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Measurement of GHT Glucose, Heart Rate, Temperature Using Non Invasive Method

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume: 3 | Issue: 3 | Mar-Apr 2019 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 - 6470

Measurement of GHT (Glucose, Heart Rate, Temperature)

Using Non-Invasive Method
Kailash. S1, Karthick Raja. A1, Mahesh. R1, Murugappan. S1, V. Mangaiyarkarasi2 M.E
Students, 2Assistant Professor (Sr.G)
1,2Department of EIE, Valliammai Engineering College, SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur, Tamil Nadu, India

How to cite this paper: Kailash. S | ABSTRACT

Karthick Raja. A | Mahesh. R | The medical field has been emerged in the various sectors but the current blood glucose
Murugappan. S | V. Mangaiyarkarasi M.E monitoring (BGM) are invasive as they require a finger prick blood sample, a repetitively
"Measurement of GHT (Glucose, painful process that creates the risk of infection. Hundreds of millions of dollars have been
Heart Rate, Temperature) Using Non- invested in companies who have sought the solution to this long-standing problem.
Invasive Method" Published in Approaches that have been tried include near infrared spectroscopy (measuring glucose
International Journal of Trend in through the skin using light of slightly longer wavelengths than the visible region),
Scientific Research and Development measuring the amount that polarized light is rotated by glucose in the front chamber of the
(ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456- eye (containing the "aqueous humor"),and many others. This device provide a solution by
6470, Volume-3 | interfacing a electronic device that has the capability of monitoring the glucose level, heart
Issue-3 , April 2019, rate and temperature using non-invasive method which has less risk factors. This is a
pp.135-137, URL: continuous monitoring device. So it helps to prevent the organ losses due to the low and
http://www.ijtsrd.co high level of glucose, heart rate, temperature.
70.pdf IJTSRD21670
KEYWORDS: Blood Glucose Monitoring, Invasive and Non-invasive method,
Copyright © 2019 by author(s) and Diabetes mellitus
International Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an Open Access article
distributed under
the terms of the
Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
Mellitus occurs when someone has abnormal blood sugar. from other sites of the body such as the upper arm, forearm,
There are two major types of diabetes in Type 1 diabetic base of the thumb and thigh. However the reading of blood
patients, diabetes occurs due to the autoimmune destruction glucose level might vary compared to the reading obtained
of the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas whereas from the fingertip [3]. The latest technology which is non-
in Type 2 diabetics the diabetes mellitus occurs from insulin invasive has been introduced as an alternative to reduce
resistance and relative insulin deficiency .Diabetes can cause pain during the blood extraction and insulin injection.
many serious secondary health issues such as blindness, Various methods have been introduced such as infrared,
stroke, kidney failure, Ulcers, Infections, obesity and blood photoacoustic, ultrasound and fluorescence to detect glucose
vessels damage, among other health complications. in the blood. Most of the results showed a good correlation
Approximately US $ 376 billion is spent annually in the US on between non-invasive and invasive techniques. The major
the treatment and management of diabetes in diabetic reason for continuous research efforts in the field of non-
patients and this amount is expected to rise to a projected invasive blood glucose measurement is that it is the only way
US$ 490 billion by the end of 2030 .According to the to develop a pain free glucose monitoring system.
International Diabetes Federation (IDF) the diabetes
patients in 2011 are 366 million worldwide and this number II. RELATED WORK
is expected to rise to 552 million by 2030. Blood glucose “Novel Approach to Non-Invasive Blood Glucose
measurement are categorized into three techniques; Monitoring based on Transmittance and Refraction of
invasive, minimally invasive, and non-invasive [2]. Invasive Visible Laser Light,” H. Ali, F. Bensaali
techniques in glucose measurement devices are widely used Laser light based sensors have demonstrated a superior
as it has high measurement accuracy. The most common and potential for BGM. Existing Near-infrared (NIR) based BGM
inexpensive invasive technique is finger prick which techniques have shortcomings such as the absorption of light
requires blood extraction from the finger by using a lancet in human tissue, higher signal to noise ratio (SNR) and lower
(small, sharp needle) [2]. The blood sample will be used to accuracy, these disadvantages have prevented NIR
measure blood glucose level using a glucometer. Some techniques from being employed for commercial BGM
common practices allow the blood extraction to be obtained applications. A simple, compact and cost-effective non-

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID - IJTSRD21670 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2019 Page: 135
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
invasive device using visible red laser light of wavelength the development of a non-invasive blood glucose
650 nm for BGM (RL-BGM) is implemented in this paper. The measurement system will be boon to the diabetic patients.
RL-BGM monitoring device has three major technical The paper describes the method of blood sugar
advantages over NIR. Unlike NIR, Red laser light has ~30 measurement in the human blood non-invasively using the
times better transmittance through human tissue. painless near infrared based optical technique. The designed
Furthermore, when compared to NIR the refractive index of system consists of LED emitting signals of 940 nm
laser light is more sensitive to the variations in glucose level wavelength. These optical signals are sent through the
concentration resulting in faster response times ~7-10 fingertip and reflected signals are detected by
seconds. Red laser light also demonstrates both higher phototransistor placed beside the LED. The glucose
linearity and accuracy for BGM. The designed RL-BGM device concentration in the blood is determined by analyzing the
has been tested for both in-vitro and in-vivo cases and variation in the intensity of received signal obtained after
several experimental results have been generated to ensure reflection. The results obtained from the designed system
the accuracy and precision of the proposed BGM sensor. shows the feasibility of using NIR based non-invasive
method for the measurement of blood glucose..
“NIR Based Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Measurement,”
Parag Narkhede, Suraj Dhalwar and B. Karthikeyan. The "Design of Digital Blood Glucose Meter Based on Arduino
paper describes the method of measurement of glucose UNO,"
concentration in the human blood non-invasively using the Ahmed S. Abd El-Hamid, Amani E. Fetohi, R.S. Amin, R.M.
near infrared optical technique. In recent medical practice, Abdel Hameed. The paper present an electronic system to
the concentration of glucose in blood is measured using an perform a measurement of the blood glucose based on
invasive techniques which generally involves puncturing Arduino UNO. A glucose sensor is an electrochemical
finger. In generic few ml of blood whereas in recent practice diagnostic strip which used glucose oxidizes enzymes;
less than a drop of blood is taken out and passed through the INA219 current sensing module converts signals from
standard chemical tests to measure glucose concentration. glucose sensor (milliamp) to voltage interfaces with the
These methods are expensive as well as painful. The Arduino UNO. LCD module is used to display the measured
frequent finger puncturing causes calluses on the skin and value of the blood glucose. Software is developed in C
also increases the risk of spreading infectious diseases. So, language.


Figure1. Block diagram of GHT meter

Figure 1 shows the block diagram of a GHT meter.

STAGE 1: This is initial stage were we measure the input. The arduino process the input signal using
parameters from the human body using unique the source code dumped into it, The final output
sensors. The sensors used here is glucose, is displayed in the display screen with respective
temperature, heart rate. to their units (bpm- heart rate, oC- temperature,
mill molar (mM)-glucose).
STAGE 2: Each sensors output is an analog signal (current
or voltage), these output signals are then STAGE 3: The output from the arduino is given to Wi-Fi
transmitted to signal conditioning circuit were module (EPS8266). It then stores the data's in
the external Nosie and distortion are eliminated cloud for future reference. Due to cloud storage
and then converted into digital signal. The we can check reading whenever we want.
converted digital signal is given to arduino as an

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID - IJTSRD21670 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2019 Page: 136
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS real life applications this project aims in serving the
populous to continually monitor and control their lifestyle,
enhancing their quality of life as well as integrating their

[1] S. Haxha and J. Jhoja, "Optical Based Noninvasive
Glucose Monitoring Sensor Prototype," in IEEE
Photonics Journal, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 1-11, Dec. 2016.
[2] “Gennaro Gelao, Roberto Marani, Vito Carriero and
Anna Gina Perri:”Design of a Dielectric Spectroscopy
Sensor for Continuous and Non-Invasive Blood Glucose
Moreover if the individual is stranded and in need of medical Monitoring”, International Journal of Advances in
care due to low sugar level or heartrate or temperature Engineering and Technology, May 2012.
effects such as shivering of body or even unconsciousness,
[3] V.Ashok, A.Nirmalkumar, and N.Jeyashanthi:” A Novel
the distress message with EPS8266 Wi-fi module is
Method for Blood Glucose Measurement by Noninvasive
transmitted by the proposed model may be the difference
Technique Using Laser”, World Academy of Science,
between life and death. Furthermore this project can be
Engineering and Technology, 2011
integrated into a wearable system in the form of a wrist band
model similar to the joggers monitor, thus enabling a 24/7 [4] O. Abdallah, A. Bolz, J. Hansmann, H. Walles, and T.
self-monitoring system in style and comfort. Hirth:” Design of a Compact Multi-Sensor System for
Non-Invasive Glucose Monitorin Using Optical
V. CONCLUSION Spectroscopy”, International Conference on Electronics,
Diabetes is a disease for life, it has to be monitored Biomedical Engineering and its Applications
constantly in order to keep the condition in check .This non- (ICEBEA'2012), Jan. 7-8,2012
invasive methodology saves the individual from excruciating
[5] Jason J Burmeister, Mark A Arnold and Gary W Small:”
pain and offers comfort to the user over the long haul,
Noninvasive Blood Glucose Measurements by Near-
contrary to the conventional method. The database of the
Infrared Transmission Spectroscopy across Human
received test readings reveal whether the current prescribed
Tongues”, Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics, 2000
course of treatment is working or not for the subject. Thus in

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID - IJTSRD21670 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2019 Page: 137

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