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Osr Classes & Races

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1st Edition AD&D Conversion of Dragonborn Race

"For Justice, for Goodness, for Bahamut!"

*From 4th Edition Player's Handbook

The Dragonborn are blessed creations of Bahamut, stalwart champions of justice and

Classes: A character of the Dragonborn Race can be a Fighter (10), Paladin (9), Thief
(Unlimited), Cleric (8), or Ranger(7).

Ability Score Bonuses and Minimums: A Dragonborn gains a +1 to his Strength and -1 to his
Dexterity. He must have a minimum Strength of 12, a Charisma of 10, and other ability
scores of at least 3.

Languages: A Dragonborn begins play speaking Common and the language of one metallic
dragon species of his choice. A Dragonborn is capable of learning dwarven, elven, gnome,
halfling, and orc.


Dragon Breath: A Dragonborn can breathe a cone of energy 4" long with a 1" base.
Opponents must save versus breath weapon or take 1d8 points of damage. The energy can
be acid, cold, fire, or electricity, depending upon his metallic dragon ancestor. The damage
increases to 2d8 at 6 hit die and 3d8 at 9 hit die. A Dragonborn must wait 1d4+1 melee turns
before he can use his Dragon Breath again.

Dragon Fury: A Dragonborn at 50% or less hit points gains a +2 bonus on his to-hit rolls.

Regal Bearing of Bahamut: A Dragonborn treats his Charisma score as 2 points higher for the
purposes of determining follower and henchman loyalty.

Racial Modification for a Dragonborn Thief: +10% Hear Noise, +5% Climb Walls, unmodified
to everything else.

Age: A Dragonborn is a Young Adult at age 10, Mature at age 15, Middle Age at 40 years, Old
Age at 60 years, and Venerable at 80 years.

1st Edition AD&D Conversion of Tiefling Race

"If I am not a monster now, then I won't ever be a monster for using my abilities. They are
part of who I am, and I cannot change that, nor can you. "

*From 4th Edition Player's Handbook, and 3rd Edition Monster Manual

Tieflings are humans who bear distinctive markings of fiendish ancestry, and thus have a
sinister reputation.

Classes: A character of the Tiefling race can be a Fighter (7), Magic-User (9), Illusionist
(Unlimited), Thief (Unlimited), and Assassin (8).

Ability Score Bonuses and Minimums: A Tiefling gains +1 to Dexterity and -1 to Charisma. He
needs a minimum Dexterity of 8, Intelligence of 6, and 3 in all other ability scores.

Languages: A Tiefling begins play speaking Common, and can learn any additional languages
(except for secret ones, such as the alignment languages).


Fire Resistance: A Tiefling subtracts (5 + Hit Dice) points of damage from fire-based attacks
dealt against him, to a minimum of 0 points (unaffected).

Infravision up to 60'.

Darkness: Once per day, a Tiefling can cast Darkness 15' Radius (as the 2nd level Magic-User
Spell), with an effective Magic-User level equal to his total levels in classes. He can cast this
spell even while wearing armor.

Infernal Wrath: A Tiefling gains a +1 bonus on to-hit rolls against opponents with 50% or less
of their total hit points.

Racial Modifications for a Tiefling Thief: +10% Hide in Shadows, +5 Move Silently, +5% Pick
Pockets, unmodified to everything else.

Age: There's no information known in 4th Edition, but in 3rd Edition they age at roughly the
same rate as humans.

Personal Notes: In 3rd Edition, Tieflings could invoke magical darkness, an ability they lost in
4th Edition. Instead they gained Infernal Wrath. I decided to take the best of both worlds for
this conversion.

AD&D 1st Edition Conversion of Drow

"I'm only your ally for as long as it's advantageous to me. What, you asked for my honest
*From 4th Edition Monster Manual

I know that Drow PCs are an option in Unearthed Arcana, but they're too powerful for many
players' tastes. In 3rd Edition, they had a crippling Level Adjustment which actually made
them weak, fragile, and poor spellcasters. 4th Edition did the best job of balancing things

Classes: A character of the Drow Race can be a Cleric (7), Fighter (7), Magic-User (8),
Illusionist (8), Thief (Unlimited), and Assassin (9).

Ability Score Bonuses and Minimums: A Drow gains +1 Dexterity and -1 Constitution. Their
ability minimums are 8 in Dexterity and Charisma, 6 in Constitution, 3 in Strength and
Wisdom, and 6 in Constitution.

Languages: Drow begin play speaking Common and Elven, and can learn Bugbear, Dwarven,
Gnoll, Goblin, and Orc.


Resistances: Drow have a 90% resistance to sleep and charm spells.

Weapons Training: Drow receive a +1 on to-hit rolls when using a dagger, sword (short), and
crossbows of all kinds.

Infravision up to 60'.

Light Blindness: A Drow in conditions of natural daylight or equivalent illumination suffer a -1

penalty on to-hit rolls, Armor Class, and Saving Throws. This effect ends when they enter an
area of sufficient darkness. In some campaign settings (such as Forgotten Realms), Drow
who live on the surface world for a long enough time (usually months) can acclimate to the
environment and lose this weakness. However, their infravision ability is reduced to 30' due
to long-term adjustment to the lighting conditions.

Drow Magic: Once per day a Drow can cast Darkness 15' radius as the 2nd-level Magic-User
spell of the same name, with an effective Magic-User level as his total levels in classes. The
exception is that the Drow can cast this spell while wearing armor.

Once per day the Drow can cast Faerie Fire as the 1st level Druid spell of the same name,
with an effective Druid level as his total levels in classes. The exception is that the Drow can
cast this spell while wearing metal armor.

Racial Modifications for a Drow Thief: Hide in Shadows +5%, Move Silently +10%, Hear
Noise +5%, and Climb Walls -5%. Everything else is unmodified.

Age: Drow age at the same rate as Elves.

Notes: The Cloud of Darkness and Darkfire abilities of the 4th Edition Drow are pretty much
re-skinned Darkness and Faerie Fire spells, so I just let them keep them.

And here are two classes, both using Labyrinth Lord 'cause I didn't have my AD&D
stuff handy at the time.

Okay, here we go.

Warlock (4e-inspired)

Requirements: None.
Hit Points, Combat: As Thief.
Saving Throws: As Magic-User.
Experience Points: As Illusionist.
Weapon Proficiency: As Thief.

Warlocks are those who have made a bargain with a powerful entity, often a devil, in
exchange for magical power. Warlocks prepare and cast spells like a cleric, but they
always cast the reversed versions of any Cure spell. Warlocks have the following
additional special abilities:

Dark Pact: A Warlock cannot be raised from the dead or reincarnated. A

Resurrection spell works, but must start over at first level in a new class, as his
master will not willingly give up his soul.
Eldritch Blast: A warlock can fire a bolt of energy once per round at a single
target within 50 feet that does 1d4 damage. The target may save vs. spells to
avoid it.
Prime Shot: A warlock backstabs as a thief of two levels lower. This ability
can be used in conjunction with Eldritch Blast.
Pact Boon: Any time a warlock kills a living creature with Eldritch Blast, a
spell, or by sacrificing it to his master, he regains HP equal to the creature's

Reaching 3rd level: At third level the warlock's attacks are inherently magical and
count as being magical when fighting creatures that cannot be harmed by normal
weapons. Additionally, Eldritch Blast deals 1 additional damage.
Reaching 4th level: At fourth level instead of using his pact boon to recover damage,
once per day a warlock can use his pact boon to regain one first-level spell he has
already cast.
Reaching 6th level: At sixth level Eldritch Blast deals 2 additional damage.
Reaching 9th level: At ninth level, he warlock can use scrolls as a thief can, as well
as using the class-specific items of magic-users. Additionally, once per day a cleric
can use his pact boon to regain one second-level spell he has already cast.
Reaching 13th level: At 13th level the warlock has provided enough souls to his
master that if he so wishes, he can be let out of the be raised from the dead normally,
however if he does so he loses the use of his pact boon.

A Warlock's spell list differs slightly from the cleric's as follows:

Create Water (reversible)
Cure Light Wounds*
Detect Evil
Detect Magic
Magic Missile
Protection from Evil
Purify Food and Drink
Remove Fear*
Resist Cold

Delay Poison
Find Traps
Heat Metal
Know Alignment
Hold Person
Resist Fire
Silence 15ft Radius
Spider Climb
Spiritual Weapon
Stinking Cloud

Animate Dead
Continual Light
Cure Blindness*
Cure Disease*
Dispel Magic
Feign Death
Glyph of Warding
Insect Swarm
Remove Curse (reversible)
Speak with Dead

Arcane Eye
Create Food and Water
Cure Serious Wounds*
Detect Lie
Ice Storm
Illusory Stamina
Neutralize Poison
Protection from Evil 10ft Radius
Wall of Fire

Cure Critical Wounds*
Flame Strike
Insect Plague
Magic Jar
Plane Shift
Raise Dead*
Summon Shadow
True Seeing

Animate Objects
Blade Barrier
Death Spell
Invisible Stalker
Stone to Flesh
Word of Recall

Astral Projection
Control Weather (Magic-User version)
Fire Storm
Incendiary Cloud
Summon Demon
Symbol (Cleric version)
Unholy Word

*Can only be cast in its reversed form


Requirements: Intelligence and Charisma 13+, Strength 9+; a Warlord with 15+ in all
three scores gains a +10% bonus to all earned experience points.
Hit Points, Combat: As Cleric.
Saving Throws: As Fighter.
Experience Points: As Paladin.
Weapon Proficiency: Any.

Warlords are a subclass of fighter that excel as leaders and commanders of men. They
have the following special abilities, all of which require that they are able to speak or
shout clearly. For purposes of these abilities, only creatures whose intelligence is at
least 3 and who can hear and understand the warlord qualify as "allies".

Inspiring Word: The warlord can take a few moments (at least one round)
before a battle to give a rousing speech to her troops, granting all allies within
50 feet of her a +1 bonus to attack, damage, and morale rolls and saves against
fear effects for ten minutes. A warlord can use Inspiring Word as often as she
likes, but it can only affect a given character once per day per the warlord's
level. This bonus increases to +2 at 10th level.
Heroic Surge: Once per day, a Warlord may sacrifice her action in combat to
grant an extra action to any allies within 50 feet. At fourth level she can do
this twice per day, but only once per ten minutes.
Tactical Presence: Warlords and their allies are only surprised on 1 in 1d6.
Leadership: A warlord can hire one more retainer than her CHA would
normally permit, and her allies' morale is 2 higher than it normally would be.

Reaching 9th Level: At level 9 a warlord may become a great leader, taking control of
a parcel of land and a leadership rank in her society. A warlord will, assuming money
is at hand, build a castle. She may ultimately control several villages and towns, but
must be a good, strong leader and provide protection.
Reaching 15th level: At 15th level a warlord begins to gain extra attacks like a fighter.
Unlike a fighter, however, the warlord's extra attacks can be granted to an ally within
50 feet instead of herself if she desires.

Originally Posted by WalcottTwins

The reason I didn't go for it in mine is that there's not really (to my knowledge) a
temporary HP mechanic already in place in legacy D&D so I didn't feel it was my
place to introduce one.
I think your version was quite good at representing the more active versions of the 4e
Warlord. Lots of active buffs and a focus on how the class enacts battle plans through
others. Reminds me of a beefier version of the Bard

For a rough version of the Warlord as a healer:


XP: as wizard
HD: d8/+2 per level after 9th
Attack as fighter. May wear any armor and wield any weapon.
Save as a fighter.
Gains a stronghold as a fighter.

Special Abilities
1st lvl - Rouse the Weary [may restore 1d8 HP to one character once per hour]
3rd lvl - Natural Leader [may hire one more henchman than normal and the morale of
their henchmen is increased by one]
5th lvl - Charismatic Leader [henchmen or mercs gain +1 to morale if the character is
leading or accompanying them personally], Inspire Courage [grants allies within 50'
+1 to attack, damage, morale and saves vs fear, takes one round to give an
appropriately inspiring speech and lasts 10 minutes. usable once per day per level]
9th lvl - Rouse the Fallen [may restore 2d8 HP to one character once per day with an
inspiring speech lasting at least the time of 1 turn]
11th lvl - Battlefield Prowess [henchmen or mercs gain +1 to morale]
Originally Posted by WalcottTwins
This is pretty solid. I wonder if we'd be able to work together to create something that
has a little of both archetypes at work in it.
Sounds good. I've put together a mashup of both warlords. It gets a bit less healing
than my original version and the buffs take a bit longer to get the higher level
benefits. I've kept your class requirements and features, a bit weaker in a straight up
fight with HP and THAC0 of a cleric should compensate for the buffs given out to

Requirements: Intelligence and Charisma 13+, Strength 9+; a Warlord with 15+ in all
three scores gains a +10% bonus to all earned experience points.
Hit Points, Combat: As Cleric.
Saving Throws: As Fighter.
Experience Points: As Paladin.
Weapon Proficiency: Any.

Warlords are a subclass of fighter that excel as leaders and commanders of men. They
have the following special abilities, all of which require that they are able to speak or
shout clearly. For purposes of these abilities, only creatures whose intelligence is at
least 3 and who can hear and understand the warlord qualify as "allies".

Inspire Courage: The warlord can take a few moments (at least one round) before a
battle to give a rousing speech to her troops, granting all allies within 50 feet of her a
+1 bonus to attack, damage, and morale rolls and saves against fear effects for ten
minutes. A warlord can use Inspiring Word as often as she likes, but it can only affect
a given character once per day per the warlord's level. This bonus increases to +2 at
11th level.
Inspiring Word: The warlord's natural charisma encourages allies fight past their
normal lmits. By giving a short shout of encouragement the Warlord may restore 1d6
HP to one character once per hour. This increases to 1d8 at 4th level, to 1d10 at 8th
level and 1d12 at 12th level.
Heroic Surge: Once per day, a Warlord may sacrifice her action in combat to grant
an extra action to any allies within 50 feet. At 5th level she can do this twice per day,
but only once per ten minutes.
Natural Leader: A warlord can hire one more retainer than her CHA would normally
permit, and her allies' morale is 1 higher than it normally would be. At 11th level the
morale bonus increases to 2 higher than it normally would be.

Reaching 9th Level: At level 9 a warlord may become a great leader, taking control of
a parcel of land and a leadership rank in her society. A warlord will, assuming money
is at hand, build a castle. She may ultimately control several villages and towns, but
must be a good, strong leader and provide protection.
Reaching 15th level: At 15th level a warlord begins to gain extra attacks like a fighter.
Unlike a fighter, however, the warlord's extra attacks can be granted to an ally within
50 feet instead of herself if she desires.

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