Copd Case
Copd Case
Copd Case
Types of Emphysema
This type of emphysema affects single alveoli entering directly into the
walls of terminal and respiratory bronchioles.
Risk Factors:
o Smoking
o Genetic factors
o Allergies
o Nutrition
o Age, Gender
o Dyspnea
o Wheezing
o Chest pain
o Hemoptysis
o Cyanosis
o Swelling
o Respiratory failure
Diagnostic Test
o Chest X-ray
o Bullectomy
Nursing Care:
Special Instructions:
For Activity:
1. Stretching exercises
Lengthen your muscles, increasing your flexibility. Stretching can also
help prepare your muscles for other types of exercise, decreasing your
chance of injury.
2. Aerobic exercises
Use large muscle groups to move at a steady, rhythmic pace. This type
of exercise works your heart and lungs, improving their endurance by
working your respiratory muscles. This helps your body use oxygen
more efficiently and, with time, can improve your breathing. Walking
and using a stationary bike are two good choices of aerobic exercise if
you have COPD.
3. Strengthening exercises
Involve tightening muscles repeatedly to the point of fatigue. When
you do this for the upper body, it can help increase the strength of
your breathing muscles.
Helps you strengthen breathing muscles, get more oxygen, and
breathe with less effort. Here are two examples of breathing exercises
you can begin doing for five to 10 minutes, three to four times a day.
Diaphragmatic breathing:
1. Lie on your back with knees bent. You can put a pillow under your
knees for support.
2. Place one hand on your belly below your rib cage. Place the other hand
on your chest.
3. Inhale deeply through your nose for a count of 3. (Your belly and lower
ribs should rise, but your chest should remain still.)
4. Tighten your stomach muscles and exhale for a count of 6 through
slightly puckered lips.
This study will enable us, students, to understand better about Chronic
Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and will explain the different risk factors
developing the disease process like smoking, pollutants/irritants and
Also this study can help us to have enough knowledge on how to help
patients to control, lessen and/or eradicate this kind of disease.
c. Objectives
General objective
Specific objective
o To gather and determine the past and present clinical history of the client.
o To perform physical assessment and to obtain Gordon’s patterns of
o To obtain the developmental history of the client.
o To show the laboratory examination results with the corresponding normal
values, actual result from the client, and its interpretation.
o To understand the anatomy and physiology of Respiratory System.
o To trace and understand the pathophysiology of Chronic Obstructive
Pulmonary Disease.
o To learn the basic principle of medical management of Chronic Obstructive
Pulmonary Disease.
o To use the nursing process to identify nursing problems from the client and
provide the appropriate nursing care plan.
o To understand the pharmacological management set on the client and
provide nursing interventions.
d. Theoretical Framework
She believed that "Healthy surroundings were necessary for proper nursing
upsetting news. Strictly war issues and concerns should not be discussed
inside the hospital. She includes the use of small pets of psychological
Nursing Metaparadigm
Nursing is very essential for everybody's well-being. Notes on nursing focus
on the implementation and rendering efficient and effective nursing care.
The patient is the focus of the environmental theory. The nurse should
perform the task for the patient and control environment for easy recovery.
She practice nurse-patient passive relationship.
Health is the being well and using every power that the person has to the
fullest extent. A healthy body can recuperate and undergo reparative
process. Environmental control uplifts maintenance of health.
People would benefit form the environment.
II. Medical history
i. Patient’s profile
Name: G.J.V.
Age: 63 y/o
Sex: Male
Nationality: Filipino
Hospital: CMC
Hospital #: 555555
iii. Past medical history
Aortic Aneurysm
o Known hypertensive
o Environment: urban
a. Gordon’s pattern of functioning
Nutritional/ -The patient is on regular The patient is on low salt His nutritional and
Metabolic diet. low fat diet. metabolic status has
Pattern been changed from
-He always eats pork, beef
regular diet to low
and chicken.
salt low fat diet
-He seldom eats fruits and because he is known
vegetable. hypertensive.
Sleep and Rest The patient usually sleeps The patient usually The length of his
Pattern 6-8 hours a day. sleeps 8-10 hours a day. sleep and rest
pattern has
Coping Stress -the patient can handle -the patient can handle Stress or problems
Pattern stress or problem with the stress with the help of can be handled with
help of his available his available support the assistance and
support systems; wife, systems; wife, children, advice of your
children, friends and friends and relatives. family members,
relatives. friends and
-the patient has the ability
to control or manage
Elimination The patient urinates 5-7 The patient urinates 5-7 There was no
Pattern times and defecates once times and defecates change in his
a day. once a day. elimination pattern.
Cognitive The patient is conscious The patient is conscious The patient is alert
and coherent. and coherent. and responsive.
Self perception The patient feels nothing The patient feels special People make the
unusual. because of people patient feel special
showing care to him and loved.
especially his wife.
Role and - The patient works as - The patient can’t works The patient was
relationship engineering aide at Dept. as engineering aide at unable to perform
of Agrarian Reform. Dept. of Agrarian his role as
Reform. engineering aide
- The patient has a good
because of his
relationship with his wife, - The patient has a good
children, friends and relationship with his
relatives. wife, children, friends
and relatives.
Value beliefs The patient is a religious The patient can’t attend The patient can’t
Roman Catholic and mass at the church but make it to the mass
attends mass every he is aware that he can at the church due to
Sunday at the church. go to chapel for his his hospitalization.
spiritual needs.
b. Physical Assessment
General Health
• Alert
• Comfortable
• Responsive
• No weakness noted
• Afebrile
o Temp: 36.2°c
o PR 76
o RR 23
o BP 90/60
Body Normal Findings Method Actual Findings Analysis/Interpre
Part used tation
Eyes -Pink palpebral, anicteric Inspection -Pink palpebral, anicteric The patient’s eye
sclera sclera was normal.
Nose -No discharges Inspection -No nasal discharge The patient’s nose
is normal.
-Both nares are patent -Both nares are patent
Thorax -quiet, rhythmic and Inspection -occasional wheezes noted Wheezes are
significant as they
and effortless respiration Auscultatio imply decreased
Lungs n Wheezes are continuous airway lumen
diameter either due
musical tones that are most
to thickening of
commonly heard at end reactive airway
inspiration or early walls or collapse of
airways due to
expiration. They result as a
pressure from
collapsed airway lumen surrounding
gradually opens during pulmonary disease.
inspiration or gradually
closes during expiration.
Abdomen -Skin color is uniform, no Inspection -Skin color is uniform, no The patient’s
lesions lesions abdomen is normal.
( Bicarbonate ion) 93.2% 95 - 100% Low
SaO2 (Arterial
oxgen saturation)
In humans it is the two main bronchi that enter the roots of the lungs. The
bronchi continue to divide within the lung, and after multiple divisions give
rise to bronchioles. The bronchial tree continues branching until it reaches
the level of terminal bronchioles, which lead to alveolar sacks. Alveolar sacs
are made up of clusters of alveoli, like individual grapes within an inch. The
individual alveoli are tightly wrapped in blood vessels, and it is here that gas
exchange actually occurs. Deoxygenated blood lungs, where oxygen in the
hemoglobin of the erythrocytes. The oxygen-rich blood returns to the heart
via pulmonary veins to be pumped back into systemic circulation.
Human lungs are located in two cavities on either side of the heart. Though
similar in appearance, the two are not identical. Both are separated into
lobes on the right and two on the left. The lobes are further divided into
lobules hexagonal divisions of the lungs that are the smallest subdivision
visible to the naked eye. The connective tissue that divides tubules is often
blackened in smokers and city dwellers.
The medial border of the right lung is nearly vertical, while the left lung
contains a cardiac notch. The cardiac notch is a concave impression molded
to accommodate the shape of the heart. Lungs are to a certain extent
overbuilt and have a tremendous reserve volume as compared to the oxygen
exchange requirements when at rest. This is the reason that individuals can
smoke for years without having a noticeable decreased in lung function while
still or moving slowly; in situations like these only a small portion of the lungs
are actually perfuse with blood for gas exchange. As oxygen requirements
increased due to exercise, a greater volume if the lung is perfuse allowing
the body to match its CO2/o2 exchange requirements
b. Pathophysiology
IV. Drug Study
Drug name: -angina pectoris -cardiogenic shock -headache -may be taken with or
without food
-nicorandil ACTION- Nicorandil -hypotension -flushing dizziness
dilates arterioles -monitor v/s especially
Brand name: -left ventricular -n&v
and large coronary the BP
failure with low
-aprior arteries by opening -weakness
filling pressure -may impair ability to
the potassium
Doctor’s order: -hypotension drive or operate
channels, and -lactation
-10mg/tab; 1tab BID
guanylate cyclase
causing venous
vasodilatation. It
therefore reduces
preload and
afterload, and
improves coronary
blood flow.
Drug name: -reduction of -active liver disease -Gi disturbance -avoid intake of alcohol
elevated total
-atorvastatin -pregnancy -headache -monitor creatinine
cholesterol & LDL
phosphokinase and
Brand name: ACTION -lactation -myalgia transaminase elevation
-selectively HMG-
-lipitor -insomnia -history of liver disease
CoA reductase
Doctor’s order: which converts -pruritus -monitor v/s especially
HMG-CoA to the BP
-80mg 1tab HS mevalonate, a -muscle cramps
precursor of sterols. -should be administered
with food or after eating
-lowers cholesterol
& lipoprotein levels
Drug name: -prophylaxis & -hypersensitivity to -abdominal pain -watch out for the
treatment of montelukast and its adverse reaction of the
-montelukast -thirst
asthma, including component drug
prevention of day &
Brand name: night time -headache
-singulair -vomiting
Doctor’s order:
Montelukast is a
-10mg 1tab OD selective
that blocks the
effects of cysteinyl
leukotrienes in the
Provide patient and relative written and verbal information regarding the
o Contacting the healthcare provider when signs of recurrence or
complications of the disease appear, especially shortness of breath
and chest tightness.
Out-Patient Follow-up
Encouraged the client to always pray to God and also provide spiritual
tools for the client if necessary.