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Ccu 1000

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Relay Master

Integrate substation devices and remote SCADA Configurable events and alarms can be displayed on the faceplate. Texts for
Protocol gateway leds can be customized
Relay grade redundant power supply Synchronize system clock including GPS and SNTP
Includes new 61850 direct protocol support

Management and primary protection of distribution feeders and bus HMI server via communications
couplers Data recorder for information received from IEDs:
Local substation monitoring and control Oscillography
Remote substation control History of measures
Motor control centers Events
Multi-protocol communications: Alarm processing or SOER applications
Master to protection relays (IED) Automatic functions at substation level
Slave to the remote control dispatching center Generation of reports

No moving parts, no rotating hard drives and no fans Tested in harsh environments, including 15 kV electrostatic discharge,
No CMOS battery. Default configuration settings stored in BIOS. This fast transient, radiated emissions, overcurrent, dielectric strength, pulse
means that no battery backed CMOS is required to retain customized magnetic field disturbances, vibration, seismic and climatic.
settings, resulting in increased reliability. System clock backed up by capa- Programmable watchdog
citor I/O ports:
Redundant AC/DC power supply: o 4 USB 2.0
o LO range: DC: 24 to 48 V o 1 10/100 Mbps Ethernet and a fault tolerant dual 10/100 Mbps Ethernet
o HI range: DC: 120 to 230 V adapter as an option
AC: 110 to 240 V o Up to 9 asynchronous serial ports. They incorporate leds to show activity on
o Power: 25 VA nominal, maximum 35 VA every port
HMI server with up to 10 clients as remote HMI or EWS Write protected operating system and applications. It protects the boot
Fiber optic communication ports partition from corruption by any source, power outages, and conflicting
Local network communications (Ethernet) applications. This protects the boot image no matter if it is on a hard drive
Programmable logic according to IEC 1131-3 (functional block diagram) or flash drive
External date/time synchronization via GPS with optional IRIG-B output Primary Flash drive can be a Disk-On-Module or a 2,5 Solid State Disk
Remote modem connection Secondary Flash drive reserved for a removable Compact Flash
Device extension through USB ports Intel Extreme Graphics2 controller CRT output, Up to 32 MByte UMA Video
Static data logging through flash disk RAM. Max resolution WUXGA/QXGA (2048x1536)
15 programmable LED indicators Automatic retrieval of information from IEDs including events and oscillog-
LOCAL/REMOTE selection from the faceplate raphy files
Real time capabilities
User Interface
Possibility of connection to monitor, keyboard and mouse
Access through standard Internet browser
Remote modem access
Multiple configurations with network computers using OPC clients
GE Digital Energy
Multilin 1
CCU1000 Central Control Unit

The CCU1000 relay master provides a simple and The CCU1000 architecture and communica- GE Power application software, runs on the
technically complete solution for the integra- tions network are designed to be easily adap- CCU1000, allows the user to extract the plant/
tion and automation of electrical substations as ted to any size, reliability and redundancy substation databases, so that it is possible to
well as industrial plants. When IEDs in a substa- level requirement. Besides, there are archi- obtain all the required information, making
tion or industrial plant are linked to a CCU1000 tecture solutions available for single/multiple it very easy to analyze the system operation
unit using GE Power Substation Automation system concentrators, HMIs and communica- and the associated records at any Engineering
software, the protection and control capabilities tion channels at any level. center.
are extended to the whole system, as it provides
tools that can completely manage any substa- The CCU1000 is accessible in many different The system can be remotely accessed by
tion/plant from the dispatching center. ways, including graphical screens of the subs- using a remote network access software. This
tation/plant single-line diagrams, programma- access can be restricted to limited personnel
The system formed by the CCU1000 and the ble screens, IED status, integrated alarms and and it incorporates safety measures to pre-
protection relays is fully distributed, as every event records, metering and oscillography vent unauthorized access.
unit receives all signals coming from its opera- records.
tion area, and it is able to perform associated The Scada functionality provided by GE Power
functions, as well as to retrieve all necessary The execution of operations is controlled and software offers the possibility to connect to a
states, measurements, events and records. protected by passwords, and the unit allows remote SCADA or DCS in the plant or to any
The CCU1000 retrieves and manages all this to execute operations and trigger automa- dispatch center. This connection will be ena-
information, making it accessible both to the tisms from the unit face plate. bled using IEC 870-5-101, IEC 870-5-104, OPC
local operator and the remote control center. or MODBUS RTU communication protocols.
Besides, the CCU1000 incorporates software External protocol converters can also be used
The system is scalable, as the user can define tools that allow the user to access any IED from
anytime the desired level of integration, at a if required.
a networked PC, or using a monitor, keypad
plant level or integrated with a SCADA or DCS and mouse directly connected to the unit.


CCU1000 Central Control Unit

System Architecture with CCU1000

This figure shows the typical communications Thanks to the communication network, the nals sent from the satellite network, with 1 ms
architecture used with CCU1000. CCU1000 processor incorporates the internal accuracy. This real accuracy is obtained thanks
variables of all the connected protection units. to the fact that the CCU1000 operative system
The information retrieved from the protection Automatisms such as tap changers, automatic works with real time features.
relays by the CCU1000 is available in the local substation recomposition, recomposition after
substation network, as the CCU1000 operates underfrequency load shedding, reactive con- The CCU1000 offers a modem as an option,
as a standard OPC (OLE for Process Control) trol, etc. can be implemented using the PLC that provides remote access to the system,
information server. This way, any graphic HMI incorporated inside the CCU1000. independently from the remote control access,
from a different manufacturer using this tech- allowing the user to perform remote mainte-
nology and operating as an OPC client can be The variable simulation tools available in the nance, charge and control tasks, usually per-
connected to the CCU1000. GE Power monito- GE Power software package, make these formed by the Engineering departments of
ring and control software operates as an OPC automatic functions programming tasks Utility companies.
client, providing additional functionality, such extremely easy.
as file management, protection setting change
management, and with operation capability of In order to synchronize the time labeling of
several OPC clients inside the same communi- the events generated by the CCU1000 with
cations network. those generated by the protection relays, the
CCU1000 can incorporate a GPS module that
will synchronize the date and time with sig-

GE Multilin Intelligent Substation

To Archiving System: To Enterprise System:
SOE IEC 60870-5-104
Waveform IEC 60870-5-101
Data Logger OPC


Archiving / Troubleshooting SCADA / Operational Data Site Monitoring /
Engineering Workstation

Setting Management
One-Line Diagrams
Operational Events Event viewing
Events Records Archiving Metering Data Waveform viewing
Waveform Archiving Protocol Conversion
Data Logger Archiving Operational Logic

IEC 61850
Modbus TCP/IP

CCU1000 Central Control Unit

Internal Architecture
This figure shows the internal architecture of established through any communication port. The CCU1000 incorporates also, some optional
the CCU1000. The CPU uses a low consump- In addition, the CCU1000 incorporates two features such as:
tion 1.1 GHz microprocessor, which provides a USB front ports.
Internal GPS module
reliable operation without the need of ventila-
56K modem board
tion, extending the utile life of the unit. Both,
Redundant Ethernet card
the operative system and the substation appli-
cation are stored on a flash disk, ensuring an Internal Architecture
unlimited utile life.
The basic CCU1000 unit incorporates one RS- Flash Disk Flash Disk
Read-Only Data Storage
232 serial port, one Ethernet port, one parallel Operative System
port, and an output for VGA monitor, mouse CPU Optional Features
and keypad, all of them accessible on the rear
of the unit. It also incorporates two front and Low Consumption Contact Factory
two rear USB ports. Fan Less Operation

The power supply module incorporates an

alarm contact, which monitors the power
supply and provides an easy identification of
the misoperating supply. There are two pos-
sible input ranges, the first from 24 to 48 Vdc,
and the second, which can also admit Vac, 110-
250 Vdc or 120-230 Vac. Connectivity Faceplate Features
For communication with protection relays, the Screen/Keyboard/Mouse Serial Comm. Status LEDs
4 x Serial RS485 ports Local/Remote mode LEDs
CCU1000 uses an Ethernet connection, or the Ethernet port Mode/Reset push-button
available fiber optics or RS232 outputs. Com- 6 x Serial FO ports Programmable LEDs
munication with the dispatching center can be 3 x Serial RS232 ports

User Interfaces
The CCU1000 front plate includes a push- 11. COM L3. Communications with superior GE Power software functionality.
button to set the substation management in hierarchical level are active.
Using a portable PC and standard browser
local or remote mode. When the local mode
is selected all remote operations will be for- 12. ADMINISTRATOR MODE. The CCU1000 is This type of connection is very useful, as
bidden. On the other hand, when the remote in administrator mode, highest level mode, there is no need to use a permanent PC in
mode is selected, only commands originated where any operation inside the CCU1000 can the substation. The CCU1000 incorporates
be performed. a WEB server. Maintenance and operation
on the CCU 1000 will be executed.
tasks can be performed from a portable
The CCU1000 incorporates 16 LED indicators, 13. OPERATION MODE. The CCU1000 is in ope- PC, connecting it directly to the Ethernet
15 programmable, whose default configura- rator mode. In this mode, any command can input or to an available Hub in the
tion is as follows: be sent from the CCU1000 to the protection substation. With this type of connection,
relays. we have access to the whole GE Power
1. READY. The CCU1000 is on and communi- software functionality.
cating with protection relays. Once the unit 14. SETTINGS MODE. The CCU1000 is in set-
tings mode. In this mode using Enervista Remote telephone access.
is powered, this LED will remain red until the
internal application of CCU1000 takes control software, the protection relay settings can be This is similar to the previous mode,
of the unit. In this moment, the LED will turn accessed and modified. except for the fact that it would be a
remote network access. With this type of
green. 15. VISUAL MODE. The CCU1000 is in viewing connection, we have access to the whole
2. ALARMS. There is an active or not ack- mode, commands and setting changes can GE Power software functionality.
nowledged alarm in the substation/plant. not be performed.
With OPC and several standard clients.
3. MAINTENANCE. The CCU1000 is in mainte- 16. WATCHDOG. The internal watchdog that The CCU1000 is a standard OPC server,
nance mode. In this mode, we can modify the monitors all the tasks inside the CCU1000 has and it can operate with different graphical
unit configuration. For accessing this opera- been activated. OPC clients, being able to perform many
tion mode, we need to connect the CCU1000 In addition, there are 16 port transmit and configurations for different control
to a monitor, keypad and mouse, and modify centers, located in different network
receive indication LEDs.
it when the unit is powered. places, accessing simultaneously all the
The CCU1000 includes several connection information retrieved by the CCU1000
4. PLC BLOQ. The PLC software is internally ways that provide great versatility to the unit from the protection relays.
blocked. Automatisms are blocked. when interacting with the user. The different With this type of connection, we have
operation configurations are shown on the access to the whole GE Power software
5. BUSY. The CCU1000 is busy sending com- functionality. Additionally, we can use a
mands to the protection relays. following figures.
graphical environment different from GE
CCU1000 Autonomy use Power, if the OPC standard connection
capability is incorporated.
In this situation, we connect the protection
7. FREE relays and the communication with the As an option, the CCU1000 can include an
dispatch center to the CCU1000 ports. The internal GPS module and modem.
system operation is made through the
9. MASTER. In Hot-Standby redundant configu- unit front as already described.
rations, the CCU1000 is in Master mode. With monitor, keypad and mouse
In this situation, the unit is directly
10. COM L1. Communications with the protec- connected to a keypad, mouse and
tion relays are correct. monitor, with the possibility to connect a
touch screen, having access to the whole

CCU1000 Central Control Unit

Possible Architectures



Faceplate Features
Serial Comm. Status
Local/Remote mode LEDs
System Push-button
Programmable LEDs

Substation Network Standard keyboard, monitor

Substation Network and mouse directly connected to
the CCU1000
Touch screen display available

IEDs: RS232, RS485, Optic Fiber, Ethernet

IEDs: RS232, RS485, Optic Fiber, Ethernet



Remote networking access to the HMI

With a Notebook connected to Two connection modes available:
Substation Network
the Ethernet port 1. With a standard web browser (Internet
No special software required Explorer, Netscape Navigator, etc)
Substation Network (Internal Web Server installed)
2. Through an OPC connection.
Access available with a Enervista client software needed to be
standard Web browser (Internet
Explorer, Netscape Navigator, etc)
installed at client side

IEDs: RS232, RS485, Optic Fiber, Ethernet

IEDs: RS232, RS485, Optic Fiber, Ethernet


CCU1000 EWS1


Substation Network Several Engineering Workstations

can be connected to the same CCU
unit using the Ethernet ports.

IEDs: RS232, RS485, Optic Fiber, Ethernet

CCU1000 Central Control Unit

Typical Wiring

CCU1000 Central Control Unit

The CCU1000 capability for redundant connec- Hot-Standby Operation Operation in Parallel
tion guarantees continuous system operation
In this first case, one of the CCU1000s is active and ope- In this operation mode, both CCU1000 are in service
in the event of a component failure, and offers
rates as master, maintaining communication with pro- simultaneously communicating with protection
system availability of 100%. The following figure tection relays, while the second CCU1000 is in standby relays and the remote control. If one of the units fails,
shows a typical redundant architecture diagram mode, i.e. it is ready to activate communication with the second CCU1000 would continue communica-
with CCU1000. The proposed system is designed the relays. Both units are communicated via a redun- ting with the rest of units in the system. In this type
to ensure safe and continuous system operation dant RS-232 link. of configuration, protection relays need to incorpo-
even in the event of a failure inside the protection rate two communication ports, one for each master
and control system. If any of the two CCU1000 fails, the second unit will device, or a networked port that allows simultaneous
retake communications and become master unit of the access from several master devices, as in the case of
There are two main types of redundant configura- system, while the failed unit would switch to standby UR and F650 relays. In the case of protection relays
tion: Hot-Standby and in parallel. mode. This operation is automatic and managed by that provide only one port, an external converter can
both CCU1000. be used to allow access from both master devices.

Technical Specifications
Surge Withstand Capability: IEC 60255-22-1
ANSI C37.90.1
Power supply and outputs: 2.5 kV common mode
1.0 kV differential mode
Communication ports: 1.0 kV common mode
Electrostatic Discharge: IEC 60255-22-2
IEC 61000-4-2
Metallic parts 8 kV Contact discharge
Plastic parts 15 kV Air discharge
Radiated Radio Frequency: IEC 60255-22-3
IEC 61000-4-3
ANSI C37.90.2
Envelop port 10 V/m
35 V/m
Fast Transient: IEC 60255-22-4
IEC 61000-4-4
ANSI C37.90.1
HOT-STANDBY OPERATION PARALLEL MODE Power supply and outputs: 4 kV, 2.5 kHz
Communication ports: 2 kV, 5 kHz
Surge Immunity: IEC 60255-22-5
The first CCU1000 unit handles Both CCU1000 units are commu- IEC 61000-4-5
communcation with the protection nicating with the protection & Line to line: 0.5, 1.0 kV
& control IEDs and telecontrol. control IEDs and telecontrol. Line to Earth: 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 kV
The second CCU1000 unit is in In case of one-port asynchronous Conducted Immunity: IEC 60255-22-6
standby mode. IED, a multimaster converter from IEC 61000-4-6
If the first CCU fails, the second Ethernet to Serial is required
Severity level: 10 Vemf
unit will automatically take control
Industrial Frequency: IEC 60255-22-7
of the communication with the
IEDs and telecontrol. IEC 61000-4-7
Severity level: 10 Vemf
Power Frequency Magnetic Field: IEC 61000-4-8
1 second: 1000 A/m
Ordering Code 1 minute:
Pulse Magnetic Field:
100 A/m
IEC 61000-4-9 (1000 A/m)
Magnetic Field: IEC 61000-4-10
To order select the basic model and the desired features from the Selection Guide below: Power Supply: IEC 60255-11
Variations and Interruption: IEC 61000-4-11


Conducted Emissions: IEC 60255-25, EN 55011
CCU1 Class A
Module 1 Radiated Emissions: IEC 60255-25, EN 55011
Class A
F Basic unit (without board): 1 x DB9
P 2 x DB9 + 6 x Plastic F.O. AC Test: IEC 60255-5, IEC 60255-27
G 2 x DB9 + 6 x Glass F.O. ANSI C37.90
Circuit to circuit: 2.5 kV, 50 Hz, 1 minute
A 4 x RS485 (Note 1) Circuit to ground: 2.5 kV, 50 Hz, 1 minute
Module 2 (Note 2) Impulse Test: IEC 60255-5, IEC 60255-27
ANSI C37.90
X Without Adapter 5 kV, 0.5 Joule
E With fault tolerant dual 10/100 Base Tx Ethernet Adapter Isolation Resistance: IEC 60255-5, IEC 60255-27
Module 3 (Note 2) 100 Mohm
0 Without GPS Module Cold: IEC 60068-2-1
G With GPS Module Test Ad -40 C, 16 hours
Module 4 (Note 2) Dry Heat: IEC 60068-2-2
Test Bd +75C, 16 hours
X Without modem Damp Heat cyclic: IEC 60068-2-30
M With modem Test Db 95% r.h., 25 to 55, 6 cycles

Auxiliary Voltage MECHANICS

Vibrations: IEC 60255-21-1
LO Power Supply: 24-48 VDC (range: 19.2~57.6) Envelop Class 1
HI Power Supply: 110-250 VDC (range: 88~300) Shock and Bump: IEC 60255-21-2
Envelop Class 1
Power Supply: 120-230 VAC (range: 96~250) Seismic: IEC 60255-21-30
LOR Redundant LO Envelop Class 2
Environmental Protection (Note 3) LO VDC: 24 to 48V
Without Harsh (Chemical) Environment Conformal Coating HI VDC: 110 to 250V
VAC: 120 to 230V

(1) For adding more than two modules when RS485 (A) is selected, contact factory for further information. ENVIRONMENTAL
(2) For models with options not included in this ordering code contact factory for further information. Storage: -25 to 55 C
(3) For Harsh (Chemical) Environment Conformal Coating option contact factory for further information. Operation: -10 to 50 C
Humidity (non condensing) 90%
Altitude Up to 2000m


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