion type, IS-R
TWAAT Promotion type short text, IS-R
TWTY Promotion category, IS-R
TWTYT Promotion cat. short text, IS-R

Rounding prof ile

RDPR Rounding prof ile
RDTX Short text describing the rounding prof ile
TW06S Unit of measure rounding rule
TWMEG Unit of measure group

Posted 12th April 2013 by RAVI S

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Amazing blog thanks for sharing SAP MM Online Training

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