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Consideration Transferred 196,000

NCI 84,000
30% X 280.000
Identifiable Net Assets -240,000
Share Capital 160,000
Retained Earnings 40,000
Buildings (FV-BV) 40,000
DTL 8000
20% X (Buildings [FV-BV])
20% X 40.000
Goodwill 48,000
196.000 + 84.000 - 240.000 + 8000

CJE 1 Jurnal Eliminasi Investasi CJE 4 Realisasi DTL

Share Capital 160,000 DTL
RE 40,000 Opening RE
Buildings 40,000 NCI
Goodwill 48,000 Tax expense
Investment In WALL 196,000 *560 = ([4000/5] X 70%)
NCI 84,000 *240 = ([4000/5] X 30%)
DTL 8,000

CJE 2 Impairment goodwill CJE 5 Kenaikan Hak NCI dari tanggal akuisisi 1 Ja
Opening RE 6.720* Opening RE
NCI 2.880** NCI
Goodwill 9,600 *18.000 = (30% X [RE 1 Jan 20X3 - RE 1 Ja
*6.720 = (70% X [20% X 48.000]) *18.000 = (30 % X [100.000 - 40.000])
**2.880 = (30% X [20% X 48.000]) *18.000 = (30% X 60.000)

CJE 3 Beban penyusutan CJE 6 Eliminasi Deviden

Opening RE 2.800* Dividend Income
NCI 1.200** NCI
Beban Depresiasi 4,000 Dividends Declared
Akumulasi Depresiasi 8,000 *9.000 = 30% X 30.000
*2.800 = ([40.000/10] X 70%)
*1.200 = ([40.000/10] X 30%)
CJE 7 penyesuaian laba belum terealisasi atas penjualan anak ke induk
1,600 Retained Earnings 22.400*
Opening RE 560* NCI 9.600**
240** COGS 18.000***
Tax expense 800 Inventory 14.000****
4000/5] X 70%) *22.400 = 70% X (96.000 - 64.000)
4000/5] X 30%) **9.600 = 30% X (96.000 - 64.000)
***18.000 = 54.000/96.000 X 32.000
****14.000 = 42.000/96.000 X 32.000
Hak NCI dari tanggal akuisisi 1 Januari 20X2 CJE 8 pajak atas CJE 7
18.000* Tax exp. 3.600*
18,000 DTA 2.800**
= (30% X [RE 1 Jan 20X3 - RE 1 Jan 20X2]) RE 4.480***
(30 % X [100.000 - 40.000]) NCI 1.920****
= (30% X 60.000) *3.600 = 20% X 18.000
*2.800 = 20% X 14.000
*4.480 = 20% X 22.400
*9.600 = 20% X 9.600

CJE 9 penyesuaian laba belum terealisasi penjualan dari induk ke anak atas b
21,000 RE 32,000
9.000* Buildings 24000*
Dividends Declared 30,000 Acc. Dep. 8,000
30% X 30.000 *24.000 = 64.000 - 40.000
enjualan anak ke induk CJE 10 pajak atas CJE 9 CJE 13
DTA 6.400*
RE 6,400
18.000*** *6.400 = 20% X 32.000

CJE 11 penyesuaian atas kelebihan beban depresiasi CJE 14

Acc. Dep 8.000*
RE 4,000
Dep. Exp 4.000**
1.920**** *8.000 = 64.000/8
**4.000 = 40.000/10

alan dari induk ke anak atas bangunan CJE 12 pajak atas CJE 11 CJE 15
RE 800
Tax exp. 800*
DTA 1,600
*800 = 20% X 4.000
penyesuaian laba belum terealisasi penjualan dari induk ke anak atas persediaan
Sales 180,000
COGS 144,000
Inventory 36000*
*36.000 = 60% X (180.000 - 120.000)

pajak atas CJE 13

DTA 7.200*
Tax exp. 7,200
*7.200 = 20% X 36.000

Kenaikan laba NCI

OCI to NCI 17.760*
NCI 17,760
Sales 250,000
COGS -159,600
Depresiasi -30,000
Interest exp. -10,400
Other exp. -52,000
Other Income 50,000
Net profit after tax 48,000

Net profit after tax 48,000

Depresiasi bangunan -4,000
Pajak bangunan 800
Laba CJE 7 18,000
pajak CJE 7 -3,600
Kenaikan Laba 59,200
*OCI to NCI 30% X 59.200 17760
1. NCI Goodwill
Subsidiary Net Aseet (SNA) = Retained Earnings (RE) + Share Capital (SC) +/- Buildings +/- DTL
RE 40,000
SC 160,000
Buildings 40,000
DTL -8,000
20% X 40.000

NCI Goodwill = NCI - (SNA X Kepemilikan) =

Unimpaired balance of goodwill 48,000

NCI = 30% X 38.400 11,520

2. Fv difference
Unrealized profit from upstream sales -14,000
Tax effect 2,800
Unamortized FV adj (after tax) 40,000
unrealized profit from downstream sale 32,000
tax effect 6400
unamortized fv adj (after tax)

NCI = 30% X 14.400 4,320

3. Equity (SC +[RE Anak 31 Desember 20X3 + Net profit after tax] - Dividen
SC Awal 160,000
RE 100,000
Net profit after tax 48,000
(-) Dividen -30,000 118,000
SC Akhir 278,000
NCI = 30% X 278.000 83,400

TOTAL NCI 99,240

Fire and Subsidiary
Worksheet Income Statement Consolidation
for the year ended 31 December 20X3
consolidation adj
Fire Wall
Dr Cr
Sales $ 520,000 $ 250,000 $ 180,000
cost of goods sold $ (372,000) $ (159,600) $ 18,000
$ 144,000
gross profit $ 148,000 $ 90,400
Depreciation $ (40,000) $ (30,000) $ 4,000 $ 4,000
Interest expense $ (32,000) $ (10,400)
other expenses (including tax) $ (44,850) $ (52,000)

Other Income $ 79,250 $ 50,000

Dividend income $ 21,000
cje6: eliminasi dividen $ 21,000
tax exp $ 800 $ 800
$ 7,200
$ 3,600
$ 131,400 $ 48,000
profit before tax $ 79,250 $ 50,000
tax (20%) $ (15,850) $ (10,000)

Profit after tax $ 63,400 $ 40,000

cje15: income to NCI $ 17,760

dividend declared $ (60,000) $ (30,000)

cje6: eliminasi dividen declared $ 30,000
profit retained $ 3,400 $ 10,000
RE, 1 Jan $ 201,600 $ 60,000
cje1: RE perolehan aset $ 40,000
cje2: impairment goodwill $ 6,720
cje3: increase dep FA $ 2,800
cje4: realisasi DTL $ 560
cje5: kenaikan hak nci $ 18,000
cje8: pajak atas cje7 $ 4,480
cje9: unrealized profit (bangunan) $ 32,000
cje10: pajak atas cje9 $ 6,400
cje11: adj kelebihan depresiasi $ 4,000
cje12: pajak atas cje11 $ 800
RE, 31 Des 20X3 $ 205,000 $ 70,000
Fire and Subsidiary
Worksheet Consolidation Statement of Financial Pos
31 December 20X3
Consolidation total Fire

$ 590,000 Cash $ 19,800

$ (369,600) Accounts Receivable $ 32,000
Inventory $ 330,000
$ 220,400 cje7: unrealized profit upstream sale
$ (70,000) cje13: unrealized profit downstream sale
$ (42,400) Land $ 160,000
Buildings and equipment $ 680,000
cje9: unrealized profit (bangunan)
$ 129,250 Investment in Wall, at cost $ 196,000
cje1: eliminasi investasi
$ - goodwill
cje2: impairment goodwill
Accumulated depreciation $ (280,000)
cje9: unrealized profit (bangunan)
cje11: adj kelebihan depresiasi
TOTAL $ 1,137,800

Share Capital $ 240,000

$ (25,850) cje1
$ (25,850) RE $ 229,920
$ (17,760) Accounts payable $ 184,800
$ (43,610) Bonds payable $ 400,000
Bond premium
$ (60,000) DTL (cje1 & cje4)
$ (103,610) C
TOTAL $ 1,054,720
$ 176,720
$ 73,110
Fire and Subsidiary
olidation Statement of Financial Position
31 December 20X3
Consolidation Adj
Wall Consolidation Total
Dr Cr
$ 3,200 $ 23,000
$ 38,000 $ 70,000
$ 170,000
$ 14,000
$ 36,000 $ 450,000
$ 80,000 $ 240,000
$ 520,000
$ 24,000 $ 1,176,000

$ 196,000 $ -
$ 48,000
$ 9,600 $ 38,400
$ (160,000)
$ 8,000
$ 8,000 $ (440,000)
$ 651,200 $ 1,557,400

$ 160,000
$ 160,000 $ 240,000
$ 68,400 $ -
$ 70,000 $ 254,800
$ 300,000 $ 700,000
$ 3,200 $ 3,200
$ 1,600 $ 8,000 $ 6,400

$ 84,000
$ 2,880
$ 1,200
$ 240
$ 18,000
$ 9,000
$ 9,600
$ 1,920
$ 17,760 $ 99,240
$ 441,600 $ 1,204,400
1. Cost of goods sold as at 31 December 20x3 2. Depreciation expense as at 31 December 20x3
Fire 372,000 Fire 40,000
Wall 159,600 Wall 30,000
531,600 70,000
Less Add
CJE7 -18000 CJE3 4,000
CJE13 -144,000 Less
Konsolidasi 369,600 CJE11 -4,000
Konsolidasi 70,000

3. Inventory as at 31 December 20x3 4. Buldings and equipment as at 31 December 20x3

Fire 330,000 Fire 680,000
Wall 170,000 Wall 520,000
500,000 1,200,000
Less Less
CJE7 -14,000 CJE9 -24,000
CJE13 -36,000 Konsolidasi 1,176,000
Konsolidasi 450,000
December 20x3

1 December 20x3
Worksheet Income Statement Consolidation
for the year ended 31 December 20X3
consolidation adj
Fire Wall
Dr Cr
Sales $ 520,000.00 $ 250,000.00 $ 180,000.00
cost of goods sold $ (372,000.00) $ (159,600.00) $ 18,000.00
$ 144,000.00
gross profit $ 148,000.00 $ 90,400.00
other income $ 79,250.00 $ 50,000.00
dividen income from wall $ 21,000.00
cje6: eliminasi dividen $ 21,000.00

Depreciation expense $ (40,000.00) $ (30,000.00)

Adjustment Building $ 4,000.00
Adjustment Building $ 4,000.00

Interest Expense $ (32,000.00) $ (10,400.00)

other expense (including tax) $ (44,850.00) $ (52,000.00)

cje: penyesuain tax effect $ 800.00
$ 3,600.00
$ 800.00
$ 7,200.00
Net Profit After Tax
Income at NCI $ (17,760.00)
$ 131,400.00 $ 48,000.00
Dividend declared $ (60,000.00) $ (30,000.00)
eliminasi dividend declared $ 30,000.00
Profit Retained $ 71,400.00 $ 18,000.00

Retained Earning I jan 20x3 $ 241,600.00 $ 100,000.00

cje1: RE perolehan aset $ 40,000
cje2: impairment goodwill $ 6,720
cje3: increase dep FA $ 2,800
cje4: realisasi DTL $ 560
cje5: kenaikan hak nci $ 18,000
cje7: unrealized profit (inventory) $ 22,400
cje8: pajak atas cje7 $ 4,480
cje9: unrealized profit (bangunan) $ 32,000
cje10: pajak atas cje9 $ 6,400
cje11: adj kelebihan depresiasi $ 4,000
cje12: pajak atas cje11 $ 800
Retained Earning 31 december 20x3 $ 313,000.00 $ 118,000.00 $ 349,880.00 $ 219,440.00
Fire and Subsidia
Worksheet Consolidation Statement
31 December 20
Consolidation total

$ 590,000.00
$ (369,600.00) Cash
Accounts Receivable
$ 220,400.00 Deferred Tax Asset
$ 129,250.00 Adjustment cje 8
cje 10
cje 12
cje 14
$ (70,000.00) Inventory
cje7: unrealized profit upstream sale
cje13: unrealized profit downstream sale
$ (42,400.00) Buildings and equipment
cje 1
$ (96,850.00) cje9: unrealized profit (bangunan)
Accumulated depreciation
cje9: unrealized profit (bangunan)
cje 3:
$ 3,600.00 cje11: adj kelebihan depresiasi
$ 144,000.00 Investment in wall
$ (17,760.00) eliminasi
$ 126,240.00 goodwill
$ (60,000.00) cje2: impairment goodwill

$ 66,240.00 total aset

$ 234,320.00 Share Capital


$ 300,560.00 cje7
Bonds payable
Bond premium
DTL (cje1 & cje4)
total liability dan equity
Fire and Subsidiary
Worksheet Consolidation Statement of Financial Position
31 December 20X3
Consolidation Adj
Fire Wall Consolidation Total
Dr Cr
$ 19,800.00 $ 3,200.00 $ 23,000.00
$ 32,000.00 $ 38,000.00 $ 70,000.00
$ 14,800.00
$ 2,800.00
$ 6,400.00
$ 1,600.00
$ 7,200.00
$ 330,000 $ 170,000
$ 14,000
$ 36,000 $ 450,000
$ 160,000 $ 80,000 $ 240,000
$ 680,000 $ 520,000
$ 40,000.00
$ 24,000
$ (280,000) $ (160,000) $ (448,000.00)
$ 8,000
$ 8,000
$ 8,000
$ 196,000.00 $ -
$ 196,000.00
$ 48,000
$ 9,600 $ 38,400

$ 1,137,800.00 $ 651,200.00 $ 112,400.00 $ 297,200.00 $ 1,604,200.00

$ 240,000 $ 160,000
$ 160,000 $ 240,000

$ 313,000.00 $ 118,000.00 $ 300,560.00

$ 349,880.00 $ 219,440.00
$ 99,240.00
$ 84,000
$ 2,880
$ 1,200
$ 240
$ 18,000
$ 9,000
$ 9,600
$ 1,920
$ 17,760
$ 400,000 $ 300,000 $ 700,000
$ 3,200 $ 3,200
$ 1,600 $ 8,000 $ 6,400

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