Second Order Differential Equations: Dr. Suresh Kumar, BITS Pilani
Second Order Differential Equations: Dr. Suresh Kumar, BITS Pilani
Second Order Differential Equations: Dr. Suresh Kumar, BITS Pilani
Chapter 3
Note: This module is prepared from Chapter 3 of the text book (G.F. Simmons, Differential
Equations with Applications and Historical Notes, TMH, 2nd ed., 1991) just to help the students.
The study material is expected to be useful but not exhaustive. For detailed study, the students
are advised to attend the lecture/tutorial classes regularly, and consult the text book.
Second Order DE
f (x, y, y 0 , y 00 ) = 0.
Theorem 0.1.1. (Existence and Uniqueness of Solution): If p(x), q(x) and r(x) are con-
tinuous functions on [a, b] and x0 is any point in [a, b], then the IVP y 00 + p(x)y 0 + q(x)y = r(x),
y(x0 ) = y0 , y 0 (x0 ) = y00 has a unique solution on [a, b].
Theorem 0.1.2. If p(x) and q(x) are continuous functions on [a, b] and x0 is any point in [a, b],
then the IVP y 00 + p(x)y 0 + q(x)y = 0, y(x0 ) = 0, y 0 (x0 ) = 0 has only the trivial solution y = 0 on
[a, b].
Proof. We find that y(x) = 0 satisfies the homogeneous DE y 00 + p(x)y 0 + q(x)y = 0 along with
the initial conditions y(x0 ) = 0 and y 0 (x0 ) = 0. So the required result follows from the previous
theorem 0.1.1.
Theorem 0.1.3. (Linearity Principle) If y1 and y2 are any two solutions of the homogeneous
LDE y 00 + p(x)y 0 + q(x)y = 0, then c1 y1 + c2 y2 is also a solution for any constants c1 and c2 .
Now substituting c1 y1 + c2 y2 for y into left hand side of the given homogeneous LDE, we obtain
Thus, c1 y1 + c2 y2 , the linear combination of the solutions y1 and y2 , is also a solution of the
homogeneous LDE.
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Remark 0.1.1. The above result need not be true for a non-homogeneous or non-linear DE.
Definition 0.1.1. (Linearly Independent and Linearly Dependent Functions) Two func-
tions f (x) and g(x) are said to be linearly independent (LI) on [a, b] if f (x) is not a constant
multiple of g(x) on [a, b]. The functions, which are not LI, are known as linearly dependent (LD)
For example, the functions x + 1 and x2 are LI on [1, 5] while the functions x2 + 1 and 3x2 + 3
are LD functions on [1, 5]. The functions sin x and cos x are LI on any interval.
dW dW
= + p(x)W = 0. W = y1 y20 y2 y10 & = y1 y200 y2 y100
dx dx
= W = ce p(x)dx
, where c is a constant of integration.
Proof. If y1 and y2 are LD, then there exists some constant c such that y1 (x) = cy2 (x) for all
x [a, b]. It follows that W (y1 , y2 ) = y1 y20 y2 y10 = cy2 y20 cy2 y20 = 0 for all x [a, b].
Conversely, let W (y1 , y2 ) = y1 y20 y2 y10 = 0 for all x [a, b]. Now, there are two possibilities
about y1 . First, y1 = 0 for all x [a, b]. In this case, we have y1 = 0 = 0.y2 for all x [a, b], and
consequently y1 and y2 are LD. Next, if y1 is not identically 0 in [a, b] and x0 is any point in [a, b]
such that y1 (x0 ) 6= 0, then continuity of y1 ensures the existence of a subinterval [c, d] containing
x0 in [a, b] such that y1 6= 0 for all x [c, d]. Dividing W (y1 , y2 ) = y1 y20 y2 y10 = 0 by y12 , we get
(y1 y20 y2 y10 )/y12 = (y2 /y1 )0 = 0. So we have y2 /y1 = k for all x [c, d], where k is some constant.
This shows that y1 and y2 are LD in [c, d]. This completes the proof.
Theorem 0.1.4. (General Solution of Homogeneous LDE) If y1 (x) and y2 (x) are two LI
solutions of a homogeneous LDE y 00 + p(x)y 0 + q(x)y = 0 on [a, b], then c1 y1 (x) + c2 y2 (x), where
c1 and c2 are arbitrary constants, is the general solution of the homogeneous LDE.
Proof. Let y(x) be any solution of y 00 + p(x)y 0 + q(x)y = 0. We shall prove that there exists unique
constants c1 and c2 such that
Given that y1 (x) and y2 (x) are two LI solutions of the given homogeneous LDE on [a, b].Therefore,
y1 (x) y2 (x)
y1 (x) y20 (x) = W (y1 (x), y2 (x)) is non-zero for all x [a, b]. This in turn implies that the system
of equations (4) and (5) has a unique solution (c1 , c2 ). This completes the proof.
For example, y 00 + y = 0 has two LI solutions y1 = cos x and y2 = sin x. So its general solution
is c1 cos x + c2 sin x.
v 00 y1 + v 0 (2y10 + p(x)y1 ) = 0.
v 00 2y10
= = p(x).
v0 y1
log v = 2 log y1 p(x)dx.
1 R p(x)dx
= v0 = e .
1 R p(x)dx
= v= e dx.
1 R p(x)dx
y2 = y1 e dx.
y = c1 x + c2 x1 .
Second Order DE Dr. Suresh Kumar, BITS Pilani 7
= m2 + pm + q = 0, (10)
since emx 6= 0.
Equation (10) is called auxiliary equation (AE) and its roots are
p p
p + p2 4q p p2 4q
m1 = and m2 = .
2 2
Now three different cases arise depending on the nature of roots of the AE.
(i) If p2 4q > 0, then m1 and m2 are real and distinct. So em1 x and em2 x are two particular
solutions of 9. Also these are LI being not constant multiple of each other. Therefore, general
solution of (9) is
y = c1 em1 x + c2 em2 x .
(ii) If p2 4q < 0, then m1 and m2 are conjugate complex numbers. Let m1 = a+ib and m2 = aib.
Then we get the following solutions of 9:
e(a+ib)x = eax (cos bx + i sin bx), (11)
Ex. 0.3.4. Show that the general homogeneous LDE y 00 + p(x)y 0 + q(x)y = 0 is reducible to a
Rp LDE with constant coefficients if and only if (q 0 + 2pq)/q 2 is constant provided that
z= q(x)dx.
Rp p
Sol. 0.3.4. We have z = q(x)dx and z 0 = q(x). Therefore,
dy 0 dy
y0 = z = q.
dz dz
d2 y 0 q 0 dy d2 y q 0 dy
= y 00 = q 2z + =q 2 + .
dz 2 q dz dz 2 q dz
Plugging the values of y 0 and y 00 into y 00 + p(x)y 0 + q(x)y = 0 and dividing by q, we obtain
d2 y q 0 + 2pq dy
+ 3 + y = 0.
dz 2 2q 2 dz
This is a homogeneous LDE with constant coefficients if and only if (q 0 + 2pq)/q 2 is constant.
Ex. 0.3.5. Reduce xy 00 + (x2 1)y 0 + x3 y = 0 to a homogeneous LDE with constant coefficients
and hence solve it.
2x + 2 x x1 x2
q 0 + 2pq
3 = = 2.
q2 x3
This shows that the given DE is reducible to a homogeneous LDE with constant coefficients given
d2 y q 0 + 2pq dy
+ 3 + y = 0.
dz 2 2q 2 dz
Second Order DE Dr. Suresh Kumar, BITS Pilani 9
Rp R
where z = q(x)dx = xdx = 2
d2 y dy
= + + y = 0.
dz 2 dz
1 3
Its AE is m2 + m + 1 = 0 with roots m = 2
i. So the solution reads as
z2 3 3
y=e c1 cos z + c2 sin z .
2 2
Substituting z = 2
, we have
2 3 2 3 2
y=e c1 cos x + c2 sin x .
4 4
Ex. 0.3.6. Show that a DE of the form x2 y 00 + pxy 0 + qy = 0, where p, q are constants, reduces to
a homogeneous LDE with constant coefficients with the transformation x = ez . Hence, solve the
equation x2 y 00 + 2xy 0 6y = 0.
Sol. 0.3.6. We have x = ez . So z = log x and z 0 = 1/x. Therefore,
dy 0 dy
xy 0 = x z = .
dz dz
1 d2 y 0 d2 y dy
2 00 2 1 dy 2 1 dy
= x y =x =x z = .
x dz x dz 2 x2 dz dz 2 dz
Thus, the equation x2 y 00 + pxy 0 + qy = 0 becomes
d2 y dy
+ (p 1) + qy = 0,
dz dz
which a homogeneous LDE with constant coefficients.
Hence, with x = ez , the DE x2 y 00 + 2xy 0 6y = 0 reduces to
d2 y dy
+ 6y = 0.
dz 2 dz
Its AE is m2 + m 6 = 0 with the roots m = 3, 2. So its solution is
y = c1 e3z + c2 e2z .
= y = c1 x3 + c2 x2 .
Remark 0.3.1. The DE in the form x2 y 00 + pxy 0 + qy = 0 is called Eulers or Cauchys equidi-
mensional equation. If we denote dydz
by Dz y, then xy 0 = Dz y and xy 00 = Dz (Dz 1)y. It can also
3 000
be shown that x y = Dz (Dz 1)(Dz 2)y and in general xn y (n) = Dz (Dz 1)...(Dz n + 1)y.
Thus, every Eulers or Cauchys equidimensional equation reduces to a homogeneous LDE with
constant coefficients with the transformation x = ez .
Second Order DE Dr. Suresh Kumar, BITS Pilani 10
Proof. Let y be any solution of y 00 +p(x)y 0 +q(x)y = r(x). Then y yp is a solution of homogeneous
LDE y 00 + p(x)y 0 + q(x)y = 0 since
(y yp )00 + p(x)(y yp )0 + q(x)(y yp ) = (y 00 + p(x)y 0 + q(x)y) (yp00 + p(x)yp0 + q(x)yp ) =
r(x) r(x) = 0.
But yh = c1 y1 + c2 y2 is general solution of y 00 + p(x)y 0 + q(x)y = 0. So there exists suitable
constants c1 and c2 such that
y yp = c1 y1 + c2 y2 = yh or y = yh + yp .
This completes the proof.
In the next three sections, we shall learn some methods to find the particular solution yp of the
non-homogeneous LDE, namely the method of undetermined coefficients, the method of variation
of parameters and the operator methods.
Second Order DE Dr. Suresh Kumar, BITS Pilani 11
y 00 + py 0 + qy = r(x), (13)
where p, q are constants and r(x) is exponential or sine or cosine or polynomial or some combina-
tion of these functions. We assume yp equal to linear combination r(x) and all different functions
(except for the constant multiples) arising from derivatives of r(x). Finally substituting yp for y
in (13), we determine the unknown coefficients in yp by equating coefficients of like functions on
both sides.
Ex. Find a particular solution of y 00 y 0 2y = 4x2 . Also determine the general solution.
Sol. Comparing the given equation with y 00 + py 0 + qy = r(x), we get r(x) = 4x2 . Therefore, the
possible non-zero derivatives of r(x) are 8x and 8. Let yp = Ax2 + Bx + C be a particular solution.
Substituting yp for y into the given DE, we obtain
2A = 4, 2A 2B = 0, 2A B 2C = 0.
= A = 2, B = 2, C = 3.
yp = 2x2 + 2x 3.
y = yh + yp = c1 e2x + c2 ex 2x2 + 2x 3.
Remark: It is possible that the assumed yp may satisfy the corresponding homogeneous DE. In
such a case, we assume yp with multiplication by x.
Sol. Comparing the given equation with y 00 + py 0 + qy = r(x), we get r(x) = sin x. The only
function arising from derivative from r(x) is cos x. Let yp = A sin x + B cos x be a particular
solution. But yp00 + yp = 0, that is, the assumed yp satisfies the corresponding homogeneous DE
y 00 +y = 0. Therefore, we assume revised particular solution yp = x(A sin x+B cos x). Substituting
it for y into the given DE, we obtain
y = c1 y 1 + c2 y 2 , (18)
y = v1 y1 + v2 y2 , (19)
v1 (y100 + p(x)y10 + q(x)y1 ) + v2 (y200 + p(x)y20 + q(x)y2 ) + p(x)(v10 y1 + v20 y2 ) + v10 y10 + v20 y20 = r(x). (21)
y2 r(x) y1 r(x)
v10 = , v20 = .
W (y1 , y2 ) W (y1 , y2 )
y2 r(x)
y1 r(x)
y = y1 dx + y2 dx.
W (y1 , y2 ) W (y1 , y2 )
Sol. Comparing the given equation with y 00 + p(x)y 0 + q(x)y = r(x), we get r(x) = csc x. The
general solution of the corresponding homogeneous equation y 00 + y = 0 is y = c1 cos x + c2 sin x.
Let y1 = cos x and y2 = sin x. Then W (y1 , y2 ) = 1, and hence by the method of variation of
parameters, the particular solution is obtained as
y2 r(x)
y1 r(x)
y = y1 dx + y2 dx
W (y1 , y2 ) W (y1 , y2 )
= cos x sin x csc xdx + sin x cos x csc xdx
= x cos x + sin x log(sin x).
y 00 + py 0 + qy = r(x) in operator form can be written as (D2 + pD + q)y = r(x) or f (D)y = r(x)
where f (D) = D2 + pD + q. We shall denote the inverse operator of f (D) by f (D) .
Operating f (D) on both sides of the DE f (D)y = r(x), we obtain
y= r(x),
f (D)
a particular solution of the DE. We can not operate f (D) on r(x) in general. It depends on forms
of f (D) and r(x). So we discuss the following cases.
(i) If a is a constant and f (D) = D a, then the particular solution is given by
y= r(x).
Operating D a on both sides, we get
(D a)y = r(x)
= ay = r(x),
which is a LDE with IF= eax and solution
y=e ax
r(x)eax dx.
Thus, r(x) = e ax
r(x)eax dx.
If a = 0, then D1 r(x) = r(x)dx. This shows that D1 stands for the integral operator. Hence,
(D2 1)y = ex .
= (D 1)(D + 1)y = ex .
= y= ex .
(D 1)(D + 1)
1 1 x
= y= e .
D1 D+1
1 x x x
= y= e e e dx .
= y= (xex ).
= y=e x
ex xex dx.
x 1 1
= y=e x .
2 4
1 1
Remark: In the above example, we applied the operators D+1 and D1 successively. We could,
however, also apply the operators after making partial fractions as illustrated in the following.
We have
y = ex
(D 1)(D + 1)
1 1 1
= ex
2 D1 D+1
1 1 x 1 x
= e e
2 D1 D+1
1 x x x x x x
= e e e dx e e e dx
x 1 1
= e x .
4 2
Second Order DE Dr. Suresh Kumar, BITS Pilani 15
(ii) If r(x) is some polynomial in x, then we write series expansion of f (D)
in ascending powers of
D as illustrated in the following example.
(D2 + 1)y = x2 + x + 3.
= y= (x2 + x + 3).
D2 +1
= y = (1 + D2 )1 (x2 + x + 3).
= y = (1 D2 + D4 ......)(x2 + x + 3).
= y = x2 + x + 3 2 + 0 .......
= y = x2 + x + 1,
= D2 (ekx g(x)) = D(ekx (D+k)g(x)) = ekx D(D+k)g(x)+kekx (D+k)g(x) = ekx (D+k)2 g(x).
Since one can express f (D)
in powers of D, so we have in general
1 1
(ekx g(x)) = ekx g(x).
f (D) f (D + k)
Sol. We have
y= (xex ).
D2 3D + 2
= y = ex x.
(D + 1)2 3(D + 1) + 2
= y = ex x.
D2 D
x 1 1
= y = e + x.
D 1D
x 1 2
= y = e + 1 + D + D + .... x.
= y = e +x+1 .