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Rapid Tooling Spin Casting PDF

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Journal of Materials Processing Technology,

Vol 146/3 (2004) pp 283-288.

Rapid Tooling for Zinc Spin Casting Using Arc Metal Spray Technology
J. Wang*, X.P. Wei, P. Christodoulou** and H. Hermanto
School of Mechanical, Manufacturing and Medical Engineering Queensland University of
Technology (QUT), GPO Box 2434, Brisbane, Australia 4001.

A research and development effort was made to investigate the feasibility of rapid tooling for
zinc spin casting using stereolithography (SL) and arc metal spray technologies. The study is
based on a specific practical case where intermediate tooling processes are required to make
an intermediate tool from the SL pattern. The intermediate tool is then used in an arc metal
spray process to form a metal master tool that is subsequently used to make spin casting
moulds. Different materials and processes were studied to fabricate the intermediate tools. It
shows that ceramics, used in investment casting and Shaw process, are suitable materials for
the intermediate tools required to make the metal master tools. A preliminary analysis of the
dimensional errors confirms the viability of the proposed tooling process chain.
Keywords: Rapid tooling; Arc metal spray; Spin casting

1. Introduction
In order to remain competitive and profitable, modern manufacturing enterprises must be able
to cope with rapid changes to product designs and continually reduce product costs. Advanced
manufacturing technologies, such as flexible manufacturing systems, have made it possible
for manufacturers to switch from one product to another without the high costs of down time.
However, design and manufacture of tooling for new products are the main contributors to
product development period and cost. Technologies that can reduce time and cost of product
development are essential in a globally competitive market.

Rapid prototyping (RP) technologies, such as Stereolithography (SL), Selective Laser

Sintering (SLS) and Three Dimensional Printing (3DP) processes [1-3] that produce parts
through building up in a layer by layer procedure directly from CAD models, have been
mostly used to generate prototypes of new products that are not always fully functional. These
technologies have also been used to create production prototype tools for various casting and
moulding processes [4], and could be employed to make rubber moulds for the zinc spin
casting process, which is often used to prototype parts that would be normally manufactured
through high pressure die casting.

Zinc spin casting uses multi-cavity rubber moulds (several castings at once) that are made by
a pressurised vulcanisation process at a temperature of about 168C. This vulcanisation
temperature is much higher than that both the stereolithography and wax patterns can
withstand without distortion, making them unsuitable as materials for the master pattern or
tool for making rubber spin casting moulds. Gypsum cement and other ceramics were

Corresponding author. Email: j.wang@qut.edu.au, Fax: (+61-7) 3864 1469
Adjunct Professor of QUT. R&D Manager, QMI Solutions Ltd., PO Box 4012, Eight Mile Plains, Australia

assessed as materials for master patterns for the spin casting moulds [5] and were found to be
unsuitable for this purpose.

This paper outlines a feasibility study of a tooling process for zinc spin casting using SL and
arc metal spray technologies. Different intermediate processes are employed to convert the SL
patterns into metal master tools or patterns suitable for making spin casting moulds.
Preliminary results of the study are presented and analysed.

2. Experimental Work
The experimental work involves the design of a test part and a series of tooling processes (or
process chain). Zinc spin casting processes utilise rubber moulds, which usually have a flat
parting surface. Thus, depending on the shape of the component, the master tool used to form
the cavities can also be made in two parts with parting surfaces mirroring the parting surfaces
of the rubber mould. This fact makes it possible to use arc metal spray techniques to make the
required master tools for complex castings, which could consist of two matching halves. For
the purpose of this work a simple test part was designed and used so that there was no need
for a composite master pattern. Fig. 1 shows the part developed for the tests. It fits into 95x30
mm envelope with maximum thickness of 20 mm. This model consists of various basic
shapes and features including tapered and non-tapered grooves so that the process capability
and dimensional accuracy could be evaluated.

Fig. 1. Test part used in the study.

Intermediate Tools:
CAD solid model Prototype Part Ceramics
3DP (Actua 2100) Epoxy
Silicon rubber

SL Intermediate Zinc Arc Spraying

Tool Master Tool/Pattern

Rubber Mould for

Zinc Spin Casting
Spin Casting

Fig. 2. Process chain for spin casting tooling.

The flowchart in Fig. 2 shows the tooling process chain implemented to manufacture the
rubber mould from the SL and 3DP patterns and intermediate processes. The test part was
designed as a CAD solid model using I-DEAS CAD software. The CAD file was then
converted to the STL format that is required by most rapid prototyping machines. Two types
of RP systems were used, the SLA-500 machine from 3D Systems using the CIBATOOL
SL5220 epoxy resin and a 3DP machine, ACTUA-2100, also from 3D Systems that builds
prototypes from wax type material. Similarly, the inverse solid model of the test part was

designed and the SL intermediate tool (as shown in dashed lines in Fig. 2) was manufactured
using the SLA 500 machine.

Two routes for master pattern making were tested. One route used directly reverse prototypes
of the test part made by the SL process to fabricate the master pattern by metal arc spraying,
as indicated by the dashed lines in Fig. 2, while the second route implemented an additional
step converting the SL and 3DP prototypes of the test part into an intermediate tool (reverse
of the test part in geometrical features) that is more functional than the prototype parts for arc
metal spraying process.

Aluminium-filled epoxy tool Investment casting ceramic tool Shaw-mix ceramic tool
Fig. 3. Intermediate tools for making master patterns using arc metal spray technology.

2.1 Fabrication of Intermediate Tools

Intermediate tools (reverse of the test part) made from silicone rubber, aluminium filled epoxy
and ceramics were fabricated as described below.
a) Silicone rubber tool
Silicone rubber is flexible and can withstand temperatures as high as 200C. The tool
made from silicone rubber using room temperature vulcanisation (RVT) process can
accurately reproduce very fine features of the part being used to form the tool or mould.
The SL prototype of the test part was placed in a box with the parting surface facing
down. The box was then filled with liquid silicone (Elastosil M4644), which vulcanises at
room temperature. Following the removal of the SL prototype, the silicone mould was
post cured at 70C, ready for arc metal spraying.
b) Aluminium-filled epoxy tool
The working temperature of Al-filled epoxy can be as high as 250C depending on the
aluminium content. It has good compression strength and is relatively inexpensive. This
tool was manufactured using the SL prototype in a similar manner to the silicone rubber
tool. Instead of using silicone, a liquid slurry of aluminium power and epoxy resin from
CG Products in Brisbane, Australia was used. Unfortunately, for commercial reasons the
company did not reveal the composition of the slurry. A sample of intermediate tools
from this process is shown in Fig. 3.
c) Investment casting ceramic tool
Ceramic materials used to build investment casting ceramic shells seemed to be a good
candidate for intermediate tool due to their physical properties, good surface finish, good
ability to reproduce fine features and the fact that the existing shell building process, as
can be found in [4], can be adopted to make these tools without any modifications.
In this case, a wax like prototype test part made by the 3DP process was covered with a
ceramic shell (~10mm thick). This shell was built up by applying 12 separate coats [4]
including 1 coat of Primcote with zircon sand stucco, 2 coats of Fascote slurry with an
intermediate aluminosilicate stucco and 9 coats of Fascote slurry with a coarse
aluminosilicate stucco. In the next step the bottom, flat side of the shell was ground down

to expose the prototype that was then removed. The ceramic shell was finally sintered at a
temperature of about 950C for one hour.
d) Shaw-mix ceramic tool
Shaw technology is a precision casting process that utilises a ceramic mixture in the form
of slurry that is poured over the pattern. The slurry hardens at room temperature allowing
pattern removal before subsequent sintering at high temperatures. This process offers
advantages similar to that of investment casting techniques and thus was deemed worthy
of comparison.

The ceramic slurry was made by mixing certain amount of Shaw-mix powders with a
Shaw-mix slurry to achieve a suitable viscosity for coating on the patterns. The
composition of the Shaw-mix powders, in weight units, used in this work was as follows:
1 part of zircon sand + 1 part of zircon flour + 1 part of alumina silica with a grain size of
0.7-1.2 m + 0.5 part of alumina silica with a grain size of 0.2-0.7 m. The Shaw-mix
slurry was produced by mixing 100 parts of Ethol silica binder with 3 parts of 25%
Ammonia solution. The ceramic slurry was poured into a box with the prototype test part
in a similar manner to that used in the silicone rubber tool making process.
Two prototypes were used, one SL prototype and one wax prototype produced by the
3DP process. The SL prototype was removed from the ceramic casting prior to sintering,
while the wax pattern remained inside and was melted out in the sintering process.

2.2 Fabrication of Metal Master Tools

The intermediate tools were cleaned using pressurised air. The ceramic tools, prior to metal
spraying, were held at a temperature of 100C for 60 minutes to remove potentially absorbed
moisture, and were sprayed while their temperature was at about 40 to 50C in order to reduce
the temperature gradient during spraying and avoid possible cracking. The silicone rubber tool
was sand blasted to modify its surface in an attempt to improve adhesion of the sprayed metal.

A Sultzer-Metco electric arc metal spray system was used to spray 99% pure zinc wire (2mm
in diameter). The spraying system used a push wire delivery technique to feed a zinc wire
through the nozzle while the electric arc from a separate power supplier melted the wire
before it left the nozzle. Pressurised air was used to blow the metal droplets onto the target
surface (the intermediate tool cavities). Fig. 4 shows the process of arc metal spray on an RP
pattern to produce a metal tool. In this study, the RP pattern is replaced by the intermediate
tools shown in Fig. 3. The arc spraying process can coat metals on many different substrates
according to the specific engineering needs. Used in rapid tooling, this process can reduce the
lead time by as much as 90% when compared to the traditional tooling process [6]. Residual
stress in the metal tools produced as a result of shrinkage during cooling is a problem in metal

A preliminary experiment using a statistical procedure was conducted to determine the

parameters for the metal spraying process [7]. This experiment covered different air pressures,
electric voltages and currents, and the other parameters. The best combination of the
parameters as determined by the sprayed surface quality, form error and microstructure was
finally used in this work. Thus, the major process parameters used were: air pressure = 0.276
MPa (or 40 psi); voltage = 21V; and current = 100A.

The spraying was carried out manually, maintaining a stand-off of the spraying gun of about
100-150mm from the target. In each case a minimum coating of 4 mm thickness coating was
produced. The developed zinc shells were separated from the intermediate tools, back-filled

with gypsum cement, and machined to form the flat parting surface. In total, eight master
patterns were produced, two from each type of intermediate tools described above.

(a) RP pattern for spraying.

(c) Metal shell back-filled with Al epoxy.

(b) Arc spray of metal on the RP pattern. (d) Metal tool after the removal of RP
Fig. 4. The tool making process using arc metal spraying.

Fig. 5. Bottom halves of the spin casting rubber moulds (without and with runners).

2.3 Fabrication of Spin Casting Mould

TEKSIL (HT) silicone rubber discs (228.6 mm diameter and 25.4 mm thick) were used to
make the rubber mould for spin casting. The top half of the mould (top disc) was simply a flat
disc with the in-gate and venting holes, while the cavities of the test part were impressed in
the bottom half as shown in Fig. 5.

Detailed process of making the spin casting moulds can be found in [6], while only the major
process parameters are given here. The rough cavities were carved in the bottom disc, which
accommodate the metal master patterns and locating pins. Then the disc together with the

master patterns and locating pins were assembled into a vulcanising frame and vulcanised for
90 minutes at about 20 MPa (or 3,000 psi) and 168C temperature. When the disc cooled
down, a 12.7 mm thick un-vulcanised rubber disc (with release agent) was placed on the top
of it and the whole mould was vulcanized for 45 minutes before being removed from the
vulcanizing frame. The mould was then separated and the master patterns removed. Finally,
runners, reservoirs and venting holes were prepared for the casting of zinc alloy parts. Fig. 5
shows the bottom half of the mould without and with runners. As this study is limited to the
tooling process, the work on the casting and casting parameters can be found from [5,7].

3. Results and Discussion

In the zinc spraying process, the SL reverse prototype of the test part distorted as might be
expected. This is possibly due to the high temperature and the large temperature gradients that
developed during the process. This tendency to unpredictable distortion rendered this path
useless, and hence was excluded from further consideration.

It was found that all the intermediate tools were of reasonably good quality. The silicon
rubber tool from the RTV process showed better quality than the other three types. A detailed
analysis of dimensional errors for the intermediate tools can be found in Ref [7]. Fig. 6 shows
some samples of the metal shells produced when using different intermediate tools presented
in section 2.1; the respective results are discussed below.

(a) Excessive peeling of sprayed metal

when spraying on silicon tools.

(c) Good metal shells produced from investment casting

ceramic tool (top), and Shaw-mix ceramic tool (bottom).
(b) Metal shell distorted when spraying
on Al-epoxy resin.
Fig. 6. Photographs of metal shells produced using different intermediate tools.

During zinc alloy spraying, silicon rubber tools remained in good condition without any
apparent damage to the tool. However, the metal coating created in this process did not
adhere well to tool surfaces. Sand blasting the silicone tool did not change its metal
adherence. Excessive peeling and warping of the coating could not be avoided despite
using a large range of spraying conditions (Fig. 6(a)). The peeling in turn blocked the air
way for spraying so that some design features could not be achieved.

Al-filled epoxy tools did not show any problems with adherence of the coating to the
tools surface. Zinc coatings reproduced all design features including the recesses, spigots
and deep sharp sections. The sprayed shells were easily removed from the negative tool
cavities. However, due to the large temperature gradients the tool suffered from severe
distortion and warping pushing the geometrical accuracy of the sprayed metal patterns
beyond the acceptable tolerance level (Fig. 6(b)). Thus, this material was considered
unsuitable for this process.

For the tools made from ceramic material used in the investment casting process, the
adhesion of the coating to the surface was so strong that in order to separate the ceramic
shell from the zinc coating a sand blasting process was used to destroy the ceramic shell.
Excellent zinc replicas were produced without any obvious distortion or warping, as
shown in Fig. 6(c), although some dents due to sand blasting were noticed on the metal
surface. These dents were believed not to significantly affect the quality of spin cast

Shaw-mix ceramic tools produced metal shells that were generally fine with no distortion
or warping and free of porosity (Fig. 6(c)). There was no difficulty in removing the metal
pattern from the ceramic shell. However, in some cases the ceramic cracked under the
thermal impact resulting in coating peeling off at the edges and corners. Preheating the
tools to about 80C before spraying yielded good metal replicas without cracking the

Consequently, the shells made from investment casting and Shaw-mix ceramics are suitable
for arc metal spraying to form the master patterns. The metal master patterns produced using
these two types of ceramics were successfully used to make rubber moulds for spin casting. In
some cases, the non-tapered grooves or slots of the master pattern caused difficulty in
separating the pattern from the mould. Clearly, further studies to determine the limits of the
geometrical features in terms of rubber mould making process are required.

Dimensional errors at each stage and their accumulations through the tooling process for all
major geometrical features of the design have been determined. In general, these errors are
within a reasonable and acceptable range [7].

Fig. 7 shows the error propagation from the 3D solid model to the wax pattern, then to
ceramic pattern (interim tool) and finally to metal tool (master pattern). For the Shaw-mix
ceramic interim tools, the longitudinal dimensions show increases while decreasing trends are
associated with the width when compared with the wax prototype of the part. This is possibly
due to a prolongation of the tools during the fabrication process. By contrast, the errors in
investment casting ceramic tools increase for both length and width with respect to the wax
prototype. The results when using the SL patterns to produce the Shaw-mix ceramic tools
show similar trends [7].



Cumulative error, mm


Wax pattern Ceramic tool M etal tool

(a) Stage of tooling process

Cumulative error, mm

0.0 S.mix2


Wax pattern Ceramic tool M etal tool

(b) Stage of tooling process

Fig. 7. Cumulative errors for major dimensions, (a) length 95 mm and (b) width 30 mm.

The findings for dimensional errors for the length of the master pattern are interesting, as
shown in Fig. 7(a). Clearly, the sizes of the metal tools were reduced with regard to the
interim tools made from the Shaw-mix ceramic, while the reverse applies to the intermediate
tools of investment casting ceramic. A similar trend was also found for the width although
these are in a smaller scale, as shown in Fig. 7(b). This may be attributed to the difference in
thermal expansion coefficients of the two ceramics as well as the shrinkage of the metal tools.
In the first case, the expansion of the Shaw-mix ceramic tool due to heating in the spraying
process could not compensate the shrinking of the metal shell, while in the latter case the
shrinking was overcompensated and the master pattern size increased.

This analysis again shows that the process chain presented can be used in tooling for spin
casting and possibly other manufacturing processes. The findings indicates that the final
dimensions of the master pattern seem to be repeatable, however a larger sample of data is
required for meaningful statistical analysis.

4. Conclusions
A study of tooling for zinc spin casting process using streolithography and arc metal spray
techniques has been presented. It has been shown that the SL pattern is not suitable for metal
arc spraying, necessitating the use of intermediate tools. Intermediate tools made from the
silicone rubber and aluminium-filled epoxy were found unsuitable for zinc arc metal spraying.

By contrast, intermediate ceramic tools made of materials used in metal casting were
successfully used to make the master metal patterns, which were subsequently used to
fabricate moulds for spin casting. More work is required to study the dimensional and
geometrical accuracy of the tools produced from the proposed process as well as strategies to
reduce and compensate for the errors.

5. Acknowledgements
This work was carried out at Queensland Manufacturing Institute Limited under the support
of Australian Federal Governments START grant scheme. The authors wish to thank Mr. A.
Doolette and several technical staff for their contribution to the project.


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[2] S. Ashley, Rapid prototyping is coming of age, J. Mech. Engg, 1995:63-68.
[3] A.L. Cohen, Rapid prototyping: an Industry perspective, Proc. SME Rapid Technol.,
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[4] R. Connolly, Rapid Prototyping and Tooling for Thermoplastic Extrusion, M. Eng Sci
Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 1999.
[5] A.C.W. Tan, A study on Rapid Product Development with Spin Casting Process, Project
Report, Queensland University of Technology, 1998.
[6] K.Y. Wong, Quality Improvement and Parameter Control in Rapid Tooling Using Arc
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[7] H. Hermanto, Rapid Product Development of Zinc Alloy Parts Using RP and Spin
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