Blender Operator Manual PDF
Blender Operator Manual PDF
Blender Operator Manual PDF
Table of Contents
Printing History:
First Release (February, 2002)
Table of Contents
Introduction .......................................................................... 1
ARC .............................................................................. 4
ACE .............................................................................. 4
Blender Operator Calibration
and QA/QC Procedures
This manual contains procedures for calibrating and maintaining QA/QC
procedures on ARC and ACE slurry processors. The procedures are divided into
three areas:
LA Pumps
Bucket testing is the most critical step in ensuring that the liquid additive (LA)
pump system is accurate and functioning correctly. The Halliburton Management
System (HMS) procedures and the Gold Medal Quality standards require an
accurate bucket test performed on the LA pumps before the fracturing job
begins. A proper bucket test before the job usually means accurate chemical
delivery during the job and an accurate final strap matching job design.
Each LA Pump will have a bucket-test manifold consisting of a tee and valve
arrangement, which allows (1) recirculating the LA back to its storage container,
(2) pumping the LA through a hose to the measuring container, or bucket, and
(3) pumping to the suction side of the discharge centrifugal or to the suction side
of the suction centrifugal. An additional tee, valve, and hose that allow you to
pump to either centrifugal are recommended.
The LA pump test should be displayed and monitored in the data acquisition unit
to ensure that the rates can be displayed and recorded within 5% variance.
1. Prime the LA pump with the fluid to be pumped during the job. Before
starting the pumps, check that all suction and discharge valves to the LA
Use the following calculation to determine the time in seconds to fill the calibrated
1-gal container.
You can calibrate the ARC system to switch between Micro Motion and Tach
Note See the ARC software versions according to Tech Bulletin SEQ-
hespspe_content/fracacid/equip/bulletin/seq01009.pdf. The
hardware modifications outlined in that document will allow
you to calibrate the ARC systems to switch between Micro
Motion and Tach readouts.
If the Micro Motion meter is not reading properly, follow these procedures:
Note Use the Tach readout for job by selecting Rate 1 with the
toggle switch on the control panel (per modification in Bulletin
Repeat Steps 1 through 11 in the Micro Motion Mass Meter section (Page 3).
If the Micro Motion meter is calibrated properly, follow these procedures:
If the Micro Motion meter is not reading properly, follow these procedures:
Note Use the Tach readout for the job by selecting Rate 1 from the
ACE control system.
Repeat Steps 1 through 11 in the Micro Motion Mass Meter section (Page 3).
Note The alternate bucket test procedures do not ensure that the
pump, meter, and display will work properly at the minimum
and maximum rates during the job.
1. Prime the LA pump with fluid to be pumped during the job. Before
starting the pumps, ensure that all suction and discharge valves to LA
Pump are in correct position. Ensure that the Micro Motion meter is
reading a steady rate and that all air is out of the system.
2. Set the clean flowmeter rate selection to manual and enter 23.8 bpm.
3. Circulate the LA pump in auto at 1 gal/1,000, which equals 1 gpm, with
the clean rate of 23.8 bpm. Though some instances may call for a lower
or higher set point depending on pump limitations, 1 gal/1,000 is a good
overall set point for a bucket test. For example, for a small amount of
LA with a minimum of 0.25 gpm and a job set point at 0.5 gpm, a bucket
test at a set point of 0.5 gpm could be required (1 gal/1,000 is normally
used for convenience).
4. Using a stopwatch, measure the time the pump requires to discharge a
given volume. For a set point of 1 gal/1,000, the pump should require 1
minute to pump 1 gallon. One minute is usually sufficient for a bucket
test. If there are doubts about a pump, pumping for 5 minutes with a 5-
gal container will help ensure that the pump is correct.
5. A bucket test should be performed on Tach generator as well as the
Micro Motion meter. Tach is the backup to Micro Motion and needs
to be accurate in case of Micro Motion failure. (On ARC systems,
change the LA control loop to Manual.)
6. If the tach generator does not bucket-test accurately, the meter factor for
the Tach reading will need to be adjusted until the pump bucket tests
7. Repeat Steps 1 through 6 for all LA pumps. Table 1 (Page 6) lists
available LA pump assemblies.
1. Ensure that the densometer is empty and dry, and that the Hi Cal/Lo Cal
knob is in the operate (OPR) position.
2. Turn on electrical power to the densometer and associated electronic
readout equipment. Allow the equipment to warm up for 15 minutes.
3. Verify on the readout instrument (Unipro, ARC OIP/Unit Controller,
ACE computer, or TCC) that the density is 0.00 pounds per gallon.
Allowable tolerance is 0.00, 0.75 lb/gal.
4. Turn the knob on the densometer to the LOW position. Autocalibrate
according to the instruction manual for the particular electronic readout
equipment involved.
5. Turn the knob on the densometer to the HI position. Verify that the
density corresponds to that recorded for Hi Cal in the documentation
package included with the densometer DOT shipping papers. Allowable
tolerance is Hi Cal density 0.15 lb/gal.
6. Return the knob on the densometer to the OPR position.
7. If either of the two readings, air or Hi Cal, were outside their allowable
tolerance, the densometer should be marked Out of Calibration and
returned to the shop for calibration. Use another densometer that can
pass this field calibration procedure.
Reference Documents
Engineering Bulletin 40-91 Densometer Field Calibrations (Updated)
Engineering Bulletin 32-91 Decaying Sources for Radioactive Density
Engineering Bulletin 28-91 Accuracy of Digital Density Sensors
Unipro I Operators Manual - Cementing (TDRAD) 458.32471 /
Unipro I Operators Manual - Fracturing (TDRAD) 458.30008 /
Unipro II Operation Manual 458.50084 / 100003461
Universal Blender Software and Operating Systems Manual 516.99013 /
pH Meter Calibration
Figure 1 is an example of the ACE calibration procedure (on screen).
Warning The rubber cover must be removed from the glass tips. The
glass tips are thin and can be easily damaged (cracked). After
a job, always reinstall the rubber cover over the tips to protect
the probe (Figure 2). Use extreme care when handling.
pH Probe
Be sure guard is
Tips that must turned towards flow
be kept moist to protect the tips
are fragile. during the job
1. Place the probe tips into the 4-pH solution and allow a few seconds
to stabilize.
2. On the OIP screen (Figure 3, Page 11) enter 4 into the Zero field. Rinse
the probe tips.
3. Place the probe tips into the 10-pH solution and allow a few seconds
to stabilize.
4. On the OIP screen enter 10 into the span field. Rinse the probe tips.
5. Place the probe tips into the 7-pH solution and allow a few seconds
to stabilize.
6. To further verify proper calibration, place the probe tips into the 4- and
10-pH solutions.
Note Each time, the OIP screen should read the proper value.
7. Note the Recal value on the OIP screen for future reference.
Other Solutions
Solution values below 4 pH and above 10 pH tend to be unstable. Other solu-
tions that can be used in pH probe calibration include the following:
pH 4 100024334
pH 7 100024335
pH 10 100024336
Note Standard water or distilled water must be used to rinse the probe
tips between each pH value. The tips must be blotted dry to
remove excess water.
Warning The rubber cover must be removed from the glass tips. The
glass tips are thin and can be easily damaged (cracked).
After a job, always reinstall the rubber cover over the tips to
protect the probe (Figure 2, Page 10). Use extreme care
when handling.
1. Place the probe tips into the 4-pH solution and allow a few seconds to
2. On the Unipro II screen, press the Menu button where pH is displayed,
then Menu 8 (cal/tst), then Menu 3 (Display Counts). Write down the
counts. Rinse the probe tips.
3. Place the probe tips into the 10-pH solution and allow a few seconds to
6. Place the probe tips into the 7-pH solution and allow a few seconds to
7. To further verify proper calibration, place the probe tips into the 4-pH
and 10-pH solutions.
pH 4 = 3.9 to 4.1
pH 7 = 6.9 to 7.1
pH 10 = 9.9 to 10.1
Note Repeat the calibration if the values are not within these limits.