The Constrainedness Knife-Edge Toby Walsh
The Constrainedness Knife-Edge Toby Walsh
The Constrainedness Knife-Edge Toby Walsh
3 , , , , , , , , ,
Figure 1: Ratio of clauses to variables, l/n on the 2.8 N-~00-~---
-E]-- "
heuristic branch against the depth. 2.6 N=100~-
l Hence,
E(i,j)EE log2(1 - ~)
0,2 0.4 0.6 0.8
In Figure 6, we plot the estimated constrainedness
downthe heuristic branch for a typical register al-
Figure 5: Lower-boundon the constrainedness, n down
location problem. Despite the fact that this plot is
a branch for random3-SATproblems with 100 variables
and varying initial ratio of clauses to variable.
! j
1 i m--40----
Non-random problems 0.8 /i m--46
-. ....
m=49(opt) -~--
The existence of a constrainedness knife-edge helps to m=50 -<~---
0.6 .: ~.
explain the difficulty of solving randomproblems at m=54-~ --
sitions (Gent & Walsh 1996; Zhang & Korf 1996). (A)
we observe a constrainedness knife-edge when solving 10 .... ,;:i
such optimization problems? I Iog2(L)/N-~.0 I[~
/ Iog2(L)/N=1.8 ...... Jj ~
[,, :" J
To explore this question, we ran some experiments 8 [-I Iog2(L)/N=1.4
/] :, [
/ Iog2ll.yl~-l.2.... //"!i
with the CKKoptimization procedure for number par- / ~(L~=I.0
-- /i ;
o F ~(L~4~--0.6...... / ! :: - f
titioning (Korf 1995). Given a bag of N number, i ~2(L~--0.4......
- / i : ] !
wish to find a partition into two bags that minimizesA, 4/ //.../
the difference between the sum of the two bag. (Gent
& Walsh 1996) shows that for partitioning n numbers . ...........
drawn uniformly at random from(0,1], n ~ loa~(1)/n.
To estimate n during search, we assume that the num- 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
bers left are taken from such an ensemble and that
their size, l is twice the sample average. In Figure 7, (B)
we plot this estimate for the constrainedness during
search. For comparison, we also plot the lower bound Figure 7: The constrainedness, n downthe heuristic
on n using the same scales. Weagain observe a con- branch for number partitioning problems with N =
strainedness knife-edge. Althoughthere is not a tran- 30 numbers, and varying L. (A) estimated n. (B)
sition between soluble and insoluble problems (since theoretical lower-boundto same scale.
there is always an optimal partition), there is now
transition between optimization problems with perfect
partitions (that is, in whichA < 1) and those without, that this heuristic is effective on hard and unsatis-
fiable random 3-SATproblems. For instance, for 50
and verifying the optimality of a partition with A > 1
can be costly. variable unsatisfiable problems at L/N = 4.3, the me-
dian nodes searched using this heuristic is 2,575 com-
Constrainedness as a heuristic pared to 3,331 nodes for MOMS heuristic, and 7,419
nodes for the heuristic that minimizes n. On the other
Knowledgeabout the existence of a constrainedness hand, maximizing~ is less effective on hard and sat-
knife-edge may help us design more effective search isfiable problems. For 50 variable satisfiable problems
procedures. For instance, for soluble problems, it sug- at L/N = 4.3, the median nodes searched when maxi-
gests that we should try to get off the knife-edge as mizing n is 1,487 compared to 164 nodes with MOMs
quickly as possible by branching into the subproblem heuristic, and 104 nodes with the heuristic that mini-
that is as under-constrained as possible. That is, as mizes n. An adaptive heuristic that switches between
suggested in (Gent et al. 1996), we should branch into minimizing and maximizing n depending on an esti-
the subproblemthat minimizes n. To test this thesis, mate of the solubility of the problem may therefore
we implemented a branching heuristic for the Davis- offer good performance.
Putnam procedure that branches on the literal which
gives the subproblem with smallest n. In Table 1, we
showthat this heuristic performs well on hard and sat- Related work
isfiable random 3-SATproblems. Most theoretical studies of the Davis-Putnam pro-
For insoluble problems, the existence of a con- cedure have used the easier constant probability
strainedness knife-edge suggests that we should branch model. One notable exception is (Yugami1995) which
into the sub-problemthat is as over-constrained as pos- computes the average-case complexity of the Davis-
sible. That is, we should branch into the subprob- Putnamprocedure for the random3-SATproblem class.
lem that maximizes n. Initial experiments suggest Freemanhas studied experimentally the running of the
N MOM KAPPA Acknowledgments
25 11 1 I wish to thank membersof the APESgroup, especially
50 164 104 Barbara Smith and Inn Gent, for their commentsand
75 1129 580 criticisms. The author is supported by EPSI~Caward
100 3903 1174 GR/K/65706.
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procedure for satisfiable random 3-SATproblems at Bayardo, R., and Schrag, 1%. 1997. Using CSPlook-
back techniques to solve real-world SATinstances. In
L/N = 4.3, branching either with MOMsheuristic,
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hardness of problems from the phase transition. We Selman, B.; Levesque, H.; and Mitchell, D. 1992. A
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inside search maybe useful in other domains.