Week 9
Week 9
Week 9
to 12 High School
Teacher Jonna D. Golez Learning Area Statistics and Probability
Teaching Dates and Week 9 Quarter 3rd
3. Learning The learner identifies point The learner identifies the The learners solve The learner draw
Competencies / estimator for the population appropriate form of the problems involving conclusion about the
Objectives proportion (M11/12SP-IIIi- confidence interval confidence interval population proportion
1) estimator for the population estimation of the population based on its confidence
The learner computes for based on the Central Limit proportion (M11/12SP-IIIIi- interval estimate
the point estimate of the Theorem (M11/12SP-IIIi-3) 5). (M11/12SP-IIIi-6).
population proportion
(M11/12SP-IIIi-2). The learner computes for a. Define the confidence a. Solve problems involving
the confidence interval interval estimation of the confidence interval
a. Define point estimate. estimate of the population population proportion. estimation of the
b. Identifies point estimator (M11/12SP-IIIi-4). b. Solve problems involving population proportion.
for the population confidence interval b. Draw conclusion about
proportion. a. Identifies the appropriate estimation of the the population proportion
c. Compute for the point form of the confidence population proportion. based on its confidence
estimate of the interval estimator for the c. Participate actively interval estimate.
population proportion. population based on the c. Participate actively
during group activity.
Central Limit Theorem.
during group activity.
b. Compute for the
confidence interval
estimate of the
c. State the steps in
calculating ṕ.
II. CONTENT Point estimation for Confidence Interval Solve Problems Involving Conclusion about
Population Proportion Estimation Confidence Interval Population Proportion
III. LEARNING List the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson
RESOURCES and in learning. Ensure that there is a mix of concrete and manipulative materials as well as paper-based
materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept development.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages Concept Math & Beyond Concept Math & Beyond Concept Math & Beyond Concept Math & Beyond
pp.146-152 pp.153-157 pp.158-162 pp.158-162
1. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning Internet (google) Internet (google) Internet (google) Internet (google)
IV. PROCEDURES These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn
well. Always be guided by demonstration of learning by the students which you can infer from formative
assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learn new
things, practice their learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in
relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
A. Reviewing previous Using calculator solve for E, Providing a jar with the Determine whether the Compute the population
lesson or presenting given the ff. following given for point statement is true or false. proportion interval estimate
the new lesson 1. n=6 , s=2, estimate of the proportion ṕ 1. A proportion is a ratio given the following:
90% confidence to solve. expression.
2. n=9 , s=2.8, 1. x=8; n=20 2. A frequency is a fraction.
90% confidence 2. x=10; n=25 3. An interval estimate a. n=210, ṕ=0.60, 95%
3. n=13, s=4.5, 3. x=6; n=18 consists of 1 value.
95% confidence 4. A confidence coefficient
is a multiplier of a
standard error.
5. The sampling b. n=460, ṕ=0.53, 95%
distribution of proportion
is normally distributed. confidence
B. Establishing a Guessing Game! Complete Me! Group the students into five Complete the sentence.
purpose for the The teacher will give the The mean serum and the ff. The registrar of a university
lesson percent proportion. cholesterol of a large has conducted a pre-survey
Example: population of overweight Group 1 their favorite color of selected courses in the
How many percent are adults is 220 mg/dl and the university. Of 850 randomly
absent? So 27% are standard deviation is 16.3Group 2 their favorite food selected students, 450 have
absent. mg/dl. If a sample of 30 said they like Science
adults is selected, find the
Group 3 their favorite course. With 95%
probability that the mean movies confidence, what
will be between 220 and interpretation can we make
222 mg/dl. Group 4 their favorite male regarding the probability that
Solution: artist in the all students in the university
Transform to z value
Philippines want to major in Science?
Step 1. The parameter of
Group 5 their favorite interest is the mean
female artist in the proportion p of all students
The required area is Philippines in the teacher graduate
between z=0 and z=0.67, After that each group will college who want to major in
which is ______ . Hence, get the point Science.
the probability that the estimation of the Step 2. By the CLT, -
mean will be between population ______________________
______ and _____ mg/dl is proportion. _____
_____. That is Step 3. Confidence
p(220<x<____) = _______ level:______________
coefficients: __________
Step 4. Collect sample
evidence and find the point
Sample evidence
Point estimate of p
The point estimate of the
population proportion
is_________. To find 95%
confidence interval.
Step 5. First, find q.
Step 6.
C. Presenting examples/ Answer Me! Answer Me! A survey of 1000
instances of the In a survey of 1250 Answer the given word students shows that 780 A survey of 1000
lesson students in TCSNHS 450 problem trust the College Dean. students shows that
of them said that their Suppose that 75% of Compute a 95% 780 trust the College
favorite subject is Concordia students like confidence interval for Dean. Compute a
mathematics. Find a point corn on the cob. If you the proportion of all 95% confidence
estimate for the population randomly survey 30 students who trust the interval for the
proportion of students in students, what is the college Dean. proportion of all
TCSNHS who say their probability that your
students who trust
favorite subject is survey says at least 60%
the college Dean.
mathematics. like corn on the cob?
D. Discussing new Try Me! Compute Me! Compute the population In a survey of 500 random
concepts and In a survey of 500 Compute the margin of error proportion interval estimate households in a particular
practicing new skills students, 328 like to take and estimate interval for the given the following: village, mothers have been
#1 coffee. Estimate the true female student’s proportion 1. n=210, ṕ =0.60, 95% asked if they use cell
population proportion p in survey at 95% confidence confidence phones to communicate.
and q where ṕ is the level. 2. n=460, ṕ=0.53, 95% There are 376 who have
proportion of those who confidence said YES. Us a 95%
like coffee based on the 3. n=562, ṕ=0.47, 95%
confidence to estimate the
sample. confidence
proportion of all mothers
who use the cellphone to
E. Discussing new Solve Me! Solve Me! A research study obtained A research study obtained
concepts and In a job satisfaction We take a random sample data regarding sexual data regarding sexual
practicing new skills survey among faculty of 50 households in order to behavior from a sample of behavior from a sample of
#2 members in a university, estimate the percentage of unmarried men and women unmarried men and women
400 employees were all homes in the United between the ages of 20 and between the ages of 20 and
asked if they were States that have a 44 residing in geographic 44 residing in geographic
satisfied with their jobs. refrigerator. It turns out that areas characterized by high areas characterized by high
There were 205 who 49 of the 50 homes in our
rates of sexually transmitted rates of sexually transmitted
responded YES. What sample have a refrigerator.
diseases and admission to diseases and admission to
proportion of the Can we use the formulas
population is this? What above to make a confidence drug programs. Fifty drug programs. Fifty
proportion responded interval in this situation? percent of 1229 percent of 1229
No? respondents reported that respondents reported that
they never used a condom. they never used a condom.
Construct a 95 percent Construct a 95 percent
confidence interval for the confidence interval for the
population proportion never population proportion never
using a condom. using a condom.
F. Developing mastery Check on Me! Answer the ff. Determine the proportion p
Estimate the interval for the
(Leads to Formative Find ṕ and q, given and q for each of the ff.
population proportion from
Assessment 3) following: Write and label the formula 1. x=100 ; n=378 each of the ff. and interpret
1. x=56 ; n=80 in calculating the confidence 2. x=234 ; n=512 the result.
2. x=35 ; n=96 interval for a population 3. x=356 ; n=624 1. x=500, n=812, 95%
3. x=420 ; n=1 000 proportion? 4. x=414 ; n=850 2. x=842, n=1200, 95%
x=652 ; n=1260 3. x=610, n=1050 95%
4. x=523, n=972, 99%
x=415, n=1679, 99%
G. Finding practical Group the students into 5 In a job satisfaction survey The cure rate for a standard The cure rate for a standard
applications of groups and answer the ff. among faculty member in a treatment of a disease is treatment of a disease is
concepts and skills question. university, 400 employees 45%. Dr. Snyder has 45%. Dr. Snyder has
in daily living a. In a mathematics test 90 were asked if they were perfected a primitive perfected a primitive
pupils out of 140 passed satisfied with their jobs. treatment which he claims is treatment which he claims is
the test. The sample There were 205 who much better. As evidence, much better. As evidence,
mean was 78. responded YES. he says that he has used he says that he has used his
Group 1: Find ṕ who 1. What proportion of the his new treatment on 50 new treatment on 50
passed the test. population is this? patients with the disease patients with the disease
Group 2: Find q . 2. What proportion and cured 25 of them. What and cured 25 of them. What
Group 3: Find ṕ responded NO? do you think? Is this new do you think? Is this new
proportion of these who treatment better. Use a 95% treatment better. Use a 95%
passed the test. confidence interval to confidence interval to
b. In a survey 120 Grade answer the question. answer the question.
11 students, 100 like to
watch The Sound of
Group 4: Find ṕ
Group 5: Find q
H. Making 1. What is point estimate? 1. What is Central Limit 1. What is the 1. What is the confidence
generalizations and 2. What is proportion? Theorem? confidence interval interval estimation of the
abstractions about 3. How to compute the 2. How to solve the estimation of the population proportion?
the lesson point estimator of the confidence interval population proportion? 2. What are the steps in
population proportion? estimate of the 2. What are the steps in solving problems
population? solving problems involving confidence
involving confidence interval estimation?
interval estimation?
I. Evaluating learning A. Find ṕ and q, given x Group the students into two Using Carrie's baseball Using Carrie's baseball
and n. groups. data, estimate the data, estimate the
1. x=636 ; n=1200 Answer the word problem. proportion of professional proportion of professional
2. x=1200 ; n=10000 1. A nutritionist wants to baseball players who weigh baseball players who weigh
B. During a field trip joined know the population 200 or more pounds. Find a 200 or more pounds. Find a
by 800 pupils, 610 took proportion of the students 95% confidence interval for 95% confidence interval for
the rides. Find ṕ and q who eat vegetables. this proportion and interpret this proportion and interpret
where ṕ is the Pegged at a confidence of it. it
proportion of children 95% a survey among 1200
who took the rides. respondents is conducted
and 200 say that eat
vegetables. Intercept the
2. Who knows the game
sipa? A physical education
major seeks to determine
whether all Filipinos are
familiar with this game.
Among 1500 respondents,
358 know the game. Use
95% confidence to estimate
the population proportion p
and q.
J. Additional activities Assignment Complete the sentence. Assignment: Complete the sentence.
for application or A. In a reading test, 90 I learned that a. What is the step in I learned that
remediation students out of 140 ___________________ solving the confidence ___________________
passed the test. The I still want to clarify on interval estimation of the I still want to clarify
sample mean was 78. ___________________ population proportion? on________________
Find ṕ the proportion of b. What is the last part in
these who passed the solving the confidence
best. interval estimation of the
B. What is the Central population proportion/
Limit Theorem? how will you draw the
VI. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What
works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors
can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
1. No.of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
2. No.of learners who
require additional
activities for
3. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.of
learners who have
caught up with the
4. No.of learners who
continue to require
5. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
6. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
7. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?