Editorial Does Poor Water Quality Cause Diarrheal Disease?
Editorial Does Poor Water Quality Cause Diarrheal Disease?
Editorial Does Poor Water Quality Cause Diarrheal Disease?
Copyright 2015 by The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Does Poor Water Quality Cause Diarrheal Disease?
Karen Levy*
Department of Environmental Health and Center for Global Safe WASH, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia
Since the time of John Snow we have known that contami- a substantial body of evidence suggesting that interventions to
nated water can lead to outbreaks of waterborne disease. improve water quality have consistently been associated with
This association is commonly acknowledged by both the sci- reduced incidence of diarrheal diseases.2,4 More likely, asso-
entific community and the lay public. But among those who ciations are genuine, but water quality indicators are too var-
study water quality and diarrheal diseases, the association is iable and unspecific to adequately characterize exposure to
muddied by many nuanced questions. poor quality water.
For example, what is the relative contribution to the burden Fecal indicator bacteria suffer from a needle in the
of diarrheal diseases of waterborne versus foodborne versus haystack problem. Looking for specific pathogens in water
other transmission routes? Which pathogens are responsible is costly, time intensive, and inefficient because of the many
for the bulk of disease? Where is the best point to intervene pathogens that can cause diarrhea. Instead, we rely on surro-
at the point of contamination or at the point of ingestion? gate indicators that are commonly present in feces. Many dif-
The answers to these questions are hard to come by because ferent indicators have been proposed and used to measure
of the many challenges inherent in the study of diarrheal dis- microbial water quality, but none are perfect. There is poor
eases. The outcome of interest is a symptom that can be caused correlation between fecal indicator organisms and pathogens,5
by a multitude of infectious agents, as well as noninfectious indicators are generally not specific to humans,6 and measure-
causes, and is difficult to accurately identify in infants, who ment of indicator organisms is highly variable.7
have naturally loose stool. We often rely on self-reporting of However, if we understand the limits of water quality mea-
symptoms. There are multiple routes of exposure to the pan- sures, we can overcome some of these limitations by increasing
oply of pathogens that cause diarrheathey can be ingested sample sizes5 and employing study designs that will help to
through water or food, or acquired by respiratory exposure. improve the specificity of exposure and outcome measurements.
People may be exposed at home or elsewhere, leading to In this issue of The American Journal of Tropical Medicine
uncertainty in exposure characterization. Underlying health and Hygiene, Luby and others8 report on a study that pro-
and nutritional status of the host may determine response to spectively examined water quality in 500 households in
infections. Most studies use observational designs that offer Bangladesh, as a sub-study of the Sanitation, Hygiene Edu-
limited potential for causal inference. Even intervention cation and Water Supply in Bangladesh project. Over the
studies are often considered low quality because of their reli- course of 2 years, the researchers took water samples from
ance on subjective outcomes and their failure to blind sub- households every 3 months and analyzed the relationship
jects to their treatment groups, which leads to courtesy and between water quality and diarrhea in children from the
other biases.1 same household on a subsequent visit 3100 days later. Luby
Observational studies examining the association between and others found that, controlling for specific confounders
water quality and diarrhea have had mixed results. In a meta- (age, mothers education, wealth index, and months of surveil-
analysis, Gundry and others2 found no clear relationship lance), each 10-fold increase in E. coli contamination in drink-
between point-of-use water quality and diarrhea. Subse- ing water was associated with a 16% increase in diarrhea in
quently Gruber and others3 repeated the analysis with addi- subsequent visits 346 days later. They saw a trend of increas-
tional studies and found a significant association between ing risk with higher contamination, although the prevalence
poor water quality and diarrhea for those studies that used ratios for the association were only statistically significant
Escherichia coli as an indicator of microbial water quality, above 100 E. coli colony forming units/100 mL. The authors
but not for those that used thermotolerant coliforms. How- estimated the population attributable fraction (PAF) of diar-
ever, although the analysis identified a significant pooled rhea from contaminated water as 17%.
association, there was heterogeneity in the individual associ- This study is unique in its assessment of water quality prior
ations, even for E. coli, with most studies showing positive to diarrheal illness, and with a sufficiently large sample size
but not significant associations. to observe patterns between household water quality and
One might conclude from this evidence that poor water diarrhea. In most of the studies in the Gruber and others
quality is not as much of a cause of diarrheal diseases as we review3 water samples were collected after or concurrently
previously assumed. However, this conclusion would contradict with surveys on diarrhea incidence. Only one of these
studies9 explicitly related household water quality measure-
ments taken on a specific day to subsequent diarrhea epi-
sodes, and this study had a smaller sample size and only two
*Address correspondence to Karen Levy, Department of Environ-
cross-sectional sampling events. Most diarrheagenic patho-
mental Health, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, gens have incubations periods of > 24 hours, so the water
1518 Clifton Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30322. E-mail: karen.levy@emory.edu that a researcher collects when visiting a household may not
900 LEVY
capture the disease status of the person who drinks that Received September 21, 2015. Accepted for publication September
water. Moreover, the water collected on a particular day may 24, 2015.
not accurately reflect the quality of the water on preceding Published online October 5, 2015.
days, especially if household members change their behavior Authors address: Karen Levy, Department of Environmental
to drink higher quality water as a consequence of being ill. Health, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, 1518
Also impressive was the number of water samples analyzed Clifton Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30322, E-mail: karen.levy@emory.edu.
for this study (3,833 samples, with up to eight from each of This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the
almost 500 households). Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
The results of this study teach several interesting lessons. use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
The authors point out that the measured association likely original author and source are credited.
represents a minimal estimate of the contribution of drinking
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