Bully Policy PDF
Bully Policy PDF
Bully Policy PDF
asks for money or starts stealing money (to pay the bully) Discrimination is often driven by a lack of understanding
has unexplained cuts or bruises which only serves to strengthen stereotypes and can
potentially lead to actions that may cause women, ethnic
is frightened to say whats wrong
minorities, disabled people, lesbian, gay, bisexual or
gives improbable excuses for any of the above. transgender people, or people who follow specific religions
or beliefs, to feel excluded, isolated or undervalued. Ensure
In more extreme cases: that club members know that discriminatory language and
starts stammering behaviour will not be tolerated in this club.
cries themselves to sleep at night or has nightmares
becomes aggressive, disruptive or unreasonable If an incident occurs, members should be informed that
is bullying other children or siblings tolerated. If a member continues to make discriminatory
stops eating
attempts or threatens suicide or runs away. and bullying has on people. If it is a young person making
These signs and behaviours may indicate other problems, the remarks their parents should be informed just as in any
but bullying should be considered a possibility and should breach of the clubs Code of Conduct and this Anti-Bullying
be investigated. policy.
If a member makes persistent remarks, they should be
Bullying as a result of any form of discrimination removed from the training setting in line with managing
Bullying because of discrimination occurs when bullying
is motivated by a prejudice against certain people or
groups of people. This may be because of their gender, comments are unacceptable.
age, race, nationality, ethnic origin, religion or belief, sexual If the problem persists, the member should be made to
orientation, gender reassignment, disability or ability. understand the sanctions that will apply if they continue
to use discriminatory language or behaviour.
Generally, these forms of bullying look like other sorts of Consider inviting the parents/carers to the club to discuss
bullying, but in particular it can include: the attitudes of the youth member in line with the
procedures detailed in this policy.
Verbal abuse derogatory remarks about girls or women,
suggesting girls and women are inferior to boys and men, Procedures
or that black, Asian and ethnic minority people are not as 1.
capable as white people; spreading rumours that someone member of the clubs committee
is gay, suggesting that something or someone is inferior and
so they are gay for example, youre such a gay boy! or 2. In cases of serious bullying, the incidents will be referred
those trainers are so gay! Ridiculing someone because of
a disability or mental health related issue, or because they The FA Case Management Team
have a physical, mental or emotional developmental delay. 3. Parents should be informed and will be asked to come in
Referring to someone by the colour of their skin, rather than to a meeting to discuss the problem
their name; using nicknames that have racial connotations; 4. If necessary and appropriate, the police will be consulted
isolating someone because they come from another 5. The bullying behaviour or threats of bullying must be
country or social background etc. investigated and the bullying stopped quickly
Physical abuse including hitting, punching, kicking, 6. An attempt will be made to help the bully (bullies) change
sexual assault, and threatening behaviour. their behaviour
Cyberbullying using online spaces to spread rumours 7. If mediation fails and the bullying is seen to continue the club
about someone or exclude them. It can also include text will initiate disciplinary action under the club constitution.
messaging, including video and picture messaging.