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Penex Plus

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The document discusses strategies for managing benzene levels in gasoline, focusing on reducing benzene from naphtha reformers. Prefractionation and postfractionation are two basic approaches mentioned.

The two basic approaches mentioned are 1) Prefractionation and 2) Postfractionation.

The options mentioned for processing light naphtha from prefractionation are blending, isomerization, and saturation.

Fuels For The 21st Century

Fuel Sulfur Solutions Hydrogen Solutions MTBE Solutions Benzene Solutions

Deciding which benzene- Benzene Solutions

management strategy to
use depends on the value Managing benzene in gasoline has become an important worldwide
of hydrogen, total gaso- issue because of health and environmental concerns. Because the
line, and premium gaso- major source of benzene in gasoline is the napththa reformer, naph-
tha processing is the major focus for benzene reduction.
line. It also depends on
the type of reformer, the Two basic approaches may be used to reduce benzene from the
feedstock processed in the reformer and thereby reduce the benzene content of the gasoline
reformer, and the refinery pool:
configuration. Finally,
1. Prefractionation - By adjusting the cutpoint of the naphtha
the benzene-management splitter benzene and benzene precursors can be removed from
strategy depends on the the reformer feed. Options for processing the light naphtha
target benzene level in the are:
final gasoline pool as
Blending - Light naphtha can be blended directly into the
well as the other blend- gasoline pool if its benzene content is acceptable and if
stocks used in making there is no need for additional octane.
Isomerization - The octane of the light naphtha is
increased, and the benzene is saturated.
Penex and Platforming Saturation - Benzene is removed without upgrading the
Synergy for Efficient light naphtha octane. Octane lost in saturating benzene
Naphtha Processing and must be made up from other sources.
Benzene Control
2. Postfractionation - Remove benzene from the reformate.
More on the BenSat process Processing options are:

Saturation - Benzene in the light reformate is saturated.

More on the Penex Plus Octane must be made up from other sources.
Isomerization - Light reformate is processed together
with light naphtha in an isomerization unit. The octane
of the combined light naphtha and light reformate
streams is increased, and benzene is saturated..

Extraction - Benzene is removed from the reformate for

sale as a petrochemical feed.

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Many refiners must now reduce the concentration of Prefractionation of Benzene
benzene in their gasoline. The Penex-Plus light naphtha Precursors
isomerization process can not only reduce the benzene
content but also upgrade the octane of light naphtha or Penex-Plus
light reformate streams. Acceptable benzene levels for
Penex-Plus feedstocks range from a few percent up to Naphtha NS Gasoline
30 vol% benzene or more. The Penex-Plus product Pool
stream contains less than 0.1 vol-% benzene. The
choice of processing light straight run or light reformate C7+
feedstocks depends on the amount of benzene removal Reformer
required in the overall gasoline pool and the benzene
reduction strategy employed.

Conventional isomerization technology does not effi- Light Reformate Isomerization

ciently handle the saturation of high-benzene feedstocks.
The heat of reaction associated with hydrogenation of LSR
benzene is highly exothermic and results in a high reactor
temperature. This high temperature is detrimental to
isomerization, which is more favored at lower operating Naphtha NS Gasoline
Light Reformate Pool
temperatures. The Penex-Plus process is designed to
optimize conditions for both benzene saturation and
isomerization within one integrated unit. C7+
Reformer RS


Prefractionation of the feed to remove benzene and ben-
zene precursors from the reformer feedstock limits the fractionating the benzene and benzene precursors out of
benzene produced in the reformer to that produced from the reformer feedstock. Because of dealkylation of
dealkylation-type reactions. Low-pressure reformers, heavy aromatics, high pressure reforming units can pro-
operating at less than 100 psig (690 KPA), produce a duce reformate with a significant amount of benzene
low level of dealkylation reactions. In this case, prefrac- even though there are few benzene precursors in the
tionation may produce a low-benzene reformate. A feed. Post-fractionation of reformate reduces the net
PenexTM or Penex-Plus process unit may be needed to benzene to virtually zero, but costs somewhat more than
saturate the benzene in the light naphtha while upgrad- prefractionation due to the extra feed processed in the
ing the octane of the stream. reformer and the additional hydrogen consumption in
the Penex-Plus unit.
Refiners with higher pressure reforming units may want
to use a reformate splitter to produce light reformate PROCESS DESCRIPTION
feed for the Penex-Plus process unit as an alternative to
Within the Penex-Plus process unit, UOP has uncoupled
benzene saturation from LSR Light
isomerization to optimize (High C7+) Reformate
the overall performance of
Light Ends both. Because the benzene RONC C5+ 83 81
saturation section remains MONC C5+ 81 78
well integrated with the
Feed Column rest of the Penex-Plus ECONOMICS
process unit, overall capital Investment costs were evaluated for a Penex-Plus unit
costs are minimized. processing 15,000 BPSD of light straight-run naphtha
Shared vessels, such as the with a benzene level of 7 vol%.
stabilizer column and feed
Isomerate pump, contribute to the Inside battery limits, estimated erected cost (50%):
low cost of the design. US$ 11.9 MM.

Basis: U.S. Gulf Coast installation, 2nd quarter, 1998.

Penex feedstocks are typically light straight-run naphtha Utility estimates for this Penex-Plus process unit process-
streams. However, as refiners need to remove benzene ing 15,000 BPSD of light straight-run naphtha feed with 7
from gasoline, many must now consider processing light vol% benzene are summarized below:
reformate either separately or with the light straight run
naphtha. This combined feed can be processed efficiently Electric power 907kw 907kw
in the Penex-Plus process. Examples of two possible feed- Steam
stocks are shown below: MP steam 9.7 T/hr 21.4 M lb/hr
LP steam 0.2 T/hr 0.4 M lb/hr
Example Feedstocks, LV-% Boiler feed water 9.9 T/hr (21.8) M lb/hr
Cooling water 46 m3/hr 202 gpm
LSR Light
(High C7+) Reformate Parentheses denote quantity exported.

C5 (P+N) 32 0
Benzene 5 26 Four Penex-Plus process units have been commissioned
C7+ 12 24 and others are in various stages of design and construc-
tion. The first unit started up in 1994. The technology is
The Penex-Plus process can process a wide variety of based on UOPs years of experience with the Penex
feedstocks, including feedstocks with significant quantities process for paraffin isomerization and with the HB
of benzene and C7+ material. UnibonTM process for saturation of benzene to cyclo-
Because of volumetric expansion, the overall C5+ volumet- FOR MORE INFORMATION
ric yield increases on converting benzene to cyclohexane. For more information, contact your UOP representative
Depending on the feed benzene levels, 98+ vol-% C5+ or UOP at:
yields can be expected for feedstocks that contain low
levels of C7+ material. Higher amounts of C7+ in the feed Phone: 847-391-2000
result in lower C5+ volume yields as a result of hydro- Fax: 847-391-2253
uop TM

1999 UOP LLC. All rights reserved

This information is not to be taken as a warranty or representation for which UOP
assumes legal responsibility nor as permission or recommendation to practice any 25 East Algonquin Road
patented invention without a license. It is offered solely for your consideration. Des Plaines, IL 60017-5017
UOP 2699D-35 899R1L

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