Volume 103, Issue 15
Volume 103, Issue 15
Volume 103, Issue 15
Ranking fast
food careers
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Friday, November 17, 2017 vol. 103, No. 15 | atheNs, GeorGia | Nique.Net
Uga collusion
with Russians
I am trained in
gorilla warfare
Running Key to immortality?! THWuGA
Wake me up inside
The one trick doctors don't want you to know
about anti-aging technologies. Find out more Friday,
after 1 easy payment of $4.9945 November 17, 2017
r thoughts realli throughts?
nothing like a family meal, eating out with your sister
confession time, Uga X looks hella sexy
uga might not be a football school, or a basketball school, or a school,
but damn, we know how to hold our booze unlike them tech nerds
Now a red solo cup is the best receptacle For barbecues tailgates fairs
and festivals And you sir do not have a pair of testicles If you prefer
drinking from glass
People delude themselves into thinking that modern society will
somehow change the nature of man. Mans self-serving nature is
something that must be worked with, not against.
i murdered kids
just kidding
That Moment When Your Wearing A Dress With No Pants And You
Swerve Too Hard
Shia Lebeouf Is Life
Yeah Your Girl is Bad But She Doesnt Smile
Truck nuts are the great invention of our generation
why did you leave us the tabaccy chew of kings
Your lucky numbers are: 69 420 61 97 6
// GNUS TO HELL WITH GEORGIA November 17, 2017 3
Monday+ Wednesday
5 P. M . - 7 P. M .
curved arm
and hand is a
DIRECT match
sive and harmonious society in inquired about why the to the curved
Greek life, showing other u[sic] STONEWALL LEE statues were not instead arm and hand
JESSICALYNN WALLACE Ga sororities how to get it right SON OF THE SOUTH being kept in a museum, the of the star
HEAD OF THE A-NUSES when it comes to diversity and administration seemed so men. In short,
inclusivity. In the most recent move- confused and distressed by we have some
The Alpha Nu sorority broke Being blonde doesnt nec- ment from those darn mil- the strange term museum strong proof
new ground for underrepresented essarily define what it means to lennials, the monuments that the reporter simply that the
minorities at uGa by initiating the be an A-Nu, said Emma Quell, commemorating the great let it go. earthbound
minority members for their Fall carefully. As long as you are Confederate States of Some sensitive groups universe is
2017 class. Beysica and OHolly pretty and can bake an excellent America are being system- have been upset over u[sic] somehow con
are the first non-blonde sisters of cake, you are good enough to be atically removed from the GAs embrace of their nected to the
any sorority on uGa campus. a sister by my book! honorable locations that southern history. One undertale
Newly initiated Erica Beysica, Beysica and OHolly were have hosted them in mem- group even attempted to world, which
a brunette, and Scarlett OHolly , able to enter Alpha Nu through ory of the best country to come onto the campus brings us back
a ginger, smiled and waved along Alpha Nus new recruitment cam- have ever lived. and protest, but a val- to our initial
with their new sisters in their Pink paign, Every Token Counts, Luckily, u[sic]GA has de- iant group of fraternity question, WHO IS
Initiation Party. that scoured the new class of cided to save these beauti- brothers chased them off SANS? Well, what
Their presence transforms Al- uGgGGGAa girls for potential ini- ful statues from certain campus with shotguns, if we took in
pha Nu from a sorority that was tiates. doom through the cre- shouting SNOWFLAKES. one final step
already a beautiful banana-on- Weve started off with a ation of a statue garden Many questions have and said that
vanilla ice cream bowl into a full bang, said Jenny Kay, Alpha in the center of campus. arisen about the statues sans happened
sundae with a chocolate sprinkle Nus recruitment chair. Weve It was created in order on campus. Social media to be ness from
and slice of strawberry placed on recruited not just one but two to class up campus, and is abuzz with questions earthbound. He
top. minority sisters in the first year of remind our students of about who these mysteri- hopped through
This new generation of A- our Token program! their heritage, according ous men carved into white the phase dis
Nuses is bigger, broader and more The Every Token Counts pro- to the u[sic]GA Director of stone are. History profes- torted as a
diverse than any uGa sorority be- gram is scheduled to take in two Diversity Rockwall Jack- sors have been forced to test of cour
fore, Lattie Flats, a third year new students every four years, dad. put up a sign outside the age, carry
Color-inside-the-Lines major who to make sure we stay as diverse The garden will fea- statue garden explaining ing his frank
serves as President for Alpha Nu. as ever, Flats explained. ture convenient places the War of Northern Ag- lin badge, a
Every year, Flats draws a new When asked why she wanted for students to stroll gression. photobook,
poster containing all of the Alpha to become an A-Nu, Beysica around and admire the The photographer for and his trusty
Nus newly initiated girls, which said that A-Nuses are just so ancient artwork, chat the Red and Black, while backpack.
features Beysica and OHolly awesome and pretty and preco- with friends, study and visiting the garden to Not only do all
front and center this year. cious. reminisce about the Con- take photos, encountered the items in
I have to admit, it was a bit Members of other sororities federacy. a student who was stand- the workshop
difficult finding the correct cray- were curious and confused by I really just dont un- ing completely still in suddenly fit,
on colors to do the poster this the news. derstand why everyone front of said sign. but so does
year our new members are just I honestly didnt know that wants to get rid of these, What does this say? in- sans behavior.
so exotic! Flats said. When I uGa had gingers, said Eve Ben- said Davis Jefferson, the quired the young woman. Remember, sans
looked through my crayon boxes, nings, a sophomore Culinary ma- curator of the confeder- I cant read. can seemingly
I was surprised to see I had fifty jor who is a ranking member of acy garden. Theyre beau- u[sic]GA is also cam- teleport. And
shades of gray, and even fifty Sigma Theta. Dont they all live tiful statues. It was just a paigning to get the motto ness just hap
shades darker, but not a single in Africa, or something? war. Get over it. of the town of Athens pens to have
brown one. Oooh! I have a redhead The administration at changed. the ability
My sisters and I had to make friend! said Rena Grenwald, a u[sic]GA is excited about To clarify, the War PSI teleport.
an emergency trip to Michaels to Tau Pi sister. Ill be sure to tell the addition to campus. of Northern Aggression Now look at
purchase the right color, Flats her ALL about it, shell LOVE the They expressed their inter- was not about slavery, it how sans stands,
explained. news. Now that I think about it, est in keeping the history was about states rights, hands in his
The all-new, super diverse Al- I bet she knows OHottie or what- alive and well in the Ath- said Jefferson in his press pockets, legs
pha Nu is leading the charge on ever her name is already, since ens community. When the release about the new out, it looks
campus to create a more inclu- theyre both gingers. Right? Red and Black reporter garden. very similar to
// GNUS TO HELL WITH GEORGIA November 17, 2017 5
10 wins or those GODDAMN handler. how ness is shown
JACK-ITS doing you know what Look on the bright side, he on most of the
to our you know who. said. At least the college [sic] of marketing for
Detectives were shocked that Engineering wont suffer from the game. It
the perpetrators discovered the this event, since, you know, they even explains
stock, since it was located in a werent accredited in the first why sans bleeds
small broom closet in the engi- place. when you hit
neering department, with the Uga died shortly after from the him. He is,
door labeled EMERGENCI scraps of paper blocking his tiny, or at least,
SOOPLIES DO NOT OPEN ;). fat-clogged windpipe. May he rest WAS, a human.
Police are looking for the in peace. Oh and fi
criminal mastermind who broke nally, sans is
into this secure facility, which FRAT PARTY ENDS EARLY only one letter
had state-of-the-art security mea- On Sunday, Nov. 12 at 12:15 removed from
sures such as a single padlock and a.m., the Tri-Kap fraternity at being an ana
a copy of the oath from the Ma- u[sic]Ga was charged by cam- gram of ness.
rauders Map. pus police with ending their Thats just a
If anyone has recovered any party early. fun one. I
supplies, please contact campus The party was scheduled to go thought it was
police with the standard three- from 11:00 p.m. till the sun came worth mention
bark emergency signal. up, but the party ended due to a ing. But if
Contents of the stash included shortage of alcohol. there was any
a single box of Natty Lite and THIS IS AN OUTRAGE! doubt, we have
several tear-stained pictures of students chanted in response to to look no
Mark Richt. the lack of Natty Lite and Crown further than
Russe Vodka. the creators
UGA EATS ACCREDITATION We are working hard to deter- previous work.
Graduation was brought to a mine what led to this unfortunate Toby Fox, the
suspect kept attacking the team, halt this past semester when it was event, a police spokesperson said, man behind
ROLF adding insult to injury. discovered that the universitys We take allegations of ending undertale,
SON OF A SHEPHERD The suspects current location [sic] accreditation was missing. parties early very seriously. had previ
is unknown, though sources say After a brief search, officials found If charged, the Tri-Kap frater- ously worked
HE CANT KEEP GETTING AWAY he has been spotted in a rural city scraps of the official documents nity could lose their tractor licens- on a hallow
On Nov. 11, 2017, a suspect in Alabama. There is some specu- around Sanford. They followed es and be forced to actually attend een hack for
dressed in orange and navy cloth- lation that the suspect may travel this paper trail to the location of classes. Furthermore, this being earthbound.
ing, wearing a visor and a pair to Atlanta to confront the play- Ugas doghouse, where they dis- the third offense this year for Tri- But this isnt
of glasses mugged the travelling ers again, which we would really covered a feast of papers being Kap, the fraternity will face the just a simple
university [sic] of Georgia football rather did not happen thank you. consumed by the live mascot. three strikes and youre out rule. reskin. The
team and made off with the teams I just cant believe Uga could We dont know what hap- halloween hack
most valuable possession: their EMERGENCY ALERT do something like this. No, pened, said Jack Mehoff, Tri-Kap tells the tale
undefeated season. Over the weekend, university his stubby legs and inability to President, I thought a six pack of of dr. an
The confrontation lasted over [sic] police discovered that the breathe unassisted should have natty and a handle of Russe would donuts after
three hours, which was frankly stock of emergency supplies the killed him while he was trying to be enough? the events of
unnecessary, since the team was school [sic] keeps on hand in the get to the papers. I am genuinely Police are asking for anyone earthbound.
completely incapacitated after the event of a nationwide cataclysm, amazed that he isnt dead already, who attended the party to report Remember i
first 30 minutes. Despite this, the like having a football season under frankly, said Lee Shed, Ugas to the station to give statements. pointed him
Its ya boi.
Skinny Penis Friday,
November 17, 2017
A rumour that has continuously been that climate change is real and caused by I am so sad by why you are hurt-
ing our student athletes. Like, such as,
making rounds on so-called news chan- human activity, but as an editorial board there are many students who are play-
nels and publications is what is now for the college newspaper, we need to ask ing football. Some play in the. Campus
termed as climate change. Or global the hard questions. Ninety-eight percent green. I always used to play football
but then I hurt my nee.
warming or whatever theyre calling it of the time, climate scientists are wrong
today. every time. You cannot play football with know
However, scientists keep this data that What about the other five percent? nee. I have a nee but so i dont know
why i said that. There are so many
they keep putting out. They call them What do they think? people who hurt. I have many things
facts that they get from research. Why doesnt anyone call them and in common with our football play-
ers. People say they dont know math
Furthermore, they flaunt this data ask? but i know counting. One. two. three .
with little regard for peoples personal However, there are many who con- something after that! There are so many
beliefs, and allow little room for discus- tinue to believe that the earths climate is number and i will learn some!!
sion in the matter. cyclical and changes naturally over time. Also I want to know, why people ac-
Moreover, this intolerance is common Moreover, this isnt the question we cus our players of getting into crime.
in the field and hasnt helped them win need to ask. Climate scientists may some- We are one of the best team. Sometimes
I like watvhinh us run. Chubb runs so
over any hearts. times make tons of money in legitimiz- fast. Other people run fast too. But
However we have not seen proven ing man-made warming of the planet. nobody runs like Chubb! He is chubby
proof that human beings are causing a Furthermore, it is fair, then, therefore,
change in the weather. to pose the question of who is funding Other player I like is Blazovetch.
However, we all know that a con- these individuals who continue to per- Blaizeivitz is one of my favorite play-
ers because he runs down field very
sensus on the science has not been form and publish their research, even as fast. Not as fest as Chub but Bleizivitch
reached yet. the EPA, our modern-day propaganda is very good! Very. Good!
Ninety-five percent of scientists say ministry, is being defunded. People have so many things to say but
firt you need to enjoy uga football. So
The Consensus Onion reflects the majority opinion of the Editorial Board of THWg, but not much good. Froom is very good quar-
necessarily the opinions of individual editors. terback. When he passes the ball I smile
bc everything will be good and nobody
will do bad things (but sometimes they
t.h.w.u.g.a. editorial board do bad tthings and then i have to go
out in the farm and kick my tractor.
Charlie Kelly EDITOR-IN-CHIEF-KEEF P.S. kicking tractor did not make tery
Fat Mac MASSAGING EDITOR godwin better. Good advice. But this
Dennis Reynolds ONIONS EDITOR isnt advice article this is opinion ar-
Frank Reynolds GNUS EDITOR Macs Mom SPURTS EDITOR ticle!!!!!! Hahahaha
Rickety Cricket LAFF EDITOR Dee Reynolds INNERTAINTMENT EDITOR In conclusion our football team is
Liam McPoyle WEB SPINNER Bill Ponderosa DONUT EDITOR being so hurt and i dont want them to
The Waitress PHOTOGRAPHY REDDITOR Artemis GLUE EATER be hurt. Because if they are hurt then
Charlies Mom THE IMPLICATION Ryan McPoyle WITH FAVA BEANS they cannot play and if they cannot
play they cannot throw football and if
they cannot throw foobral they cannot
GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN BY THE BIG TIGER catch fotjlasd and if they cannot casdf
footb la than they cannt brake tekll
and i tha cnt dl a if th cennt run and
i wwnt thm to run fst
Some Nonsense
Jaden Smith
Write to us:
The Tree That Owns Itself
Got something to say? Then let your voice be heard.
Leave your letters at the base of the tree at South
Finkey and Dearing Streets. Letters will be retrieved,
read and published in a timely manner. If you happen
to be around the area late at night and see a hooded
figure picking up letters, do not interrupt them. Do
not talk to them. Do not make eye contact. Turn
around. Return to your home and whatever you do,
do not speak of the incident with others.
No postage necessary.
// ONIONS TO HELL WITH GEORGIA November 17, 2017 7
two different opinions on one real-life issue
What do you think of Dr. Kaurs poetry?
DR. VUDY PECKER clairvoyant. And Rupi SALLY MONELLA She said she is trans-
PROF. ENGLISH is a mystic. TA ENGLISH parent.
LITERATURE I believe shes a mys- LITER ATUR E Rupi is a mystic.
tic. Shes got a glowing I believe she is a mys- If you were a dog, what
The new wave of pop spirit that transcends Poetry has left the tic.
poetry has left Ye Olde the trappings of aca- Alter ivory tower Her spirit transcends kind of hat would you
Ivory Tower speechless. demia. speechless. the light of academia. wear?
Yet our institution has Kaurs work attests However, our agency Kaurs work (perse-
jumped the metaphori- (insistently) to her has jumped out meta- verance) proved the
cal shark, granting its souls phosphorescence. phorically for sharks, phosphorescence of
rising star, author of One powerful couplet giving its rising star, her soul.
Milk and Honey, not goes, How is it so easy author of milk and bee, A pair of strong cou-
only a professorship, for you to be kind?/ not only a professor, plets:
but also lifelong tenure. Cause people have not but also a tenure of of- How are you so
Rupi Kaur has been kind to me. fice. kind? / Because people
agreed to join us in the Readers are welcome At a recent meet- are unkind to me.
spring to teach poetry, to identify with the ing, the British de- Readers are welcome
metaphysics and mys- Me of her work, who is partment president to agree with her work,
ticism, announced the sometimes cunningly announced: Rupiah she is sometimes cyni-
English departmental disguised as a name- Caul has agreed to join cal disguised as anony-
chair in a recent meet- less She. us in the spring to join mous her.
ing. How initially sur- The She undergoes us in teaching poetry, She has suffered as PERSON ONE
prising for me that the as many tribulations as metaphysics, and mys- much suffering as I am FIRST-YEAR METAPHYSICS
sage was still alive and the downtrodden Me, ticism. oppressed.
kicking! Great poet, both eternally under- To me it was initial- And those who are
that Rumi. I mean valued by the reprehen- ly surprising that the to be condemned are I would wear a beret but
Rupi. sible He (who appears saint was still alive, always underrated only if I were a corgi.
According to a de- in cameo with a wolfish kick! The great poet, (they appear in a pack
partment insider, the pack of Them). Rumi. I mean Rupi. of wolves).
School of Public Policy Rupi by no means According to one in- Rupi is by no means
keeps receiving grants lacks talent. She has sider, ... the Institute lacking in talent.
for its avant-garde re- the thematic instinct of of Public Policy con- She has a huge theme
search on populism. a colossus, who in a sin- tinues to receive re- instinct, she removed
Our department wants gle couplet she demol- wards for avant-garde the whole theme in a
those grantsso were ishes entire themes. Her populist research, and couple.
trying to understand themes do not glitter our department wants Her theme does not
the sorts of second-rate subtly beneath the sur- these grants ... so we flicker slightly beneath
institutions that are face, but are displayed try to understand the surface, but rather
easily hoodwinked by with all the finesse of those who are easily all the tips Lepidop-
people with no great a lepidopterologist pin- deceived by those who tera biologists pin the
talent. ning live butterflies to do not have much tal- living butterfly on the SECOND PERSON
Ms. Kaur says she corkboard. ent Second-rate insti- cork board. PROF
can provide insight into It must follow that Po- tutions. It must follow Poetss
thatyou, know, into etess Kaur has a poetic Ms. Caul said she Caulfers poetic char- A fedora.
the mentality of popu- character. And a mar- can dig deeper into acter.
lists, and into the men- ketable poetic charac- this - you know, popu- Marketability is a
tality of their dupes. ter is a good substitute list mentality and their good alternative to
How?... She says shes a for poetic talent. silly mentality. how? poet talent.
D O M A I N S | W E B S I T E S | O N L I N E S TO R E S
// ONIONS TO HELL WITH GEORGIA November 17, 2017 9
HOT or
NOT Owns Itself
Dear Tree, Dear Tree,
Im considering dropping out Can u down a 20 foot wa-
of college to pursue a business terslide pegnart over spring
venture. The idea is to be a pho- break?
tography company for publish-
ing companies that specializes - Pegnart
in author photos on their book
covers. Itll be called, Face- Dear Pegnart Spring Breaker,
book. Should I pursue the busi-
ness or continue to pursue a Why dont you try it and let us know
Masters in turf management? so you can save us all the effort?
- Hopeful Entrpreneur
Dear Hopeful Entrpreneur, Dear Tree,
With a name as catchy as Facebook, I took a philosophy class on
it could catch on pretty quickly. I actu- campus and the resulting exis-
ally have some distant cousins in the tential crisis has me question-
Amazon, maybe youve heard of it. ing everything I thought I knew.
My whole reasoning for enroll-
ing at u(sic)ga was for their
journalism school, but now that
Dear Tree, I know that the media serve and
propagandize on behalf of the
Im having a hard time sat- societal interests that finance
isfying my girlfriend. It seems them, I am worried about my
like no matter what I do, I al- own integrity. What should I do?
ways leave her wanting more
while Im more than content. I - Enlightened One
feel as though this disparity is
straining our relationship, and I Dear Enlightened One,
dont know what to do. Is it me?
Or is it just my ability to cook for Take a deep breath.
her? What do you think?
Its good for you and me because of
- Hopeless Romantics photosynthesis. In my opinion, were all
just dead leaves, flowing in the wind,
Dear Hopeless Romantic, but consider the fact that I am a tree
that owns itself.
I think that in addition to cooking
for your girlfriend, you could put out. I own myself so dead leaves like you
Unless youre as bad in bed as you are in cant tell me what to do or where to
the kitchen. grow.
The Brain Tips on How to Cook your Possum
Learn the techniques to getting your possum nice and
juicy because you're worth it. May Belleen469
life@nique.net November 17, 2017
short, is the new noodle restaurant This failed marketing cam-
Ive actually got a pretty that just opened up near campus paign follows the Valentines Day
funny story about my first and has caused much confusion
debacle titled, Are you Lonely?
words. We always tell everyone among its patrons. Although it Have some Noods with Doods
my first word was fries, but I has only been a couple of months
which was supposed to give single
actually managed to say a whole since its opening the store just re- people motivation to go outside
phrase. My first phrase was branded itself in hopes of attract- on the saddest day of their year,
ALBERTA BLOOMINGTON Would you like fries with that? ing more customers. The all-male Valentines Day, AKA Singles
PROFESSIONAL DOOR KNOCKER Its something I think Im go- wait staff, once a nameless group Awareness Day , AKA My Hand
ing to use my whole life. of staffers are now called the is My Best Friend Day, by setting
A childs first words are a Funny how that works. Nood Doods, which is where the lonely people up on dates at the
magical experience for par- Your first words in a confusion began. Flyers around Snood to eat noodles together.
ents. The following stories way are also your Athens were passed around titled, Instead, a bunch of naked peo-
range from heartwarming last words, said Party with the Nood Doods at ple showed up to the restaurant
to encouraging. Dont wor- Liz Johnson. the Snood. looking for professional photog-
ry if you havent had your Many people were disappoint- raphers to take nudes with their
first word yet, these sto- D a w g s . ed. Tara Highman, a soon-to-be- dudes.
ries provide hope for all. What else bride wanted to have her bach- The so called family-friendly
would my elorette party at a strip club. She establishment is having a difficult
My first word was frat, first word entered Snoodle Noodles at 11 time getting the Snood.
said Brad Langford. My be? I live
parents were super proud. and breathe
It was everything they this school
had dreamed of and and every-
more. Im a legacy. It thing I do
was meant to be. is dawgs.
Were twins, so you DAWGS.
think wed have the SIC EM,
same last name, W O O F
said Robert Jones. W O O F
Dude, theyre WOOF!
asking about our
first word, said T h e r e
Bobert James. you have it.
Oh! Yeah we While all of
didnt have the our student body
same first word ei- cant write, we can
ther, said Jones. all talk and boy do
Do you think its strange we like to. Everyones
that we dont have the same first word is very impor-
last name? said James. tant, and especially these stu-
Well at least our first words dents stories.
were related. My first word was Bye bye everybody, including
chug, said Jones. any titanic survivors bye bye
And my first word was shots. bye bye bye bye BYE BYE BYE.
hi maura
Oscar M.E. Grammy THeckingWg
Daniel Devito
nudecelebsforfree@gmail.com November 17, 2017
Toby Keith thinks hes 2 cool 4 us u[sic]ga kids response. Just the thought makes
BO me nauseous. And this is coming
CELEBRITY GOSSIP EDITOR from a guy that performs in arenas
full of Black and Mild smoke.
For the fifteenth year in a row, The universitys policy to allow
country musician Toby Keith has non-students into the concert has
declined an invitation to perform been met with controversy since it
at ugas homecoming concert. went into effect in 1998. As a de-
Keith, best known for his classic fense, the administration contests
hit songs Courtesy of the Red than any non-affiliated attendees
White and Blue and Red Solo would have been admitted into
Cup, cited his frail health in his the university anyway.
response to the universitys annual My tours have taken me all
invitation. across south Georgia, Keith
Keiths music, much like stated. Ive seen babies in uga
our own Bulldogs, is a favorite onesies drinking Icehouse forties
of porch-sitting South Georgia for Gods sake. These people are
good-ole-boys that simply arent nuts!
aware that any other alternatives On his next tour, the country
exist. music star will be playing shows at
In fact, georgias homecoming the annual meeting of the South-
concert has historically been at- eastern Brotherhood of Plumb-
tended mostly by people not affili- ers, the International Meeting of
ated with the school at all. Bear Trappers, the City of Detroit
This can be attributed to Geor- Trash Collectors Ball, Devry
gias No Man-Child Left Be- Universitys homecoming festi-
hind initiative in which they give val and the Republican National
former middle-school students Convention.
a team to root for, a homecom- Naturally, we should never
ing concert to attend and a logo have expected our humble home-
to proudly display on the back of coming celebration to compete
their lifted Ford F150. with gigs as glamorous as these,
Photo courtesy of Google Images Can you imagine the smell of but Keiths refusal to play here is
Toby Keith is surprised by paparazzi. Keith, who normally looks better, recently turned down 2,000 mouths full of dead, rot- still a major disappointment for
an invitation to play UGAs homecoming concert, citing concerns over the concert environment. ting teeth? Keith wrote in his Dawg country.
Unsolved so far.
Pls write us if u figure it out.
Reward: free tractor bumper
18 November 17, 2017 TO HELL WITH GEORGIA // COMIC-SANS
// COMIC-SANS TO HELL WITH GEORGIA November 17, 2017 19
January 10-26, 2018
January 10
Actualizing the
Dream: The Future of
Nonviolent Political
the Dream:
Joy-Ann Reid
The Future
3 p.m. of Nonviolent
Student Center
Ballroom Political Protest
Joy-Ann Reid, author and
national correspondent
for MSNBC, will discuss
Dr. Kings legacy and
the future of his vision
of a beloved community,
achieved through
nonviolent principles.
January 11
Creating a Beloved
7 p.m.
Under the Couch
Open Mic: Creating a
Beloved Community is
an event for creative
expression of social
justice through open mic
January 11-14
Georgia Tech Hotel
January 15 January 16 January 18 January 25 For more
and Conference Center
nations premier HOLIDAY OBSERVANCE CELEBRATION: SUPPER: A Community DREAM: The Role of Visit www.diversity.
programs for raising Dr. Martin Luther Actualizing the Dream: Meal and Conversation Hip-Hop in Political gatech.edu/
awareness of King Jr. Annual Creating A Beloved 6-8 p.m. Protest MLK-celebration
graduate education Commemorative Community Bill Moore Student 6 p.m.
among the brightest Service 7 p.m. Success Center, Ferst Center for Please let the designated
underrepresented 10 a.m. Student Center Presidents Suite the Arts event sponsor know if
students. Ebenezer Baptist Ballroom you need a reasonable
The Georgia Tech This event will feature accommodation to
Church This celebration community is invited to
Contact: award-winning author participate.
sybrina.atwaters@ Sponsored by The King will feature student come together over a and professor Dr. Bettina
omed.gatech.edu Center, 20 spaces at this speeches, cultural meal and discuss the Love discussing the TDD 404.894.1664
annual church service performances, and a MLK Celebration events, origin of hip-hop and its
will be available to the candle-lighting ceremony Dr. Kings legacy, and role in social activism,
January 15
Georgia Tech community for student organizations. the future of nonviolent past and present.
NATIONAL MLK through the MLK Day of Reception to follow. political protest. There are Performances will follow
HOLIDAY OBSERVANCE Service. 100 spaces available. the discussion.
MLK Day of Service RSVP:
Visit: gatech.edu Contact:
8 a.m. - 2 p.m. www.engage.gatech. www.engage.gatech. larry.brown@housing.
Student Center edu edu gatech.edu or sherry.
Contact: murray@housing.
In this campuswide sirocus.barnes@ gatech.edu
initiative honoring the ceismc.gatech.edu
life and legacy of Dr.
Martin Luther King Jr., January 22-26
participants will serve
in teams and engage
in service projects with Georgia Tech Campus
metro Atlanta community 50 Acts for MLK is
partners. a weeklong student
RSVP: event for committing
www.engage.gatech. acts of kindness and
edu appreciation across the
Georgia Tech campus in
Contact: the name of Dr. Martin
sarah.perkins@ Luther King Jr.
// SPURTS TO HELL WITH GEORGIA November 17, 2017 21
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the school had offered pa- ter realizing how much vor. Its UGA tradition to Im glad that the NCAA and athletic apparel. for the future, as you should be.
Established in 1908
following members who are graduating in Fall 2017
and recognize the profound impact of our faculty and staff members