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BBA Course Des Only

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BBA Course DescriPtion



C101 Enqlish Lanouaqe

Common mistakes in English; writing techniques, writing practice in the form of
paragraphs; letter, report and summary writing; basic principles of effective listening;
guidelines for effective speaking: basic rules of pronunciation, conversational fillers,
social expressions, debate; review of basic grammar; rules of effective speaking.

K101 Mathematics for Decisions

The course includes elements of algebra, number fields, linear and non-linear
inequalities, functions, set theory, analytical geometry, logarithm limit, differential and
integral calculus, matrix and linear programming. The purpose of the course is to help
the students learn mathematical tools, which are used in management studies.

2101 Psvcholoqv
This introductory course provides an overview of the origins, growth, content and
applications of psychology, inciuding the application of the scientific method to the
following topics: research methodology; basic statistics; theories of physical, cognitive,
moral and emotional development; sensation; perception; learning; motivation;
intelligence; memory; personality; coping processes; abnormality; adjustment; and the
individual in small groups and a pluralistic society.


C102 Foreiqn Lanquaqe (French. German. Mandarin, Spanish)

The course description is not provided, since the faculty concerned is likely to follow
individual techniques as content. lt is expected that after taking this course the student
will be able to understand and communicate at the basic level of the language. The
course can be taken at specialized centres such as the lnstitute of Modern languages
or the cultural centers of the respective foreign missions.

G101 Economics of Geoqraphv and Environment

This course is designed to develop an understanding of the philosophy of geography.
The students will be made to understand how geography is unique in bridging the
social sciences with the earth sciences. This is possible through its understanding of
the dynamics of cultures, societies and economies (human geography) and its
understanding of physical landscapes .and environmental processes (physical

S101 Phvsical Sciences

This course is designed io give a basic understanding of Physics and Chemistry.
Topics in physics: Fundamentals of mechanics, vector and forces; Kinematics,
conservation laws and gravitation; Sound, light, diffraction, and interference; Electric
fields, potentials, magnetic fields; Atomic and nuclear physics. Topics in chemistry:

Nature of atoms and molecules; Valence and periodic tables; Chemical bonds, acids,
and base; Elementary stereo-chemistry, optical isomerism; Functional groups, structure
determination; Reactions of alkenes and alkynes.

S102 Bioloqical Sciences

The course is designed to give an understanding of the basic concepts and principles
of biological sciences. Topics include: Origin of life, prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell
structure and functions; Energy capture and use; Nutrition and metabolism; Basic
human anatomy and physiology; Plants and their classification; Vascular plants;
Heredity and evolution; Ecosystem and ecological interaction.

2102 Philosophv
ln this course, attention is given to the purposes and benefits of studying philosophy.
Students will be introduced to various types of philosophical questions and problems
and to some of the areas of philosophy that deal with these questions - for example,
epistemology (theory of knowledge), ethics (foundations of morality), metaphysics
(theories of the nature of existence), and logic (principles of reasoning). Students will
also become acquainted with some of the main methods of philosophical inquiry, such
as Socratic dialogue or meihod, inquiry through the use of myth or anecdote, and
textual analysis.

2103 Socioloqv
This course develops the perspectives, concepts and methodologies needed for
objective, analytical thinking about human interaction. Relationships are explored in
terms of the development of the self through interaction, basic types of social
organization, collective behavior, types of institutions, and aspects of the total social
system such as social change and population phenomena.

2104 Historv
This course covers six major dimensions of history of civilization and will cover primitive
civilization, classical thought, late medieval and renaissance, pre cold war era, post
cold war period, and history of Bengal.

2105 Business Ethics and Leadership

This course explores the influences of communication on ethical leadership in
organizational life. lt discusses the applications of pertinent research and theories of
communication, leadership, and ethics in complex and challenging organizing contexts.
The course cuts across multiple levels of communication, different communication
channels, and the use of diverse communication media and technologies.

E201 Micro Economics
The purpose of microeconomics is to develop the students' skill in the systematic
analysis of the economic aspects of business decisions and to acquaint them with
some relevant analytical methods and concepts. The course covers lntroduction to
Micro Economics; The basics of supply and demand; Utility approach to consumer
behavior; Theory of production and cost; Profit maximization and competitiveness;
Market structure and theory of the firm; Factor inputs; Externalities and public goods.
E202 Macro Economics
This course introduces students to fundamental economic concepts such as scarcity
and opportunity costs. The course includes National lncome; Computation of National
lncome and Product; Theory of income determination; Aggregate supply and demand
models; Savings, consumption and investment; Employment; Theory of money and
inflation; Monetary and fiscal policy, an overview of economic fluctuations and to
highlight the dynamics of unemployment, inflation, and economic growth.
G201 Banqladesh Studies
The course introduces the socio-economic profile of Bangladesh, agriculture, industry,
service sector, demographic patterns, social aid and physical infrastructures. Social
stratification and power, power structures, government and NGO activities in socio-
economic development, national issues and policies and changing society of
Bangladesh. ln addition, the business proliferation and growth is also introduced.
Kl 02 Quantitative Analvsis
The course is designed to equip the students with mathematical tools and concepts to
be used in the business decision processes. lt includes business application of number
fields, linear and non-linear inequalities, functions, sets, analytical geometry, logarithm
limit, differential and integral calculus, matrix and linear programming. Elements of
probability are also covered.
K201 Gom puter Applications
The course acquaints students with the role and use of computer in decision processes.
The basics of computer hardware and software are introduced with reference to
evolution from abacus to notebooks. A procedural language is used to solve problems
from business situations. Database management with reference to varlous packages is
also covered.
K202 Business Statistics
The course is designed to equip the students with statistical tools and concepts to be
used in the business decision processes. Methods of descriptive and inferential
statistics are covered that include measures of central tendency and dispersion,
probability distributions, hypothesis testing and their application in the management
decision process, correlation and regression analysis, and basics of non-parametric
statistics. Survey methods and sample designs are also discussed.
Alat financiat nccoun
This is a basic course and deals with functional of bookkeeping and accounting. The
course covers the basic accounting concepts, double-entry system of book-keeping,
recording of transaction, preparation of trial balance, treatment of adjustment entries,
preparation of financial statements, internal control and checking, accounting principles,
methods inventory valuation, methods of depreciation charge, acquisition, disposal, and
exchange of long term assets.
,4201 Financial Accountinq ll
This course begins with a rigorous review of the concepts, principles, measurements
and accounting process, acquired in the introductory level. This foundaiion is
subsequently built upon on topic specific bases; accounting for current assets, current
liabilities, long term assets, intangible assets, long term liabilities, and owner's equity.
This course also covers income and expense recognition applications in diverse and
complex business situations, implication in tax expense through different accounting
practices. These topics are continuously incorporated into an increasingly complex
accounting module with the culmination of the financial statements (lncome, Balance
Sheet, Retained Earnings, and Statement of Cash Flows). The strengths, limitations
and utility of the GAAP accounting module are discussed with each topic.
A202 Manaqement Accountinq
The course is a sequence to Financial Accounting and deals with tools and techniques
of internal use of accounting for management decision viz., concept of cost element,
pricing of cost and cost centers, cost classification, cost behavior, variable and
absorption of costing, basics of job order and process costing, cost volume profit
analysis, budgeting and budgetary control, variance analysis, flexible budget, relevant
cost items in decision making, segment reporting and transfer pricing,
C1 03 Business Communication
The course provides a thorough understanding of the communication process and
dynamics in business setting and emphasizes written as well as verbal communication.
The course is designed to help the students in learning the techniques and acquiring
the skills needed to communicate effectively in management. The course deals with
Basic English in the practices of communication. The course introduces various
techniques of effective communication through business letters, reports and other
media from an integral part of the course.
F301 Financial Manaqement I
This course covers basic concepts and analytical tools used in business finance. Topics
include: Basic principles of finance, Analysis of risk-return, cost of capital, analysis of
time value of money, elementary capital budgeting, working capital management etc.
F302 Financial Manaqement ll
This course covers the nature and scope of financial management, the objectives of
financial management and need for management of working as well as fixed capital,

tools for quantitative analysis of prior financial position, techniques of forecasting, the
need for funds, techniquei of capital budgeting and related concepts, capital structure
and rationing, dividend policies etc.
H301 Human Resources Manaqement
This course deals with management of human resources in organization, viz' the basic
functions of human resource inanagement, sources of personnel' methods of selection,
primary record-
recruitment, developing and motivJting the work force, procedures of
keeping, salary and wage administration, promotion, training appraisal,
heaith safety, moral discipline, employee benefits etc.
K301 Research Methods
This course aims to expose participants to qualitative and quantitative data
processing, analysis and presentation methods and skills Students are exposed to
suclr st<ittJ tntougt.l hands-on experience with qualitative and quantitative methods
through writing rdsearch" proposals and through writing of analytical research report on
collected data.
K302 Manaqement lnformation Svstems
This course includes information systems concepts and terminology, current issues and
trends in lT, including e-Bus;ness, e-commerce, the impact of technology on
organizations, tunag"ti and users, and ethical, social and global issues, examples of
lT applications incl-uding ERP, decision support systems, executive information
systems, and information systems in business functional areas of marketing, finance'
production, and human resources

L201 Leqal Environment of Business

The course includes study of the nature of the legal system in which society functions'
including basic business agreements, business entities, and government regulation.
Law of contract: Agreement; Consideration, Misrepresentation; Void and voidable
contracts; Sale of goods: Discharge; Remedies; Law of agencies; Bailment and pledge;
Law of carriage of"goods; Negotiible lnstruments Act; lnsurance law; Company Law. lt
also includes-Labor law and jcts concerning payment of wages, employmeni and non-
employment in factories, shops and establishments; Workers' compensation. lndustrial
disputes, trade unions and CBA, labor courts.
L301 International Business Environment
lntroduction to the field of international business: national economic and cultural
differences; international trade policies and institutions, foreign direct investment;
regional economic integration; international monetary system; global competition;
cuirent international busihess trends and developments. lt further includes trade theory
and policy sources of international competitiveness in trade; tools of trade protection;
the GATT, the Uruguay Round and the WTO; Foreign direct investment motives for
foreign direct investment; motives for international alliances; policies fol
restrLting/promoting foreign direct investment; national business systems; influence of
national cultural values on business organization; business-government relations, and
policy choices.

M301 Principles of Marketinq
This course focuses mainly on the topics like lntroduction to Marketing; The Marketing
Philosophy; The Marketing concepts; Marketing Environment; Elements of Marketing
Mix; Market Segmentation and positioning; Product Decisions; pricing Decisions;
Marketing ethics etc.
M302 Marketinq Manaqement
This course is designed to introduce the students to ihe basic elements of the
marketing management process. lt helps ihe students to identify and solve many
business problems by using a marketing perspective. This course will not turn the
students into marketing wizards, but it will give them a very broad understandlng of
what marketing is all about and the viial role that it plays in organizations.
P301 Operations Manaqement
Topics covered include lntroduction to production function; Manufacturing policy
decisions; Production system, Plant location and factory layout; Production planning
and control; Product design & development; Time and motion study; Material handling
and transportation; Quality control and inspection; Statistical quality control; Purchasing
and inventory control, Maintenance management; Production control; Systems
approach in production management.
W201 Principles of Manaqement
This course includes the topics of Meaning and importance of management; Evolution
of management thought; Managerial decision making; Environmental impact on
management; Corporate social responsibility, Planning; Setting objectives;
lmplementing plans; Organizing; Organization design; Managing change; Human
resource management: Directing; Motivation; Leadership; Managing work groups;
Controlling: Control principles, processes and problems, Managing in a changing
environment. The major objective of the course is to provide students with an
opportunity to enhance their understanding of large and small organizational systems.
W202 Orqanizational Behavior
The course deals with individual and group behavior models in the context of different
organizations and social systems. lt deals with the basic concepts of motivation,
perception, learning and analysis of human behavior, individual differences and job
satisfaction attitude changes, group process, team work, role theory, power and
authority along with the analysis of small group behavior, group dynamics, leadership,
decision, development of organizations and the influence of groups.
W301 Entrepreneurship
The course includes entrepreneurship theory; Entrepreneurial success and impact of
environmental variables, new venture creation process - opportunity identification and
assessment, entrepreneurial start-up strategies, the business plan and business


A401 Cost Accountinq

ffirsedealingwiththetechniquesofcostingand.theuseofcost to cost
information for managerial plann'ing and control. lt covers: lntroduction
and cost
Accounting: objectiveJ and importarice of cost accounting; Cost concepts
Classificaiion; Material costing: store-keeping and lnventory control; valuation of
expenses: -f\4anufacturing and non-
lnventory; Labor Cost Accouriting; Chargeable
manufaituring overheads; Job Oider ani Batch Costing, Process Costing;
AaseO Costirig, Standard costs; Variance analysis, Statement of cost
of Production'

4402 Advanced Financial Accountinq

and Joint
This is an advanced course dealing with the topics like Date Consignment
and lnstallment
Venture Accounts, Branch and Deplrtmental Accounts, Hire Purchase
Accounting, Lease Accounting, Accounting for Liquidation of comp.anies
Act), Finaicial Statement of 6roup of Companies, Accounting relating to lnsolvency:
Rccounting related to Mergers and Amalgamation Partnership Firms Accounting and
Valuation of Goodwill.
4403 Accountinq Theorv
This course focuses elaborately on accounting conceptual framework, accounting
concepts, standard setting meas;rement and recognition issues, and characteristics
accounting information. iopics and Objectives include: Objectives of Financial
Reportingl The conceptual framework, Generally Accepted A,cggulJino Principles
the Financial Accounting Standards Board (GAAP and the FASB), Financial Reporting'
part of this
Financial Statements, Elements of Financial Statements. Another major
course includes detailed of International Accounting Standards (lAS).
4404 Accountinq for Government and Non-Profit orqanizations
This course covers government budget and financial management funds control
concepts, standards, procedures, an- practices. Topics include recognizing and
r-""ording accounting transactions for various funds like fiduciary fund, provided fund,
benevolJnt fund, retirement benefit etc. Accounting for autonomous bodies like
municipal corporations, universities and non-profit oriented organization is also
A405 Auditinq
The course deals with principles of auditing, auditors' duties and responsibilities, basic
auditing techniques, verificaiion and valuation of assets and liabilities, internal checks,
internal control and auditor's reports. Auditing standards are also covered in this
course. Major parts of this course are: financial audit, cost audit and management

,4406Accountinq lnformation Svstem
This course is designed to present an understanding of accounting information
systems and their role in the accounting environment. Particular attention is paid to
transaction cycles and internal control structure. Topics covered include the accounting
software application, control concepts and procedures, auditing of informaiion systems,
internets, intranets, electronic commerce, Accounting lnformation Systems Security
and Auditing, Management Repofts and Decision-Making Tools, Data Management
Concepts and Electronic Data lnterchange (EDl) and the role of information systems.

A407 Strategic Manaqement Accountinq

Through the course students are expected to learn how to measure and report
financial and non-financial information that helps managers to make strategic decisions
and fulfill the goals of an organization. This course includes the topics: pricing, make
or buy decisions, re-structuring decision, re-engineering decision, merger decision,
transfer pricing, corporate performance evaluation, strategtc profitability analysis,
product like extension marketing mix decisions, accounting information for strategic
positioning, strategic cost driver analysis, etc.

A408 Taxation
The course is primarily designed to provide the students with a fundamental
understanding of economic effects of taxation on business enttties and individuals
prevailing in Bangladesh. Different types of tax e.g. income tax, gift tax, wealth tax,
direct and indirect tax etc. are elaborately covered in thts course. At the end of the
course, the students are expected to be able to: i) understand the role of taxation in
overall economic development of an economy, ii) understand the place of taxation in
overall flscal policy of a government, iii) understand relevant provisions of taxation
rules in Bangladesh and iv) independently assess the tax liabilities of corporate and
personal entities.

F409 Financial lnformation Analvsis

This course is designed to: 1) develop basic skills in financial statement analysis; 2)
teach students to identify the relevant financial data used in a variety of decision
contexts, such as equity valuation, forecasting firm-level economic variables, distress
prediction and credit analysis, 3) help students appreciate the factors that influence the
outcome of the financial reporting process, such as the incentives of reporting parties,
regulatory rules, and a firm's competitive environment. At the end of the course the
students are expected to acquaint with various tools and techniques of financial
analysis and to provide them with opportunities to apply these tools and techniques in
analyzing financial statements necessary for practical business decisions.


F401 Corpqrate Ei-nan_ce

The purpose of this course is to introduce techniques of financial analysis, with
emphasis on financing and capital budgeting decision. The main topics covered
include (1) the time value of money and the net present value rule; (2) valuation of
bonds and stocks; (3) capital budgeting decisions, (4) uncertainty and the tradeoff
between risk and return; and (5) corporate financing and dividend policy decisions.
F402 Portfolio Manaqement
The course covers concepts and techniques of porlfolio management; topics include:
risk diversification evaluating portfolio; portfolio selection; analyzing portfolio
performance; examining the pattern of changes in valuation of portfolio; capiial asset
pricing model.
F403 Financial Markets and lnstitutions
This course provides students with an understanding of the mechanisms of various
financial markets, and institutions such as banks, stock exchanges and brokers. You
will develop a critical awareness of the theoretical and practical problems associated
with regulating financial markets. lt investigates how the market structures potentially
cause and mitigate financial risk to market participants and end users. lt reviews how
financial scandals and crises arise, and how they may be resolved,
F404 Bank Manaqement
The subject matter of this course is the organization and accounting in banks. This is
related with the problems of how banks control their portfolios and how they make a
profit. ln the era of globalization, many investment and commercial banks have
developed themselves as multinational financial institutions. Also, they invest their
assets and hedge their risk globally. This course aims to enhance students' ability to
manage banking institutions that have both national and international exposures.
F405 lnternational Finance
The course focuses on international financial management and international trade.
Topics in financial management, viewed primarily from the perspective of managers
doing business overseas, include export/import financing, the management of foreign
exchange exposure, foreign direct investment decisions, and muliinational capital
budgeting. Other topics include trends in international banking, the balance of
payments, the determination of exchange rates, and the LDC debt crisis. lt examines
the challenges and problems faced by firms planning on doing business in Western
Europe, Eastern Europe, the Far East, Mexico, Canada, South America, and Africa
during the next decade.
F406 Financial Derivatives
The purpose of this course is to analyze the properties of derivative securities that are
commonly encountered in practice. lt examines the theoretical framework within which
derivative securities can be valued. The course also highlights alternative hedging
strategies for flnancial institutions and portfolio managers. Options, futures, forward
contracts, swaps etc are the main topics of this course.
F407 lnsurance and Risk Management
This course introduces the principles of risk management and insurance. The students
acquire a fundamental knowledge of risk exposures, the management of pure risk, and
the insurance mechanism. Another objective is to make the students a more informed
consumer of insurance products when they conduct both business and personal
4408 Taxation
The course is primarily designed to provide the siudents with a fundamental
understanding of economic effects of taxation on business entities and individuals
prevailing in Bangladesh. Different types of tax e.g. income tax, gift tax, wealth tax,
direct and indirect tax etc. are elaborately covered in this course. At the end of the
course, the students are expected to be able to: i) understand the role of taxation in
overall economic development of an economy, ii) understand the place of taxation in
overall flscal policy of a government, iii) understand relevant provisions of taxation
rules in Bangladesh and iv) independently assess the tax liabilities of corporate and
personal entities.
F409 Financial lnformation Analvsis
This course is designed to: 1) develop basic skills in financial statement analysis; 2)
teach students to identify the relevant financial data used in a variety of decision
contexts, such as equity valuation, forecasting firm-level economic variables, distress
prediction and credii analysis; 3) help students appreciate the factors that influence the
outcome of the financial reporting process, such as the incentives of reporting parties,
regulatory rules, and a firm's competitive environment. At the end of the course the
students are expected to acquaint with various tools and techniques of financial
analysis and to provide them with opportunities to apply these tools and techniques in
analyzing financial statements necessary for practical business decisions.

Human Resources Management

H401 Human Ressulqe PlAnning

lmportance of Manpower planning; lssues in Human Resource Planning; Planning
model; Determination of Future Human Resource Requirements; Determining Future
Human Resource Availability; Assessing Gaps and objectives; Action planning to
match the gaps; Human Resource lnformation system; Manpower planning as the
basis of recruitment, selection, training, and phasing out; A system approach to Annual
Manpower Planning Exercise.

H402 Training and Development

Training and development function; Strategy and training; Organizations of the training
department; Training needs assessment; Learning and behavior; Designing of training
programs; Evaluation of training programs; Training techniques; Technical training;
Training and development of managers; Training in organization development; Theory
and practice of career development; Developing career structures; ldentifying
organizational needs; lnstitutionalizing the career development system; Evaluating the

H403 Labor- Manaqement Relations

This is a specialized course which starts with Labor-management relations at the firm
level; Evolution of labor-management relations; Characteristics and contemporary
issues; Emphasis on analysis of the labor-management relationship through reference
to theory and research on collective action; bargaining behavior and conflict resolution.

H404 Compensation Theorv and Administration

Compensation theory; Job analysis; Preparation of job description; Fundamentals of
job evaluation; Methods of compensation including incentives, Fringe benefits;
Determinants of wage levels; wage structures and individual wages; analysis of the
impact of wages on individual attitudes and decisions to participate and perform in

H405 Negotiation and Conflict Manaqement

Overview and definition; Conflict management styles; Problem solving approaches;
Negotiation: strategizing, framing and planning; Nature of negotiation; Strategy and
tactics of distributive bargaining; Strategy and tactics of integrative negotiation;
perception, cognition and communication; ldentifying and using negotiation leverage;
Global negotiations in social context; Managing negotiation; Ethics in negotiation

H406 Performance Manaqement

Performance Management Cycle: Planning, Coaching, Reviewing, Rewarding,
lmproving; Performance Planning: Using job analysis, Developing pedormance
standard, Communicating performance expectation; Coaching Performance:
Establishing trustful relationships, ldentifying causes of poor performance; Reviewing
Performance: Different approaches to performance appraisal; Rewarding Performance:

compensation management, Performance pay, Knowledge-based pay; lmproving
Performance: Mentoring, Career development

H407 Waqes and Labor Market

Demand for labor; Quasi-flxed labor costs, Supply of labor; Labor unions and collective
bargaining; Household production models; lnvestment in human capital; Education
traiiing; Earnings differentials; Compensation differentials; Discrimination;
CompJnsation structure, Unemployment and inflation and labor market issues

H408 Human Resource lnformation Svstems

policies and
Human Resource lnformation System (HRIS) Basics, Human resource
pra"ti"er enabled by HRIS, lnteinet recruiting and applicant tracking, e-learning and
forms of technology-based training, Telecommuting and the Virtual workplace,
Global work groups, Human Resources for Knowledge Workers'

H409 Strateqic Human Resources Manaqement

in the
Definition and overview of strategy; The role of human resource management
strategic process; Preparation and implementation of human resource strategies;
relatio-nship between strategic human resource management and human
planning; human resource hanug"tent impact on the process of organizational
role of HR practitioners in mergers and acquisitions; Behavioral change;
Recruitment and reiention strategies, re-sourcing strategies'

lniormation Systems

K401 Computer Proqramminq

This course is designed to provide students the opportunity to examine visual basic
programming, learn- how to create windows applications using.the Microsoft Visual
baslc, moOitij existing windows applications with VB for applications, and understand
the practical application of VB features. Additionally, the course is concerned with
programming logic, documentation, design choices, and the Systems Development
Life Cycle.

K402 Svstems Analvsis

This course is designed to provide students with a basic understanding of how to
develop and implernent computer-based management information systems. Students
will be introduced to a variety of system development concepts and techniques These
can include traditional approaches such as top-down or structured analysis, problem
definition, feasibility anaiysis, enterprise analysis, and data flow diagrams, as well as
interactive and iterative development approaches such as prototyping and object-
oriented concepts and techniques, The coUrse also explores topics related to
successful implementation of systems such as testing strategies, project management,
and user oriented design and software maintenance.

K403 Database Manaqement

The course covers theories and models in system-centered approaches to information
retrieval and database management. lnformation retrieval and database management
systems include text and multimedia databases, web search engines and digital
libraries. lssues in system design, development and evaluation, and tools for
searching, retrieval, user interfaces, and usability.

K404 E-Commerce
This course provides a comprehensive presentation of the concepts, technologies, and
tools necessary for designing and implementing information systems that support
electronic commerce (e-commerce) initiatives. The primary objective is to familiarize
students wiih the current literature related to e-commerce including networking basics,
infrastructure architectures, security, front-end/back-end integration, development
tools, emerging business models, marketing tactics, online investing, and designing
interactive Web sites to enhance usability.

K405 Decision Support Svstems

This course covers fundamental concepts of information as well as decision support
systems. The course focuses on information systems terminologies, decision-making
piocess, data management, access, and visualizations, constructing a Decision
bupport Systems. The course also briefly discusses Executive lnformation Systems
and networks role in a Decision Support System'
K406 lnformation Technoloqv Manaqeryeqt of how to
i. o"rign;;;;;id.e studenls^with a basic understanding
This course intormation systems' Students
develop and implementiomputer-based concepts and techniques' These
are introduceo to a uuriJtly'Jir;;#;""i"ui,""t
Jown or siructured analysis' problem
such as top
can include traditional approaches as well as
analysis' and data flow diagrams'
definition, feasibility anaiysis' enterprise such as prototyping and object-
interactive and iterative'development:pproaches also expiores topics related to
oriented concepts uni i*hn''q'es' "outtu
i"iting strategies, project management'
implementati";;;;;t"'"r a.
n1uintununcS students will work
"r"rr in teams to
and user oriented design and software system'
ri r't.", oltfin, ano o''iro a small information
K407 lnformation Svstems Strateqv for the (i)
develop an understanding and appreciation
This course prepares sFents to
(iii) electronic
in the modern organization,(iv)
technology infrastructuri;;;'it.-rote transformition, and technology
business applications iiOiriun,t"tionatlmart<et
Otiu"n Outin"ss models and strategies'


M401 Basic Marketinq Research

This course is designed to train the students in using the tools and techniques for
developing an analytical framework of marketing, developing solutions to marketing
problems, formulations of marketing strategy, introductions to research techniques in
marketing, review of sources of marketing information, collection, tabulation, analysis
and interpretation of marketing information.
M402 Consumer Behavior
This course provides a framework for analyzing consumer behavior. Topics covered
are: Marketing concept and consumer behavior; Utility and need satisfaction,
Communicating with consumer; Consumer adoption and diffusion process,
Repurchase, purchase and post purchase behavior; Understanding consumer;
Classification of situation influencing consumer behavior; Consumer decision process;
Consumer movement and consumerism; lnstitutional buying behavior
M403 lnteqrated Marketinq Communication
A management concept that is designed to make all aspects of marketing
communication such as advertising, sales promoiion, public relations, and direct
marketing work together as a unified force, rather than permitting each to work in
isolation. This course deals with marketing products that have information and/or
entertainment content. The products are offered by media companies and may be
delivered via print, television, radio, film, lnternet, direct mail, or live-event channels.

M404 Sellinq and Salesmanship

Topics include: lmportance of selling; Sales as a profession; Selling tasks; order
processing and creative selling; Prospecting and qualifying; Pre-approach and
approach presentation, demonstration, objection handling; Closing the sales; Follow-
up; Managing sales; sales planning and advertising; recruitment, selection, training,
organizing, supervision, motivation, compensation and evaluation; Territory planning
and quota administration. Training and motivating salespeople in Bangladesh
M405 lnternational Marketinq
This course examines the challenge of entering and operating effectively in foreign
markets. Decisions must be made regarding international marketing objectives,
strategies and policies, foreign market selection, adaptation of products, distribution
channels of communications to fit each foreign market. These topics, along with
exploration of cultural issues, are examined ihrough reading, case discussion, class
presentations and a term project.
M406 Brand Manaqement
Concept of brand management; its advantages and impllcations; product portfolio
analysis; managing a brand over its life cycle; developing new brands; designing a
pricing and a promotional strategy for the brands; and developing distribution system
for the brands. Elements of Brand Equity, Brand Values, Message and Personality,
Brand lcons, Brand Relevance and Brand Roadmap, Brand Valuation, Defining a
Brand's Competitive Advantage, Setting Brand Objectives, Defining Strategic Variables
relevant to a Brand, Creating Strategic Brand Alternatives,
M407 Channel Manaqement
This course emphasizes the means by which effective and efficient distribution
networks (comprising manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, transportation firms and
other actors in the distribution process) can be constructed. Particular attention is given
to examining the behavioral dimensions of channel relations, the roles of channel
members and the conflicts that arise among them. Different constraints on channel
activities are also examined. Cases are used for illustrative and analytical purposes.
M408 Retail Manaqement
This course is designed to familiarize students with retail management and the career
opportunities in the retail field. Topics include: lmportance of Retailing as a marketing
institution; services of retailing; large scale retailing; integrated vs. independent
retailing; controlling and coordination of independent retailers' activities; wheel of
retailing and retail mortality. Retailing in Bangladesh: store vs. non-store retailing and
its socio-economic importance; standardization of retailing services; future trend. Major
retail institutions (e.g., department stores, specialty stores, discount stores), the
components of the retail mix and the functional areas of retailing are examined.

M409 Business to Business Marketing

This course provides a progressive approach to business marketing and business
market management, which is the process of understanding, creating and delivering
value to targeted business markets and customers. The course provides an
understanding of different business market processes: understanding firms as
customers; crafting market strategy in business markets; managing market offerings
and value-based pricing; business channel management, gaining customers;
sustaining reseller partnerships; and sustaining customer relationships.

M410 Services Marketinq

The course focuses on the application of marketing techniques and strategies pertinent
to services, processes of service evaluation and service quality improvement to the
marketing of services in business entities. The key topics to be covered in this course
include: unique techniques of service marketing, evaluation of service quality, services
marketing in global context and use of marketing strategies for service breakthroughs.
Entrepreieuriat anO career opportunities in both not for profit and proflt oriented
service organizations will also be explored.

M41 1 Strateqic Marketinq

Specific topics include marketing strategy, market research and analysis, and the
development of products and services, pricing, distribution and promotion. The course
integraies marketing decision making within the context of manufacturing and financial
dimensions of a business organization. Course participants should expect to use large
doses of common business sense and managerial acumen and to rely heavily on
soufrd business and marketing principles in the learning process.

O$erations Management

P401 Operations Research

lntroduction to Operation Research; Review of Probability concepts; Conditional and
expected value; Value of lnformation; Utility as basis for Decision Making; Decision
Theory; Game Theory; Linear Programming: The Simplex method, the Dual Problem
and the Transportation problem; Waiting line and simulation; Practical application.

P402 Production Planninq and lnventorv Control

The course is designed to cover production planning, production scheduling, and
inventory control decisions in manufacturing and service organizations; Special topics
include: Manufacturing resource planning; use of inventory control in buffering
manufacturing activities.

P403 Loqistics and Supplv Chain Manaqement

lntroduction to supply chain management from both analytical and practical
perspectives. Stressing a unified approach, ihe course allows the student to develop a
framework for making intelligent decisions within the supply chain. Key logistics
functions are covered to include demand planning, procurement, inventory theory and
control, transportation planning and execution, reverse logistics, and flexible
contracting. Concepts explored include postponement, portfolio management, dual
sourcing, and others. Emphasis is placed on being able to recognize and manage risk,
analyze various iradeoffs, and model logistics systems.

P404 Qualitv Manaqement

Meaning and measurement of quality; concept of total quality management (TaM);
Management approaches, concepts, and techniques for the monitoring and
improvement of product and process quality; developing standards for quality of
product, process, and service; developing a corporate orientation for TQM

P405 Proiect Manaqement

The course deals with project identification, preparation, appraisal, management of
implementation and post project evaluation. Basic techniques like network analysis,
organizing and control aspects of project implementation in relation to resources, time
scale and information processing are emphasized. Feasibility study of a business
project is a major part of the course. This course acquaints the students with latest
available project management software.

P406 Productivitv Manaqement

Concept of productivity; measurement of productivity; long vs. short term productivity;
factors in productivity; reasons for low productivity; measures to improve productivity;
developing a productivity orientation in the organization; reward-punishment system for
productivity enhancement.

P407 Enterprise Resource Planning
Examines the principles and techniques for planning and managing resource used in a
manufacturing facility. Topics include demand management, inventory management,
master scheduling, material and capacity planning, and lean/juslin-time
P408 Technoloqv Manaqement
Technology management is an introduction to the management of firms in high-
technology industries such as software development and biotechnology research. The
course uses cases, readings, and exercises to understand the issues'involved in
motivating and managing knowledge workers, organizing for innovation, and decision
making in faslpaced business environments.
P409 Product and Service Development
NPD processes, from setting a strategic framework for the development effort through
to monitoring post-launch success; methods of market research and the use of
analytical approaches such as perceptual mapping, benefit segmentation, irends
unbundling and morphological analysis; screening and ranking processes to set
priorities for development; conveding concepts into prototypes; developing strategies
and plans for the commercial launch. Some exercises may require flexibility with the
timing of classes.
P41 0 Strateqic Operations Manaqement
The course provides unifying framework for analyzing strategic issues in manufacturing
and service operations. Analyzes relationships between manufacturing and service
companies and their suppliers, customers, and competitors. Also covers decisions in
technology, facilities, vertical integration, human resources and other strategic areas.
Explores means of competition such as cost, quality, and innovativeness. Provides an
approach to make operations decisions in the era of outsourcing and globalization.


W501 Business Strateqv

Concepts of strategy and strategic management; Strategic thinking and strategic
planning; Assessment of organizational strength and weaknesses; Analysis of
opportunities and threats; Evaluation of alternatives; Strategic decision making.


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Such content may include, among other things, rules and regulations governing the
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ptease contac-t:
BBA Program Olfice ,, , ,,',
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lnstitute 0,f BusinossrAdministration r .

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University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh

Phone: 9661920-73, Ext. 8350, Fax: 88 02 8621411
E-mail:iHa@,uhiVdhaka.*6g,., ',:,,., ,r, ',,, ,',..,

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