Roll XX
Roll XX
Roll XX
Adam Burke
Rafael Chandler
Mason Deming
Matt King
Jim McCann
Additional questions by
Gary Bowerbank (p. 73)
Bill Collins (p. 90)
Keith Keffer (p. 70, 75, 76, 91, 92, 93)
ASH LAW (p. 77)
Tony Love (p. 67, 69, 71, 72)
C. W. Marshall (p. 65, 66)
Brianna Sheldon (p. 68)
Stuart Templeton (p. 80)
Graham Walmsley (p. 62)
Dedicated to
The Schweitzer family
Published by
The Sentinels of Meregoth
Edited by
Laura Walker Lyons
Conrad Murkitt
Rob Richmond
Eliza Doenges Stocking
Cover art by
Rob Thomas
Interior art by
Jeff Preston
Font credits
Black Chancery by Doug Miles
Cardinal by Dieter Steffmann
Caviar Dreams by Lauren Thompson
Classic Robot by Neale Davidson
Comic Book by Neale Davidson
Copystruct by Typografski
Venus Rising by Ray Larabie
Roll XX
Who is Queen of the northern kingdoms?................................................7
What's in the treasure chest?....................................................................8
What kind of Elves are they?......................................................................9
Who are we searching for?.......................................................................10
Where was the Frost Dragon born?.........................................................11
What oath have you sworn?.....................................................................12
What else goes into the potion?...............................................................13
Where do the sorcerers gather?.............................................................14
What time period is it?.............................................................................15
What do you believe?................................................................................16
Who is that hooded rider?........................................................................17
What is the Orc Chieftan wielding?.........................................................18
What hybrid has the lunatic wizard Chiasmus created?.......................19
Who sent the assassins after the King?...................................................20
Whats the story with this shopkeeper?.................................................21
What did that mis-cast spell do?..............................................................22
Who built this dungeon?..........................................................................23
What's the dragon actually hoarding?....................................................24
Who forged the warrior's armor?...........................................................25
Where must the cleric go on the first day of each year?.......................26
What does the barbarian fear most?.......................................................27
Where is the Necromancer?.....................................................................28
What did waving the wand do?................................................................29
What is falling from the sky?...................................................................30
Who stole the Blade of Saints?.................................................................31
What will the mage do to learn the truth?..............................................32
Why can't you open the door/portal?.....................................................33
Who the heck is that?...............................................................................35
Where is the supervillain's secret lair?...................................................36
Whats the heros apparently-useless power?.......................................37
Who is the hero protecting?....................................................................38
Who is the villain targeting?....................................................................39
What's the villain ranting about?............................................................40
What's the superhero's weakness?.........................................................41
What's the superhero's origin?...............................................................42
Where are the aliens right now?.............................................................43
Whats the supervillain going to do if hes not stopped?......................44
What's the connection between these two characters?........................45
SCIENCE FICTION.........................................................................46
What kind of starship is it?......................................................................47
The xenomorph is on the ship, but where?............................................48
What kind of anomaly is it?......................................................................49
What part of the ship just went dark?.....................................................50
What piece of equipment just malfunctioned?......................................51
Who are the starship passengers?...........................................................52
What do you find when searching the rubble?......................................53
What happens when you power up the ancient terminal?...................54
Where did the bounty hunter flee to?.....................................................55
Why do you need to land?........................................................................56
Why do you want to escape?....................................................................57
Where are the bodies hidden?.................................................................59
What's the story behind those scars?......................................................60
Whats the cryptic clue in anagram form?.............................................61
Why can't you see the entity?..................................................................62
What are his/her vices?............................................................................63
What euphemism applies at this particular crime scene?....................64
What's changing your memories?...........................................................65
What's under your skin?..........................................................................66
Who are They, exactly?............................................................................67
What is the murderer's signature?..........................................................68
What's under the bed?..............................................................................69
Which part of the body is it?....................................................................70
Where did those bites come from?..........................................................71
What's this soul worth?............................................................................72
What will you do to make it stop?...........................................................73
What kind of sanguiphages are swarming from the crypt?..................74
What's hanging from the ceiling?...........................................................75
What noise is coming from the other room?..........................................76
Why do you love this so much?................................................................77
What kind of monster is it?......................................................................78
What part of the zombie story is this?....................................................79
What is casting that shadow?..................................................................80
How do you cure it?..................................................................................81
How did it escape?....................................................................................82
Why does he look familiar?......................................................................83
What is in that hole?.................................................................................84
What was that sound?...............................................................................85
What's in the suitcase that's worth $10,000 USD?.................................87
What is the unit's primary objective?.....................................................88
What are her areas of expertise?.............................................................89
What does it smell like?............................................................................90
What types of insects are in the room?...................................................91
Whats in the swimming pool?.................................................................92
What kind of liquid is in that bottle?.......................................................93
What's this agent's callsign/nickname/handle?...................................94
What's the unsuspecting sentry saying into his radio?.........................95
What kind of magic is it?..........................................................................96
Whats the name of this secret society?..................................................97
What's your secret?..................................................................................98
Where is it all going down tonight?........................................................99
Whose fingerprints are all over the place?...........................................100
What's in the duffel bag?........................................................................101
Who is Queen of the northern kingdoms?
1. Kuonrada Pfahlert, Hammer of the Damned
2. Laila Dyrh, hero of the Winter Siege
3. Hekja Ansgar, the Justiciar
4. Edeline Vedschneider, usurper
5. Ingelise Fabricus, champion of the poor
6. Magd Breit, the Dragon Singer
7. Sigrid Dinesen, last of her line
8. Ludkhannah Eisenbein, Frost Witch
9. Gerwalta Elend, murderess
10. Alisz Berthold, born of fire
11. Bergthora Magnor, the undying
12. Alphonsine Schoeger, the Spear-Warden
13. Thorunna Kerr, breaker of sacred oaths
14. Rolanda Hirsch, the plague-scarred
15. Dagmar Olsberg, bearer of treasures
16. Nadette Rahn, of the thousand-year reign
17. Petrine Andersen, who slew the White Tiger
18. Magnilda Elend, chosen by saints
19. Tekla Von Dorn, the wall-builder
20. Truedel Larsen, hanged and resurrected
What's in the treasure chest?
1. Prophetic poetry written in blood
2. An ornately carved chalice of ivory inlaid with sapphires, rubies,
and emeralds
3. A singing map to the Lost Isles
4. Pans Flute, wrapped in poisonous blight-leaves
5. Indestructible chainmail that drinks the wearers blood
6. A sarcastic sword of dragon-bone
7. A ritual glyph on a piece of tree bark
8. Nothing; it appears to be empty (but the chest is alive)
9. A deformed skull that whispers hints
10. A scepter made of iron, bestows nobility in the realm of Koth
11. A fairy trapped in some type of restraints; asks for help
12. The interior of the chest stretches outward to a black infinity
13. Runic stones arranged in a very specific pattern
14. 2000 copper pieces
15. A mound of starving Blood Ants
16. Golden manacles; they must NEVER be put on
17. The other hand of Vecna
18. A handwritten note from your sworn enemy
19. A purse full of tin coins that appear to be platinum, but only
while in the moonlight
20. Two argumentative maquettes, each of which claims to know
where all the traps are
What kind of Elves are they?
1. Desert Elves: scarred, dark-eyed, and without pity
2. Ash Elves from the Grey Deserts
3. Flint Elves from the Northern Summit
4. Drunken, loutish ones
5. Dark Elves from Down Below
6. Wood Elves, covered with a fine green moss
7. Smoldering, fire-eyed Lava Elves
8. False Elves: other beings in disguise
9. Spectral Elves from the Other Side
10. Multi-armed Spider Elves
11. Dragon Elves from Turryk
12. Elves of the Mist: shades of fog and laughter
13. Dagger-tossing, foul-mouthed Iron Elves
14. Courier Elves: silent and fleet of foot
15. Sharp-toothed, white-eyed Frost Elves
16. Servant Elves: shoemakers, bakers, housekeepers
17. Low Elves; nomadic, thieving, cannibalistic
18. Private guard of an Elvish King
19. Elven Younglings in search of adventure
20. Thick-fisted Primordial Elves from the Verdant Lands
Who are we searching for?
1. Brother Melgrem, Gnomish Prophet of Fading Light
2. Sluaghan the Idolator, who knows where Siseal hid the runeblades
3. Desmona the Hierophant, holy murderess
4. Sir Kendrick, recently infected with lycanthropy
5. Lachlann the Golden, first bard of the Queen
6. Isabel the Lipless, halfling rogue and sphinx-hunter
7. Lady Egberta Silverline, sadistic gnomish duchess
8. Grui Beradh, orcish historian, while researching tribal succession
9. Vromme Lange, northern ranger, cursed and dying
10. Espen the Ghoul-Slayer, last seen in the Iron Mausoleum
11. Rosamund Marhault, possessed by her royal ancestors
12. Wild Finian Donaghy, halfling outlaw, secretly a dragon
13. Raedbora Anvilborn, Mace-Guard of the Mad King
14. Konstantinus the Gladiator, and his foe, Baldemar Elf-Gutter
15. Emperor Prasutagus and his deformed consort Dalanyah
16. Bastian the Alchemist and the plague victims he's trying to cure
17. The dwarven frostrider Halvard, and the ogre chieftain he fought
18. Lady Nadzia the Veil-Render, lost while seeking the Abyssal Gate
19. Garmond, halfling cleric, who sought the Maidenhead Diamond
20. The Heroes of Bluedale, and the blighted princess they rode with
Where was the Frost Dragon born?
1. Seawatch, on the northern coast
2. Gandvik River, near Brisingnir
3. Dalskegg Keep, where the damned scream
4. Utgard, below the forge of Elin
5. On the banks of Lake Hvergelmir
6. In the skies above Vansford
7. The shimmering spires of Nagevar
8. Ravenpeak Mountain, amid thunder
9. Fort Shadowcrest, as soldiers watched in awe
10. In the mud and filth of the Cloakmire Marshes
11. Rokesta Tower's battlements
12. Ghorom, in the shadowed plateaus
13. At the summit of Snowdrake Peak
14. In the house of Silarual Reamm
15. Glistenheath, from the belly of a slain dragon
16. Kiollsig, Islands of the Great Beasts
17. Stong Hil, at the gate of Andis
18. In snow stained with its mothers blood
19. In the dungeons below Olibhear Tower
20. Near the fire at Jurndar Hall
What oath have you sworn?
1. I'll never go back there again.
2. My name will be legend.
3. I comfort lost souls and ease pain.
4. I won't give it back, ever!
5. The darkness does not call me.
6. I will defeat my nemesis.
7. They'll never take me alive.
8. I destroy the unrighteous.
9. I have made the right choices.
10. I will never surrender.
11. I must avenge the innocent.
12. One day, I will know peace.
13. She can't get to me anymore.
14. I will not retreat. I will stand.
15. Vengeance will be mine.
16. They will respect me.
17. It doesn't control me; I control it.
18. I must protect my people.
19. This is the line in the sand. No further.
20. I will face my enemy with dignity.
What else goes into the potion?
1. An ounce of chimera meat, unsalted
2. Three drams of root of dittany
3. Toadstool from a dragon's lair
4. A longspoon of white crystalline arsenic
5. Tallow from rendered wereboar fat
6. A dram of fragmented eastern sapphire
7. Four fangs from a still-living demon
8. Ichor squeezed from a cockatrice
9. A liter of manticore venom
10. An ounce of aloe succotrina
11. Phoenix ash mixed with attercop venom
12. Two scruples of saffron and ambergris
13. Ten grains of musk dissolved in rosewater
14. A single desiccated scorpion
15. Six grams of gentian mixed with tormentil
16. Seven feathers from a sphynx
17. Ogre skin soaked in treant sap
18. Four ground harpy claws
19. The eye of a lamia, dried in open air
20. Musk gland from a hydra
Where do the sorcerers gather?
1. Helical tower of double-spiraled Ivory
2. Shore of Desolate Equilibrium
3. Chapel of Stalwart Oak and Ash
4. Gaea's encircled stones of Harmony
5. Savage Garden of carnivorous plants
6. Tomb of Defiled Ancestors
7. Chamber of Blood and Bone
8. Crypt of Infinite Silence and Dismay
9. Aerie of Skeletal Wyverns
10. Laboratory of Forbidden Knowledge
11. Hall of the Crimson Gate
12. Crumbling fortress battlements
13. Tower of Purest Emonomancy
15. Sanctum Sanctorum
16. The Ring of Toadstools
17. The Catacombs of Conlough
18. Tabernaculum Triangularis
19. Within the Minds Eye
20. The Throne Room within Mount Ilyia
What time period is it?
1. The Age of Thorns
2. The Shrouded Season
3. Fifth Interregnum of Chaos
4. Enchantments Shimmering Epoch
5. Grim Fete of Dripping Sacrifice
6. The Reign of Cyrilla the Fifth
7. Gold Stiletto Night
8. Hour of the Crawler
9. Eidotheas Last Ascendancy
10. Zenith of the Tarasque
11. Wolf Cycle, Phase 17
12. Era of Direst Abnegation
13. Third Day of the Frost Interval
14. Festival of the Burning Harvest
15. The Endless Obsidian Dusk
16. Despair's Rising Tide
17. Solar Solstice Celebration
18. Feast of the Vermilion Demon
19. The Summer of Abundance
20. Age of Reason and Resolution
What do you believe?
1. Dwarves are stupid and dull.
2. Life is a sacred gift.
3. The gods punish wickedness.
4. The few outweight the many.
5. Evil must be destroyed.
6. The realm serves the people.
7. Torture and murder are wrong.
8. Necromancy is an abomination.
9. If torture extracts the truth, then it is good.
10. Rogues should all be hanged.
11. Wealth is the root of evil.
12. Power must not be abused.
13. The elves are my honored allies.
14. Death is only the beginning.
15. Clerics are all decent and true.
16. Gnomes disgust me.
17. I will stand with any rogue.
18. Halflings are repugnant.
19. Dragons are sacred and must be worshiped.
20. Sorcery is a gift from the gods.
Who is that hooded rider?
1. Blancheflor of Caerleon, outlaw (f)
2. Dodinel of Carmarthen, nobleman (m)
3. Lady Maledysaunte the wyrmslayer (f)
4. Sir Andret the Bold, questing knight (m)
5. Yserone the Grey, ash-ranger (f)
6. Cadwallon of Dinas Emrys (m)
7. Herzeloyde the Unvanquished (f)
8. Brademagus the Eyeless, auspex (m)
9. Lady Branwyn of the Lightblades (f)
10. Domingart of Caerleon, apothecary (m)
11. Dechtere, Necromancer of Annwn (f)
12. Sir Erek of Tintagel Castle (m)
13. Anglides of Bodmin Moor (f)
14. Lady Aleyn of Corbenic (m)
15. Sebille, cutpurse and sage (f)
16. Awarnach the Brute, reaver of men (m)
17. Queen Morgause of Celliwig (f)
18. Bellangere of Isca Augusta (m)
19. Orguelleuse the Golden, shieldmaiden (f)
20. Morhold of Cloakmire, gambler (m)
What is the Orc Chieftan wielding?
1. Twin blades of obsidian
2. The femur of his last opponent
3. A blood-soaked Axe of Perdition
4. Cestus covered in jagged blades
5. A spiked club with chunks of ear and skull still splattered across it
6. A wickedly curved dark scimitar
7. The Hammer of Othos
8. Teminas Fang, a longsword carved from a dragons incisor
9. Bonegrinder, a vicious-looking enchanted mace
10. A spinning morning star
11. The Staff of Pythos
12. A white flag of surrender
13. Ovaegir Nux ("Forbidden Lore"), a mystic enchiridion
14. A tattered flag featuring a broken skull
15. Chloris Nobia ("Holy Spirit"), a talisman of control
16. Spears dipped in Gorgon blood
17. The Halberd of Ruin, enchanted by the dread lich Ezarius
18. A broken glass bottle
19. Sanction, an enchanted longsword that hates elves
20. A ceremonial scepter
What hybrid has the lunatic wizard Chiasmus created?
1. Hummingbat
2. Chinchillagator
3. Porcupenguin
4. Rhinogre
5. Grizzly Beaver
6. Hippoplatypus
7. Werewhale
8. Anglerfinch
9. Caterpiglet
10. Cockaturtle
11. Manta Raven
12. Beelephant
13. Gorildebeest
14. Cobradile
15. Rattleshark
16. Salapanther
17. Kangaroctopus
18. Scorpilisk
19. Arachnaconda
20. Boaracuda
Who sent the assassins after the King?
1. The Circle of Emerald, a coven of necromancers
2. His niece, Mirielle the Silverblade, who secretly leads the rebels
3. The King, in order to declare martial law
4. His son, the ingrate, who wants to rule at all costs
5. Only the head assassin knows this
6. The Queens ghost
7. His supposedly loyal subjects; they tire of his sadism
8. His brother, Geval, who covets the throne
9. Gertrude, his treasonous sister
10. His uncle, Sir Vangrym the Pious
11. Ruxa Khan, scourge of the Iron Steppes
12. The Kings Mistress, Jennastra, who has become jealous of the
Kings renewed affection for his own wife
13. The Court Jester, Xeropletes, who tires of being ridiculed
14. A consortium of desert goblins
15. His own Knight Warden, Sir Angela the Stalwart
16. The nobles of the realm, who wish to abolish monarchy
17. Mind-scourged demigods in search of distraction
18. Leandra, Queen of the Dark Elves
19. The Duke of Argas, who believes that it is the only way to free the
people from the dreadful curse of the Red Cough
20. The vengeful wife of a beheaded traitor
Whats the story with this shopkeeper?
1. Has something special in the cellar
2. Obsessed with artwork, paintings, sculpture
3. Secretly works as a fence for the Guild
4. Used to delve; lost a hand, but dreams of taking up the blade again
5. Lisps; fascinated by myths, afraid of the Abyss, has syphilis
6. Has a map; shell sell/trade it for something of great value
7. His armored mannequins will come to life if hes threatened
8. Was an adventurer, took an arrow to the knee
9. Has special stock that he wont show to that type
10. Desires to go into local politics
11. Once was known as something of a parlor magician
12. Lorded over by the sister of his deceased wife
13. Sometimes his clients end up missing
14. Generous lender, brutal debt collector
15. Eager to prove himself to the Guild
16. Is actually wearing the real shopkeepers skin
17. Master alchemist, expert apothecary, subpar poisoner
18. Will discount the merchandise if he can join the party
19. Controls a Golem that assists him with his work
20. Lycanthrope who sells the possessions of those hes devoured
What did that mis-cast spell do?
1. Skin erupts in a rash with large boils
2. Toxic fumes; nausea ensued
3. Opened a Gate to the smoldering wastes of Gehenna
4. Turned all nearby steel to gold, and vice-versa
5. Personal rain cloud
6. It ricocheted and hit someone it shouldn't have
7. Summoned something with a ferocious appetite
8. Temporarily bestows magical abilities on an ally
9. Opened the gate to the Ravensreach dungeon
10. Instantly killed every orc in the entire realm
11. A most vile and unmaskable odor
12. Temporary blindness
13. Accelerated fungal growth
14. Switched the minds/bodies of hero and nemesis
15. Vibrant bursts of confetti
16. Drained the groups powers and left us vulnerable
17. Attracted every insect in a five-league radius
18. Produced a sought-after treasure
19. Turned all adults to children and vice-versa
20. Local leader turned to a goat
Who built this dungeon?
1. The undead servitors of Gezoac the Unhallowed
2. Sarvin Voorus and his vampire legions
3. Forgotten clockwork automatons
4. Burrowing humanoid insects
5. The Arch Mage Virlan Minaxur
6. Princess Verina, who had her bones interred in the Bronze Crypt
7. Orcs and goblins in the employ of Almor Lackhand
8. The last surviving members of Clan Kurvath
9. A maniacal sphynx who tired of riddles
10. The Obsidian Dragon at its core, which awaits an adventurer bold
enough to accept its challenge: a game of Liars Dice
11. Niercohl the Reprobate, First Pariah of Stonedeep
12. Quintus Anixa Menullus, Architect of Vanacium
13. Prelate Nhomen Tothess, Holy Despot of Ustraa, who imprisoned
his concubines at the dungeons lowest level when he tired of them
14. A romantically-involved chimera and griffin, who seek to be left
alone in their nest
15. Lorel Murse, Templar and Demon-Bane, who summons demons,
releases them into the dungeon, and then hunts them for sport
16. Catullus the Damned, architect and diabolist
17. The former Jester of the Court of Fools
18. The Mindless Horde, during the Age of the Iron Hand
19. The Wonderous Machines of Jindor, which labor still, deep below
the earth
20. Goruk and his skeleton corps; they have left behind a plenitude
of molds, jellies, and slimes to test the resolve of those who enter
What's the dragon actually hoarding?
1. Children, whom it will teach the old ways
2. Knowledge in the form of tomes and songs
3. The last Behemoth egg, wrapped in fur
4. A collection of enchanted ropes and nets
5. Material components for necromantic rituals
6. The Elder Stones and the manuscript that explains their use
7. Musical instruments from the Age of Glories
8. A vast collection of correspondence and electrum letter-openers
9. The Well of the Ancients
10. The Spear of Laar, said to be able to kill the gods
11. Stones imbued with the most destructive of forces: Pure Love
12. Glass baubles, porcelain dolls, and the Calix of Eternal Hate
13. A gallery of talkative sentient daggers
14. Avaricious adventurers in chains
15. Cockatrice eggs, warmed by captive griffins and chimerae
16. Coins: golden regents, silver nobles, and copper knights
17. An assembly of innocent souls, encased in glass vials
18. Rare flora used for arcane spells and magic
19. Gateways to a dozen other realms
20. An unborn princess
Who forged the warrior's armor?
1. Baeloc, the one-eyed
2. The Unnamed
3. The Last Pureblood Dragon
4. Gnomes from a forgotten cavern
5. A thousand trained rats
6. The Silken Hauberk was spun by a thousand spiders
7. Theodonis, the famous silversmith
8. Legend says it existed before time itself
9. She did it herself
10. A demigod disguised as a talentless drunkard
11. Six trained monkeys in the employ of a Almor Lackhand
12. Mogar Greysledge, Forge-Lord of the Crystalmist Mountains
13. The seven demons chained beneath Ravensreach
14. Agurtzane, the last of the Steel Elementals
15. Ealadhach Phelan, the Kings Smith
16. The ghost of Cathleen Hammergrip
17. Nekhbet the Vulture Goddess, creator of the world
18. Weeping souls on the Kokytos River
19. Agathe the Unvanquished, who now wants her armor back
20. Sir Uisdean, once a great knight, now waiting for his death
Where must the cleric go on the first day of each year?
1. The shrine at the peak of Mount Pieral
2. The circle of power
3. To the center of town square for the stoning
4. Into the bowels of the Abyss
5. The Scarlet Crypt of Fever and Bile
6. Into her own mind, where she faces her darkest impulses
7. The Eternal Pine Tree at the heart of Midrelheim
8. Cliffside aeries where wyverns nest
9. Qeturahs ever-burning pyre atop the Anvil Plateau
10. The wight-haunted gates of Raghnall Keep
11. Walks into the surf of the Pahbu Sea
12. The sulfurous orbs of Hell
13. Back to his crystal coffin
14. The Cloud City of Em-Tai
15. The Subterranean Lair of Ykheos
16. To pay tribute before the Demon Empress
17. Into the mouth of the Leviathan
18. The Griffin Bone Aerie, where they consecrate their dead
19. Abydos, to attend The Great Bloodletting
20. The blazing deserts of Nephren-Ka
What does the barbarian fear most?
1. Dying without a weapon in hand
2. Songs will not be sung
3. Snakes and serpents
4. Pestilence and filth
5. Death by fire
6. The first day of Winter
7. The thought of shaming her deity
8. Tropical insects and birds
9. The thought of becoming soft and effete
10. His mothers voice
11. Public humiliation
12. Witchery and illusion
13. Her reflection, for it might imprison her soul
14. Gnomes, dwarves, and halflings
15. Being buried alive
16. Discovery by her tribal elders
17. Rodents and vermin
18. The decadence and pleasure of city life
19. Waves, sharks, and the open sea
20. To have his wisdom stolen when his words are written down.
Where is the Necromancer?
1. Purchasing ritual knives at the bazaar at Gallan
2. Pirate Cove, tapping a cask of rum
3. Riding with a travelling caravan, enjoying the sunshine
4. On a smoke-belching covered barge
5. Prowling the streets, in the fog, at night
6. In a confessional in the Cathedral of Souls
7. Sewers beneath the Old Quarter
8. Standing atop a fallen Paladin
9. The tented bazaar outside of Caer Bhaillidh
10. On the dark side of the pale grey moon
11. In one of the vaults of the High Illusionist
12. The stomach of an Azure Catobeplas
13. Atop the highest of the Copper Clockwork Towers
14. At the core of the Lightless Labyrinth, waiting
15. The smoky heart of the Dwarven Tunnelworks
16. Hacking a path through the Verdant Jungle
17. Searching the Amber Desert for her death-gods citadel
18. Watching a public execution with great interest
19. Cutting a lichs heart from its ashen breast
20. Purchasing virgin blood from a hooded vendor
What did waving the wand do?
1. Temporarily raised intelligence of wand-holder
2. Imparted wisdom pertaining to religious matters
3. Opened gate to land of mischievous sprites
4. Unlocked the Dungeon of a Thousand Razors
5. Removed the curse laid upon the Goblin Princess
6. Awakened the Verdant Dragons in the southern jungles
7. All light will now die for a single day
8. The bats of the realm finally evolve
9. Azibet Zur, the First Wraith, rises once more
10. Every elf (except those near the wand-holder) dies
11. The Lich Sphinx awakens
12. Sliced off someone's arm, just below the shoulder
13. Turned a random weapon into a giant leech
13. Transformed an animal or insect into a humanoid
15. Changed stone to gelatinous substance (possibly carnivorous)
16. Rewound the last 15 minutes of time
17. Liquefied a random internal organ within a random person
18. Piqued the interest of every devil in the kingdom
19. Welded two magical items together to create a new item
20. Rendered the caster invulnerable for a few seconds
What is falling from the sky?
1. Infected wyverns and drakes
2. Burning arrows fired by the orcish cavalry
3. Ash from the eruption of Mount Carrion
4. The blood of saints and virgins
5. The druid-powered Zeppelin
6. All those locusts
7. Body parts, not human
8. Spiders, big ones
9. Winged creatures of skin and metal
10. Some type of glowing rock
11. The baby and the bathwater
12. Myriad gold coins, which are now utterly worthless
13. The Tower Guards
14. That nobleman we were supposed to be protecting
15. Poison-dipped polybolos bolts
16. Bits and pieces of that unfortunate sky-whale
17. Screaming Devas with burning wings
18. A furious water elemental in the form of raindrops
19. Candies flung by the Queen on her dirigible
20. The spurting heads of various traitors
Who stole the Blade of Saints?
1. Six drunken halflings and a one-legged gnome
2. Magister Hollend's trained wyverns
3. A northland assassin wrapped in a Cloak of Shadows
4. A boy thief in over his head
5. A minion of the shadow
6. The Saints have reclaimed it
7. The innkeeper, when everyone else was drunk
8. The Lord of Sinners
9. Sigis the Sly
10. A hungry child
11. Jurgen the Ninja
12. Uteka, Goddess-Queen of the Kobolds
13. Tretan Swiftnick, gnomish footpad
14. Saint Lawrence the Outcast
15. King Eric the Noble
16. Beelzebub and a confused angel
17. Ghoromm, Lord of Brutality and Night
18. Caprice, Master of Risk, Wine, and Dice
19. Melisma, Goddess of Treachery and Mayhem
20. Selerine, Patron of Queens and Sword-Maidens
What will the mage do to learn the truth?
1. Search the skies for omens among the stars
2. Meditate upon the peace of death
3. Scan the waters of the Lake Hadr-Saal
4. Analyze the voice of the winter wind
5. Discern the truth in piles of gold
6. Hear the warnings uttered by ghosts and wights
7. Give up his powers
8. Consult with those who died in pain
9. Meditate upon the lightless afterdeath
10. Scan the crypt for oracular skulls
11. Journey to the heart of the Verdant Jungle
12. Search the Abyssal Ether
13. Unroll the forbidden scrolls in the Minium Temple
14. Inquire with the Oracle
15. Anything: there is no limit to his ambition
16. Kill his lineage -- to the last
17. Abandon those closest to her
18. Heed the venomous words of the Sickle-Beaked Raven
19. Break the vows of her Guild
20. Steal that which is most precious to her King
Why can't you open the door/portal?
1. Held fast by rabid hippogriff
2. Spell-locked by desperate warlock
3. Because it's trying to eat you
4. Acid dripping from the knob
5. You're pretty sure it's an illusion
6. There's something on your hand
7. Tentacles around your throat
8. Missing the key
9. It keeps moving on you
10. You need the blood of a virgin
11. Paralyzed by fear
12. The knob disintegrates in your hand
13. Youve gnawed off your fingers
14. You dont know the magic words
15. Youre scared of the world you see on the other side
16. You cant read the inscription to unlock it
17. It is floating above you
18. You are missing the Eye of Benegal
19. Lorthan forbids it
20. It is too small for you to fit through
Who the heck is that?
1. Refractor, the Mirror-Man from the Future
2. Chartreuse, the Reptilian Reaver
3. Ultramatter, Manipulator of Molecules
4. Decider, Beta Teams Commanding Officer
5. Banhammer, the Online Menace
6. Mechanism, the Cybernetic Murderer
7. Killstrike, the Gritty Street Warrior
8. Phaeton, Blazing Justice in the Air
9. Bulletpoint, Mild-Mannered Marketing Manager
10. The Caribou, Canadas Most Dangerous Export
11. Pfiesteria, the Pandemic Princess
12. Gelato, the Incomparable Italian Ice-Man
13. Questionnaire, the one who knows all the answers
14. L1B3R+Y, the All-American Adolescent
15. The Spindler, Scourge of Sapphire City
16. Parasight, the Cannibal Psychic
17. Flightrisk, Winged Leader of the Criminal Cadre
18. Throng, the Multiple Maiden
19. Residuum, soulless cybernetic assassin
20. Uplift, Master of the Skies
Where is the supervillain's secret lair?
1. At the heart of the Yellowstone Caldera
2. The international space station Aphelion
3. A remote island in the Atlantic
4. The dark side of the moon
5. Laurentian Abyss
6. Beneath the ruins of Dry Tortugas
7. The abandoned subway of Los Angeles
8. Mogadishu, Somalia
9. A plane that never lands
10. Under Area 51
11. The National Capital Building
12. Oil fields in the Middle East
13. Microscopically injected into one of our heroes
14. Super-prison The Obelisk
15. Bottom of the Black Sea
16. Accessed by time travel, approximately 50,000 years in the past
17. In a virtual world located on Server 2
18. International Banking and Finance Building
19. Entrenched in the side of Mount Tyrannus
20. In the ruins of Chernobyl
Whats the heros apparently-useless power?
1. The ability to predict lunch orders
2. Advanced unintelligibility
3. Heightened sense of humor
4. Can differentiate between millions of colors
5. Able to hear people scream in space
6. Knows all the digits of pi
7. Super-organized
8. Ability to communicate with furniture
9. Can serve two masters
10. Memorizing languages without understanding them
11. Can guess anyones middle name
12. Double-jointed fingers
13. Accurate prediction of the dew point
14. Kleptomania
15. Can replicate the sound of one hand clapping
16. Unbeatable in any board game
17. Can untie any knot
18. Ability to hold breath for a really, really long time
19. Uncanny fashion sense
20. Can accurately detect the ingredients of any prepared food item
Who is the hero protecting?
1. A tribal village
2. The secret to immortality
3. Her worst enemy
4. A despicable CEO
5. The 7 billion inhabitants of Nano-Earth
6. His frail alter ego
7. The witness who saw it all
8. An injured superhero
9. Their father, the former supervillain
10. Colonists on the moon
11. A sought-after cryptographer
12. The town caught between two warring supervillains
13. A small alien child
14. The ward he claimed after a juvenile prison breakout
15. Government legitimacy
16. A fallen comrade
17. The last Archon of Proxima Centauri
18. Revolutionaries
19. The heros mentor
20. The leader of a world religion
Who is the villain targeting?
1. President Nehlsen and her family
2. The only one who knows his identity
3. Pope Boniface XVII
4. The Foreign Dignitary
5. TV news crew
6. Police officers
7. Staff of a local hospital
8. The League of Superheroes
9. The One Percent
10. Rival supervillains
11. Anyone who profited from his ruin
12. The scientists that created him
13. Nibiru, the comet that will destroy us all
14. His gray-goo laboratory in Krasnoyarsk Krai
15. The Mob
16. Bioengineering labs
17. Successful women
18. Space transportation
19. National monuments
20. Everyone
What's the villain ranting about?
1. Justice
2. His ex-wife
3. Poor customer service during his last visit to the mall
4. Hospital bills
5. Nobody takes him/her seriously
6. World domination
7. Being forgotten
8. How stupid everyone else is
9. Income inequality
10. Unternehmen Werwolf
11. Vengeance upon those who have defeated him
12. The dark future of humankind
13. Wolves in sheeps clothing
14. The triumph of evil over good
15. That he is the good guy
16. The enslavement of man through prisons
17. The shadow government (that they want to create)
18. His last set of minions
19. The lack of female supervillains
20. The unwillingness of governments to experiment on humans
What's the superhero's weakness?
1. Sorcery
2. Ultraviolet light
3. Low-frequency sound
4. A violent past
5. The disclosure of his true identity
6. Releasing his location to the intergalactic bounty hunters who are
searching for him
7. Bipolar disorder
8. Fear of animals
9. Cold temperatures
10. Claustrophobia
11. Fear of inadequacy
12. Mommy/Daddy issues
13. Has a non-superpowered wife/child/family
14. Lack of funding
15. Unpredictable bouts of uncontrollable rage
16. Debilitanium
17. Addicted to painkillers
18. Agoraphobic
19. Accelerated aging
20. The color green
What's the superhero's origin?
1. Gamma rays destroyed ship, raised in jungle by panthers
2. Alien infection
3. Self-trained; peak of condition
4. Injected serum
5. Merged with a fallen star
6. Doused with laboratory chemicals
7. Created in a lab
8. Somehow came to life from the mind of another person
9. Alternate dimension
10. From the far future
11. Technological enhancement
12. Conjured by a witch
13. Assembled by a newly-awakened Artificial Intelligence
14. Bite from an irradiated animal
15. Came into contact with a magical object
16. Mutant
17. Dropped into a vat of toxic waste
18. Escaped from the local insane asylum
19. Unknown -- cant remember
20. Child of a deity
Where are the aliens right now?
1. Above, hidden in Earth's mesosphere
2. Waiting, under Denver International Airport
3. At the Temple of Light on Voriac Island
4. Beneath the frost layer of Siberia
5. Using the bodies of our dead as hosts
6. Ceres, and theyre nearly finished
7. Burrowing in the Mantle
8. Microscopic, they are floating in air
9. Pulsing through our power lines as bodies of electricity
10. Staging at the portal on Gliese-58
11. Right behind you
14. At the Intergalactic Trade Conference
15. Loading the Ark
16. On their home world, preparing their finest warrior
17. On the steps of Capitol Hill
18. Hijacking the Irtu-Smolski Space Station
19. About to detonate the unmanned Interplanetary Explorer
20. Only in the paranoid mind of the Secretary of Defense
Whats the supervillain going to do if hes not stopped?
1. Release the Leviathan from the Marianas Trench
2. Destroy the city of Luxembourg
3. Create a new race of superbeings
4. Destroy, one by one, each of the wonders of the world
5. Dissolve the global stock markets
6. Free the rest of the supervillains
7. Win the election
8. Travel back in time to affect the present
9. Reveal the secret information about our heroes to the world
10. Destroy civilian trust in the system
11. Infect us all
12. Close the portal
13. Usher in the beginning of a new Dark Age
14. Take control of the worlds water supply
15. Destroy our only hope of fixing this thing
16. Enslave humanity
17. Detonate the Sun
18. Pit the superheroes against each other
19. Turn the hostages into super-beasts
20. Release the nanotoxin
What's the connection between these two characters?
1. Theyve seen it all together
2. He could have left him, but didnt
3. She never actually felt the same way
4. They served together in the war
5. Arch-enemies
6. Once members of same super-team
7. Cop and informant (secretly a supervillains henchman)
8. Mastermind and muscle
9. He knows who she really is underneath
10. Theyre the only ones who can prevent it
11. One created the other
12. Olympic heroes
13. Dated the same person in high school
14. Share a mother, but one is adopted
15. Head of their respective nations
16. Lead scientist and apprentice
17. One witnessed what the other is trying to hide
18. Both in love with the same artificial intelligence
19. Once spent time in swapped bodies/minds
20. They both acted to cover up an awful truth
Science Fiction
What kind of starship is it?
1. Mineral Harvester
2. Medical Barge
3. Colonial Seed Vessel
4. Smugglers Skiff
5. Ero-Celestial Intercourse Craft
6. Hammer of the Emperor, Oenestus XI of Saturn
7. Biotic Bone-Scow
8. Chronofractic Time-Bender
9. Scientific Solar-Foil
10. Gerund-Tanaka Orbital Laboratory N/49
11. Intergalactic Pleasure Boat
12. Escape Survival Skiff
13. StarLeague Xenobiological Exploration Vessel
14. Dark Planet Landing Vessel
15. Royal War-Scourge IX-1
16. Dark Energy Gathering Ship
17. Comet Study Craft
18. Intergalactic Transport
19. Black Hole Reconnaissance Probe
20. Pirate Vessel
The xenomorph is on the ship, but where?
1. Security Drone Locker
2. Brig, cellblock 13-F
3. The only remaining escape pod
4. Medical Lab 2
5. Cryostasis tubes
6. Fuel reserve station
7. Airlock entrance
8. Its on the hull
9. Aft cargo hold
10. Maintenance conduits
11. Zero-point warp nodule
12. Navigation system terminal
13. Electrical systems
14. Water supplies
15. Your respiration scrubber
16. Hydroponic garden
17. Combat/weapons systems
18. In the airduct
19. Inside the Captain
20. In the form of code, stored in a holographic crystal
What kind of anomaly is it?
1. Unstable energy field
2. Impassable null space
3. Cluster of dark matter nodules
4. An ever-expanding white hole
5. Quantum flux
6. Reflective dimensional warp
7. Cosmic acid cloud
8. Combative nano-swarm
9. Antimatter globule storm
10. Pandimensional quasar barrage
11. Living planet
12. Radio signal from another world (in English)
13. Gamma burst
14. Antimatter filament
15. Picotech storm
16. Floating mass of space garbage
17. Unidentified organic matter
18. Tear in the space-time continuum
19. Wall of solar winds
20. Temporal compression
What part of the ship just went dark?
1. Quantum core chamber
2. Photon divergence station
3. Starboard circuitry array
4. Weaponry cockpit
5. Sick bay
6. Fusion torpedo tubes
7. Subspace communications
8. Life support control station
9. Kitchen
10. Observation deck
11. Cargo hold
12. R.V.M. telemanipulation chamber
13. Stingray hangar
14. Botanical gardens
15. Hydro recycling plant
16. FTL generator
17. Shield stabilizer
18. Navigation
19. Elemental spore supply
20. Water purifier
What piece of equipment just malfunctioned?
1. Navigation wave terminal
2. Hazard-con life-suit mask
3. Flux spiral detector
4. Gravity harness
5. Terrestrial bio-filter
6. Magnetic retractors
7. Neural activity monitor
8. Flux grenade
9. Extracellular matrix generator
10. Quantum rifle
11. Phase-shifted quark torpedos
12. Internal surveillance drones
13. Force shield generator
14. Bifurbicating flange
15. Graviton wave console
16. Red matter inhibitor
17. Retroviral pathogen synth-unit
18. Tachyon rifle
19. Vascular webwork scanner
20. Full-spectrum sensor array
Who are the starship passengers?
1. Luxury star-liner guests
2. Criminals in transit
3. Xenobotanists en route to a conference
4. Suicidal members of a Lunar Cult
5. Troupe of interplanetary sideshow freaks
6. The imprisoned diplomats
7. Humanoid cattle bred for meat / replacement organs
8. Galactic shock troops en route to the Naiad Sector
9. Maintenance clones destined for a life of slavery
10. Ambassadors from a race of sentient fungi
11. Children of the Ascendance
12. A team of xenobiologists and their captured creature
13. The collected corpses from the Battle at Zyd
14. Three surviving colonists
15. Board of Directors of Gellberg-Ur GmbH
16. Skingrafted xenomorphs on a mission of mercy
17. Lunar separatists intent on sabotage
18. Biosynthetic constructs posing as emissaries
19. Cryo-frozen colonists fleeing a dying planet
20. Collectors in search of new specimens
What do you find when searching the rubble?
1. The flux-drive that can get me back to Gliese 832
2. Six power cells for my tachyon blaster
3. My real identity and my initial-self agenda
4. A stolen DNA sample worth 1000 nu-yen on the grey market
5. Volatile canister of weaponized quarkgluon plasma
6. Inexplicably, a stream of non-baryonic particles
7. Neural key for Charon-class solar shuttle
8. Nothing but rubble
9. A serviceable communicator
10. A locked coffer with a memory chip
11. It was a nest of rock grub parasites
12. A long-decayed spacer with a cracked facemask
13. The proof that will exonerate me
14. Concrete evidence that the YottaTech Swarm have finally
entered our quadrant
15. Functioning warp generator
16. Schematics for an experimental metaportation webwork
17. Record of first contact with the Phage Legion
18. Globule of dark matter
19. Control codes for entire military sense-net
20. Square meter of adaptive-camo dermal-mesh
What happens when you power up the ancient terminal?
1. All the lights come on and an alarm starts blaring
2. The flickering green LCD displays my name
3. It displays a 23rd-century star chart labeled WORMHOLES
4. Displays a list of unclaimed salvage stored in an abandoned mine
on Deimos
5. Uh, I think I may have launched something
6. The entire facility rumbles for several minutes
7. Low, repeated chanting coming from all around
8. A fine mist sprays from every seam of the room
9. The floor lowers, revealing a tunnel coated with green epoxy
10. Eel-like cables wiggle from the terminal and attach themselves to
the closest persons eyes
11. Surrounding machinery ripples to life and the cameras pivot to
look directly at you
12. A descending tone like a slide whistle, then one single ping
13. A blip of light appears and pulses as you hear the word Identify
14. You are briefly surrounded in a halo of light and feel tingly
15. Nothing, but every keystroke kills someone on the other side of
the planet
16. You suddenly find yourself standing alone in a massive cornfield
17. A light in the sky suddenly becomes very bright, then goes dim
18. The truce with the Shoal Esurient is irrevocably ended
19. The NPCs surrounding you reveal their true alien form
20. You are thrown to the floor with crushing force as the room
accelerates upward
Why do you want to escape?
1. My clone has assumed my identity and I have been selected for
2. The Psi-Wardens know that Im going to kill the System Manager
3. Because if they catch me, theyll wipe my memories again
4. Tomorrow, they cast me into the Oblivion Vortex
5. I signed up for war, not genocide
6. I dont want to know who I really am
7. My shuttle launches tomorrow, and Im a coward
8. The guilty are executed and the innocent are conscripted
9. Hostile natives tried to feed me to a six-meter arthropod
10. Youve triggered an expanding vacuum
11. Because only one of my selves is getting out of here, and this
time, its going to be me
12. There are only three days left until the Last Contraction
13. Id rather face a quick execution than a slow death at the hands
of the Ouroboros
14. That stars going nova in a few days
15. Those star-born monstructs are closing in on your location
16. The Galactic Coadunation put a price on your head
17. If the gravity wells curvature keeps sharpening like that, were
all going to die
18. The local fauna are carnivorous, which I find most objectionable
19. Because the sun is about to rise and kill all life on the planet
20. The Conglomerate is about to deny oxygen to the non-workers
Why do you need to land?
1. Somethings wrong with navigation systems
2. Weird distress signal coming from the planet surface
3. Theyre onto us; we cant hide in the mesosphere forever
4. One more hit and the shields will collapse
5. Venting atmosphere fast
6. This looks like a habitable world
7. Food stores depleted
8. Caught in the gravitational well
9. Deal with mutineers
10. Botched terraforming threatens colonists
11. Have to deliver medicine by midnight
12. Got something eating its way through our hull
13. Artificial gravity has gone haywire
14. Awful ship-borne contagion; no on-board antidote
15. The vessels A.I. made an executive decision
16. She promised shed meet me here
17. Hidden programming written deep in our coding
18. The fight is about to begin
19. That thing just eviscerated Captain Dalvinia, and Im next
20. Conduits are overheating, the ships going to explode
Where did the bounty hunter flee to?
1. A shielded cloak-stash on Naiad
2. The Gellberg-Ur Complex on Wolf 359
3. Some kind of anomaly in the Anansi Sector
4. Into the Hinterlands, outside Coalition space
5. His vessel to recharge
6. Bio-resuscitation ventricles on Gtolk
7. The Birthing Chamber of the Hive Queen
8. Deep inside the mining complex
9. The orbital docking ring
10. Matter Transference Chambers
11. His own memories, via cortical harness
12. Mahalla and her Courtesan chambers
13. Waleis-89, where the Omnivores were deployed
14. The rubble of New Moscow
15. A fusion reactor at the far end of Sprawl City
16. Flesh-Ward Upsilon, in the steamy skin-towers of Mare Imbrium
17. Hasletts Sanctuary, a rogue orbital station for gamblers
18. Martial Grid 4, where skiff pilots conduct combat training
19. Proteus, an identity-scrub facility run by the Phobos Cadre
20. The tentacled Xolus that spat him out six weeks ago
Where are the bodies hidden?
1. Ditch
2. Culvert
3. Dumpster
4. Disguised as mannequins in store
5. Refrigerator
6. 27 shoeboxes in the closet
7. Trunk of car
8. Woods
9. Under that pile of leaves in the backyard
10. Attic
11. Restaurant
12. Shark tank at aquarium
13. Salt mines
14. In the chili
15. Crab bait
16. Under the recently-paved highway
17. Basement of the public school
18. Local cemetery
19. In a refrigerated trailer
20. In plain sight
What's the story behind those scars?
1. Torture
2. Car accident
3. Self-harm
4. Botched surgery
5. Sloppy autopsy
6. Exit wound from parasite
7. Necrotizing fasciitis
8. War injury; shrapnel
9. Ritual decoration
10. Mother
11. Rough sex
12. Bullet holes
13. Obsessive itching
14. Insect larvae
15. You should see the other guy
16. Initiation rite
17. Trepanation
18. It was faster than it looked
19. Sadistic interrogator
20. She spilled the acid
Whats the cryptic clue in anagram form?
1. Dark pixie = Praxidike (goddess of vengeance)
2. Envy my adoring saint = Merovingian dynasty
3. She casts, men are null = Enchantress Malleus (witch-hammer)
4. Moth or innocence = The Necronomicon
5. A nuke vent gust = Tunguska Event (unexplained phenomenon)
6. Lech, speak: he ruins nun cult = Unaussprechlichen Kulten
7. A Nuncio's spoils = Nicolas Poussin ("Et in Arcadia ego")
8. Arcane rite: toss, sift info = Confessio Fraternitatis
9. Pope trial miscues omen = Pauperes Commilitones (Templars)
10. Strands howled = Eltdown Shards
11. Infirm regent ruts = First Interregnum (regency)
12. Casual juries = Julius Caesar
13. I've misery: red mists = De Vermis Mysteriis
14. A Pacific pities, is red = Pfiesteria piscicida
15. A cynical prisoner pit = reptilian conspiracy
16. Until a malign idea = Illuminati agenda
17. Honey wet killing = The King In Yellow
18. Stoned, I calm the air = Chemtrail sedation
19. A tanked-up microbe = pandemic outbreak
20. Parasite eats, ends sins = assassinate president
Why can't you see the entity?
1. Invisible
2. Hiding behind bassinet
3. In the shadows
4. Imaginary
5. Inside someone's belly
6. Locked in a safe
7. Not really there
8. Disguised as human
9. Inside victim of possession
10. Its two-dimensional and sideways
11. It absorbs light
12. Because it ripped your fucking eyes out
13. Vibrating/shifting too fast for the eye to see
14. Its operating one second removed from time
15. It doesnt exist when observed
16. Because the host is still alive
17. Moon isnt full yet
18. Still carving its way out
19. Mother hasnt given birth yet
20. Blindfold
What are his/her vices?
1. Cocaine
2. Enjoys being spanked by nuns
3. Bath salts
4. Arguing GNS theory
5. Breathplay
6. Methoxetamine
7. RealDolls
8. Gambling
9. Talking about Scotch
10. Staging "accidents"
11. Celibacy
12. Vintage erotica forgeries
13. Extreme bigotry
14. Talks like a sailor
15. Searching Internet for things to get offended about
16. Chocolate
17. Jenga
18. Peeping
19. Cyberbullying
20. Plugging Adderall
What euphemism applies at this particular crime scene?
1. Carving pumpkins
2. Clubbing the seal
3. A stain on your tie
4. Time to walk the dog
5. Sugar in the tea
6. Pulling the Jenga block
7. Naked burrito
8. Cave of Polyphemus
9. Cutting onions
10. Smoke the crack pipe
11. The hamster bottle
12. Grinding the gears
13. Putting on the glove
14. Digging for gold
15. Shaking hands with the Bishop
16. Hoeing a row
17. Putting on the sock puppet
18. Release the Kraken
19. A stitch in time
20. Coring the apple
What's changing your memories?
1. Her perfume
2. Ripples from a spell gone wrong
3. Length of chain
4. A poem on her back
5. Nostalgia for things that haven't happened yet
6. His teeth
7. All those zippers
8. Its lambent eyes
9. The aftertaste of something you don't remember eating
10. The man waving from atop the church
11. Cranial trauma
12. The gun to your head
13. Breeding microbes
14. The all-consuming darkness in your soul
15. That damn music
16. The briefcase full of unmarked bills
17. Cognitive dissonance
18. A 7.62x39mm 154-grain jacketed soft point round
19. Electroconvulsive therapy
20. The tentacle in your mouth
What's under your skin?
1. Her
2. A tattoo that won't stay still
3. Nothing
4. My real body
5. Grubs
6. Subdermal jewelry
7. Embedded microchip with the proof
8. Chitin
9. Shattered bones
10. Parasites
11. Tracking device
12. Something itchy
13. Nanotoxins
14. The only known antibodies
15. Metallic implants
16. Bulletproof mesh
17. Staples
18. Pure energy
19. Keratin tumors
20. Iridescent feathers
Who are They, exactly?
1. Cultists
2. Memories
3. Premonitions
4. Harvesters
5. Figments of her imagination
6. Judges
7. The Nails of the Cross
8. Demon-lovers
9. The survivors of Flight 17
10. Crazy folks
11. The first of a new breed
12. Local law enforcement
13. Shadow Wraiths
14. The newly indoctrinated
15. Your neighbors
16. Co-workers
17. The Children
18. The Devourers of Guilt and Fear
19. The audience
20. Mass media
What is the murderer's signature?
1. Vase of preserved black flowers in a prominent location
2. Removes all hair from body
3. Writes a poem
4. Cleans the bathroom
5. Feeds victim posthumously
6. Only kills those that accuse him of lying
7. Sutures the body to resemble a stitched doll
8. Taxidermy
9. Poses body afterwards
10. Takes some of it home
11. Leaves a very earnest written explanation
12. Records audio of whole thing
13. Removes the genitalia
14. Always severs the same section of the spinal column
15. Takes a picture from the dead bodys POV
16. Kills the body he's in, then leaves
17. Unique marinade recipe
18. Sends an obituary to the press
19. A signature
20. Removes the victims left ring finger
What's under the bed?
1. Ammunition
2. Her fingers
3. Manifesto
4. The rest of Grandma
5. Key to safety deposit box
6. The worst kind of porn
7. Placenta
8. Last known photo of him
9. Map showing location of sighting
10. List of things he made her do
11. Ballgag, corkscrew
12. Video cassette labeled NEVER WATCH
13. Dark blood stains and bits of hair
14. An ornately carved wooden box
15. Baseball bat
16. The experiment
17. Collection of antique photos
18. Nothing -- Wait!
19. The family pet
20. Umbilical cord with a grudge
Which part of the body is it?
1. Ovaries
2. Metacarpals
3. Esophagus
4. Hair, braided
5. Seven feet of intestine, perforated
6. Tongue
7. Kidneys (in frying pan)
8. Two square feet of skin
9. Sclera
10. Sweetbreads
11. Eight fingernails
12. Well, it's hard to say
13. Trachea
14. Cerebellum
15. Lumbar vertebrae
16. Cochlea
17. Duodenum
18. Anus
19. Top third
20. Nervous system, coiled
Where did those bites come from?
1. Rabid dog
2. Cannibal
3. Lover
4. Demon
5. Insects
6. Vampire
7. Werewolf
8. Halfbreed
9. Lamprey
10. Self
11. Jackal
12. Mother
13. Piranha
14. Centipede
15. Something in the darkness
16. Zombie
17. Child
18. Black cat
19. Within
20. Meter-long rat
What's this soul worth?
1. Carton of cigarettes
2. Freedom from anguish
3. What do you got?
4. My redemption
5. Wealth and power
6. Best offer
7. The life I deserve
8. His blood on my hands
9. $7.93
10. A cure for her disease
11. Suitcase full of unmarked bills
12. The love of God
13. Nothing; its worthless
14. An exchange for one damned soul
15. 15 minutes of my time
16. All other living beings
17. A goat, a stool, and a milk bucket
18. An eternity of existence
19. One do-over
20. Protection from harm
What will you do to make it stop?
1. Whatever it takes
2. I'll give it back
3. Nothing
4. Sell my soul
5. Finally bury her
6. Eat it
7. Pray
8. Take another dose
9. Kill them all
10. Pay the ransom
11. Go to war
12. Answer the phone
13. Claw the ears from my skull
14. Push the button
15. Earplugs
16. Write a letter to the editor
17. Full frontal lobotomy
18. Open the last door
19. Read the will
20. Burn the eldritch tome
What kind of sanguiphages are swarming from the crypt?
1. A phalanx of armored vampires bent on conquest
2. Seven ear-winged chonchons and their bloodied victim
3. Hairless chartreuse kappas dripping with ichor
4. Owl-winged langsuirs with long dark fingernails
5. Eyeless lamiae with a grudge against sorcerers
6. Red-feathered stryges in search of nest-building material
7. Thumb-biting Ansanbosams in pursuit of a child
8. Crimson-robed keres hunting for priests
9. Murderous sigbin who have escaped their clay prisons
10. Slithering piguchens with a deadly secret
11. A flock of winged peuchens in the service of a demon
12. Legless manananggals, trailing entrails as they swoop
13. Swollen vrykolakas seeking an end to the torment
14. Knife-toothed mandurugos in search of husbands
15. Spectral talamaurs who know where the gold is buried
16. Thirst-enraged strigoi abandoning their refuge
17. Treacherous abchanchus in search of kind-hearted strangers
18. Lonesome leanashes in search of poets to inspire
19. Skinless soucouyants, cocooned in dark flame
20. A family of wurdalaks looking to add to their numbers
What's hanging from the ceiling?
1. Entrails
2. Birthday party streamers
3. Field-dressed deer
4. Bag of curds
5. A noose
6. Bloody chandelier
7. Sticky grey mucus
8. A huge ebon cross
9. Balloons
10. Womens underwear
11. Tufts of insulation
12. Icicles
13. A tattered banner that reads CONGRA
14. Bait
15. Gossamer spiderwebs
16. Mother
17. Everything I ever loved
18. A scythe that whispers secrets
19. The werewolfs skin
20. A glistening trophy
What noise is coming from the other room?
1. Rattling noise; sobbing
2. Clanking
3. Baby crying, loud thud, silence
4. Whimpering
5. Hot sex; sounds like she's going for the prostate
6. Gunshots
7. Flapping wings
8. Talk radio from The Other Side
9. Bed creaking
10. Old people whispering in German
11. The whine of a power drill; screaming
12. Murmured incantation
13. Burbling squirts
14. Scratching of the fingernails of a small rodent or elderly woman
15. Conversational laughter
16. The loud ticking of a large clock
17. Rhythmic heartbeat
18. Face-melting death metal
19. Odd speech: backwards or aphasic
20. Quiet phrase repeated ad infinitum: Please dont come in here.
Why do you love this so much?
1. It tastes so good
2. Because Mother hates it
3. Not sure yet
4. Because I have nothing else
5. Unresolved childhood trauma
6. Because I'm a dirty bird
7. Pain's an aphrodesiac
8. Oral fixation
9. Because its so fleeting
10. Because it hurts the right way
11. roaches roaches roaches
12. Because this is what I deserve
13. It's so naughty
14. Because its what I do best
15. I was programmed this way
16. Because he tells me I do
17. I don't, I swear
18. I havent had it in very long time
19. It reminds me of her/him
20. Because I only get one shot
What kind of monster is it?
1. Asmodevil
2. Beelzebuzz
3. Zombeast
4. Elderly One
5. Fanghoul
6. Girlfiend
7. Glassquatch
8. Manshee
9. Mefisto
10. Mothperson
11. Mutaint
12. Psiclop
13. SpecTroll
14. Spyder
15. Unfamiliar
16. Venus Mantrap
17. Wargoyle
18. Chupacabra
19. Blood warghast
20. Atalus
What part of the zombie story is this?
1. Have a nice trip
2. That one isn't dead
3. Splash damage
4. Friendly fire
5. Door party
6. Too fast to live
7. Do you smell that?
8. They want your brains
9. So... tired...
10. Once bitten
11. En fuego!
12. Roadkill
13. Deviant urges
14. Oh, shit!
15. The slow die first
16. Someones about to freak out
17. Shouldve checked under the car
18. Abandoned house
19. Trip to the mall
20. Supply run
What is casting that shadow?
1. Something big; run!
2. All the bugs
3. Scarecrow
4. It's just a mannequin (probably)
5. Thats no shadow.
6. Something too small for a shadow that size
7. Larry
8. Cathedral
9. Cell phone tower
10. The snowman
11. UFO
12. The Oxford Building
13. Her remains
14. The Faceless Ones
15. His real parents
16. An obelisk etched with instructions
17. A crucified vampire with a note pinned to his chest
18. The entity that only you can see
19. An obsidian castle in a dormant volcano
20. The escaped killer
How do you cure it?
1. It looks like amputations the only way
2. The doctors at the CDC claim to know how its done
3. Theres no cure, but it can be treated
4. A ritualistic summoning of aether-devils
5. You cant, but you can transfer it to an innocent person
6. By reaching down your throat and hauling it out
7. Kill the host by the next full moon
8. Amplified radiation
9. Ingest Brain Larvae and have them extracted out your ear after
they feast
10. Absorbing life essences into an unholy chalice and then invoking
the dark ritual
11. Its burrowed behind your eye, you have 10 seconds and a spoon
12. Coat the meat with salt and sugar (after removing wristwatches
and jewelry)
13. Those tests on living subjects suddenly dont seem so amoral
after all
14. Take one of each pill and hope for the best
15. Kill all the people who make eye contact with you
16. A wooden stake through her heart
17. You must erase your memory, wiping away knowledge of all
youve known and loved
18. Inject it with cancerous cells
19. Fire is the only way
20. Drown yourself and hope they can revive you
How did it escape?
1. A bloodthirsty hybrid devoured the last of the Whateleys
2. Someone read a passage from the Compendium Vilificarum
3. An unsuspecting goatherd opened the Vault of Unpropitious
4. That GSG-9 maritime operations group stormed the wrong oil rig
5. Pretty sure its the archaeologists fault (again)
6. Cultists devoured the last of the Gaol-Watchers
7. It spent eleven years pounding on the door, then finally broke
8. He forgot to padlock the door this time
9. It chewed its way out
10. One of the links in the chain was rusty
11. The last of the wardens has died without heir
12. Everyone assumed it was long since dead
13. Its bones can transform to adapt to incredible positions
14. Slow psychological manipulation of the warden
15. Good (albeit short-lived) behaviour
16. Crazed pack of sympathizers orchestrated a breakout
17. Temporary outage of the shackles that held it
18. It didnt - it just wants us to think it did
19. The sounds were too much for the prison to endure
20. Bartered a deal with one of the guards
Why does he look familiar?
1. Because hes wearing my face
2. Hes the one who killed me the first time
3. They all look familiar now
4. I saw his face in a 17th-century woodcut
5. Because I buried him two years ago
6. He was there when the killing started
7. Because he is a Familiar
8. For starters, hes wearing Mothers wedding gown
9. He was the last one you saw before losing consciousness
10. Hes wearing a lime green cravat
11. He is the one from the security monitors
12. The scent of lilacs wafts as he passes
13. He was on the jury
14. Because hes used this face before
15. In my dreams, hes the one who cuts me
16. We exorcised his demon a year ago today
17. Because hes a doppelgnger
18. Ive seen him in old newspaper clippings
19. I saw him just before he was murdered
20. Because hes who I want to see
What is in that hole?
1. Her unquiet remains, scuttling and mewling
2. A key, which opens doors that should remain closed
3. Pear of Anguish, recently used
4. Half of the man that I used to love
5. Ixtab, Mayan suicide goddess
6. Bloodthirsty kittens
7. Something covered in quicklime and bodily fluids
8. A single microbe with an agenda
9. Photo of you, asleep, in bed
10. Broken vial that contained antidote
11. Severed head of vital NPC
12. Dozens of brown recluse spiders
13. Instructions: what to do with catheter
14. The specimen, wrapped in newspaper
15. Suicide note in your own hand
16. Occult symbol etched into wooden cross
17. Detonator, map, passport
18. Missing pages from eldritch tome
19. Groceries, receipt, fetus
20. Dagger of Nyctophon, which enshrouds victim in darkness
What was that sound?
1. The beginning of the end
2. Starving tapeworms chewing their way out
3. Shrill screams of a man in pure agony
4. Something large nudging a truck out of the way
5. The blast wave from an explosive air burst
6. Civilians begging the firing squad for mercy
7. Children laughing, a cat yowling, a lawnmower starting
8. A nurse with multifaceted eyes and a straitjacket
9. The screech of metal on metal, then a loud bang
10. A radio tuned to a long-dead radio station
11. The steady beat of approaching footsteps
12. Drumming matching the beat of your heart
13. Clicking footsteps on a marble tiled floor
14. A dirge played from the throats of a dusty pipe organ
15. The machinery is starting up again
16. Ten thousand fleas cascading across the linoleum
17. A lunatics laughter
18. Something wet being dragged across the floor
19. The sizzle of acid on someones tongue
20. The rumbling of the earth cracking open
What's in the suitcase that's worth $10,000 USD?
1. A serial killers self-portrait
2. Unregistered bearer bonds
3. 800,000
4. Consent forms for experimental drug trial
5. Heckler & Koch PSG1A1
6. Black velvet bag full of rough emeralds
7. Half-pound of medical marijuana
8. 60,000 yuan
9. A new identity and matching passport
10. The codicil that amends his last will and testament
11. 1,500,000 nairas
12. An SD card with her GPS coordinates
13. 15 kilograms of kopi luwak
14. The list of jurors' names and addresses
15. 6,000
16. Christian Louboutin Crimson 160 spiked patent-leather pumps
17. 400 grams of ambergris
18. 120,000 pesos
19. Human kidney
20. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy
What is the unit's primary objective?
1. Rescue the VIPs and escort them to safety
2. Pull wounded soldier out of combat
3. Collapse current task and return to base
4. Disable anti-aircraft battery
5. Assassinate the Prime Minister
6. Proceed through the railway tunnels
7. Demolish entrenched enemy vehicles
8. Protect the hazmat team from hostiles
9. Neutralize the rebels and rescue the hostages
10. Secure a landing zone for the team
11. Disarm the bomb and evacuate civilians
12. Rig the charges and destroy the bridge
13. Clear the area of enemy troops
14. Demolish the hangar and all vehicles
15. Sabotage the enemy's communications network
16. Locate weapons of mass destruction
17. Plant evidence implicating enemy operatives
18. Recover intel confirming terrorist plot
19. Plant "false-flag" information to deceive UN team
20. Blow up the dam, flooding the valley below
21. Neutralize the leader of the enemy forces
What are her areas of expertise?
1. Systema, Languages, and Forensic Pathology
2. Interrogation, Safecracking, and Tracking
3. Capoeira, Surveillance, and Anthropology
4. Religion, Cults, Research, and Forgery
5. Escape, Demolitions, and Disguise
6. Sociology, History, and Archaeology
7. Running, Swimming, and Muay Thai
8. Helicopter Piloting, Athletics, and Heavy Weapons
9. Demonology, Cryptids, and Astrology
10. Acrobatics, Savate, and Shotguns
11. Pistols, Surgery, and Pharmacology
12. Motorcycles, Chemistry, and Botany
13. Mathematics, Astronomy, and Geology
14. Boxing, Revolvers, and Computer Hacking
15. Bladed Weapons, Stealth, and Cryptography
16. Photography, Intimidation, and Aikido
17. Submachine Guns, Impersonation, and Gambling
18. Journalism, Law, Politics, and Etiquette
19. Epidemiology, Alchemy, and Vampirism
20. Gymnastics, Wrestling, and Archery
What does it smell like?
1. Burned coffee
2. Cut grass
3. Incense
4. Expired milk
5. Onions
6. Fresh strawberries
7. Cat urine
8. Rotten eggs
9. Sweat
10. Fish
11. Exhaust
12. Cigar smoke
13. Bleach
14. Overripe oranges
15. Old socks
16. Gasoline
17. Cinnamon
18. Honeysuckle
19. An earthen cellar
20. Death
What types of insects are in the room?
1. Bees
2. Moths
3. Beetles
4. Ants
5. Wasps
6. Praying Mantis
7. Ladybugs
8. Roaches
9. Aphids
10. Dragonflies
11. Horse flies
12. TseTse flies
13. Mosquitoes
14. Locusts
15. Earwigs
16. Crickets
17. Ticks
18. Bottle flies
19. Sand fleas
20. Bed bugs
Whats in the swimming pool?
1. SD card wrapped in plastic; contains the files
2. Old Polaroid; its her, and shes doing it again
3. Body of Cartel assassin
4. A pack of playing cards and a ransom note
5. The car, but the laptops not in the back seat
6. Plastic cups, a party hat, that stripper
7. Burmese Python
8. A few inflatable chairs covered in a dark, sticky liquid
9. Unopened beer cans
10. What looks like an albino flamingo
11. A thin layer of ice
12. Meat... lots of meat
13. $45,000 in tens and twenties, packed in bubble-wrap
14. Hundreds of rats
15. A rosary, a kukri knife, and a bottle of sangria
16. Kalashnikov with 75-round drum magazine
17. Syringe loaded with SP-117
18. Her diary; last two pages are missing
19. Six kilos of black tar heroin
20. The company ledger
What kind of liquid is in that bottle?
1. Isopropyl rubbing alcohol
2. Bourbon
3. Cough syrup
4. Chloroform
5. Indigo ink
6. Lemon juice
7. Cerebrospinal fluid
8. Emesis
9. Olive oil
10. Holy water
11. 20 year old Scotch
12. Cherry Flavor Aid
13. Diet soda
14. Saliva
15. Rainwater
16. Coconut milk
17. Maple syrup
18. Nitrogen
19. Insulin
20. Nectar
What's the agent's call sign?
1. Hellion
2. Null
3. Deadbolt
4. Void
5. Dirge
6. Rivet
7. Salvo
8. Rook
9. Matador
10. Omen
11. Detox
12. Tracer
13. Anvil
14. Casket
15. Unsub
16. Socket
17. Flatline
18. Shade
19. Claymore
20. Chaos
What's the unsuspecting sentry saying into his radio?
1. Roger, command. Kilo Five mobile around wire.
2. Command, this is Anvil One. Area secure.
3. Roger that, Command. Ready to engage.
4. Lima Nine to forward operating base, no visual.
5. Negative, Command. The area remains clear.
6. Area clear, no sign of hostiles on the ground.
7. Copy that, command. Kenya Six collapsing current task.
8. Understood, cleared for direct action.
9. Negative contact with enemy forces.
10. Orders confirmed. Easy Five ready for interdiction.
11. Command, this is Uniform Three. No contact.
12. Anvil Three, no visual on hostile forces.
13. Perimeter integrity verified, zero contact.
14. All clear, no sign of hostile activity.
15. Understood, Command. Falcon Eight ready for interdiction.
16. Acknowledged, updating threat-con parameters.
17. Command, this is Easy Five. No visual contact.
18. Copy that, initiating electronic countermeasures.
19. Roger that, command. Echo Seven collapsing current task.
20. Negative contact on hostile forces. Repeat, no joy.
What kind of magic is it?
1. Ursine
2. Amphetamine
3. Electrovascular
4. Elemental
5. Retromantic
6. Sex
7. Cryo-Muscular
8. Black (Earth)
9. White (Death)
10. Red (Life)
11. Knife
12. Necrotic
13. Telemorphic
14. Fate Manipulation
15. Nano-Mutative
16. Unborn
17. Pornographic
18. Arcane
19. Street
20. Irreversible
Whats the name of this secret society?
1. The Carbonari
2. Damascus Inumbrates
3. Order of the Melisma
4. Children of the Hecatomb
5. Sangromancers
6. Guild of Paragons
7. The Olamic Ones
8. Knights of the Sybil
9. The Dioscuri
10. Moerae of the Incarnate
11. Sub Terra, Sum Wyrm
12. P.I.C.A.
13. Grey Wolves
14. The Sinful Seven
15. The Tech Belts
16. Glitterati
17. The Daemons
18. Sons of Stratos
19. Children of the First
20. The Toreros
What's your secret?
1. Two hours remaining
2. Minor drug problem
3. Seeking refuge from the law
4. Knows where the map leads to
5. Got a guilty conscience
6. Knows who really assassinated the president
7. Just one bullet left
8. Going to take slow revenge when the time comes
9. Have to get to the border
10. Not sure of actual identity
11. Had plastic surgery to look like someone else
12. Embarrassing fetish
13. Undocumented immigrant
14. Homeless
15. Saw where they buried the body
16. Actually a Paramilitary Operations Officers with SAD/SOG
17. Recently excommunicated
18. A political extremist
19. See, there's this tiny casket
20. Will never die
Where is it all going down tonight?
1. Lucky Panda Toy Factory, loading dock
2. The Uncanny Valley, a gentlemens club
3. Mason Burke Hospital for the Criminally Insane
4. Parking garage under FBI District Office
5. Charmin' Garland Gardens at Carmen Macfarland's Karma Farm
6. Shore Drive Marina, Pier C
7. Shiffletts Whole-Hog Pit-Cooked BBQ
8. Headquarters of the Colonial Heritage Federation
9. Beneath the I-44 overpass, near the mattresses
10. Man Ray Club Technica
11. The server rooms in the Albus Building
12. West Tennessee State Penitentary
13. Kings Mortuary and Funeral Home
14. Chemical weapons production facility; Nuchonri, North Korea
15. Graceful Expressions Dance Studio
16. The electronics bin at the Multi-Material Recycling Facility
(behind the landfill)
17. Ammunition depot at Fort Drummond Army Base
18. Baggage claim conveyor belt, Sheremetyevo International
Airport, Moscow
19. The crime scene where they found the bodies
20. Boardroom of the CIA headquarters at Langley
Whose fingerprints are all over the place?
1. Angel Guerrero, district attorney
2. Michelle Haegen, Senator Marten's campaign manager
3. T-Virus, bag man for the Toltec Posse
4. Angela "Python" Murray, prostitute
5. Belinda Calendri, COMSUBIN Raider and occultist
6. Jonathan Giltan, beat cop and Cartel informant
7. Susan Chapman, cheerleader and sociopath
8. William Rudiger, neurologist
9. Trevor Quinlan, cult leader
10. Sister Jeanine, nun at St. Michaels
11. Zurina Cristobal, violent amnesiac
12. Stefan Papandreou, private investigator
13. Roger MacKinnon, WHINSEC instructor
14. Kerstin Eriksson, forensic pathologist
15. Enrique Supercabra Gonzales, luchador
16. Paulina Dlugosz, angel investor
17. Haimati Kistna, Interpol agent
18. Abban Connor, Real IRA demolitions expert
19. Gustavo Montoya, taxi driver
20. Eustice Clavender, disfunctional emo schoolkid.
What's in the duffel bag?
1. Bolt cutters and a flashlight
2. Fake ID: Andrea Towles, CDC Investigator
3. Fingerprint kit and $400 in twenties
4. Map of sewer system and a filtration mask
5. Police uniform and M1911A1 pistol
6. Three-piece suit and designer dress
7. Map revealing location of Paul Kruger's buried gold
8. Army camo and Dragunov rifle
9. Flak jacket and night vision goggles
10. Ledger with Cartel payments and DEA bribes
11. Keys to bulletproofed sedan in parking garage
12. Highway flare, duct tape, kukri knife
13. Five thousand in unmarked bills
14. Yellowing Polaroids of various officials in flagrante delicto
15. A black ski mask and a pair of black latex gloves
16. A smoke grenade and a military entrenching tool
17. A hand-held controller with a red button on it
18. Huge cords of nylon rope and some carabiners
19. Stacks of flyers to a local rock concert and a bottle of quaaludes
20. A small canister of oxygen and a nasal cannula
What kind of vehicle did you just steal?
1. Mid-size luxury sedan that smells of pipe smoke
2. God damn self-driving car that won't let me steer
3. That NSA surveillance van; now we'll see who's in charge
4. Customized sport bike with rebuilt frame and upright handlebars
5. Truck; but you pulled away from the gas station too fast and ripped
the nozzle out, and now the hose is scraping the ground, leaking gas
6. Bulletproof sedan; there's a loaded .45 under the seat
7. Dented pickup with a hundred thousand on the odometer
8. Ambulance with screaming meth-head strapped to gurney
9. Police cruiser; lights still flashing, but no siren
10. Bright red convertible; the tops down and theres a bag of hash in
the glove box
11. Monster truck with expired inspection sticker
12. Limousine; opaque window is up, no idea who's in the back
13. Jeep that reeks of patchouli and marijuana
14. Minivan that wobbles hard when you get over 40mph (65kph)
15. Sports car, blaring dubstep, and you can't find the volume
16. Cement mixer with discharge chute down and cement spraying
17. Halftrack with a .50 cal on top, and a box of armor-piercing ammo
18. Compact car with a load of groceries in the back seat
19. Some hipster's fixed-gear bike with bright green handlebars
20. Hearse with corpse in the back
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1. Roll a twenty-sided die
2. Scream, "No, not Black Leaf!"
3. ???????
4. Profit
- The Sentinels