BBA Course Des Only
BBA Course Des Only
BBA Course Des Only
2101 Psvcholoqv
This introductory course provides an overview of the origins, growth, content and
applications of psychology, inciuding the application of the scientific method to the
following topics: research methodology; basic statistics; theories of physical, cognitive,
moral and emotional development; sensation; perception; learning; motivation;
intelligence; memory; personality; coping processes; abnormality; adjustment; and the
individual in small groups and a pluralistic society.
Nature of atoms and molecules; Valence and periodic tables; Chemical bonds, acids,
and base; Elementary stereo-chemistry, optical isomerism; Functional groups, structure
determination; Reactions of alkenes and alkynes.
2102 Philosophv
ln this course, attention is given to the purposes and benefits of studying philosophy.
Students will be introduced to various types of philosophical questions and problems
and to some of the areas of philosophy that deal with these questions - for example,
epistemology (theory of knowledge), ethics (foundations of morality), metaphysics
(theories of the nature of existence), and logic (principles of reasoning). Students will
also become acquainted with some of the main methods of philosophical inquiry, such
as Socratic dialogue or meihod, inquiry through the use of myth or anecdote, and
textual analysis.
2103 Socioloqv
This course develops the perspectives, concepts and methodologies needed for
objective, analytical thinking about human interaction. Relationships are explored in
terms of the development of the self through interaction, basic types of social
organization, collective behavior, types of institutions, and aspects of the total social
system such as social change and population phenomena.
2104 Historv
This course covers six major dimensions of history of civilization and will cover primitive
civilization, classical thought, late medieval and renaissance, pre cold war era, post
cold war period, and history of Bengal.
E201 Micro Economics
The purpose of microeconomics is to develop the students' skill in the systematic
analysis of the economic aspects of business decisions and to acquaint them with
some relevant analytical methods and concepts. The course covers lntroduction to
Micro Economics; The basics of supply and demand; Utility approach to consumer
behavior; Theory of production and cost; Profit maximization and competitiveness;
Market structure and theory of the firm; Factor inputs; Externalities and public goods.
E202 Macro Economics
This course introduces students to fundamental economic concepts such as scarcity
and opportunity costs. The course includes National lncome; Computation of National
lncome and Product; Theory of income determination; Aggregate supply and demand
models; Savings, consumption and investment; Employment; Theory of money and
inflation; Monetary and fiscal policy, an overview of economic fluctuations and to
highlight the dynamics of unemployment, inflation, and economic growth.
G201 Banqladesh Studies
The course introduces the socio-economic profile of Bangladesh, agriculture, industry,
service sector, demographic patterns, social aid and physical infrastructures. Social
stratification and power, power structures, government and NGO activities in socio-
economic development, national issues and policies and changing society of
Bangladesh. ln addition, the business proliferation and growth is also introduced.
Kl 02 Quantitative Analvsis
The course is designed to equip the students with mathematical tools and concepts to
be used in the business decision processes. lt includes business application of number
fields, linear and non-linear inequalities, functions, sets, analytical geometry, logarithm
limit, differential and integral calculus, matrix and linear programming. Elements of
probability are also covered.
K201 Gom puter Applications
The course acquaints students with the role and use of computer in decision processes.
The basics of computer hardware and software are introduced with reference to
evolution from abacus to notebooks. A procedural language is used to solve problems
from business situations. Database management with reference to varlous packages is
also covered.
K202 Business Statistics
The course is designed to equip the students with statistical tools and concepts to be
used in the business decision processes. Methods of descriptive and inferential
statistics are covered that include measures of central tendency and dispersion,
probability distributions, hypothesis testing and their application in the management
decision process, correlation and regression analysis, and basics of non-parametric
statistics. Survey methods and sample designs are also discussed.
Alat financiat nccoun
This is a basic course and deals with functional of bookkeeping and accounting. The
course covers the basic accounting concepts, double-entry system of book-keeping,
recording of transaction, preparation of trial balance, treatment of adjustment entries,
preparation of financial statements, internal control and checking, accounting principles,
methods inventory valuation, methods of depreciation charge, acquisition, disposal, and
exchange of long term assets.
,4201 Financial Accountinq ll
This course begins with a rigorous review of the concepts, principles, measurements
and accounting process, acquired in the introductory level. This foundaiion is
subsequently built upon on topic specific bases; accounting for current assets, current
liabilities, long term assets, intangible assets, long term liabilities, and owner's equity.
This course also covers income and expense recognition applications in diverse and
complex business situations, implication in tax expense through different accounting
practices. These topics are continuously incorporated into an increasingly complex
accounting module with the culmination of the financial statements (lncome, Balance
Sheet, Retained Earnings, and Statement of Cash Flows). The strengths, limitations
and utility of the GAAP accounting module are discussed with each topic.
A202 Manaqement Accountinq
The course is a sequence to Financial Accounting and deals with tools and techniques
of internal use of accounting for management decision viz., concept of cost element,
pricing of cost and cost centers, cost classification, cost behavior, variable and
absorption of costing, basics of job order and process costing, cost volume profit
analysis, budgeting and budgetary control, variance analysis, flexible budget, relevant
cost items in decision making, segment reporting and transfer pricing,
C1 03 Business Communication
The course provides a thorough understanding of the communication process and
dynamics in business setting and emphasizes written as well as verbal communication.
The course is designed to help the students in learning the techniques and acquiring
the skills needed to communicate effectively in management. The course deals with
Basic English in the practices of communication. The course introduces various
techniques of effective communication through business letters, reports and other
media from an integral part of the course.
F301 Financial Manaqement I
This course covers basic concepts and analytical tools used in business finance. Topics
include: Basic principles of finance, Analysis of risk-return, cost of capital, analysis of
time value of money, elementary capital budgeting, working capital management etc.
F302 Financial Manaqement ll
This course covers the nature and scope of financial management, the objectives of
financial management and need for management of working as well as fixed capital,
tools for quantitative analysis of prior financial position, techniques of forecasting, the
need for funds, techniquei of capital budgeting and related concepts, capital structure
and rationing, dividend policies etc.
H301 Human Resources Manaqement
This course deals with management of human resources in organization, viz' the basic
functions of human resource inanagement, sources of personnel' methods of selection,
primary record-
recruitment, developing and motivJting the work force, procedures of
keeping, salary and wage administration, promotion, training appraisal,
heaith safety, moral discipline, employee benefits etc.
K301 Research Methods
This course aims to expose participants to qualitative and quantitative data
processing, analysis and presentation methods and skills Students are exposed to
suclr st<ittJ tntougt.l hands-on experience with qualitative and quantitative methods
through writing rdsearch" proposals and through writing of analytical research report on
collected data.
K302 Manaqement lnformation Svstems
This course includes information systems concepts and terminology, current issues and
trends in lT, including e-Bus;ness, e-commerce, the impact of technology on
organizations, tunag"ti and users, and ethical, social and global issues, examples of
lT applications incl-uding ERP, decision support systems, executive information
systems, and information systems in business functional areas of marketing, finance'
production, and human resources
M301 Principles of Marketinq
This course focuses mainly on the topics like lntroduction to Marketing; The Marketing
Philosophy; The Marketing concepts; Marketing Environment; Elements of Marketing
Mix; Market Segmentation and positioning; Product Decisions; pricing Decisions;
Marketing ethics etc.
M302 Marketinq Manaqement
This course is designed to introduce the students to ihe basic elements of the
marketing management process. lt helps ihe students to identify and solve many
business problems by using a marketing perspective. This course will not turn the
students into marketing wizards, but it will give them a very broad understandlng of
what marketing is all about and the viial role that it plays in organizations.
P301 Operations Manaqement
Topics covered include lntroduction to production function; Manufacturing policy
decisions; Production system, Plant location and factory layout; Production planning
and control; Product design & development; Time and motion study; Material handling
and transportation; Quality control and inspection; Statistical quality control; Purchasing
and inventory control, Maintenance management; Production control; Systems
approach in production management.
W201 Principles of Manaqement
This course includes the topics of Meaning and importance of management; Evolution
of management thought; Managerial decision making; Environmental impact on
management; Corporate social responsibility, Planning; Setting objectives;
lmplementing plans; Organizing; Organization design; Managing change; Human
resource management: Directing; Motivation; Leadership; Managing work groups;
Controlling: Control principles, processes and problems, Managing in a changing
environment. The major objective of the course is to provide students with an
opportunity to enhance their understanding of large and small organizational systems.
W202 Orqanizational Behavior
The course deals with individual and group behavior models in the context of different
organizations and social systems. lt deals with the basic concepts of motivation,
perception, learning and analysis of human behavior, individual differences and job
satisfaction attitude changes, group process, team work, role theory, power and
authority along with the analysis of small group behavior, group dynamics, leadership,
decision, development of organizations and the influence of groups.
W301 Entrepreneurship
The course includes entrepreneurship theory; Entrepreneurial success and impact of
environmental variables, new venture creation process - opportunity identification and
assessment, entrepreneurial start-up strategies, the business plan and business
,4406Accountinq lnformation Svstem
This course is designed to present an understanding of accounting information
systems and their role in the accounting environment. Particular attention is paid to
transaction cycles and internal control structure. Topics covered include the accounting
software application, control concepts and procedures, auditing of informaiion systems,
internets, intranets, electronic commerce, Accounting lnformation Systems Security
and Auditing, Management Repofts and Decision-Making Tools, Data Management
Concepts and Electronic Data lnterchange (EDl) and the role of information systems.
A408 Taxation
The course is primarily designed to provide the students with a fundamental
understanding of economic effects of taxation on business enttties and individuals
prevailing in Bangladesh. Different types of tax e.g. income tax, gift tax, wealth tax,
direct and indirect tax etc. are elaborately covered in thts course. At the end of the
course, the students are expected to be able to: i) understand the role of taxation in
overall economic development of an economy, ii) understand the place of taxation in
overall flscal policy of a government, iii) understand relevant provisions of taxation
rules in Bangladesh and iv) independently assess the tax liabilities of corporate and
personal entities.
Human Resources Management
compensation management, Performance pay, Knowledge-based pay; lmproving
Performance: Mentoring, Career development
lniormation Systems
K404 E-Commerce
This course provides a comprehensive presentation of the concepts, technologies, and
tools necessary for designing and implementing information systems that support
electronic commerce (e-commerce) initiatives. The primary objective is to familiarize
students wiih the current literature related to e-commerce including networking basics,
infrastructure architectures, security, front-end/back-end integration, development
tools, emerging business models, marketing tactics, online investing, and designing
interactive Web sites to enhance usability.
O$erations Management
P407 Enterprise Resource Planning
Examines the principles and techniques for planning and managing resource used in a
manufacturing facility. Topics include demand management, inventory management,
master scheduling, material and capacity planning, and lean/juslin-time
P408 Technoloqv Manaqement
Technology management is an introduction to the management of firms in high-
technology industries such as software development and biotechnology research. The
course uses cases, readings, and exercises to understand the issues'involved in
motivating and managing knowledge workers, organizing for innovation, and decision
making in faslpaced business environments.
P409 Product and Service Development
NPD processes, from setting a strategic framework for the development effort through
to monitoring post-launch success; methods of market research and the use of
analytical approaches such as perceptual mapping, benefit segmentation, irends
unbundling and morphological analysis; screening and ranking processes to set
priorities for development; conveding concepts into prototypes; developing strategies
and plans for the commercial launch. Some exercises may require flexibility with the
timing of classes.
P41 0 Strateqic Operations Manaqement
The course provides unifying framework for analyzing strategic issues in manufacturing
and service operations. Analyzes relationships between manufacturing and service
companies and their suppliers, customers, and competitors. Also covers decisions in
technology, facilities, vertical integration, human resources and other strategic areas.
Explores means of competition such as cost, quality, and innovativeness. Provides an
approach to make operations decisions in the era of outsourcing and globalization.
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