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4 - Pharmacology-II QP Bank

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Short essay Five Marks

Chapter 2

1. Write the principles and methodology involved in the Phase I clinical trials?
2. Write the principles and methodology involved in the Phase II clinical trials?
3. Write the principles and methodology involved in the Phase III clinical trials?
4. What is informed consent and explain its importance?
5. What are the regulatory requirements of toxicity studies?
6. Explain pharmacovigilance with applications.

Chapter 3

1. Explain different phases of anaesthesia.

2. What are preanaesthetic medications? Explain with examples.
3. Write the significance of preanesthtic medications.
4. Write the pharmacology of atypical antipsychotic agents?
5. What are atypical antidepressants? Write the paharmacology selegiline.
6. Write the pharmacology of lithium.
7. What is drug dependence and drug abuse?
8. What measures to be taken to overcome the morphine addiction?
9. Classify barbiturates with examples and write the uses of thiopental sodium.
10. Explain monoamine theory of depression.
11. What measures are taken to overcome alcohol addiction?
12. What are extrapyramidal side effects?
13. Explain the different stages of sleep cycle.
14. What are the signs, symptoms and treatment of alcohol poisoning?

Chapter 4

1. Write the mechanism of pain pathway? Enlist the chemical transmitters of pain.
2. What are NSAIDs? Classify NSAID’s with examples.
3. Write the pharmacology of morphine.
4. Write the pharmacology of salicylates/paracetomol/ibuprofen
5. Write the salient features of COX II inhibitors.
6. Define analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agents. Give two examples of drugs for
each class.
7. Write the pharmacology of naloxone.

Chapter Five

1. What are emetics and antiemetics? Classify them with examples.

2. Classify H2 receptor antagonists.Write the pharmacology of ranitidine.
3. Enlist proton pump inhibitors. Write the pharmacology of omeprazole.
4. What is a purgative? Classify purgatives with examples. Write the pharmacology of
anthraquinone glycosides.
5. What are emetics? Classify antiemetics with examples. Write the pharmacology of emetine.
6. What are antacids? Classify them with examples. Write the mode of action and adverse
effects of magnesium hydroxide.
7. Write the therapeutic uses of emetics and antiemetics.
8. What are prokinetc drugs? Write the pharmacology of metoclopromide.
9. What are antiemetics? Write the pharmacology of ondansetron
10. What are antiemetics? Write the pharmacology of domperidon.

Chapter six

1. Write the mechanism of action and uses of sulfonamides.

2. Write the mechanism of action and uses of penicillins.
3. Classify cephalosporins with examples and mention the therapeutic uses.
4. What are urinary antiseptics? Explain the mechanism of action and side effects of
5. What are polyene antibiotics? Write the pharmacology of bacitricin ?
6. Explain life cycle of malarial parasite.
7. Write the pharmacology of drugs used in the treatment of giardiasis.
8. Name any two helminthial infestations. Classify anthelmintics with examples. Write the
pharmacology of albendazole.
9. Classify the anticancer agents with examples.
10. Write about MOPP regimen.
11. Write the pharmacology of taxol.
12. Write the pharmacology of vincristin.
13. Write the pharmacology of methotrexate
14. Write the pharmacology of 5-fluorourocil.
15. Write the pharmacology of mercaptopurine
16. Write the pharmacology nitrogen mustards.
17. Role of steroids in the treatment of cancer.
18. Explain different mechanism of antibiotics.

Chapter 7

1. Classify immunostimulants with examples. Write the pharmacology of interferon.

2. Classify immunosupressants with examples. Write the pharmacology of cyclosporine.

Chapter 8

1. Explain general principles of treatment and management of acute poisoning.

2. Write the signs, symptoms and treatment of barbiturate poisoning?
3. Write the signs, symptoms and treatment of alcohol poisoning.
4. What arethe signs and symptoms of benzodiazepine toxicity? Write its treatment.
5. Write the signs, symptoms and treatment of antidepressant poisoning.
6. Write the signs, symptoms and treatment of snakebite.
7. Write the signs , symptoms and treatment of neuroleptic poisoning.
8. What are the signs, symptoms and treatment of neuroleptic poisoning.
Chapter 9

1. Write the pharmacological actions and adverse effects of local anaesthesia.

ESSAY TYPE Questions:10 marks

Chapter: Pharmacology of Drugs Acting on Central Nervous System

01. Explain the Pharmacology of Alcohol and treatment for alcohol addiction.
02. What are general anaesthetics? Classify them with examples, write the pharmacology of
03. What are general anesthetics? Classify them with examples, write the pharmacology of
04. Define and classify sedatives and hypnotics with examples. Write the Pharmacology of
05. What is epilepsy? Classify antiepileptics with examples. Write the Pharmacology of
06. What is epilepsy? Classify antiepileptics with examples. Write the Pharmacology of
07. What is epilepsy? Classify antiepileptics with examples. Write the Pharmacology of
08. Define psychosis. Classify antipsychotics with examples. Write the pharmacology of
09. What is Parkinsonism? Classify antiparkinsonian drugs with examples. Write the
Pharmacology of levodopa.
10. Classify antideprssants with examples. Write the Pharmacology of imipramine.
11. Classify antidepressants with examples. Write the Pharmacology sertraline.


12. What are sulfonamides? Classify them with examples and write the pharmacology of co-
13. What are semisytnthetic penicillins? Classify them with examples. Write the antimicrobial
spectrum, mechanism of action, adverse reactions and therapeutic uses of amoxycillin.
14. What are semisytnthetic penicillins? Classify them with examples. Write the antimicrobial
spectrum, mechanism of action, adverse reactions and therapeutic uses of ampicillin.
15. What are cephalosporins? Classify them with examples. Write the antimicrobial spectrum,
mechanism of action, adverse reactions and therapeutic uses of cefatoxime.
16. What are broad spectral antibiotics? Classify them with examples. Write the antimicrobial
spectrum, mechanism of action, adverse reactions and therapeutic uses of
17. Classify anti-bacterial agents depending on mechanism of action with examples. Write the
antimicrobial spectrum, mechanism of action, adverse reactions and therapeutic uses of
18. What are macrolide antibiotics? Write the antimicrobial spectrum, mechanism of action,
adverse reactions and therapeutic uses Erthromycin/Azithromicin/Roxithromycin.
19. What are aminoglycoside antibiotics? Write the antimicrobial spectrum, mechanism of
action, adverse reactions and therapeutic uses of streptomycin/gentamicin.
20. Classify fluoroquinolones with examples. Write the antimicrobial spectrum, mechanism of
action, adverse reactions and therapeutic uses of ciprofloxacin/pefloxacin.
21. Classify antifungal agents with examples. Write the antifungal spectrum, mechanism of
action, adverse reactions and therapeutic uses of amphotericin B.
22. Classify antiviral agents with examples. Write the mechanism of action, adverse reactions
and therapeutic uses of acyclovir/zidovodin.
23. What is DOTS? Classify anti TB drugs with examples. Write the mechanism of action, adverse
effects and therapeutic effects of INH.
24. What is DOTS? Classify anti TB drugs with examples. Write the mechanism of action, adverse
effects and therapeutic effects of rifampicin.
25. What are different types of leprosy? Classify antileprotic drugs with examples. Write the
mechanism of action, adverse effects and therapeutic effects of dapsone.
26. Name the causative organisms of malaria. Classify antimalarials with examples. Write the
mechanism of action, adverse effects and therapeutic effects of chloroquine/primequin.
27. Name the causative organisms of malaria. Classify antimalarials with examples. Write the
mechanism of action, adverse effects and therapeutic effects of quinine.
28. Name the causative organisms of malaria. Classify antimalarials with examples. Write the
mechanism of action, adverse effects and therapeutic effects of artemisinin.
29. Write the mechanism of action, adverse effects, and therapeutic uses of tinidazole. Explain
the pharmacotherapy of amoebiasis.
30. Define neoplasm. Classify antineoplastic agents with examples. Write the mechanism of
action, adverse effects and therapeutic effects of alkylating agents.
31. What is cancer? Classify anticancer agents with examples. Write the mechanism of action,
adverse effects and therapeutic effects of methotrexate/mercaptopurine .
32. Define neoplasm. Classify antineoplastic agents with examples. Write the mechanism of
action, adverse effects and therapeutic effects of 5-fluorouracil.
Short assay 2 Marks

Chapter1: Bioassays

1. Define bioassay? Write two applications of bioassay.

2. Write four advantages of bioassays?
3. Write four disadvantage of bioassays?
4. Write any two advantages and disadvantages of bioassays?
5. Classify the bioassays with one example each.
6. What is quantal bioassay? Give one example.
7. What is graded bioassay? give one example?
8. What is Latin square design for four point bioassay?
9. Write the principle involved in the bioassay?
10. Enlist the different types of bioassays?

Chapter 2: Drug Discovery and Development

1. Define clinical evaluation?

2. What are the parameters determined in Phase I clinical trials?
3. What are the parameters determined in Phase II clinical trials?
4. What are the parameters determined in Phase III clinical trials?
11. What is post marketing surveillance?
12. What is pharmacovigilance?
13. What is IND?
14. What do you mean by NDA?
15. What do you mean by Informed consent in clinical trial ?
16. What is preclinical evaluation?
17. What is zero phase clinical trial?
18. What do you mean by LD0
19. What do you mean by ED0
20. What is therapeutic index?

Chapter 3: Pharmacology of drugs acting on CNS

1. Write the use of Disulfiram?

2. Justify the use of carbidopa with levodopa in Parkinsonism.
3. Name the mechanism involved in depression?
4. What is mania?
5. Name any four drugs causing drug dependence.
6. Write the adverse effects of lithium.
7. Write the adverse effect of the lithium.
8. Write the adverse effect of Phenytoin.
9. Name any four anxiolytics.
10. List out the drugs used in treatment of Alzimare diseases.
11. What is dissociated anaesthesia?
12. What is local anaesthesia?
13. What are the ideal requirement of general anaesthetics?
14. What is neuroleptanaesthesia?

Chapter 4: Analgesics and anti-inflammatory agents

1. What is opioid receptor?

2. Write the adverse effects of morphine?
3. Write the adverse effects of aspirin?
4. What is salicylism? Give any two symptoms.
5. What are the uses of aspirin?
6. Name four opioid antagonists.
7. What is paracetamol toxicity?

Chapter : Pharmacology of Drugs acting on GIT

1. Define and classify the autocoids with one example?

2. Write the mechanism of action of omeprazole?
3. What are laxatives and purgatives? Write one example for each?
4. What are emetics? Give two examples.
5. What are antiemetics? Give examples.
6. What are appetizers? Give two examples.
7. What are carminative? Give two examples.
8. What are digestives? Give two examples.
9. What are H2 receptor antagonists? Write two examples.
10. What are proton pump inhibitors? Write two examples.
11. What are systemic antacids? Give examples.

Chapter : Chemotherapy

1. What is superinfection?
2. What is multidrug therapy? Give example.
3. What is bacterial resistance?
4. What is grey baby syndrome?
5. Enlist the drugs causing ototoxicity?
6. Enlist the drugs causing nephrotoxicity?
7. What is anaphylaxis?
8. What is cinchonism?
9. What are drugs used in treatment of tapeworm infection?
10. What are drugs used in treatment of round worm infection?
11. What are the drugs used in filariasis?
12. Which is the causative organisum of filariasis?
13. Name two drugs used in the treatment of amebiasis?
14. Enlist the four uses of tetracyclines.
15. Enlist the four uses of chloremphenical.
16. Name the causative organisms of malaria.
17. What are lincosamides? Give one example.
18. Name the opportunistic infections in HIV.
19. What is multidrug regimen for the treatment of TB and name the drugs.
20. What is dots therapy?

Chapter 7: Immunnopharmacology

21. Enlist the immunestimulants

22. Enlist the immunesuppressants.
23. Define immunostimulant and immunosuppressant with two examples.

Chapter 8 : Principles of Toxicology

01. What are signs and systems of mercury poisoning?

02. Treatment for lead toxicity.
03. What are the signs and symptoms of diazepam toxicity?
04. What is ED50
05. What is LD50
06. What is therapeutic index?
07. What are the signs and symptoms of barbiturate toxicity?
08. Define teratogenicity and mutagenicity.
09. What are signs and symptoms of pesticide poisoning?
10. What is therapeutic index?
11. Define Acute and chronic toxicity.
12. Treatment for iron/lead/arsenic poisoning
13. Write the signs and symptoms of iron/lead/arsenic poisoning

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