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Piping using Creo Parametric 2.

In this course, you will learn how to manually create (non-specification driven) mechanical piping designs using
Creo Parametric 2.0. This includes learning how to configure pipelines, how to route pipelines, and how to insert
pipe fittings such as valves and reducers. You will also learn how to create specification driven industrial piping
designs using Creo Parametric 2.0. This includes learning how to use schematic diagrams created with Creo
Schematics to drive 3-D industrial piping designs created within Creo Parametric 2.0. Finally, you learn how to
document piping designs by creating drawings that include BOM tables, pipe bend tables, and engineering
information, as well as how to export ISOGEN format files for creating pipeline, spool and systems isometric

At the end of each module, you will complete a set of review questions to reinforce critical topics from that
module. At the end of the course, you will complete a course assessment in Pro/FICIENCY intended to evaluate
your understanding of the course as a whole.

Course Objectives
Understand the manual piping design process

Understand the specification-driven piping design process

Create piping assembly structures

Configure and route pipelines

Move and modify pipelines

Create pipe solids and fabricate pipes

Configure and insert fittings

Create piping report information

Create piping drawings

Configure a piping specification database

Configure project specific data files

Create specification-driven pipelines

Create schematic driven pipeline

Piping using Creo Parametric 2.0 ............................................................................................................................ 1
Overview ............................................................................................................................................................. 1
Course Objectives................................................................................................................................................ 1
1 Introduction to Piping ..................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 4
1.2 Understanding Piping Design Methods................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Manual Piping Development Process ..................................................................................................... 5
1.4 Specification Driven Piping Development Process................................................................................ 17
1.5 Understanding Piping Terminology....................................................................................................... 32
1.6 Understanding 2-D Schematic Piping Designs ...................................................................................... 33
2 Creating Piping Assembly Structures ............................................................................................................ 35
2.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 35
2.2 Planning Piping Assembly Structures .................................................................................................... 35
2.3 Piping Assembly Structure: Sub-Assembly ............................................................................................ 36
2.4 Piping Assembly Structure: No Sub-Assembly ...................................................................................... 37
2.5 Piping Assembly Structure: Sub-Assemblies at Top-Level .................................................................... 37
2.6 Understanding Piping Large Assembly Management Tools.................................................................. 39
2.7 Creating and Configuring Piping Skeletons ........................................................................................... 40
2.8 Sharing Routing Geometry .................................................................................................................... 43
2.9 Assembling Piping Components Using Component Interfaces ............................................................. 49
3 Configuring and Routing Pipelines ................................................................................................................ 51
3.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 51
3.2 Understanding Pipeline Routing ........................................................................................................... 51
3.3 Configuring Non-Specification Driven Pipelines ................................................................................... 52
3.4 Routing Pipelines ................................................................................................................................... 58
3.5 Exercise : Manually Routing Pipelines ................................................................................................... 65
3.6 Routing Flexible Hoses .......................................................................................................................... 76
4 Moving and Modifying Pipelines ................................................................................................................... 81
4.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 81
4.2 Adding Points and Moving Pipe Segments............................................................................................ 81
4.3 Modifying Pipeline Routing ................................................................................................................... 85
4.4 Exercise : Modifying Pipelines ............................................................................................................... 91
5 Configuring and Inserting Fittings ................................................................................................................. 98
5.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 98
5.2 Understanding Fittings .......................................................................................................................... 98
5.3 Creating Fittings .................................................................................................................................. 100
5.4 Exercise : Creating Family Table Fitting Models.................................................................................. 104
5.5 Inserting Fittings .................................................................................................................................. 107
5.6 Exercise : Inserting Fittings and Routing Pipelines .............................................................................. 110
6 Creating Solid Pipeline Models ................................................................................................................... 123
6.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 123
6.2 Creating Solid Pipes ............................................................................................................................. 123
6.3 Extracting Models................................................................................................................................ 126
6.4 Gathering Piping Information ............................................................................................................. 130
6.5 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 130
6.6 Using Piping Reporting Tools .............................................................................................................. 131
6.7 Exercise : Piping Report Tools for Specification-Driven Pipelines ....................................................... 137
7 Creating Piping Drawings ............................................................................................................................ 141
7.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 141
7.2 Creating Piping Drawings .................................................................................................................... 141
7.3 Displaying Piping Report Parameters .................................................................................................. 146
7.4 Exercise : Creating A Piping Assembly Drawing .................................................................................. 150
1 Introduction to Piping

1.1 Introduction
Introduction to Piping
Module Overview:
Creo Piping enables you to create 3-D piping designs as part of an integrated product development process.
Piping designs can be either specification driven or non-specification driven, for example, manually routed.
Specification-driven designs involve using piping specifications and automated modeling tasks; this method is
used by the Plant, Shipbuilding, and Aerospace industries. Non-specification-driven piping involves creating
piping systems using manual tasks, and is often used when designing flexible piping systems. In addition, 2-D
schematic design information in the form of Process and Instrumentation Diagrams (created in Creo Schematic)
can be used to pass design information into specification-driven piping designs in Creo Parametric. It is
important to understand the piping design processes, concepts, and terminology associated with Creo Piping.

After successfully completing this module, you will be able to:

Describe the manual piping design process.

Describe the specification-driven piping design process.

Describe Creo Parametric piping concepts and terminology.

Create manually routed (non-specification-driven) pipelines.

Create specification-driven pipelines.

1.2 Understanding Piping Design Methods

Concept: Understanding Piping Design Methods
Understanding Piping Design Methods
Within Creo Parametric, there are two methods you can use to develop 3-D piping designs:

Manually routed piping (non-specification-driven piping)

Specification-driven piping

Non-Specification-Driven Piping
This method of piping design enables maximum flexibility and involves configuring pipeline stock and manually
routing pipes and inserting fittings.
Figure 1 Non-Specification-Driven (Manual) Piping Design Example
It typically applies to flexible piping designs and tubing.

Specification-Driven Piping
Piping design as utilized by designers in the Plant design, Shipbuilding, and Aerospace design industries.

Figure 2 Specification-Driven Piping Design Example

This method of piping design is driven by a set of piping specifications and design rules.

1.3 Manual Piping Development Process

Concept: Manual Piping Development Process
Manual Piping Development Process
Figure 1 Manual Piping Development Process
The manual piping process (often referred to as non-specification-driven piping) can be divided into a number of

Configuring Pipeline Stock A line stock is a set of parameters that describe material, grade, outside
diameter, and other parameters of pipeline segments.

o These parameters are stored in the line stock feature.

o Before you create any pipelines, you must configure a line stock.

Route Pipelines A physical pipeline consists of pipes and fittings.

o Before routing a new line, you must create a pipeline feature by assigning its name, line stock, and
pipeline parameters. Parameters that are set in a line stock determine routing commands.

o While routing, you can assign another line stock for segments that start after a fitting or from a new
start point.

o You can also change line shape and corner type for subsequent segments.

o During or after routing is completed, you can insert fittings or modify pipeline properties according to
design needs.

Insert Fittings Fittings are parts or assemblies added to piping systems to perform specific functions, for
example, reducers and valves.

o Fittings are typically stored in libraries, enabling them to be easily retrieved and inserted into pipelines
when required.

Output Data When the piping design is complete, it is possible to generate information for a number of
downstream processes, including the following:

o Generate PCF information for ISOGEN. It is technically possible to create readable ISOGEN.pcf files
if required. However, with mechanical based flexible piping designs, this is not a common

o Generate Piping Drawings. You can create Creo Parametric drawings of piping designs which can, for
example, contain installation and bill of materials information.

o Output File Interchange Format (FIF). You can output information for CNC bend machines if required.

Procedure: Manual Piping Development Process

Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no models display,
then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\CreoParametric2\Piping\Design_Manual folder and click OK
3. Click File > Open and double-click MAN_DESIGN.ASM.
Create line stock.

Manually route pipelines.

Insert fittings into pipelines.

Task 1. Create pipeline stock.

1. Enable only the following Datum Display types: .

2. In the ribbon, select the Applications tab.

3. Click Piping from the Engineering group.
4. Click the Setup group drop-down menu and select Line Stock.
5. Click Create from the menu manager.
Type PIPE_50A as the line stock name and press ENTER.
Configure the LineStock dialog box as shown.

For shape type and corner type, the check boxes configure selectable options, and the green ball
selection configures the default selection.

Click Save in the LineStock dialog box.

Click OK and then click Apply Changes .
Click Done/Return from the menu manager.
Figure 1
Task 2. Create a pipeline and specify the start point.
1. If necessary, click Display Thick Pipes from the View group to disable the display of thick pipelines.

2. In the ribbon, click Create Pipeline from the Pipeline group.

Type P50 for the pipeline name and press ENTER.
Select PIPE_50A from the menu manager.
In the ribbon, click Set Start from the Routing group.
Zoom in and select the PORT1 coordinate system on the multi-tank model, as shown.
Figure 2
Task 3. Route the pipeline using various routing tools.
1. Create a pipe segment using the Extend tool.

In the ribbon, click Extend from the Routing group.

Drag the extend drag handle to approximately the location shown.

If necessary, edit the extend value to 300 on the model.

Click OK.

Figure 3
You can create disjointed pipe segments and then join them into a continuous pipeline, as needed.

2. Create a disjointed pipe segment using the Follow Curve tool.

Select Follow Curve from the Follow types drop-down menu in the Routing group.
Select one section of the curve in the model, as shown.

Press SHIFT and select the other section of the curve, as shown.
Notice that the curve highlights, as shown.

Click Proceed With Changes in the Follow Curve dialog box.

Figure 4

Figure 5
3. Connect pipe segments using the Connect tool.

In the ribbon, click Connect from the Routing group.

Select the end of the first segment, and then press CTRL and select the end of the follow curve segment,
as shown.

Edit Length 1 to 50.

Edit Length 2 to 200.
Notice that the pipeline updates, as shown.

Click Proceed With Changes in the Connect dialog box.

Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8
4. Create pipe segments using the Extend tool.
In the ribbon, click Set Start from the Routing group.
Select the end point of the current pipeline, as shown.

Click Extend from the Routing group.

In the Extend dialog box, select Along Csys Axis from the drop-down list.
Select Offset from Ref for the Dimension options.
For the Plane/Csys reference, select the EXIT_PORT coordinate system on the man_design model, as

Select the Y axis radio button.

Click Apply.
Notice that a pipe segment is created.

Select the X axis radio button.

Click OK.
Notice that another pipe segment is created, as shown.

Figure 9

Figure 10
Figure 11

Figure 12
5. Create a pipe segment using the To Pnt/Port tool.

In the ribbon, click To Pnt/Port from the Routing group.

Select the EXIT_PORT coordinate system on the model, as shown.

Click Apply Changes in the To Point/Port dialog box.

Notice that another pipe segment is created, as shown.

Figure 13
Figure 14
Task 4. Insert a valve fitting in a pipeline.
1. Disable Csys Display .
2. Enable Point Display .
3. In the ribbon, click Insert Fitting from the Fitting group.
Click Straight Brk from the menu manager.
Select GATE_CHECK_VALVE.ASM and click Open.
Select the approximate location along the pipe segment, as shown.

Click Length Ratio from the menu manager.

Type 0.25 for the value, and press ENTER.
Notice that the fitting assembly appears in a sub-window, as shown.

Prehighlight point END on the fitting assembly model and then select it.

Notice that a fitting is inserted as shown. You can flip or twist the fitting at this point if required.

Click Done from the menu manager.

Figure 15
Figure 16

Figure 17
Task 5. Insert an end type flange fitting at the pipeline end port.
1. Enable Csys Display .
2. In the ribbon, click Insert Fitting from the Fitting group.
Click End from the menu manager.
Select FLANGE_NECK_RF.PRT and click Open.
Select the correct size to match the current pipeline line stock.

In the Select Instance dialog box, select instance FLANGE_NECK_RF-STEEL-30K-50.PRT and

click Open.
Zoom in and select the pipe end next to the exit port, as shown.

Notice that the flange instance is now displayed in a separate window.

Select PORT1 as the entry port on the flange model, as shown.

Prehighlight END point on the model and then select it, as shown.
Notice that the selected point aligns the fitting centerline with the pipe centerline.

Click Done from the menu manager.

Figure 18

Figure 19
3. Disable Point Display .
4. Disable Csys Display .
Notice that the fitting is inserted at the end of the pipe segment, as shown.

Figure 20
5. Review the completed pipeline.

Press CTRL+D to return to the standard orientation.

In the ribbon, click Display Thick Pipes from the View group to enable the display of thick pipelines.
Observe the completed pipeline, as shown. Notice that the pipeline includes pipe segments and inserted
Figure 21
6. Save the piping assembly.

Click Save from the Quick Access toolbar.

Click OK to save the assembly.
Click Close from the Quick Access toolbar.
Click Erase Not Displayed from the Data group.
Click OK to erase all non-displayed objects from memory.
This completes the procedure.

1.4 Specification Driven Piping Development Process

Concept: Specification-Driven Piping Development Process
Specification-Driven Piping Development Process
Specification-driven piping can utilize both 2-D Schematic design information and 3-D piping design information.

Figure 1 Specification-Driven Piping Development Process

The 3-D piping design process can be divided into a number of tasks:

The Creo Parametric Piping Specification Database contains all of the piping library and catalog files used
to create specification-driven piping systems. Setting up the specification database involves:
o Creating Fitting library files. These are Creo Parametric part files with their associated family tables.
Fitting library files provide the physical representation for fittings in a piping model, for example,
valves, gaskets, and reducers.

o Creating Master Catalog (MCAT) files. These files contain all of the basic design information required
for pipe modeling. Creo Parametric piping includes MCAT files. You can create MCAT files or modify
existing ones when you want to update and expand the piping data.

Creating Project-Specific Data files involves assigning piping data from the MCAT files for each new project
specification. The project-specific data can be stored in the following files:

o Specification Directory Files: Store all piping specifications, mnemonics, colors, layers, insulation
codes, and assigned Auto-Selection files that have been selected for a piping project.

o Auto-Selection Files: Contain all selected pipes, fittings, bends, miters, and assembly fittings for a
piping project.

o Insulation Directory Files: Contain all selected insulation files, insulation codes, and colors for a piping

Routing Pipelines and Inserting Fittings is a semi-automatic process. Only assigned project-specific piping
data is available during these activities.

An additional option is to use 2-D Schematic Design information to further automate pipe routing and inserting

Creo Schematic P & IDs can be used to export XML files and transfer the data into 3-D piping designs.
This enables designating of equipment, nozzles, and fittings. In addition, when creating pipelines, routing
pipes, and inserting fittings, automatic selections (based on the XML data) are made when possible.

When the piping design is complete, it is possible to generate information for a number of downstream
processes, including the following:

Generate the Piping Component File (PCF) information for the Isometric Drawing Generation (ISOGEN).
Creo Parametric piping provides an ISOGEN interface that enables you to create isometric drawings of
pipelines. The ISOGEN interface exports material and geometrical data from a Creo Parametric Piping
model to a readable ISOGEN.pcf format. This format serves as an input to ISOGEN for creating pipeline,
spool, and system isometric drawings.

Generate Piping Drawings. You can create Creo Parametric drawings of piping designs, which can, for
example, contain installation and bill of materials information.

Output File Interchange Format (FIF). You can output information for CNC bend machines.

Dynamic Design Rule Checking is possible during the pipeline routing process. Various design errors such
as bend violations, missing fittings, and end type compatibility problems can be highlighted. These errors
can then be corrected before proceeding with the design.

The Schematic Consistency Check report provides information about the correctness of a 3-D pipe model
against the 2-D schematic information stored in an XML file. You can generate reports for all typical
pipeline configurations in a piping design.
Procedure: Specification-Driven Piping Process
Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no models display,
then click File > Manage Session >Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\CreoParametric2\Piping\Design_Spec folder and click OK
3. Click File > Open and double-click SPEC_DESIGN.ASM.
Route specification-driven pipelines using schematic information from Creo Schematics.

Insert fittings in specification-driven pipelines using schematic information from Creo Schematics.

Task 1. Review schematic information.

1. Enable only the following Datum Display types:

2. Review the completed schematic piping design from Creo Schematics.

Observe the schematic piping design shown. It contains pipeline size and fitting information.

Figure 1
o The schematic information in this piping design has already been exported to an XML file for use in a
specification-driven pipeline in Creo Parametric.

Task 2. Review master catalog (MCAT) information in the piping specification

1. Review the MCAT file and folder structure.

Click Folder Browser from the navigator.

In the folder tree, browse to the Piping\Design_Spec\master_catalog folder to view its contents in the
Observe the different files and folders contained within the MCAT folder; these make up the specification
Figure 2
2. Review the contents of the PIPING_MCAT_DIR.PTD file, as shown.

Figure 3
This file lists the available pipe and fitting MCAT files and insulation files. Each file entry associates a piping
category and an MCAT file with a pipe outer diameter file, a pipe thickness file, a combined size code file, a
selection name for a fitting category, and the bolt nut code associated with the fitting.

3. Review the contents of the fitting MCAT folder.

In the folder tree, browse to the Piping\Design_Spec\master_catalog\fitting folder to view its contents in
the browser.
Observe the different files contained within the fitting folder; these make up the available fittings within the
specification database.
Figure 4
4. Review the contents of the ELBOW_90_BW_STEEL.PTD fitting file, as shown.

Figure 5
This file specifies the elbow fitting name based on rating, size, and end type. Any blank columns indicate the
field is not applicable for this type of fitting.

5. Click Model Tree from the navigator to return to the model tree.
Minimize the browser pane.

Task 3. Prepare to route a specification-driven pipeline using schematic information.

1. Click Settings in the model tree and select Tree Filters.
2. Select the Features check box and click OK in the Model Tree Items dialog box.
3. Load piping-specific configuration options.

Click File > Options.

Click Configuration Editor in the Creo Parametric Options dialog box.
Select Import configuration file from the Import/Export drop-down menu.
Click Working Directory .
Select PIPING_CONFIG.PRO and click Open.
Click OK in the Creo Parametric Options dialog box.
Click No in the Creo Parametric Options message window.
This ensures that the configuration option piping_design_method is set to spec_driven and
piping_schematic_driven is set to yes. This enables schematic information from Creo Schematics piping
designs to be used during specification-driven pipeline routing.

4. In the ribbon, select the Applications tab.

5. Click Piping from the Engineering group.
6. Click Piping System Views in the model tree.
If necessary, click Pipeline View to de-select the option in the drop-down list.
7. Expand WATER-LEG-1.ASM in the model tree.

Notice the created line stock (TRAINING_SPEC_150A_40) and pipeline (LEG-1), as shown.

This information was generated using the schematic design in Creo Schematics.
Figure 6
Task 4. Route a specification-driven pipeline using schematic information.
1. In the ribbon, click Pipe from the Routing group.
Select LEG-1 in the model tree.

Click Confirm to activate the WATER-LEG-1.ASM.

Notice that the available routing ports and components are highlighted on the model, as shown. These
components represent the entry and exit ports for the pipeline.

Figure 7
2. Specify the pipeline start point.

In the ribbon, click Set Start from the Routing group.

Zoom in and select PORT0 on the 150A_IC component in the model, as shown.

Click OK.

Figure 8
3. Create the first pipeline segment.

In the ribbon, click Extend from the Routing group.

Select Along Csys Axis as the type of extend.
Select Offset from Ref as the dimension option, as shown.
Select PORT0 on the 50A_IC component in the model, as shown.

Edit the offset value to 0.00 and press ENTER. Notice that the Extend dialog box updates, as shown.
Click Apply.

Figure 9

Figure 10
Figure 11
4. Create a second pipeline segment by extending a specified distance in a direction along a coordinate system

Select the Length Dimension option.

Select the X axis radio button.
Edit the length value to 1000 and press ENTER, as shown.
Click Apply.
Notice that another pipe segment is created, as shown.

Figure 12
Figure 13
5. Create a third pipeline segment by extending a specified distance in a different direction.

Select the Y axis radio button.

Select Offset from Ref as the dimension option, as shown.
Select PORT0 on the 50A_IC component in the model.

Click OK.
Notice that another pipe segment is created, as shown.

Figure 14
Figure 15
6. Create a fourth pipeline segment.

In the ribbon, click To Pnt/Port from the Routing group.

Select PORT0 on the 50A_IC component in the model.

Click Create Pipe Segment in the To Point/Port dialog box.

Notice the completed pipeline routing, as shown.

Figure 16
o The warning in the message area indicates that the pipe segment size 150A and the entry port size 50A are
mismatched. This can be resolved by inserting a reducer in the pipeline.

Task 5. Insert reducer fittings in the pipeline using schematic information.

1. Disable Csys Display .
2. In the ribbon, click Insert Fitting from the Fitting group.
Select a location on the pipeline segment, as shown.

Notice that the Insert Fitting dialog box is complete, as shown. A reducer fitting of size 80A is automatically
selected based on the associated XML file.

Edit the fitting position to 800 on the model.

Click Apply.
Notice that the reducer fitting is placed on the pipeline, as shown.
Figure 17

Figure 18

Figure 19
3. Insert a second reducer fitting.

Select a location on the pipeline segment, as shown.

Notice that the Insert Fitting dialog box is complete, as shown. A reducer fitting of size 50A is automatically
selected based on the associated XML file.

Edit the fitting position to 1000 on the model.

Click Apply.
Notice that the second reducer fitting is placed on the pipeline, as shown.
Figure 20

Figure 21

Figure 22
Task 6. Insert valve fittings in the pipeline using schematic information.
1. Insert a gate valve fitting.

Select a location on the pipeline segment, as shown.

Notice that the Insert Fitting dialog box is complete, as shown. A gate valve fitting is automatically selected
based on the associated XML file.

Edit the fitting position to 1000 on the model.

Click Apply.
Notice that the valve fitting is placed on the pipeline, as shown.

Figure 23

Figure 24

Figure 25
2. Insert a check valve fitting.

Select a location on the pipeline segment, as shown.

Notice that the Insert Fitting dialog box is complete, as shown. A check valve fitting is automatically
selected based on the associated XML file.

Edit the fitting position to 1000 on the model.

Click OK.
Notice that the valve fitting is placed on the pipeline, as shown.
Figure 26

Figure 27

Figure 28
Task 7. Add corner fittings to the pipeline.
1. Click Piping System Views in the model tree.
If necessary, click Pipeline View to activate the option in the drop-down list.
Expand the WATER and LEG-1 items in the model tree.

Figure 29
Notice the invalid corners in the model tree. You can correct this by inserting corner fittings.

2. Press CTRL and select the three Invalid Corner fittings in the model tree, as shown.
Right-click and select Insert > Elbow.
Notice that the model tree updates and elbow fittings are inserted in the pipeline, as shown.

Figure 30

Figure 31

Figure 32
3. Display thick pipe segments.

In the ribbon, click Display Thick Pipes from the View group.
Notice that the pipe segments are displayed as thick pipes, as shown.
Figure 33
You can toggle the display of thick pipe segments as required.

4. Save the piping assembly.

Click Save from the Quick Access toolbar.

Click OK to save the piping assembly.
Click Close .
Click Erase Not Displayed .
Click OK to erase all non-displayed objects from memory.
This completes the procedure.

1.5 Understanding Piping Terminology

Concept: Understanding Piping Terminology
Understanding Piping Terminology
The following items are key items within both the manual piping development process and the specification-
driven piping development process.

Pipelines are made up of pipe segments and fittings.

Figure 1 Pipeline Example

o Pipe Segments can consist of one or more consecutive sections: straight pieces of pipe with bends or
miter cuts, or a section of flexible tubing.
o Creo Parametric creates a break whenever you create a fitting type corner or insert an internal fitting
in a pipeline.

Figure 2 Fitting Example

Fittings are parts or assemblies added to piping systems to perform specific functions.

o Examples of fittings include reducers and different types of valves.

Equipment is represented by assembly components with predefined entry ports.

o Pipelines can be routed to or from equipment ports.

o Examples of equipment include tanks and pumps.

ISOGEN Drawings Alias ISOGEN drawings are an industry standard isometric drawing format for the
plant piping industry.

Figure 3 ISOGEN Drawing Output Example

o These drawings can be created automatically from 3-D piping designs in seconds.

1.6 Understanding 2-D Schematic Piping Designs

Concept: Understanding 2-D Schematic Piping Designs
Understanding 2-D Schematic Piping Designs
Process and Instrumentation Diagrams (P & ID) are used to map fluid systems.
Figure 1 Schematic Piping Design Example
They contain large-scale equipment, such as tanks and heat exchangers, and major functional
components, such as valves and orifice plates. They also contain pipeline details documenting the flow
direction, and labelling indicating bore sizes.

The design intent of any associated measurement and control system can also be captured using control
and instrumentation symbols.

Piping designers may also create a Process Flow Diagram (PFD), in addition to a P & ID.
2 Creating Piping Assembly Structures

2.1 Introduction
Creating Piping Assembly Structures
Module Overview:
Piping assembly structures can be developed in different ways depending on your requirements. It is important
to understand how and when different assembly structures are applied. When developing piping assemblies,
skeletons, and data sharing tools, such as copy geometry and shrinkwrap, enable controlled transfer of model
geometry throughout the design.

After successfully completing this module, you will be able to:

Describe the different assembly structures when designing pipelines.

Describe data sharing tools and large assembly management tools relevant to pipeline design.

Configure design assemblies for pipeline design.

Create pipeline assembly structures.

Assemble piping equipment and components.

2.2 Planning Piping Assembly Structures

Concept: Planning Piping Assembly Structures
Taking time to consider the assembly structure of piping designs helps ensure correct piping information is
created for downstream activities, such as:

Bill of materials

Fitting reports

Insulation reports

Mass properties

Other important benefits include effective control of external references, and an appropriate level of detail in
Figure 1 Piping Assemblies Structure Example
Data sharing features such as shrinkwrap and copy geometry can be used to control references and the level of
detail that should be considered when modeling frequently used components such as flanges or fittings.

The following points should be considered when planning an assembly structure:

Using skeletons as a design framework.

Using data sharing tools, such as copy geometry to transfer design information throughout designs.

Using large assembly management tools, such as simplified representations, to create more lightweight
and manageable assemblies.

Correct assembly structure in terms of hierarchy of components and skeletons, to ensure required bill of
materials are created.

Time-saving methods, such as using component interfaces when assembling piping equipment and
common components.

Piping Assemblies Structure Guidelines

When developing a piping design, it is important to follow a number of guidelines:

Follow the company BOM and part numbering structure.

Plan and create the assembly structure first before starting the pipeline design.

A complete piping assembly is shown, with three example piping assembly structures.

o These structures can be used in different situations to meet different design requirements.

2.3 Piping Assembly Structure: Sub-Assembly

Concept: Piping Assembly Structure: Sub-Assembly
Piping Assembly Structure: Sub-Assembly
This option is best used when the piping sub-assembly part number is required in the mechanical sub-assembly
Figure 1 Piping Assembly Structure Created Within a Mechanical Sub-Assembly
In this situation, pipelines connect components in the same mechanical sub-assembly.

Data sharing methods such as copy geometry and shrinkwrap can be used to transfer information into the
piping skeleton.

2.4 Piping Assembly Structure: No Sub-Assembly

Concept: Piping Assembly Structure: No Sub-Assembly
Piping Assembly Structure: No Sub-Assembly
This option is best used when piping component part numbers are required in the mechanical sub-assembly

Figure 1 Piping Design Created Directly in the Mechanical Sub-Assembly

In this situation, pipelines connect components in the same mechanical sub-assembly.

Data sharing methods are not required to transfer design information.

2.5 Piping Assembly Structure: Sub-Assemblies at Top-Level

Concept: Piping Assembly Structure: Sub-Assemblies at Top Level
Piping Assembly Structure: Sub-Assemblies at Top Level
This option is best used when piping component part numbers are required in the piping sub-assembly BOM.

Figure 1 Piping Design Created in a Top-Level Piping Sub-Assembly

Sub-Assemblies at Top Level is best used when pipelines connect components from different mechanical
assemblies.Data sharing methods such as copy geometry and shrinkwrap can be used to transfer
information into the piping skeleton.

This technique is used for many of the lab exercises for this course.

Procedure: Piping Assembly Structure: Sub-Assemblies at Top Level

Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no models display,
then click File > Manage Session> Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\CreoParametric2\Piping\Assembly_Top folder and click OK
3. Click File > Open and double-click ASSY_TOP.ASM.

Task 1. Create a piping assembly within an existing assembly.

1. Disable all Datum Display types.

2. Click Settings in the model tree and select Tree Filters.

3. In the Model Tree Items dialog box, select the Features check box under Display and click OK.
4. Observe the top-level assembly and two sub-assemblies in the model tree, as shown. The two sub-assemblies
contain mechanical components.

Figure 1
5. Create a piping sub-assembly.
In the ribbon, click Create from the Component group.
Click Subassembly as the type.
Type PIPING as the Name and click OK.
Click Copy From Existing and then click Browse.
Click Working Directory .
Select MM_KG_SEC_ASSY.ASM and click Open.
Click OK.
You could have selected any suitable preconfigured piping template assembly in the previous step.

6. Create an assembly constraint to locate the piping sub-assembly within the top-level assembly.

In the main graphics window, right-click and select Default Constraint.

Click Complete Component in the Component Placement dashboard.
Notice that the model tree updates, as shown.

Figure 2
o You can now start creating a piping skeleton and piping features within the PIPING.ASM.

This completes the procedure.

2.6 Understanding Piping Large Assembly Management Tools

Concept: Understanding Piping Large Assembly Management Tools
Understanding Piping Large Assembly Management Tools
During the development of piping designs, it is often necessary to work within a larger design assembly, for
example, when designing industrial piping systems.

Figure 1 Piping Assembly Master Rep

In addition to using data sharing tools and skeletons, other large assembly management tools such as simplified
representations, visual states, and layers can be used to create a more lightweight and manageable assembly.

Figure 2 Piping Assembly Simplified Rep

Simplified Representations provide many ways in which the working environment can be configured to suit
your needs.

o Components can be included or excluded from assemblies.

o The level of detail can be controlled by substituting simpler versions of components.

o Work regions can be configured that remove a portion of a model from display. Work regions behave
like cuts, except that geometry is removed from the display only, rather than physically removed from
the model.

Visual States provide a means of applying environment display settings to individual components. For
example, you can selectively blank components not relevant to current design tasks.

Layers can be used to organize information at the feature, part, and assembly level. The display of items
can be controlled at the part and assembly level.

2.7 Creating and Configuring Piping Skeletons

Concept: Creating and Configuring Piping Skeletons
Creating and Configuring Piping Skeletons
Figure 1 Surfaces Copied into Piping Skeleton Part
Skeleton models are special parts that serve as the framework for designing assemblies in a top-down design
process. They act as the 3-D layout of an assembly.

They are normally made up of datum features such as planes, axes, coordinate systems, and surfaces.

They are the first component in an assembly; other components (such as piping equipment) can be
assembled or created referencing the skeleton model.

Surfaces and datum planes within a skeleton can be used to allocate space before assembling
components to the assembly structure.

Skeletons can also be used to configure interfaces between components in an assembly.

Figure 2 Resulting Piping System References Skeleton Part Surfaces

When designing piping assemblies, skeletons can be used as routing references for pipelines.

References can be transferred into piping assembly skeletons using data sharing tools such as copy
geometry and shrinkwrap.

This provides piping designers with a lightweight representation of large assembly components and

Any changes to skeleton models are propagated on to referenced components and to any routing references.
Procedure: Creating and Configuring Piping Skeletons
Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no models display,
then click File > Manage Session> Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\CreoParametric2\Piping\Piping_Skeletons folder and clickOK
3. Click File > Open and double-click ASSY_TOP.ASM.

Task 1. Create a skeleton part within an existing assembly.

1. Disable all Datum Display types.

2. Click Settings in the model tree and select Tree Filters.

3. In the Model Tree Items dialog box, select the Features check box under Display and click OK.
4. Observe in the model tree that the top-level assembly contains two mechanical sub-assemblies and a piping
assembly, as shown.

Figure 1
5. Activate the piping assembly.

Select PIPING.ASM in the model tree.

Right-click and select Activate.

6. Create a skeleton part within the piping sub-assembly.

In the ribbon, click Create from the Component group.

Click Skeleton Model as the type.
Type PIPING_SKEL as the Name and click OK.
Click Copy From Existing and then click Browse.
Click Working Directory .
Select MM_KG_SEC_PART.PRT and click Open.
Click OK.
You could have selected any suitable preconfigured piping template skeleton part in the previous step.

7. Expand PIPING.ASM in the model tree.

Notice that the skeleton part is created, as shown.

Figure 2
o You can now start creating piping features within the PIPING.ASM.

This completes the procedure.

2.8 Sharing Routing Geometry

Concept: Sharing Routing Geometry
Sharing Routing Geometry
There are various data sharing tools that enable selective copying of non-solid references throughout a design

Figure 1 Sample Model Tree with Shrinkwrap and Geometry Features

Design references such as datum features and surfaces can be transferred from components and
assemblies into skeleton parts.

This enables users to create lightweight references of complex parts and assemblies relevant to routing
pipelines. This also enables users to work on their individual subsystems without needing access to the
top-level assembly.

By default, all copied references maintain dependency or associativity with source geometry, enabling
automatic updates when design changes occur. However, data sharing features can be made independent
of source geometry, if required. The associativity can be switched on and off as desired.
Figure 2 Shrinkwrap Comps Dialog Box
Different types of data sharing features are available:

Publish Geometry Enables you to specify a collection of geometry to be referenced by other components.

Copy Geometry Enables you to selectively copy geometry from other models.

o External Copy Geometry: Enables you to copy geometry from an external model relative to a
coordinate system.

Shrinkwrap Enables you to copy boundary surface references from other components.

o External Shrinkwrap: Enables you to copy boundary surface references from another component
relative to a coordinate system.

Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no models display,
then click File > Manage Session> Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\CreoParametric2\Piping\Piping_Share_Geometry folder and click OK
3. Click File > Open and double-click ASSY_TOP.ASM .

Task 1. Create shrinkwrap features in the PIPING_SKEL.PRT.

1. Disable all Datum Display types.

2. Click Settings in the model tree and select Tree Filters.

3. In the Model Tree Items dialog box, select the Features check box under Display and click OK.
4. Load piping-specific configuration options.

Click File > Options.

Click Configuration Editor in the Creo Parametric Options dialog box.
Select Import configuration file from the Import/Export drop-down menu.
Click Working Directory .
Select PIPING_CONFIG.PRO and click Open.
Click OK in the Creo Parametric Options dialog box.
Click No in the Creo Parametric Options message window.
5. If necessary, expand the PIPING.ASM in the model tree.

Select PIPING_SKEL.PRT in the model tree.

Right-click and select Activate, then observe the model tree as shown.
Figure 1
6. In the ribbon, click Shrinkwrap from the Get Data group.
Click Subset in the Shrinkwrap dashboard.
Select BASE.PRT from the component listing. Right-click and select Ignore.
Expand VESSEL_SUB.ASM in the component listing.

Select the second VESSEL.PRT. Right-click and select Ignore.

Expand TANK_SUB.ASM in the component listing.

Select the last MULTI_TANK.PRT in the listing. Right-click and select Ignore.
Notice that the component listing in the Shrinkwrap Comps dialog box updates, as shown.

Click OK.

Figure 2
7. Click Complete Feature from the Shrinkwrap dashboard.
Notice that the component surfaces included in the shrinkwrap feature are highlighted on the model, as
Figure 3
Task 2. Create copy geometry features in the PIPING_SKEL.PRT.
1. In the ribbon, click Copy Geometry from the Get Data group.
Click Published Geometry Only to disable it.
Right-click and select References.
Enable Csys Display .
Zoom the assembly and select PORT4 on the vessel model, as shown.

Press CTRL and select PORT3 on the vessel model, as shown.

Click Complete Feature from the Copy Geometry dashboard.

Figure 4
Figure 5
Each copy geometry feature can only contain references from one model; to copy additional references from
other models, you must create additional copy geometry features.

2. In the ribbon, click Copy Geometry from the Get Data group.
Click Published Geometry Only to disable it.
Right-click and select References.
Zoom in to the assembly and select PORT2 on the multi_tank model, as shown.

Press CTRL and select PORT1 on the multi_tank model, as shown.

Click Complete Feature from the Copy Geometry dashboard.

Figure 6
Figure 7
3. Expand the PIPING_SKEL.PRT in the model tree.

Notice the shrinkwrap and copy geometry features contained within the PIPING_SKEL.PRT in the model
tree, as shown.

Figure 8
4. Hide components in the assembly.

In the model tree, select BASE.PRT.

Press CTRL and select VESSEL_SUB.ASM and TANK_SUB.ASM.

Right-click and select Hide.

Notice that only the shrinkwrap and copy geometry features are now displayed in the main graphics
window, as shown.
Figure 9
This completes the procedure.

2.9 Assembling Piping Components Using Component Interfaces

Concept: Assembling Piping Components Using Component Interfaces
Assembling Piping Components Using Component Interfaces
Component interfaces can be used repeatedly to place components very quickly.

They contain a set of stored constraints and references.

Figure 1 Hydraulic Valve Block with Highlighted References

Once an interface is configured and saved in a component, it can be used anytime the component is
placed into an assembly.
Figure 2 Tubing Connector with Highlighted References
Placement of components using interfaces enables you to constrain components faster, even by drag and

Automatic drag-and-drop style placement of components is also possible if the configuration option
autoplace_single_comp is set to yes.

Component interfaces are useful whenever common components are assembled using the same

o For example, piping equipment and common components can be created with component interfaces.
3 Configuring and Routing Pipelines

3.1 Introduction
Configuring and Routing Pipelines
Module Overview:
A piping system typically consists of a number of pipelines connecting various pieces of equipment. Each
pipeline is made up of straight or flexible pipe segments and fittings. Pipelines also have parameters associated
with them such as material, grade, and diameter; these parameters describe the characteristics of each pipeline.
In this module, you learn how to describe the terminology associated with piping design. You also configure
non-specification-driven pipelines, which can involve configuring piping line stock, pipeline parameters,
allowable line shapes, and corner types. You also learn how to route pipelines using various techniques that can
be applied to both non-specification-driven and specification-driven pipelines.

After successfully completing this module, you will be able to:

Describe piping terminology.

Configure non-specification-driven pipelines.

Route pipelines using various techniques.

3.2 Understanding Pipeline Routing

Concept: Understanding Pipeline Routing
Understanding Pipeline Routing
Routing pipelines typically involves the following tasks:

Configure Line Stock

o Line stock is a list of parameters that describes the type of pipe in terms of size, shape, and material.

Figure 1 LineStock Dialog Box

o Line stock files can be stored in a library and loaded as needed.
Configure Pipeline Start Point

o Before you can route a pipeline segment, you must set a start point. You can set a start point using an
entry port, pipe end; or you can select an existing datum point or create a new datum point.

Figure 2 Routed Pipeline Example

o Start points are displayed as a highlighted circle.

o Entry ports are coordinate systems that can be used to specify start and end points for pipelines. They
are also used when inserting fittings to determine the direction of routing and fitting orientation.

Create Pipeline Segments

o When you create new routing features, the default settings for shape and corner type are taken from
the current line stock parameter file.

o Segments can be routed continuously, or you can create individual segments and connect them
together as required.

o You can insert fittings or modify pipeline properties during the routing of pipelines or after routing is

o Once the pipeline is finalized, you can easily create a solid part based on the pipeline routing and the
information in the line stock file. The solid part can be based on a model template, and can be opened
on its own as a model to create further features such as holes or tubing flares.

3.3 Configuring Non-Specification Driven Pipelines

Concept: Configuring Non-Specification-Driven Pipelines
Configuring Line stock
Before creating pipelines, you must configure line stocks.

A line stock is a set of parameters that describe the material, grade, outside diameter, and other
parameters of pipeline segments.
Figure 1 Line Stock Example
o Once the line stock is created or imported, these parameters are stored in line stock features in the

o You can assign different line stocks to different line segments of the same pipeline because they may
have different outside diameters, materials, and grades.

Line shape is a line stock characteristic that specifies the pipe shape as straight, flexible, or a combination
of both.

Corner type is a line stock characteristic that specifies the type of corner fittings used in pipelines. These
can be bent or mitered, or fitting type corners.

o Fitting type corners create unconnected pipeline segments and are intended to be locations for
placing fittings at a later time.

You can also specify permitted values in the line stock file.

o Bend Radius: A list of selectable bend radii.

o Bend Angle: A list of selectable bend angles.

o Miter Length: A list of selectable lengths for miter cuts. These values are used only when the Miter
Cut Number is greater than 1.

o Miter Cut Number: A list of the permitted quantities of miter cuts. For example, a setting of 2 forces
the pipeline to have two miters as it moves through a 90 degree corner.

Design rule parameters are used to verify that routed pipelines are within specified limits. These
parameters can also be configured when creating line stocks.
Figure 2 Design Rules Example
o For example, segment length, bend radius, and bend angle parameters can be set within limits.

User-defined parameters can be configured for line stock; these can be system parameters such as
fluid_type or user-defined parameters such as pressure.

Rectangular cross-section line stock can be configured.

Figure 3 Rectangular Shape Example

o This can be used for routing square or rectangular tubing or ductwork.

For flexible hose, you can configure and route pipelines with a minimum bend radius; this can be changed
for different pipe gauges to ensure accurate representation of flexible hose.

o After routing, you can check for bend radius violations using the Design Rules Check dialog box.

Procedure: Configuring Non-Specification-Driven Pipelines

Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no models display,
then click File > Manage Session> Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\CreoParametric2\Piping\Non_Spec_Pipelines folder and click OK
3. Click File > Open and double-click ASSY_TOP.ASM.

Task 1. Create pipeline stock in the PIPING.ASM.

1. Disable all Datum Display types.

2. In the ribbon, select the Applications tab.

3. Click Piping from the Engineering group.
4. Click Settings from the model tree and select Tree Filters.
5. In the Model Tree Items dialog box, select the Features check box under Display and click OK.
6. If necessary, expand PIPING.ASM in the model tree.
Select PIPING.ASM in the model tree.

Right-click and select Activate. Observe the model tree as shown.

Figure 1
The active assembly is where all piping features are created. It is a best practice to use a dedicated piping
assembly, not the top-level assembly.

7. Click the Setup group drop-down menu and select Line Stock.
Click Create from the menu manager.
Type PIPE_25A as the line stock name and press ENTER.
Configure the LineStock dialog box as shown.

For shape type and corner type, the check boxes configure selectable options, and the green ball
selection configures the default selection.

Click Save in the LineStock dialog box.

Double-click the piping_data folder.
Click OK, and then click Apply Changes .
Figure 2
Task 2. Create duct line stock in the PIPING.ASM.
1. Click Create from the menu manager.
Type DUCT_230_160 as the line stock name and press ENTER.
Configure the LineStock dialog box as shown.

Click Save in the LineStock dialog box.

Click OK, and then click Apply Changes .
Figure 3
Task 3. Read line stock into the PIPING.ASM.
1. Click Read from the menu manager.
Select pipe_15a.stk and click Open.
Click Edit.
Click PIPE_15A from the menu manager.
Notice the configured line stock as shown. For bend radius and bend angle, the first value in the list is the
default value.

Click Apply Changes in the LineStock dialog box.

Click Done/Return from the menu manager.
Figure 4
This completes the procedure.

3.4 Routing Pipelines

Concept: Routing Pipelines
Pipeline Routing Options
Before routing a pipeline, you must first configure the line stock, and specify the pipeline start point. You can
then use the following tools to route the pipeline:

Extend enables routing of new piping segments by extending them from the current position in a specified
Figure 1 Extend Dialog Box Example
Extensions can be done by dragging, typing in an extension distance, or by specifying a reference to
extend to or offset from. Reference options include:

o Csys Axis: Extend along a selected coordinate system axis.

o Axis/Edge/Segment: Extend parallel to a selected axis, edge, or pipe segment.

o Plane/Point: Extend up to a selected plane or point.

o Csys: Dynamically extend pipeline segments relative to a selected coordinate system. The extension
can be measured using cartesian, cylindrical, or spherical systems.

To Pnt/Port creates a segment from the current start point to the selected point, port, or pipe end.

o To Port is useful when finishing pipelines at ports.

Follow creates a segment by following an axis, datum curve, existing pipeline, or sketched path.

o When using sketch, default bend radii and mitred corners are automatically added after the sketch is

o A sketch is useful when routing a complex path around equipment.

Connect uses straight lines to connect disjointed segments from the same pipeline or any entry port(s).
Default corners are added automatically when possible. There are four possible cases for connecting any
two straight segments.
Figure 3 Connecting Segments Example
o Coplanar Parallel: Extends the selected segments until they meet, forming a single segment.

o Coplanar Non-Parallel: Extends the two segments and adds an intermediate segment. You can
modify the extension end points and the angles of the corners. If the current corner type is Bend, the
system automatically adds bends. You can control the extension distances at both ends, or the
extension distance and angle at one end.

o Collinear: Extends two segments by extending each segment in a straight line toward the other. There
are no dimensions to modify with this type of connection.

o Non-Planar: Extends each segment until they intersect, creating a single corner. You can move the
new end points of the connected segments to create an intermediate segment.

Branch enables you to branch from the current pipeline to another pipeline. When a branch is attached to a
pipeline, cuts are automatically created in the solids at the branch point.

o Connection points are located on pipe center lines.

o However, in non-specification-driven piping, you cannot branch to a different segment of the same

Insert Point enables you to add point to point features to create new straight segments, and you can drag
the points to configure the new straight segments as required.

o It is always recommended that you utilize this option before adding fittings.
Figure 2 Completed Routing Example

Procedure: Routing Pipelines

Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, clickFile > Close until no models display,
then click File > Manage Session> Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\CreoParametric2\Piping\Route_Pipelines folder and clickOK
3. Click File > Open and double-click PIPING.ASM.

Task 1. Create a pipeline and specify the start point in the PIPING.ASM.
1. Enable only the following Datum Display types: .

2. In the ribbon, select the Applications tab.

3. Click Piping from the Engineering group.

4. In the ribbon, click Create Pipeline from the Pipeline group.

Type P25A for the pipeline name, and press ENTER.
Select PIPE_25A from the menu manager.
Click Set Start from the Routing group.
Zoom in and select the PORT1 coordinate system on the vessel model, as shown.

Figure 1
Notice the small blue circle at the selected start point. This indicates the current end location of the pipeline
being routed. This location changes as you create pipe segments.

5. Create pipe segments using the Extend tool.

Click Extend from the Routing group.

Drag the extend drag handle to approximately the location shown.

If necessary, edit the extend value to 450 on the model.

Click Apply.
In the Extend dialog box, edit the Y value to 300 and press ENTER, as shown.
Click Apply.
Notice that a second pipe segment is created, as shown.

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4
6. Create more pipe segments using the Extend tool.

In the Extend dialog box, select Along Csys Axis from the drop-down list.
Select Offset from Ref for the Dimension options.
For the Plane/Csys reference, select the PORT1 coordinate system on the multi_tank model, as shown.
Select the X axis radio button.
Notice that the dialog box updates, as shown.

Click Apply.
Notice that a third pipe segment is created, as shown.

Select the Y axis radio button.

Click OK.
Notice that a fourth pipe segment is created, as shown.

Figure 5

Figure 6
Figure 7

Figure 8
7. Create a pipe segment using the To Pnt/Port tool.

Click To Pnt/Port from the Routing group.

Select PORT1 on the multi_tank model, as shown.

Click Apply Changes in the To Point/Port dialog box.

Notice that another pipe segment is created, as shown.

Figure 9
Figure 10
o Observe the bends that are automatically inserted into the pipeline at each pipe corner. These are created
using information contained within the pipeline stock.

This completes the procedure.

3.5 Exercise : Manually Routing Pipelines

Exercise: Manually Routing Pipelines
Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no models display,
then click File > Manage Session> Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\CreoParametric2\Piping\Route_Pipelines_B folder and click OK
3. Click File > Open and double-click PIPE_ROUTING.ASM.
Route pipelines using various techniques.

You route two pipelines using various routing techniques.

Task 1. Create a pipeline and specify the start point in the PIPE_ROUTING.ASM.
1. Enable only the following Datum Display types: .

2. In the ribbon, select the Applications tab.

3. Click Piping from the Engineering group.

4. In the ribbon, click Create Pipeline from the Routing group.

Type P1 for the pipeline name, and press ENTER.
Select PIPE_25A from the menu manager.
Click Set Start from the Routing group.
Zoom in and select the PORT1 coordinate system on the vessel model, as shown.
Figure 1
Notice the small blue circle at the selected start point. This indicates the current end location of the pipeline
being routed. This location changes as you create pipe segments.

5. Create a pipe segment using the Extend tool.

In the ribbon, click Extend from the Routing group.

Drag the extend drag handle to approximately the location shown.

If necessary, edit the extend value to 800 on the model.

Click OK.

Figure 2
You can create disjointed pipe segments and then join them into a continuous pipeline, as needed.

6. Create a disjointed pipe segment using the Follow Axis tool.

Enable Axis Display .

Select Follow Axis from the Follow types drop-down menu.
Select axis A_1 in the arch model, as shown.

Click Proceed With Changes in the Follow Axis dialog box.

Figure 3
7. Create a second disjointed pipe segment using the Follow Curve tool.

Disable Axis Display .

Select Follow Curve from the Follow types drop-down menu.
Select one section of the curve in the I_beam model, as shown.

Press SHIFT and select the other section of the curve, as shown.

Notice that the curve highlights, as shown.

Click Proceed With Changes in the Follow Curve dialog box.

Figure 4
Figure 5

Figure 6
8. Connect pipe segments using the Connect tool.

In the ribbon, click Connect from the Routing group.

Select the end of the first segment, and then press CTRL and select the end of the follow axis segment, as

Select A1&A2 from the Editable Dimensions drop-down list.

Notice that the pipeline updates, as shown.

Click Proceed With Changes in the Connect dialog box.

Figure 7
Figure 8
9. Connect more pipe segments using the Connect tool.

In the ribbon, click Connect from the Routing group.

Select the end of the follow axis segment, and then press CTRL and select the end of the follow curve
segment, as shown.

Select L1&A2 from the Editable Dimensions drop-down list.

Edit Angle 2 to 90.
Notice that the pipeline updates, as shown.

Click Proceed With Changes in the Connect dialog box.

Figure 9

Figure 10
10. Create pipe segments using the Extend tool.

In the ribbon, click Set Start from the Routing group.

Select the end point of the current pipeline, as shown.

In the ribbon, click Extend from the Routing group.

In the Extend dialog box, select Along Csys Axis from the drop-down list.
Select Offset from Ref for the Dimension options.
For the Plane/Csys reference, select the PORT1 coordinate system on the multi_tank model, as shown.

Select the X axis radio button.

Click Apply.
Notice that a pipe segment is created.

Select the Y axis radio button.

Click OK.
Notice that another pipe segment is created, as shown.

Figure 11

Figure 12

Figure 13
11. Create a pipe segment using the To Pnt/Port tool.
In the ribbon, click To Pnt/Port from the Routing group.
Select PORT1 on the multi_tank model, as shown.

Click Apply Changes in the To Point/Port dialog box.

Notice that another pipe segment is created, as shown.

Figure 14

Figure 15
Task 2. Create a second pipeline that follows part of the routing of the first pipeline.
1. In the ribbon, click Create Pipeline from the Pipeline group.
Type P2 for the pipeline name, and press ENTER.
Select PIPE_25A from the menu manager.
In the ribbon, click Set Start from the Routing group.
Zoom in and select the PORT2 coordinate system on the vessel model, as shown.

Figure 16
2. Create a pipe segment using the Follow Pipe tool.

Select Follow Pipe from the Follow types drop-down menu.

Select the first segment in pipeline P1, as shown.
Press CTRL and select the pipeline segment shown on pipeline P1.

Right-click and select Pipeline Transformation Reference.

Select the top surface on BASE.PRT, as shown.

Edit the Offset value to 50 in the Follow Pipeline dialog box.

Notice the new pipeline update, as shown.

Click Proceed With Changes in the Follow Pipeline dialog box.

Figure 17

Figure 18

Figure 19
Figure 20
3. Create a pipe segment using the Extend tool.

In the ribbon, click Set Start from the Routing group.

Zoom in and select the end point of the current pipeline, as shown.

In the ribbon, click Extend from the Routing group.

In the Extend dialog box, select Along Csys Axis from the drop-down list, if necessary.
Select Offset from Ref for the Dimension options.
For the Plane/Csys reference, select the PORT1 coordinate system on the multi_tank model, as shown.

Select the X axis radio button.

Click Apply.
Notice that a pipe segment is created.

Select the Y axis radio button.

Click OK.
Notice that another pipe segment is created, as shown.

Figure 21
Figure 22

Figure 23
4. Create a pipe segment using the To Pnt/Port tool.

In the ribbon, click To Pnt/Port from the Routing group.

Select PORT1 on the multi_tank model, as shown.

Click Apply Changes in the To Point/Port dialog box.

Notice that another pipe segment is created, as shown.

Figure 24
Figure 25
5. Review the resulting pipelines.

Disable Csys Display .

In the ribbon, click Display Thick Pipes from the View group to display thick pipelines.
Observe the completed pipelines, as shown. You can enable or disable the display of thick pipes at any

Zoom in to the pipe segments next to the I_BEAM.PRT, as shown.

Figure 26

Figure 27
o Notice that the P1 and P2 pipelines have different corner radii; this is because the P1 pipe segments in this
section are created using the Follow Curve tool, and the P2 pipe segments in this section are created using
the Follow Pipe tool, and therefore take their corner radius value from the line stock configuration.

This completes the exercise.

3.6 Routing Flexible Hoses
Concept: Routing Flexible Hoses
Routing Flexible Hoses
You can route flexible hoses by specifying flexible segments and straight (fixed length) segments in the same

Figure 1 Configuring Flexible Pipe Segments

This enables you to control the resulting pipeline shape and design characteristics.

When routing flexible segments, the following routing tools are available:

Extend Various options to extend a pipe segment.

To Pnt/Port This option creates a segment from the current start point to the selected point, port, or pipe

Where necessary, you can route straight segments using appropriate routing tools.

You can configure the line shape for each piping segment in the Piping Environment dialog box.

You can route flexible pipes from an entry port of a fitting.

Figure 2 Flexible Hose Example

However, you cannot insert fittings on flexible pipes.

To route a hose from a fitting, you can use a straight segment with an extend where it leaves the fitting.

Procedure: Routing Flexible Hoses

Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no models display,
then click File > Manage Session> Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\CreoParametric2\Piping\Route_Hoses folder and click OK
3. Click File > Open and double-click FLEX_HOSE.ASM.

Task 1. Create a pipeline and specify the start point in the FLEX_HOSE.ASM.
1. Enable only the following Datum Display types: .

2. In the ribbon, select the Applications tab.

3. Click Piping from the Engineering group.

4. In the ribbon, click Create Pipeline from the Pipeline group.

Type FLEX_HOSE_1 for the pipeline name, and press ENTER.
Select LINE_STOCK_25A from the menu manager.
Click Set Start from the Routing group.
Select the PORT1 coordinate system on the multi_tank model, as shown.

Figure 1
5. Create a straight pipe segment using the To Pnt/Port tool.

Click Environment from the Routing group.

Notice that the line shape is configured as straight; this value is taken from the line stock configuration.

Click OK.
Click To Pnt/Port from the Routing group.
Prehighlight the P1 point on the model and then select it, as shown.

Click Apply Changes in the To Point/Port dialog box.

Notice that a straight pipe segment is created, as shown.
Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4
6. Create flexible pipe segments using the To Pnt/Port tool.

Click Environment from the Routing group.

Select Flexible with Free Length for the Line Shape.
Click OK.
Click To Pnt/Port from the Routing group.
Prehighlight the P2 point on the model and then select it, as shown.

Notice that the Create section through all points check box is selected. You create flexible segments
through all points in this datum point array.
Click Apply Changes in the To Point/Port dialog box.
Notice that the flexible pipe segments are created, as shown.
Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7
7. Review the resulting pipeline.

Click Display Thick Pipes to display thick pipelines.

Notice that the completed pipeline interferes with PILLAR_2.PRT, as shown.

To correct this, you can adjust the position of one of the points in the datum point array.

Figure 8
8. Adjust the datum point array.

Prehighlight the P5 point on the model and then select it, as shown.

Right-click and select Edit.

Edit the dimension shown to 200.
Click Regenerate from the Quick Access toolbar.
Notice that the pipeline no longer interferes with the PILLAR_2.PRT, as shown.

Figure 9

Figure 10

Figure 11
o The flexible pipe segment length has also been updated.

This completes the procedure.

4 Moving and Modifying Pipelines

4.1 Introduction
Moving and Modifying Pipelines
Module Overview:
You can use different methods to modify and move pipelines. You can add points to pipelines to create pipe
segments, then move and rotate the resulting pipe segments. You can edit existing pipelines using various tools
contained within the Modify Pipeline dialog box, including editing corner types, and editing line stock. You can
edit pipe segment dimensions, and redefine pipe segments. You can edit the location of routing references in a
piping assembly, such as components. Any routed pipelines in the piping assembly update to reflect these
changes. As you route pipelines, the default piping environment settings are taken from the current line stock.
You can edit these default values for newly routed pipe segments.

After successfully completing this module, you will be able to:

Add points to pipelines to create pipe segments.

Move and rotate previously routed pipe segments.

Edit existing pipelines using various tools contained within the Modify Pipeline dialog box.

Edit pipe segment dimensions.

Redefine pipe segments.

Edit the location of routing references in a piping assembly.

Edit the default piping environment settings.

4.2 Adding Points and Moving Pipe Segments

Concept: Adding Points and Moving Pipe Segments
Adding Points on Pipe Segments
You can add break points to existing straight pipe segments.

Figure 1 Points Added to Pipe Segment

The points can be located using the following options:

Insert a point at a specified distance along a pipe segment. The distance value can be edited as required.

Insert a point at a specified length ratio along a pipe segment. The ratio value can be edited between 0 and

Insert a point at a specified distance from a corner along a pipe segment. The distance value can be edited
as required.
Insert a point at a specified distance from a specified plane along a pipe segment. The distance value can
be edited as required.

Insert a point at a specified distance from a fitting along a pipe segment. The distance value can be edited
as required.

Moving Pipe Segments

You can translate and rotate pipe segments that begin and end with either a break point, a fitting corner, or a
free end.

You can create multiple moves made up of both translate and rotate values.

Figure 2 Moving and Rotating a Segment

Connect features are created between the moved segment and the pipeline.

Figure 3 Updated Pipeline

Procedure: Adding Points and Moving Pipe Segments

Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no models display,
then click File > Manage Session> Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\CreoParametric2\Piping\Moving_Segments folder and clickOK
3. Click File > Open and double-click MOVE_SEG.ASM.

Task 1. Insert break points in a pipeline.

1. Enable only the following Datum Display types: .

2. In the ribbon, select the Applications tab.

3. Click Piping from the Engineering group.
4. Click Display Thick Pipes , if necessary, to disable it.
5. In the ribbon, click Pipe from the Routing group.
6. Select the pipe segment shown.

Figure 1
7. In the ribbon, click Break Point from the Routing group.
Select a location on the pipe segment approximately at the location shown.

Edit the value on the model to 1300.

Click Apply in the Break Point dialog box.
Select a second location on the pipe segment approximately at the location shown.

Edit the value on the model to 200.

Click OK in the Break Point dialog box.
Notice that two break points are inserted in the pipeline, as shown.

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4
Task 2. Move a pipe segment on a pipeline.
1. Select Move Pipe Segment from the Pipe Segment types drop-down menu.
Select the pipe segment on the model, as shown.

Drag the handle to approximately the location shown.

Edit the move distance value on the model to 650.

Right-click and select New Move.
Right-click and select Rotate.
Right-click and select Direction Reference.
Select the Z-axis on the coordinate system on the model, as shown.

Drag the angular handle to a value of approximately 90 on the model, as shown.

If necessary, edit the rotation angle to 90.

Click Apply Changes from the dashboard.
Notice that the pipeline is updated, as shown.

Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7
Figure 8

Figure 9
This completes the procedure.

4.3 Modifying Pipeline Routing

Concept: Modifying Pipeline Routing
Modifying Routed Pipelines
There are a number of ways in which you can modify routed pipelines including the following:

Figure 1 Modifying Line Stock
You can use the Modify Pipeline tool. This provides access to the Modify Pipeline dialog box, where the
following options are available:

o Corner Type: You can configure the corner type and value of single or multiple corners. The corner
type can be bend, fitting, or miter. For bends you can specify the bend radius and for miter corners
you can specify the number of cuts, and if necessary, the cut length.

o Line Stock: You can specify the line stock for single or multiple pipe segments.

o Parameters: You can modify pipeline and bend parameters.

o Flex Shape: You can modify the line shape of a flexible hose between fixed and free length.

o Flow Direction: You can specify the flow unit and change the flow direction on a pipeline.

You can edit dimensions created during the routing of a pipeline segment, for example, pipe segment
extend values. Regenerating the piping assembly updates the pipeline geometry.

You can redefine a pipeline segment. This enables you to completely change the routing references and

When redefining pipe segments, all subsequent pipe segments are temporarily suppressed from the
model. They are resumed when the redefining operation is complete.

You can edit the location and geometry of any routing references, for example, you can change the
location of components referenced during routing. Regenerating the piping assembly updates the pipeline
geometry accordingly.

Piping Environment

Figure 2 Modifying Pipe Segment Dimensions

When you start routing a pipeline, the default piping environment settings are taken from the line stock you are
using and remain the same unless you change them. You can change the default settings in the Piping
Environment dialog box. The following items can be edited:

Corner Type Can be specified as bend, fitting, or miter.

o When the corner type is specified as bend, you can also specify the bend radius, and for miter corners
you can specify the number of cuts and cut length.

Line Shape Can be straight or flexible.

Line Stock You can select an alternative line stock.

Any settings changed in the piping environment are only used for newly routed pipe segments.

Procedure: Modifying Pipeline Routing

Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no models display,
then click File > Manage Session> Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\CreoParametric2\Piping\Modifying_Routing folder and click OK
3. Click File > Open and double-click MOD_ROUTE.ASM.

Task 1. Modify existing pipeline segments.

1. Disable all Datum Display types.

2. In the ribbon, select the Applications tab.

3. Click Piping from the Engineering group.
4. Click Pipe from the Routing group.
5. If necessary, click Display Thick Pipes from the View group to display thick pipelines.
6. Select the pipe segment shown.

Figure 1
7. Edit the line stock.

In the ribbon, click Modify Pipeline from the Pipeline group.

Select the Line Stock option.
Select the pipe segment shown.

Click OK.
Select PIPE_25A from the Modify Linestock drop-down menu.
Click Apply Changes .
Notice that the line stock thickness updates on the pipeline, as shown.
Figure 2

Figure 3
8. Edit the bend radius for selected corners.

Select the Corner Type option.

Zoom in and select the upper corner on the pipeline as shown.

Press CTRL and select the lower corner on the pipeline as shown.

Click OK.
Edit the Bend Radius to 40.
Click Apply Changes .
Notice that the corner geometry updates, as shown.
Figure 4

Figure 5
9. Edit the corner type for selected corners.

Select Miter Cut from the New Type drop-down menu.

Edit the Cut Number to 3.
Edit the Cut Length to 40.
Click Apply Changes .
Notice that the corner geometry updates, as shown.
Figure 6
10. Edit the flow direction.

Select the Flow Direction option.

Select the pipe segment shown.

Click OK.
Notice that the flow direction is indicated in the model, as shown.

Click the Reverse button.

Notice that the flow direction updates on the pipeline, as shown.

Click Accept Changes .

Figure 7
Figure 8

Figure 9
This completes the procedure.

4.4 Exercise : Modifying Pipelines

Exercise: Modifying Pipelines
Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no models display,
then click File > Manage Session> Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\CreoParametric2\Piping\Modifying_Routing_B folder and click OK
3. Click File > Open and double-click MOD_PIPELINE.ASM.
Edit pipe environment options when routing pipelines.

Edit routed pipelines.

Redefine routed pipelines.

Edit routing references.

You need to change the piping environment when routing a pipeline; you also need to edit the pipeline, redefine
a pipe segment, and edit the location of routing references in the piping assembly.

Task 1. Edit the pipe environment and finish routing the pipeline.
1. Enable only the following Datum Display types: .

2. In the ribbon, select the Applications tab.

3. Click Piping from the Engineering group.
4. In the ribbon, click Pipe from the Routing group.
5. If necessary, click Display Thick Pipes from the View group to display thick pipelines.
6. Select the pipe segment shown.

Figure 1
7. Edit the pipe environment.

Notice that all the pipe corners on the pipeline consist of bends.

In the ribbon, click Environment from the Routing group.

Edit the Corner Type to Miter.
Edit the Cut Number to 2.
Edit the Cut Length to 40.
Notice the Piping Environment configuration, as shown.

Click OK.

Figure 2
8. Create the final pipe segment on the pipeline.
In the ribbon, click To Pnt/Port from the Routing group.
Select PORT1 on the vessel model, as shown.

Click Apply Changes in the To Point/Port dialog box.

Notice that another pipe segment is created.

Zoom in to the corner area, as shown. Notice that the corner consists of miter cut geometry. This is
because the pipe environment configuration has been changed.

Figure 3

Figure 4
Task 2. Edit pipe segment dimensions.
1. Select the pipe segment shown.

Right-click and select Edit.

Notice that all the pipe segment dimensions are displayed, as shown.

Edit the extend value to 1500, as shown.

Click Regenerate from the Quick Access toolbar.
Notice that the pipe segment updates, as shown.

Figure 5
Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8
Task 3. Redefine a pipe segment.
1. Select the pipe segment shown.

Right-click and select Redefine Route Segment.

Notice that all the subsequent pipe segments are temporarily suppressed, as shown.

Select To Coordinates in the Extend dialog box, as shown.

Edit the extend value to 600 on the model, as shown.
Click OK.
Notice that the pipe segment updates. In addition, the subsequent pipe segments resume, as shown.
Figure 9

Figure 10

Figure 11

Figure 12
Figure 13
Task 4. Edit pipe routing references.
1. In the ribbon, select the Model tab.
2. Select the MULTI_TANK.PRT in the model tree, right-click, and selectEdit.
Notice that the component position dimensions are displayed on the model, as shown.

Edit the component position dimensions, as shown.

Click Regenerate from the Quick Access toolbar.

Notice that the position of the MULTI_TANK.PRT and the pipeline update, as shown.

Figure 14

Figure 15
Figure 16
3. Save the piping assembly.

Click Save from the Quick Access toolbar.

Click OK to save the piping assembly.
Click Close from the Quick Access toolbar.
Click Erase Not Displayed from the Data group.
Click OK to erase all non-displayed objects from memory.
This completes the exercise.
5 Configuring and Inserting Fittings

5.1 Introduction
Configuring and Inserting Fittings
Module Overview:
Fittings are parts or assemblies that are added to pipelines to perform specific functions, such as reducers,
valves, and flanges. Fittings need to have properly configured entry ports and datum points to enable proper
insertion into pipelines and the trimming of pipelines to entry ports. Fittings can be stored in libraries using family
tables, enabling them to be retrieved and placed easily. In this module, you learn about different types of fittings,
you configure fittings for use in pipelines, and you learn how to insert fittings in pipelines.

After successfully completing this module, you will be able to:

Describe different types of fittings.

Configure fitting models for use in pipelines.

Insert fittings in pipelines.

5.2 Understanding Fittings

Concept: Understanding Fittings
Understanding Fittings
You can create fittings as part or assembly models. You can store fittings in libraries, enabling you to easily
retrieve the correct fitting size when you need to insert them into a pipeline.

Figure 3 Check Valve Example Displaying Entry and Exit Ports

Fittings can be divided into three broad categories:

Corner fittings such as elbows, reducers, and angle valves.

Figure 1 Corner Fitting Example
o You can locate Corner fittings quickly by selecting a pipeline corner. Creo Parametric uses the
intersection of the Z-axes of the coordinate systems in the fittings to locate the fitting.

o You can create Corner fittings in a variety of angles; they do not need to be 90 degrees.

End fittings such as caps, plugs, and flanges.

o End fittings are located by selecting the end of a pipeline.

Figure 2 End Fitting Example

A coordinate system (ENTRY_PORT) is then selected to orient the fitting, and a datum point is
selected in the fitting to locate the fitting on the pipeline.

Straight (or Internal) fittings such as tees and valves.

o Straight fittings are located by selecting a location along a pipeline segment. A coordinate system
(ENTRY_PORT) is then selected to orient the fitting, and a datum point is created using various
options to locate the fitting on the pipeline.

o When inserting this type of fitting, there are two options:

Straight Break The pipeline is broken at the point of inserting the fitting, for example, when
inserting a valve.

Straight Continuous The pipeline is not broken at the point of inserting the fitting, for example,
when inserting a pipeline support.
5.3 Creating Fittings
Concept: Creating Fittings
Fitting Model Requirements
Fittings can be created as standard parts or assemblies.

Figure 1 Corner Fitting Example

They are treated as assembly components within a piping assembly. For a model (part or assembly) to be
used as a fitting, it must have the following features:

Entry ports created at the connection points.

o Entry ports are coordinate systems renamed in the format PORT# (such as PORT0 or PORT1). It is
considered a best practice to create entry ports at the top level of the fitting model (part or assembly).

o The Z-axis of an entry port must point out of the fitting. Pipelines enter or exit the fitting parallel to this

A datum point must be configured (except for Corner fittings).

o The datum point is used for aligning the fitting with the centerline of the connecting pipeline or at the
end of a pipeline segment.

Figure 2 Tee Fitting Example

o The alignment point is normally located along the Z-axis at the center of symmetry of the fitting. For
fittings with three entry ports (for example, tee fitting), the alignment point is at the intersection of the
three Z-axes.

Penetration Distance
Pipelines associated with a fitting terminate at the fittings coordinate system entry ports.

Figure 4 Penetration Distance Example

You can control the penetration distance in a fitting by modifying the location of entry port coordinate
systems. Regenerating fitting models updates any routed pipelines and solid pipes.

Fitting Libraries
Fitting libraries can be configured using family tables.

Figure 3 Fitting Family Table Example

This saves time when creating large numbers of fittings with only minor size variations. It also enables easy
selection and placement of fittings

Procedure: Creating Fittings

Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no models display,
then click File > Manage Session> Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\CreoParametric2\Piping\Creating_Fittings folder and clickOK
3. Click File > Open and double-click TEE_STRAIGHT.PRT.

Task 1. Create an entry port coordinate system.

o Notice two entry port coordinate systems have already been created on the model, named PORT0 and
PORT1. You can create the third entry port coordinate system.

2. Enable only the following Datum Display types: .

3. In the ribbon, click Coordinate System from the Datum group.

Press CTRL and Prehighlight and select the FRONT datum plane on the model; then Prehighlight and
select the RIGHT datum plane on the model.

Press CTRL and select the flat surface on the model, as shown.

Notice the location of the coordinate system and the direction of the axes, as shown. Click OK.
Notice a coordinate system feature is created, as shown.

Figure 1

Figure 2
Figure 3
4. Edit the name of the coordinate system.

If necessary, select coordinate system CSO in the model tree.

Right-click and select Rename.

Type PORT2 for the name and press ENTER.
Notice the model updates, as shown.

De-select all geometry and features.

Figure 4
Task 2. Create a datum point at the intersection of two datum axes.
1. Enable Axis Display .
2. Disable Csys Display .
3. In the ribbon, click Point from the Datum group.
Press CTRL and Prehighlight and select the A_1 datum axis on the model; then Prehighlight and select the
A_3 datum axis on the model.

Notice a datum point feature is located, as shown.

Select the Properties tab in the Datum Point dialog box.

Edit the name to CTR.
Click OK.
Notice a datum point feature is created on the model, as shown.
Figure 5

Figure 6
o When inserting fittings into pipelines, the datum point is used for aligning the fitting with the centerline of the
connecting pipeline. For fittings with three entry ports (for example, a tee fitting), the alignment point is at the
intersection of the three Z-axes.

This completes the procedure.

5.4 Exercise : Creating Family Table Fitting Models

Exercise: Creating Family Table Fitting Models
Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no models display,
then click File > Manage Session> Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\CreoParametric2\Piping\Creating_Fittings_B folder and click OK
3. Click File > Open and double-click ELBOW_90.PRT.
Create a part family table for a typical elbow type fitting.

You need to create a family table for an elbow fitting to enable different size elbows to be selected and inserted
into pipelines.

Task 1. Create a family table to provide size variations for the elbow fitting.
1. Disable all Datum Display types.

2. In the ribbon, select the Tools tab.

3. Click Family Table from the Model Intent group.
Click Add Columns in the Family Table dialog box.
4. Select Dimension as the add item option.
Select the feature EXTRUDE_1 in the model tree.

Click Switch Symbols from the Model Intent group.

Notice that the dimensions associated with this feature are displayed on the model, as shown.

Select the ELBOW_RADIUS, DIAMETER_OUT, and ANGLE dimensions on the model.

Click OK.

Figure 1
5. Click Insert Instance in the Family Table dialog box three times.
Edit the instance names and values, as shown.

Figure 2
You can quickly create instances by importing an existing Pro/TABLE file.

6. Click File > Import Table.

Select ELBOW_90_TABLE.PTD and click File Open.
Notice that the family table updates, as shown.

Figure 3
7. Click Verify Instances in the Family Table dialog box.
Observe that each instance is regenerated.

Ensure that all instances indicate a status of Success, as shown.

Click CLOSE.

Figure 4
8. Preview an instance.

Select the ELBOW_90_S_40 instance.

Click Preview Instance .
Observe that the instance is displayed in a preview window, as shown.

Click Close in the Preview window.

Click OK in the Family Table dialog box.
Click Switch Symbols from the Model Intent group.

Figure 5
9. Save the elbow fitting part.

Click Save from the Quick Access toolbar.

Click OK to save the part.
Click Close from the Quick Access toolbar.
Click Erase Not Displayed from the Data group.
Click OK to erase all non-displayed objects from memory.
This completes the exercise.

5.5 Inserting Fittings

Concept: Inserting Fittings
Fitting Location Options
Fittings can be inserted using the following location options:

End Insert a fitting at the end of a pipeline.

Figure 1 Corner Fitting Example

Corner Insert a fitting at a corner of a pipeline.

Straight Segment Insert a fitting along a straight segment of pipeline. You can select or create a datum
point on the pipeline to position the fitting.

o The Straight Brk option breaks the pipeline at the insertion point.

o The Straight Cont option does not break the fitting at the insertion point.

Orientation Options
You can control the fitting orientation when inserting a fitting, and also by using the Redefine option after the
fitting is placed. There are two options to control the fitting orientation:

Flip Turns the fitting so that entry ports face in the opposite direction.

Figure 2 Tee Fitting Example

Twist Twists the fitting by rotating or aligning entry port axes.
Figure 3 Tee Fitting Twisted Example

Procedure: Insert Fittings

Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no models display,
then click File > Manage Session> Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\CreoParametric2\Piping\Inserting_Fittings folder and clickOK
3. Click File > Open and double-click INSERT_FITT.ASM.

Task 1. Insert a corner fitting in a pipeline.

1. Enable only the following Datum Display types: .

2. In the ribbon, select the Applications tab.

3. Click Piping from the Engineering group.
4. If necessary, click Display Thick Pipes from the View group to disable the display of thick pipelines.
5. In the ribbon, click Insert Fitting from the Fitting group.
Click Corner from the menu manager.
Select ELBOW_90_STEEL_BW.PRT and click Open.
In the Select Instance dialog box, select instance ELBOW_90_BW-STEEL-S-80.PRT and click Open.
Zoom in and select the pipe segment next to the corner location, as shown.

Notice a fitting is inserted as shown.

Click Done from the menu manager.

Figure 1
Figure 2
Task 2. Insert a straight break fitting in a pipeline.
1. In the ribbon, click Insert Fitting from the Fitting group.
2. Click Straight Brk from the menu manager.
3. Select GATE_CHECK_VALVE.ASM and click Open.
In this case there is only one fitting size available, so no instances are available for selection.

4. Select the approximate location along the pipe segment, as shown.

Figure 3
5. Click Length Ratio from the menu manager.
6. Type 0.3 for the value, and press ENTER.
7. Notice the fitting assembly appears in a subwindow, as shown.

Figure 4
8. Prehighlight datum point END on the fitting assembly model and then select it.

9. Notice a fitting is inserted as shown. You can flip or twist the fitting at this point if required.

10. Click Done from the menu manager.

Figure 5
This completes the procedure.

5.6 Exercise : Inserting Fittings and Routing Pipelines

Exercise: Inserting Fittings and Routing Pipelines
Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no models display,
then click File > Manage Session> Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
the PTCU\CreoParametric2\Piping\Inserting_Fittings_B folder and click OK
3. Click File > Open and double-click PIPE_DESIGN.ASM.
Insert end and straight break fittings into pipelines.

Create pipeline segments before and after inserting fittings.

You need to design a pipeline containing flange fittings, a reducer fitting, and a tee-branch fitting.

Task 1. Create a pipeline, specify the start point, and create a pipe segment.
1. Enable only the following Datum Display types: .

2. In the ribbon, select the Applications tab.

3. Click Piping from the Engineering group.
4. If necessary, click Display Thick Pipes from the View group to disable the display of thick pipelines.

5. In the ribbon, click Create Pipeline from the Pipeline group.

Type P80 for the pipeline name and press ENTER.
Select PIPE_80A from the menu manager.
In the ribbon, click Set Start from the Routing group.
Select the ENTRY_PORT coordinate system, as shown.
Figure 1
Before inserting a fitting, you must create a pipeline segment.

6. Create a pipe segment using the Extend tool.

In the ribbon, click Extend from the Routing group.

Drag the extend handle to approximately the location shown.

If necessary, edit the extend value to 800 on the model.

Click OK.

Figure 2
o You can now insert a flange fitting at the start of the pipeline.

Task 2. Insert an end type flange fitting at the pipeline start point.
1. In the ribbon, click Insert Fitting from the Fitting group.
Click End from the menu manager.
Select FLANGE_NECK_RF.PRT and click Open.
Select the correct size to match the current pipeline line stock.

In the Select Instance dialog box, select instance FLANGE_NECK_RF-STEEL-30K-80.PRT and

click Open.
Zoom in and select the pipe end next to the entry port, as shown.

Notice that the flange instance is now displayed in a separate window.

Select PORT1 as the entry port on the flange model, as shown.

Prehighlight the END point on the model and then select it, as shown.

Notice that the selected point aligns the fitting centerline with the pipe centerline.
Click Done from the menu manager.

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5
2. Disable Point Display .
3. Disable Csys Display .
Notice that the fitting is inserted at the end of the pipe segment, as shown.
Figure 6
Task 3. Insert a reducer type flange fitting at the end of the current pipe segment.
1. Enable Point Display .
2. Enable Csys Display .
3. Click Insert Fitting from the Fitting group.
Click End from the menu manager.
Select RED_CONCENTRIC_BW.PRT and click Open.
Select the correct size reducer.

In the Select Instance dialog box, select instance RED_CON_BW-STEEL80X50.PRT and click Open.
Select the pipe end, as shown.

Notice that the reducer instance is now displayed in a separate window.

Select PORT0 as the entry port on the reducer model, as shown.

Prehighlight the PNT0 point on the model and then select it, as shown.

Notice that the selected point aligns the fitting centerline with the pipe centerline.

Click Done from the menu manager.

Figure 7
Figure 8

Figure 9
4. Zoom in to the end of the pipe segment.

Notice that the reducer fitting is inserted at the end of the pipe segment, as shown.

Figure 10
o To complete the pipeline routing after the reducer fitting, you must create a new pipeline and select a
different pipeline line stock.

Task 4. Route a new pipeline with a different size line stock to complete the pipe
1. Click Create Pipeline from the Pipeline group.
Type P50 for the pipeline name and press ENTER.
Select PIPE_50A from the menu manager.
In the ribbon, click Set Start from the Routing group.
Select the PORT1 coordinate system, as shown.

Figure 11
2. Create a pipe segment using the Extend tool.

Click Extend from the Routing group.

Drag the extend handle to approximately the location shown.

If necessary, edit the extend value to 1000 on the model.

Click Apply.

Figure 12
3. Create more pipe segments using the Extend tool.

In the Extend dialog box, select Along Csys Axis from the drop-down list.
Select Offset from Ref for the Dimension options.
For the Plane/Csys reference, select the END_PORT coordinate system, as shown.

Select the X axis radio button.

Click Apply to create a pipe segment.
Select the Y axis radio button.
Click OK.
Notice that another pipe segment is created, as shown.
Figure 13

Figure 14
4. Create a pipe segment using the To Pnt/Port tool.

In the ribbon, click To Pnt/Port from the Routing group.

Select the END_PORT, as shown.

Click Apply Changes in the To Point/Port dialog box.

Notice that another pipe segment is created, as shown.

Figure 15

Figure 16
o You can now insert a branch type fitting into the pipeline.

Task 5. Insert a straight break branch type fitting in a pipeline.

1. Click Insert Fitting from the Fitting group.
Click Straight Brk from the menu manager.
Select TEE_STRAIGHT_BW.PRT and click Open.
Select the correct size fitting.

In the Select Instance dialog box, select instance TEE_STR_BW-STEEL-50X50 and click Open.
Select the approximate location along the pipe segment, as shown.

Click Actual Len from the menu manager.

Type 800 for the value, and press ENTER.
Notice that the tee branch instance is now displayed in a separate window.

Prehighlight the CTR point on the model and then select it, as shown.

Notice that the selected point aligns the fitting centerline with the pipe centerline.
Zoom in and observe the fitting orientation, as shown.

Figure 17

Figure 18

Figure 19
2. Edit the fitting orientation.

Click Orientation > Twist > Enter Value from the menu manager.
Type 180 for the angle, and press ENTER.
Notice that the fitting orientation updates, as shown.

Click Done > Done > Done from the menu manager.
Figure 20
Task 6. Insert an end type flange fitting at the pipeline end port.
1. Click Insert Fitting from the Fitting group.
Click End from the menu manager.
Select FLANGE_NECK_RF.PRT and click Open.
Select the correct size to match the current pipeline line stock.

In the Select Instance dialog box, select instance FLANGE_NECK_RF-STEEL-30K-50.PRT and

click Open.
Zoom in and select the pipe end next to the end port, as shown.

Notice that the flange instance is now displayed in a separate window.

Select PORT1 as the entry port on the flange model, as shown.

Prehighlight and select the END point on the model, as shown.

Notice that the selected point aligns the fitting centerline with the pipe centerline.

Click Done from the menu manager.

Figure 21
Figure 22

Figure 23
2. Disable Point Display .
3. Disable Csys Display .
Notice that the fitting is inserted at the end of the pipe segment, as shown.

Figure 24
Task 7. Route a new pipeline to complete the branch pipe routing.
1. Enable Csys Display .

2. Click Create Pipeline from the Pipeline group.

Type P50_BRANCH for the pipeline name and press ENTER.
Select PIPE_50A from the menu manager.
Click Set Start from the Routing group.
Select the PORT2 coordinate system on the branch fitting model, as shown.

Figure 25
3. Create a pipe segment using the To Pnt/Port tool.

Click To Pnt/Port from the Routing group.

Select the BRANCH_PORT, as shown.

Click Apply Changes in the To Point/Port dialog box.

Notice that a pipe segment is created, as shown.
Figure 26

Figure 27
4. Review the completed pipeline.

Disable Csys Display .

Press CTRL+D to return to the standard orientation.

If necessary, click Display Thick Pipes from the View group to enable the display of thick pipelines.
Observe the completed pipeline, as shown. Notice that the pipeline includes pipe segments and fittings.
Also, notice that the pipe diameter is reduced after the reducer fitting.

Figure 28
5. Save the piping assembly.

Click Save from the Quick Access toolbar.

Click OK to save the assembly.
Click Close from the Quick Access toolbar.
Click Erase Not Displayed from the Data group.
Click OK to erase all non-displayed objects from memory.
This completes the exercise.
6 Creating Solid Pipeline Models

6.1 Introduction
Creating Solid Pipeline Models
Module Overview:
You can create pipe solid model parts based on routed pipeline segments. Pipe geometry is automatically
trimmed to accommodate holes for branches and any inserted fittings. You can also create a single solid model
part of a pipeline. This process is known as extracting a pipe model. The extracted pipe model can be created
using previously created pipe solid models, any fittings inserted in the pipeline, and any assembly components
within the pipeline.

After successfully completing this module, you will be able to:

Create pipe solid model parts based on routed pipeline segments.

Extract pipe models using pipe solid models, fittings, and assembly components within a pipeline.

6.2 Creating Solid Pipes

Concept: Creating Solid Pipes
Creating Solid Pipes
Solid pipes have the following features:

Solid pipe geometry is based on line stock values for the selected pipeline. A solid pipe appears as a
cylinder of the correct diameter and wall thickness.

Figure 1 Pipe Solid Dialog Box

When creating solid pipes, holes are automatically created for branches and geometry is automatically
trimmed to accommodate inserted fittings.

Figure 2 Resulting Solid Pipe Part

Template parts can be used when creating solid pipes. This enables the use of common datum features
and saved views for each solid pipe part.

When creating solid pipelines, driven dimensions are automatically created. These dimensions cannot be
modified, but can be shown in pipe drawings and update automatically when pipe geometry is modified.

You can use solid pipes for the following tasks:

Showing pipe solid parts in the Bill of Materials.

Performing engineering calculations, such as mass property calculations and interference calculations.

Retrieving a solid pipe in Part, Assembly, or Drawing mode without the original reference assembly.

Procedure: Creating Solid Pipes

Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no models display,
then click File > Manage Session > Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
thePTCU\CreoParametric2\Piping\Solid_Pipes folder and click OK
3. Click File > Open and double-click PIPE_SOLID.ASM.

Task 1. Create a solid pipe from a routed pipeline.

1. Disable all Datum Display types.

2. In the ribbon, select the Applications tab.

3. Click Piping from the Engineering group.
4. Click Pipe Solid from the Fabrication group.
Ensure the routed pipeline is named P1.

In the Pipe Solid dialog box, expand P1 in the segment tree, as shown.

Edit the solid name to Pipe_1.

In the Pipe Solid Dialog box, click Open from the Copy From area.
Select MM_KG_SEC_PART.PRT and click Open.
Select mm_kg_sec_part in the Start Part column, as shown.
If necessary, select P1001 in the Segment column, as shown.
Click OK to create the solid part.
Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3
5. In the model tree, notice that a new part, PIPE_1.PRT, has been created.

6. Click Settings from the model tree and select Tree Filters.
7. In the Model Tree Items dialog box, select the Features check box under Display and click OK.
8. Expand PIPE_1.PRT in the model tree, as shown.
Figure 4
9. Select PIPE_1.PRT in the model tree, then notice that the solid pipe geometry is highlighted on the model, as

Figure 5
10. With PIPE_1.PRT still selected in the model tree, right-click and select Open.
Notice that the part opens in a new window, as shown.

Figure 6
This part can be used in drawings, where driven dimensions can be shown. This part updates if the routed
pipeline in the piping assembly is modified.

11. Click Close from the Quick Access toolbar.

This completes the procedure.

6.3 Extracting Models

Concept: Extracting Models
Extracting Models
The following features describe extracted part models in piping:

Extracting a model enables you to create a single part model from a continuous series of pipe solids,
fittings, and, if required, assembled components contained within a pipeline.
Figure 1 Extracted Model Part with Merge Features in Model Tree
Extracting a model involves merging by reference the selected parts into the extracted part model.
Therefore, if the piping assembly changes, the extracted part model also updates.

Figure 2 Extracted Model Example

The extracted part model is contained within the piping assembly. It can be hidden from view, if desired.

The part model is also stored as an independent model, so it can be retrieved and viewed on its own
without retrieving the entire piping assembly.

o You can also use it to create views in drawings.

o However, because it is a merged by reference part, you cannot display model dimensions in a
drawing or obtain piping report information.

o If desired, you can create driven dimensions on drawing views that reference the merged part
geometry. These driven dimensions update if the piping assembly changes

Procedure: Extracting Models

Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no models display,
then click File > Manage Session > Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
thePTCU\CreoParametric2\Piping\Extract_Pipe_Models folder and click OK
3. Click File > Open and double-click EXTRACT.ASM.

Task 1. Extract a solid model from an existing pipeline containing fittings and solid
1. Disable all Datum Display types.

2. In the ribbon, select the Applications tab.

3. Click Piping from the Engineering group.
4. Click Settings from the model tree and select Tree Filters.
5. In the Model Tree Items dialog box, select the Features check box under Display and click OK.
6. Review the components contained within the pipeline.

Select the first corner fitting, ELBOW_90_BW-STEEL-S-25.PRT, in the model tree, as shown.

Notice that the part is highlighted in the graphics window. All the corner fittings are colored differently to
enable them to be easily identified in the pipeline.

Press SHIFT and select PL5.PRT in the model tree.

Notice that all of the pipeline solid parts and corner fitting components are highlighted on the model, as

Click in the background of the graphics window to de-select all items.

Figure 1
Figure 2
You can create a single extracted model from selected components contained within the pipeline assembly.

7. Create an extracted solid model.

Click Command Search to enable it.

In the field, type Extract Model.
8. Click Extract Model from the Command Search.
From the menu manager, click Extract.
Type Extracted_Pipe for the name and press ENTER.
Select the first ELBOW_90_BW-STEEL-S-25.PRT in the model tree, as shown.

Figure 3
Press SHIFT and select PL5.PRT in the model tree.

Click OK to create the extracted model.

Click Done/Return from the menu manager.
9. In the model tree, expand EXTRACTED_PIPE.PRT, as shown.

Notice the merge features contained within the EXTRACTED_PIPE.PRT.

Figure 4
10. With EXTRACTED_PIPE.PRT still selected in the model tree, right-click and selectOpen.
Notice that the part opens in a new window, as shown.

Figure 5
This part can be used in drawings, where driven dimensions can be created. This part updates if the routed
pipeline in the piping assembly is modified.

11. Click Command Search to disable it.

12. Click Close from the Quick Access toolbar.
This completes the procedure.

6.4 Gathering Piping Information

6.5 Introduction
Gathering Piping Information
Module Overview:
You can create many different types of piping reports, enabling you to obtain information about pipelines, pipe
line stock, and pipe fittings. This includes reports on pipe segments, bend location information, bend machine
information, and bill of materials information. Different types of reports can be generated for both manually
routed pipelines and specification-driven pipelines.

After successfully completing this module, you will be able to:

Describe the different types of reports that can be created for manually routed pipelines and specification-
driven pipelines.

Create reports for manually routed pipelines.

Create reports for specification-driven pipelines.

6.6 Using Piping Reporting Tools

Concept: Using Piping Reporting Tools
Using Piping Reporting Tools
The Report Pipeline dialog box enables reporting about pipelines, fittings, and bends. Different options are
available depending on which type of pipeline is selected. For example, a non-specification-driven (or manually
routed) pipeline, or a specification-driven pipeline.
The following reports can be created for manually routed pipelines:

General Displays general information for a pipe segment or pipeline, including pipeline name, line stock
name, material, and pipe diameter.

Length Displays lengths of pipelines, pipe segments, and line stock used in a pipeline.

Figure 1 Stock Length Information

Bill of Materials Provides bill of materials information, including details of quantity, pipeline name, pipeline
segment name, line stock, and segment length.

Bend Location Provides bend location information, including details of bend number, offset in X, Y, and Z,
bend angle, and bend radius.

Bend Machine Provides bend machine information, including details of bend number, offset, twist angle,
bend angle, and bend radius.
Figure 2 Bend Machine Information
Holes Report Provides information about holes for the selected segment, including intersecting branch
sections and hole and cut features in the selected segment.

Clocking Angle Calculates the clocking angle between two coordinate systems on a flexible pipe

File Interchange Format (FIF) Provides information for computer numerical control (CNC) bend

Check Pipe Checks a pipeline for line stock parameter violations. Any violations are highlighted on the

Show Report Setup Views reports previously set up for bend machine, bend location, or clocking angle

Insulation Location Displays information about insulation within a pipe segment.

The following reports can be created for specification-driven pipelines:

Segment Lists information about a selected pipeline segment, including details of pipe size, material
code, outer diameter, and pipe length.

Pipeline Provides summary information for selected pipelines, including listed values for pipe size,
fittings, segment length, and material code for a complete pipeline. A formatted bill of materials is also
included in this report.

Fitting Provides information about selected fittings, including details of size, weight, and center of gravity.
Prompts for material density to complete the mass property calculations accurately.

Insulation Provides information about selected insulation, including details of insulation material,
thickness, and description.

Bill of Materials Provides bill of materials information, including details of quantity, pipeline name, pipeline
segment name, line stock, and segment length.

File Interchange Format (FIF) Provides information for CNC bend machines.

Designatable Reports Enables you to designate specific reports for a pipeline. The designated report
information is stored within the piping assembly and the reports are then available in any drawings
associated with the piping assembly. The following reports can be designated if desired:

o Bend Machine Provides bend machine information, including details about bend number, offset,
twist angle, bend angle, and bend radius.

o Bend Location Provides bend location information, including details about bend number, offset in X,
Y, and Z, bend angle, and bend radius.

o Holes Report Provides information about hole diameter, offset, and angle in a pipe segment.
o Clocking Angle Calculates the clocking angle between two coordinate systems on a flexible pipe

Procedure: Using Piping Reporting Tools

Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no models display,
then click File > Manage Session > Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
thePTCU\CreoParametric2\Piping\Pipe_Report_Tools folder and click OK
3. Click File > Open and double-click MAN_PIPELINE.ASM.

Task 1. Create pipeline reports.

1. Enable only the following Datum Display types:

2. In the ribbon, select the Applications tab.

3. Click Piping from the Engineering group.
4. In the ribbon, click Piping Info from the Info group.
If necessary, select General for the Info Type.
Select Segment for the Definition.
Select the pipeline segment between the flange and the reducer, as shown.

Notice the information contained in the Results area, as shown.

In the Report Pipeline dialog box, click Piping Info .

Notice that the same results are now displayed in a separate information window.

Click Close from the INFORMATION WINDOW.

Figure 1
Figure 2
5. Review pipe length information.

Select Length for the Info Type.

Select Line Stock for the Definition.
Click Select All > Done Sel.
Notice the line stock information contained in the Results area, as shown.

Figure 3
6. Select Pipe Line for the Definition.
Click Select All > Done Sel.
Notice the pipe length information contained in the Results area, as shown.

Figure 4
7. Review bend location information.
Select Bend Location for the Info Type.
Select the pipeline segment after the reducer, as shown.

Select the ENTRY_PORT coordinate system, as shown.

Notice the bend location information contained in the Results area, as shown.

Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7
8. Review bend machine information.

Select Bend Machine for the Info Type.

Select the same pipeline segment after the reducer, as shown.

Notice the bend machine information contained in the Results area, as shown.
Figure 8

Figure 9
9. Review bill of materials information.

Select Bill of Materials for the Info Type.

Notice the bill of materials information contained in the Results area, as shown.

Click Close in the Report Pipeline dialog box.

Figure 10
This completes the procedure.
6.7 Exercise : Piping Report Tools for Specification-Driven Pipelines
Exercise: Piping Report Tools for Specification-Driven Pipelines
Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no models display,
then click File > Manage Session > Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
thePTCU\CreoParametric2\Piping\Pipe_Report_Tools_B folder and click OK
3. Click File > Open and double-click SPEC_PIPELINE.ASM.
Generate information reports for specification-driven pipelines.

You use the Piping Report tool to generate various pipeline reports for a specification-driven pipeline.

Task 1. Create pipeline reports.

1. Disable all Datum Display types.

2. Click File > Options from the main menu.

Click Configuration Editor and select Import configuration file from the Import/Export drop-down menu.
Click Working Directory .
Select piping_config.pro and click Open. Click OK.
Click No in the Creo Parametric Options message window.
3. In the ribbon, select the Applications tab.
4. Click Piping from the Engineering group.
5. Click Piping System Views in the model tree.
If necessary, click Pipeline View to de-select the option in the drop-down list.
6. Select WATER-LEG-1.ASM in the model tree.

Right-click and select Activate.

7. In the ribbon, click Piping Info from the Info group.
Notice that Segment Report is selected by default.
Select the pipeline segment between the two reducers, as shown.

Click OK.
Click Close in the Information Window that appears.
Click Preview Info to expand the Report Pipeline dialog box.
The information appears as shown.

Figure 1
Figure 2
8. Click Pipeline Report .
Select the pipeline segment between the two reducers, as shown.

Click OK.
Expand the dialog box as necessary to view the output as shown.

Figure 3

Figure 4
9. Click Fitting Report .
Select the gate valve fitting, as shown.
Click OK.
Press ENTER to accept the default density value.

View the output in the dialog box, as shown.

Figure 5

Figure 6
10. Click Designate Reports .
If necessary, select Bend Machine as the Info Type.
Select the pipeline bend segment, as shown.

View the output in the dialog box, as shown.

Click Close in the Designatable Reports dialog box.

Click Close in the Report Pipeline dialog box.
Figure 7

Figure 8
11. Erase the piping assembly from memory.

Click Close from the Quick Access toolbar.

Click Erase Not Displayed from the Data group.
Click OK to erase all non-displayed objects from memory.
This completes the exercise.
7 Creating Piping Drawings

7.1 Introduction
Creating Piping Drawings
Module Overview:
You can create piping assembly drawings, which enable effective communication of piping design details for the
fabrication of piping materials, and the installation of piping systems. Piping parameters, such as bend
information and material details, can be extracted from piping designs and displayed in tables.

After successfully completing this module, you will be able to:

Create piping assembly drawings with configured pipeline views.

Create customized drawing report tables containing extracted pipe parameters.

7.2 Creating Piping Drawings

Concept: Creating Piping Drawings
Piping Drawings
You can create piping drawings, which display different views of piping models.

Figure 1 Double Line Pipe Display

Any desired piping design views can be displayed on the drawing:

Figure 2 Single Line Pipe Display

o You can display the top level assembly, piping assembly, or a specific pipeline of the piping design.
Figure 3 Displaying Dimensions and Notes
There are several display options for piping drawings:

Figure 4 Single Line Pipe Display with Slope Symbol

o You can display piping views with hidden lines removed, or in a shaded view display.

o The pipeline display in selected views can also be controlled.

You can display pipelines in single-line representation or double-line representation.

You can also display all pipelines with a size greater than a specified size in double-line
representation. All pipelines with a size smaller than or equal to a specified size can be displayed
in single-line representation. Note, however, this option is only possible with specification-driven
pipelines, not manually routed pipelines.

Drawing details can also be added to piping assembly drawings:

o Dimensions and any piping notes or annotations can be displayed.

o You can display the slope of pipelines in each view of the piping installation drawing using a slope
symbol mark.

To display the slope of a pipeline, a set of slope symbols are placed along the pipe segment.

The direction of the symbols indicates the slope direction.

Installation Drawings
You can create installation drawings that display different views of piping designs with dimensions and piping

All hidden lines are removed from these drawings and they are used to assist in the piping installation

Pipe segments can be displayed using single line or double line representation.

You can insert a pipe symbol on pipe segments to display the slope of the pipe.

Procedure: Creating Piping Drawings

Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no models display,
then click File > Manage Session > Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
thePTCU\CreoParametric2\Piping\Piping_Drawings folder and click OK
3. Click File > Open and double-click PIPE_DRAW.DRW.

Task 1. Add drawing views of a piping assembly.

o The pipe design MANUAL_PIPELINE.ASM has already been added as a model within this drawing.

2. Disable all Datum Display types.

3. Add a general view.

Right-click and select Insert General View.

The Select Combined State dialog box appears. Ensure that No Combined Stateis selected and click OK.
Select a location in the top-left corner of the drawing, as shown.

Select TOP for the model view name, and click Apply.
Select the Scale category.
Click Custom scale and edit the custom scale value to 0.075. Click OK.
Right-click and de-select the Lock View Movement.
Notice the view updates, as shown.

Figure 1

Figure 2
4. Add a projected view.
Ensure that the general view is still selected.

Right-click and select Insert Projection View.

Select a location below the general view, as shown.

Notice the view is added, as shown.

Figure 3
Task 2. Configure the general view to display piping information.
1. In the ribbon, select the Tools tab.
2. Click Piping from the Applications group.
3. Configure the pipeline display in the general view.

In the ribbon, select the Layout tab.

Click the Edit group drop-down menu and select Pipeline Style .
Select the general view, and click OK.
Ensure that Single Line is selected and click OK.
Notice the view updates, as shown.

Figure 4
For specification-driven pipelines you can also use the Double Line Above option. This enables you to
specify a line stock size above which double lines are shown, and below which single lines are shown.

4. Configure the pipeline slope display in the general view.

Click the Edit group drop-down menu and select Pipeline Slope .
Select the general view, and click OK.
Click Open in the Slope Mark dialog box.
Click Working Directory in the Open dialog box.
Select SLOPE.SYM and click Open.
Edit the Interval between Symbols to 10.
Click OK.
Notice the view updates, as shown.

Figure 5
5. Display dimensions on a piping view.

In the ribbon, select the Annotate tab.

Right-click in the Graphics window and select Show Model Annotations.
Select the general view.

Select the 500, 600, and R40 dimensions on the drawing, as shown.
Click OK.
Notice the view updates, as shown.

Figure 6

Figure 7
This completes the procedure.
7.3 Displaying Piping Report Parameters
Concept: Displaying Piping Report Parameters
Pipe Parameter Categories
There are a number of specific parameters relating to piping systems that can be divided into the following

Figure 1 Bend Machine Table

Line Stock These parameters display information about line stock used in piping assemblies. For
example, you can list the materials used for all line stock in a piping assembly.

Figure 2 Bill of Materials Table

o These Report parameters begin with asm.mbr.pipe.stock.

Figure 3 Pipe Stock Table

Pipe Line These parameters display information about pipelines in piping assemblies. For example, you
can list the names of all the pipelines in a piping assembly.

o These Report parameters begin with asm.mbr.pipe.line.

Pipe Segment These parameters display information about pipeline segments in piping assemblies. For
example, you can list the pre-cut length for pipeline segments used in a piping assembly.

o These Report parameters begin with asm.mbr.pipe.segment.

Pipe Line Segment Bend These parameters display information about bends in pipe line segments. For
example, you can list the bend machine radius for bends in a pipeline.

o These Report parameters begin with asm.mbr.pipe.segment.csys.

To enable the viewing of bend machine and bend location parameters within Report tables, you must create
designated reports in the piping assembly first.

Bill Of Materials Parameters

Standard bill of materials parameters can also be used. For example, piping assembly member names and
quantities can be listed in tables. You can also display BOM balloons on piping assembly drawing views.

Procedure: Displaying Piping Report Parameters

Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no models display,
then click File > Manage Session > Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
thePTCU\CreoParametric1\Piping\Piping_Report_Parameters folder and click OK
3. Click File > Open and double-click PIPE_PARAM.ASM .

Task 1. Create a designated bend machine report.

1. Enable only the following Datum Display types:

2. In the ribbon, select the Applications tab.

3. Click Piping from the Engineering group
4. Click Piping Info from the Info group.
Select Bend Machine for the Info Type.
Select the pipeline segment after the reducer, as shown.

Notice the information contained in the Results area, as shown.

Select the Designate for Report Setup check box.

Type bend_machine in the Name text box and press ENTER.

Figure 1
Figure 2

Figure 3
Notice the BEND_LOCATION and BEND_MACHINE saved analysis files, as shown. The information in
these files can be used in piping drawing report tables.

5. Click Close in the Report Pipeline dialog box.

6. Disable Csys Display .
7. Open a piping drawing of the PIPE_PARAM.ASM.

Click Open from the Quick Access toolbar.

Select PIPE_PARAM.DRW and click Open.
Notice that a general view of the piping assembly has already been created, as shown.

Figure 4
Task 2. Create bend machine and bend location report tables.
1. Create a bend machine table.

In the ribbon, select the Table tab.

Click Table From File from the Table group.
Select BEND_MACH_TABLE.TBL and click Open.
Select a location for the table below the general view.

Figure 5
2. Configure a repeat region and add report parameters to the table.

Click Repeat Region from the Data group.

Click Add from the menu manager.
From the second row in the table, select the first and last cells, as shown.

Click Done.

Figure 6
3. Select the cell below BEND #.

Right-click and select Report Parameter.

The Report Symbol dialog box appears. Click asm > mbr > pipe > segment > csys > bend > mach_num.

Figure 7
4. Repeat the previous step for the following cells in the table.

Below Cell Report Symbol Selection

OFFSET asm > mbr > pipe > segment > csys > bend >

TWIST ANG asm > mbr > pipe > segment > csys > bend > mach_twist

BEND ANG asm > mbr > pipe > segment > csys > bend > mach_bend

BEND RAD asm > mbr > pipe > segment > csys > bend >

5. Edit the repeat region attributes.

Click Repeat Region from the Data group.

Click Attributes from the menu manager.
Select the second row in the table.

From the menu manager, click No Duplicates > Recursive > Done/Return > Done.
If necessary, click Switch Symbols from the Data group.
Notice that the table updates, as shown.

Figure 8
Report parameters can be configured and saved in tables for future use. You can then retrieve the
preconfigured tables as required.

6. Retrieve a preconfigured bend location table.

Click Table From File from the Table group.

Select BEND_LOC_TABLE.TBL and click Open.
Select a location for the table below the bend machine table, as shown.

Figure 9
This completes the procedure.

7.4 Exercise : Creating A Piping Assembly Drawing

Exercise: Creating a Piping Assembly Drawing
Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no models display,
then click File > Manage Session > Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to
thePTCU\CreoParametric2\Piping\Piping_Report_Parameters_B folder and click OK
3. Click File > Open and double-click PIPING.DRW.
Create drawing views of piping assemblies.

Create drawing tables containing piping report information.

Display BOM balloons for piping assemblies.

You need to create a piping assembly drawing that contains a bend machine, bend location, bill of materials,
and stock material information. Use drawing tables to display the required information and display BOM balloons
in a piping assembly drawing view.

Task 1. Add the piping assembly to the drawing and configure a general view.
o The piping design used in this exercise is a specification-driven piping assembly; however, the same
approach can be taken with a manually routed piping assembly.

2. Disable all Datum Display types.

3. Load piping configuration options to ensure correct regeneration of the piping assembly.

Click File > Options.

The Creo Parametric Options dialog box appears. Click Configuration Editor.
Select Import configuration file from the Import/Export drop-down menu.
Click Working Directory .
Select piping_config.pro and click Open. Click OK. Click No in the Creo Parametric Options message
4. Add the piping assembly model to the drawing.

In the ribbon, click Drawing Models from the Model Views group.
Click Add Model from the menu manager.
Select WATER-LEG-1.ASM and click Open.
Click Done/Return.
5. Add a general view.

Right-click and select Insert General View.

The Select Combined State dialog box appears. Ensure that No Combined Stateis selected, and click OK.
Select a location in the top-left corner of the drawing, as shown.

Select the Scale category.

Click Custom scale and edit the custom scale value to 0.05. Click OK.
Right-click and de-select the Lock View Movement, if necessary.
Notice that the view updates, as shown.

Figure 1

Figure 2
6. In the ribbon, select the Tools tab.
7. Click Piping from the Applications group.
8. Click Piping System Views in the model tree.
If necessary, click Pipeline View to de-select the option in the drop-down list.
Task 2. Create drawing tables containing piping information.
o To save time, you can save Report tables with configured parameters. You can then retrieve them when

2. Retrieve a bend location table.

In the ribbon, select the Table tab.
Click Table From File from the Table group.
Select BEND_LOC_TABLE.TBL and click Open.
Place the table to the right of the general view, as shown.

Figure 3
3. Retrieve a bend machine table.

Click Table From File from the Table group.

Select BEND_MACH_TABLE.TBL and click Open.
Place the table below the bend location table, as shown.

Figure 4
4. Retrieve a bill of materials table.

Click Table From File from the Table group.

Select PIPING_BOM_TABLE.TBL and click Open.
Place the table below the general view, as shown.
Figure 5
You can add a filter to remove assemblies from the bill of materials table.

5. Add a filter to the bill of materials table.

Click Repeat Region from the Data group.

Click Filters from the menu manager.
Click in the repeat region in the bill of materials table.

From the menu manager, click Add.

Type &asm.mbr.type != assembly and press ENTER twice.
Click Done > Done/Return > Done.
Notice that the table updates, as shown.

Figure 6
6. Create a stock material table.

Click Table From File from the Table group.

Select STOCK_MATERIAL.TBL and click Open.
Place the table below the bill of materials table, as shown.
Figure 7
7. Configure a repeat region in the table.

Click Repeat Region from the Data group.

Click Add from the menu manager.
From the second row in the table, select the first and last cells, as shown.

Click Done from the menu manager.

Figure 8
8. Add a report parameter to a table cell.

Select the cell below INDEX.

Right-click and select Report Parameter.

The Report Symbol dialog box appears. Click rpt > index.
Notice that the cell updates, as shown.

Figure 9

Figure 10
9. Repeat the previous step for the following cells in the table.

Below Cell Report Symbol Selection

STOCK NAME asm > mbr > pipe > stock > name

STOCK MATERIAL asm > mbr > pipe > stock > material

PRE CUT LENGTH asm > mbr > pipe > stock > len > pre_cut

10. Edit the repeat region attributes.

Click Repeat Region from the Data group.

Click Attributes from the menu manager.
Select the second row in the stock material table.

From the menu manager, click No Duplicates > Recursive > Done/Return > Done.
If necessary, click Switch Symbols from the Data group.
Notice that the table updates, as shown.
Figure 11
Task 3. Display BOM balloons on the general drawing view.
1. From the Create Balloons drop-down menu, select Create Balloons All.
Click in the repeat region of the bill of materials table, as shown.

Figure 12
2. Tidy up the general drawing view.

Select the drawing note scale and drag it to a new location, as shown.

Select the BOM balloons and drag them to new positions, as shown.

Figure 13
3. Save the piping drawing.

Click Save from the Quick Access toolbar.

Click OK to save the drawing.
Click Close from the Quick Access toolbar.
Click Erase Not Displayed from the Data group.
Click OK to erase all non-displayed objects from memory.
This completes the exercise.
8 Specification Database Overview

8.1 Introduction

8.2 Understanding the Piping Specification Database

8.3 Master Catalog Directory and File Structure: Pipes

8.4 Master Catalog Directory and File Structure: Fittings

9 Setting Up Specification Databases: Piping

9.1 Introduction

9.2 Piping Master Catalog Directory File

9.3 Pipe Design Master Catalog Files

9.4 Pipe Manufacture Directory File

9.5 Pipe Manufacture Master Catalog Files

9.6 Bend Machine Master Catalog Files

10 Setting Up Specification Databases: Fittings

10.1 Introduction

10.2 Fitting Master Catalog Files

10.3 Mapping Catalog Data to Fittings

10.4 Understanding Fitting Libraries and Fitting Models

10.5 Configuring Specification Driven Fittings

10.6 Bolt Nut Master Catalog Files

11 General Master Catalog Files

11.1 Introduction

11.2 Master Catalog Files: Piping Material File

11.3 End Compatibility File

11.4 Insulation File

11.5 Combined Size Code File

11.6 Units System File

12 Configuring Project Specific Data Files

12.1 Introduction

12.2 Configuring Auto-Selection Files

12.3 Configuring Specification Directory Files

12.4 Insulation Directory Files

12.5 Fitting Category Map Files

12.6 Configuring Piping Config.pro Options

13 Specification-Driven Routing and Inserting Fittings

13.1 Introduction

13.2 Specification-Driven Pipeline Routing

13.3 Specification-Driven Fitting Insertion

13.4 Design Rules

13.5 Routing Continuous Fittings

13.6 Non-Breaking Fittings

14 Using Creo Schematics Process and Instrumentation Diagrams Data

14.1 Introduction

14.2 Process and Instrumentation Diagrams Overview

14.3 Creo Schematics Concepts and Terminology

14.4 Investigating Process and Instrumentation Diagrams

14.5 Exporting Design Information

15 Schematic Driven Pipeline Modeling

15.1 Introduction

15.2 Designating Schematic Information

15.3 Routing Pipelines Using Schematic Information

15.4 Inserting Fittings Using Schematic Information

15.5 Schematic Consistency Check Report

15.6 Updating Piping Designs from Creo Schematics

16 Using ISOGEN PCF Data

16.1 Introduction

16.2 Creating ISOGEN PCF Data

16.3 Lecture

16.4 Demonstration

16.5 Procedure

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