Riba Code of Professional Conduct May 2019
Riba Code of Professional Conduct May 2019
Riba Code of Professional Conduct May 2019
Code of
1 May 2019
RIBA: Code of Professional Conduct
Introduction 3
Discipline 4
Example provision 5
Principle 1: Integrity 6
1 Impartiality and undue influence 6
2 Statements 6
3 Conflicts of interest 6
4 Confidentiality and privacy 7
5 Handling client money 7
6 Bribery and corruption 8
7 Criminal conviction / disqualification as a director / sanction 8
Principle 2: Competence 9
1 Skill, knowledge, care, ability 9
2 Terms of appointment 10
3 Time, cost, quality 12
4 Keeping the client informed 12
5 Record keeping 13
6 Health and safety 13
7 Inspection services 14
8 Building performance 14
9 Heritage and conservation 14
10 Town and country planning 15
11 Law and regulations 15
12 Certification 15
13 The environment 16
14 Community and society
Principle 3: Relationships 17
1 Copyright 17
2 Previous appointments 17
3 Peers 18
4 Equality, diversity and inclusion 18
5 Modern slavery 18
6 Employment and responsibilities as an employer 19
7 Competitions 19
8 Complaints and dispute resolution 20
9 Advertising / business names / use of RIBA crest and logo 20
10 Insurance 22
11 Non-disclosure agreements 22
12 Whistleblowing 23
Definitions 24
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RIBA: Code of Professional Conduct
1 The Code of Professional Conduct (the Code) sets 7 Members may (or may be required to) be
out and explains the standards of professional registered with other professional and/or
conduct and practice which the Royal Institute of regulatory bodies in the jurisdiction where they
British Architects (RIBA or the Institute) requires practice. If this is the case, the Institute recognises
of all its Members, in accordance with its stated that a Member’s first obligation will be to comply
purpose for ‘…the advancement of Architecture with the rules of conduct of the local professional
and the promotion of the acquirement of or regulatory body. Members must also seek to
the knowledge of the Arts and Sciences comply with the Code. If there is a conflict between
connected therewith.’ .1 The Code applies to all the local body’s rules of conduct and the Code, the
Members, whether they are working in traditional local body’s rules prevail but the Member must
architectural practice or have followed a different notify the RIBA Professional Standards team as
career path, such as in a multidisciplinary soon as possible.
organisation, academia or a construction company.
8 The Code applies to all individual RIBA Members,
2 The purpose of the Code is to promote good nationally and internationally.
conduct and best practice. It aims not only to
uphold standards through discipline, but also to 9 The RIBA also maintains a Code of Practice which
empower practitioners to reflect critically and to is applicable to all RIBA Chartered Practices.
continually strive to improve.
10 The Code enshrines the following duties owed by
3 Members should be guided by the spirit as well Members:
as the precise and express terms of the Code. Not • To the wider world
every shortcoming, or failure to meet the specific • Towards society and the end user
duties of the Code, will necessarily give rise to
• Towards those commissioning services
disciplinary proceedings.
(i.e. clients – this may include professional
4 Members must at all times comply with all clients, investors and funders)
relevant legal obligations. The Code does not seek • Towards those in the workplace
to duplicate legal obligations. (i.e. colleagues, employees, employers)
• Towards the profession
5 Legal disputes cannot be settled through RIBA
disciplinary proceedings and all such legal • Towards oneself
disputes must be dealt with by a competent 11 Where two or more principles of the Code come
authority before they may be considered by a into conflict, the one which takes precedence is
Professional Conduct Panel. the one which best serves the public interest in the
6 From time to time, the Institute will amend and particular circumstances.
update the Code and relevant policies. Members 12 Members should seek to co-operate and work
are responsible for keeping themselves up to date productively with other professionals, to develop
and must observe such amendments and updates relationships of trust and collaborate in an open
as they come into effect. and honest way. Members should seek to identify
and evaluate risks, take appropriate mitigating
actions and share concerns with relevant parties.
RIBA Royal Charter 1837, as amended by the Supplemental Charter of 1971
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RIBA: Code of Professional Conduct
1 May 2019 4
RIBA: Code of Professional Conduct
The Code
Example provision:
PLEASE NOTE: all web links provided have been checked and are accurate at the time of publishing
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RIBA: Code of Professional Conduct
Principle 1: Integrity
Members shall behave with integrity and shall strive to safeguard and improve the
standing, reputation and dignity of the Institute and its Members in all their professional
activities. Members shall consistently promote and protect the public interest and social
purpose, taking into account future generations.
1.1 Members must act with impartiality and 3.1 If a conflict of interest arises, Members must
objectivity at all times in their professional declare it to all parties affected.
3.2 If a conflict of interest arises, Members must
1.2 Members must be honest and truthful. either:
(a) remove its cause; or
1.3 Members shall not allow themselves to be
improperly influenced by others. (b) withdraw from the situation.
1.4 Members shall not allow themselves to be GN 3.2: Conflicts of interest can arise in many
improperly influenced by their own self- situations. A commonly occurring example of
interest. a conflict of interest is an architect on a project
also running a separate contractor business
2. Statements which tenders for work on the same project. In
this instance, the architect on the project must
2.1 Members must not make or be a party to inform the client that they also run/are involved
any statement which is: in the contractor firm tendering for the work so
that the client is fully aware of the facts and
(a) untrue; can make an informed decision in awarding
(b) misleading; the contract. If the architect’s contractor firm
is successful in winning the construction work,
(c) unfair; and/or the architect must not act in the capacity of
(d) contrary to their professional Contract Administrator, Employer’s Agent or
knowledge. similar for the client during the construction
2.2 Members who find themselves party to any
such statement in paragraph 2.1, must take 3.3 Members must have effective systems
all reasonable steps to correct the statement in place to identify and assess potential
immediately. conflicts of interests.
GN 2.2: Members may correct such a statement GN 3.3: This requirement is particularly aimed at
in many ways. It may involve: writing to a client conflicts of interest that may arise between two
to correct a previous statement made to them; or more clients of the Member. Members must
issuing a public statement e.g. on a website; have robust processes for carrying out conflict
contacting a third party or reporting an issue checks on potential clients.
to an appropriate authority such as a Local
Authority or Court.
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Principle 1 RIBA: Code of Professional Conduct
4. Confidentiality and privacy 4.6 Members shall take all reasonable steps to
ensure that any employees, representatives
4.1 Members must not breach confidentiality, or advisers to whom they disclose
except where allowed by 4.5 below. confidential information do not use or
disclose that information other than as
4.2 Members must safeguard the privacy of their permitted by the Code.
clients and others.
4.7 Members must hold and handle data in
4.3 Members must comply with any legal rights accordance with the current applicable data
of privacy and any contractual provisions protection legislation.
regarding confidentiality.
GN 4.7: For more information on the applicable
4.4 Members must treat confidential information
data protection requirements, see:
acquired during the course of their work as
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Principle 1 RIBA: Code of Professional Conduct
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RIBA: Code of Professional Conduct
Principle 2: Competence
Members should continuously strive to improve their professional knowledge and skill.
Members should persistently seek to raise the standards of architectural education,
life‑long learning, research, training, and practice for the benefit of the public interest,
those commissioning services, the profession and themselves. Members should strive to
protect and enhance heritage and the natural environment.
1. Skill, knowledge, care, ability 1.4 Members shall abide by applicable laws and
regulations at all times.
1.1 Members shall act competently,
conscientiously and responsibly and are GN 1.4: Members may rely on the advice of
expected to apply reasonable standards of other qualified persons as to the intent and
skill, knowledge and care in the performance meaning of such laws and regulations. Such
of all their work. qualified persons may include: construction
lawyers, party wall surveyors, cost consultants,
1.2 Members must be able to provide the chartered surveyors and engineers. Members
knowledge, the ability and the financial and are directly responsible for ensuring that they
technical resources appropriate for the work comply with laws and regulations.
they undertake. Members shall realistically
appraise their ability and resources to 1.5 Members shall not make or be knowingly
undertake and complete any proposed work. party to misleading, deceptive or false
statements or claims regarding their
GN 1.2: Members should not accept work if they
professional qualifications, resources or the
do not have sufficient resource (particularly staff
services they or their practice are able to
resource) with the appropriate skills, knowledge
provide. If Members feel that they are, or
and experience, to satisfactorily complete it.
may be, unable to undertake and complete
1.3 Members must accept responsibility for the the work in accordance with the client’s
professional services provided by them to requirements, they should not quote for or
their clients. Members should undertake accept the work.
to perform those services only when they 1.6 Members must make appropriate
(together with those whom they may engage arrangements for their professional work to
as employees or consultants) are sufficiently continue in the event of incapacity, death,
qualified by education, training, and/or absence from, or inability to, work.
experience in the specific areas involved and
have the necessary resources to satisfactorily GN 1.6: Such appropriate arrangements may
complete those services. include the work being passed to a suitably
GN 1.3: Members must be competent to qualified and experienced colleague within the
undertake the services being offered by them. practice, or having an agreement with another
If the work is delegated to employees or local practice for them to offer to continue the
consultants, the Member retains responsibility work for the client, where possible.
for the services and must ensure that the
individuals actually carrying out the work are
competent to do so.
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Principle 2 RIBA: Code of Professional Conduct
1.7 Members shall exercise proper supervision 1.13 Practising Chartered Members must comply
of all work done under their authority and with any current RIBA scheme or guidance
accept professional responsibility for it. for continuing professional development.
GN 1.7: ‘Under their authority’ may be under GN 1.13: The RIBA CPD Core Curriculum
their employment, under their direct control or and further information can be found on the
in the position of sub-consultants through a RIBA website: https://www.architecture.com/
professional contract. education-cpd-and-careers/cpd/cpd-core-
1.8 Members shall advise their clients in writing
at the outset of a project of the likelihood 1.14 Members should reflect on and evaluate
of achieving the client’s requirements and their own work.
1.15 Members must be familiar and up to
1.9 Members shall advise their clients in writing date with relevant codes of practice and
as soon as is reasonably practicable if the guidelines which may be issued or endorsed
Member’s assessment of the likelihood by the Institute from time to time, especially
of achieving the client’s requirements and those concerned with health and safety,
aspirations changes during the project. ethical practice, sustainability and protection
of the environment.
1.10 Members must apply their informed and
impartial professional judgment in reaching
any decisions, which may require a Member 2. Terms of appointment
to balance differing and sometimes
opposing demands. 2.1 All terms of appointment between a
Member and their client must be clear,
GN 1.10: Members should ensure that they agreed and recorded in writing before the
are properly informed and that they have commencement of any professional services.
the knowledge required before reaching any
decisions. In applying their knowledge and GN 2.1: The RIBA Professional Services
informed judgement, Members may be required Contracts should be used where appropriate
to balance the stakeholders’ interests with and possible.
the community’s, or balancing the project’s
capital costs with its overall performance. Note 2.2 Members must ensure that the terms of that
paragraph 11 of the Introduction and that the appointment cover the key requirements of
duty to the public interest takes precedence. a professional services contract, including
where relevant:
1.11 Members must continue to develop and (a) definitions;
update their skills, knowledge and expertise (b) architect’s services;
to maintain and improve their competence
throughout their careers for the benefit of the (c) client’s responsibilities;
public, their clients, the natural environment (d) assignment;
and the quality of the built environment. (e) fees and expenses;
1.12 Practising Chartered Members must (f) copyright licence;
undertake and record continuing professional (g) liability and insurance;
development (CPD) for as long as they (h) suspension or termination;
continue in practice (RIBA Byelaw 2.8(a)). (i) dispute resolution; and
(j) the consumer’s right to cancel.
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Principle 2 RIBA: Code of Professional Conduct
2.3 Members shall ensure that any variation to 2.7 Members must take reasonable and
a standard form of contract is clear, agreed appropriate steps to enable their client
with the client and documented in writing. to understand generally what to expect
The fact that the standard terms have from the Member under any professional
been varied must be clearly stated on the appointment. In particular, the Member
document. should explain:
(a) the scope of the service being provided
GN 2.3: Variations may be written into the and its limitations;
original contract, once agreed, with clear wording
(b) how the Member’s fees are to be
to demonstrate that they are a variation to a
standard form of contract. Variations may also
be evidenced in a separate document, such as a (c) the circumstances in which fees are
letter, setting out the variations and noting that triggered and payment is required; and
they vary a standard form of contract. (d) the circumstances in which additional
fees may become payable.
2.4 Members shall ensure that any subsequent
variations to the terms of their appointment GN 2.7: Members are expected to take
are agreed with the client, clear and recorded “reasonable and appropriate steps” to aid client
in writing. understanding. Members are expected to give
clear thought and effort to making the client
2.5 Members shall not materially alter the scope aware and confirming their understanding of the
or objectives of a project, or the professional basis of the professional appointment. A written
fees payable for services provided in respect explanation of these matters to the client, in
of it without their client’s express written the context of the particular project, should be
consent, except in accordance with any fee sufficient.
adjustment arrangements set out in the
terms of appointment 2.8 Members shall either include details of their
written complaints procedure (see Principle
2.6 Members should take reasonable care to 3, 8.2) with the terms of appointment, or shall
ensure that the terms of the contract are make it clear that the written complaints
legally accurate, are compatible with other procedure will be provided on request.
provisions, will not lead to excessive liabilities
and do not create conflicts of interest. GN 2.8: See Principle 3, 8 below for further
details and guidance regarding Members’ duties
GN 2.6: A Member’s duty to check the terms of in connection with the handling of complaints.
the contract exists to the extent that amended
standard forms of appointment or bespoke
terms of appointment are to be used. Most
standard form contracts and terms are already
rigorously checked for legal accuracy and
are considered to constitute an acceptable
contractual “bargain” between the parties.
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Principle 2 RIBA: Code of Professional Conduct
3.1 Members shall use reasonable endeavours 4.1 Throughout their engagement Members
to safeguard and promote quality on shall:
the projects they undertake and in the (a) keep clients reasonably informed of the
professional services they provide. progress of a project, in writing where
3.2 Members should endeavour to deliver
projects that: (b) inform their clients, in writing, of key
decisions made on the client’s behalf;
(a) are safe;
(c) notify the client, in writing, of identifiable
(b) are cost-effective to use, maintain and
risks or circumstances which may
service; and
adversely impact on the overall time,
(c) minimise negative impacts on the cost or quality of the project;
environment during their anticipated
(d) maintain appropriate records of
the progress, circumstances and
3.3 Members must carry out their professional communications regarding a project.
work without undue delay and, so far as it is
within their powers: GN 4.1: Construction projects are complex
and stressful, and it is therefore important to
(a) within an agreed reasonable time limit
communicate progress and changes to the client
and programme; and
throughout a project, as well as maintaining
(b) in accordance with any cost limits records of how a project has progressed. Good
agreed with their clients. record keeping can greatly assist Members in
the unfortunate event of a dispute or complaint.
GN 3.3: This Heading is closely linked with Any matter which may have an impact on the
keeping the client informed (Principle 2, 4), time, quality or cost of a project (or the services
therefore Members should have particular provided by the Member) will be of particular
regard to satisfying that provision when concern to a client and should be clearly
observing this one. identified at the earliest opportunity and notified
in writing, upon the Member becoming aware of
3.4 Members must use reasonable endeavours the issue.
to advise their client on the need for
specialist advice to assist the client to 4.2 Members shall notify clients, in writing,
ascertain and control the cost of the project. upon becoming aware of any issue which
may significantly affect the quality, cost or
GN 3.4: For example – Members should advise timetable for completion of their own work.
their clients how and why to seek advice from a
cost consultant or quantity surveyor in respect
of estimating and controlling building costs.
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Principle 2 RIBA: Code of Professional Conduct
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Principle 2 RIBA: Code of Professional Conduct
6.5 Members must not enter into any contract 8. Building performance
which compromises their duty to protect
health and safety. 8.1 Members must facilitate and support
an effective handover and building
6.6 Members must notify their client if commissioning process, when engaged at
they become aware of anything which the relevant project stage.
compromises or may compromise their duty
to protect health and safety. GN 8.1: Members should use the relevant
sections of the RIBA Plan of Work (https://www.
6.7 If a Member becomes aware of a decision ribaplanofwork.com/) to ensure a successful
taken by their employer or client which handover of the building. In particular, Members
violates any law or regulation and that will, should provide handover information needed
in the Member’s professional judgment, in respect of fire safety (in accordance with the
materially and adversely affect health and Building Regulations) and the health and safety
safety, the Member shall: file (in accordance with the CDM Regulations).
(a) advise their employer or client against
the decision; and/or 8.2 Members should promote and support
(b) refuse to consent to the decision; and/ the value and benefits of monitoring and
or reporting on how a building operates and
(c) report the decision to the local building performs in accordance with design intent
inspector or other public official and in response to the building occupants’
charged with the enforcement of the needs. Members should encourage long-
applicable laws and regulations, unless term maintenance and management on site.
the Member is able to satisfactorily
resolve the matter by other means. GN 8.2: Members engaged at any project stage
should inform clients of the value and benefits
of post-occupancy evaluation. Members,
7. Inspection services where competent to do so, should offer post-
occupancy evaluation as an additional added
7.1 A Member should advise their client on the value service. Members should seek feedback
need for, nature and frequency of inspections, on how a building operates and performs in
based on the requirements of the specific accordance with design intent and in response
project and the terms of the appointment. to the building occupants’ needs to use during
the life of the building and/or on future projects.
GN 7.1: Members should disclose accurate and truthful
When undertaking inspection services, the information about the gap between project
nature and frequency of those inspections will intentions and outcomes, in accordance with
depend on the circumstances, particularly the industry-wide methodologies and metrics.
specific provisions of the contract. Members
should consider the need to tailor the frequency 9. Heritage and conservation
and duration of the inspections to the nature
of the works. Members may, depending on 9.1 Members must respect the importance and
the contract, instruct contractors to leave significance of Heritage Assets.
parts of the work uncovered, for the purposes
of inspection. Members may need to inspect GN 9.1: A Heritage Asset is a building,
repeated elements of work during the early monument, site, place, area or landscape
course of construction to determine whether the identified as having a degree of significance
contractor is able to satisfactorily carry out the meriting consideration in planning decisions,
work. because of its heritage interest. Heritage asset
Inspection does not guarantee that all defects includes designated heritage assets and assets
will either be prevented or revealed. A Member identified by the local planning authority
is therefore not necessarily liable in relation to a (including ‘local listing’).
contractor’s poor workmanship.
1 May 2019 14
Principle 2 RIBA: Code of Professional Conduct
9.2 Members must only carry out work affecting 12. Certification
Heritage Assets if they are sufficiently
qualified, competent or experienced to do so 12.1 Members shall exercise reasonable skill and
in the circumstances. care when issuing or recommending the
issue of any certificate.
GN 9.2: This may or may not require specialist
accreditation, depending on the circumstances GN 12.1:
and the particular nature of the work. Practical Completion
9.3 Members who are unsure of or unable to Members should not certify or recommend
establish the significance of a particular the certification of Practical Completion of any
Heritage Asset on which they are proposing construction work unless:
to undertake work must first seek specialist (a) all of the construction work under the
professional advice and/or advise their relevant contract has been completed to
client to instruct an appropriately accredited the required standard; and
specialist professional to undertake the work.
(b) the Member is satisfied that any
contractual terms and pre-conditions to the
10. Town and country planning certification of Practical Completion have
been satisfied or discharged (or waived by
10.1 Members must advise their client on and the client).
comply with relevant planning legislation and
regulations. Members should advise their clients of the
implications of certifying Practical Completion or
10.2 Members should only provide professional taking partial possession.
services in relation to planning matters if Members should not certify or recommend the
they are sufficiently qualified, competent or certification of Practical Completion if there are
experienced to do so in the circumstances. patent defects or incomplete works unless:
GN 10.2: This may or may not require specialist – those outstanding works or defects are
training or qualification, depending on the minor items which can be remedied
circumstances and the particular nature of the without impacting on the beneficial use and
work. occupation of the development; and
– the Member is satisfied that there is
sufficient retention or other security held
11. Law and regulations
against the contractor to cover the cost of
11.1 Members shall not knowingly violate the law remediating those items.
or advise or assist clients in any conduct or Valuation
actions they know to be illegal, in performing
Members should not certify or recommend the
professional services.
certification of any payment under a contract
11.2 Members shall take appropriate steps to unless the Member:
ensure that clients are properly advised of – has (where appropriate) reviewed or
their own relevant legal responsibilities. inspected the relevant work for which
payment is claimed; and
GN 11.2: Clients may have legal duties under
various legislation (such as duties under the – is reasonably satisfied that the work for
Construction (Design and Management) which payment is to be certified has been
Regulations, Building Regulations and the Town completed in accordance with the contract
and Country Planning Act). Members should under which payment is claimed.
draw any such duties to the client’s attention. As stated elsewhere in this Code, a Member is
not necessarily liable in relation to a contractor’s
poor workmanship. Members are not required
to guarantee that defects in work will either be
prevented or revealed.
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Principle 2 RIBA: Code of Professional Conduct
13.1 Members should consider the environmental 14.1 Members shall have proper concern and due
impact of their professional activities, regard for the effect that their professional
including the impact of each project on the activities and completed projects may have
natural environment on users, the local community and society.
13.2 Members shall advise their clients on the GN 14.1: This may involve conducting
need, if any, for specialist professional consultations with the local community before
advice required to ensure that their project starting work on and during a development.
safeguards the local environment, ecology It may also involve carrying out consultations
and biodiversity. with the local community after completion of
the project so that lessons can be learnt and
GN 13.2: Such specialist professional advice information shared to improve future projects.
may be from a conservation, environmental or
sustainability specialist. It may concern issues 14.2 In performing professional services
such as: Tree Protection Orders, Conservation Members should promote stronger
Areas, Sites of Special Scientific Interest, air communities and improve equality, diversity
pollution and/or water quality. and inclusion in the built environment.
13.3 Members should promote sustainable
design and development principles in their
professional activities.
13.4 In performing professional services,
Members shall advocate the design,
construction, and operation of sustainable
buildings and communities.
13.5 Members shall inform clients of sustainable
practices suitable to their project and shall
encourage their clients to adopt sustainable
practices at the earliest opportunity.
13.6 When performing professional services,
Members should develop and discuss with
their client a written Sustainability Strategy
for the project, where appropriate.
13.7 Members must use reasonable endeavours
to specify and use sustainable materials on
their projects.
13.8 Members must use reasonable endeavours
to minimise whole-life carbon and energy
13.9 Members should practise evidence-informed
design and should keep records of the
evidence used in reaching design decisions.
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RIBA: Code of Professional Conduct
Principle 3: Relationships
Members shall respect and seek to uphold the relevant rights and interests of others.
Members shall treat people with respect and shall strive to be inclusive, ethical, and
collaborative in all they do. Members shall seek and promote social justice.
(b) they (the client) hold a licence to use 2.4 Members must, unless there is a justifiable
any information, including drawings, reason not to, inform the other architect in
specifications, calculations and the like, writing that the client has approached them.
prepared by the preceding appointee;
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Principle 3 RIBA: Code of Professional Conduct
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Principle 3 RIBA: Code of Professional Conduct
1 May 2019 19
Principle 3 RIBA: Code of Professional Conduct
7.3 Members who find themselves involved 8.4 Members should encourage alternative
in a competition process which breaches methods of dispute resolution, such as
paragraph 28.2 above should endeavour to mediation or conciliation.
rectify the competition process or withdraw
from it. GN 8.4: If a complaint or dispute cannot be
resolved by a member’s own procedures,
members and clients may make use of the
8. Complaints and dispute resolution Institute’s Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
services, which include mediation, adjudication
8.1 Members must have (or have access to, if and arbitration. Further information is available
operating in practice with others) written on the RIBA website, www.architecture.com.
procedures for dealing with disputes or
9. Advertising / business names /
GN 8.1: The Institute recognises that in the course use of RIBA crest and logo
of their work Members may occasionally be
involved in disputes and complaints. Members are 9.1 Members must ensure that all marketing and
expected to have a written procedure, appropriate promotional material used to promote their
to the scale and nature of their practice, which services is:
handles disputes and complaints promptly. (a) legal, decent and truthful;
8.2 Members shall provide details of the written (b) fair to others; and
complaints procedure with the terms of (c) accurate in respect of the level of
appointment, or the terms of appointment expertise and resources being offered
shall make it clear that the written by the Member.
complaints procedure will be provided on
request (see Principle 2, 2.8). 9.2 In advertising their services, Members
must not:
GN 8.2: The complaints procedure should: (a) make misleading statements, through
(a) be easy for clients to use and understand; words or images;
(b) unfairly discredit competitors, directly or
(b) enable complaints to be dealt with
indirectly; or
promptly and fairly, with decisions
based on a sufficient investigation of the (c) encourage or condone unacceptable
circumstances; and behaviour.
(c) not involve any charges to clients for 9.3 In advertising their services, Members must
handling their complaints. comply with all relevant legislation, including
Further information on producing a written the Architects Act 1997.
complaints procedure can be found on
www.architecture.com. GN 9.3: Careful attention should be paid to the
use of protected words, titles or descriptions –
8.3 Members must handle complaints such as the title ‘architect’ which is governed by
courteously and promptly at every stage, and the Architects Act 1997.
as far as practicable in accordance with the
following time scales: 9.4 Members using the title ‘Chartered Architect’
must also be registered wherever registration
(a) an acknowledgement within 10 working is a requirement under the law.
days from the receipt of a written
complaint; and GN 9.4: For example, in the UK the Architects Act
(b) a response addressing the issues raised 1997 requires that anyone practising architecture
in the initial letter of complaint within and using the title ‘architect’ is registered with the
30 working days from its receipt. ARB. A Chartered RIBA Member must comply
with any legal registration requirement wherever
they practise globally.
1 May 2019 20
Principle 3 RIBA: Code of Professional Conduct
9.5 Members must use the title ‘Chartered (d) Social use: Chartered Members may
Architect’ clearly and accurately and must use the crest on personal stationery for
avoid any misleading use. social purposes.
GN 9.7 (d): For example, on personal letterhead,
GN 9.5: For example, to use the title ‘Chartered
greetings cards or address labels.
Architects’, all the principals in the practice must
be Chartered RIBA Members. 9.8 The RIBA crest may not be used by:
9.6 Members must ensure that their business or (a) Student Members;
practice titles accurately reflect the services (b) Associate Members;
being provided. (c) Affiliate Members;
(d) Honorary Fellows.
GN 9.6: It is acceptable to retain historic names
as practice names as long as the actual legal 9.9 All Chartered Members may use the
ownership of the practice is clear. ‘RIBA’ affix after their name where it is not
prohibited by law.
9.7 Chartered Members may use the RIBA crest
in the following circumstances: GN 9.9: The RIBA affix contains the title
(a) Private sector: where a Chartered ‘architect’. Therefore, where the title or function
Architect is a principal in an of ‘architect’ is governed by law, Chartered
organisation, the crest may be used on Members must comply with all legislative
stationery and in publicity provided that provisions in their use of the RIBA affix and may
the business to which the use relates is: not use the affix in any business context unless
consulting architectural services and/or they meet the legislative requirements for such
development and/or contracting. use.. For example, to use the RIBA affix in the UK,
a Chartered Member must:
GN 9.7 (a): A ‘principal’ is, for example: a director,
partner or sole principal. Stationery and publicity (a) also be registered with the ARB; or
may include use on a website.
(b) be fully retired (undertaking no practice of
The RIBA crest is:
architecture whatsoever); or
(c) be in another non-practising type of
(b) Public sector: where a Chartered Un-registered Chartered Members who practise
Member is: architecture but do not use the title ‘architect’
may not use the RIBA affix. To do so constitutes
i. a chief officer; a breach of Section 20 of the Architects Act
ii. a designated deputy of a chief 1997.
iii. the most senior within their 9.10 The RIBA affix may not be used by:
authority; or (a) Student Members;
iv. a head of an architectural (b) Associate Members;
department, (c) Affiliate Members;
they may use the crest on their (d) Honorary Fellows.
stationery in conjunction with their name.
GN 9.7 (b): ‘Stationery’ includes: correspondence,
reports, business cards. Neither the department
nor the overall authority may use the crest,
including on a website.
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Principle 3 RIBA: Code of Professional Conduct
1 May 2019 22
Principle 3 RIBA: Code of Professional Conduct
12. Whistleblowing
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RIBA: Code of Professional Conduct
Words will generally be taken to have their ordinary/dictionary meaning. Some additional specific definitions are here
by way of additional guidance:
Term Definition
Affiliate Member A person who has been elected as a member of the Affiliate Class of
membership of the RIBA as set out by the Regulations
Associate Member A person who has been elected as a member of the Associate Class of
membership of the RIBA as set out by the Regulations
Charter and Byelaws The RIBA 1837 Charter, 1971 Supplemental Charter and Byelaws as amended
from time to time
Chartered Architect The title Chartered Members may use in accordance with the provisions of
this Code, the Regulations and the Charter and Byelaws
Chartered Member An architect who has been elected to the class of Chartered Membership of
the RIBA in accordance with the Regulations
Chartered Practice A formally-established business providing architectural services and
comprising one or more Chartered Members which meets the criteria for, and
operates in accordance with, the RIBA’s Chartered Practice scheme
Code This Code of Professional Conduct
Competent authority Any person or organisation that has the legally delegated or invested
authority, capacity, or power to perform a designated function
Complaint A grievance, or a statement that something is unsatisfactory or unacceptable
Confidentiality The duty to refrain from sharing private or restricted information with others
without express consent
Consultant A person who provides expert advice professionally
Court of competent jurisdiction A court that has the authority to do a certain act or hear a certain dispute
Direct professional relationship Relationships with colleagues, clients and third parties in direct relation to
professional matters
Due regard To consciously consider
Educational sector Parts of the economy that consist of a variety of educational providers,
schools, colleges, universities, charities, agencies, businesses that have the
purpose or role of providing a form of education to members of the public
Employee A member of staff, a person employed for wages or salary
Employer A person or organisation that employs people
Gender pay gap The average difference between the remuneration of male and female
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RIBA: Code of Professional Conduct
Term Definition
Governmental authority The Government of the United Kingdom or any other nation, or of any
political subdivision thereof, whether state or local, and any agency, authority,
instrumentality, regulatory body, court, central bank or other entity exercising
executive, legislative, judicial, taxing, regulatory or administrative powers or
functions of or pertaining to government
Harass To subject to aggressive pressure or intimidation
Heritage Asset A building, monument, site, place, area or landscape identified as having a
degree of significance meriting consideration in planning decisions, because
of its heritage interest
Honorary Fellows A person who is ineligible for Chartered Membership and is elected as
an Honorary Fellow of the RIBA in acknowledgement of their significant
contribution to the advancement or practice of architecture or the
development of the profession
Inspection Services / inspections Visual inspections to review the general progress and quality of the works as
they relate to the architectural design
Institute The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)
Law The system of rules which the United Kingdom, or any country a Member is
operating in, recognises as regulating the actions of its members and which it
may enforce by the imposition of penalties
Legal disputes Any action, suit or proceeding between or among parties to an agreement
Legal obligations Obligations or duties that are enforced by a court of law
Living wage A wage that is high enough to maintain a normal standard of living
Local community Residents of the local area
Members A person who has been elected as a Member of the RIBA (includes Student,
Affiliate, Associate, Chartered, Fellow and Retired RIBA members)
Non-Disclosure Agreement A contract by which one or more parties agree not to disclose confidential
information that they have shared with each other
Practical Completion When the construction work is certified as practically complete under the
Building Contract
Practising Actively engaged in the architectural profession
Private sector The part of an economy that is not under direct state control, which is run by
private individuals or groups
Professional activities / Activities/services carried out in the course of a Member’s profession
professional services
Professional Conduct Panel The RIBA’s hearing panel which deals with formal complaints brought against
an RIBA Member or Chartered Practice
Professional membership body An organisation comprised of members practising a profession or occupation
in which the organisation maintains an oversight of the knowledge, skills,
conduct and practice of that profession or occupation.
Proper concern To consider thoroughly
1 May 2019 25
RIBA: Code of Professional Conduct
Term Definition
Public interest The welfare or wellbeing of the general public
Public sector The part of an economy that is controlled by the state, usually comprised of
organisations that are owned and operated by the government
Reasonable endeavours/care/ To take a reasonable course of action to achieve the objective. Reasonable
steps care is the degree of caution and concern an ordinarily prudent and rational
person would use in similar circumstances. It is a standard used to determine
a legal duty and whether such duty was fulfilled
Regulations The RIBA Regulations made by Council under the Institute’s Charter and
Byelaws, as published from time to time
Regulatory authority/body, A public authority or government agency responsible for exercising
Professional regulator autonomous authority over a particular area in a regulatory or supervisory
RIBA The Royal Institute of British Architects
RIBA Employment Policy The Employment Policy as published by RIBA from time to time and available
on the RIBA website
RIBA Equal Opportunities Policy The Equal Opportunities Policy as published by RIBA from time to time and
available on the RIBA website
RIBA Professional Experience and An RIBA scheme devised as a means for architectural students to record
Development Record Scheme their professional experience and development in practice, as part of their
(PEDR) education and qualification as an architect
RIBA Professional Standards The RIBA department which deals with such disputes and complaints as
team prescribed by RIBA Codes and Policies, and its Charter and Regulations
Sanction A penalty following disciplinary proceedings (including: private caution, public
reprimand, suspension, expulsion)
Significance When used in the conservation and heritage sector – part of the built
environment which is of cultural, historical, architectural, social, spiritual or
aesthetic importance
Social use Contrary to professional purposes; usage in one’s private life, for
correspondence with friends or family
Staff An employee
Statement An expression of something in speech or in writing
Sustainability / Sustainable Comprises environmental, social and economic considerations. Sustainability
Development / sustainable development in architecture addresses the negative
environmental, social and economic impacts of buildings
Student Members A student of architecture who has been elected as a member of the Student
Class of membership of the RIBA as set out by the Regulations
Victimise To selectively treat someone cruelly or unjustly
Whistleblowing Exposing information or activity within an organisation that is deemed illegal,
unethical, or not correct
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Royal Institute of British Architects
66 Portland Place, London W1B 1AD
Email: ProfessionalStandards@riba.org