Generative and Discriminative Text Classification With Recurrent Neural Networks
Generative and Discriminative Text Classification With Recurrent Neural Networks
Generative and Discriminative Text Classification With Recurrent Neural Networks
1 Introduction
Neural network models used in natural language processing applications are usually trained discrim-
inatively. This strategy succeeds for many applications when training data is abundant and the data
distribution is stable. Unfortunately, neural networks require a lot of training data, and they tend to
generalize poorly when the data distribution shifts (e.g., new labels, new domains, new tasks). In
this paper, we explore using generative models to obtain improvements in sample complexity and
ability to adapt to shifting data distributions.
While neural networks are traditionally used as discriminative models (Ney, 1995; Rubinstein &
Hastie, 1997), their flexibility makes them well suited to estimating class priors and class-conditional
observation likelihoods. We focus on a simple NLP task—text classification—using discriminative
and generative variant models based on a common neural network architecture (§2). These models
use an LSTM (Hochreiter & Schmidhuber, 1997) to process documents as sequences of words. In
the generative model, documents are generated word by word, conditioned on a learned class embed-
ding; in the discriminative model the LSTM “reads” the document and uses its hidden representation
to model the class posterior. In contrast to previous generative models for text classification, ours
can model unbounded (conditional) dependencies among words in each document.
We demonstrate empirically that our discriminative model obtains a lower asymptotic error rate than
its generative counterpart, but it approaches this rate more slowly (§3.4). This behavior is precisely
the pattern that Ng & Jordan (2001) proved will hold in general for generative and discriminative
linear models. Finding the same pattern with our models is somewhat surprising since our generative
models are substantially more powerful than the linear models analyzed in that work (e.g., they
model conditional dependencies among input features), and because their theoretical analysis relied
heavily on linearity.
y x1 x2 x3
p(y | x) p(x1 | x<1 , y) p(x2 | x<2 , y) p(x3 | x<3 , y)
h1 h2 h3 vy h1 h2 h3
x1 x2 x3 y hsi x1 x2
(a) Discriminative (b) Generative
Figure 1: Illustrations of our discriminative (left) and generative (right) LSTM models.
Encouraged by this result, we turn to learning problems where good sample complexity is crucial
for success and explore whether generative models might be preferable to discriminative ones. We
first consider the single-task continual learning setting in which the labels (classes) are introduced
sequentially, and we can only learn from the newly introduced examples (§3.5). Discriminative
models are known to suffer from catastrophic forgetting when learning sequentially from examples
from a single class at a time, and specialized techniques are actively being developed to minimize
this problem (Rusu et al., 2016; Kirkpatrick et al., 2017; Fernando et al., 2017). Generative models,
on the other hand, are a more natural fit for this kind of setup since the maximization of the training
objective for a new class can be decoupled from other classes more easily (e.g., parameters of a naı̈ve
Bayes classifier can be estimated independently for each class). In order to compare discriminative
and generative models more fairly, we use a generative model that shares many parameters across
classes and evaluate its performance in this setting.
Finally, we compare the performance of discriminative and generative LSTM language models for
zero-shot learning, where we construct a semantic label space that is fixed during training based
on an auxiliary task (§3.6). We investigate whether learning to map documents onto this semantic
space (discriminative training) or learning to generate from points in the semantic space (generative
training) is better. Here, we find substantial benefits for generative models.
2 Models
Inputs to a text classification system are a document x = {x1 , x2 , . . . , xT }, where T is its length in
words, and it will predict a label y ∈ Y. We compare discriminative and generative text classification
models. Discriminative models are trained to distinguish the correct label among possible choices.
Given a collection of labeled documents {(xi , yi )}N i=1 , these models are trained to maximize the
conditional probability of the labels given the documents: i=1 log p(yi | xi ). Generative models,
on the other hand, are trained to maximize the joint probability of labels and documents under the
following factorization: i=1 log p(xi , yi ) = i=1 log p(xi | yi )p(yi ). When predictions are
made, Bayes’ rule is used to compute p(y | x).
In both models, we represent a word x by a D-dimensional embedding x ∈ RD . Figure 1 shows an
illustration of our models, and we describe them in details in the following section.
Our discriminative model uses LSTM with “peephole” connections to encode a document and build
a classifier on top of the encoder by using the average of the LSTM hidden representations as the
document representation.
Specifically, given an input word embedding xt , we compute its hidden representation ht ∈ RE
with LSTM as follows:
it = σ(Wi [xt ; ht−1 ; ct−1 ] + bi ) ft = σ(Wf [xt ; ht−1 ; ct−1 ] + bf )
ct = ft ct−1 + it tanh(Wc [xt ; ht−1 ] + bc ) ot = σ(Wo [xt ; ht−1 ; ct ] + bo )
ht = ot tanh(ct ),
where [u; v] denotes vector concatenation. We then add a softmax layer on top of this LSTM, so
the probability of predicting a label y ∈ Y is: p(y | x) ∝ exp(( T1 t=0 h> t )vy + by ), where
E×|Y| |Y|
V ∈ R is the softmax parameters and b ∈ R is the bias. We use a simple average of
LSTM hidden representations since in our preliminary experiments it works better than using the last
hidden state hT , and it is computationally much cheaper for long documents (hundreds of words)
than attention-based models. Importantly, this model is trained discriminatively to maximize the
conditional probability of the label given the document: p(y | x; W, V).
2.2 Generative Models
Our generative model is a class-based language model, shown in Figure 1. Here, we similarly com-
pute hidden representation ht with LSTM. Additionally, we also have a label embedding matrix
V ∈ RE×|Y| . We use the chain rule to factorize the probability p(x | y) into a sequential prediction:
p(x | y) = t=1 p(xt | x<t , y). To predict the word xt , we concatenate the LSTM’s hidden repre-
sentation x<t (called ht ) with the label embedding vy and add a softmax layer over vocabulary with
parameters U and class-specific bias parameters by : p(xt | x<t , y) ∝ exp(u> xt [ht ; vy ] + by,xt ). We
designate this model “Shared LSTM”, since it shares some parameters across classes (i.e., the word
embedding matrix, LSTM parameters W, and softmax parameters U). This model’s novelty owes to
the fact that there is a single conditional model that shares parameters whose behavior is modulated
by the given label embedding, whereas in traditional generative classification models, each label has
an independent LM associated with it, such as the generative n-gram language classification models
in Peng & Schuurmans (2003).
In addition to the above model, we also experiment with a class-based generative language model
where there is no shared component among classes (i.e., every class has its own word embedding,
LSTM, and softmax parameters). One benefit of this approach is that training can be parallelized
across classes, although the resulting model has larger number of parameters. We denote this model
by “Independent LSTMs”.
Note that the underlying LSTM of both our generative models is similar to the discriminative
model, except that it is trained to maximize the joint probability p(y, x; W, V, U) = p(x |
y; W, V, U)p(y). In terms of the number of parameters, these generative models have extra
parameters U that are needed to predict words (we can view the label embedding matrix as a
substitute for the softmax parameter in the discriminative case). For prediction, we compute
ŷ = argmaxy∈Y p(x | y; W, V, U)p(y) using the empirical relative frequency estimate of p(y).
3 Experiments
3.1 Datasets
We use publicly available datasets from Zhang et al. (2015) to evaluate our models (http:
// They are standard text classification datasets that include news classification,
sentiment analysis, Wikipedia article classification, and questions and answers categorization. Ta-
ble 1 shows descriptive statistics of datasets used in our experiments. For each dataset, we randomly
hold 5,000 examples from the original training set to be used as our development set.
Table 1: Descriptive statistics of datasets used in our experiments.
Name #Train #Dev # Test # Classes
AGNews 115,000 5,000 7,600 4
Sogou 445,000 5,000 60,000 5
Yelp 645,000 5,000 50,000 5
Yelp Binary 555,000 5,000 7,600 2
DBPedia 555,000 5,000 70,000 14
Yahoo 1,395,000 5,000 60,000 10
3.2 Baselines
In addition to our generative vs. discriminative models in §2 and baselines from previous work on
these datasets, we also compare with the following generative models:
Naı̈ve Bayes classifier. A simple count-based unigram language model that uses naı̈ve Bayes as-
sumption to factorize p(x | y) = t=1 p(xt | y).
Kneser–Ney Bayes classifier. A more sophisticated count-based language model that uses tri-
grams and Kneser–Ney smoothing p(x | y) = t=1 p(xt | xt−1 , xt−2 , y). Similar to the
naı̈ve Bayes classifier, we construct one language model per class and predict by computing:
ŷ = argmaxy∈Y p(x | y)p(y).
Naı̈ve Bayes neural network. Last, we also design a naı̈ve Bayes baseline where p(xt | y) is
modeled by a feedforward neural network (in our case, we use a two layer neural network). This
Table 2: Summary of results on the full datasets.
Models AGNews Sogou Yelp Bin Yelp Full DBPed Yahoo
Naı̈ve Bayes 90.0 86.3 86.0 51.4 96.0 68.7
Kneser–Ney Bayes 89.3 94.6 81.8 41.7 95.4 69.3
MLP Naı̈ve Bayes 89.9 76.1 73.6 40.4 87.2 60.6
Discriminative LSTM 92.1 94.9 92.6 59.6 98.7 73.7
Generative LSTM–independent comp. 90.7 93.5 90.0 51.9 94.8 70.5
Generative LSTM–shared comp. 90.6 90.3 88.2 52.7 95.4 69.3
bag of words (Zhang et al., 2015) 88.8 92.9 92.2 58.0 96.6 68.9
fastText (Joulin et al., 2016) 92.5 96.8 95.7 63.9 98.6 72.3
char-CNN (Zhang et al., 2015) 87.2 95.1 94.7 62.0 98.3 71.2
char-CRNN (Xiao & Cho, 2016) 91.4 95.2 94.5 61.8 98.6 71.7
very deep CNN (Conneau et al., 2016) 91.3 96.8 95.7 64.7 98.7 73.4
is an extension of the naı̈ve Bayes baseline, where we replace the class-conditional count-based
unigram language model with a class-conditional vector-based unigram language model.
In all our experiments, we set the word embedding dimension D and the LSTM hidden dimension
E to 100.1 For the generative model, the dimension of the class embedding is also set to 100. We
train our model using AdaGrad (Duchi et al., 2012) and tune the learning rate on development sets.
We also use the development sets to decide when to stop training based on classification accuracy as
the evaluation metric.
Ng & Jordan (2001) theoretically and empirically show that generative linear models reach their
(higher) asymptotic error faster than discriminative models (naı̈ve Bayes classifier vs. logistic re-
gression). While it is difficult to derive the theoretical properties of expressive recurrent neural
network models such as ours, we empirically evaluate the performance of these models.
Table 2 summarizes our results on the full datasets, along with results from previous work on these
datasets. Our discriminative LSTM model is competitive with other discriminative models based on
logistic regression (Zhang et al., 2015; Joulin et al., 2016) or convolutional neural networks (Zhang
et al., 2015; Xiao & Cho, 2016; Conneau et al., 2016). All of the generative models have lower
classification accuracies. These results agree with Ng & Jordan (2001) that discriminative models
have lower asymptotic errors than generative models.
Comparing various generative models, we can see that the generative LSTM models are generally
better than baseline generative models with stronger independence assumptions (i.e., naı̈ve Bayes,
Kneser–Ney Bayes, and naı̈ve Bayes neural network). Our results suggest that LSTM is an effective
method to capture dependencies among words in a document. We also compare the two generative
LSTM models: shared LSTM and independent LSTMs. The results are roughly similar.
Next, we evaluate our models with varying training size. For each of our six datasets, we randomly
choose 5, 20, 100, and 1000 examples per class. We train the models on these smaller datasets and
report results in Figure 2. Our results show that the generative shared LSTM model outperforms
the discriminative model in almost all cases in the small-data regime on all datasets except one (AG
News). Among generative models, the generative LSTM model still achieves better classification
accuracies compared to naı̈ve Bayes and Kneser–Ney Bayes models, even in the small-data regime.
While it is difficult to analyze the theoretical sample complexity of deep recurrent models, we see
this collection of results as an empirical support that generative nonlinear models have lower sample
complexity than their discriminative counterparts.
Our next set of experiments investigate properties of discriminative and generative LSTM models
to adapt to data distribution shifts. An example of data distribution shift is when new classes are
introduced to the models. In the real-world setting, being able to detect emergence of a new class
We also experimented with setting both D and E to 50 and 300, they resulted in comparable performance.
AG News Sogou
% accuracy
% accuracy
naive bayes
KN bayes
disc LSTM naive bayes
gen LSTM KN bayes
disc LSTM
gen LSTM
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
log (#training + 1) log (#training + 1)
60 50
% accuracy
% accuracy
naive bayes naive bayes
KN bayes KN bayes
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
log (#training + 1) log (#training + 1)
Yahoo DBPedia
40 60 80 100
% accuracy
% accuracy
naive bayes
naive bayes KN bayes
gen LSTM
disc LSTM
gen LSTM
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
log (#training + 1) log (#training + 1)
Figure 2: Accuracies of generative and discriminative models with varying training size.
and train on examples from a new class that shows up at a later time without having to retrain the
model on the entire dataset is extremely attractive, especially in cases where we have a very large
dataset and model. We focus on how well these models learn from new classes in this (sub)section
and discuss detection of data distribution shifts in more details in §4.
Setup. We consider the setup where models are presented with examples from each class sequen-
tially (single-task continual learning).2 Here, each model has to learn information from newly intro-
duced examples to be able to correctly classify documents into this new class, but they cannot train
from previously seen classes while doing so. Table 3 summarizes our results and we discuss them
in details in the followings.
Discriminative LSTM. We first investigate the performance of the LSTM discriminative model.
Discriminative models are known to suffer from catastrophic forgetting—where the models overtrain
on the newly introduced class and fail to retain useful information from previous classes—in this
setup. In these experiments, every time we see examples from a new class, we update all parameters
of the model with information the new examples. However, even after extensive tuning of learning
rate and freezing some components of the network,3 we were unable to avoid catastrophic forgetting.
We observe that since the model is trained to discriminate among possible classes, when it only sees
examples from a single class for tens or hundreds of iterations, it adjusts its parameters to always
predict the new class. Of course, in theory, there might be an oracle learning rate that would prevent
catastrophic forgetting while still acquiring enough knowledge about the newly introduced classes
to update the model. However, we find that in practice it is very difficult to discover these learning
rate values, especially for a reasonably large LSTM model that takes high-dimensional input such
as a long news article. Even for the same learning rate value, the development set performance
varies widely across multiple training runs. Note that since this model is trained discriminatively,
Here, we focus on a single-task continual learning setup, although the idea can be generalized to a multitask
setting as well.
For example, we experiment with fixing the word embedding matrix and train all other components and
fixing the LSTM language model component after seeing the first class and only train the softmax parameters.
AG News
94 96 98 100
Datasets Shared-Gen Ind.-Gen Disc.
AG News 90.2 90.7 40.5
% accuracy
Yelp Full 51.4 52.7 20.0
Yelp Binary 86.4 90.0 57.2 gen LSTM -- shared
DBPedia 95.7 94.8 8.3 gen LSTM -- independent
Yahoo 68.5 70.5 10.0
0 1 2 3
new class
Table 3: Continual learning results. Shared and Figure 3: Classification accuracies on the AG
Ind.-Gen are the generative shared and indepen- News dataset for the generative LSTM models
dent models respectively (see text for details). as we introduce class 0, 1, 2, and 3.
it is also not trivial make use of information from unlabeled data to pretrain some components of
the model, except for the word embedding matrix. A promising method to prevent catastrophic for-
getting in discriminative models is elastic weight consolidation (Kirkpatrick et al., 2017). However,
the method requires computing a Fisher information matrix, and it is not clear how to compute it
efficiently for complex models such as LSTM on GPUs.
Generative LSTM. Next, we consider the generative independent LSTMs model. Parameter es-
timations of some generative models, such as the naı̈ve Bayes and this independent LSTMs, can
be naturally decoupled across classes. As a result, these models can easily incorporate information
from newly introduced examples from a new class. Every time a new class is introduced, we sim-
ply learn a new model of p(x | ynew ; Wynew , vynew , Uynew ) and ∀y ∈ Y, update p(y). One possible
drawback of this approach is that the size of the model grows with the number of classes.
Last, we experiment with the generative shared LSTM model. Our training procedure for this model
is as follows. We first train the LSTM language model part on a large amount of unlabeled data.4
When training the language model on unlabeled data, we remove the class-specific bias component
by and set the class embedding vy to be a random vector ỹ with a bounded norm kṽy k2 ≤ 1. After
we pretrain the shared components, we freeze their parameters and tune the class embedding vy as
well as the class-specific softmax bias by on the labeled training data. The benefit of this training—
compared to having a separate LSTM model for each class—is that it is faster to train (in the presence
of examples from a new class). Given a new class y, we only need to learn two vectors: vy and by .
We can see from results in Table 3 and Figure 3 that the generative shared LSTM model trained with
this procedure approaches the performance of its equivalent model that can see examples from all
classes, and performs competitively with the generative independent LSTMs model.
3.6 Zero-shot learning
Our last set of experiments compare the performance of discriminative and generative LSTM lan-
guage models for zero-shot learning, where the label embedding space is fixed based on an auxiliary
task. Humans can acquire new concepts and learn relations among these concepts from an exter-
nal task, and use this knowledge effectively across multiple tasks. In these experiments, we use
datasets where the class labels are semantically meaningful concepts (e.g., science, sports,
business—instead of star ratings from 1 to 5).
Setup. We remove labels of documents from one of the classes, but we provide the models with
knowledge about the classes from external sources in the form of class embeddings V. For example,
when labels are words (e.g. science, sports, business, etc.), we construct a semantic space
by learning the label embeddings vy using standard word embedding techniques for all y ∈ Y. In
order to do this, we use pretrained GloVe word embedding vectors (Pennington et al., 2014).5 In
cases where the class labels consist of more than one words (e.g., society and culture), we choose
one word from the labels (e.g., society). At test time, we see examples from all classes and evaluate
precision and recall of the hidden class, as well as the overall accuracy on all classes.
Discriminative LSTM. The model learns from the labeled data to place documents in the seman-
tic space, such that embeddings of documents are close to embeddings of their respective labels. In
practice, we fix the softmax parameters V and learn an embedding of the document to maximize
exp(( T1 t=0 h> t )vy ), where ht is the LSTM hidden state for word t in the document. In our ex-
periments, this model never predicts the hidden class (zero precision and recall). Our results show
In practice, we train on the corresponding training dataset without using document labels.
Table 4: Zero shot learning results on four datasets. Hidden class indicates the class that is not
included in the training data. We show precision and recall on test data for the hidden class, as well
as accuracy for examples from all classes.
Dataset Hidden Class Prec. Recall Acc.
world 94.4 77.8 87.8
sports 95.7 83.3 85.5
AG News
business 84.9 60.1 83.9
science and tech 92.0 54.3 83.2
sports 95.0 80.5 87.4
finance 24.2 0.7 73.1
Sogou entertainment 90.2 78.8 86.6
automobile 42.9 0.7 72.1
science and tech 99.7 58.7 85.6
society and culture 42.8 7.9 64.9
science and math 48.3 9.8 63.2
health 26.3 0.4 61.8
education and reference 23.5 3.8 65.2
computers and internet 45.4 3 60.8
sports 52.9 52.9 64.6
business and finance 43.6 17.3 66.2
entertainment and music 44.9 2.3 63.2
family and relationships 8.3 0.05 62.5
politics and government 48.6 10.4 62.1
company 98.9 46.6 93.3
educational institution 99.2 49.5 92.8
artist 88.3 4.3 90.3
athlete 96.5 90.1 94.6
office holder 0 0 89.1
mean of transportation 96.5 74.3 94.2
building 99.9 37.7 92.1
natural place 98.9 88.2 95.4
village 99.9 68.1 93.8
animal 99.7 68.1 93.8
plant 99.2 76.9 94.3
album 0.03 0.001 88.8
film 99.4 73.3 94.5
written work 93.8 26.5 91.3
that while discriminative training of an expressive model such as LSTM on high dimensional text
data produces a reliable predictor of seen classes, the resulting model overfits to the seen classes.
Generative LSTM. The model learns to generate from points in the label semantic space using
the labeled documents. The model may infer how to generate a document about politics without
ever having seen such an example in the training data. Similar to the discriminative case, we fix V,
which in this case plays the role of class embeddings, and train other parts of the model on all training
data except examples from the hidden class (we use the generative shared LSTM since naturally the
generative independent LSTMs cannot be used in this experiment). We observe on the development
set that this model is able to predict examples from the unseen class with high precision, but very low
recall (≈ 1%). We design a self-training algorithm that add predicted hidden class examples from
the development set to the training set and allow the model to train on these predicted examples. We
show the results in Table 4. We can see that for most hidden classes, the generative model achieves
good performance. For example, on the AG News dataset, the model performs reasonably well for
any of the hidden classes. For a more difficult dataset where the overall accuracy is not very high
such as Yahoo, the precision of the hidden class is lower, and as a result the recall also suffers.
Nonetheless, the model is still able to achieve reasonable overall accuracy in some cases (recall that
the accuracy of this model trained on the full dataset without any hidden class is 69.3).
Of course, if we include predicted hidden class examples to the training set of a discriminative
model, it can also achieve good performance on all classes. However, the main point is that the
discriminative LSTM model never predicts the hidden classes without any training data.
Two-class zero-shot learning. We also perform experiments with the generative LSTM model
when we hide two classes on the AG News dataset and show the results in Table 5. In this case, the
model does not perform as well since the precision of predicting hidden classes drops significantly,
introducing too much noise in the training data. However, the model is still able to learn some useful
Table 5: Zero-shot learning results with two hidden class on the AG News dataset. We show P0 (P1)
and R0 (R1) that indicate precision and recall for hidden class one (two), as well as overall accuracy.
Classes P0 R0 P1 R1 Acc.
world+sports 43.2 3.4 54.7 90.2 67.2
world+business 55.4 75.6 25.9 2.2 67.6
world+science/tech 40.5 5.7 38.7 47.8 61.1
sports+business 62.3 80.7 48.3 6.6 67.6
sports+science/tech 66.2 85.5 66.8 6.7 67.6
business+science/tech 43.6 62.1 59.0 1.9 63.3
information since the overall accuracy is still higher than 50% (the accuracy of models that are only
trained on two classes without any zero-shot learning of the hidden classes).
4 Discussion
Computational complexity. In terms of training and inference time, discriminative models are
much faster. For example, for our smallest (biggest) dataset that contains 115,000 (1,395,000) train-
ing examples, it takes approximately two hours (two days) to get good generative models, whereas
training the discriminative models only takes approximately 20 minutes (6 hours). The main draw-
back of generative models in NLP applications is in the softmax computation, since it has to be done
over an entire vocabulary set. In many cases, such as in our experiments, the size of the vocabulary
is in the order of hundreds of thousands. There are approximate methods to speed up this softmax
computation, such as via hierarchical softmax (Morin & Bengio, 2005), noise contrastive estimation
(Mnih & Teh, 2012), sampled softmax (Jean et al., 2015), or one-vs-each approximation (Titsias,
2017). However, even with these approximations, discriminative models are still much faster.
Data likelihood. In generative models,
P we can easily compute the probability of a document by
marginalizing over classes: p(x) = y∈Y p(x | y)p(y). Since there is no explicit model of p(x) in
discriminative models, obtaining it would require a separate language model training. We explore
whether we can use p(x) as an indicator of the presence of a new (unknown) class. We use the AG
News corpus and train the generative LSTM model on examples from only 3 labels (recall that there
are 4 labels in this corpus). We compute p(x) for all documents in the test set and show the results
in Figure 4. We can see that examples from the class where there is no training data (i.e., class 0
and class 1 in the top and bottom figures, respectively) tend to have lower marginal likelihoods than
examples from classes observed in the training data. In practice, we can use this observation to see
whether there is data distribution shifts and we need to update parameters of our models.
Class 3 Class 3
-500 -400 -300 -200 -100 -600 -500 -400 -300 -200 -100
5 Conclusion
We have compared discriminative and generative LSTM-based text classification models in terms
of sample complexity and asymptotic error rates. We showed that generative models are better
than their discriminative counterparts in small-data regime, empirically extending the (theoretical)
results of Ng & Jordan (2001) from linear to nonlinear models. Formal characterization of the
generalization behavior of complex neural networks is difficult, with findings from convex problems
failing to account for empirical facts about generalization Zhang et al. (2017). As such, this result
is remarkable for being one domain in which generalization behavior of simpler models transfers to
more complex models.
We also investigated their properties in the continual and zero-shot settings. Our collection of results
showed that generative models are more suitable in these settings and they were able to obtain
comparable performance to generative models trained on the full datasets in the standard setting.
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