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Is 16101 2012

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in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
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Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
The Right to Information, The Right to Live Step Out From the Old to the New

IS 16101 (2012): General Lighting - LEDs and LED Modules -

Terms and Definitions [ETD 23: Electric Lamps and their

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Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
Invent a New India Using Knowledge

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Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen
IS 16101 : 2012
IEC/TS 62504 : 2011

Hkkjrh; ekud
lkekU; dk'k ,y bZ Mh vkSj ,y bZ Mh
ekWM;wy 'kCnkoyh vkSj ifjHkk"kk,

Indian Standard

ICS 29.140.40

BIS 2012
NEW DELHI 110002

February 2012 Price Group 6

Electric Lamps and Their Auxiliaries Sectional Committee, ETD 23


This Indian Standard which is identical with IEC/TS 62504 : 2011 General lighting LEDs and LED
modules Terms and definitions issued by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on the recommendation of the Electric Lamps and
Their Auxiliaries Sectional Committee and approval of the Electrotechnical Division Council.

The text of IEC Standard/Technical Specification has been approved as suitable for publication as
an Indian Standard without deviations. Certain conventions are, however, not identical to those used
in Indian Standards. Attention is particularly drawn to the following:

a) Wherever the words International Standard appear referring to this standard, they should
be read as Indian Standard.
b) Comma (,) has been used as a decimal marker while in Indian Standards, the current
practice is to use a point (.) as the decimal marker.

In this adopted standard, references appear to certain International Standards for which Indian
Standards also exist. The corresponding Indian Standards, which are to be substituted in their
respective places are listed below along with their degree of equivalence for the editions indicated:
International Standard Corresponding Indian Standard Degree of Equivalence

IEC 60050-845 : 1987 International IS 1885 (Part 16/Sec 1) : 1968 Modified

Electrotechnical Vocabulary Electrotechnical vocabulary: Part 16
Chapter 845: Lighting Lighting, Section 1 General aspects
IEC 60061-1 Lamp caps and holders IS 9206 : 1979 Dimensions of caps do
together with gauges for the control for tungsten filament general service
of interchangeability and safety electric lamps
Part 1: Lamp caps

For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the
final value, observed or calculated expressing the result of a test, shall be rounded off in accordance
with IS 2 : 1960 Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised). The number of significant places
retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
IS 16101 : 2012
IEC/TS 62504 : 2011

Indian Standard
1 Scope

This Technical Specification presents terms and definitions relevant for lighting with LED light
sources. It provides both descriptive terms (such as built-in LED module) and measurable
terms (such as luminance).

NOTE Annex A gives an overview of systems composed of LED modules and control gear.

2 Normative references

The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document.
For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition
of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

IEC 60050-845:1987, International Electrotechnical Vocabulary Chapter 845: Lighting

IEC 60061-1, Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of
interchangeability and safety Part 1: Lamp caps

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in IEC 60050-845 and the
following apply.

ambient temperature
t amb
average temperature of air or another medium in the vicinity of the LED or LED module

NOTE 1 During the measurement of the ambient temperature, the measuring instrument/probe should be shielded
from draughts and radiant heating.

[IEC 60050-826:2004, definition 826-10-03, modified]

[see also CIE 127, Subclause 2.2.5]

NOTE 2 Ambient temperature is expressed in Celsius degrees.

angular subtense

angle subtended by an apparent source as viewed from a point in space

The angle extension is determined by the observation distance, but at no distance smaller
than the minimum distance of accommodation.

NOTE 1 The location and angular subtense of the apparent source depends on the viewing position in the beam.

NOTE 2 The angular subtense of an apparent source is only applicable in the wavelength range from 380 nm to
1 400 nm, where eye hazard exists.

IS 16101 : 2012
IEC/TS 62504 : 2011

NOTE 3 The angular subtense of the source should not be confused with the beam divergence. The angular
subtense of the source cannot be larger than the divergence of the beam, but it is usually smaller than the
divergence of the beam

NOTE 4 In terms of optical radiation safety, the LED radiation source is a middle sized source, whose images
are projected on the retina under angles between 1,5 mrad and 100 mrad, i.e. the diameter of the retina image
extends between about 25 m and 1 700 m. For such sources, particularly, the hazard is strongly related to the
angular subtense on the observers retina.

[IEC 60825-1:2007, 3.7, modified]

NOTE 5 The angular subtense is expressed in degrees ().

apparent source
for a given evaluation location of the retinal hazard, the real or virtual object that forms the
smallest possible retinal image (considering the accommodation range of the human eye)

NOTE 1 The accommodation range of the eye is assumed to be variable from 100 mm to infinity. The location of
the apparent source for a given viewing position in the beam is that location to which the eye accommodates to
produce the most hazardous retinal irradiance condition.

NOTE 2 This definition is used to determine, for a given evaluation position, the location of the apparent origin of
laser radiation in the wavelength range of 380 nm to 1 400 nm. In the limit of vanishing divergence, i.e. in the case
of a well collimated beam, the location of the apparent source goes to infinity.

[IEC 60825-1:2007, 3.10, modified]

beam angle
angle between two imaginary lines in a plane through the optical beam axis, such that these
lines pass through the centre of the front face of the lamp and through points at which the
luminous intensity is 50 % of the centre beam intensity

[IEC/TR 61341:2010, 2.4]

NOTE The beam angle is expressed in degrees ().

restricted range of LED performance characteristics used to delimit a subset of LEDs near a
nominal LED performance as identified by photometric performance and forward voltage

NOTE As the result of small but meaningful variations in the manufacturing process of LED wafers and
subsequent dies, the electrical and photometric characteristics of LEDs may vary from LED to LED, even when the
dies are from the same wafer. LEDs are sorted or binned in accordance with these characteristics, but there is no
existing standard for binning.

built-in LED module
LED module, generally designed to form a replaceable part built into a luminaire, a box, an
enclosure or the like and not intended to be mounted outside a luminaire, etc. without special

built-in self-ballasted LED module
self-ballasted LED module, generally designed to form a replaceable part built into a
luminaire, a box, an enclosure or the like and not intended to be mounted outside a luminaire,
etc. without special precautions

chromaticity coordinates
ratio of each of a set of three tristimulus values to their sum

IS 16101 : 2012
IEC/TS 62504 : 2011

NOTE 1 As the sum of the three chromaticity coordinates equals 1, two of them are sufficient to define a

NOTE 2 In the CIE standard colorimetric systems, the chromaticity coordinates are represented by the symbols x,
y, z and x 10 , y 10 , z10 .

[CEI 60050-845:1987, definition 845-03-33]

CIE 1974 general colour rendering index
mean of the CIE 1974 special colour rendering indices for a specified set of eight test colour

[CEI 60050-845:1987, definition 845-02-63]

NOTE New definition of R a for LED is under study.

dominant wavelength (of a colour stimulus)
wavelength of the monochromatic stimulus at 25 C ambient temperature that when additively
mixed in suitable portions with the specified achromatic stimulus, matches the colour stimulus

For characterising LED modules the reference achromatic stimulus should be illuminant E
which has the chromaticity coordinates x E = 0,3333, y E = 0,3333.

NOTE 1 A value for dominant wavelength should only be stated for coloured modules. For white modules no
meaningful value for dominant wavelength can be given.

NOTE 2 Figure 12 in CIE 127 shows the relationship between colour locus C of LED and value of dominant
wavelength D. N is the locus of achromatic stimulus E.

NOTE 3 Deviating from the peak emission wavelength, the dominant wavelength determines visual impression.

[IEC 60050-845:1987, definition 845-03-44, modified]

NOTE 4 The dominant wavelength is expressed in nm.

forward direction
direction of current that results when the P-type semiconductor region connected to one
terminal is at positive potential relative to the N-type region connected to the other terminal

NOTE If temperature compensation diodes are included, these are ignored in the determination of forward

[IEC 60747-3:1985, 1.3 dans la Section 2]

forward voltage
potential difference pertaining to the forward direction, dependent on the forward current at
25 C ambient temperature

NOTE The forward voltage is expressed in V.

illuminance (at a point of a surface)
E, E v
quotient of the luminous flux d v incident on an element of the surface containing the point,
by the area dA of that element

IS 16101 : 2012
IEC/TS 62504 : 2011
Equivalent definition: Integral, taken over the hemisphere visible from the given point of the
expression L v cos d , where L v is the luminance at the given point in the various
directions of the incident elementary beams of solid angle d , and is the angle between
any of these beams and the normal to the surface at the given point.

E V = d v /dA =
2 sr
(L v cos d )

[IEC 60050-845:1987, definition 845-01-38]

NOTE Illuminance is expressed in lm m -2 .

independent LED module
LED module, so designed that it can be mounted or placed separately from a luminaire, an
additional box or enclosure or the like

The independent LED module provides all the necessary protection with regard to safety
according to its classification and marking.

NOTE The control gear must not necessarily be integrated in the module.

independent self-ballasted LED module
self-ballasted LED module, so designed that it can be mounted or placed separately from a
luminaire, an additional box or enclosure or the like

The independent LED module provides all the necessary protection with regard to safety
according to its classification and marking.

NOTE The control gear may be integrated in the module.

integral LED module
LED module, generally designed to form a non-replaceable part of a luminaire

integral self-ballasted LED module
self-ballasted LED module, generally designed to form a non-replaceable part of a luminaire

LED module
unit supplied as a light source. In addition to one or more LEDs it may contain further
components, e.g. optical, mechanical, electrical, and electronic, but excluding the control gear

life time of the LED related to junction temperature
t nLED
time period at 25 C ambient temperature and rated forward current, determined by a
minimum level of n % of the measured initial photometric parameter

The corresponding junction temperature has to be indicated. The use of forced cooling to
achieve the specified junction temperature must be stated.

NOTE The life time of the LED is expressed in hours.

life time of LED module related to t C
t nLED module
length of time during which n% (t nLED module ) of the measured initial luminous flux value are
provided, as a function of t C
IS 16101 : 2012
IEC/TS 62504 : 2011

The use of forced cooling to achieve the specified junction temperature must be stated.

NOTE The life time of the LED module is expressed in hours.

light colour designation
three digit number, the first digit representing the first digit of the general colour rendering
index R a [IEV 60050-845:1987, 845-02-63], and the second and third digit representing the
first two digits (thousands and hundreds) of the CCT of the light source

NOTE 1 The first digit of the light colour designation covers also the closest R a value decreased by 3. Its highest
value is 9.

NOTE 2 The second and the third digit of the light colour designation cover also CCT values 49 K higher and 50 K
below. This method works only for CCT below 9.999 K.

light emitting diode
solid state device embodying a p-n junction, emitting optical radiation when excited by an
electric current

[IEC 60050-845:1987, definition 845-04-40]

NOTE This definition is independent from the existence of enclosure(s) and of terminals.

luminance (in a given direction, at a given point of a real or imaginary surface)
quantity defined by the formula

L V = d V /(dA cos d )

where d V is the luminous flux transmitted by an elementary beam passing through the given
point and propagating in the solid angle d containing the given direction; dA is the area of a
section of that beam containing the given point; is the angle between the normal to that
section and the direction of the beam

[IEC 60050-845:1987, definition 845-01-35]

NOTE The luminance is expressed in cd m -2 = lm m -2 sr -1 .

luminous efficacy of a source
quotient of the luminous flux emitted by the electric power consumed by the source

[IEC 60050-845:1987, definition 845-01-55 modified]

NOTE The luminous efficacy is expressed in lm W -1 .

luminous flux
quantity derived from radiant flux e by evaluating the radiation according to its action upon
the CIE standard photometric observer

For photopic vision

V = Km
(d e ( )/d ) V( )d

IS 16101 : 2012
IEC/TS 62504 : 2011

where d e ( )/d ) is the spectral distribution of the radiant flux and V( ) is the spectral
luminous efficiency.

NOTE 1 For the values of K m (photopic vision) and K m (scotopic vision), see IEV 845-01-56.

[IEC 60050-845:1987, definition 845-01-25, modified]

NOTE 2 The luminous flux of a LED is usually expressed in groups into which they are sorted.

NOTE 3 The luminous flux is expressed in lm.

luminous intensity (of a source, in a given direction)
quotient of the luminous flux d V leaving the source and propagated in the element of solid
angle d containing the given direction, by the element of solid angle

I V = d V /d

[IEC 60050-845:1987, definition 845-01-31]

NOTE 1 The luminous intensity of LEDs is expressed according to CIE 127:2007 measurement procedure.

NOTE 2 The luminous intensity is expressed in cd = lm sr -1 .

maximum permissible forward current
I F,max
continuous maximum permissible current in forward direction

NOTE The maximum permissible forward current is expressed in mA.

maximum permissible power consumption
P tot
maximum permissible input power

NOTE The maximum permissible power consumption is expressed in W.

maximum permissible reverse voltage
maximum permissible potential difference pertaining to the reverse direction

NOTE The maximum permissible reverse voltage is expressed in V.

rated maximum temperature
highest permissible temperature which may occur on the outer surface of the LED module (at
the indicated position, if marked) under normal operating conditions and at the rated
voltage/current/power or the maximum of the rated voltage/current/power range

[IEC 61347-1:2007, definition 3.16, modified]

NOTE The rated maximum temperature is expressed in degrees Celsius.

maximum permissible temperature of solder point
maximum permissible temperature at the solder point of the LED on the module during
declared life
IS 16101 : 2012
IEC/TS 62504 : 2011

NOTE 1 Not to be confused with the temperature during the soldering procedure.

NOTE 2 The maximum permissible temperature of solder point is expressed in degrees Celsius.

non-ballasted single-capped LED lamp
single-capped LED lamp configured in a form in which the control gear and the LED lamp are
separated from each other

operating temperature range
t op
ambient temperature range within which the LED or LED module with regard to the
specification can be operated

NOTE The operating temperature range is expressed in degrees Celsius.

peak emission wavelength
wavelength at the maximum of the spectral distribution

[CIE 127, modified]

NOTE The peak emission wavelength is expressed in nm.

rated current
I rated
value of the current for specified operating conditions

The value and the conditions are specified in the relevant standard or by the manufacturer or
responsible vendor.

NOTE The rated current is expressed in mA.

rated power
P rated
value of the power for specified operating conditions

The value and the conditions are specified in the relevant standard or by the manufacturer or
responsible vendor.

NOTE The rated power is expressed in degrees W.

rated voltage
value of the voltage for specified operating conditions

The value and the conditions are specified in the relevant standard or by the manufacturer or
responsible vendor.

NOTE The rated voltage is expressed in V.

reverse direction
direction of current that results when the N-type semiconductor region connected to one
terminal is at a positive potential relative to the P-type region connected to the other terminal

NOTE If temperature compensation diodes are included, these are ignored in the determination of reverse
IS 16101 : 2012
IEC/TS 62504 : 2011
[IEC 60747-3:1985, 1.4 in Section 2]

self-ballasted LED lamp
unit which cannot be dismantled without being permanently damaged, provided with a lamp
cap conforming with IEC 60061-1 and incorporating a LED light source and any additional
elements necessary for stable operation of the light source

self-ballasted LED module
LED module, including control gear, designed for connection to the supply voltage

NOTE If the LED module which includes the control gear is equipped with a lamp cap, it is regarded to be a self-
ballasted lamp.

storage temperature range
t stg
ambient temperature range within which a non-operated LED or LED module can be stored,
when the claims of the specification are maintained

NOTE The storage temperature range is expressed in degrees Celsius.

temperature coefficient of the dominant wavelength
tc dom
change in dominant wavelength at a fixed forward current as a function of the ambient

NOTE 1 The definition applies for independent LED modules without control gear.

NOTE 2 The definition applies to LED components, not to LED modules.

NOTE 3 The temperature coefficient of the dominant wavelength is expressed in nm K -1 .

temperature coefficient of the forward voltage
tc V
change in forward voltage at a fixed current as a function of the ambient temperature

NOTE The temperature coefficient of the forward voltage is expressed in mV K -1 .

temperature coefficient of the photometric parameter
change in photometric parameter at a fixed forward current as a function of the ambient

NOTE 1 The definition applies for independent LED modules without control gear.

NOTE 2 The temperature coefficient of the photometric parameter is expressed in lm K -1 , cd K -1 or

cd (m 2 K) -1 .

thermal resistance of a LED module
the ratio of temperature difference to the corresponding power dissipation

NOTE 1 Measurement points should be at the junction, slug, board or ambient, the location of which to be
determined by the manufacturer or responsible vendor

NOTE 2 For better understanding, drawings of a part of the LED module and a schematic chain of thermal
resistors are shown in Figure 1.
IS 16101 : 2012
IEC/TS 62504 : 2011

NOTE 3 Thermal resistance is expressed in K W -1 .

tjunction = tc

tjunction = tc






Figure 1 Schematic drawing of the chain of thermal resistors

IS 16101 : 2012
IEC/TS 62504 : 2011

Annex A

Overview of systems composed of LED modules and control gear

LED Gear LED module

Lamp Cap
holder Gear and LED module: one unit
Supply (IEC 62560 and IEC/PAS 62612)
Lamp Cap Non-ballasted
voltage: Gear holder LED lamp Self-ballasted LED lamp

AC Independent
(up to
1000V Built-in
50 Hz
60 Hz) Gear without LEDs Connection LED module
system Integral
or (IEC 61347-2-13) (IEC 62031)
(IEC 62384) (IEC 60838-2-2)
DC Electronic Control Gear for Combinations possible
(up to
LED modules
250 V)

Gear + LEDs Integral

(IEC 62031) Independent

Self- ballasted LED module

NOTE Supply voltage does not mean necessarily mains voltage, e.g. 230 V / 50 Hz. A Self-ballasted LED lamp
can also be driven on a supply voltage with 12 V a.c. or d.c.. The LED Gear mentioned in the above sketch of a
Self-ballasted LED lamp then provides the conversion of 12 V a.c. or d.c. to a special current and voltage to
power up the LED or LED module inside the Self-ballasted LED lamp.

IS 16101 : 2012
IEC/TS 62504 : 2011


IEC 60050-826:2004, International Electrotechnical Vocabulary Part 826: Electrical


IEC 60747-3:1985, Semiconductor devices Discrete devices Part 3: Signal (including

switching) and regulator diodes
Amendment 1 (1991)
Amendment 2 (1993)

IEC 60825-1:2007, Safety of laser products Part 1: Equipment classification and


IEC 60838-2-2, Miscellaneous lampholders Part 2-2: Particular requirements - Connectors

for LED-modules

IEC/TR 61341:2010, Method of measurement of centre beam intensity and beam angle(s) of
reflector lamps

IEC 61347-1:2007, Lamp controlgear Part 1: General and safety requirements

IEC 61347-2-13, Lamp controlgear Part 2-13: Particular requirements for d.c. or a.c.
supplied electronic controlgear for LED modules

IEC 62031, LED modules for general lighting Safety specifications

IEC 62384, DC or AC supplied electronic control gear for LED modules Performance

IEC 62560, Self-ballasted LED-lamps for general lighting services by voltage > 50 V Safety

IEC/PAS 62612, Self-ballasted LED-lamps for general lighting services Performance


CIE Technical Report 127:2007, Measurement of LEDs


Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in course of imple-
menting the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also
reviewed periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that
no changes are needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users
of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by
referring to the latest issue of BIS Catalogue and Standards: Monthly Additions.

This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No.: ETD 23 (6407).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amendment No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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