Chapter 1 Quiz
Chapter 1 Quiz
Chapter 1 Quiz
22 An experiment introduces a knockout gene mutation into a cell line. The frequency of shrunken cells with
chromatin clumping, karyorrhexis, and cytoplasmic blebbing is increased compared with a cell line without the
mutation. Overall survival of the mutant cell line is reduced. Which of the following genes is most likely to be
affected by this mutation?
E p53
23. A 22-year-old woman with leukemia undergoes bone marrow transplantation and receives a partially
mismatched donor marrow. One month later, she has a scaling skin rash. A skin biopsy is obtained, and on
microscopic examination, it has the cellular change shown in the figure. This change most likely results from which
of the following biochemical reactions?
A Activation of caspases
B Elaboration of lipases
C Increase in glycolysis
D Peroxidation of lipids
E Reduction of ATP synthesis
24. A 47-year-old man has a lung carcinoma with metastases. He receives chemotherapy. A month later, histologic
examination of a metastatic lesion shows many foci in which individual tumor cells appear shrunken and deeply
eosinophilic. Their nuclei exhibit condensed aggregates of chromatin under the nuclear membrane. The pathologic
process affecting these shrunken tumor cells is most likely triggered by release of which of the following substances
into the cytosol?
B Catalase
C Cytochrome c
D Lipofuscin
E Phospholipase
25 An experimental study of steatohepatitis in metabolic syndrome reveals that hepatocyte cell membrane injury
with necrosis occurs in response to increased amounts of tumor necrosis factor (TNF). When a pharmacologic agent
inhibiting caspases is administered, cell necrosis still occurs. Which of the following substances forms a
supramolecular complex that increases the generation of reactive oxygen species?
A Catalase
B Cytochrome c
C Interleukin 1-beta converting enzyme
D Receptor-interacting protein
E Ubiquitin ligase