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Republic of the Philippines
D 6 JUN 2016
NO. 114 )
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In the interest of improving and ensuring data quality, the DPWH Enterprise Data Glossary has
been published on the Department's Intranet website (http://dpwhweb/DataGlossary/). The
Data Glossary contains definitive descriptions of common terms and data items used in major
processes and applications in the Department.
In view of this, all Offices and personnel are hereby instructed to refer and use the terms and
definitions prescribed in the Data Glossary when creating manuals, policies, reports, and
applications. Further, existing documents and applications should be reviewed and revised
accordingly to ensure consistency with the terms and definitions in the Data Glossary.
Additional terms or improvement to existing terms and definitions will be evaluated by the Data
Administration Section, Business Innovation Division, Information Management Service.
The Data Glossary shall be updated at least once a year or when a new application gets
developed and implemented in the Department.
Departrrent of Public Works and Highways
Office of the Secretary
DPWH Enterprise Data Glossary
April 2016
Data Item / Term Definition
Absence without Pay Alias
1 Number of leave of absences taken without pay.
Leave without Pay
A summary of all bids as read, undergone detailed
evaluation as to completeness, corrected for
Abstract of Bids as
2 arithmetical errors and discrepancies, and ranked in
accordance with the criteria provided in the DPWH
Procurement Manual and RA 9184 and its IRR.
For locally funded projects: a summary of all bids
received, opened, undergone preliminary examination,
and for those bids that passed the preliminary
examination, read by the BAC in accordance with the
DPWH Procurement Manual.
3 Abstract of Bids as Read
Data Item / Term Definition
specifications, eligibility requirements, procurement
schedule, and other related matters.
Data Item / Term Definition
A method of collecting geomatics or other imagery by
24 Aerial Survey using airplanes, helicopters, UAVs, balloons or other
aerial methods.
A building/facility or other improvement within the right
25 Affected Structure of way that is determined to be overlapped or impacted
by an infrastructure project.
The upstream rise of water level above the normal
surface of water in a channel caused by an obstruction
in the waterway, such as a bridge or weir or by
regulation. The increased amount of water which occurs
26 Afflux
upstream from a structure (dam) or obstruction in a
stream channel, due to the existence of such
obstruction and the raising of the water level to
considerable distance upstream.
Any of the various units of the national/local
27 Agency government, e.g. department, bureau, authority, office,
instrumentality or GOCC and LGU.
Agency Performance An index used as a measure of success to achieve
Indicator outcomes of a strategy.
A scheme/strategy to achieve the goals/objectives
29 Agency Plan
of an organization.
A methodology to assess the performance of a
Agency Procurement government agencys procurement activities and to
Compliance and compare its effectiveness against that of the national
Performance Indicator public procurement systems and international best
(APCPI) practices and standards using baseline standards and
indicators as approved by the GPPB.
Progressive rising of the riverbed elevation as a result of
31 Aggradation
sediment accumulation due to high sediment yield.
Any area of land or water which is used or intended for
use, for landing and take-off of aircraft, and an
32 Airport appurtenant areas which are used or intended for use
for airport facilities or right-of-way, together with all
airport buildings and facilities located thereon.
33 Airport Elevation The elevation of the highest point of the land area.
A device which by visual means indicates the zone
34 Alarm Indicator
which an alarm has originated.
A part or subdivision of a protected building or
35 Alarm Zone
An authorization issued by the Budget agency (the
Department of Budget and Management DBM), which
36 Allotment allows an organization to incur obligations within a
specified amount for a specified purpose (within a
legislative appropriation).
Data Item / Term Definition
Allowable Bearing The bearing pressure that can be allowed on a
Capacity foundation soil, usually to limit settlements.
(AMBF): the resultant area established at grade level
Allowable Maximum
38 upon which the proposed building/structure may be
Building Footprint
Soil or earth material which has been deposited by
39 Alluvial
running water.
Alluvial Fan Alias Gravel A fan shaped deposit formed where a stream emerges
Wash from an entrenched valley into a plain or flat.
A river segment wherein the bed materials are generally
made up of sand or clay washed down together by the
41 Alluvial Segment
flowing of water from the upstream portion (mountain
area) where a river system originates.
Stream flowing mainly in self-transported alluvial
42 Alluvial Stream
Any modification to a perfected Contract, mutually
43 Amendment agreed upon by both contracting parties subject to the
approval of higher authorities.
American Association of
A system of soil classification based on grain size, liquid
State Highway and
44 limit and plasticity of soils and is usually used for
Transportation Officials
highway design and construction.
Soil Classification
The angle on the graph of the shear stress and normal
45 Angle of Internal Friction effective stresses at which shear failure occurs for a
given soil.
A mass of soil having different properties in different
46 Anisotropic directions. Primarily refers to permeability or stress-
strain characteristics.
Having different physical properties when measured in
47 Anisotropy
different directions.
Data Item / Term Definition
The chance or probability of a natural hazard event
Annual Risk of
52 (usually a rainfall or flooding event) occurring annually
and is usually expressed as a percentage.
A fire alarm system component containing one or more
53 Annunciator indicator lamps or alphanumeric displays in which each
indication provides status information.
A budget approved by the Legislature and the President
Appropriation Alias
for a particular purpose or use; including for example,
54 General Appropriations
funding for a specific Program.
Act (GAA)
Data Item / Term Definition
A condition that exists when the water table piezometric
65 Artesian
surface lies above the ground level.
An alternative method of shoreline stabilization and
66 Artificial Submerged Rees beach erosion control, using a man-made underwater
structure to mitigate the wave induced erosion.
An entirely new set of drawings accurately depicting
67 As-Built Plan each and every part of the structures and facilities as
actually built.
Approach to maintenance that sustains the level of
physical quality, in order to keep the infrastructure or
68 Asset Preservation other asset in a maintainable condition, i.e., only
requiring Routine Maintenance. It includes Preventive
Maintenance, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction.
The allocation of responsibility to a person, group or
69 Assignment
A new set of plans depicting the actual field condition
70 As-Staked Plan and requirements derived from the "As-Staked" survey.
Data Item / Term Definition
A sudden cutting off of land by floods, currents, or
78 Avulsion
change in course of a body of water.
Award Alias Notice of The written notice from the procuring entity to the
Award winning bidder accepting its bid or proposal.
Direct strain measured along an axis of a triaxial test
80 Axial Strain
Total or effective stress (both confining and vertical
81 Axial Stress stresses combined) acting along an axis of a triaxial test
A grouping of Traffic Sections where the average
equivalent standard axle load (ESAL) by vehicle type
82 Axle Load Section
can be considered of a uniform pattern throughout the
lengths of the Traffic Sections.
Taxes on property that are owed to a government
83 Back Taxes
entity, but remain unpaid.
Loss of ground, generally on slope, as a result of loss of
84 Back-sapping
support in the area below.
The rise of water level that occurs immediately
upstream from a structure (e.g. dam) or obstructions in
85 Backwater
a river to a considerable distance brought about by the
presence of structure.
The sediment runoff shall be in a state of equilibrium
Balance Sediment
86 (balance) from upstream to downstream section of the
An alluvial deposit at the mouth of a stream or at any
87 Bar point in the stream itself which causes an obstruction of
flow and to navigation, in the case of a bay or inlet.
Hillside slopes on which the vegetation has entirely or
88 Bare Slope Land
partly vanished or declined.
A weir equipped with series of sluice gates to regulate
89 Barrage
the water elevation at its upstream side.
Highway appurtenances designed to prevent vehicular
penetration from the travel way to areas behind the
90 Barriers barrier such as to minimize damage to impacting
vehicles and their occupants, and to reduce the risk of
injuries to pedestrians and workers.
The layer of specified material of designed thickness
91 Base Course placed on a subbase or subgrade to support a surface
Map on which information may be placed for purposes
92 Base Map
of comparison or geographical correlation.
The fixed amount of money paid to an employee in
93 Basic Salary
return for work performed.
Data Item / Term Definition
94 Bathymetry The art or science of determining ocean depths
Battered Pile Alias Spur A pile driven at an inclination to resist force which is not
Pile, Raking Pile vertical.
The ability of the underlying soil to support the
96 Bearing Capacity
foundation loads without shear failure.
97 Bed Armoring The coarse surface layers on a bed layer.
Material moving on or near the stream bed by rolling,
98 Bed Load sliding, and sometimes making brief excursions into the
flow of new diameters above the bed.
The section where the sediment discharge is carried out
99 Bed Load Section in a state of individual transport by river flow, where the
slope of streambed is less than 1/30.
100 Bed Material The material of which the riverbed is composed.
Strong rock underlying surface deposits of soil and
101 Bedrock
weathered rock.
Point whose elevation relative to a given datum is
102 Benchmark known; used as a point of reference in determining
other elevations.
A horizontal strip or shelf built into an embankment or
103 Berm
cut, to break the continuity of an otherwise long slope.
A signed offer or proposal to undertake a contract
104 Bid Alias Proposal, Tender submitted by a bidder in response to and in consonance
with the requirements of the Bidding Documents.
The price offered by the Bidder to undertake or deliver
105 Bid Amount Alias Bid Price the Works/ Services and Goods as required in the
Bidding Documents.
A financial instrument in the form of cash, certified
check, managers check, or bank draft/guarantee
against a bank, or surety bond, callable on demand,
Bid Bond Alias Bid issued by a surety or insurance company, or letter of
Security credit issued by a commercial bank, or a Bid Security
Declaration, as a guarantee that the successful Bidder
shall, within a prescribed period, enter into contract with
the Procuring Entity.
A notice issued by the Procuring Entity to Prospective
Bid Bulletin Alias Bidders with respect to any clarifications or
107 Supplemental Bid modifications in the Bidding Documents, e.g.
Bulletin, Addendum specifications, eligibility requirements, procurement
schedule, and other related matters.
Collectively, the invitation to Bid, Instructions to
Bid Documents Alias Bidders, Form of Contract Agreement, Conditions of
Tender Documents Contract, Drawings/Plans, Specifications and Form of
Bid and the required annexes, including Addenda.
Data Item / Term Definition
The process of determining the Bidder with the Lowest
Calculated Bid (LCB) in the case of Infrastructure or
109 Bid Evaluation
Goods or the Highest Rated Bid (HRB) in the case of
Consulting Services.
Bid Opening Alias Opening The occasion/event where the bids are opened at the
of Bids place, date and time specified in the advertisement.
The price offered by the Bidder to undertake or deliver
111 Bid Price Alias Bid Amount the Works/ Services and Goods as required in the
Bidding Documents.
The tabulated form included in the Bidding Documents
containing (a) pay item numbers and descriptions,
Bid Schedule Alias Bill of estimated quantities, and units of measure provided by
Quantities the Procuring Entity, and (b) unfilled columns for
corresponding unit bid prices and amounts to be quoted
by the bidder.
A financial instrument in the form of cash, certified
check, managers check, or bank draft/guarantee
against a bank, or surety bond, callable on demand,
Bid Security Alias Bid issued by a surety or insurance company, or letter of
Bond credit issued by a commercial bank, or a Bid Security
Declaration, as a guarantee that the successful Bidder
shall, within a prescribed period, enter into contract with
the Procuring Entity.
A reasonable period when the Bids are effective as
determined by the Head of the Procuring Entity and
114 Bid Validity indicated in the Bidding Documents, which in no case
shall exceed one hundred twenty (120) calendar days
from the date of opening of bids.
A contractor, manufacturer, supplier, distributor and/or
115 Bidder
consultant competing for the award of a contract.
The documents issued by the procuring entity as the
basis for bids, furnishing all information necessary for a
116 Bidding Documents prospective bidder to prepare a bid for the infrastructure
projects, goods and/or consulting services required by
the procuring entity.
Bids and Award
Committee of the Procuring Entity which is responsible
Committee Alias
117 for the conduct of eligibility screening of applicants,
Prequalification Bid and
bidding and recommending award of Contracts.
Award Committee
Bids and Awards A written recommendation of the BAC pertaining to a
118 Committee (BAC) procurement process or aspect subject to the approval
Resolution of the HOPE.
A list detailing the substances and products to be used
119 Bill of Materials
in a project.
Data Item / Term Definition
The tabulated form included in the Bidding Documents
containing (a) pay item numbers and descriptions,
Bill of Quantities Alias Bid estimated quantities, and units of measure provided by
Schedule the Procuring Entity, and (b) unfilled columns for
corresponding unit bid prices and amounts to be quoted
by the bidder.
A layer that may be placed between a base course and
121 Binder Course
an asphalt surface course.
The use of mechanical elements in combination with
122 Bioengineering biological elements (e.g. plants) particularly for control
of erosion and prevention of slope failures.
A wall or similar vertical support/element that may be
Biowalls Alias Green Wall, either free-standing or attached to an existing wall, and
Ecowalls, Vertical Gardens that may be partially, substantially or fully covered with
vegetative cover.
An official assessment of property value based on
124 BIR Zonal Value
location, for tax purposes.
An administrative penalty disqualifying a person or an
125 Blacklisting entity from participating in any government
procurement for a given period.
Those areas that are inundated and saturated by
surface or groundwater at a frequency and duration
Bogs Alias Wetlands,
126 sufficient to support, and that under normal
Swamp, Marshes
circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation
typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions.
Device used in place of rigid barrier posts or traffic
cones with a minimum of 450mm by 50mm wide with
127 Bollard Alias Flexible Post
alternate bands of contrasting color as seen by
approaching traffic for delineation of traffic.
A hole drilled in the ground to obtain samples for subsoil
128 Bore Hole
129 Borrow Materials Filling materials acquired from a Borrow Site.
An excavation source outside the project area that is
130 Borrow Site used to supply soils for earthwork construction (i.e.
gravel pit).
A bridge structural element which lies on the plane of
131 Bottom Lateral Bracing the bottom chord and provides lateral stability and
A rock fragment, usually bounded by weather or
132 Boulder abrasion, with an average dimension of 25.6 cm or
The upward force exerted by a fluid that resists the
133 Buoyant Force weight of an immersed floating body which is equal to
the weight of the fluid displaced.
Data Item / Term Definition
A trade name or product name, which identifies a
134 Brand Name product as having been made by a particular
A line in a Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) that
represents a distinct interruption in the slope of a
surface, such as a ridge, road, or stream. No triangle in
135 Breakline
a TIN may cross a breakline (in other words, breaklines
are enforced as triangle edges). Z-values along a
breakline can be constant or variable.
A structure carrying a road over a road, waterway or
other feature, with a clear span over 3.0 meters along
the centerline between the inside faces of supports. A
136 Bridge
bridge may have an independent deck supported on
separate piers and abutments, or may have a deck
constructed integral with supports.
Component of a bridge which provides resting surface
between the superstructure and piers and abutments to
137 Bridge Bearing
allow controlled movement of the superstructure
reducing the stresses.
The upper part of a bridge abutment or pier on which
138 Bridge Seat
the ends of a superstructure rest.
The maximum volume of liquid that be contained in the
139 Bucket Capacity
bucket when filled to the level of the cutting edge.
An amount of money available for spending that is
140 Budget based on a plan for how it will be spent, subject to GAA
budget authority.
The government organization charged to review and
approve financial forecasts; and to prepare the national
141 Budget Agency
budget (i.e. DBM).
143 Building A roofed and walled structure built for permanent use.
The total mass of water and soil particles contained in a
144 Bulk Density
unit volume of soil.
A factor representing the increase in volume of dredged
145 Bulking Factor
material relative to its volume before dredging.
A map diagram showing land subdivision, including
146 Cadastral Map
individual land parcel-lots.
A box-like watertight structure that is used to install
147 Caisson
structures that extends below water level.
Data Item / Term Definition
A bid which is rectified for arithmetical errors,
Calculated Bid Alias discrepancies, and discounts, in accordance with the
Corrected Bid provisions of the Bidding Documents and IRR of RA
The price of a bid, after taking into account arithmetical
corrections to consider computational errors, omissions
149 Calculated Bid Price
and discounts, if allowed, in accordance with the criteria
indicated in the Bidding Documents.
A very large crater associated with a volcano and often
150 Caldera formed by the collapse of an underground magma
A period of twenty four (24) hours extended from
151 Calendar Day midnight to midnight and includes all days of the
calendar without exception.
A laboratory test that is used to determine the suitability
152 California Bearing Ratio
of a soil for use as a subbase in a pavement section.
Curvature deformation of a member or part as of a
deck, a beam, girder intentionally induced during
153 Camber construction or fabrication to compensate for the
deflection due to dead load, superimposed load, creep
and shrinkage and includes road profile consideration.
A rigid structural member projecting from a support and
unsupported at the other end so that the upper part of
154 Cantilever Span
the member is in tension and the lower part is in
Dredging which involves the creation of new or
improved facilities such as harbor basin, a deeper
155 Capital Dredging
navigation channel, a lake, or an area of reclaimed land
for industrial, residential or recreational facilities.
A tax on appreciation in value of land in the time
between purchase and sale. Amount of Capital Gains
156 Capital Gains Tax
Tax is equal to 6% of the value of land and
Include the construction, improvement, rehabilitation,
demolition, repair, restoration or maintenance of roads
and bridges, railways, airports, seaports, communication
facilities, civil works components of information
Capital Outlay Project technology projects, irrigation, flood control and
Alias Capital Project, Civil drainage, water supply, sanitation, sewerage and solid
Works, Works, waste management systems, shore protection, energy/
Infrastructure Project power and electrification facilities, national buildings,
school buildings, hospital buildings and other related
construction project of the government. To be classified
as a capital outlay project, the works must extend the
life of the asset by more than 1 year.
Data Item / Term Definition
Include the construction, improvement, rehabilitation,
demolition, repair, restoration or maintenance of roads
and bridges, railways, airports, seaports, communication
facilities, civil works components of information
Capital Project Alias technology projects, irrigation, flood control and
Capital Outlay Project, drainage, water supply, sanitation, sewerage and solid
Infrastructure Project, waste management systems, shore protection, energy/
Civil Works, Works power and electrification facilities, national buildings,
school buildings, hospital buildings and other related
construction project of the government. To be classified
as a capital outlay project, the works must extend the
life of the asset by more than 1 year.
The use of clean dredged material as a cover of
contaminated dredged material disposed of in in open
159 Capping
water as a means of isolating the contaminated material
from the marine environment.
A designation indicating (1) entrance based on merit
and fitness to be determined as far as practicable by
160 Career Service competitive examination, or based on highly technical
qualifications; (2) opportunity for advancement to
higher career positions; and (3) security of tenure.
That part of the highway constructed for use by
161 Carriageway
vehicular traffic.
Catchment Area Alias
Catchment Basin, The area from which a lake, stream or waterway
Watershed, Drainage receives surface water which originates as precipitation.
Basin, River Basin
Data Item / Term Definition
An official document issued by the government that
Certificate of Land
168 grants property rights to land previously owned by the
Ownership Award
A formal document assuring that a project does not fall
Certificate of Non-
169 under the Philippine EIS System, and thus does not
require an ECC.
A length measured from a reference point. Usually
170 Chainage measured in meters.
Data Item / Term Definition
A clastic mineral particle of any composition that has a
181 Clay
grain size smaller than 1/256 (0.00391) mm.
A defined rectangular area on the ground at the end of
a runway in the direction of the take-off and under the
182 Clearway control of the airport owner or operator, selected or
prepared as suitable area over which an aircraft may
make a portion of its initial climb to specified height.
The statistical distribution of weather patterns over
183 Climate Change periods of time that range from decades to millions of
A video system in which signals are not publicly
184 Closed Circuit Television distributed and monitored for surveillance, security and
monitoring purposes.
A cantilever abutment extending from the grade line of
185 Closed End Abutment the road below the bridge to support the bridge seat
Soils with more than 50% by weight of grains retained
186 Coarse-grained Soils
on the number 200 sieve (0.075 mm).
Granular soils (sand and gravel type) with values of
187 Cohesionless Soils
cohesion close to zero.
Clay type soils with angles of internal friction close to
188 Cohesive Soils
Income or revenue received by the Department, on
189 Collection
behalf of the government.
The angle between the line of collimation (line of sight)
190 Collimation Error
of a telescope and its collimation axis.
A scheme or arrangement between two or more
Collusion Alias Collusive Bidders, with or without the knowledge of the Procuring
Practice Entity, designed to establish Bid prices at artificial, non-
competitive levels.
A scheme or arrangement between two or more
Collusive Practice Alias Bidders, with or without the knowledge of the Procuring
Collusion Entity, designed to establish Bid prices at artificial, non-
competitive levels.
Expression of an opinion, or description of an
193 Comment experience with a situation or condition; as for example,
user remarks made to a Help Desk.
194 Common Material Suitable material with exception of rock fill.
Goods, materials, or equipment used in the day to day
195 Common-Use Supplies operations of procuring entities in the performance of
their functions.
An official designation of specific types of activity and
196 Community Land Use Plan
coverage on a land surface area.
Data Item / Term Definition
Pay associated with a position, including salary,
197 Compensation
deductions and benefits.
A set of payments or considerations given to a PAP in
198 Compensation Package
order to provide fair value for improvements acquired.
A method of procurement which is open to participation
by any interested party and which consists of the
Competitive Bidding Alias following processes: advertisement, pre-bid conference,
Public Bidding eligibility screening of prospective bidders, receipt and
opening of bids, evaluation of bids, post-qualification,
and award of contract.
The taking over by the Government of contract project
for causes specified in Clause 97: Rescission of the
Completion of the Work
200 Contract of Volume I in order to complete the same
by Administration
work by its own administrative and construction staff,
together with such day labor as may be necessary.
The structures composed of steel girders and reinforced
concrete slabs connected firmly to the top flanges of the
201 Composite Girders steel girders with appropriate shear connectors and
thereby the steel girders and concrete slabs performed
together as one body in carrying loads.
A river cross sectional form which is composed of low-
water and high water channels. This section is usually
202 Compound Cross Section
applied for large rivers wherein the ratio of the design
flood level with the normal water level is relatively large.
When a body is subjected to a force or forces acting
203 Compression
towards it causing it to squeeze, shorten or crush.
Concave Bend Alias Outer A curvature and/or a meander stretch of a river wherein
204 Bend, Direct Water high velocity usually occurs resulting to heavy scouring
Attack, Flow Attack Zone and forming a drift stream.
A mixture of cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate
205 Concrete
and water.
A penetration test in which a cone that has a 60 point
is pushed into the ground at a continuous rate.
206 Cone Penetration Test
Resistance is measured by correlating the depth
penetrated with the force applied.
A situation in which a person or organization is involved
in multiple interests, financial interest, or otherwise, one
207 Conflict of Interest
of which could possibly corrupt the motivation of the
individual or organization.
Congressional District Electoral constituency pertaining to a member of the
Alias Legislative District House of Representatives.
Data Item / Term Definition
The process of building infrastructure, including but not
209 Construction limited to new construction, improvement, upgrading,
and rehabilitation.
All machinery and equipment together with the
necessary supplies for operation, upkeep and
210 Construction Equipment maintenance, and also tools and apparatus necessary
for proper construction and acceptable completion of
the Work.
All equipment, facilities, supplies and other incidentals
required for execution and completion of the Works
211 Construction Plant
exclusive of materials or other things intended to form
or forming part of the Permanent Works.
A binding agreement between the Agency and a
Construction Project Alias
212 Contractor or consultant and the specific plan or design
Civil Works Contract
to complete terms identified in the Contract.
Construction Schedule for
Time table showing the order in which the various
213 Works Alias
activities of a project are to be carried out.
Implementation Schedule
A mark on the ground to limit the designated
214 Construction Stakes boundaries, elevation, sites or claims in particular part
on the construction area.
A Contract specific to services providing expert advice
215 Consultancy
within a particular discipline or field.
Services for infrastructure projects and other types of
projects or activities requiring adequate external
216 Consulting Services
technical and professional expertise that are beyond the
capability and/or capacity of the agency.
217 Consumable Readily useable and depletable stores or supply.
In IROW funding, an estimated allowance for the cost of
218 Contingency unknown or changes, that allows for escalation and
estimating error.
A rigid span extending over three or more supports that
219 Continuous Span bending moment is transmitted from one segment to
the other.
Contour Alias Contour A line or surface at all points with equal elevation on the
Line ground.
Contour Line Alias A line or surface at all points with equal elevation on the
Contour ground.
An enforceable agreement between two or more
222 Contract
participants or persons.
Persons properly empowered to perform specified duties
223 Contract Authority
associated with the Contract
Data Item / Term Definition
100% physical and financial accomplishment of the
224 Contract Completion
works, consulting services, or goods as per contract.
A meeting held between the Department and the
Contractor to review project progress and calibrated
Contract Coordination
225 action status, synchronize scheduled activities, resolve
issues, and identify any necessary calibrated activities
based on slippage.
Total amount of money to be paid to the
Contractor/Consultant/Supplier in consideration of its
Contract Cost Alias
226 contractual obligations as stated in the original Contract
Contract Price
Agreement or as subsequently revised through
approved variations order/s.
Name of the Contract as stated in the Contract
227 Contract Description
The specified time period for the completion of
228 Contract Duration
contracts such as calendar days for civil works.
Certificates, notices or other documents communicating
229 Contract Event information relevant to a contract between the
contractor and project administration personnel.
Date of finished contract as stated in the contract
230 Contract Expiry Date
agreement including time extension/suspension.
Unique identifier for the contract which is created during
231 Contract ID advertisement of a project, sourced from the Civil Works
A process of undertaking a project or contract in
232 Contract Implementation
accordance with the contract documents.
Total amount of money to be paid to the
Contractor/Consultant/Supplier in consideration of its
Contract Price Alias
233 contractual obligations as stated in the original Contract
Contract Cost
Agreement or as subsequently revised through
approved variations order/s.
Contract Schedule A fixed implementation plan used in measuring Contract
Baseline progress and performance, which may not be changed
The contract effectivity date as provided in the Notice to
235 Contract Start Date
Proceed by the Procuring Entity
The stipulated period of time within which the
Contractor shall complete the Contract Works including
236 Contract Time time extension duly granted by the Government either
due to force majeure, Extra Work or Change Orders and
Supplemental Agreement.
Data Item / Term Definition
A written authority issued by the implementing office
granting the contractor additional time beyond the
approved completion date in order to carry out
237 Contract Time Extension
additional work or on account of other special
circumstances that warrant such additional contract
The suspension of the running of the contract time upon
238 Contract Time Suspension request by the Contractor or at the instance of the
Government due to valid reasons.
The specific kind of contract, such as Works, Consulting
239 Contract Type Services, or Goods.
Data Item / Term Definition
In a river, the place or location of observation point
248 Control Point
where the planned discharge is observed and fixed.
The determination of the precise position of a number
249 Control Surveying
of stations which are distributed over a large area.
A curvature and/or a meander stretch of a river wherein
Convex Bend Alias Inner low velocity or sometimes no flow is observed. This is
Bend the part of the river where sediment accumulation is
formed. Also known as dead water zone.
A bid which is rectified for arithmetical errors,
Corrected Bid Alias discrepancies, and discounts, in accordance with the
Calculated Bid provisions of the Bidding Documents and IRR of RA
An official communication by letter between
252 Correspondence
A chemical change in which metal converts from the
253 Corrosion elementary to the combined condition or more stable
The approximation of the sum of money required to
254 Cost Estimate
implement a program, activity, or project.
Cost Estimate for Estimated Replacement value of an improvement as
Improvements based on formula.
Cost Estimate for Land A calculation based on the Market/BIR Zonal Valuation
(Current) of land at the time of the Project.
Generic or normative rates based on historical
257 Cost Parameter
expenditures and future trends.
258 Counterfort A buttress, usually in a wall.
Plates welded or riveted to the top and/or bottom
259 Cover Plates flanges of the girder to increase the load carrying
A slow or gradual movement, applied to soil and
260 Creep
superficial accumulations moving under gravity.
Located at the center of the existing river course and is
261 Crest Opening designed considering the upstream and downstream
topography of Sabo dam and its geological features.
Part of dam wherein the thickness should be equal and
262 Crest Wing
lass than that of the crest opening in principle.
Data Item / Term Definition
Location of an object or feature as measured on an axis
266 Cross Sectional Position that is perpendicular to the centerline of a highway. The
location is expressed relative to the centerline.
A structure (mostly pipe or box culvert) under a road,
railway or embankment, whether of single or multiple
267 Culvert barrel construction, generally with a width of less than
five (5.0) meters per opening measured between inside
wall faces.
Receipts or cash received by any government agency
268 Custodial Funds from either a private source or another government
agency for the fulfillment of a specific purpose.
A wall or diaphragm of concrete or steel, or a trench
269 Cutoff
filled with puddled clay or impervious earth.
A channel connecting the beginning and the end of a
270 Cut-Off Channel
meandering portion of a stream.
Date the project is 100% physically accomplished as
271 Date Completed certified by the Inspectorate Team on their final
Inspection Report for Completion
272 Date Hired The date an employee was appointed to a job position.
Date of Acceptance Date when the project was inspected by the
273 Report by the Inspectorate Team for Acceptance after the defects
Inspectorate Team liability warranty period.
Date of Issuance of Date the project was issued final acceptance by the
Certificate of Acceptance Head of Office.
Date of Issuance of Date the project was issued Certificate of Completion by
Certificate of Completion the Head of Office.
Agreed standard point of stated elevation denoted by a
permanent bench mark on solid immovable structure,
276 Datum
from which elevations are measured or to which they
are referred.
Labor performed as a daily task or labor done and paid
277 Day Labor
for by the day.
The amount of work during the day prescribed or
required on a given job or the legal amount of work in
278 Daywork
terms of hours as governed by statute or by
An inert, inactive load such as the weight of the
279 Dead Load members, the supported structure and permanent
attachment or accessories in bridges.
Any uprooted trees and other materials carried by the
280 Debris
water in the creek or river.
Data Item / Term Definition
The area where the runoff of sediment is carried out in
281 Debris Flow Area a state of massive transportation, where the slope is
equal to or greater than 1/30.
A dam which is constructed for prevention and
282 Debris Flow Control Dam
elimination of debris flow.
A contract specific to acquisition, transfer, or purchase
283 Deed
of a land parcel.
A contract specific to acquisition, transfer, or purchase
284 Deed of Absolute Sale
of a land lot.
A Deed providing for conveyance of property without
285 Deed of Donation
compensation in return.
The lowest elevation in a river section which should be
taken into account during cross-sectional survey as
286 Deepest Riverbed
basis for deciding foundation depth of flood control
structure - particularly revetment.
Progressive lowering of riverbed elevation at the
downstream caused by the insufficient supply of
287 Degradation
sediment from the upstream or by scouring of the
riverbed due to high water discharge.
Light retro-reflecting devices mounted at the side of the
288 Delineators
roadway, in series, to indicate the roadway alignment.
An area of low, flat land, sometimes shaped
289 Delta approximately like a triangle, where a river divides into
several smaller rivers before flowing into the sea.
Demand Draft Alias
290 A negotiable instrument to transfer payments.
The dismantling of all buildings or structures within
291 Demolition premises subject to clearing, by a legally authorized
government agency.
The ratio of the total mass to the total volume of
292 Density
Density Index Alias The density of a granular soil relative to the minimum
Relative Density and maximum densities achieved for that particular soil.
294 Denuded Land Land that is bare as a result of hillside collapse.
Primary subdivision of the Executive Branch responsible
for the overall management of a sector or a permanent
295 Department
national concern with nationwide or international
The mechanical or chemical processes through which
296 Deposition
sediments accumulate in a resting place.
297 Depth of Scour The depth of materials removed below the set datum.
The concept and realization of a program or project, as
298 Design
represented by plans, specifications and documents.
Data Item / Term Definition
The calculated discharge based on the frequency of a
299 Design Discharge
return period.
The design floodwater elevation of a river to which the
flood will rise in relation to the design flood frequency
300 Design Flood Level
used (e.g., 1-year, 2-years, 5-years return period, etc.)
in computing the design discharge.
Period assumed in the design for which the
301 Design Life infrastructure is required to perform its function without
replacement or major structural repair.
A structure parallel, or close to parallel, to the coast,
302 Detached Breakwaters
build inside or outside the surf zone.
The diagonal web members span between successive
303 Diagonals top and bottom chords and will either resist tension or
compression depending on the truss configuration.
A structural element between girders of a bridge that
304 Diaphragm provides stiffening effect to the superstructure improves
load sharing of girders and provides torsional restraint.
The vertical displacement due to settlement of one point
305 Differential Settlement in a foundation with respect to another point of the
The representation of continuous elevation values over
a topographic surface by a regular array of z-values,
306 Digital Elevation Model
referenced to a common datum. Models are typically
used to represent terrain relief.
The art of using computers to obtain the measurements
of objects in a photograph. It typically involves
Digital Photogrammetry
307 analyzing one or more existing photographs or videos
Alias Photogrammetry
with photogrammetric software to determine spatial
A topographic model of the bare earth terrain relief -
that can be manipulated by computer programs. The
308 Digital Terrain Model data files contain the spatial elevation data of the
terrain in a digital format which usually presented as a
rectangular grid.
An embankment, generally constructed on or parallel to
the banks of a stream, lake or other body of water for
309 Dike Alias Levee the purpose of protecting the land side from inundation
by flood water, or to confine the stream flow to its
regular channel.
A river where improvement (like dike) has been
310 Diked River
An indicator of satellite geometry for a constellation of
311 Dilution of Precision
satellites used to determine a position.
Data Item / Term Definition
An alternative method of procurement of goods that
does not require elaborate bidding documents. The
Direct Contracting Alias
supplier is simply asked to submit a price quotation or a
312 Single Source
pro-forma invoice together with the conditions of sale.
The offer may be accepted immediately or after some
Laboratory test used to determine the relationship of
313 Direct Shear Test
shear strength to consolidation stress.
Direct Water Attack Alias A curvature and/or a meander stretch of a river wherein
314 Concave Bend, Outer high velocity usually occurs resulting to heavy scouring
Bend, Flow Attack Zone and forming a drift stream.
Disbursement Alias
315 The act of paying out money.
An area which will accommodate a number of persons
equal to the total capacity of the stand and
building/structure it serves, in such a manner that no
316 Dispersal Area (Safe) person within the area need be closer than fifteen
meters (15.0 m) from the stand or building/structure.
Dispersal areas shall be based upon the area of not less
than 0.28 m2 per person.
317 Disposal Sale, diversion or donation of a source.
The act of barring a bidder from further participation in
the procurement at hand, even if, in some instances,
318 Disqualification
the bidder has initially been declared eligible or post-
An artificial open channel or waterway constructed
319 Ditch through earth or rock, for the purpose of carrying
A highway with separated roadways for traffic in
320 Divided Highway
opposite directions.
A tax payment equal in value of the amount used as the
321 Documentary Stamps
basis for the Capital Gains Tax.
Any offer for unmanufactured/ manufactured articles,
322 Domestic Bid materials, or supplies grown or produced in the
Any person or entity offering unmanufactured articles,
materials or supplies of the growth or production of the
Philippines, or manufactured articles, materials, or
323 Domestic Bidder supplies manufactured or to be manufactured in the
Philippines substantially from articles, materials, or
supplies of the growth, production, or manufacture, as
the case may be, of the Philippines.
Data Item / Term Definition
An individual or a sole proprietor who is a citizen of the
Philippines or a partnership, corporation, cooperative, or
association duly organized under the laws of the
Philippines and of which at least seventy five percent
(75%) of the interest or outstanding capital stock
324 Domestic Entity belongs to citizens of the Philippines, habitually
established in business and habitually engaged in the
manufacture or sale of the merchandise covered by his
bid, and the business has been in existence for at least
five (5) consecutive years prior to the advertisement
and/or posting of the Invitation to Bid.
Comprise of Industrial wastewater, Recycled water,
325 Domestic sewage
Reclaimed water and Reuse water.
326 Donation To provide land without compensation in return.
The loading, particularly on piles, caused by settlement
327 Downdrag
of soil in the upper part of the pile.
328 Down-slope At a point on the slope below the reference point.
Drainage Basin Alias,
Catchment Area, The area from which a lake, stream or waterway
Catchment Basin, receives surface water which originates as precipitation.
Watershed, River Basin
An array of linear elements representing the flow of
330 Drainage Network
surface water.
Side drains provide for drainage of the road pavement
331 Drainage: Side Drains and shoulder and condition is rated according to their
ability to collect and discharge water runoff.
The vertical distance from the waterline to the deepest
332 Draught
point on the keel of a vessel.
The magnitude of the lowering of a water table, usually
333 Drawdown
near a well being pumped.
The mechanical, hydraulic or electrical plant used for
334 Dredge
Removal from beneath water and raising through water
335 Dredging
of soil rock and debris.
A portion of a river, usually at outer bends where the
336 Drift Stream Part
riverbed has become deep.
Drone Alias Unmanned
337 An aircraft without a human pilot aboard.
Aerial Vehicle
Ability of a component or solid material to deform under
338 Ductility
tensile stress.
339 Dune A ridge of piled up sand.
The use of high-energy impact to density loose granular
340 Dynamic Compaction
Data Item / Term Definition
Consists of the excavation and embankment of earth as
341 Earthwork in preparing foundations of buildings or in constructing
canals, railroad, etc.
A procurement facility for works, consulting services and
goods, that includes creation of electronic bid forms,
eBidding Alias Electronic
342 creation of bid box, delivery of bid submission,
notification to supplier of receipt of bids, bid receiving,
and electronic bid evaluation.
A method of measuring the depth of water by
determining the time required for sound waves to travel
343 Echo Sounding
from a point near the surface of the water to the
bottom and back
Eco Roof Alias Green A roof that is either partially or completely covered in
344 Roof, Living Roof, vegetation and built on top of a man-made roof, deck
Vegetated Roof roof, deck or other support structure.
A wall or similar vertical support/element that may be
Ecowalls Alias Green Wall, either free-standing or attached to an existing wall, and
Biowalls, Vertical Gardens that may be partially, substantially or fully covered with
vegetative cover.
A whirling and/or circular motion of water that usually
346 Eddy occurs in an irregular cross section of a waterway, like
on outer bends.
The portion of the total stress that is supported through
347 Effective Stress
grain-to-grain contract of the soil.
Deformation caused in soil due to a change in loading,
348 Elastic Deformation and the soil recovers completely when the load is
A procurement facility for works, consulting services and
goods, that includes creation of electronic bid forms,
Electronic Bidding Alias
349 creation of bid box, delivery of bid submission,
notification to supplier of receipt of bids, bid receiving,
and electronic bid evaluation.
The central repository of government procurement
opportunities, notices, and bid results including awards,
350 Electronic Bulletin Board
bidding documents, supplemental bid bulletins, and
other related documents in the PhilGEPS.
The status of a Bidder in relation to its legal, technical
351 Eligibility and financial competence to comply with the
requirements of the contract to be bid.
352 Eligibility Certificate Evidence of a Bidders pre-qualification to bid.
The process of determining the compliance of
Eligibility Check Alias
353 Prospective Bidders with the eligibility requirements
Eligibility Screening
prescribed, using non-discretionary, pass/fail criteria.
Data Item / Term Definition
The process of determining the compliance of
Eligibility Screening Alias
354 Prospective Bidders with the eligibility requirements
Eligibility Check
prescribed, using non-discretionary, pass/fail criteria.
A Contractor, manufacturer, supplier, distributor, or
consultant who meets all the requirements set by the
355 Eligible Bidder
Procuring Entity to submit a bid for the contract at
A smooth mathematical surface obtained by rotating an
ellipse about its shorter axis. It provides a relatively
356 Ellipsoid simple representation of the earths shape convenient
for locating horizontal coordinates of point locations on
the surface of the earth.
An official document transferring ownership of a tract to
357 Emancipation Patent a person who has continuously occupied such
agricultural public land.
A raised structure of soil aggregate, rock or a
358 Embankment
combination of the three.
A person hired by an organization to work on full time,
359 Employee
part time, or casual basis.
360 Employee ID Unique number that identifies the employee.
(Master Record) Facts relevant to a specific employee
361 Employee Record
of DPWH.
A term that describes an employees job status such as
Employee Type Alias Probational, Permanent, Co-Terminus, Temporary,
Status of Appointment Emergency, Substitute, Casual, Contractual, Elected or
Means the Government of the Republic of the
Philippines represented by the Department of Public
363 Employer
Works and Highways (DPWH) acting through the
Secretary including any of his authorized representative.
Length of reinforcement, or a mechanical anchor, or a
364 End Anchorage hook, or a combination thereof beyond the point of zero
stress in the reinforcement;
It is a pile placed or driven on or into a material which is
End Bearing Piles Alias
365 capable of developing the pile load by directly resting on
Point Bearing Piles
a bearing stratum with a reasonable factor of safety.
A line joining the elevation of energy heads of a stream;
a line drawn above the hydraulic grade line a distance
366 Energy Grade Line equivalent to the velocity head of the flowing water at
each cross section along a stream or channel reach or
through a conduit.
Data Item / Term Definition
A day to day record of all activities undertaken at the
project site which includes information on problems
367 Engineer Log Book encountered, materials, manpower & equipment
delivered/mobilized and weather conditions, among
Engineering and An estimated amount needed to cover administrative
Administrative Overhead costs for IROW.
A subdivision of a Region, composed of municipalities
369 Engineering District and cities or portions thereof for allocation and
administration of engineering works.
An area containing conditions or resources that are
370 Environmental Area
sensitive or critical to natural processes.
A formal document indicating that as represented, a
371 proposed project will not cause a significant negative
Compliance Certificate
environmental impact
Environmental Impact On the effects of a project on the natural and cultural
Assessment Report environment.
A document that outlines environmental issues,
373 mitigation measures, indicators, responsibilities, timing
Management Plan
and cost of measures.
A document providing method, scope, responsibilities,
Environmental Monitoring
374 and frequencies for measuring parameters of
environmental quality.
An area delineated as sensitive, such that significant
Environmentally Critical
375 impact is expected if certain project types are to be
located therein.
A class of major infrastructure project (including all
Environmentally Critical national roads and bridges), which is subject to the
Project preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement
A device used in an operation or activity by an
377 Equipment enterprise, including heavy equipment, portable tools,
office equipment, and information technology.
A calculated length, based on actual physical length
Equivalent Maintenance multiplied by adjusted factors, used to estimate the
Kilometer required budget for Routine Maintenance of National
Roads and Bridges.
The actual axle load data of empty and loaded heavy
vehicles (large buses and trucks above 4 tons GVW),
obtained through statistical sampling, is through an ESA
379 Equivalent Standard Axle
(single) weight of 8.2 metric tons converted into
average equivalent standard single axle loads per
vehicle type.
Data Item / Term Definition
Summary data from axle load survey expressed in
Equivalent Standard Axle
380 equivalent standard axles used as basis for pavement
The wearing away of the land surface by detachment
381 Erosion and movement of soil and rock fragments through the
action of moving water and other geological agents.
A steep slope or long cliff that occurs from faulting and
382 Escarpment resulting erosion and separates two relatively level
areas of differing elevations.
An approximate calculation of the total amount of funds
Estimated Acquisition
383 needed to buy or gain use of the area needed for IROW
The cost estimate prepared by the procuring entity and
Estimated Contract Cost
approved by the foreign government/foreign or
384 Alias Approved Agency
international financing institution as specified in the
Treaty or International or Executive Agreement.
Estimated Replacement An assessment of the amount of funds needed to
Cost replace the improvements on a parcel-lot.
Data Item / Term Definition
A taking of land by a public authority when an owner
394 Expropriation
has refused offers for just compensation.
A complaint filed by the government with a court,
395 Expropriation Request
stating the right and purpose of expropriation.
An organization that is outside of, and not part of,
396 External Organization
DPWH and its constituent units.
Such additional labor, materials, supplies, equipment,
facilities and other incidentals necessary to complete the
397 Extra Work
Works but not covered or called for in the original
Limit states relating to events such as earthquakes,
Extreme Event Limit
398 vehicle and vessel collision with return periods in excess
of the design life of the bridge.
The ratio of a limiting value of a quantity or quality to
399 Factor of Safety
the design value of that quantity or quality.
Severe breakdown of the road due to defects/damages
400 Failed Pavement
of the surface and/or base or subbase.
For a given soil, the graph of the shear stress and
401 Failure Envelope
normal effective stresses at which shear failure occurs.
Summary of statistical data processed from the actual
household survey being conducted periodically by the
National Statistics Office. It contains information on
average family income (by income source and class)
Family Income and and expenditures (by type of expenditures and income
Expenditure Survey class) by region, provincial, city and barangay level.
Analysis of the survey information results in data on
household expenditures at the regional level for land
transport by income classes used as one parameter in
estimating public transport demand elasticities.
403 Far-fault A fault more than 5km distant from the reference point.
A shear fracture in rock along which there has been an
404 Fault
observable amount of displacement.
The potential viability of a program or project based on
405 Feasibility
established criteria.
An assessment of the potential viability of a project
406 Feasibility Study
based on established criteria.
An association which describes a certain linear and
407 Feature Position cross-sectional position of an infrastructure feature on a
road section.
A constructed barrier separating one area or lot form
408 Fence
from another.
Data Item / Term Definition
A book in which a surveyor or other technician or
409 Field Book scientist writes down measurements and other technical
notes taken in the field.
An analytical examination of financial transactions and
accounts of an agency in order to determine their
410 Financial Audit accuracy, integrity, and authenticity; and to satisfy legal
Data Item / Term Definition
A type of road structure made of a mixture of asphalt,
423 Flexible Pavement
or bituminous materials.
Device used in place of rigid barrier posts or traffic
cones with a minimum of 450mm by 50mm wide with
424 Flexible Post Alias Bollard
alternate bands of contrasting color as seen by
approaching traffic for delineation of traffic.
A deformation or behavior of an elastic structural
425 Flexure element subjected to an external load perpendicular to
the axis of the element.
Dams which are constructed with the same purpose as
the Sabo dam and is placed on a soil foundation due to
426 Floating Dams
the absence of rocks. In this case, safety against
resisting force and piping phenomenon is considered.
Detention or diversion of water for the purpose of
427 Flood Control
reducing discharge for downstream inundation.
Determined according to return period of the rainfall
intensity, sediment concentration, extent of drainage
area, social and economical importance, extent and
428 Flood Discharge
quality of damage, record of past disasters, project
benefit and balance between upstream and
429 Flood Plain Flat land bordering a river and subject to flooding
The sediment discharge brought by a flood. A 1-year
430 Flood Sediment Discharge sediment discharge means sediment discharge in a
certain year.
Flow Attack Zone Alias A curvature and/or a meander stretch of a river wherein
431 Concave Bend, Outer high velocity usually occurs resulting to heavy scouring
Bend, Direct Water Attack and forming a drift stream.
An enlargement at the base of a foundation that is
432 Footing
designed to transmit forces to the soil.
The surface area of a building where it meets the
433 Footprint natural ground or the finished grade i.e. the outer
perimeter of a building.
A push or a pull in a given direction on a body that
434 Force changes or tends to change its state or rest. (or its state
of motion).
Data Item / Term Definition
Any work outside the original contract but necessary for
the completion of the Works where both parties could
not agree on the mode of payment; said work will be
done by the Contractor and paid for at the actual cost
plus a specified percentage except in the case of rental
of equipment which are to be paid at actual cost without
435 Force Account Work
any additional percentage. Actual cost is supported by
receipt, vouchers, payroll, etc. or the prevailing cost
items in the locality. This is the alternative when a unit
price or lump sum method of paying Extract Work
cannot be agreed upon or where this method of
payment is impracticable.
An earthquake, flood, cloudburst, cyclone, or other
cataclysmic phenomena of nature beyond the power of
436 Force Majeure
the Contractor to foresee or to make preparation in
defense thereof.
Any offer of articles, materials or supplies not
manufactured or not to be manufactured in the
437 Foreign Bid Philippines, substantially from articles, materials, or
supplies of the growth, production, or manufacture, as
the case may be, of the Philippines.
Assistance from foreign governments or institutions with
no repayment obligations and are provided in monetary
438 Foreign Grants
form, goods, works, and/or consultancy services, among
Loans, credits, and indebtedness with private foreign
banks or with foreign governments, agencies, or
instrumentalities of such foreign governments, foreign
financial institutions, or other international organizations
with whom, or belonging to countries with which, the
Philippines has diplomatic relations, as may be
439 Foreign Loans necessary and upon such terms and conditions as may
be agreed upon, to enable the GOP to finance, either
directly or through any government office, agency or
instrumentality or any government-owned and
controlled corporations, industrial, agricultural or other
economic development purposes or projects authorized
by law.
The contracting of works, consulting services, or goods,
Foreign-Assisted Project
440 which are wholly or partly funded by foreign loans or
Goods, consulting services, and infrastructure projects
Foreign-Assisted Projects
by the GOP which are wholly or partly funded by
441 Alias Foreign-funded
Foreign Loans or Grants pursuant to a Treaty or
International or Executive Agreement.
Data Item / Term Definition
Goods, consulting services, and infrastructure projects
Foreign-funded Project
by the GOP which are wholly or partly funded by
442 Alias Foreign-Assisted
Foreign Loans or Grants pursuant to a Treaty or
International or Executive Agreement.
An occurrence which cannot be foreseen, or which
443 Fortuitous Events
though foreseen, is inevitable.
A component of an engineered structure that transmits
444 Foundation the structure's forces into the soil or rock that supports
Station with an accuracy of less than 100 parts per
445 Fourth-order Station
million (10 cm per Km).
Free Water Alias Phreatic
Water that is free to move underground through a soil
446 Water, Gravitational
mass under the influence of gravity.
Allowance in height from the river waterline to crest of a
revetment, dam, dike or a levee, or from the river
447 Freeboard
waterline to the lowest part of the superstructure to
avoid submergence during high water levels.
The sudden rise or overflow of water in a stream,
448 Freshet brought on by melting snow or a heavy rain; the flow of
fresh water into the sea.
A pile which derives its supports principally from the
surrounding soil through which it is placed by the
449 Friction Pile
development of shearing resistance between the soil
and the pile.
Part of dam constructed on the downstream side that is
450 Front Protection Work protected to prevent scour of bedrock and the fall of
riverbed due to debris flow from dam opening.
451 Fumarole A hot spring emitting volatiles.
A method for analyzing, organizing, and graphically
Function Analysis System displaying the interrelation of the basic and secondary
Technique functions of a system, product, design, process,
procedure, or facility.
Identifies specific funds maintained by the agency for
453 Fund Category Code accounting purposes, as well as for recording and
reporting financial transactions.
A aggregation of Funding Sources for the purpose of
454 Fund Cluster recording transactions and preparing reports in the
Budget, treasury and Accounting processes
Fund Source Alias Funding An institution that provides financial support to a
Agency program or project.
Data Item / Term Definition
A fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set
of accounts recording cash and other financial
resources, together with all related liabilities and
residual equities or balances, and changes therein,
456 Fund which are segregated for the purpose of carrying on
specific activities or attaining certain objectives in
accordance with special regulations, restrictions, or
Data Item / Term Definition
An integrated collection of computer software and data
Geographical Information used to view and manage information about geographic
System places, analyze spatial relationships, and model spatial
Geologic and natural hazards, particularly those that put
471 Geohazard
infrastructure at risk.
An equipotential surface of the Earths gravity field
which closely approximates mean sea level and is by
472 Geoid
definition perpendicular to the direction of the gravity
vector at all points.
Very low permeability synthetic membrane liner of
barrier used with any geotechnical engineering related
473 Geomembrane
material so as to control fluid (or gas) migration in a
human-made project, structure, or system.
474 Geomorphology The study of landforms, their origin and development
475 Geoportal A web-based source of data on the earth sciences.
The Philippine Government Electronic Procurement
476 G-EPS Alias PhilGEPS
System as provided in Section 8 of the IRR RA 9184.
Determination of a position (Latitude, Longitude and
Global Positioning System
477 Height) directly, without the need to measure angles
and distances between intermediate points.
478 Goal A state or condition sought in the long term.
All items, supplies, materials and general support
services, except consulting services and works, which
479 Goods may be needed in the transaction of public businesses
or in the pursuit of any government undertaking, project
or activity.
Government of the Term given to local projects financed by the Philippine
Philippines Government.
The regulatory body for Philippine Government
Government Procurement
481 Procurement created under Rule XX of Republic Act
Policy Board Alias GPPB
9184 Implementing Rules and Regulations.
A crossing of two roads at different levels, one carried
482 Grade Separation
over the other on a structure.
Grain Size Distribution A curve drawn on a log scale to represent the
Curve distribution of particle sizes in a soil.
Gravel Wash Alias Alluvial A fan shaped deposit formed where a stream emerges
Fan from an entrenched valley into a plain or flat.
Gravitational Water Alias
Water that is free to move underground through a soil
485 Free Water, Phreatic
mass under the influence of gravity.
A structure generally adopted for an erosion control
486 Gravity Dam
dam designed so that the weight of the dam itself (the
Data Item / Term Definition
gravity force) to resist overturning by the applied forces.
Data Item / Term Definition
A geophysical method that uses radar pulses to image
498 Ground Penetrating Radar
the subsurface.
Collection of data to represent horizontal and vertical
Ground Survey Alias positions of an area, including features such as roads,
Topographic Survey bridges and bodies of water with contours, elevations
and coordinates.
A structure built across the river to stabilize the riverbed
by controlling the longitudinal erosion and sediment
500 Groundsill
movement, which also reduces river bank erosion and
riverbank collapse.
Structure constructed to stabilize the stream bed by
501 Groundsill Work preventing longitudinal erosion caused by the scouring
of its foundation.
Water that exists below the water table in the zone of
502 Groundwater
Depth at which soil pore spaces or fractures and voids
503 Groundwater Table
in rock become completely saturated with water.
When the stones in the rip-rap are fastened together by
504 Grouted Riprap
grout of mortar.
A wall, crib, row of piles, stone, jetty or other barrier
projecting outward from the shore or bank into a stream
or other body of water, for the purpose of protecting
505 Groyne Alias Groin
the shores or bank from erosion, arresting sand
movement along the shore, concentrating the low flow
of a stream into a smaller channel, etc.
A type of safety barrier placed along the edge or in the
506 Guard Rail
median of a highway at dangerous areas.
Inform and advise road users of directions, distances,
Guide Signs (Informative
507 routes, the location of services for road users, and
points of interest.
508 Gully Erosion Erosion on the dike slopes caused by heavy rainfall.
Plates whose function is to transfer stress from one
509 Gusset Plates
member to another.
Sediment produced and sediment runoff, which may
510 Harmful Sediment
cause damage by sand and stone avalanches.
The one-way distance that a vessel has to travel to a
511 Haul Distance
disposal area.
Data Item / Term Definition
The head of the agency or body, or his duly authorized
official, for NGAs and the constitutional commissions or
offices, and branches of government; The governing
board or its duly authorized official, for GOCCs, GFIs
and SUCs; or The local chief executive, for LGUs:
Head of the Procuring
512 Provided, however, That in an agency, department, or
office where the procurement is decentralized, the head
of each decentralized unit shall be considered as the
Head of the Procuring Entity, subject to the limitations
and authority delegated by the head of the agency,
department, or office.
A wall of masonry or concrete built at the inlet and
513 Headwall outlet of a drainage pipe of culvert usually protruding
above the surface of the road.
The entire width within the Right of Way boundary lines
comprising the roadway including drainage structures,
514 Highway
slope protection, safety features; bridges and off-
carriageway features.
The maximum total capacity of the hoppers of a hopper
515 Hopper Capacity
dredge or hopper barge.
The position or the layout of the highway on the ground
516 Horizontal Alignment
which includes straight and curved paths.
A series of baselines or base stations in which the
517 Horizontal Control position of the survey for locating map detail are
originated and closed.
A Plan focused on the division of an organization
518 Human Resource Plan responsible for hiring, training, and placing employees
and for setting policies for personnel management.
Line connecting the points to which the liquid would rise
in piezometer tubes if inserted at various places along
519 Hydraulic Grade Line
any pipe. It is the measure of the pressure head plus
the elevation of the pipe at these various points.
A well stimulation process used to maximize the
520 Hydrofracturing
extraction of underground resources.
The study of the interrelationship of geologic materials
521 Hydrogeology
and processes with water, especially groundwater.
522 Hydrographic Survey Surveying any body of water and their marginal areas
Unauthorized use of or intrusion on IROW, as for man-
523 Illegal Encroachment
made work or facilities.
An unauthorized or unlawful work, facility, or
524 Illegal Structure
constructed building within the IROW.
Implementation Schedule
Time table showing the order in which the various
525 Alias Construction
activities of a project are to be carried out.
Schedule for Works
Data Item / Term Definition
Data Item / Term Definition
An aggregated indicator of the state of repair (or
539 Infrastructure Condition serviceability or functionality) of road features and
The set of actual, on the ground objects, constructs,
and works that are of concern to DPWH as a public
highway enterprise-including structures, pavement,
540 Infrastructure Features
fixtures, and traffic events. In this stock of basic
facilities, the individual features are represented (on a
map) by either points or lines.
A method for accomplishing goals related to road
541 Infrastructure Plan improvements and structures, which is implemented
through a series of programs.
Include the construction, improvement, rehabilitation,
demolition, repair, restoration or maintenance of roads
and bridges, railways, airports, seaports, communication
facilities, civil works components of information
Infrastructure Project technology projects, irrigation, flood control and
Alias Civil Works, Works, drainage, water supply, sanitation, sewerage and solid
Capital Outlay Project, waste management systems, shore protection, energy/
Capital Project power and electrification facilities, national buildings,
school buildings, hospital buildings and other related
construction project of the government. To be classified
as a capital outlay project, the works must extend the
life of the asset by more than 1 year.
Infrastructure Right of
Site or location, with defined physical boundaries, used
543 Way Alias IROW, Right of
for an infrastructure project.
Way, ROW
A check list report for project proponents to quickly
Initial Environmental
544 identify and assess environmental impacts and
mitigation measure.
A curvature and/or a meander stretch of a river wherein
Inner Bend Alias Convex low velocity or sometimes no flow is observed. This is
Bend the part of the river where sediment accumulation is
formed. Also known as dead water zone.
546 In-situ Undisturbed, existing field conditions.
The unit mass of bottom materials in their undisturbed
547 In-situ Density
Instruction Signal Alias
Tone or ringing-style short signal before an
548 Attention Signal,
Preliminary Noise
A system of interconnecting roadways in conjunction
with one or more highway separations providing for the
549 Interchange
movement of traffic between two or more intersecting
Data Item / Term Definition
550 Internal Organization The whole of all units and functions of DPWH.
An economic feasibility indicator for assessing the
economic viability of a specific project. It is defined as
551 Internal Rate of Return
the discount rate at which the Net Present Value (NPV)
is equal to zero.
A contract or understanding, regardless of
nomenclature, entered into between the GOP and
another government or foreign or international financing
552 International Agreement
institution in written form and governed by international
law, whether embodied in a single instrument or in two
(2) or more related instruments.
An international standard measurement of roughness of
the pavement of a given road section obtained through
bump integrator or laser survey. The IRI is measured in
International Roughness
553 units of meters per kilometer and generally ranges from
1.8 for a very smooth surface to 16 for a very rough
surface and upwards to around 20 for a poor unpaved
A general term denoting the area where two or more
554 Intersection
roads join or cross.
A list of assets, equipment, goods, data, completed
555 Inventory
works and other related information.
A member of a set of physical resources which
556 Inventory Item
contribute to the net worth of an organization.
The number of Inventory Units occurring within
specified administrative boundaries, as for example, the
557 Inventory Quantity
number of kilometers of Bituminous Pavement within a
A basic increment of measurement of a Maintenance
558 Inventory Unit
Feature; including for example, a kilometer of Ditch.
Invitation for Bid for
Foreign Assisted Projects
A notice to interested contractors/ consultants/ suppliers
Alias Request for
and the general public and other interested parties of
559 Expression of Interest for
the proposed procurement for a specific contract of the
Consulting Services,
Procuring Entity.
Invitation to Bid for
Infrastructure and Goods
Data Item / Term Definition
Invitation to Bid for
Infrastructure and Goods
A notice to interested contractors/ consultants/ suppliers
Alias Request for
and the general public and other interested parties of
560 Expression of Interest for
the proposed procurement for a specific contract of the
Consulting Services,
Procuring Entity.
Invitation for Bid for
Foreign Assisted Projects
A cost estimate based on preliminary survey at
561 IROW Action Plan municipal level, and including project description,
requirements, and survey results.
IROW Alias Infrastructure
Site or location, with defined physical boundaries, used
562 Right of Way, Right of
for an infrastructure project.
Way, ROW
The total extent in square meters (length X width) of
563 IROW Area
the IROW to be acquired for a project.
A fence that is erected along the edge of IROW in order
564 IROW Boundary Fencing to clear delineate the area and to control access from
adjacent lands.
A table showing the claimant, Lot No., total land and
IROW Compensation
565 affected areas, cost of land (BIR/Market), and type and
value of improvements.
A summary document prepared only after buildings,
566 IROW Completion Report improvements, and utilities have been cleared from
acquired lands.
A table listing by parcel-lots, including Parcel and Lot
567 IROW Land Data Matrix Number, Owner, TCT Number, land use and area, price
per sq. m. land cost and annotations on title.
568 IROW Monthly Report A periodic written statement on management of IROW.
A footing designed to support a structural load from a
569 Isolated Footing single column. Usually a shallow foundation, and square
or circular in shape.
A soil mass having essentially the same properties in all
570 Isotropic
A unit of work (including quantities, activities, location,
571 Job and schedule) to be performed on an RMMS Road
A request by a person for consideration in filling a
572 Job Application
A partnership or cooperative agreement between two or
573 Joint Venture more Contractors or partnership or corporations
restricted to a single, specific undertaking.
A book (or system) of original entry, with a record of
574 Journal
current transactions.
Data Item / Term Definition
A general term denoting the area where two or more
roads join or cross, including all the roadways provided
575 Junction for accommodation of through, cross and turning
movements, together with grade separations and
ramps, if any.
Payment required by law as compensation to an owner
576 Just Compensation
for a taking of private property.
Key Performance An index used as a measure of success in achieving an
Indicator Objective.
An object on the roadside, placed to indicate position on
the road network in terms of distance from the start of
578 Kilometer Post
the road and which post in turn provides a reference
for other objects on the road network.
579 Labor Cost for Demolition Total wages paid for manpower used in demolition.
The materials and quality control testing laboratories of
580 Laboratory the DPWH or any other testing laboratory which any be
designated by the Engineer.
An individual person or legal entity that holds title
581 Land Owner (documents indicating legal ownership) to a parcel-lot of
A subdivision of earth surface area (land) into an
582 Land Parcel
individual unit with a recorded property boundary.
A specific mode of activity and type of coverage applied
583 Land Use
or allocated to an earth surface area.
An indicator of a specific activity and coverage on a land
584 Land Use Type
surface area (for example, residential).
An official map produced by the City/Municipal
Assessors Office or DENR Regional Office (Land
585 Land Valuation (Tax) Map
Management Section) showing the assessed values of
properties for tax purposes..
586 Land Value Monetary worth of land as indicated by LAPRAP.
The planning, planting, establishing and caring for trees,
shrubs, vines, and other vegetation to provide shades,
587 Landscaping
reduce dusts, control erosion, or improve the general
appearance of an area.
Maps that reflect the land resources and types of land
588 Land-use Map
use in the national economy.
A part of the roadway delimited by linear markings or
589 Lane
signs for use by a single line of traffic.
The summary amount of funds required for resettlement
590 LAPRAP Total Cost
activities undertaken as part of land acquisition.
A defect that is not apparent by reasonable observation,
591 Latent Defect
is hidden or one that is not immediately determinable.
Data Item / Term Definition
592 Leave Balance Total number of days available per type of leave
593 Leave Type Unique code that identifies the kind of leave
Leave without Pay Alias
594 Number of leave of absences taken without pay.
Absence without Pay
A lawful use of a building or land for the shelter or
595 Legal Occupancy
support of persons, animals, or property.
Legislative District Alias Electoral constituency pertaining to a member of the
Congressional District House of Representatives.
A fund release/transfer document issued by the DPWH
to another agency or from DPWH Central Office to the
Letter of Advice of DPWH Regional Office (if it is a trust fund). This
Allotment document contains the authorization, conditions and
amount allotted by program, activity, or project (PAP)
for specific for funding requirements.
An embankment, generally constructed on or parallel to
the banks of a stream, lake or other body of water for
598 Levee Alias Dike the purpose of protecting the land side from inundation
by flood water, or to confine the stream flow to its
regular channel.
Level of Planned The planned discharge capacity (of a river) to be finally
Discharge adopted based on the viability of the project.
A parameter used to describe the combination of road
condition (surface roughness) and road capacity
utilization measured in terms of traffic volume to
600 Level of Service capacity ratio (VCR). Surface roughness and VCR can
only be brought together in qualitative terms. Speed
and travel time are derived functions of roughness and
The layer of material placed on an existing surface to
601 Levelling Course eliminate irregularities prior to placing an overlay
A remote sensing technology that measures distance by
illuminating a target with a laser and analyzing the
Light Detection and reflected light. Although thought by some to be an
Ranging acronym of Light Detection And Ranging, the term lidar
was actually created as a portmanteau of "light" and
A condition beyond which the bridge or component
603 Limit State ceases to satisfy the provisions for which it was
Data Item / Term Definition
An alternative method of procurement for goods
(including major plant components) and consulting
services that involves direct invitation to bid by the
604 Limited Source Bidding concerned Procuring Entity from a set of pre-selected
suppliers or consultants with known experience and
proven capability on the requirements of the particular
A line feature on the road network that has a relatively
605 Line Event-Permanent
long life-span, or duration in time.
A line feature on the road network that exists for a
606 Line Event-Temporary
relatively short time span or duration.
A real-world or on the ground object or event
607 Line Feature
represented by a line.
A large-scale linear feature which expresses itself in
608 Lineament
terms of topography.
A protective covering over all, or over a portion of the
perimeter of a conduit, canal, or reservoir, to prevent
609 Lining
seepage losses, to withstand pressure, or to resist
The sudden, large decrease of shear strength of
cohesionless soil caused by collapse of the soil
610 Liquefaction structure, produced by small shear strains associated
with sudden but temporary increase of pore water
The water content above which the soil will flow like a
611 Liquid Limit
liquid, but below which it will have a plastic consistency.
An amount agreed upon by the parties to a contract to
612 Liquidated Damages
be paid in case of breach thereof.
Living Roof Alias Green A roof that is either partially or completely covered in
613 Roof, Eco Roof, Vegetated vegetation and built on top of a man-made roof, deck
Roof roof, deck or other support structure.
A statistically-based multiplier applied to force effects
accounting primarily for the variability of loads the lack
of accuracy in analysis, and the probability of
614 Load Factor
simultaneous occurrence of different loads, but also
related to the statistics of the resistance through the
calibration process.
A document in which a lending institution sets out terms
615 Loan Agreement
and conditions to borrower.
A legally constituted or chartered public authority
616 Local Government Unit providing representation and public services to a
Scouring concentrated on a specific part or location of
617 Local Scouring
the river. Local scouring occurs in areas like the pier of
Data Item / Term Definition
Data Item / Term Definition
Dredging to restore or maintain a depth that existed
previously, but has been reduced by the deposition of
632 Maintenance Dredging
sediments. It also describes dredging which is of a
recurrent nature.
A service and/or maintenance road for maintenance
633 Maintenance Pathway
activities of a dike or revetment.
The main classification of works, for purposes of
evaluation of eligibility for civil works, according to type
634 Major Category of Works
of infrastructure and kind of work performed- e.g. road
construction, bridge rehabilitation, etc.
An increase or decrease in the monetary value of a
635 Major Cost Change project by more than 10%; necessitating an update of
the IROW Action Plan.
A good or service that an agency is mandated to deliver
to external clients / stakeholders through the
636 Major Final Output (MFO)
implementation of Programs, Activities and Projects
A change in location or scope of project resulting in an
637 Major IROW Development increase or decrease of more than 10% in the total cost
of a project.
An opening thru which a person may enter or leave a
sewer, conduit, or other closed structure for inspection
638 Manhole
cleaning, and other maintenance operations, closed by
a removable cover.
639 Man-Hour The unit of work by one man in one hour.
Marital Status Alias Civil The employees marital state i.e. single, married,
Status divorced, separated, widowed.
Signs displayed on surfaces in order to convey highways
641 Marking
or aeronautical information.
Those areas that are inundated and saturated by
surface or groundwater at a frequency and duration
Marshes Alias Wetlands,
642 sufficient to support, and that under normal
Swamp, Bogs
circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation
typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions.
Down slope movement of soil and/or rock under the
643 Mass wasting
influence of gravity.
The overall description of the project area. Sometimes
referred to as a basin-wide comprehensive study of a
644 Master Plan river system. Master plan explains the flood control
policy, strategy, target flood magnitude, main works,
etc. of a river system.
A structural slab utilized as a footing, which usually
645 Mat Foundation
encompasses the entire building footprint.
Data Item / Term Definition
A line on a design drawing that projects a location or
646 Matchline distance from one portion of the drawing to another
portion of the drawing.
Any measurable, physical substance used to perform an
647 Material
Item of work, or the substance of the completed object.
An extent of surface containing matter or substances
648 Material Area
used in construction and maintenance activity.
A point for taking a specimen for investigation of
649 Material Sample
conditions in a road corridor.
All substances specified for use in the construction of
650 Materials
the project and its appurtenance.
A soil property obtained in the laboratory from a Proctor
651 Maximum Dry Density
test. Density of soil at 100% compaction.
652 Maximum Flood Level The highest recorded flood level.
The average height of the sea for all stages of the tide.
Mean sea level is obtained by averaging observed hourly
653 Mean Sea Level heights of the sea on the open coast or in adjacent
waters having free access to the sea, the average being
taken over a considerable period of time.
The portion of a divided highway separating travelled
654 Median
ways for traffic in opposite directions.
A speed-change lane within the median to
655 Median Lane
accommodate left-turning vehicles.
The area between median ends, provided for use by
656 Median Opening
crossing and turning traffic.
History of health and treatment of an employee or
657 Medical Record
Identifies the six-year national roads and bridges asset
Medium Term Public preservation and network development schemes as well
658 Investment Program of as other infrastructure programs of DPWH. This
DPWH program contains the Projects and Other Work
Programs, which are scheduled in MYPS.
A multi-year framework to guide the selection of key
projects that will support the key goals of the national
Medium-Term Public
government. In IT, navigation refers to a way or ways
659 Investment Program
to proceed on a path through an application in a series
of steps, with recurring and varying cycles of operations
as needed.
The radius of the path of the outer front wheel of a
660 Minimum Turning Radius
vehicle making its sharpest turn with ease and comfort.
Any structure not classified as a bridge or culvert. It
661 Minor Structure
shall include catch basins, inlets, manholes, etc.
662 Mitigation Measure A general textual description of specific steps taken to
Data Item / Term Definition
lessen adverse impacts of the IROW project.
Data Item / Term Definition
A physical fault or condition presenting risk - including
failure of roadway, and potential for accident to
676 Natural Hazard
vehicular traffic. Examples include soil or material
erosion, and landslide
Natural Moisture Content The ratio between the mass of water and the mass of
Alias Water Content soil solids.
Pertaining to, or used in, conducting ships or other
678 Navigational
vessels on the water from one place to another.
679 Near-fault A fault less than 5km distant from the reference point.
680 Near-field The area of the near-fault.
An official estimate of inflation (rise in general price
681 NEDA Inflation Range level over time) to be applied to project funding, in
terms of percent per year.
The discrepancy between conditions expected in the
682 Need
goals and those actually achieved.
An alternative method of procurement of goods, works
or consulting services, whereby the Procuring Entity
directly seeks to agree on a contract with a technically,
683 Negotiated Procurement
legally and financially capable supplier, contractor or
consultant, without going through regular competitive
The agreement signed by both parties supplementing
the principal Contract for the undertaking of a specific
work within or beyond the limits of the project as
Negotiated Supplemental
684 awarded and necessary for the completion of the
project setting forth the necessity for the change and
adjustment o unit price or prices agreed upon as
satisfactory to both parties.
An Agency's numerical rating of the
Net Financial Contracting Contractor's/Supplier's capability to support the funding
Capacity requirements to perform the works or provide the goods
required under the contract.
The remaining amount of an employees gross pay after
686 Net Pay
An indicator of Feasibility for a specific project, with
687 Net Present Value acceptability indicated where benefits equal or exceed
costs, in present value terms.
Net Present Value over An economic indicator used to determine the feasibility
Cost (NPV/C) or viability of a project.
Network Development
689 The requirement for extension of the road network.
A subtype of Need that is related to a specific
690 Network Need
component, array, or system of roads.
Data Item / Term Definition
A component of the HDM-4 applications, which involves
the preparation of road investment programs under
Network Program
691 various budget scenarios. It prioritizes a networks road
section groups over time periods based on the NPV/C
Road network sub-divided into categories which define
the key attributes that most influence pavement
692 Network State Matrix
performance and road user costs. Each cell of NSM is
referred as Network State.
A component of the HDM-4 applications, which involves
the analysis of road network strategies. The module
(for instance) allows identifying the optimal mix of asset
preservation and development alternatives over the
Network Strategic whole network for a given budget ceiling and optimal
Planning Evaluation implementation time schedule. It works on the basis of
aggregated road sections divided into representative
groups in a matrix format with simplified ranges of
traffic volume and service levels (IRI and VCR) for
different pavement types.
A grouping of types of work associated with the building
of a new infrastructure or facility, such as a road,
694 New Construction
bridge, flood control structure or other structures, e.g.
School, Hospital, etc.
A statement of approval/concurrence on a specified
695 No Objection Letter
situation from a lending institution
A point representing the location of a road intersection,
the beginning or ending location of a road section, or a
696 Node
place where a road crosses a boundary of an
Administrative Area.
A designation indicating (1) entrance on bases other
than those of the usual tests of merit and fitness utilized
for the career service; and (2) tenure which is limited to
a period specified by law, or which is coterminous with
697 Non-Career Service
that of the appointing authority or subject to his
pleasure, or which is limited to the duration of a
particular project for which purpose employment was
A Bid which does not meet or fulfill the requirements of
698 Non-complying Bid the Bidding Documents, e.g., with missing Items or
calculation errors that cannot be corrected.
River of natural bank wherein no improvement (like
699 Non-Diked River
dike) has been introduced.
A person that does not have current status as a job
700 Non-Employee
holder, within an organization.
Data Item / Term Definition
Articles which are not consumed in use and ordinarily
retain their original identity during the period of use,
701 Non-expendable Supplies whose serviceable life is more than one (1) year and
which add to the assets of the GOP (e.g., furniture,
fixtures, transport and other equipment).
Normally Consolidated Soil having a current state which lies on the normal
Soil compression line.
Notice of Award Alias The written notice from the procuring entity to the
Award winning bidder accepting its bid or proposal.
Notice of Award Date
The calendar day the Contract is awarded to the
705 Alias Resolution of Award
Authority issued by the Department of Budget and
Management (DBM) to Central, Regional and District
706 Notice of Cash Allocation
offices to cover the cash requirements of the agencies
for a specific period and purpose.
Data Item / Term Definition
A commitment by an agency to a pay a particular sum
715 Obligation of money to a creditor, arising from orders placed,
contracts awarded, and services rendered.
A grouping of types of work associated with betterment
of elements of a road outside the limits of the
Off-Carriageway carriageway such as shoulders, loading and unloading
Improvement bay, flaring of intersections/curves, correction of
inadequate drainage structures, road slope, or road
safety elements.
A bid made by the public authority to a land owner to
717 Offer to Purchase
acquire land for a specific price.
Any conduit in which water flows with a free surface.
Channel in which the stream is not completely enclosed
718 Open Channel
by solid boundaries and therefore has a free surface
subjected only to atmospheric pressure.
An abutment with two or more columns on separate or
Open or Spill Through
719 combined footing placed near the banks of the river
having a relatively high fill.
Opening of Bids Alias Bid The occasion/event where the bids are opened at the
Opening place, date and time specified in the advertisement.
A Regional, District, or Project Management Office,
Operating Units Alias
721 Bureau or other Unit of DPWH that is responsible for the
Implementing Office
execution or delivery of a project.
A Plan pertaining to a process or series of actions for
722 Operational Plan
achieving a result.
The water content at which the maximum dry density of
Optimum Moisture a soil is obtained using a specific effort of compaction.
Content Optimum moisture of a specific soil is determined
through a Proctor test.
724 Ordinary Water Level The height of water in the river under normal condition.
725 Organic Soils Earth comprised of organic material, peat, and muskeg.
The administrative and functional structure of a
726 Organization
business, governmental, or non-governmental agency.
A document indicating ownership in the first instance, of
727 Original Certificate of Title
newly subdivided Lot.
Original Contract Amount The total price originally agreed upon as payment for
728 Alias Original Contract the completion of the entire scope of
Cost work/services/goods stipulated in the Contract.
Original Contract Cost The total price originally agreed upon as payment for
729 Alias Original Contract the completion of the entire scope of
Amount work/services/goods stipulated in the Contract.
Data Item / Term Definition
The government organization responsible for
730 Originating Agency
identification and planning of the Project.
An image that has had all distortions due to camera
731 Orthophoto Map
obliquity, terrain, relief and features removed.
An identification scheme used by other Government
Other Agency Project
732 Agencies to identify their projects which are being
implemented by the DPWH.
The additional amount to the Project Component, above
Other Pro-Rated
733 the Contract Component Cost, to account for the Pay
Component Cost
Items Part A and B at the Contract level.
This is a structure holding summary information (mostly
budgetary data) on DPWH projects other than national
roads (undergoing either asset preservation or network
development) and bridges (replacement or new
734 Other Work Programs
construction) on national roads, e.g. routine road and
bridge maintenance, excluded urban national roads,
flood control, road safety, calamity, major repairs of
Outer Bend Alias Concave A curvature and/or a meander stretch of a river wherein
735 Bend, Direct Water high velocity usually occurs resulting to heavy scouring
Attack, Flow Attack Zone and forming a drift stream.
An overall performance indicator at plan level, which
Overall Performance
736 allows measuring the Agency (DPWH) performance in
management of the highway network.
737 Overburden Soil Overlying soil of a desirable soil stratum.
A clayey soil carrying a higher load in the past. Soil
738 Overconsolidated Soil having a current state which lies inside the normal
compression line.
The dredging of material from levels below that
739 Overdredging
specified or required.
Signs which provide means of displaying essential traffic
information on wide multi-lane roads, where some
740 Overhead Signs degree of lane use control is required, or where side-of-
road clearance is insufficient to accommodate a road
side sign.
Amount of time an employee works beyond normal
741 Over Time
working hours.
742 Parcel A quantity of land identified for taxation purposes.
A survey to determine and establish the legal boundary
743 Parcellary Survey
of real properties.
Data Item / Term Definition
A drawing that shows the area and dimensions of a
property and provides the observations that the
744 Parcellary Survey Plan surveyor made or calculated to define the property
boundaries in relation to surrounding properties and the
survey network of known marks.
A surface or structure within the RROW, set aside from
745 Parking Area traffic lanes, and used for short-term storage of
A surface within the IROW, set aside from traffic lanes,
746 Parking Lane
and used for short-term holding of stationary vehicles.
An arterial highway for non-commercial traffic, with full
747 Parkway or partial control of access, and usually located within a
park or a ribbon of park-line development.
A person or organization through which effort is applied
748 Participant
or a result is achieved.
Soil particle sizes that are determined from a
749 Particle Size Distribution representative sample of soil that is passed through a
set of sieves of consecutively smaller openings.
Express the impact on road capacity of the various
Passenger Car Equivalent
750 vehicle types with a passenger car equal to 1.0
(maximum PCEF = 4.0).
Passenger car units in relation to capacity are the
751 Passenger Car Units aggregated product of AADT by vehicle type and the
respective Passenger Car Equivalent Factors.
The maximum horizontal stress exerted by a mass of
752 Passive Earth Pressure soil on a retaining surface as the surface moves toward
the soil.
The constructed all-weather surface of a road, including
parking and auxiliary lanes but excluding shoulders.
753 Pavement
That part of a roadway having a constructed surface for
the facilitation of vehicular traffic.
Pavement Management System (PMS) is a set of tools
and procedures that assist decision maker in finding
Pavement Management
754 optimum strategies for providing and maintaining
pavements in a serviceable condition over a given
period of time.
The combination of subbase, base course and surface
755 Pavement Structure
course placed on a subgrade.
The constructed all-weather surface of a highway,
including parking and auxiliary lanes but excluding
756 Pavement Surfacing
shoulders. That part of roadway having a constructed
surface for the facilitation of vehicular traffic.
Data Item / Term Definition
An entry of a specific item of work in a Bill of Quantities
757 Pay Item that is specified as a bid entry or article and listed as a
separate Unit for payment.
758 Pay Item Number A unique sequential identifier for the Pay Item.
Periodic compensation received by an employee
759 Pay Rate
including benefits.
Payment Alias
760 The act of paying out money.
The payment of salaries and wages (subject to
761 Payroll
The generic bidding documents, prepared by the GPPB
in accordance with the IRR of RA No. 9184, as
PBDs Alias Philippine
762 harmonized with the procurement guidelines of the
Bidding Documents
Asian Development Bank (ADB), the Japan International
Cooperation Agency (JICA), and the World Bank (WB).
Evaluation of an employees effectiveness in carrying
763 Performance Appraisal
out work activities.
The financial instrument submitted by the contractor in
the form of cash, cashier's/manager's check, letter of
Performance Bond Alias credit, bank guarantees, surety bond callable on
Performance Security demand, to guarantee full performance of its
contractual obligations for the subject works/consulting
The financial instrument submitted by the contractor in
the form of cash, cashier's/manager's check, letter of
Performance Security credit, bank guarantees, surety bond callable on
Alias Performance Bond demand, to guarantee full performance of its
contractual obligations for the subject works/consulting
Period fixed by the Department within which a
Contractor guarantees the quality of Work he had
contracted and completed. It shall commence upon
issuance of the Certificate of Completion of the Works.
At least two (2) weeks before the expiry date of this
766 Period of Warranty Period of Warranty, the project shall again be inspected
by the engineer and DPWH representatives to determine
any defects thereon. All discovered defects, if any, shall
be repaired by the Contractor to the satisfaction of the
Engineer after which the Certificate of Acceptance shall
be issued to the Contractor by the Department.
Employment status for a person who meets all the
767 Permanent Appointment requirements for the position to which he is being
Data Item / Term Definition
The permanent structures to be constructed and
768 Permanent Works
completed in accordance with the Contract Documents.
A measure of continuous voids in a soil. The property
769 Permeability
which allows the flow of water through a soil.
A formal permission (no objection) obtained from DENR
770 Permit to Cut
to clear trees within the IROW.
771 Person An individual human being.
772 Personnel Appointment Assignment of a person to a position.
Administrative action taken by DPWH in respect to an
773 Personnel Sanction
The Philippine Government Electronic Procurement
774 PhilGEPS Alias G-EPS
System as provided in Section 8 of the IRR RA 9184.
The generic bidding documents, prepared by the GPPB
in accordance with the IRR of RA No. 9184, as
775 Philippine Bidding
harmonized with the procurement guidelines of the
Documents Alias PBDs
Asian Development Bank (ADB), the Japan International
Cooperation Agency (JICA), and the World Bank (WB).
An individual or a sole proprietor who is a citizen of the
Philippines or a partnership, corporation, cooperative, or
Philippine National association organized under the laws of the Philippines
of which at least sixty percent (60%) of the capital or
interest is owned by citizens of the Philippines.
Adaptation of the standard Mercator projection that
777 Philippine Transverse
delivers high accuracy in zones less than a few degrees
Mercator Zone
in east-west extent.
The art of using computers to obtain the measurements
of objects in a photograph. It typically involves
778 Photogrammetry Alias
analyzing one or more existing photographs or videos
Digital Photogrammetry
with photogrammetric software to determine spatial
Phreatic Water Alias Free
779 Water that is free to move underground through a soil
Water, Gravitational
mass under the influence of gravity.
The activities pertaining to the preparation of a physical
780 layout of land or property on which vertical structures
Physical Planning
such as buildings and/or structures and horizontal
developments are proposed.
A structure usually of concrete or stone masonry, which
781 is used to transmit loads from the bridge superstructure
to the foundation soil and provide intermediate supports
between the abutments.
782 An instrument used to measure in-situ pore water
Data Item / Term Definition
A slender member that is driven (hammered), drilled or
783 Pile jetted into the ground. Piles are usually constructed of
timber, steel or pre-stressed reinforced concrete.
784 The movement of soil particles as a result of unbalanced
seepage forces produced by percolating water.
A formulation and means adopted in order to resolve a
gap between an existing situation and future needs,
785 Plan including approaches to achieve: longer term agency
goals; needs for physical infrastructure; and needs for
various human and technical resources as appropriate.
786 A class including physical, environmental, and socio-
Planning Factor
economic situations and constraints.
The segment of the road network for planning and
programming purposes. This consists of the road
Planning Road Section segment location and basic information related to road
and traffic volume for both asset preservation and
network development analysis purposes.
Possible future extent and condition of the highway
Planning Scenario network based on sets of assumptions concerning future
funding, traffic demand and the current road network.
A set of two-dimensional diagrams used to accurately
Plans capture all the geometric features of a site or a
790 The moisture content in which a soil will have a plastic
Plastic Limit
791 The difference between the liquid limit and plastic limit
Plasticity Index
of a soil mass.
792 A type of girder that is built-up with plates or with
Plate Girders
plates and angles.
It is a pile placed or driven on or into a material which is
793 Point Bearing Piles Alias
capable of developing the pile load by directly resting on
End Bearing Piles
a bearing stratum with a reasonable factor of safety.
794 A real-world object that is relatively long lasting, and
Point Feature
represented by a point.
An official and authoritative set of rules to guide
Policy-Procedure decisions in an activity; and the specific steps to be
performed in accomplishing the subject activity.
796 One of the plane forms of the Groundsill structure
Polygonal Form
wherein its vertex meets at the center of the river.
A low truss through bridge of short span, with the
797 roadway or deck between the top and bottom chords
Pony Truss
but not of sufficient height to allow the use of upper
lateral bracing.
Data Item / Term Definition
798 A flooding area within the IROW, which receives storm
Pooling Area
water discharge from a Catchment Area.
Also, hydrostatic pressure. The pressure exerted by the
799 fluid within the pores or voids in a porous material; in
Pore Pressure
saturated soil the pore pressure is the pore water
800 The ratio of the change in pore pressure to the change
Pore Pressure Coefficient
in isotropic stress in undrained loading.
801 At a given depth of soil, the ratio of the porewater
Pore Pressure Ratio
pressure to the vertical overburden pressure.
Pore Space Alias Porosity The ratio of the volume of voids to the total volume.
803 Porosity Alias Pore Space The ratio of the volume of voids to the total volume.
The website that integrates a wide variety of contents
804 Portal for the purpose of attracting and aggregating multiple
users together in a central virtual space.
Combination of struts and ties which lie in the plane of
inclined braces found overhead at the ends of through
Portal Bracing truss and provides lateral stability and shear transfer
between trusses or from truss to an abutment or pier of
a bridge.
Position Set of duties or functions of a particular job.
Data Item / Term Definition
Prequalification Bid and
Committee of the Procuring Entity which is responsible
813 Award Committee Alias
for the conduct of eligibility screening of applicants,
Bids and Award
bidding and recommending award of Contracts.
A prospective bidder that passes the qualification
Pre-qualified Contractor requirements prior to bidding on Foreign-Assisted
Projects (FAPs).
Concrete reinforced with strands, pretensioned or post
815 tensioned, wherein the effective internal stresses are
Prestressed Concrete
induced deliberately by forces caused by tensioned steel
or other means to give an active resistance to loads.
The system of prestressing concrete members whereby
816 wires or strands called tendons are stressed to a
predetermined amount by stretching them between
anchorages prior to pouring of concrete.
To protect lives and the natural environment, public and
private properties from direct damage such as the direct
Prevention of Damage
817 hit of debris flows, lahar flow or mudflows and
Caused by Sand and Stone
landslides or from direct damage such as aggradations
or reservoirs by sediment runoff and floods due to rise
of the river bed by sediment discharge.
A set of activities carried out at predetermined intervals
or according to prescribed criteria, and intended to
818 Preventive Maintenance
reduce the probability of failure or malfunctioning of an
asset, or extend the asset life, such as road, bridge,
equipment, motor vehicles, etc.
A grouping of types of work that include asphalt overlay
819 Preventive Maintenance
and all concrete reblocking irrespective of the level of
subgrade impacted.
An adjustment of monetary values made periodically to
Price Escalation compensate for fluctuation in costs of construction
supplies, materials, equipment, and labor.
A thin layer of light, penetrating bitumen, applied by a
distributor on a base to be resurfaced with bituminous
Prime Coat pavement, to stop the water from rising by capillarity
and to coat and bind particles, thus promoting adhesion
between the base and ne pavement.
822 An Authority approved by the Secretary to issue a
Prior Clearance
Variation Order on previously approved contracts
Data Item / Term Definition
The economic account on household consumption of
goods and services at regional level considered as one
parameter in estimating regional passenger transport
823 Private Consumption demand elasticity. However, available data from NSCB
deals only with gross regional domestic expenditure;
thus, NSO data on total family expenditures on public
and private transports are used as proxies.
824 A business or organization in service to the community
Private Sector
or nation, and general welfare.
825 Privately Owned Structure A structure owned by an entity in the private sector.
Data Item / Term Definition
Changes, additions or deletions of Projects/Project
835 details and/or allocations in the House General
Program Amendments
Appropriations Bill (HGAB), prior to General
Appropriations Act (GAA).
Represents the amount set aside for the project from
Program Amount both the amount budgeted and loans/aids/grants from
both local and foreign sources.
Changes, additions or deletions of Projects and/or
837 Program Errata allocations in the National Expenditure Program (NEP),
prior to the House General Appropriations Bill (HGAB).
The total estimated cost of the project which covers the
838 Civil Works Cost, Engineering Supervision and
Program of Works (POW)
Administrative Overhead, Road Right-of-Way Acquisition
Cost, Construction Contingency, etc.
839 A grouping of Activities or Types of Work that are
Program Work Category
generally combined into a program.
An assessment that takes place during a project or
process, that conveys details such as what sub-goals
840 have been accomplished, what resources have been
Progress Report
expended, what problems have been encountered, and
whether the project or process is expected to be
completed on time and within budget.
A special agency undertaking within a definite
841 Project timeframe and which is designed to produce pre-
determined works, goods or services.
842 An individual who occupies a lot or has improvements
Project Affected Person
on a lot, but who is not the Landowner.
A classification or group of projects having some
Project Category qualities in common, i.e. Physical Infrastructure or Non-
Physical Infrastructure.
A distinct Task or Activity in the life cycle of a Project
that is tracked separately for management and
844 monitoring purposes. Valid types are Feasibility Studies,
Project Component
Design, Right of Way Acquisition, Civil Works, and
Supervision. Distinct types or items of infrastructure are
treated as separate Components.
Project Component ID Unique identifier for a Project Component.
Project ID A unique identifier given to a project.
Project Justification Benefits to be derived from the projects.
Data Item / Term Definition
849 Measures to achieve improved conditions expressed in
Project Need
goals, in the form Resolutions, Requests, Etc.
Chart of the Organization presented which the Bidder
intends to use to execute the works, showing, among
850 Project Organization
other things, the senior technical personnel who will be
assigned to the Contract, supported by a statement of
the experience of such senior technical personnel.
A document that lists the requirements of a contract for
851 Project Procurement
particular works, consulting services, or goods by a
Management Plan (PPMP)
procuring entity.
Changes in projects, project details and/or allocations in
Project Realignment the GAA, subject to the approval of the DBM/Office of
the President.
The lands or places on which the Works are to be
853 executed or carried out and other lands or places
Project Site Alias Site
provided by the Government for the purposes of the
Project Type An indicator of a specific project.
A harmful event that occurred within the boundaries of
a Project Site or an approach to or exit from a Project
855 Project-Site-Related
Site, resulting from an unsafe act, unsafe condition or
inadequate warning and informatory signs and/or traffic
safety devices.
A category of employment movement from one position
856 to another with an increase in duties and responsibilities
as authorized by law and usually accompanied by an
increase in pay.
857 A piece of real estate (land and buildings) that is
858 An official designation of the place where a parcel-lot to
Property Address
be acquired is located.
Property Condition Specific features and situation of land to be exchanged.
861 Property Lists including A list of existing properties and improvements, including
Improvements fences, trees, crops, structures, public or private.
Data Item / Term Definition
A signed offer or proposal to undertake a contract
863 Proposal Alias Bid, Tender submitted by a bidder in response to and in consonance
with the requirements of the Bidding Documents.
864 The approved forms on which the DPWH requires bids
Proposal Book Form
or tenders to be prepared and submitted for the Works.
865 Contractors/Consultants/Suppliers that may participate
Prospective Bidders
in a bidding process.
A homogeneous national network of geodetic control
866 points (GCPs), marked by concrete monuments or
PRS92 Coordinates
mojons, that has been established using Global
Positioning System (GPS) technology.
A method of procurement which is open to participation
by any interested party and which consists of the
867 Public Bidding Alias following processes: advertisement, pre-bid conference,
Competitive Bidding eligibility screening of prospective bidders, receipt and
opening of bids, evaluation of bids, post-qualification,
and award of contract.
An organized gathering of interested and affected
868 Public Consultation
persons for discussion of issues and concerns associated
with the project.
869 Buildings, facilities, utilities, and fences in the IROW
Public Infrastructure
that are for public use and in public ownership.
870 A governmental organization in service to the
Public Sector
community or nation, and general welfare.
871 A jeep type used as public utility vehicle or a public
Public Utility Jeepney
mode of passenger transport.
Document listing work that does not conform to
Punch List contract specifications, usually attached to the
certificate of substantial completion.
Rocks formed by fragmental volcanic materials that
Pyroclastic have been blown into the atmosphere by volcanic
An additional specific requirement on Major or Similar
Categories of Work, to be required from the bidders at
874 the bidding stage, to show that they have the necessary
expertise and experience to undertake the project, e.g.
long tunnel using tunnel boring machine (TBM) or
bridge retrofitting using special jacking technology.
875 The amount of an Item of work appearing in the Bill of
The volume of work that is planned per Inventory Unit,
876 (for example, 200 linear meters of ditch cleaned per
Quantity Standard
each kilometer of ditch) over the total Inventory
Data Item / Term Definition
877 Raking Pile Alias Battered A pile driven at an inclination to resist force which is not
Pile, Spur Pile vertical.
Earth pressure analysis that disregards friction between
878 Rankine Earth Pressure the wall and soil, and assumes that failure occurs along
Theory a flat plane behind the retaining structure at an angle
that is derived from the angle of internal friction.
879 Process by which water transports soil particles
downward into cavities in the underlying strata.
A parcel of real estate (land) including structures,
Real Property improvements, crops, trees and appurtenances therein,
but excluding movable machinery and equipment.
881 A compulsory contribution levied upon land, property, or
Real Property Tax
improvements by a public authority.
882 Real Property Tax An official certification that taxes owed on real property
Clearance have been paid or waived.
An official record that Real Property Taxes have been
883 Real Property Tax waived or paid. An order delivered to a defendant
Summons (property owner) to appear before a Regional Trial
A category of employment movement where an
employee may be reassigned from one organizational
Reassignment unit to another in the same agency provided that such
reassignment shall not involve a reduction in rank,
status, or salary.
A contract implementation situation where a contract is
Reassignment of Contract terminated and the available balance of work is awarded
to a qualified Contractor through negotiated contract.
886 The sum of revenues and gross borrowings for a given
A grouping of types of work associated with total
replacement of an existing infrastructure to equal or
better the original design standards. In the case of
887 Reconstruction Alias pavement, it extends into the subgrade, e.g. asphalt to
Replacement concrete, raising of grade/ elevation of the road or
bridge approaches. This excludes asphalt overlay and
concrete reblocking preventive maintenance treatment
for roads.
A category of employment movement for an employee
Reemployment who has been appointed permanently to a position in
the career service after previously being separated.
889 An item specifically selected to indicate the position
Reference Marker
within the road network.
Data Item / Term Definition
A management pattern or mode that defines the type
890 and timing of maintenance activities; that when applied,
results in creation of specific Jobs for a group of Basic
Road Sections, to obtain a defined Level of Service.
An Administrative Area comprising several provinces
891 having more or less homogeneous characteristics such
as ethnic origin of inhabitants, dialect spoken,
agricultural produce, and religion.
Regional Area The debris flow selection and the bed load section.
Data Item / Term Definition
A grouping of types of work associated with total
replacement of an existing infrastructure to equal or
better the original design standards. In the case of
904 Replacement Alias pavement, it extends into the subgrade, e.g. asphalt to
Reconstruction concrete, raising of grade/ elevation of the road or
bridge approaches. This excludes asphalt overlay and
concrete reblocking preventive maintenance treatment
for roads.
Request for Expression of
Interest for Consulting
A notice to interested contractors/ consultants/ suppliers
Services Alias Invitation
905 and the general public and other interested parties of
for Bid for Foreign
the proposed procurement for a specific contract of the
Assisted Projects,
Procuring Entity.
Invitation to Bid for
Infrastructure and Goods
906 Request for Proposal A written notice soliciting offers for consulting services.
Data Item / Term Definition
A structure usually made of stone masonry, concrete or
Retaining Wall reinforced concrete that provides lateral support for a
mass of soil.
A natural or man-made reservoir designed and operated
915 Retarding Basin to reduce the peak volume of the flood flow of a stream
or river through temporary storage.
A grouping of types of work associated with
916 strengthening of existing structures to comply with the
latest standards, usually with the aid of new technology
or new feature to the old design.
The probability, expressed in years, where phenomena
Return Period (i.e., flood, rainfall) of a targeted size/magnitude will
likely to occur.
A flood control structure for protection of the riverbank
Revetment from collapse brought about by erosion, scouring and
riverbed degradation.
919 Revised Cost An amended estimate for a Contract/Project.
Revision of the Construction Schedule due to Notice to
920 Revised Implementation
Proceed, Variation Order, Contract Time Suspension
and/or Contract Time Extension.
Right of Way Alias ROW,
921 Site or location, with defined physical boundaries, used
Infrastructure Right of
for an infrastructure project.
A structure whose end connection of all members in the
frame have sufficient rigidity to hold the original angles
Rigid Frame virtually unchanged between such members and the
members they connect, to resist the moments which are
generated due to the applied loads.
923 A small wave spreading outward from a point where the
surface of water is disturbed.
Rock or other material used to armor shorelines,
Riprap streambeds, bridge abutments, piling and other
shoreline structures against scour and water erosion.
The highest point and/or ground elevation of a river
925 River Bank which can contain flood water without flooding the
adjacent land areas.
River Basin Alias
Catchment Area,
926 The area from which a lake, stream or waterway
Catchment Basin,
receives surface water which originates as precipitation.
Watershed, Drainage
Data Item / Term Definition
932 Road Deterioration and RDWE models simulate the road deterioration and
Work Effects effects of various maintenance activities.
A general term denoting the area where two or more
roads join or cross, including all the roadways provided
933 Road Junction for accommodation of through, cross and turning
movements, together with grade separations and
ramps, if any.
Paint or studs on the carriageway or shoulder to control
934 traffic. These markings either supplement information
Road Markings
on road signs, or serve independently to indicate certain
regulations or hazardous conditions.
An aggregation of linear elements (Road Sections &
Road Network Nodes) representing the interconnecting array or system
of roads.
936 A part of a road (represented by a centerline)
Road Section
connecting significant (distinct and identifiable) Nodes.
An object or device located to convey information to
937 road users through exposure to view. Four major sign
Road Sign
types include: directional, regulatory, warning, and
938 Road Traffic Information Computer applications that support the NRTSP traffic
Applications data collection processes.
A grouping of types of work that involve a change in
Road Upgrading surface type of a road from earth to gravel or from
unpaved to paved.
Data Item / Term Definition
The total user costs in a road network or part thereof
940 when VOC is applied to each vehicle type together with
Road User Cost
IRI values for various roughness and VCR related to
congestion costs.
A general term denoting a public way for purposes of
Road/Street vehicular travel, including the entire area within the
The grades portion of a highway, usually considered as
942 the area between the intersection of top and side
slopes, upon which the base course, surface course,
shoulders and median are constructed.
Those items necessary to the complete highway which
provide for the preservation of landscape materials and
features; the rehabilitation and protection against
943 erosion of all areas disturbed by construction through
Roadside Development
seeding, sodding, mulching and the placing of other
ground covers, such suitable planting and other
improvements as may increase the effectiveness and
enhance the appearance of the highway.
944 Roadside developments and activities affecting road
Roadside Friction
945 Retaining Wall, Obstruction, or Parking Area beside the
Roadside Structure
946 The portion of a highway, including shoulders, for
Roadway (General)
vehicular use.
Warn or advise of temporary hazardous conditions that
947 Roadwork Signs could endanger road users or the men and equipment
engaged on roadwork.
Hard material of suitable size for deposition and
948 compaction and may comprise rock as defined in this
Rock Fill
Clause, broken stone, hard brick, concrete or other
comparable hard inert material.
A multi-leg interchange where the major highway is
949 grade separated from a rotary on which all turning
Rotary Interchange
movements and through movements of all other
highways accommodated.
950 A path on a road network (a combination of/or parts of
Road Sections) identified for a particular purpose.
Simple, small-scale activities associated with regular
951 (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.) and general upkeep of
Routine Maintenance
infrastructure or other asset against normal wear and
Data Item / Term Definition
ROW Alias Right of Way,
952 Site or location, with defined physical boundaries, used
IROW, Infrastructure
for an infrastructure project.
Right of Way
953 Concrete in which large stones are added to the freshly
Rubble Concrete
placed concrete while it is still soft and plastic.
Runoff Surface water of an area of land.
955 Run-off Analysis Calculation of discharge.
Data Item / Term Definition
A thin bituminous treatment of the blotter type to
969 Seal Coat waterproof bituminous surfaces and for non-skid
970 Station with an accuracy of less than 20 parts per
Second-order Station
million (2 cm per Km).
Sediment Discharge Transportable sediment carried by water discharge.
A plan to control the volume and temporary trap the
972 Sediment Discharge harmful sediment discharge into the sabo facilities and
Control Plan later discharge them safely; and also to control the
grain size of sediment discharge.
973 Sediment Discharge A plan to reduce sediment runoff by storing harmful
Reduction Plan runoff sediment in the sabo facilities.
975 Sediment Runoff Check A dam constructed for the purpose of checking and
and Control Dam controlling sediment runoff.
Seepage The flow of water through soil.
Data Item / Term Definition
A type of elastic wave, the S-wave, secondary wave, or
985 Shear-wave shear wave is one of the two main types of elastic body
A long vertical earth retention and excavation support,
986 steel, vinyl or reinforced concrete, driven into the
Sheet Piles
ground with interlocking edges to form a continuous
wall to resist water or earth pressure.
An alternative method of procurement of goods
whereby the Procuring Entity simply requests for the
Shopping submission of price quotations for readily available off-
the-shelf goods to be procured directly from suppliers of
known qualifications.
The portion of the roadway contiguous with the
988 travelled way for accommodation of stopped vehicles,
for emergency use, and for lateral support of base and
surface course.
Shoulders: Sealed, A sealed shoulder is only rated if it has a width of 0.5m
989 Asphalt Surfaced and or greater. Defective areas may be potholed,
Concrete Shoulders unsuccessfully patched, deformed, faulty or stripped.
Data Item / Term Definition
A kind of works whose classification is considered to be
Similar Category of Works comparable to the major category of works for purposes
of evaluation of eligibility for civil works.
A separate structure which crosses from one support to
Simple Span the other - at one end by a pin or hinge (fixed bearing)
and at the other by a roller (expansion bearing).
Data Item / Term Definition
of a project.
Addition or revision of provisions to the Standard and
1012 Special Provisions Supplemental Specifications covering conditions peculiar
to the individual project.
1013 The ratio of the density of a body or a substance to the
Specific Gravity
mass of an equal volume of water.
Specific Program A program that does not include a project.
Data Item / Term Definition
A term that describes an employees job status such as
1027 Status of Appointment Probational, Permanent, Co-Terminus, Temporary,
Alias Employee Type Emergency, Substitute, Casual, Contractual, Elected or
Constructed wherein the center of the opening of each
1028 groundsel work must be on the downstream midstream
Stepped Groundsel Work
line at the center of the opening of the immediate
groundsel work.
Secondary plates or sections attached at intervals to the
Stiffener web or flange of a beam to stiffen them against out of
plane deformation or buckling.
1030 Susceptibility to distortion or volume change under an
applied load.
1031 Depression in a channel or reservoir deep enough to
Stilling Basin
reduce the velocity or turbulence of the flow.
Lateral reinforcement formed of individual units, open or
Stirrups Alias Ties closed or continuously wound reinforcement. The term
stirrups is usually applied to lateral reinforcement.
A defined rectangular area on the ground at the end of
a runway in the direction of take-off designated and
Stopway prepared by the airport owner as a suitable area in
which aircraft can be stopped in case of an interrupted
take-off and landing.
1034 A land surface extent that provides for catchment of
Stormwater Area
rainfall and temporary storage of runoff.
1035 A mid to long term approach and direction toward
Strategic Plan
realization of vision, mission, and goals.
1036 Strategy The approach adopted to achieve an objective.
Stream A fast, voluminous, or violent stream of water.
Data Item / Term Definition
Foundation of a structure which generally serves to
1042 transfer the loads from the structure to underlying
Structural Foundation
materials (such as soil or rock) which are known as the
foundation material.
Something that is built such as building, bridge, tower,
1043 Structure dam, dike, canal, culvert, wall ,etc. by putting parts
together and that usually stands on its own.
1044 Structure Type An indicator of a specific type of Structure.
A fund release/transfer document issued by the Central
Office to the Regional Office/District Office containing
1045 Sub-Allotment Advice the authorization, conditions and amount allotted by
program, activity, project (PAP) for specific projects for
its funding requirements.
The layer of specified materials placed between the
1046 base and subgrade or beneath a portland cement
Subbase Course
concrete slab in case of rigid pavement. If the subgrade
soil is of adequate quality it may serve as the subbase.
The individual, partnership, firm or corporation, joint
1047 venture, association or syndicate having a direct
Contract with the Contractor for furnishing services or
works under the Contract duly approved by the DPWH.
The process that takes place at convergent boundaries
1048 by which one tectonic plate moves under another
tectonic plate and sinks into the mantle as the plates
1049 The portion of the roadbed prepared as a foundation for
the sub-base or surface course.
The ratio between the bearing pressure of a foundation
Subgrade Modulus Alias
1050 and the corresponding settlement at a given point. The
Modulus of Subgrade
slope of the line in the loading range encountered by
the soil in a plate bearing value test.
1051 Subgrade Treatment Modification of roadbed materials by stabilization.
The price offer for a particular contract under
Submitted Bid Price procurement, as indicated in the financial proposal of
the bidder.
1053 Financial transaction details supporting entries in the
Subsidiary Ledger
General Ledger.
Part of a bridge which supports the superstructure and
1054 Substructure transfers the loads to the foundation, and includes piers
and abutments.
Data Item / Term Definition
The amount by which the outer edge of a curve or
1056 railroad is banked above the inner edge to help offset
the centripetal force developed as the vehicle goes
around a curve.
The regime of Superior-Subordinate Survey Sites
considers that traffic volume data collection at a given
1057 Superior-Subordinate (Superior) Survey Site can be applied to other
Traffic Survey Site (Subordinate) Survey Sites. The rationale is that it
allows for shorter duration (less costly) traffic volume
data collection at the Subordinate Survey Sites.
Part of a bridge which supports traffic or is the riding
Superstructure surface of the bridge and includes deck, slab and
girders, parapets and other appurtenances.
A notice issued by the Procuring Entity to Prospective
Supplemental Bid Bulletin Bidders with respect to any clarifications or
Alias Bid Bulletin, modifications in the Bidding Documents, e.g.
Addendum specifications, eligibility requirements, procurement
schedule, and other related matters.
A written additional information, provision and other
1060 document issued by the DPWH before the opening of
Supplemental Notice
the Bids which are incorporated in the Contract
The Specifications adopted subsequent to the
publication of the Standard Specifications. They
1061 Supplemental
generally involve substantial changes in the approve
Specifications. Supplemental Specifications shall prevail
over the standard whenever in conflict therewith.
1062 Consumable resource used in the day-to-day operation
of an office or facility.
Surface Course The top layer of the pavement structure.
Data Item / Term Definition
The philosophy of designing physical objects, the built
environment and services to substantially comply with
1070 the principles of economic, social and ecological
Sustainable Design
sustainability, without compromising natural and other
resources that must be bequeathed to future
Those areas that are inundated and saturated by
surface or groundwater at a frequency and duration
1071 Swamp Alias Wetlands,
sufficient to support, and that under normal
Marshes, Bogs
circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation
typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions.
Secondary structural members spanning between the
1072 Sway Bracing trusses at interior panel points and provide lateral
stability and shear transfer between trusses.
1073 A building to which a card with a number has been
Tagged Structure
affixed for identification.
A contract implementation situation where a contract is
terminated and the Department assumes responsibility
Takeover of Contract for implementation by Administration or by negotiated
contract in accordance with the provisions of RA 9184
and its Implementing Rules and Regulations.
Certificate issued to the Contractor, stating the date on
which the Work or Section were completed in
1075 accordance with the contract, except for any minor
Taking-Over Certificate
outstanding work and defects which will not
substantially affect the use of the Works or Section for
the intended purpose
1076 An authoritative assurance or certification (no objection)
Tax Clearance
that all taxes due on property have been paid.
The monetary value of improvements on a land parcel,
1077 Tax Declaration for
as quoted by a Landowner to a taxing authority for tax
1078 Tax Declaration on Real The monetary value of a land/improvements as set by
Property the City/Municipal Assessor concerned.
1079 An official acknowledgment that funds in payment of
Tax Receipt
taxes have been received by the taxing authority.
An offer, consisting of elements outside of the Financial
Proposal, from the bidder, related to the
1080 works/consulting services/goods to be
Technical Proposal
undertaken/delivered in response to the Bidding
Documents, applicable to both regular and design-and-
build procurements.
1081 Large-scale processes such as structural or orogenic
activity that collectively deform the Earths crust.
Data Item / Term Definition
Employment status for a person who meets all the
requirements for the position to which he is being
Temporary Appointment appointed except the appropriate civil service eligibility
when it becomes necessary in the public interest to fill a
Roadwork devices consisting of pre-cast concrete
1083 Temporary Curbing sections, sandbag, and others which, may be used to
guide traffic at the construction site.
Transient structures and facilities used in the execution
Temporary Works and completion of the Permanent Works that are usually
removed after use.
A signed offer or proposal to undertake a contract
Tender Alias Bid, Proposal submitted by a bidder in response to and in consonance
with the requirements of the Bidding Documents.
Collectively, the invitation to Bid, Instructions to
1086 Tender Documents Alias Bidders, Form of Contract Agreement, Conditions of
Bid Documents Contract, Drawings/Plans, Specifications and Form of
Bid and the required annexes, including Addenda.
1087 Cracks appearing at the surface of a soil mass, often
Tension Cracks
adjacent to a retaining wall or top of a failing slope.
The dissolution of the Contract upon agreement by the
parties for causes not attributable to the fault, act(s) or
Termination of Contract omissions(s) of the contractor. The parties, in effect, are
released from further obligations to each other, after
the liquidation, in connection with the undertaking.
1089 Terms and Conditions of Specific provisions as stipulated in a Deed of Donation,
Deed such as reversion back to original owner.
1090 A composite of elevation, relief, landform, drainage
pattern, and land cover along or within a road corridor.
1091 Station with an accuracy of less than 50 parts per
million (5 cm per Km).
Bridge in which the roadway is carried directly at the
1092 bottom-joints with lateral bracing overhead between the
Through Bridge
top-chord joints, thus, enclosing a space through which
the vehicle passes.
Lateral reinforcement formed of individual units, open or
Ties Alias Stirrups closed or continuously wound reinforcement. The term
stirrups is usually applied to lateral reinforcement.
1094 A period of time for performance and completion of a
Time Frame
work activity, with target start/end dates.
The period of time for the stormwater or rainwater to
1095 Time of Concentration flow from the most distant point to the point under
Data Item / Term Definition
Accrued periods worked by an employee (including
1096 Time Record leave of absence) as a basis of pay for services
Title The legal document conveying title to a property.
Brace that lies in the plane of the top chord and
1098 Top Lateral Bracing provides lateral stability between the two trusses and
resistance to wind stress.
Top Soil To layer of soil that can support vegetation.
A graphic representation of horizontal and vertical
1100 Topographic Plan positions of an area which uses contour lines to show
mountains, valleys, and plains.
Collection of data to represent horizontal and vertical
1101 Topographic Survey Alias positions of an area, including features such as roads,
Ground Survey bridges and bodies of water with contours, elevations
and coordinates.
1102 Total Cost for An amount of money required to acquire constructed
Improvement components in the IROW.
1103 Modern surveying instrument that integrates an
Total Station
electronic theodolite with an electronic distance meter.
1104 The stress acting on or within a soil mass due to
Total Stress
surcharges, overlying weight, etc.
Total Width for IROW The lateral extent of the IROW expressed in meters.
Data Item / Term Definition
1113 A system of different colored lights, designed to control
Traffic Signal
movement and direction of traffic.
Device mounted on a fixed support (permanent signs)
or portable support (temporary signs) whereby a
Traffic Signs specific message is conveyed by means of words or
symbols placed or erected for the purpose of regulating,
warning or guiding traffic.
A point location on a road section at which traffic data is
1115 collected. It is located at a point where the traffic
Traffic Survey Site
volume by vehicle type can be considered
representative for the Traffic Survey as a whole.
1116 Courses or instruction to enable and assist acquisition of
Training Program
skills and abilities.
An event that causes an immediate change in the
Transaction financial resources/obligations of the organization, and
that can be measured objectively in monetary terms.
A category of employment movement from one position
1118 to another which is of equivalent rank, level, or salary
without break in service involving the issuance of an
A document indicating a succeeding ownership of a land
1119 Transfer Certificate of
parcel-lot, after an original title was issued for a newly
registered lot.
Authority issued by the Central Office to its Regional
Transfer of Allocation and/or District Offices to cover cash requirements.
Data Item / Term Definition
A woody plant that usually grows at least six (6) meters
Tree in height at maturity, and enduring for several years or
1130 A list detailing the existing trees, including tree type,
Tree Inventory
within the IROW.
A list of all the accounts of the general ledger showing
1131 their respective debit totals, and credit totals; and
Trial Balance
providing proof that total debits are equal to total
A representation of a surface as a set of contiguous,
1132 Triangular Irregular nonoverlapping triangles. Within each triangle the
Network surface is represented by a plane, where the triangles
are made from a set of points called mass points.
The tracing and measurement of a series or network of
1133 triangles in order to determine the distances and
relative positions of points spread over a territory or
A stream or other body of water, surface or
1134 underground, which contributes its water, either
continuously or intermittently, to another and larger
stream or body of water
1135 Tributary River A confluence river usually smaller that the main river.
A branch of surveying where the vertical distance
Trigonometric Leveling between two points is determined by taking the vertical
angular observations and the known distances.
Bridge when load bearing superstructure is a structure
Truss Bridge of connected elements forming triangular units and
provides high load carrying capacities.
Fund which accounts for the receipts by any agency of
1138 government or by a public officer acting as trustee,
Trust Fund
agent, or administrator for the fulfillment of some
Underground or underwater passageway, dug through
1139 Tunnel the surrounding soil/earth/ rock and enclosed except for
the entrance and exit which is commonly at each end.
1140 A machine to excavate tunnels with a circular cross
Tunnel Boring Machine
section through a variety of soil and rock strata.
Bidding process divided into two phases viz, first
1141 Two-Stage Competitive
technical bids, and second financial bids from the
technically qualified bidders.
Data Item / Term Definition
1142 Type of Work Alias A work process that contributes to the fulfillment of a
Activity, Work Activity program, sub-program or project.
1143 The bearing stress which would cause shear failure in
Ultimate Bearing Capacity
the soil below a foundation.
1144 Unconditional Deed of An official written instrument conveying real property
Exchange that has been traded or substituted for another property
1145 A passage underneath something, specially a section of
road that passes under another road or railroad.
1146 The type of measurement used to determine a Pay Item
in the Bill of Quantities.
1147 Unit Price The cost of an Item in the Bill of Quantities.
1148 The Bidders Unit Price for the different Items of work
Unit Price Bid
listed in the Bill of Quantities.
1149 The ratio of the total weight of soil to the total volume
Unit Weight
of a unit of soil.
Universal or commercial banks duly authorized under
1150 Universal or Commercial
R.A. 8791, otherwise known as The General Banking
Act of 2000.
1151 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
An aircraft without a human pilot aboard.
Alias Drone
Appropriations which provide standby authority to incur
1152 Unprogrammed additional agency obligations for priority programs or
Appropriations projects when revenue collections exceed targets, or
when additional foreign funds are generated.
A set of data including Lot Number, land use type, BIR
1153 Updated Land
Zonal Value, land price (per sq. m.), and total land cost,
for affected lots.
1154 A linear element representing a service facility
Utility Line
component or equipment.
1155 An array of linear elements representing a system of
Utility Network
service facilities and equipment.
1156 Value Added Tax Code The tax applied to the Contractor for work carried out.
Recognizes that value principles are management tools
applicable to a variety of problems only one of which is
1157 cost. Internationally, the term has been adopted in
Value Management
preference to Value Analysis or Value Engineering to
differentiate the activity from the engineering functions
in an organization.
A systematic process used by a multidisciplinary team to
Value Methodology improve the value of a product or project through the
engineering of its functions.
Data Item / Term Definition
An instruction issued by the Implementing Unit to cover
any increase/decrease in quantities, including the
introduction of new work items that are not included in
the original contract or reclassification of work items
that are either due to change of plans, design or
alignment to suit actual field conditions resulting in
disparity between the pre-construction plans used for
purposes of bidding and the "as staked plans" or
Variation Order construction drawings prepared after a joint survey by
the contractor and the Government after award of the
contract. A Variation Order may either be in the form of
either a Change Order to cover any increase/decrease
in quantities of original work items in the contract, or
Extra Work Order to cover the introduction of new
work necessary for the completion, improvement or
protection of the project which was not included as
items of work in the original contract.
Vegetated Roof Alias A roof that is either partially or completely covered in
Green Roof, Eco Roof, vegetation and built on top of a man-made roof, deck
Living Roof roof, deck or other support structure.
1161 Mobile equipment used to carry or transport persons or
The economic cost incurred by vehicles travelling on
roads. Grouped into running costs, i.e. part of costs
1162 Vehicle Operating Cost which vary directly with travelling distance, and fixed
costs, i.e., part of costs which vary directly with
operating time.
1163 The rate and direction of change in the position of an
An assessment of the work of a supplier, consultant, or
Vendor Performance contractor based on the degree of conformance with
1165 A road surface that is a strip or linear area along the
boundary between a roadway and adjacent land area.
1166 The position or the layout of the highway on the ground
Vertical Alignment
which includes level and gradients.
1167 A series of known elevations on which surveys for
Vertical Control
contouring is originated and closed.
1168 A base measurement point, or set of points, from which
Vertical Datum
all elevations are determined
Prevents vertical erosion and inhibits sediment
1169 Vertical Erosion Control
production and it is constructed immediately
Data Item / Term Definition
A wall or similar vertical support/element that may be
Vertical Gardens Alias
1170 either free-standing or attached to an existing wall, and
Green Wall, Biowalls,
that may be partially, substantially or fully covered with
vegetative cover.
A measure in meters of extent of clear, unobstructed
1171 view ahead (up and down) along a highway for a driver
Vertical Sight Distance
of a vehicle. In this case, vertical means up and down
relative to the horizontal axis.
Data Item / Term Definition
1183 The level in a body of soil at which the hydrostatic
Water Table
water pressure is zero.
Watershed Alias
Catchment Area,
1184 The area from which a lake, stream or waterway
Catchment Basin,
receives surface water which originates as precipitation.
Drainage Basin, River
1185 General term denoting a river, stream and other similar
tributary area.
The height of the wave from the wave top, called the
Wave Height wave crest to the bottom of the wave, called the wave
1187 The maximum vertical extent of wave uprush on a
Wave Runup
beach or structure above the still water level (SWL).
The uppermost layer of asphalt placed on a finished
Wearing Course concrete to protect the concrete and provide a smooth
riding surface.
An opening provided during construction in retaining
1189 walls, aprons, canal linings, foundation, etc., to permit
Weep Hole
drainage of water collecting behind and beneath such
structures to reduce hydrostatic head.
1190 A low dam built across a river to raise the level of water
upstream or regulate its flow.
Those areas that are inundated and saturated by
surface or groundwater at a frequency and duration
1191 Wetlands Alias Swamp,
sufficient to support, and that under normal
Marshes, Bogs
circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation
typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions.
A grouping of types of work that associated with the
expansion of the carriageway for a road (e.g. an
1192 additional lane km) and for a bridge (e.g. additional
sqm) to add capacity or enhance safety. This does not
include the widening of a lane (Additional Lane Width)
or shoulders.
A vertical wall located at both ends of the coping of the
Wingwall abutment or at both extreme wall of a reinforced
concrete box culvert.
1194 Work Activity Alias A work process that contributes to the fulfillment of a
Activity, Type of Work, program, sub-program or project.
1195 The detailed outline, design, life cycle tracking and
Work Definition
scheduling of a program or project.
1196 Procurement item comprehensively defined in the bid
Work Item
documents, with separate pricing for payment.
Data Item / Term Definition
The actual site of the work/s expressed in either
1197 Work Location kilometer stationing or chainages, Road Section ID,
Bridge ID or coordinates.
A written order issued by the DPWH Project
Engineer/Engineer's Representative and approved by
1198 the concerned Head of the Implementing Office to the
Work Resumption Order
Contractor to resume construction operation covered by
a previous Work Suspension Order, after the cause of or
reason for the work suspension has been resolved.
A written order issued by the DPWH Project
Engineer/Engineer's Representative and approved by
Work Suspension Order the concerned authorized DPWH officials to the
Contractor to suspend the contract work wholly or partly
for such period as may be deemed necessary.
1200 An increment or amount of effort performed to
Work Unit
complete a program, project, or activity.
Any day except Sundays and official holidays, when, in
the opinion of the Engineers, soil and weather
conditions are such as would permit the Contractor to
work on his current controlling operation for a period of
Working Day not less than five (5) continuous hours between sunrise
and sunset. A controlling operation is meant as an
Operation of either major or minor proportions, which at
the particular time under consideration has a controlling
effect on the progress of the project as a whole.
Include the construction, improvement, rehabilitation,
demolition, repair, restoration or maintenance of roads
and bridges, railways, airports, seaports, communication
facilities, civil works components of information
Works Alias Civil Works, technology projects, irrigation, flood control and
1202 Infrastructure Project, drainage, water supply, sanitation, sewerage and solid
Capital Outlay Project, waste management systems, shore protection, energy/
Capital Project power and electrification facilities, national buildings,
school buildings, hospital buildings and other related
construction project of the government. To be classified
as a capital outlay project, the works must extend the
life of the asset by more than 1 year.
An estimate of the least expensive way of performing a
Worth of Basic Function function, neglecting the actual application of that
1204 An order of a court to the Implementing Agency to take
Writ of Possession
possession of a property and start project implantation.
Indicates when the work activity (civil works) is to begin
Year of Work relatively to the Projects initiation, which starts with
pre-construction activities.
Data Item / Term Definition
1206 The point at which the soil loading behavior changes
Yield Point
from elastic to inelastic.
1207 The stress at which the swelling-recompression line
Yield Stress
joins the normal compression line.
1208 The angle between a point of interest and the zenith,
Zenith Angle
which is the point directly overhead.
1209 The curve created by plotting dry densities of soils
Zero Air Voids Curve
corresponding to saturation at each water content.
Station with an accuracy of less than 10 parts per
1210 Zero-order Station million with a nominal spacing of approximately 100
kilometers between GCPs of the network.