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Nov Dec 2017 Newsletter

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Manoa Paws

November / December
Issue 1


Welcome to the Family! LIKE and Follow us for

EXCLUSIVE promotions!
We have definitely had a lot of exciting rabbits, guinea pigs, lizards, turtles and
things going on throughout the year, but most avian! Dr. Noda is also quite skilled Were excited to offer our
by far the most exciting news is that our in urgent care and emergency medicine as VCA CareClub Wellness Plans,
family got even larger with the addition of well. the comprehensive and
two new veterinarians to our "paw"some affordable way to keep your pet
family! In case you haven't gotten the healthy and happy. There are
chance to meet them just yet, we'd like to wellness plans for every stage of
introduce you to Dr. Kana Noda and Dr. your pets life.
Barr Hadar!
$20 GET $20 OFF Services
at your next visit.*
OFF Redeemable only at this VCA Animal Hospital
Dr. Barr Hadar was born in Israel before
moving to Hawaii as a child. He
graduated from Kalani High School, got
his undergraduate degree from Cal Poly,
and then went on to attend Colorado
For New Take Advantage of Our
State University where he obtained his
doctorate in Veterinary Medicine. Clients FREE FIRST EXAM!**
Dr. Kana Noda was born and raised in
Japan before moving to New York, and Dr. Hadar practiced for almost two years
then later to Michigan to attend the as an Equine Veterinarian at Oahu Equine
University of Michigan for her Veterinary Clinic before moving to a small New in 2017
undergraduate studies. She then attended animal practice in Hawaii Kai, where he
veterinary school in England, where she was an Associate Veterinarian for the past New Clinic Hours!
earned her doctorate in Veterinary three years.
Medicine from the University of 8a to 7p
London. Dr. Noda then relocated to Las Amidst his extensive volunteer work over 7 days a week!
Vegas, Nevada where she has been an the years, Dr. Hadar has managed to
associate veterinarian at a private keep up with his love of traveling, visiting Drop-Off Wellness Appointments!
practice for the past 11 years! 33 countries so far! In order to better accommodate you and
your busy schedule, were now offering
Dr. Noda is fluent in Japanese and very When hes not engaged in one of many drop-off appointments Monday through
well-rounded in her expertise. Her outdoor activities or traveling to far-off, Friday!
primary focus is providing wellness beautiful places, Dr. Hadar enjoys being
services for dogs and cats, as well as able to provide exceptional care for your Early Drop-Off Times!
exceptional client service for their human pets while making great and lasting We know you have places to be, so take
families. Did we happen to mention that relationships with wonderful clients! advantage of our early drop-off times
she also provides medical care for certain available from 6:30am Monday through
exotics too? Her repertoire includes Friday, for all of your anesthetic and
drop-off appointments!

More Than Just a b. Bones, can actually pose a life-

Thanksgiving Feast threatening situation. Bones have
been known to get lodged inside
mouths, causing punctures or
When it comes to the holidays, who are we lacerations which can lead to
to deny ANYONE of the joy and pleasure discomfort and possible infection
thats felt when youre able to include your and worse yet, pain. In some
furry family member(s) in everything you cases, bones have even become
celebrate, especially the wonderful feasts! obstructed in a way that it causes
airways to be compromised b. Reserve a small amount of
BUT, there are quite a few Thanksgiving making it difficult to breathe. foods BEFORE you load on all
embers that are just waiting to ignite if 3. The risk of going raw . . . Be the yummy goodness. Mashed
proper cautions are not taken seriously. careful. Consumption of raw or potatoes or sweet potatoes can be
Unfortunately for us, the Thanksgiving undercooked foods do pose a health given safely to your pet in small
holiday season tends to be one of our concern. Just as with humans, we amounts as long as its PLAIN.
busiest times. And although we always also worry about salmonella that can You could even do the same with
enjoy seeing you and your pets, we would be found on raw or undercooked vegetables like green beans or
like to share some tips and information turkey and raw eggs. carrots, as well as cooked rice or
with you in hopes that we can keep you 4. No will power at all?? Well, if you a small piece of a plain bread
out of the clinic this holiday season! simply cannot help yourself and you bun.
MUST give in to the temptations, then c. Gravy on the side, please. A
1. Resist the temptation to share here are some tips: really fun thing to do for your pet
your Thanksgiving feast! Feeding a. Give very small pieces of is to smear a bit of gravy onto a
your pet even small amounts of boneless, skinless, fat-less food puzzle toy or another
turkey, gravy, stuffing and other fatty, turkey breast. One thing that favorite toy. This not only gives
high calorie foods can actually be very we forget is how small our dogs them the taste of your gravy, it
detrimental to their health. Not only are compared to us. will also keep them distracted for
could it give them uncomfortable belly Proportionately speaking, for a a bit so that you can enjoy your
aches and diarrhea, it could even medium-sized dog, a piece of Thanksgiving feast without feeling
result in several days of turkey the size of half of our palm guilty that your pet doesnt have
hospitalization. is equivalent in size to a piece of the exact same plate as you!
2. Do not give a dog a bone! turkey the size of a 10-inch plate
Contrary to popular belief, dogs really to us humans. Remember: Its Most importantly, the whole point of the
should not be given bones to enjoy. the excitement that they feel Thanksgiving holiday is to give thanks to
a. Dog jaws are very powerful, but when we feed our food is more in and celebrate all of the important and
their teeth are still just teeth. So, the joy they take in sharing special people (and animals) in your life.
the likeliness of a tooth breaking something with their human Pets in Hawaii especially, are a focal point
while chewing a bone is still family that they love. Whether in many families and should be included in
considerably high. Fracturing a you give a pencil eraser-tip size everything we celebrate. Hopefully these
tooth can cause pain and piece or a piece the size of half tips will help to keep your pet safe this
discomfort, often times remedied your palm . . . It doesnt matter Thanksgiving holiday . . . and help you and
by an expensive extraction or root to them as much as it matters to your family celebrate and enjoy without
canal procedure. us. the guilt.

Common Household Food/Items Potentially

Harmful/Toxic for Dogs and Cats
Chocolate (esp. Dark/Bakers) X X Xylitol X X Tobacco X X
Grapes and Raisins X X String X Canned Tuna (in large amounts) X X
Onion and Garlic X X Salt X X Liver X X
Nuts (esp. Macadamia Nuts) X X Caffeine X X Iron Supplements/Vitamins w/Iron X X
Mushrooms X Raw eggs and egg whites X X Marijuana X X
Bones (Any type and/or size) X X Raw Fish X X Moldly or Spoiled Food/Garbage X X
Avocados X X Raw or Undercooked Meats X X Garbage Items X X
Cat Food X Nutmeg X Acetaminophen (Aspirin, etc) X X
Dog Food X Persimmons and Rhubarb X X Lawn and Garden Fertilizer X X
Alcohol X X Yeast and dough containing yeast X X Pesticides and Insecticides X X

In the event of an emergency involving your pet, who may have ingested a toxic food or other potentially deadly substance, please
contact your veterinarian and/or one of the following Poison Control Help lines:
ASPCA Poison Control* : 1-888-426-4435 Pet Poison Helpline* : 1-800-213-6680
VCA Family and Oahu Veterinary Specialty Center : 1-808-484-9070 VERC : 1-808-735-7735

Christmas Cheer 3. Seasonal Domesticated Watering 4. To Tinsel, Or Not To Tinsel.

Hole. What most of us dont readily Although tinsel adds a certain flair to
for Cats think about is that water good enough a Christmas Tree, consider the risks
for the tree MUST be good enough for involved when it comes to the safety
cats . . . well, to a cat that is. But of your pets. As cat lovers know,
Not only is Christmas one of the happiest as the skin and eyes. This Christmas, cats are notorious for going after
also like most of us, you will be
times of the year for a lot of people, it can consider garnishing your home with anything resembling string, anything
putting some tree fertilizer in the
also be the most stressful. Of course, to silk plants and flowers instead. shiny, anything that moves basically.
water for your tree. Make sure that
each person it is what it is, but to our cats access to this water is blocked at all And as fun as that may be to them, it
. . . especially the young, rambunctious, times as the ingredients in the can also be very dangerous for them.
playful ones, its simply the most fertilizer can make your pet very sick. Ingesting even one strand, not even
wonderful time of the year! So many a whole one at that, can be deadly
things to amuse themselves with! But for for them. The tinsel becomes whats
us, so many things for us to worry about known as a linear foreign body and
can cause an obstruction in the
for them! Here are some things to be
intestinal tract. This can be a life-
mindful of and helpful tips to keep your
threating emergency requiring
kitties safe during the Christmas season:
immediate surgery to remove the
linear foreign body.
1. Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas 5. The Dangers of a Beautiful Bow.
Tree! What a great climbing post For the same reasons as tinsel on a
you are! Cat parents of the young tree, ribbons and bows can also
and sprightly will attest to this, we become linear foreign bodies. It is a
promise. Although not the most good idea to keep those presents
common problem well hear about, Another alternative to fertilizer is somewhere that your cat cannot get
just something to keep in mind when crushed aspirin which is even more to them. Its always better to be
you are securing your tree this year. dangerous to our fur-babies. Cats are safe, than sorry.
Make sure that its anchored well in considerably more sensitive to aspirin
your tree stand to avoid accidental than dogs are, but in any case, Christmas is supposed to be whats
tipping or falling. consumed in sufficient quantities, your arguably the best time of the year . . . fun
2. Silk . . . Its Whats for . . . pet could develop aspirin toxicity, and festive. Its the season to give . . .
Decorations! One of the most resulting in vomiting, diarrhea and a Not worry. Keeping these main points in
common household plants found painful abdomen. In more severe mind, you can pet-proof even Christmas!
coming into the fall and winter cases, your pet can develop stomach With a few easy precautious practices,
holidays are Poinsettias. The sap of ulcers and worse yet, effects to the you can be a super pet parent and keep
the poinsettia can be quite irritating to liver and the bodys ability to clot them safe while you and your entire
the GI tract (most commonly), as well blood resulting in bleeding disorders family, humans and furries, continue to
and anemia. enjoy the holidays!

Starting 2018 with a BANG!

For many of us, our pets are our family and we do our very best to make sure that
Clinic Closures they are getting the care that they need to live the best life they can. But despite
that, did you know that the most common saying we hear in the clinic is Oh! I didnt
know that!?
23 : CLOSED : Happy Thanksgiving!!
27 : 12p to 2p : Staff Meeting At VCA University, it is our firm belief that being the best pet parent you can be
comes through education. Growing up, we went to school to learn fundamental
December skills and knowledge . . . When you got a job, or had a hobby . . . When you became
9 : Closed from 4p for Manoa a parent . . . The key to being successful was learning. But no one ever teaches
Christmas Parade you about the things that you need to know in order to be a successful pet parent . . .
24 : Closed from 12 noon Until now.
25 : CLOSED : Merry Christmas!!
Beginning in January 2018, VCA University will be offering fun, educational events
31 : Closed from 4p that will provide you with fundamental knowledge critical to helping you be the best
pet parent you can be for your pet(s). Its free to attend . . . All we need is for you
to RSVP since space is very limited.

January 2018 February 2018

1 : CLOSED : Happy New Year!! **February is DENTAL MONTH!!
5 : National Bird Day 5: 12p 2p : Dental Event
9 : 12p 2p : Wellness and CareClub Event 14 : Happy Valentines Day!
21 : Closed at 4p 15 : 5p 7p : Dental Event
26 : 5p 7p : Wellness and CareClub Event 20 : Love Your Pet Day
21 : 12p to 2p : Staff Meeting
23 : National Dog Biscuit Day

proudly presents
The REAL Truth About
Cat and Dogs

If youve ever thought:

Were here to PAW your mind!!!
Why does he need so Well tell you exactly WHY youre great pet parents!
many vaccines? Has cost EVER been an issue??
Ugh, another Well, we have a solution that will make providing
poop sample?! the best wellness care for your fur-baby more
My pet doesnt affordable!
go outside, why Did we forget to mention?!
does she need FREE gifts for you and your pet!
heartworm Oh yah! And its FREE!!
Well squish the myths!

January 9th, Tuesday : 12p to 2p January 26th, Friday : 5p to 7p

RSVP by December 30th RSVP by January 15th

Space is very limited so please RSVP today!!

Contact us at the clinic with the date you would like to attend, the name(s) of attendees, and your
contact information in case of any changes.

RSVP to AU468@vca.com or call 808-988-2111

**Although we love your pets, please leave them at home as space is very limited. We
promise to provide you with something fun to give as a peace offering!**

February is National PET DENTAL MONTH!

Thats NOT just dog breath!
Look familiar? Why Dental X-rays? Did you know that bad breath can
be an indicator of dental disease or
Find out why you should have your
pets mouth evaluated!
Did you know that bad breath can be an
indicator of dental disease or worse?
Awesome wellness plans and dental
specials all month long!
Free Gift for you and your pet, not to mention,
its FREE to attend!

February 5th, Monday February 15th, Thursday

12p to 2p 5p to 7p
January 29th Cover February 9th

Space is very limited so please RSVP today!!

Contact us at the clinic with the date you would like to attend, the name(s) of attendees, and your
contact information in case of any changes.

RSVP to AU468@vca.com or call 808-988-2111

**Although we love your pets, please leave them at home as space is very limited. We
promise to provide you with something fun to give as a peace offering!**

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