RAIC Doc 6
RAIC Doc 6
RAIC Doc 6
2006 Edition
(Name of Project and/or Project Number)
RAIC Authorization
Seal Here
The Document within this cover is protected by copyright and when an authorization seal
is affixed the contract is an authorized copy of the Canadian Standard Form of Contract for
Architectural Services - Document Six
Canadian Standard Form
of Contract for
Architectural Services Contents
2006 Edition A2 Client
A3 Architect
A4 Project
A5 Construction Budget
A6 Construction Contract
A7 Professional Services
A8 Client Responsibilities
A9 Consultants
A10A15 Fees and Reimbursable Expenses
A16 Language
A17 Notice
A18 Other Terms of Contract
Signing page
Definitions pages D 1 and 2
General Conditions
GC1 Client's Responsibilities
GC2 Architect's Responsibilities
GC3 Construction Budget and Construction Costs
This document has been developed by the Royal
Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) on behalf GC4 Certificate for Payment
of the architectural profession in Canada. GC5 Copyright and Use of Documents
GC6 Project Identification
Enquiries on the application and use of this document
should be directed to the Practice Advisors of the GC7 Liability of the Architect
appropriate Provincial Association of Architects. GC8 Suspension and Termination of Services
Suggestions on the development of standard contract
GC9 Law Governing this Contract
documents can be forwarded in writing to: GC10 Successors and Assigns
The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada GC11 Extent of Contract
Suite 330, GC12 Payments to the Architect
55 Murray Street
GC13 Dispute Resolution
Ottawa, Ontario
K1N 5M3 GC14 Severability
Schedule A (tabular)
Copyright 2006 Schedule B (textual)
Must not be copied in whole or in part without Schedule C (2002 version of Document Six)
written permission of the Royal Architectural and
Institute of Canada. Schedule D (2002 version of Document Six)
2006 This document is protected by copyright. It may be reproduced and used when an RAIC Authorization Seal is affixed to the cover of the document. The use of the Canadian Standard Form
of Contract for Architectural Services Document Six without an authorization seal constitutes an infringement of the copyright. This document has been derived in part, with certain modifications,
from OAA Document 600, 2005. OAA copyrighted material has been reproduced with permission of the Ontario Association of Architects. Further reproduction is prohibited.
Canadian Standard Form of Contract
for Architectural Services
DOCUMENT SIX 2006 Edition
A1 This contract made as of the ________ day of the ________ month in the year of _________________
A7 In addition to the architects responsibilities as described in the General Conditions, including GC2, the architect
shall provide services as described in the following schedule(s) affixed to this contract:
A8 In addition to the clients responsibilities as described in the General Conditions, including GC1, the client shall
furnish information, surveys, reports and services as described in the following schedule(s) affixed to this
2006 This document is protected by copyright. It may be reproduced and used when an RAIC Authorization Seal is affixed to the cover of the document. The use
of the Canadian Standard Form of Contract for Architectural Services Document Six without an authorization seal constitutes an infringement of the copyright.
The client shall pay fees and reimbursable expenses to the architect when invoices are submitted
as set forth below:
A10 For the architects services as outlined in the schedule(s) identified in A7, the fee shall be computed as follows:
F1 Services
F2 Services
F3 Services
A11 An administrative charge of ______% shall be added to the reimbursable expenses as noted in GC12.9.
A12 The rate for calculating automobile travel costs shall be $________ per kilometer.
A13 The client shall pay to the architect, upon execution of this contract, a separate retaining fee of $____________.
Option 1: This amount is in addition to the total fee and is the minimum payment that the client must pay the architect
under this contract.
Option 2: This retainer shall be credited against the last invoice and is the minimum payment that the client must pay the
architect under this contract.
A14 The client shall pay the architect upon receipt of invoices on account of the architects fee and reimbursable
expenses, together with such value-added taxes as may be applicable. Invoices shall be issued monthly unless
otherwise agreed.
A15 An unpaid invoice shall bear interest, calculated monthly at the rate of ________% per annum, commencing
______ days after the date that the architect submits the invoice.
A16 When this contract or any documents are prepared in both English and French, it is agreed that in the event of
any discrepancy between the English and the French version, the ______________ language shall prevail.
A17 Notices in writing between the parties shall be considered to have been received by the addressee on the date of
delivery if delivered to the individual, or to a member of the firm, or to an officer of the corporation for whom they
are intended, by hand or by registered post; or if sent by regular post, to have been delivered 5 working days
from the date of mailing. The addresses for official notice shall be as stated in A2 and A3. Notices sent
electronically, by email or facsimile for example, are not considered to be reliable for the purpose of official
A18 The client and the architect agree as set forth in the following other terms:
This contract is entered into as of the day and year first written above.
2006 This document is protected by copyright. It may be reproduced and used when an RAIC Authorization Seal is affixed to the cover of the document. The use
of the Canadian Standard Form of Contract for Architectural Services Document Six without an authorization seal constitutes an infringement of the copyright.
(Name of client)
(Name and title of person signing)
(Name and title of person signing)
Witness (es)
(Name and title of person signing)
(Name of architect)
(Name and title of person signing)
(Name and title of person signing)
Witness (es)
(Name and title of person signing)
2006 This document is protected by copyright. It may be reproduced and used when an RAIC Authorization Seal is affixed to the cover of the document. The use
of the Canadian Standard Form of Contract for Architectural Services Document Six without an authorization seal constitutes an infringement of the copyright.
Additional Services
Additional Services are those professional services which are not contemplated at the time of execution of the contract and therefore cannot be identified then as being included in
the contract but which with the written consent of the Client and Architect are subsequently added to, or which adjust, the scheduled scope of services outlined in the schedule(s)
listed in the contract.
The Architect is the entity identified in this contract as such and who is registered, licensed or otherwise authorized exclusively to use the title "Architect" and to practice
architecture in the province or territory.
Construction Budget
The Construction Budget is the Client's combined estimate of the Construction Cost, construction contingencies and GST or HST, or if there is no Client's combined estimate, an
amount agreed to by the Client and the Architect.
Construction Contract
The Construction Contract consists of the executed agreement between the Client and the Contractor, or between the Owner and the Design-Builder, the general conditions, the
drawings, the specifications and all the other documents identified in the said agreement as Contract Documents.
Construction Cost
Construction Cost is the contract price(s) of all Project elements designed or specified by, or on behalf of, or as a result of, the coordination by the Architect, including cash
allowances, building permit fees, changes, construction management fees or other fees for the coordination and procurement of construction services, and all applicable taxes,
including the full amount of value-added taxes1, whether recoverable or not.
Where there is no contract price for all or part of the Project, the Construction Cost shall be the estimate of probable cost of construction as determined by the Architect, or as
agreed by the Architect if a Cost Consultant is engaged, at market rates at the anticipated time of construction. Construction Cost excludes the following:
the compensation of the Architect and the Consultants,
other professional fees which are the responsibility of the Client,
the land cost, and land development charges.
In the event that the Client furnishes labour or material below market cost, or recycled materials are used, the Construction Cost for purposes of establishing the Architect's and
Consultants' fees includes the cost of all materials and labour necessary to complete the Work as if all materials had been new and as if all labour had been paid for at market prices
at the time of construction or, in the event that the construction does not proceed, at existing market prices at the anticipated time of construction.
The Consultant is a person or an entity engaged by the Client or the Architect to provide services supplementary to those provided by the Architect.
Consultant Coordination
Construction Documents
Construction Documents consist of drawings, specifications and other documents appropriate to the size and complexity of the Project, to describe the size and character of the
entire Project including architectural, structural, mechanical, and electrical systems, materials and such other elements setting forth in detail the requirements for the construction,
enlargement or alteration of the building or buildings of the Project.
Note: Value-added taxes are excluded from Construction Cost in such calculations under the Tariff of Fees for Architectural Services of the Architectural Institute of British Columbia (AIBC).
2006 This document is protected by copyright. It may be reproduced and used when an RAIC Authorization Seal is affixed to the cover of the document. The use of the
Canadian Standard Form of Contract for Architectural Services Document Six without an authorization seal constitutes an infringement of the copyright.
Direct Personnel Expense
Direct Personnel Expense means the salary of the Architect's, or the Architect's Consultants', personnel engaged on the Project and all overtime charges authorized in advance by
the Client, plus the cost of mandatory and customary contributions and employee benefits including employment taxes and other statutory benefits, insurance, sick leave, holidays,
vacations, pensions and similar contributions and benefits.
Field Review / General Review means review during visits to the Place of the Work (and where applicable, at locations where building components are fabricated for use at the
Project site) at intervals appropriate to the stage of the construction that the Architect in its professional discretion, considers necessary to become familiar with the progress and
quality of the Work and to determine that the Work is in general conformity with the construction contract documents, and so report, in writing, to the client, contractor and chief
building official.
Instruments of Service
Instruments of Service are the design, drawings, specifications and reports prepared by or on behalf of the Architect or Consultant, including but not limited to plans, sketches,
drawings, graphic representations and specifications, computer-generated designs and materials.
The Place of the Work is the designated site or location of the Work identified in the construction contract documents.
The Project as described in this contract means the total enterprise or endeavour contemplated of which the Work may be the whole or a part.
Project Budget
The Project Budget is the Client's estimated total expenditure for the entire Project. It includes, but is not limited to, the Construction Budget, professional fees, costs of land, rights
of way, and all other costs to the Client for the Project.
Reimbursable Expenses
Reimbursable Expenses include, but are not limited to, the following actual expenditures, supported upon request by receipts or invoices, incurred by the Architect, and the
Architect's Consultants in the interest of the Project:
transportation in connection with the Project for authorized travel, e.g. for transportation, lodging and meals;
communication and shipping, e.g. for long distance telephone calls and facsimile messages, courier service, postage and electronic conveyances;
reproduction of Instruments of Service, photographs, and other documents, including plotting of computer-generated drawings;
renderings, models, and mock-ups and web-based Project management services, specifically requested by the Client;
fees, levies, duties or taxes for permits, licences or approvals from authorities having jurisdiction;
premiums for additional insurance coverage or limits, including that of professional liability insurance, requested by the Client in excess of that normally carried by the Architect
and the Architect's Consultants.
Substantial Performance of the Work is as defined in the lien legislation applicable to the Place of the Work. In the absence of such legislation, it shall mean the date the Work is
ready for the purpose intended.
(NOTE: in British Columbia the term "Completion" is used as well as the term "Certification of Completion")
Toxic or Hazardous Substances or Materials means any solid, liquid, gaseous, thermal or electromagnetic irritant or contaminant, and includes, without limitation, pollutants, moulds,
asbestos, asbestos products, polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB), fungus/fungi, mildew(s), mushroom(s), yeast(s) bio-contaminants, biohazards and nuclear, and hazardous and special
wastes whether or not defined in any federal, provincial, territorial or municipal laws, statutes or regulations.
The Work means the total construction and related services required by the construction contract documents.
2006 This document is protected by copyright. It may be reproduced and used when an RAIC Authorization Seal is affixed to the cover of the document. The use of the
Canadian Standard Form of Contract for Architectural Services Document Six without an authorization seal constitutes an infringement of the copyright.
General Conditions
.2 The Architect shall maintain records of Reimbursable Expenses, and for any services for which the fee is computed as a multiple of Direct Personnel Expense. These records
shall be maintained to acceptable accounting standards and made available to the Client for viewing at mutually convenient times.
.4 If the lowest compliant bid or lowest negotiated proposal exceeds the latest agreed statement of probable Construction Cost by more than 15%, the Client shall provide:
.1 written approval of an increase in the estimate of probable Construction Cost, or
.2 authorization for re-bidding or re-negotiating of the proposal, or
.3 co-operate with the Architect in revising the Project scope or quality as necessary to reduce the Construction Cost, or
.4 termination of this contract in accordance with GC8 if the Project is abandoned.
.5 If the Client proceeds under GC3.4.3, and the extent to which the lowest compliant bid or lowest negotiated proposal exceeds the latest agreed estimate of probable
Construction Cost by more than 15% and is not due to extraordinary market conditions or other factors not reasonably foreseeable by or under the control of the Architect,
then the Client may require the Architect to modify the Construction Documents or provide other services necessary to reduce the Construction Cost to within 15% of the
latest agreed estimate of probable Construction Cost for no additional fee. Such modification of the Construction Documents to that extent shall be the limit of the
Architect's responsibility under the above mentioned clause, and having done so, the Architect shall be entitled to compensation in accordance with this contract, for all
other such services performed, whether or not the construction phase is commenced.
2006 This document is protected by copyright. It may be reproduced and used when an RAIC Authorization Seal is affixed to the cover of the document. The use of the
Canadian Standard Form of Contract for Architectural Services Document Six without an authorization seal constitutes an infringement of the copyright.
knowledge, information and belief, the Work observed during the course of Field Review / General Review is in general conformity with the contract documents; and that the
contractor is entitled to payment in the amount certified. Such certification is subject to:
.1 review and evaluation of the Work as it progresses for general conformity as provided in the services outlined in the schedule(s) described in the agreement;
.2 the results of any subsequent tests required by or performed under the contract documents;
.3 minor deviations from the contract documents being corrected prior to completion; and
.4 any specific qualifications stated in the certificate for payment.
.2 The issuance of the certificate for payment shall not be a representation that the Architect has made any examination to ascertain how and for what purpose the contractor
has used the monies paid on account of the contract price, or that the contractor has discharged the obligations imposed on the contractor by law, or requirements of the
Workplace Safety Insurance Board or Workers Compensation Boards, or other applicable statute, non-compliance with which may render the Client personally liable for the
contractor's default.
.2 Submissions or distribution of the Architect's Instruments of Service, including all software and electronic media, to meet official regulatory requirements or for other
purposes in connection with the Project is not to be construed as publication in derogation of the Architect's reserved rights.
.3 The Client may retain copies, including electronic or digital and other reproducible copies, of the Architect's Instruments of Service for information and reference in
connection with the Client's use and occupancy of the Project. Copies may only be used for the purposes intended and for a one-time use, on the same site, and for the same
Project, by this Client only and may not be offered for sale or transfer without the express written consent of the Architect. Except for reference purposes, the Architect's
Instruments of Service, including all electronic or digital files and information, shall not be used for renovations, additions or alterations to the Project or on any other Project
without a written licence from the Architect for the limited or repeat use of the documents.
.4 As a condition precedent to the use of the Architect's Instruments of Service for the Project, all fees and Reimbursable Expenses, including all fees and expenses as a result
of suspension or termination, due to the Architect, are required to be paid in full.
.5 The Client shall be entitled to keep original models or architectural renderings which the Client specifically commissioned and paid for.
.2 The Architect shall be entitled to include as part of the contract documents a provision to erect a sign identifying the Architect and the Architect's Consultants on the
Project site. In some instances the Client may also be represented on the sign. Graphics on the construction sign may also include a reproduction of a rendering of the
.2 The Client agrees that any and all claims, whether in contract or tort, which the Client has or hereafter may have against the Architect in any way arising out of, or related
to, the Architect's duties and responsibilities pursuant to this contract, shall be limited to coverage and amount of professional liability insurance carried and available to the
Architect for the payment of such claims at the time the claim is made. Prior to the date of execution of this contract, if the Client wishes to increase the amount of the
coverage of such policy or to obtain other special insurance coverage, then the Architect shall cooperate with the Client to obtain such increased or special insurance at the
Client's expense.
.3 The Architect shall be entitled to rely upon published product information published by manufacturers and shall not be liable for relying on information or representation
which it reasonably believes to be accurate.
2006 This document is protected by copyright. It may be reproduced and used when an RAIC Authorization Seal is affixed to the cover of the document. The use of the
Canadian Standard Form of Contract for Architectural Services Document Six without an authorization seal constitutes an infringement of the copyright.
.5 The Client acknowledges that either the Architect or the Client may engage Consultants on behalf of and for the benefit and convenience of the Client; and agrees that the
Architect shall not be liable to the Client, in contract or in tort, for the acts, omissions or errors of such Consultants whether retained by the Architect or the Client. Nothing
in this clause shall derogate from the Architect's duty of coordination.
.6 The Client shall not commence any claim or proceeding in contract, tort, breach of statutory duty or otherwise against any current or former employee, officer or director of
the Architect arising out of acts omissions or errors of such person pursuant to this contract.
.1 If the Client lacks the financial ability or authority to proceed, the Client may give seven days written notice to the Architect that the Client elects to suspend the Architect's
.2 If any invoice submitted by the Architect remains unpaid by the Client for forty-five days or more from the date the invoice was submitted, then the Architect may give
seven days written notice to the Client that the Architect will suspend services.
.4 The rights of the Architect given by GC8.3 are in addition to and not in substitution for any other rights the Architect may have under this contract or otherwise for non-
payment of the Architect's invoices by the Client.
.5 In the event of a suspension of services, the Architect shall not be liable for delay or damage as a result of the suspension of services. Upon suspension, the Architect shall
submit an invoice for all services performed to the effective suspension date, together with Reimbursable Expenses and applicable taxes then due. Before resuming services,
the Architect shall be entitled to payment, within 30 days of the date that the invoice for suspension of services is submitted, for all suspension expenses as defined in
GC8.6 and for all expenses for recommencement of services. The Architect's fees for the remaining services and time schedules shall be adjusted accordingly.
.6 Suspension expenses include expenses directly attributable to suspension of the Project for which the Architect is not otherwise compensated, including costs attributed to
suspending the Architect's contractual and employee commitments.
.7 If the Project results in construction, this contract is terminated on the earliest of:
.1 the date of receipt of letter of termination from the Client, or
.2 7 days from the abandonment of the Project; or
.3 one year from the date of certification of Substantial Performance of the Work; or
.4 one year from the date of total completion (In Ontario the term 'Total Completion' is used and defined in the Construction Lien Act.)
.8 This contract may be terminated by either party upon not less than seven days written notice should the other party fail substantially to perform in accordance with its
terms through no fault of the party initiating the termination.
.9 This contract may be terminated by the Client upon at least seven days written notice to the Architect in the event that the Project is abandoned.
.10 If the Project is suspended or abandoned in whole or in part for more than a total of 60 days it shall be deemed to be abandoned and treated in accordance with article 8.9.
.11 In the event of termination, the Architect shall be paid, within 30 days of the date that an invoice is submitted, for all services performed to the effective termination date,
together with Reimbursable Expenses and applicable taxes then due, and for all termination expenses as defined in GC8.12.
.12 Termination expenses are expenses directly attributable to abandonment of the Project or termination of this contract for which the Architect is not otherwise compensated,
and in addition, an amount for anticipated loss of earnings computed as a percentage of the total fee earned to the time of termination for the Architect's services and
Additional Services, as follows:
.1 twenty percent if termination occurs during the schematic design phase; or
.2 ten percent if termination occurs during the design development phase; or
.3 five percent if termination occurs during a phase subsequent to the design development phase.
2006 This document is protected by copyright. It may be reproduced and used when an RAIC Authorization Seal is affixed to the cover of the document. The use of the
Canadian Standard Form of Contract for Architectural Services Document Six without an authorization seal constitutes an infringement of the copyright.
GC9 Law Governing this Agreement
.1 This contract shall be governed by the law of the province or territory of Canada which is the principal place of business of the Architect.
.2 The contract documents are for the purpose of construction of the Project contemplated by this agreement and shall not be used by the Client for any other purpose.
.1 An invoice submitted by the Architect under this contract is due and payable when submitted to the Client. Payments for the Architect's services shall be made on account
for invoices as described in article A14 of the agreement and, where applicable, shall be in proportion to services performed within each phase of the service.
.2 No deductions shall be made by the Client from amounts payable to the Architect on account of penalty, liquidated damages, or other sums withheld from payments to
contractors, or on account of the cost of changes in the Work other than those for which the Architect is proven to be legally responsible or has agreed to pay.
.3 Variance from the Construction Budget established under this contract shall not constitute grounds for the Client to withhold fees due to the Architect.
.4 When a percentage-based fee is used as the method for determining the Architect's fee, the basis for calculating the applicable portion of the fee for each phase of the
Architect's services shall be based on article A10 of the agreement.
.5 If the scope of the Project or of the Architect's services is changed, the fees shall be adjusted accordingly. For Additional Services or when revisions or additions are made to
the program of requirements or previously approved documents prepared by the Architect and such revisions or additions require services beyond those already provided, the
fee for such Additional Services shall be based on the rates in article A10 of the agreement, or as otherwise mutually agreed with the Client.
.6 If and to the extent that the contract time initially established in the construction contract is exceeded or extended through no fault of the Architect, fees for services
required for such extended period of the contract administration shall be adjusted and computed as set forth in article A10 of the agreement or as otherwise mutually agreed
with the Client.
.7 In the event that new or additional taxes in respect of the services included in this contract are required by federal, provincial, territorial, regional or municipal legislation
after the contract is executed, the amount under this contract shall be adjusted to include such taxes.
.8 Fees and Reimbursable Expenses may be subject to such value-added taxes as the Federal Goods and Services Tax or Harmonized Sales Tax. The Client shall pay to the
Architect, together with, and in addition to, any fees and Reimbursable Expenses that are, or become, payable as required by legislation, any value-added taxes that become
payable in relation to the fees and Reimbursable Expenses.
Reimbursable Expenses
.9 The Client shall pay the Architect for all Reimbursable Expenses as defined plus an administrative charge as identified in article A11 of the agreement.
.10 All Reimbursable Expenses not defined shall be approved by the Client prior to any expenditure by the Architect.
GC14 Severability
.1 If any provision of this contract is declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, such provision shall be severed from this contract and
the other provisions shall remain in full force and effect.
2006 This document is protected by copyright. It may be reproduced and used when an RAIC Authorization Seal is affixed to the cover of the document. The use of the
Canadian Standard Form of Contract for Architectural Services Document Six without an authorization seal constitutes an infringement of the copyright.