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Pharmacology MCQs 4

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When the response to a drug reduces on repeated administration and the original response can be

obtained by increasing the dose of the drug, this phenomenon is called?

A. Tachyphylaxis

B. Hyperactivity

C. Drug tolerance*

D. Drug resistance

The quantitative curve in which increasing doses of a drug produce varying changes in effects, is known

A. Quantal dose response curve

B. Log dose curve

C. Cumulative frequency curve

D. Graded dose response curve*

E. Therapeutic Index

Which one of the given types of antagonism best describes the phenomenon of two drugs acting on the
same receptor but have opposite effects like acetylcholine and atropine?

A. Chemical antagonism

B. Physiological antagonism

C. Pharmacological antagonism*

D. Physical antagonism

E. Biochemical antagonism
A 72-year-old patient presents complaining of shaking in his right hand and trouble starting movements.
The man's face is expressionless. He also has a slightly stooped posture and a slow shuffling gait. Which
one of the following drugs given for this disease works by inhibiting the peripheral metabolism of
dopamine so that it may easily enter the CNS?

A. Benztropine

B. Bromocriptine

C. Carbidopa*

D. Levodopa

E. Pergolide

A 30 year old shopkeeper is highly nervous. He is easily startled, worries about non serious matters and
sometimes complains of abdominal cramps. Clinically he is a case of acute anxiety. Which of the
following drugs he should be prescribed which may not affect his daily routine job?

A. Buspirone*

B. Diazepam

C. Phenobarbital

D. Triazolam

A 36 years female was prescribed one of the following antipsychotic drugs for her aggravating psychosis.
Soon she came back with extrapyramidal symptoms. Which one of the following is most likely to cause
this problem?

A. Clozapine

B. Haloperidol*

C. Lorazepam

D. Risperidone
Which of the following neurotransmitter is released at the end of a local circuit (inhibitory) neuron?

A. Acetylcholine


C. Glutamate

D. Norepinephrine

E. Serotonin

A 43 years old female was brought to your clinic with complaints of loss of pleasure, appetite & energy
along with social withdrawal. You diagnose the case as major depression. You prescribe a selective
serotonin reuptake inhibitor. Which of the following drug is an SSRI?

A. Chlorpromazine

B. Diphenhydramine

C. Fluoxetine*

E. Midazolam

Succinyl choline is metabolized by pseduocholinestrase. The enzyme is present in which of the following

A. Cell membrane

B. Inner membrane of mitochondria

C. Synaptic cleft

D. Tissue and plasma*

E. Vesicle in axoplasm
A15 years old boy was diagnosed as a case of absence seizures. Medical specialist prescribed medication
and the patient started gaining weight, had an episode of pancreatitis and later on died due to fulminant
hepatitis. Which one of the following drugs was used?

A. Topiramate

B. Phenytoin

C. Valproic acid

D. Ethosuximide*

E. Gabapentin

A 30 years old woman taking oral progestin pills for contraception comes to your clinic with the
complaint of breakthrough bleeding. You advise her to change her contraceptive pills. Which of the
following contraceptive pills will you advise her?

A. A different brand of progestin

B. Biphasic pills

C. Low estrogen pill

D. Monophasic pills

E. Triphasic pills*

A 60 years old female was diagnosed with CA breast stage II. Biochemical examination of the carcinoma
after surgical resection showed that the tumor cells are positive for estrogen and progesterone
receptors. Which one of the following drugs should be given to this patient along with cytotoxic

A. Clomiphene

B. Danazol

C. Flutamide

D. Ketoconazole

E. Tamoxifen*
A 60 years old cardiac patient presented with complaints of fatigue, weakness, muscle cramps, weight
gain, & constipation. Her Serum T3 & T4 levels were found to be very low. Which of the following is the
drug of choice in this patient?

A. Iodides

B. Methylthiouracil

C. Synthetic t3*

D. Synthetic t4

A 65 years old man with multi nodular goiter is scheduled for a near total thyroidectomy. Which of the
following drugs would be administered for 10-14 days prior to surgery to reduce the vascularity of his
thyroid gland?

a. Levothyroxine
b. Liothyronine
c. Lugol’s iodine solution*
d. Prednisone
e. Mefenamic acid

Bald people are usually prescribed inhibitors of androgens after the hair transplantation. Which of the
following is the most commonly prescribed drug for this purpose?

A. Biclutamide

B. Finasteride*

C. Flutamide

D. Nilutamide

E. Spironolactone
A 15 years type-1 diabetic was operated for fractured femur. On 1st postoperative day he became
unconscious and developed all signs and symptoms of diabetic Ketoacidosis. Which of the following
insulin should be given intravenously to treat this patient in this special scenario?

A. Intermediate acting insulin

B. Long acting insulin

C. Premixed insulin

D. Rapid acting insulin

E. Regular insulin*

A type 2 diabetic lady complained to doctor that she could not reduce carbohydrate intake and her
blood sugar was not controlled by using even three drugs. The doctor added another drug naming it as
“starch Blocker” and explained its side effects as bloating and grumbling. Which of the following drug
was added to the prescription?

A. Glitazone

B. Glyburide

C. Maglitol*

D. Metforim

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