DataMining FDP
DataMining FDP
DataMining FDP
Engineering was established during the academic Hands on Training on WEKA Tool Venue : Conference Hall 1,
year 2010-11 with key motif of success to the Circuit Block, KRCT.
students in achieving their goal. The department has
well-equipped laboratories with licensed softwares ADDRESS FOR COMMUNICATION IMPORTANT DATES
and the faculties motivate and encourage their The Coordinator
students in upgrading their skills through industrial Department of Computer Science and Engg.
Submission of Application : 20/11/2017
visits and in-plant training programmes. The K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology
Samayapuram, Trichy 621112. Intimation of Selection : 21/11/2017
department follows enhanced teaching aids like LCD
projectors and E-Learning which help the students Confirmation by Participants : 24/11/2017
Mobile: 9042473621
visualize the concepts clearly in an easily and Email:
understandable manner.