SCST Certificate
SCST Certificate
SCST Certificate
Abbreviated Overview of Requirements for the PhD Degree and Critical Timelines for
Full-Time Students
1. Complete five core courses with a minimum gpa of 3.35/4.0 within the first three
semesters of graduate study. Student must use the first five core courses taken for the gpa
calculation. Core courses may not be retaken.
This requirement represents the first stage of candidacy at the Department level
3. Take the General Examination no later than the end of the second semester after the
minimum core course gpa is attained; this is a Department requirement. The University
requirement: the examination is held no later than seven months prior to the time when the
candidate plans to receive the degree.
This requirement represents the second stage of candidacy at the Department level.
4. Write the proposal for the PhD program. (Includes proposed research and course plan.)
5. Present the PhD proposal to the PhD Committee no later than the end of the semester
following the semester in which the General Exam was passed.
6. File for PhD candidacy at the College level. (After the proposal is approved by the PhD
Committee, submit the original General Exam Signature page, the original Proposal signature
page, a copy of the proposal, and a completed Application to Candidacy form to
Ms. Brie Lisk, 314A Packard Lab.) Approval of the proposal by the Associate Dean admits
the student to candidacy for the PhD in the P. C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied
7. Present the dissertation research. A dissertation defense announcement is sent to all faculty
and graduate students at least one week prior to the defense presentation.
Each degree candidate is responsible for ensuring that his/her program is compatible with the degree
requirements given in the most recent version of the Lehigh University Catalog and the Graduate Student
Handbook of the P. C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science:
Completion of Core Course Requirements
The first stage of qualification for pursuit of a PhD degree is the demonstration of a
minimum competency in the engineering sciences by achieving a 3.35/4.0 grade point
average in a total of five mathematics and core engineering science courses, to be selected as
Required Core Courses in Mathematics (6 credits):
ME 452 Mathematical Methods in Engineering I, plus one of the following courses:
ME 413 Numerical Methods in Mechanical Engineering; OR
ME 453 Mathematical Methods in Engineering II.
Required Core Courses in Mechanical Engineering (9 credits):
Three courses selected from:
ME 423 Advanced Heat and Mass Transfer
ME 430 Advanced Fluid Mechanics
MECH 406 Fundamentals of Solid Mechanics
MECH 425 Analytical Methods of Dynamics and Vibrations
ME 402 Advanced Manufacturing Science OR
ME 401 Integrated Product Development
These five courses may be taken as part of a student's study for a Lehigh Master of Science
degree, Master of Engineering degree, or upon entry directly into the PhD program.
All courses to be included in the GPA calculation must be taken during the first three
semesters of graduate study if the student is a full-time student; the first five core courses
taken by the student are used for the GPA calculation. Core courses may not be retaken.
All PhD students must take ME 453, Mathematical Methods in Engineering II, prior to
The PhD degree requires a minimum of 72 credit hours if taken at Lehigh, or 48 credit hours
if a Master of Science degree was awarded from another accredited institution. Fifteen of
these credit hours correspond to the required core courses.
General Examination
Only after attainment of a minimum GPA of 3.35/4.0 in the five core courses is a student
allowed to proceed with the General Examination. Immediately following successful
completion of the core courses, the student forms the Doctoral Committee, which includes
the dissertation advisor as the Committee Chair. The minimum number of committee
members is four. Of these, three, including the Committee Chair, are to be voting Lehigh
faculty members. With the written approval of the Dean of the College, one of the three
aforementioned faculty members, each of whom must have a doctoral degree, may be drawn
from categories that include departmentally approved adjunct, professors of practice,
university lecturers, and courtesy faculty appointees. This latter member may not serve as the
Committee Chair. The fourth required member must be from outside the students
Department (or outside the students program if there is only one Department in the college).
Committees may include additional members who possess the requisite expertise and
experience. The Doctoral Committee is responsible for both administration of the General
Exam and oversight of the student's program of study.
The General Examination consists of a detailed review, assessment, and proposed extension
of a topic represented by a journal article selected by the Doctoral Committee. The student
will have two weeks to prepare and present to the Committee a written document, details of
which are defined by the Doctoral Committee. The student will then schedule a presentation
of the document to the Committee, followed by questions. The decision on satisfactory
completion of the General Examination will be based on both the written document and the
presentation. Students are given two opportunities to pass the General Examination.
Research Proposal and Filing for Candidacy at the College Level.
During the semester following completion of the General Examination (e.g., the Fall
semester following completion of the General Examination during the Spring semester), the
student completes a research proposal and applies for formal PhD candidacy at the College
level. Formulation of the research proposal for the doctoral program includes not only the
research plan, but also an outline of additional coursework. The student presents the proposal
in both written and oral form to his/her Doctoral Committee for approval.
Upon Committee approval, the proposal is submitted to the Associate Dean of Graduate
Studies of the P. C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science. In addition to the
approved proposal, the student submits the original General Exam Signature page, the
original Proposal Signature page, a copy of the proposal, and a completed Application to
Candidacy form. These documents are given to Ms. Brie Lisk, 314A Packard Lab. Approval
of the proposal by the Associate Dean admits the student to candidacy for the PhD in the
P. C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science.
Dissertation Preparation and Defense
Upon completion of coursework and research, the candidate prepares a dissertation
describing the results and conclusions of his/her research. A written dissertation draft is
submitted to the Doctoral Committee, and the candidate presents a public defense of the
dissertation. A dissertation defense announcement must be sent to all faculty and graduate
students in the department and posted within the department at least one week before the
defense is given. A satisfactory defense of the dissertation and acceptance of the written draft
by the Doctoral Committee completes the Departmental requirements for the doctoral degree.
To complete the degree requirements, especially in this final phase, the dissertation must also
conform to the timing and guidelines of the P. C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied
Science, as described in the College Graduate Student Handbook. Candidates should be
especially aware of strict timelines for submitting drafts of the dissertation; these timelines
are indicated in the academic calendar and are available from the Registrars Office.
Department Residency Requirement for Distance Education PhD Students
After a PhD student has passed the General Examination, PhD students who perform their
research at a remote location are required to spend two days of intellectual association at
Lehigh during each semester of the academic year. Each visit is to include:
(i) A 20 minute presentation given to a defined group of graduate students and a limited
number of faculty on a recent research article of direct relevance to the research of the
PhD student. This presentation will be followed by extensive discussion and interaction.
(ii) Discussion of issues of mutual research interest with a minimum of three other graduate
students engaged in related research at the University. These students may be within the
research group of the dissertation adviser or another adviser(s).
The PhD student will submit documentation each semester to the Secretarial Coordinator of
the Graduate Program, indicating satisfaction of requirements (i) and (ii). Documentation of
requirement (i) will include the complete citation of the journal article that served as the basis
for the 20 minute presentation and names of graduate students and faculty present. For
requirement (ii), a one page summary of the interactions with other students is required,
including their names and highlights as to how the student's own research has been
influenced by these discussions.
Master of Engineering Degree and Master of Science Degree *
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics
Each degree candidate is responsible for ensuring that his/her program is compatible with the degree requirements
given in the most recent version of the Lehigh University Catalog and the Graduate Student Handbook of the P. C.
Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science:
6. A student who receives more than four grades below B- in courses numbered 200 or higher
becomes ineligible to qualify for the Masters degree or to register for any other 400-level
All incoming masters students, except those brought to the University with full financial
support, pursue the Master of Engineering degree (with the option of pursuing a PhD degree).
The Master of Engineering degree does not require submittal of a thesis. In the event that a
student desires to pursue the Master of Science (thesis) degree, it is necessary to obtain the
agreement of a faculty member willing to supervise the thesis research. The availability of
faculty for research supervision depends on the specialty within the area of mechanical
engineering and the ongoing advisory commitments of the faculty member during a given
semester. Those students who wish to pursue the Master of Science degree with a thesis
contact faculty members in their area of interest during their first year of study.
There are two paths that one may choose for the Master of Engineering degree program.
The first path is a Master of Engineering degree which would include five core courses among
30 credit hours of courses, with the aim of eventually pursuing the PhD degree. In this case, the
core course selection is the same as for the Master of Science Degree, as given below. Students
who choose this option and have attained a gpa of at least 3.35 in their five core courses, will
have completed the first stage of PhD candidacy (at the Department level), and can proceed to
the second stage, which involves the General Examination.
The second path is the Master of Engineering degree with some or no core courses. The student
takes 30 credit hours of courses, satisfying the requirements indicated under the aforementioned
Masters Program Guidelines. If a student subsequently desires to pursue the PhD degree, he/she
should aim to complete the five core courses, in order to satisfy the first stage of PhD candidacy.
The program for the Master of Science degree must be comprised of a minimum of 30 credit
hours, which includes six hours of thesis credits, distributed as follows:
Required Core Courses in Mathematics (6 credits):
ME 452 Mathematical Methods in Engineering I, plus one of the following courses:
ME 413 Numerical Methods in Mechanical Engineering; OR
ME 453 Mathematical Methods in Engineering II.
Required Core Courses in Mechanical Engineering (9 credits):
Three courses selected from:
ME 423 Advanced Heat and Mass Transfer
ME 430 Advanced Fluid Mechanics
MECH 406 Fundamentals of Solid Mechanics
MECH 425 Analytical Methods of Dynamics and Vibrations
ME 402 Advanced Manufacturing Science OR
ME 401 Integrated Product Development
Free Electives (9 credits)
Free electives are three additional courses, approved by both the student's advisor and the
Departmental Graduate Committee, which complement the student's defined program. This
can include coursework in either engineering or any other approved discipline. The courses
that are selected for free electives, when considered with all other courses taken for the
Master of Science degree, must satisfy the University's course distribution requirements for
the Master's degree. These requirements are defined in the Graduate Student Handbook of
the College of Engineering and Applied Science and are listed on page 5 of this document.
Thesis (6 credits)
Completion of six credits of M.S. thesis (ME 490) is required.
Department Requirement:
Presentation The student must complete a professional quality poster and provide a
contribution to the Department web page based on his/her M.S. thesis research.
Thesis The Department requires submittal of an unbound, signed copy of the students
thesis, along with a CD containing a pdf file of the thesis.