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The document discusses maintenance and repair procedures for vehicles and emphasizes various safety precautions that should be followed when working on vehicles, such as disconnecting the battery, using lifting mechanisms for heavy parts, and ensuring proper ventilation. It also provides information about the Microprocessor Spark Timing System (MSTS) and procedures for replacing sensors.

Safety precautions that should be followed include disconnecting the battery, wearing safety glasses, using lifting mechanisms for heavy parts, keeping the work area clean and orderly, using the correct tools, and ensuring all fastening devices are removed before using force. It is also important to follow warnings and cautions in instructions and take precautions when handling flammable fuels.

The Microprocessor Spark Timing System (MSTS) controls the ignition timing and monitors various engine sensors such as the engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor, manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor, and throttle position sensor. It allows for more precise fuel control and emissions control based on engine operating conditions.




PART NO. 1473385 2200 SRM 765

When lifting parts or assemblies, make sure all slings, chains, or cables are correctly
fastened, and that the load being lifted is balanced. Make sure the crane, cables, and
chains have the capacity to support the weight of the load.

Do not lift heavy parts by hand, use a lifting mechanism.

Wear safety glasses.

DISCONNECT THE BATTERY CONNECTOR before doing any maintenance or repair

on electric lift trucks.

Disconnect the battery ground cable on internal combustion lift trucks.

Always use correct blocks to prevent the unit from rolling or falling. See HOW TO PUT
THE LIFT TRUCK ON BLOCKS in the Operating Manual or the Periodic Mainte-
nance section.

Keep the unit clean and the working area clean and orderly.

Use the correct tools for the job.

Keep the tools clean and in good condition.

Always use HYSTER APPROVED parts when making repairs. Replacement parts
must meet or exceed the specifications of the original equipment manufacturer.

Make sure all nuts, bolts, snap rings, and other fastening devices are removed before
using force to remove parts.

Always fasten a DO NOT OPERATE tag to the controls of the unit when making repairs,
or if the unit needs repairs.

Be sure to follow the WARNING and CAUTION notes in the instructions.

Gasoline, Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), and Diesel fuel
are flammable. Be sure to follow the necessary safety precautions when handling these
fuels and when working on these fuel systems.

Batteries generate flammable gas when they are being charged. Keep fire and sparks
away from the area. Make sure the area is well ventilated.

NOTE: The following symbols and words indicate safety information in this

Indicates a condition that can cause immediate death or injury!

Indicates a condition that can cause property damage!
Microprocessor Spark Timing System (MSTS) Table of Contents


General ............................................................................................................................................................... 1
Description ......................................................................................................................................................... 2
What MSTS Does........................................................................................................................................... 2
How MSTS Begins Operation ....................................................................................................................... 2
Operation............................................................................................................................................................ 3
Distributor ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
Ignition Coil ................................................................................................................................................... 3
Ignition Module.............................................................................................................................................. 3
When Engine Is Being Started ..................................................................................................................... 4
When Engine Is Running .............................................................................................................................. 5
Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) Sensor .................................................................................................. 6
Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor................................................................................................. 6
MSTS Module Corrections ............................................................................................................................ 7
Troubleshooting.................................................................................................................................................. 8
General ........................................................................................................................................................... 8
Tools and Test Equipment ............................................................................................................................. 10
MSTS .............................................................................................................................................................. 11
Troubleshooting Procedure............................................................................................................................ 11
Where to Start ........................................................................................................................................... 11
Visual/Physical Inspection ........................................................................................................................ 11
Knowledge/Tools Required ........................................................................................................................ 11
Damage from Static Discharge (Static Electricity) ................................................................................. 11
Troubleshooting Information ........................................................................................................................ 12
Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) .......................................................................................................... 12
Connecting CodeMate Tester .................................................................................................................... 12
Reading Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC)................................................................................................ 13
Clearing Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs)............................................................................................. 14
On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) System Check ................................................................................................. 14
Test Description......................................................................................................................................... 14
No Malfunction Indicator Lamp........................................................................................................................ 16
Circuit Description ........................................................................................................................................ 16
Test Description ............................................................................................................................................. 16
No DTC-12, Malfunction Indicator Lamp ON .................................................................................................. 18
Circuit Description ........................................................................................................................................ 18
Test Description ............................................................................................................................................. 18
Starter Rotates Engine, Engine Does Not Run ................................................................................................ 19
Test Description ............................................................................................................................................. 19
DTC-14 Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) (Low Temperature Indicated).................................................. 23
Circuit Description ........................................................................................................................................ 23
Test Description ............................................................................................................................................. 23
DTC-15 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor (ECT) (High Temperature Indicated) .................................... 25
Circuit Description ........................................................................................................................................ 25
Test Description ............................................................................................................................................. 25
DTC-34 Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) Sensor ........................................................................................ 27
Circuit Description ........................................................................................................................................ 27
Test Description ............................................................................................................................................. 27
DTC-41 Electronic Spark Timing (EST) Open Circuit..................................................................................... 30
Circuit Description ........................................................................................................................................ 30
Test Description ............................................................................................................................................. 30
DTC-42 Electronic Spark Timing (EST) Grounded Circuit ............................................................................. 32
Circuit Description ........................................................................................................................................ 32


Table of Contents Microprocessor Spark Timing System (MSTS)


Test Description ............................................................................................................................................. 32
DTC-51 MSTS Failure ....................................................................................................................................... 34
Circuit Description ........................................................................................................................................ 34
Distributor Repair.............................................................................................................................................. 34
Remove ........................................................................................................................................................... 34
Disassemble ................................................................................................................................................... 35
Inspect ............................................................................................................................................................ 35
Assemble ........................................................................................................................................................ 35
Install ............................................................................................................................................................. 36
Ignition Timing .............................................................................................................................................. 36
Ignition Module Repair...................................................................................................................................... 37
Test For Fault ................................................................................................................................................ 37
Replace ........................................................................................................................................................... 38
Sensing Coil Repair ........................................................................................................................................... 38
Test For Fault ................................................................................................................................................ 38
Replace ........................................................................................................................................................... 38
Ignition Coil Repair ........................................................................................................................................... 39
Test For Fault ................................................................................................................................................ 39
Remove ........................................................................................................................................................... 39
Install ............................................................................................................................................................. 39
MSTS Module Repair......................................................................................................................................... 40
Remove ........................................................................................................................................................... 40
Install ............................................................................................................................................................. 40
ECT Sensor Replacement .................................................................................................................................. 40
MAP Sensor Replacement ................................................................................................................................. 41

This section is for the following models:

GM 3.0L and 4.3L LPG Fuel Engines

2200 SRM 765 General

This section describes the operation of the Micropro- 3.0L and 4.3L engines. Illustrations in this man-
cessor Spark Timing System (MSTS). The MSTS ig- ual show the MSTS in the 3.0L engine only. Repairs
nition system is used on engines that use an LPG fuel and Troubleshooting procedures are also in this sec-
system. The description, operation, troubleshooting, tion. Typical installation of the MSTS is shown in
and repair of the MSTS is identical for both the GM Figure 1.



Figure 1. MSTS Arrangement in Engine Compartment (Typical)

Description 2200 SRM 765

The general operation of the MSTS system is de- Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor. This
scribed in the following paragraphs. The description sensor is a pressure transducer that measures the
of the components and a circuit analysis is given in atmospheric pressure before the engine is started.
the paragraphs under Operation. The MSTS module uses this pressure as a refer-
ence. This sensor then measures changes in pres-
WHAT MSTS DOES sure in the intake manifold during engine opera-
The MSTS module receives signals from sensors Engine Coolant Temperature sensor (ECT). This
mounted on the engine and electronically processes sensor is a thermistor (resistor that is calibrated
the information to adjust the ignition timing for the to change its value as its temperature changes).
best fuel use and engine performance. See Figure 2. The ignition module is a small electronic module
within the distributor. This module is a signal con-
verter that senses the operation of the distributor.
A sensing coil in the distributor senses the rotation
of the timer core and the ignition module senses
the speed of rotation. A square wave generator in
the ignition module converts the pulses from the
sensing coil to a square wave signal that is sent
to the MSTS module. If the signals from the igni-
tion module to the MSTS indicate that the engine
is rotating at less than 400 rpm, the MSTS module
determines that the engine is being rotated by the
starter. The ignition module controls the ignition
for an engine being started. The Electronic Spark
Timing (EST) function from the MSTS module is
deenergized. If the signals from the ignition mod-
ule to the MSTS module indicate that the engine is
rotating at greater than 400 rpm, the MSTS mod-
ule determines that the engine is running and the
Figure 2. MSTS Module Electronic Spark Timing (EST) controls the igni-
The MSTS module receives signals from the follow-
ing sensors:

Figure 3. Electronic Engine Control System

HOW MSTS BEGINS OPERATION signal) from the MAP sensor. See Figure 3. The
MSTS module also checks the signal from the en-
When the ignition switch is turned to ON, the MSTS gine coolant temperature sensor (ECT). When the
module measures the atmospheric pressure (BARO

2200 SRM 765 Operation

starter is engaged, the ignition module sends elec- MSTS module then sends a bypass signal to the ig-
tronic pulses to the MSTS module. The frequency of nition module that removes control of the spark (ig-
the pulses indicates to the MSTS module that the en- nition) timing from the ignition module. The MSTS
gine is being started. The ignition module also elec- module takes control of the ignition timing and fol-
tronically energizes (ON) and deenergizes (OFF) the lows its program to give ignition timing for the best
primary circuit of the ignition coil to create a spark engine operation. When the engine is operating, the
at the spark plugs. MSTS module continuously checks the signals from
the MAP, ECT, and distributor speed to make timing
When the engine starts, the frequency of the pulses adjustments for the engine operating conditions.
from the ignition module increases and indicates to
the MSTS module that the engine is running. The

DISTRIBUTOR trigger signal from the ignition module and the tach
output signal.
The distributor uses an internal magnetic pickup as-
sembly that consists of a permanent magnet, pole
piece with internal teeth and pickup coil. See Fig-
ure 4. When the rotating teeth of the timer core (per-
manent magnet) line up with the teeth of the pole
piece, voltage is induced in the pickup coil. This
voltage signals the ignition control module to trigger
the primary ignition circuit bypass mode. Current
flow in the primary circuit is interrupted and a high
voltage of up to 35,000 volts is induced in the igni-
tion coil secondary winding. This high voltage is di-
rected through the secondary ignition circuit to fire
the spark plugs.

The principle of magnetic induction also controls the

polarity of the voltage generated in the pickup coil.
An increasing magnetic field will generate a voltage
in the coil that is the opposite polarity of a magnetic
field that is decreasing. This signal pulse causes the
integrated circuits in the ignition module to gener-
ate a square wave signal. The ignition module and a
magnetic pulse generator control the primary circuit
to the ignition coil when the engine is started. After 1. ROTOR 5. COIL
the engine is started, the MSTS module receives the 2. TIMER 6. POLE PIECE
square wave signal from the magnetic pulse genera- 3. RETAINER 8. HOUSING
tor and ignition module as one of the signals to con- 4. SHIELD
trol the EST. The pole piece has the same number of
teeth as the engine has cylinders so that a spark volt- Figure 4. Distributor
age is correctly sent to each spark plug as the shaft
in the distributor rotates. IGNITION MODULE

IGNITION COIL The ignition module is a solid-state electronic device

that operates like a fast switch except that it does not
The ignition coil generates a secondary voltage of up have any moving or mechanical parts. See Figure 5.
to 35,000 volts. The ignition coil connects to the dis- Small electrical pulses from the sensing coil of the
tributor cap through a high voltage wire. There are pulse generator go to the ignition module.
two connectors on the coil used for battery voltage in-
put, primary voltage output to the ignition module,

Operation 2200 SRM 765

The MSTS module must always know the speed at truck can be moved to an area for repair. The re-
which the engine is operating. The engine speed sig- sults of the failures in signals to the MSTS module
nal is generated by the ignition module. The signal is described in the paragraphs under MSTS Module
converter in the ignition module changes the signal Corrections.
voltage from the sensing coil to a square wave refer-
ence signal to the MSTS module. This square wave WHEN ENGINE IS BEING STARTED
reference signal for engine speed is called REF HI.
The MSTS module must also have a reference to com- When the engine is rotated by the starter, the elec-
pare with REF HI. An additional wire between the tronic relay is in the deenergized position. See
MSTS module and the ignition module is called REF Figure 5. The sensing coil is connected through the
LO. The REF HI and REF LO connections give the square wave generator to the base of the transistor.
EEPROM in the MSTS module the necessary infor-
When the sensing coil applies a positive voltage (the
mation about engine speed.
square wave voltage is increasing) to the transistor,
The other two wires between the MSTS module and the transistor goes ON. When the voltage from the
the distributor control the Electronic Spark Timing sensing coil changes to negative (the square wave
and are called EST and BYPASS. voltage is decreasing), the transistor goes OFF.
When the transistor is ON, current flows through
NOTE: The ignition module controls spark timing the primary winding of the ignition coil. When the
only when the engine is being started. The MSTS transistor goes OFF, the current flow through the
module controls the spark timing during engine oper- primary winding stops. The changing magnetic field
ation. The ignition module will also control the spark in the primary winding generates a high voltage in
timing if there are some failures in the signals to the the secondary winding of the ignition coil. This high
MSTS module. This backup mode of operation will voltage generates a spark at the spark plug.
often permit operation of the engine so that the lift

Figure 5. Ignition Module When Engine is Being Started

2200 SRM 765 Operation

Legend for Figure 5


WHEN ENGINE IS RUNNING changes: The EST wire is not grounded and is now
connected to the base of the transistor. The sensing
When the engine speed is approximately 400 rpm, coil is disconnected from the base of the transistor.
the MSTS module determines that the engine is run-
ning and applies 5 volts on the BYPASS wire to the The ignition module and the ignition timing is now
ignition module. See Figure 6. This voltage ener- controlled by the EST signal from the MSTS module.
gizes the electronic relay and makes the following This mode of operation is called the EST mode.


Figure 6. Ignition Module When Engine is Running

Operation 2200 SRM 765

MANIFOLD ABSOLUTE PRESSURE (MAP) the engine is started. The MSTS module remembers
SENSOR the barometric pressure (BARO signal) after the en-
gine is running. The MSTS module then automat-
The Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor is ically adjusts the ignition timing for different alti-
a pressure transducer that measures changes in tudes and atmospheric conditions.
the pressure in the intake manifold. See Figure 7.
The pressure changes are a result of engine load ENGINE COOLANT TEMPERATURE (ECT)
and speed changes. The MAP sensor converts these SENSOR
pressure changes to a signal voltage to the MSTS
module. The engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor (Fig-
ure 8) is a resistor that changes its resistance value
when the temperature changes (thermistor). This
sensor is installed in the engine coolant system. A
low coolant temperature makes the thermistor have
a high resistance [100,700 ohms at 40 C ( 40 F)].
A higher coolant temperature makes the thermistor
have a lower resistance [70 ohms at 130 C (266 F)].


Figure 7. MAP Sensor

The MSTS module sends a 5-volt reference signal

to the MAP sensor. When the pressure in the in- 2. ELECTRICAL CONNECTOR
take manifold changes, the electrical resistance in 3. LOCK TAB
the MAP sensor also changes. The change in the volt-
age signal from the MAP sensor enables the MSTS Figure 8. Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT)
module to sense the pressure in the intake manifold. Sensor

A closed throttle causes a low pressure (high engine The engine coolant temperature sensor uses a ther-
vacuum) in the intake manifold. This low pressure mistor to control the signal voltage (see Figure 9)
causes a low voltage signal from the MAP sensor to to the MSTS module. The MSTS module applies a
the MSTS module. A fully opened throttle causes a 5-volt reference voltage to the ECT. The reference
higher pressure (low engine vacuum) in the intake voltage will be high when the engine coolant is cold.
manifold. This higher pressure causes a higher volt- The reference voltage will be lower when the engine
age signal from the MAP sensor to the MSTS module. coolant is at operating temperature. The MSTS mod-
These pressure changes indicate the load on the en- ule will adjust the ignition timing for more spark ad-
gine to the MSTS module. The MSTS module then vance when the engine coolant is cold and less spark
calculates the spark timing for the best engine per- advance when the engine coolant is hot.

The MAP sensor also measures the barometric pres-

sure when the key switch is turned to ON and before

2200 SRM 765 Operation



Figure 9. MSTS Wiring Diagram

MSTS MODULE CORRECTIONS MSTS module will use a standard value from its pro-
gram and continue to operate the MSTS.
The operation of the MSTS module was described
in earlier paragraphs. (See the description in What The following examples are the action of the MSTS
MSTS Does.) These paragraphs describe the correc- module if it finds a problem:
tions made by the MSTS module. MAP Sensor Signal Voltage Is Too High Or
Too Low. The MSTS module will use a MAP value
The MSTS module does a check of the system com- from its PROM program and use this value to cal-
ponents. A set of normal operating limits are part culate the ignition timing
of the PROM program. If a sensor sends a signal ECT Signal Voltage Is Too High Or Too Low.
that is outside of the limits of the PROM program, When a coolant sensor error occurs, the MSTS
the MSTS module will not use the information. The module will use a value that is approximately the
normal operating temperature of the coolant.

Troubleshooting 2200 SRM 765

Open Circuit In The EST Circuit From The Open Circuit Or Short Circuit In The BY-
MSTS Module To The Ignition Module. If the PASS Circuit. The MSTS module would not de-
EST circuit is open, it cannot be at ground poten- tect a problem until the engine began to run. The
tial, and the EST signal will rise and fall from the MSTS module could not operate in the EST mode
sensing coil. If the EST circuit becomes open when and the engine would operate in the bypass mode
the engine is running, the engine stops but will from the ignition module. If this problem occurs
restart and run in the backup mode from the igni- when the engine is running, the engine continues
tion module. to run but switches to the backup mode from the
Short Circuit (Grounded Circuit) In The EST ignition module.
Circuit From The MSTS Module To The Igni- Open Circuit Or Short Circuit In The REF
tion Module. When the engine is being rotated HI Circuit. The MSTS module would not detect
by the starter, the MSTS module normally detects that the engine was operating. The MSTS module
0 volts in the EST circuit because the circuit is at could not operate in the EST mode and the engine
ground potential in the ignition module. would operate with reduced economy. If this prob-
lem occurs when the engine is running, the engine
The MSTS module would not detect a problem un- continues to run but switches to the backup mode
til the engine began to run. The MSTS module from the ignition module.
could not operate in the EST mode and the engine Open Circuit In The REF-LO Circuit. This
stops when the module switches to EST mode. If circuit provides a ground for the ignition module
the EST circuit has a short-circuit (grounded cir- and the MSTS. If this circuit were open, it may
cuit) when the engine is running, it will stop. cause poor performance.

GENERAL when doing troubleshooting or repairs on an
engine with MSTS:
WARNING Always disconnect the battery negative cable
before disconnecting and removing any parts
This troubleshooting requires the operation of
of ignition system.
the engine for some of the tests. Make sure the
Never disconnect the battery from any equip-
tests are done carefully to prevent injury:
ment when the engine is running.
Put the lift truck on a level surface. Lower
If the battery must be charged with a bat-
the carriage and forks and apply the park-
tery charger, ALWAYS disconnect the battery
ing brake. Make sure the lift truck cannot
from the electrical system.
move and cause an injury during the tests.
Make sure that all electrical connections are
Put blocks in front and back of the drive tires
clean and have good electrical contact.
to prevent movement of the lift truck.
Never connect or disconnect the wiring har-
The fuel system and the engine must operate
ness at the MSTS module when the key switch
correctly. Any problems or leaks in the fuel
is ON.
system or the engine must be repaired before
Always disconnect the battery and the MSTS
doing troubleshooting on the MSTS.
module connectors if electric arc welding
The fan and the drive belts can remove fin-
must be done on the vehicle.
gers or cause other injuries. Be careful that
Make sure that any water or steam is not
your hands and tools do not touch the mov-
sent toward the MSTS module or its sensors
ing fan or the drive belts.
if the engine compartment is cleaned with
The engine exhaust and other parts of the en-
steam. The heat and steam can damage the
gine are hot. Do not touch a hot surface and
electronic components and cause corrosion
cause a burn.
in the electrical connections.
Use only the tools and test equipment de-
CAUTION scribed in Tools and Test Equipment to
Electronic equipment can be damaged if trou- prevent damage to good components and to
bleshooting and repairs are not done correctly. obtain correct test results.
The following CAUTIONS must be followed

2200 SRM 765 Troubleshooting

All voltage measurements must be done with test for a correct test light is shown in Fig-
a digital voltmeter with a minimum rating of ure 10.
10 megohm input impedance.
When a test light is used in troubleshooting, The following troubleshooting diagrams are designed
the test light must have less than 0.3 amps to give an efficient method of fault analysis on the
(300 milliamps) of maximum current flow. A MSTS. The MSTS connector pin assignments and
functions are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. MSTS Module Connections

This voltage chart is for use with a digital voltmeter when doing troubleshooting. There can be small
variations in the voltage shown in the chart from those voltages measured during troubleshooting. These
small variations are because of the battery charge and other resistances in the connections. A variation of
more than 0.5 volts can be an indication of a malfunction.
When this chart is used for troubleshooting, the engine must be at its operating temperature and the engine
must be at idle speed (for ENGINE RUNNING column).
MSTS 6-Pin Connector Sensor Connector Normal Voltage
Pin Function Pin Function Key ON Engine
A Distributor Reference C Ignition Control Module 5.0 5.0
B Ignition Control D Ignition Control Module - -
C Bypass B Ignition Control Module 0 5.0
D ECT Sensor B MSTS to ECT Sensor 0 1.5 - 2.0 2
E MAP Sensor Signal B Manifold Absolute Pressure 4.75 1 1.0 1
F +5 Volt Reference C Manifold Absolute Pressure 5.0 5.0
MSTS 5-Pin Connector Connector Normal Voltage
Pin Function Pin Function Key ON Engine
A Ignition Feed Alternator EXC Terminal and 12 12
B Battery Feed A B+ (Fuse Connector) B+ B+
C Alternate Fuel Not Used 0 0
D Knock Signal Not Used 0 0
E MSTS Ground Engine Ground 0 0
MSTS 3-Pin Connector Diagnostic Connector Normal Voltage 3
Pin Function Pin Function Key ON Engine
A Data G - -
B Malfunction Indicator Lamp E Malfunction Indicator Lamp - -
C Diagnostic Test Terminal B - -
Voltage changes with atmospheric pressure.
Voltage changes with temperature.
Not applicable.

Troubleshooting 2200 SRM 765

TOOLS AND TEST EQUIPMENT Vacuum pump with a gauge. This vacuum pump is
held and operated with the hand. The gauge must
The following tools are necessary for troubleshooting be able to indicate a gauge pressure (vacuum) of
the MSTS: 34 kPa (10 inHg)]. See Table 2.
Digital-Volt-Ohmmeter (DVOM). The voltmeter Spark tester. The spark tester (ST125) is used to
must have a minimum input impedance of check the secondary ignition.
10-megohms. (A digital voltmeter and ohm- Diagnostic Trouble Code tester. Rinda Tech-
meter are normally included in a multimeter test nologies CodeMate Tester (Hyster part number
instrument.) 3071579) or equivalent.
Tachometer with inductive trigger signal sensor.
Test light that has a low current draw as described
in Figure 10.
Table 2. Pressure Conversion Chart

Absolute Pressure Gauge

Vacuum and pressure readings often cause confusion kPa Inches of Inches of
because everyone does not use the same point of reference. Hg Hg
Absolute pressure is gauge pressure plus the atmospheric
121.57 36 6
pressure. Standard atmospheric pressure is also called the
standard barometric pressure and is equal to 101.325 kPa 114.81 34 4
(14.695 psi) or [29.92 inches of mercury (Hg)] at sea level. 108.06 32 2 Pressure
The reference point for these measurements is zero pressure
or an absolute vacuum. The conversion formula used in 101.31 30 0 -----
converting inches of mercury to kPa is: 94.55 28 2
Inches of Hg 3.37685 = kPa Vacuum
87.80 26 4
Service people normally use gauge pressure as the reference 81.04 24 6
point which does not add the atmospheric pressure. The
reference point for gauge pressure is atmospheric pressure. 74.29 22 8
It is important to know when reading a pressure chart 67.54 20 10
whether the units are given in absolute pressure or gauge
60.78 18 12
54.03 16 14
The gauges used by most service people indicate gauge
47.28 14 16
pressure. However, most gauges calibrated in a metric scale
(kilopascals) and used to measure less than atmospheric 40.52 12 18
pressure normally indicate absolute pressure as shown in
33.77 10 20
the chart. A gauge calibrated in inches of Hg and used
to measure a vacuum begins at zero and increases its 27.01 8 22
indication as the vacuum increases as shown in the gauge 20.26 6 24
pressure column of the chart.
13.51 4 26
An additional cause of confusion is that the manifold
pressure gauge for an engine with a turbocharger
is normally calibrated for absolute pressure for both
kilopascals and inches of Hg. The MAP sensor described in
this section is also calibrated for absolute pressure, but the
service person doing checking or troubleshooting will often
be using gauges calibrated for gauge pressure.

2200 SRM 765 Troubleshooting

Where to Start
There are three things to do to start troubleshooting.
The first item is to become familiar with the elec-
tronic engine control system.

Secondly, always start your work with a good visual/

physical inspection. See the following paragraph for
more explanation.

The last item on the Where-To-Start list is the

On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) System Check.

Visual/Physical Inspection
A careful visual and physical inspection must be
done as part of any diagnostic procedure. This
can cause the repair of a problem without further
steps. Inspect all vacuum hoses for correct routing,
restrictions, cuts or faulty connections. Be sure to
inspect hoses that are difficult to see beneath the air
filter. Inspect all wires in the engine compartment
for proper connections, damaged spots, or contact
with sharp edges or the exhaust manifolds. This
CAUTION visual/physical inspection is very important. It must
If the ammeter indicates less than 0.3 amps be done carefully.
(300 milliamps), the test light can be used.
Knowledge/Tools Required
If the ammeter indicates more than 0.3 amps
(300 milliamps), the test light cannot be used To use this manual most effectively, a general un-
because it can cause damage to the electronic derstanding of basic electrical circuits and circuit
components. testing tools is required. One should be familiar
with wiring diagrams, the meaning of voltage, ohms,
1. DC AMPS 3. BATTERY amps, the basic theories of electricity, and under-
stand what happens in an open or shorted wire. To
Figure 10. Current Flow Test for Test Light perform the troubleshooting procedures, the use of a
diagnostic CodeMate Tester is required. A tachome-
MSTS ter, test lamp, ohmmeter, digital voltmeter with 10
megohms impedance, vacuum gauge, and jumper
The MSTS has the ability to perform some trou- wires are also required. Special tools that are re-
bleshooting of itself and of other parts of the system. quired for system service and the ones described
When a problem is found, the MSTS turns the mal- above are shown at the end of this section.
function indicator lamp in the CodeMate Tester to
ON. A diagnostic trouble code (DTC) is kept in the Damage from Static Discharge (Static
memory of the MSTS. Electricity)
Before using this part of the manual, you need to To prevent damage to the MSTS by static elec-
know the information and the correct troubleshoot- tricity, do not touch MSTS connector pins.
ing procedures. If the correct troubleshooting proce-
dures are not followed, as described in this section, it Electronic components used in control systems use a
can result in replacement of good parts. very low voltage and can be easily damaged by static
discharge or static electricity. Less than 100 volts

Troubleshooting 2200 SRM 765

of static electricity can cause damage to some elec- TROUBLESHOOTING INFORMATION

tronic components. There are several ways for a per-
son to become statically charged. The most common The troubleshooting diagrams and function checks
methods of charging are by friction and by induction. in this section are designed to find a faulty circuit
An example of charging by friction is a person slid- or component through logic based on the process of
ing across a car seat; in which a charge of as much elimination. The diagrams are prepared with the
as 2 to 5,000 volts can build up. Charging by induc- requirement that the vehicle functioned correctly at
tion occurs when a person with well insulated shoes the time of assembly and that there are no multiple
stands near a highly charged object and momentar- failures. The MSTS does constant testing on certain
ily touches ground. Charges of the same polarity control functions. The MSTS communicates the
are drained off, leaving the person highly charged source of a malfunction with Diagnostic Trouble
with the opposite polarity. Static charges of either Codes (DTC). The DTCs are two digit numbers that
type can cause damage; therefore, it is important to can range from 12 to 99. When a malfunction is
use care when handling and testing electronic com- found by the MSTS, a DTC is set and the CodeMate
ponents. Tester malfunction indicator lamp is turned ON.
DTC codes for this MSTS are shown in Table 3.

Table 3. MSTS Diagnostic Codes

Code Description Indicator

Lamp ON
12 Indicates that the fault monitor system is operating. No
14 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Circuit - Low Temp Indicated Yes
15 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Circuit - High Temp Indicated Yes
34 MAP Sensor Circuit Yes
41 Ignition Control (IC) System. Open EST Circuit Yes
42 Ignition Control (IC) System. Grounded EST Circuit, Open or Yes
Grounded Bypass Circuit.
51 Checksum Error Yes

Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) 3. Place the CodeMate Tester test switch to OFF
and plug the CodeMate into the diagnostic con-
The malfunction indicator lamp on the CodeMate nector.
Tester has three functions:
1. To test that the lamp is functioning NOTE: Make sure to slide the CodeMate Tester com-
2. To indicate a malfunction has occurred pletely into the diagnostic connector so that the con-
3. To display the diagnostic trouble codes (DTC) nectors locking tab clicks into place.
kept by the MSTS which help the technician
troubleshoot system problems. As a bulb and system check, the lamp comes ON with
the ignition switch ON and the engine not running.
Follow the steps described in Connecting CodeMate When the engine is started, the lamp turns OFF.
Tester to install it onto the engines Diagnostic Link
Connector. If the lamp remains ON, the system has found a prob-
lem. This problem is referred to as a current DTC. If
Connecting CodeMate Tester the problem goes away, the lamp goes out after ten
seconds. In either condition a DTC remains in the
1. Turn the engine ignition switch to OFF. MSTS.

2. Locate the engine diagnostic connector. When the lamp remains ON while the engine is run-
ning, or when there is a malfunction, the On-Board
Diagnostic (OBD) System Check must be done.

2200 SRM 765 Troubleshooting

When a problem is not regular or constant, the mal- Use the following steps to read trouble codes.
function indicator lamp will turn ON for approxi-
mately ten seconds and then will turn OFF. How- 1. Install the CodeMate Tester into the diagnostic
ever, the diagnostic trouble code (DTC) will be kept in connector. See the preceding section, Connecting
the memory of the MSTS until the DTCs are cleared CodeMate Tester.
(see DTC clearing in this section). A DTC that is
2. Turn the ignition key to ON but do not start the
not constant can reset. If it is a problem that is not
constant, a DTC diagram is not used. When trou-
bleshooting is complete, turn the ignition switch to 3. Place the CodeMate Tester test switch to ON.
OFF, and disconnect the CodeMate Tester. This puts the MSTS in the diagnostic mode.

Reading Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC) 4. Observe the sequence of flashes on the CodeMate
malfunction indicator.
CAUTION At this point, the malfunction indicator lamp on
To prevent MSTS damage, the key must be the CodeMate Tester flashes DTC 12 three times
OFF when disconnecting or reconnecting consecutively (see Figure 12). The following is
MSTS power. the flash sequence for DTC 12: long pause, flash,
pause, flash-flash, long pause, flash, pause,
The diagnostic connector is used to communicate flash-flash, long pause, flash, pause, flash-flash.
with the MSTS. See Figure 11. The diagnostic con- DTC 12 (which means no crankshaft rpm signal)
nector is installed on the bracket near the MSTS. It indicates that the MSTSs diagnostic system is
is used in the assembly plant to receive information operating correctly at this time. If DTC 12 is not
in checking that the engine is operating correctly indicated, a problem is in the diagnostic system
before it leaves the plant. The DTC(s) kept in the itself.
MSTSs memory can be read with a CodeMate Tester
connected to the diagnostic connector. Following the output of DTC 12, if additional
codes are stored, the malfunction indicator lamp
flashes the DTC three times. If more than one
DTC is stored in the MSTSs memory, the DTCs
are flashed starting with the lowest DTC set
and finishing with the highest DTC set. When
all DTCs have been flashed, the sequence starts
over again with DTC 12.

5. When testing is complete, place the CodeMate

test switch to OFF, turn the ignition key to OFF,
and disconnect the CodeMate Tester from the di-
agnostic connector.

6. Secure the diagnostic connector to the MSTS


Figure 11. Diagnostic Connector

Troubleshooting 2200 SRM 765


Figure 12. Diagnostic Trouble Code-12 Example

Clearing Diagnostic Trouble Codes no trouble codes shown. The data are an average of
(DTCs) display values from normally operating vehicles and
show a display of a normally operating system.
To clear the stored Diagnostic Trouble Codes from the
MSTS, do the following. After the visual/physical inspection, the On-Board
Diagnostic (OBD) System Check is the starting point
1. Install the CodeMate Tester into the diagnostic for all troubleshooting procedures.
connector. See the preceding section Connecting
CodeMate Tester. The correct procedure to find a problem is to follow
two basic steps.
2. Turn the ignition key to ON, but do not start the
engine. 1. Are the On-Board Diagnostics working? This is
determined by doing the OBD System Check.
3. Place the CodeMate test switch to the ON posi- Since this is the starting point for the trou-
tion. bleshooting procedures, always begin here.

4. Turn the ignition switch to OFF for five seconds. 2. Is there a Diagnostic Trouble Code? If there
is a DTC, go directly to the flowchart for that
5. Turn the ignition switch to ON and verify that DTC number. This determines if the fault is still
DTC-12 is the only code in the MSTS memory. there.
6. When testing is complete, place the CodeMate
Test Description
test switch to OFF, turn the ignition key to OFF,
and disconnect the CodeMate Tester from the di- The numbers below are a reference to the numbers
agnostic connector. in bold in Figure 13.
7. Secure the diagnostic connector to the MSTS 1. The MIL should be ON steady with the ignition
bracket. ON and the engine OFF. To isolate the malfunc-
tion if the MIL does not light, refer to Figure 15.
CHECK 2. Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) 12 means no rpm
reference pulses from the ignition module. This
The On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) System Check is a is correct when engine is not running.
troubleshooting method to find a problem caused by a
malfunction in the electronic engine control system. 3. For list of valid DTCs, refer to the MSTS Diag-
It must be the starting point for any troubleshooting. nostic Trouble Codes, Table 3. An invalid DTC
See Figure 13. may be the result of a faulty MSTS.

The data shown in Table 1 can be used for compari- 4. If the engine does not start, refer to the trou-
son after doing the troubleshooting checks and find- bleshooting diagram (Figure 18).
ing the on-board diagnostics working correctly with

2200 SRM 765 Troubleshooting

Figure 13. On-Board Diagnostic System Check

No Malfunction Indicator Lamp 2200 SRM 765

No Malfunction Indicator Lamp

CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION ON when the ignition is ON and engine is not run-
ning. See Figure 14. The MSTS controls the lamp
When the CodeMate Tester test switch is in the OFF and turns it ON by connecting it to ground through
position and the CodeMate is plugged into the diag- pin 3B.
nostic connector, the malfunction indicator lamp is


Figure 14. No Malfunction Indicator Lamp Circuit

TEST DESCRIPTION 2. This tests the electronic driver circuit for the
malfunction indicator lamp.
The numbers below are a reference to the numbers
in bold in Figure 15. 3. Test the CodeMate on another vehicle.

1. This tests the circuits to the MSTS and diagnos- 4. Test for an open circuit between wire harness
tic connector for voltage. connectors.

2200 SRM 765 No Malfunction Indicator Lamp

Figure 15. No Malfunction Indicator Lamp

No DTC-12, Malfunction Indicator Lamp ON 2200 SRM 765

No DTC-12, Malfunction Indicator Lamp ON

CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION With the diagnostic connector pin B connected to
ground through pin A, the malfunction indicator
When the CodeMate Tester switch is in the OFF po- flashes a DTC-12, followed by any trouble codes
sition and the CodeMate is plugged into the diag- kept in memory. A steady light means a short to
nostic connector, the malfunction indicator lamp is ground in the light control circuit between MSTS
ON when the ignition is ON and engine is not run- connector pin 3B and diagnostic connector pin E, or
ning. See Figure 16. The MSTS controls the lamp an open circuit between MSTS connector pin 3C and
and turns it ON by connecting it to ground through diagnostic connector pin B.
pin 3B.


Figure 16. No DTC-12, Malfunction Indicator Lamp ON Circuit

TEST DESCRIPTION be a short in the circuit between MSTS connec-

tor pin 3B and diagnostic connector pin E. If the
The numbers below are a reference to the numbers lamp is off, there may be a problem with either
in bold in Figure 17. the connector or the MSTS.
1. If the malfunction indicator lamp is ON with the
MSTS 3-pin connector disconnected, there may

2200 SRM 765 Starter Rotates Engine, Engine Does Not Run

2. If the malfunction indicator is OFF, there is a 3. If the problem is not fixed by Step 2, replace the
short between MSTS connector pin 3C and diag- MSTS.
nostic connector pin B.

Figure 17. No DTC-12, Malfunction Indicator Lamp ON

Starter Rotates Engine, Engine Does Not Run

TEST DESCRIPTION 1. Check a minimum of two spark plug wires to
make sure that one of the spark plug wire does
If a tachometer has been connected to the TACH not have an open circuit (Spark Tester ST-125).
CONN., disconnect it before doing this test. See Fig-
ure 18. The numbers below are a reference to the
numbers in bold in Figure 19.

Starter Rotates Engine, Engine Does Not Run 2200 SRM 765

Figure 18. Starter Rotates Engine, Engine Does Not Run Circuit

2. If a spark occurs when the electronic spark tim- condition can cause a failure in the ignition coil
ing (EST) connector is disconnected, the output from too much heat. If there is an open circuit
from the sensing coil is too low for EST opera- in the primary winding of the ignition coil, a low
tion. voltage can leak through the ignition module
from the B+ to the TACH CONN. terminal.
3. A spark indicates that the fault is in the distrib-
utor cap or the rotor. 6. The ignition module normally goes ON when 1.5
to 8 volts is applied to terminal P from the sens-
4. The normal voltage at the C and the + terminals ing coil. When the ignition module is ON, the
is battery voltage. A low voltage can indicate: voltage between the TACH CONN. and ground
will normally decrease to 7 to 9 volts. This test
a. An open circuit or a high resistance circuit
checks if the sensing coil or the ignition module
from the ignition switch to the distributor to
has a fault. When 1.5 to 8 volts is momentar-
the ignition coil or
ily applied to terminal P, this voltage acts as a
b. An open circuit in the primary winding of the trigger voltage that replaces the voltage from the
ignition coil. sensing coil. The procedure shows a test light,
but any low voltage, low current source can be
If the voltage at C is less than battery voltage, and used as a trigger voltage.
there is 10 volts or more at +, there is an open circuit
from C to the ignition coil or an open circuit in the 7. When the momentary trigger voltage is removed,
primary winding of the ignition coil. a spark is normally generated through the igni-
tion coil. If no spark occurs, replace the ignition
5. Use the test light to check for a short circuit in coil. If a spark occurs, check the sensing coil and
the ignition module. Check for approximately 12 the rotating timer core.
volts between the TACH CONN. and ground.

If the voltage is low (approximately 1 to 6 volts),

there can be a fault in the ignition module. This

2200 SRM 765 Starter Rotates Engine, Engine Does Not Run

Figure 19. Starter Rotates Engine, Engines Does Not Run (Sheet 1 of 2)

Starter Rotates Engine, Engine Does Not Run 2200 SRM 765

Figure 19. Starter Rotates Engine, Engines Does Not Run (Sheet 2 of 2)

2200 SRM 765 DTC-14 Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) (Low Temperature Indicated)

DTC-14 Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT)

(Low Temperature Indicated)
DTC-14 is set if the signal voltage indicates a coolant applies a 5-volt reference voltage (terminal 6D) to
temperature below 5 C ( 23 F) after the engine the ECT. When the engine coolant is cold, the ther-
runs for three minutes. mistor resistance is higher than when the engine
coolant is at operating temperature. As the temper-
CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION ature of the engine coolant increases after the engine
is started, the resistance decreases and the signal
The Engine Coolant Temperature sensor (ECT) uses voltage decreases. When the engine is operating
a thermistor to control the signal voltage to the at 82 to 95 C (180 to 203 F), the signal voltage is
MSTS module. See Figure 20. The MSTS module approximately 1.5 to 2.0 volts.


Figure 20. ECT Sensor Troubleshooting Circuit

TEST DESCRIPTION 2. Make sure the electrical connections do not have

dirt and corrosion. If an ohmmeter is connected
The numbers below are a reference to the numbers across terminals A and B of the ECT, the resis-
in bold in Figure 21. tance normally decreases as the temperature of
the engine coolant increases.
1. This step determines if there is a fault in the
wiring or the MSTS module or if the fault is in 3. This step checks if there is a fault in the wiring
the ECT. to the ECT or the sensor ground.

DTC-14 Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) (Low Temperature Indicated) 2200 SRM 765

Figure 21. ECT Sensor Troubleshooting Diagram (Low Temperature)

2200 SRM 765 DTC-15 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor (ECT) (High Temperature Indicated)

DTC-15 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor (ECT)

(High Temperature Indicated)
DTC-15 is set if the signal voltage indicates a coolant the ECT. When the engine coolant is at operating
temperature above 135 C (275 F) for three seconds. temperature, the thermistor resistance is lower than
when the engine coolant is cold. As the temperature
CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION of the engine coolant increases after the engine is
started, the resistance decreases and the signal
The Engine Coolant Temperature sensor (ECT) uses voltage decreases. When the engine is operating
a thermistor to control the signal voltage to the at 82 to 95 C (180 to 203 F), the signal voltage is
MSTS module. See Figure 22. The MSTS module approximately 1.5 to 2.0 volts.
applies a 5-volt reference voltage (terminal 6D) to


Figure 22. ECT Sensor Troubleshooting Circuit

TEST DESCRIPTION 2. Make sure the electrical connections do not have

dirt and corrosion. If an ohmmeter is connected
The numbers below are a reference to the numbers across the terminals A and B of the ECT, the re-
in bold in Figure 23. sistance normally decreases as the temperature
of the engine coolant increases.
1. This step determines if there is a fault in the
wiring or the MSTS module or if the fault is in
the ECT.

DTC-15 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor (ECT) (High Temperature Indicated) 2200 SRM 765

Figure 23. ECT Sensor Troubleshooting Diagram (High Temperature)

2200 SRM 765 DTC-34 Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) Sensor

DTC-34 Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) Sensor

CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION sensor is approximately 1.0 volt. When the throttle
valve is fully opened, the intake manifold pressure is
When the load on the engine changes, the pressure higher (less vacuum) and the signal voltage from the
in the intake manifold changes. See Figure 24. This MAP sensor is approximately 4.5 volts.
pressure is less than the atmospheric pressure. The
Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor measures When the ignition switch is turned to ON, the ini-
the changes in the intake manifold pressure and con- tial voltage signal from the MAP sensor indicates
verts these changes to a voltage signal. The MSTS the barometric pressure (BARO signal) to the MSTS
module sends a reference signal (5.0 volts) to the module. The MSTS module remembers the baromet-
MAP sensor. When the manifold pressure changes, ric pressure (BARO signal) after the engine is run-
the electrical signal of the MAP sensor changes and ning. The MSTS module then automatically adjusts
the signal is received by the MSTS module. the ignition timing for different altitudes and atmo-
spheric conditions.
When the engine is at idle speed and does not have
a load on it, the normal signal voltage from the MAP


Figure 24. MAP Sensor Troubleshooting Circuit

TEST DESCRIPTION 3. This step checks for an open circuit from pin A to
ground or an open or shorted wire between pin C
The numbers below are a reference to the numbers and pin 6F. See Figure 24.
in bold in Figure 25.
4. These steps are checking the MAP signal circuit
1. This step determines if there is adequate vacuum for faults.
supply to the MAP sensor.
5. Low manifold vacuum may result from a restric-
2. This step checks for the 5-volt reference signal in tion in the MAP sensor hose or from vacuum
the MAP sensor harness connection. leaks in the engine air intake system.

DTC-34 Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) Sensor 2200 SRM 765

Figure 25. MAP Sensor Troubleshooting Diagram (Sheet 1 of 2)

2200 SRM 765 DTC-34 Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) Sensor

Figure 25. MAP Sensor Troubleshooting Diagram (Sheet 2 of 2)

DTC-41 Electronic Spark Timing (EST) Open Circuit 2200 SRM 765

DTC-41 Electronic Spark Timing (EST) Open Circuit

DTC-41 is set if there is an open circuit in the elec- Code 41 is set and the MSTS does not go into the EST
tronic spark timing circuit. operation mode.

CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION If the bypass wire is open or grounded, the ignition

module does not change to EST mode, and a Code 42
When the system is running on the ignition module, is indicated.
there is no voltage on the bypass wire and the igni-
tion module grounds the EST signal. See Figure 26. If the EST circuit has a short circuit to ground, there
If the MSTS senses a voltage on the EST circuit, a is no EST signal, and a Code 42 is indicated.

Figure 26. EST Troubleshooting, Open Circuit

TEST DESCRIPTION 2. This test checks that the ground path through
the ignition module is correct. A short circuit
The numbers below are a reference to the numbers from MSTS connector pin 6B to ground also in-
in bold in Figure 27. dicates less than 500 Ohms.
1. A Code 41 is indicated if there is an open circuit
in the EST circuit. This test determines if the
Code 41 is a real fault.

2200 SRM 765 DTC-41 Electronic Spark Timing (EST) Open Circuit

Figure 27. DTC-41 Troubleshooting Diagram

DTC-42 Electronic Spark Timing (EST) Grounded Circuit 2200 SRM 765

DTC-42 Electronic Spark Timing (EST) Grounded Circuit

A DTC 42 is set if the EST circuit is grounded or if When the engine is being started and approximately
there is an open circuit or a short circuit in the bypass 400 rpm is sensed, bypass voltage is applied by the
circuit. MSTS. The EST circuit is no longer grounded in the
ignition module and the EST circuit voltage normally
CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION has a variation during operation.

When the system is running on the ignition module, If the bypass wire is open or grounded, the ignition
there is no voltage on the bypass wire and the igni- module will not change to EST mode and a Code 42
tion module grounds the EST signal. See Figure 28. is indicated.
If the MSTS senses a voltage on the EST circuit, a
Code 41 is set and the MSTS does not go into the EST If the EST circuit has a short circuit to ground, there
mode. is no ignition signal and a Code 42 is indicated.

Figure 28. EST Troubleshooting, Grounded Circuit

TEST DESCRIPTION 2. This test checks that the ground path through
the ignition module is correct.
The numbers below are a reference to the numbers
in bold in Figure 29. 3. This test checks to see if the IC module makes
the switch in resistance.
1. A Code 42 is indicated if there is an open circuit
or a short circuit in the bypass circuit or if the 4. This test checks for short circuits to ground in
EST circuit is grounded. This test determines if the EST circuit, opens in the bypass circuit, and
the Code 42 is a real fault. faulty connections in the IC module.

2200 SRM 765 DTC-42 Electronic Spark Timing (EST) Grounded Circuit

Figure 29. DTC-42 Troubleshooting Diagram

Distributor Repair 2200 SRM 765

DTC-51 MSTS Failure

CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION 1. This step checks the MSTS. If a Code-51 is
set and all connections are correct, replace the
The Electronic Control Module (MSTS) does an inter- MSTS.
nal check. If the internal check fails, the MSTS sets
DTC 51.

The number below is a reference to the number in

bold in Figure 30.

Figure 30. MSTS Failure

Distributor Repair
A distributor with a separate ignition coil is used on REMOVE
all MSTS engines. The ignition coil is connected to
the rotor in the distributor through a high-voltage CAUTION
wire. The operation of the ignition module and the
Carefully lift and release lock tabs on connec-
magnetic pulse generator is described under Opera-
tors to distributor. Lock tabs can be easily bro-
tion at the beginning of this section.
ken if too much force is applied with a screw-
When the current in the primary circuit of the ig- driver or other tool.
nition coil quickly decreases, the induction in the
Never permit TACH CONN. terminal to touch
secondary circuit sends a high voltage pulse (35,000
ground. Ignition module or ignition coil can be
volts) to the rotor in the distributor. The rotor is
aligned with one of the leads to a spark plug wire
and this high voltage pulse is sent to one of the spark 1. Disconnect battery negative (ground) cable.
2. If removal of the spark plug wires is not required
for the repairs, leave them connected to distrib-
utor cap. Remove two capscrews that fasten dis-
tributor cap to distributor. Move distributor cap
away from work area.

2200 SRM 765 Distributor Repair

3. Disconnect distributor 4-terminal connector. 5. Remove retainer from housing. Use a screw-
driver as a prybar.
4. Disconnect ignition coil connector.
6. Disconnect sensing coil from ignition module.
5. Remove bolt and clamp that hold distributor in
engine. Make a note of the positions of rotor
to distributor housing and distributor to engine. CAUTION
Slowly pull distributor from engine until rotor Carefully lift and release lock tab on connector
just stops turning counterclockwise and make a to sensing coil. Lock tab can be easily broken
note of the position of rotor. This position must if too much force is applied with a screwdriver
be used when distributor is installed again. or other tool.

DISASSEMBLE 7. Use a screwdriver to lift lock tab. Remove sens-

ing coil.
1. Remove rotor. See Figure 31. Make a match
mark on gear and shaft so they can be assembled 8. Remove two screws that hold ignition module in
in the same position. housing. Remove ignition module.

Inspect shaft for a loose fit between shaft and its
bushing in housing. If bushing or shaft is worn so
that shaft moves from side to side in bushing, replace
shaft or housing.

Inspect housing for cracks or damage.

1. Apply silicon grease to bottom of ignition module.
See Figure 31. Install ignition module into hous-
ing and tighten two screws.

NOTE: Hyster Part No. 304408 is a silicon bearing

grease used between electronic components and their
heat sinks. A small container of silicon grease is en-
closed in the package with a new ignition module.

2. Install sensing coil. Tab on bottom of sensing coil

fits into anchor hole in housing.

3. Connect sensing coil to ignition module. Make

sure that lock tab on connector is fastened.
2. ROTOR 9. ALIGNMENT PIN 4. Install shield.
CORE 11. WASHER 5. Install retainer.
5. SHIELD 13. DRIVE GEAR 6. Install shaft assembly into housing.
7. POLE PIECE 15. GASKET 7. Install washer and seal on housing.
Figure 31. Distributor 8. Install gear on end of shaft.
2. Use a punch to remove roll pin from shaft. 9. Align marks on gear and shaft. Install roll pin.
Turn shaft assembly and make sure teeth of
3. Remove gear.
timer core on shaft assembly do not touch pole
4. Remove shaft with timer core from housing. piece.

Distributor Repair 2200 SRM 765

10. Install gasket on gear. 7. Start engine and check engine timing. See the
following paragraphs about Ignition Timing.
11. Install rotor on shaft.
8. Tighten bolt for distributor clamp to 43 Nm
INSTALL (31.7 lbf ft).

1. Put rotor and distributor in the same position as IGNITION TIMING

it was removed from engine.

If engine has been rotated after distributor was WARNING

removed, the following procedure must be used Do not touch moving parts (fan, belt, shafts,
before distributor is installed again: pulleys).

a. Remove No. 1 spark plug. To check the initial ignition timing set point, do the
b. Put a finger over No. 1 spark plug hole and
slowly rotate engine until pressure is felt on 1. Warm engine to normal operating temperature.
compression stroke.
2. Turn engines ignition switch to OFF position.
c. Align timing mark on crankshaft pulley to 0
(TDC) on engine timing indicator. 3. Make sure that CodeMate test switch is in OFF
d. Turn distributor rotor to point between posi-
tions on distributor cap for No. 1 and No. 4 4. Plug CodeMate into diagnostic connector in en-
spark plug leads. gine compartment.

e. Install distributor in engine. Rotor and shaft 5. Place CodeMate test switch in ON position and
will rotate a few degrees when gear on dis- start engine.
tributor shaft engages drive gear on engine
6. Check initial timing set point with a timing light.
cam. Timing is correct if rotor points at the
The correct setting for initial timing set point is
position on distributor cap for No. 1 spark
8 BTDC for 3.0L engine and 0 TDC for 4.3L
plug lead.
2. Install clamp and bolt. Tighten bolt with your
7. If timing is not correct, loosen clamp that holds
distributor housing. Rotate housing right or left
3. Install distributor 4-terminal connector. to get correct timing. Tighten clamp when timing
is correct.
4. Install ignition coil connector.
8. Turn ignition key to OFF position.
5. Install distributor cap and two capscrews. If
spark plug wires were removed, install them in 9. Remove CodeMate Tester from diagnostic con-
correct sequence. nector and place diagnostic connector into pro-
tective cover.
6. Connect battery negative cable.

2200 SRM 765 Ignition Module Repair

Ignition Module Repair

GROUND (pin A)
NOTE: The ignition module can be checked in the
distributor. A test light and three jumper wires are 2. Connect test light to a 12-volt positive source.
needed to make the tests. The battery in the vehicle Start engine. Touch probe of test light to pin B
must be fully charged so that the starter rotates the in 4-terminal connector on distributor. When 12
engine at the normal speed. volts are applied through test light to pin B (BY-
PASS), ignition module changes to EST mode.
1. Disconnect 4-terminal connector from distrib- The EST connection (pin D) is open and engine
utor. See Figure 32. Use two jumper wires will normally stop. This step checks the BYPASS
between distributor and 4-terminal connector to operation of the ignition module.
connect the following circuits:

Figure 32. Ignition System Troubleshooting

3. Use a jumper to connect pin D (EST) to pin C REFERENCE signal is also sent to ground and
(REFERENCE) at distributor. Apply 12 volts engine stops.
through test light to pin B (BYPASS) as described
in Step 2. Start engine. If engine starts, this 5. If any tests described in Step 2, Step 3, or Step 4
step checks that EST circuit in ignition module do not work as indicated, check wiring harness
is good. for a short circuit or an open circuit. If wiring
harness is good, replace ignition module.
4. Remove test light from pin B (BYPASS) while en-
gine is running. If engine stops, this check shows 6. When the tests are complete, connect system for
that ignition module internally changes EST cir- normal operation.
cuit to ground. Since there is a jumper wire be-
tween pin D (EST) to pin C (REFERENCE), the

Sensing Coil Repair 2200 SRM 765

REPLACE package. Clean old silicon grease and apply a new

layer of silicon grease to ignition module and dis-
1. Remove distributor cap and rotor. tributor housing. This silicon grease is necessary for
cooling the ignition module.
2. Remove two screws that hold ignition module in
distributor. 4. Connect connectors in distributor to ignition
module. Make sure connectors are the same as
3. Lift ignition module and disconnect connections.
when they were removed.
Make a note of the connections so that they can
be correctly connected again. Remove ignition 5. Install ignition module in distributor.
module from distributor.
6. Install two screws that fasten ignition module in
NOTE: Do not remove silicon grease from ignition distributor.
module or distributor if the same ignition module will
be installed again. If a new ignition module is in- 7. Install distributor cap and rotor.
stalled, a small container of silicon grease is in the

Sensing Coil Repair

1. Disconnect battery negative cable.

2. Remove distributor cap. Disconnect connection

from sensing coil to ignition module.

3. Check resistance of sensing coil with an ohmme-

ter. Connect ohmmeter to sensing coil connec-
tions as shown in step 1 of Figure 33. Check re-
sistance between both connections and ground.
Ohmmeter will indicate infinity for both connec-
tions, if sensing coil is good.

4. Connect ohmmeter across both sensing coil con-

nections as shown in step 2 of Figure 33. If ohm-
meter does not indicate 500 to 1500 ohms, re-
place sensing coil. Check wires for a loose con-

Remove and disassemble distributor as described in
Distributor Repair.


Figure 33. Test Sensing Coil

2200 SRM 765 Ignition Coil Repair

Ignition Coil Repair

TEST FOR FAULT 5. Set ohmmeter on one of the low scales. Connect
ohmmeter as shown in step 2 of Figure 34. If
1. Disconnect battery negative (ground) cable. ohmmeter indication is greater than one ohm, in-
stall a new ignition coil.
2. Disconnect high voltage wire.
6. Set ohmmeter on one of the middle scales. Con-
3. Disconnect connectors at ignition coil.
nect ohmmeter as shown in step 3 of Figure 34.
4. Set ohmmeter on one of the higher scales. Con- If ohmmeter indication is infinity (open circuit),
nect ohmmeter as shown in step 1 of Figure 34. If install a new ignition coil.
ohmmeter indication is less than infinity, install
a new ignition coil. REMOVE
1. Turn key switch to OFF. Apply parking brake.

2. Disconnect negative battery cable.

3. Put tags for identification on connectors and dis-

connect them from coil.

Do not damage high voltage wires (spark plug
wires) during removal. Hold wire by boot near
end of wire. Rotate boot before pulling it and
connection from terminal.

4. Remove high voltage wires.

5. Remove nuts (or capscrews) that fasten bracket

for ignition coil to engine.

6. Remove ignition coil and bracket assembly from


7. Use a drill and punch to remove two rivets that

fasten bracket to coil.

B. STEP 2 1. Install original bracket on replacement coil using
screws (supplied with replacement coil).
FOR GROUND CONNECTOR 2. Install ignition coil assembly on engine with nuts
CONNECTION 4. B AND + (or capscrews).
3. Install control wire connectors and high voltage
Figure 34. Ignition Coil
wire on ignition coil.

4. Connect negative (ground) battery cable.

ECT Sensor Replacement 2200 SRM 765

MSTS Module Repair

to check the operation of the MSTS module. The fol-
lowing paragraphs describe the removal and instal- 1. Install MSTS module on its mount surface and
lation of the MSTS module. install two bolts.

2. Connect three connectors at MSTS module. Con-

nect battery negative cable.

Never connect or disconnect wiring harness at
MSTS module when key switch is ON. Never
connect jumper wires or test instruments to
MSTS module when key switch is ON. The best
procedure is to disconnect battery negative
cable when removing or installing electrical

Do not touch connector pins. MSTS module can

be damaged with an electrostatic discharge.

MSTS connector locations and mounting holes are

shown in Figure 35.

1. Disconnect battery negative cable. Disconnect

three connectors at MSTS module.

2. Remove two bolts that fasten MSTS module to its

mount. Remove MSTS module. Figure 35. MSTS Module

ECT Sensor Replacement

4. Connect connector at ECT. Connect battery neg-
WARNING ative cable.
The coolant can be very hot. Use caution to
prevent personal injury. 5. Fill radiator with coolant as required.

NOTE: See the TROUBLESHOOTING descriptions

to check the operation of the ECT sensor. The fol-
lowing paragraphs describe the disconnection or the
removal and installation of the ECT sensor.

1. Disconnect battery negative cable. Disconnect

connector at ECT sensor. See Figure 36.

2. Use a wrench and carefully loosen ECT from

coolant manifold.
3. Use a liquid sealant on threads and install ECT 2. ELECTRICAL CONNECTOR
in its hole in coolant manifold and carefully 3. LOCK TAB
tighten it with a wrench.
Figure 36. Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor

2200 SRM 765 MAP Sensor Replacement

MAP Sensor Replacement

NOTE: The MAP sensor is on the bracket that is on
top of the valve cover.

1. Disconnect battery negative cable. Disconnect

vacuum hose from MAP sensor. Disconnect elec-
trical connector at MAP sensor. See Figure 37.

2. Remove screws that fasten MAP to its mount.

Remove MAP sensor.

3. Install MAP sensor on its mount surface and in-

stall screws.

4. Connect electrical connector at MAP sensor. 1. SENSOR

Connect vacuum hose to MAP sensor. Connect
battery negative cable. Figure 37. Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP)























2200 SRM 765 11/01 (11/99) Printed in U.S.A.

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