Planetory Rulers
Planetory Rulers
Planetory Rulers
Creativity, Vitality,
Leadership, Confidence & Sympathy, Receptivity,
Positive key words Generosity. Protective & Good memory.
Touchiness, Worry,
Arrogance, Cruelty, Conceit, Emotional instability,
Negative key words Pomposity & Aggression. Moodiness & smothering love.
Mars Mercury Venus
Masculine. Neutral gender. Feminine.
Strength and Power. The Speech. Potency and Desire.
Siblings. Maternal Uncles. Spouse.
Army Commander. Crown Prince. Minister or Royal Advisor.
Violent, Angry and Rash. Volatile and Versatile. Easy going and Accommodating.
Agni or Fire. Bhoo or Earth. Jala or Water.
Rajo Guna or Imperious and Rajo guna or Imperious and
Tamo Guna or Dull or Ignorant. Passionate. Passionate.
Kshatriya or Warrior. Vaishya or Trader. Brahmin or Priest.
Benefic when associated with benefic
Malefic. planets otherwise malefic. Benefic.
In the Tenth House. In the First House. In the Fourth House.
In the Fourth House. In the Seventh House. In the Tenth House.
Natural astrological First and Natural astrological Third and Sixth Natural astrological Second and
Eight houses. houses. Seventh houses.
Capricorn. Virgo. Pisces.
Cancer. Pisces. Virgo.
Libra. Sagittarius. Aries.
The Pelvis and Reproductive
The Chest. The Hips. organs.
Tuesday. Wednesday. Friday.
East. North. Southeast Direction.
Grishma or Summer season. Sharat or Autumn season. Vasant or Spring season.
Copper. Quicksilver or Parad. Platinum and Silver.
Red Coral. Emerald. Diamond.
Hourglass. A Triangle. An Octagon
9, 18, 27, 36 5, 14, 23, 32 6, 15, 24, 33
Benefic. Malefic.
In the First House. In the Seventh House.
In the Seventh House. In the First House.