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The MC275 Commemorative issue cluded. Close tolerance film resistors,

amplifier and owner's manual are faithful polypropelene capacitors and fiberglass
reproductions of the originals, produced printed circuit boards are used.
from May, 1961 through July, 1973. A few This amplifier is dedicated in remem-
changes were made to the original amplifier brance of the late Gordon J. Gow, coinven-
design to reflect technology advances and tor of the original Mclntosh Unity Coupled
contemporary system requirements. circuit. Mr. Gow was Vice President of Mcln-
Gold plated Balanced Audio Input con- tosh Laboratory Inc. from its inception in
nectors are added to take advantage of the 1949 until 1977 when he was elected Presi-
greater noise reduction capabilities of dent. He held the position of President un-
Balanced Cables. High current capacity til 1989.
Gold Plated Output terminals are also in-


Over one million watts of amplifier output thermal margins of safety for all com-
power capacity have been manufactured by ponents and tubes, advanced engineering,
Mclntosh since 1949. In this 1,000,000* watts and cool operating design add to the long
of audio power there are less than 10 watts life built into every Mclntosh product.
of distortion capacity and less than 1/100 Reliability prolongs your investment without
watt of noise capacity! expensive maintenance costs.
The dramatic difference in the quality of The MC275 has on one chassis two 75
music reproduction when you listen through watt power amplifiers. In addition to its use
Mclntosh instruments is directly due to low as a stereo amplifier, the flexibility of the
distortion performance. Careful, devoted MC275 permits it to be used as a
research is a way of life at Mclntosh. The monophonic amplifier that delivers 150
world's finest amplifier is the creation of watts, or as two separate 75 watt amplifiers
persevering, resourceful Mclntosh engineers. with each channel amplifying completely
Mclntosh Laboratory is the only manufac- separate programs, or as two amplifiers for
turer in the entire industry to guarantee the use with an electronic crossover network.
lowest distortion at all audio frequencies, at Such flexibility permits maximum use for
full power. The U.S. Patent Office has greatest return from your investment.
recognized the advanced technology of the *1,000,000 Watts was the total power output produced in
Mclntosh circuit by granting 6 patents. 12 years from 1949 through 1961. In 1992 alone, Mclntosh
Long life, flexibility, highest quality con- will produce amplifiers with a total power output of more
than 5,000,000 watts with less than 1/100 watt of distor-
struction are characteristic designs in every tion capacity.
Mclntosh instrument. Wide electrical and

U.S. Patent Nos.: 2,477,074; 2.545,788; 2,646,467; 2,654.058; 2,860,192; 2.929,028. 1

The patented Mclntosh Unity Coupled cir- In the Mclntosh Unity Coupled circuit one
cuit and output transformer have establish- of the bifilar primary windings is connected
ed Mclntosh amplifiers as the unchalleng- through the power supply to the plate and
ed leaders in the audio field. cathode of one of the output tubes. The
Before 1949, low distortion at high power other bifilar primary winding is similarly con-
and high efficiency was impossible. A com- nected to the other tube.
pletely new engineering approach resulted All low distortion high power amplifiers
in an amplifier that for the first time permit- use push-pull output circuits known as
ted high power with distortion below 1%. Class AB1AB2 or B. Two tubes are arranged
That new engineering produced the Mcln- in a balanced circuit. This permits each tube
tosh Unity Coupled circuit and the Mclntosh to operate alternately somewhat over half
bifilar wound output transformer. With the the time. Compared to full time operation of
introduction of the Mclntosh amplifier, new the tubes, the push-pull method reduces
standards for distortion-free performance heating and permits more power from a
were established. given type of tube. Despite this advantage
of the conventional push-pull circuit one pro-
blem in particular remained to be solved.
When current in each tube is cut off to begin
the idle period, distortion is produced at the
instant when current flows. This form of
distortion is known as Notch Distortion as
was well illustrated by Mr. Pen Tung Sah in
Fig. 1 Representation of bifilar winding. the "Proceedings of the I.R.E." Volume 24,
pp 1522-1541 in 1936.
The Mclntosh output transformer is
Imperfect coupling between the primary
unique. It has two primary windings which
windings found in all conventional output
are wound bifilarly. In the bifilar technique
transformers produces the condition which
both primary wires are wound side by side.
permits notch distortion. Trying to improve
Each turn of primary number one is next to
coupling in a conventional transformer
the same turn of primary number two. There
decreases the power response at both low
is almost complete magnetic coupling be-
and high frequencies, heating the output
tween the two wires. The magnetic coupl-
tubes and lowering the available power
ing is reinforced by the capacitance be-
tween the two wires.
The Mclntosh Unity Coupled output cir-
cuit and bifilar transformer is the first com-
mercial breakthrough that eliminates notch
distortion by coupling both output tubes
almost to perfection. In the Mclntosh
transformer, the extremely close coupling of
the bifilar windings removes the condition
which permits notch distortion. Furthermore
the two output tubes are arranged as par-
INPUT OUTPUT tial cathode followers. Half of the output cir-
cuit is in the cathode and half in the plate
of each tube. The output tubes now are
operating in a local feedback loop which
reduces their distortion, reduces their inter-
nal generator resistance, and reduces their
balance requirements. The Mclntosh circuit
in reality perfects push-pull high efficiency
output circuits.
The MC275 uses an advanced design of
Fig. 2Representation of Mclntosh output circuit. the Mclntosh output transformer. The new
transformer design incorporates all of the or blocking, good transient response, and
benefits of the original Mclntosh design and complete stability. To improve regulation a
even further improves the power band width. silicon rectifier power supply is used in the
Leakage inductance (lack of coupling) MC275. In addition to better voltage regula-
between the primary and secondary wind- tion, the silicon rectifier allows even higher
ings of the output transformer limits the operating efficiency, cooler operation, and
high frequency response of an amplifier. The longer amplifier life.
primary and secondary windings of the To greatly extend tube and component
Mclntosh output transformer are interleav- life, 2 thermistors in the MC275 limit current
ed five times to improve coupling. The in- surges produced when the equipment is
terleaving is accomplished by winding 5 turned on. The thermistor is a special type
groups of secondary windings spread of resistor. Its resistance depends on its
uniformly with the primary windings and temperature. When the amplifier is off, the
parallel connecting the secondary windings. thermistor has a high resistance value
Interleaving helps to extend the Mclntosh (about 25 ohms). Just after the amplifier is
power band width to over 100,000 cycles. turned on, the current which flows through
Since 1949, this new technology has been the thermistor heats it and causes its
built into every Mclntosh vacuum tube resistance to decrease to a low value (less
power amplifier. than 0.5 ohms). Current is thus limited when
Good voltage regulation in the power the MC275 is first turned on but is not
supply permits overloads without overshoot limited as the unit warms.

MC275 Tube Power Amplifier


Performance Limits Ratings


75 watts into 16, 8 or 4 ohm loads is the 1.1dB
minimum sine wave continuous average
power output per channel from 20Hz to DAMPING FACTOR
20,000Hz. Greater than 10

The output RMS voltage is: INPUT IMPEDANCE

34.6 volts across 16 ohms 100,000 ohms unbalanced
24.5 volts across 8 ohms 180,000 ohms balanced
17.3 volts across 4 ohms
POWER OUTPUT, MONO PARALLEL Unbalanced, 1.0 volt to 30 volts through
150 watts into 8, 4 or 2 ohm loads is the gain control
minimum sine wave continuous average Balanced, 2.0 volts fixed
power output from 20Hz to 20,000Hz.
General Information
The output RMS voltage is:
34.6 volts across 8 ohms POWER REQUIREMENTS
24.5 volts across 4 ohms 120 volts, 50/60Hz
17.3 volts across 2 ohms 240 watts at zero signal output
400 watts at rated output
OUTPUT LOAD IMPEDANCE The amplifier may be connected for 100,120,
16, 8 or 4 ohms stereo 220 or 240 volt 50/60Hz operation. It is ship-
8, 4 or 2 ohms mono parallel ped connected for 120V.

RATED POWER BAND Mechanical Information

20Hz to 20,000Hz
TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION 16" wide (40.6cm) by 7-1/2" high (19.0cm)
.5% maximum harmonic distortion at any by 12" deep (30.5cm)
power level from 250 milliwatts to rated
power from 20Hz to 20,000Hz. WEIGHT
67 pounds (30.5kg) net, 75 pounds (34.1kg)
.5% maximum if instantaneous peak
power output does not exceed twice the out-
put rating for any combination of frequen-
cies from 20Hz to 20,000Hz.

FREQUENCY RESPONSE (at 1 watt output)

20Hz to 20,000Hz +0 -0.2dB
10Hz to 100,000Hz +0 -3dB

NOISE AND HUM (A-Weighted)

100dB below rated output


Fig. 3The end panel of the MC275 showing all input and output facilities.

INPUT 8 ohms are provided. The terminal strips may

The MC275 has a two-position MODE also be connected for a constant voltage out-
Slide switch to permit the amplifier to be us- put of 25 volts in either stereo or mono.
ed as a 75 watt per channel stereo amplifier The Common connections from the out-
or a 150 watt mono amplifier. put transformer secondary windings are
The amplifier also has a two position in- grounded.
put slide switch to permit selection of un-
balanced or balanced input connections. FUSE
The unbalanced input sensitivity is 1 volt. The MC275 uses a 5.0 ampere slo-blo type
Gain controls are provided for higher input fuse. The auxiliary AC socket is not fused.
levels. The controls are marked for 2.5 volt
sensitivity for use with Mclntosh preamp AC OUTLET
equipment. The unbalanced input sensitivity The auxiliary AC outlet can be used to
is 2 volts fixed. For mono operation, the in- supply power to other equipment in the
put signal is to be fed to the R (mono) input system. The outlet will provide a maximum
connectors. of 500 watts of power. The AC outlet is not
The two barrier terminal strips marked LINE VOLTAGE
OUTPUT provide stereo connections for the The MC275 operates on 120 volts,
normal speaker impedances of 4 ohms, 8 50/60Hz. The power transformer has two tap-
ohms, and 16 ohms. For monophonic opera- ped primary windings and can be connected
tion, connections for 2 ohms, 4 ohms, and for 100, 120, 220, or 240 volts.


Adequate ventilation extends the trouble- x 10" high. Always allow for air flow either
free life of electronic instruments. It is by ventilation holes or space next to the bot-
generally found that each 10 centigrade tom of the amplifier and a means for the
(18F) rise in temperature reduces the life of warm air to escape at the top.
electrical insulation by one half. Adequate The MC275 can be mounted in any posi-
ventilation is an inexpensive and effective tion except upside down. If the amplifier is
means of preventing insulation breakdown to be installed on a vertical surface it is
that results from unnecessarily high recommended that the transformers be on
operating temperatures. The direct benefit the down side. The advantage of this posi-
of adequate ventilation is longer, trouble- tion is that the flow of heat from the tubes
free life. rises vertically and does not tend to heat the
The suggested minimum space for transformers.
mounting the MC275 is 20" long x 14" wide 5

INPUT-STEREO The loudspeaker impedance is usually

UNBALANCED CONNECTIONS identified on the loudspeaker itself. Connect
Connect shielded cables from the Left one of the leads from the left loudspeaker
and Right Unbalanced Outputs of a preamp- to the screw marked COM on the left bar-
lifier to the Land R UNBALANCED INPUTS. rier strip. Connect the other lead from the
left loudspeaker to the screw marked with
BALANCED CONNECTIONS the number corresponding to the speaker
Connect Balanced cables with XLR con- impedance on the LEFT barrier strip.
nectors from the Left and Right Balanced
Outputs of a preamplifier to the L and R If the speaker
Connect one left speaker
lead to screw LEFT-COM
Connect one right speaker
lead to the screw marked
BALANCED INPUTS. impedance is: and the other to: RIGHT-COM and the other to:
4 ohms LEFT-4 RIGHT-4
8 ohms LEFT-8 RIGHT-8
Balanced Jack Pin configuration 16 ohms LEFT-16 RIGHT-16
Pin 1. System Ground
Pin 2. + Input The only adverse effect on the operation
Pin 3. - Input of a Mclntosh amplifier when it is improperly
matched is a reduction in the amount of
INPUT-MONO distortion-free power available to the
Connect a shielded cable from either an loudspeaker. Close impedance matching is
Unbalanced or Balanced MONO output of desirable for maximum distortion-free
a preamplifier to the corresponding R power.
(MONO) UNBALANCED or BALANCED Use this table to determine proper
INPUT. speaker connections:
Connect the
Be sure to set the INPUTS switch to the If the speaker impedance speaker leads
is between: between COM and:
BALanced or UNBALanced position to cor-
respond to the Inputs being used. 3.2 to 6.5 ohms 4 ohms
6.5 to 13 ohms 8 ohms
13 to 26 ohms 16 ohms
For stereo operation, it is not necessary OUTPUT-MONOPHONIC
to use the same impedance load on each When the MC275 is to operate as a 150
output. Simply connect each output for the watt monophonic amplifier, the outputs of
impedance desired. the two channels combine to produce a
Warning: Do not parallel the amplifier out- single 150 watt output. This chart lists the
puts when using the amplifier as a stereo proper connections and interconnections
amplifier. Damage to the output tubes may for monophonic operation.
result if parallel operation is attempted.
Speakers are connected at the barrier If the
Connect one speaker
lead to the screw
strips marked OUTPUT on the left end of the impedance
marked LEFT-COM
and the other to:
Connect a
wire between:
Connect another
wire between:
panel. 2 ohms LEFT-4 LEFT-COM and LEFT-4 and
In compliance with the National Electrical RIGHT-COM RIGHT-4
4 ohms LEFT-8 LEFT-COM and LEFT-8 and
Code, Class II wiring can be used between RIGHT-COM RIGHT-8
the speaker and the amplifier at the 4 ohm, 8 ohms LEFT-16 LEFT-COM and LEFT-16 and
8 ohm, or 16 ohm connection. Class II wir-
ing is lamp cord, bell wire, or other wire with When connected as outlined, the MC275
this type of insulation. For the normally operates as a 150 watt monophonic
short distances of under 100 feet between amplifier.
the amplifier and speaker, #18 wire or larger
can be used. For distances over 100 feet be- LINE OUTPUT-STEREO
tween the amplifier and speaker use larger For 25 volt line operation, connect one of
wire. the left leads to the screw marked COM on

the LEFT barrier strip. The other left lead is ed COM on the RIGHT barrier strip. Connect,
connected to the screw marked 8 on the with another wire, the screw marked 8 on the
LEFT barrier strip. Connect the right leads LEFT barrier strip to the screw marked 8 on
in the same manner on the RIGHT barrrier the RIGHT barrier strip.
LINE OUTPUT-MONOPHONIC The MC275 operates on 120 volt, 50 to 60
To feed a 25 volt line, connect one side to cycle power. The amplifier will be turned on
the screw marked COM on the LEFT barrier and off if its power cord is plugged in one
strip. Connect the other side to the screw of the auxiliary AC outlets of an accessory
marked 8 on the LEFT barrier strip. Then component.
connect with a wire the screw marked COM
on the LEFT barrier strip to the screw mark-


Before turning the MC275 on, check all in the proper sockets. After the following ad-
connections and plugs to see that they are justments have been completed, the MC275
firmly and correctly connected. Check to operate without any further attention.
make sure that the tubes are firmly seated



With the MODE switch in the Stereo posi- The excellent performance that is in-
tion, the input signals are to be fed to either herent in all Mclntosh amplifiers does not
the L and R unbalanced jacks or to the depend on the critical adjustment of bias or
balanced XLR, L and R connectors. With the balance controls in the output circuit. The
switch in the Mono position, the input signal patented Mclntosh circuit delivers its adver-
is to be fed to either the R (MONO) unbalanc- tised specifications without any need for
ed jack or to the balanced XLR, R (MONO) these controls and is not dependent on
connector. carefully balanced tubes for its perform-
ance. With Mclntosh you can install the
INPUTS SWITCH amplifier and forget it.
Place this switch in the Unbalanced posi- The MC275 you have purchased will give
tion to use the Unbalanced inputs or in the you years of pleasant and satisfactory per-
Balanced position to use the Balanced formance. If you have any questions con-
inputs. cerning the operation or maintenance of this
amplifier, please contact:
Mclntosh Laboratory Inc.
For stereo operation, position the L and
2 Chambers Street
R gain controls for decired sensitivity. When
Binghamton, NY 13903-2699
using Mclntosh preamplifiers, we suggest
Our telephone number is 607-723-3512
setting the gain controls to the 2.5V posi-
tion. For mono operation, use the R MONO

Design subject to change without notice.



Made in U.S.A.
Phone 607-723-3512

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