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Math Lesson Plan Template: Name: Sarah Fitzgerald

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Name: Sarah Fitzgerald

Math Lesson Plan Template

Course & topic addressed: Assessment and Choice Date: 4/19/17 Grade: 3

Learning objective/s associated with the content standard for this lesson
Specific learning objectives for
this lesson. TSWBAT explore different geometric shapes by creating designs on their geoboards

TSWBAT determine the parallel and perpendicular lines of a shape by creating designs on their

TSWBAT complete a formal unit assessment by using prior knowledge of information in previous

Describe the connection to In second grade and the previous lessons, students should have learned how to:
previous lessons. (Prior knowledge Recognize and name parts of two and three dimensional shapes such as sides, faces, edges, and
of students this builds upon)
Represent division facts by using equal sharing and forming equal groups
Identify, describe, create, complete, and extend simple number patterns involving addition and
subtraction or arrays of objects
Use number sense properties to find values for the unknowns that make the number sentences
Analyze characteristics and properties of two and three dimensional geometric shapes

State-adopted Academic Content Standards/Benchmarks

List the state academic content
standards/benchmarks with which Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving multiplication and division, including
this lesson is aligned (the overall both how many in each group and how many groups division problems.
target of student learning). Include
state abbreviation and number & text
of the benchmarks. If only a portion
of a benchmark is addressed, then list
Order and compare unit fractions and fractions with like denominators by using models and an
understanding of the concept of numerator and denominator.
only that portion.
Create, describe, and apply single-operation input-output rules involving addition, subtraction,
and multiplication to solve problems in various contexts.
Use multiplication and division basic facts to represent a given problem situation using a number
sentence. Use number sense and multiplication and division basic facts to find values for the
unknowns that make the number sentences true.
Identify parallel and perpendicular lines in various contexts, and use them to describe and create
geometric shapes, such as right triangles, rectangles, parallelograms, and trapezoids

Academic Language Support and Objectives

What planned instructional supports might you use to
assist students to understand key academic language to
Students will compare and contrast different geometric shapes by creating
express and develop their content learning?
Write your academic language objectives here. Be sure to different designs/shapes on their geoboards and talking to the teacher the
include the function and specific vocabulary that you different characteristics of each. They will be using academic language such
want the students to learn AND use. as parallel lines, perpendicular lines, line of symmetry, etc.
(Function word choice: Categorize, Compare/contrast,
describe, interpret or justify) Students will complete a unit assessment and justify their answers by using
prior knowledge and writing down on a worksheet how they came up with
their answer. They will be using language such as greater than, less than,
input, output, multiplication, division, parallel lines, etc.

Materials needed by teacher Exploration 1:
for this lesson. Geoboards
Rubber Bands
Exploration 2: Assessment
Assessment Worksheet
Exploration 3:
Pattern Blocks
Materials needed by students Exploration 1:
for this lesson. N/A
Exploration 2:
Exploration 3:

Procedure with Lesson Timeline and Instructional Strategies & Learning Tasks (This should be VERY DETAILED).You may not
do 3 different activities which is fine or if you do more than 3 please add that space into your plan.
Amount Teaching & Learning Activities Describe what YOU (teacher) will be doing and/or what STUDENTS will be doing
of Time during this part of the lesson.
Orientation/Engagement/Motivation For our opening activity, we will be completing a perimeter number talk.
I will be showing the students a picture of a shape with the lengths written on each
side except for one.

What do you think the missing side is?

Why do you think so?
What is the total perimeter of the object once we find the value of the missing

Exploration #1 For our first activity, we will be completing an activity on the geoboards since we
were not able to complete it on Monday. We will be going over different
geometrical terms while completing different shapes on the boards.
Amount Teaching & Learning Activities Describe what YOU (teacher) will be doing and/or what STUDENTS will be doing
of Time during this part of the lesson.
Before we begin with our geoboard activity, we are going to go around in a circle
15 and I want each of you to name off a rule that you think we need to follow when
minutes working with these geoboards. Dont fling rubber bands, only create what I
tell you to, etc.

I will be flashing you guys a card with a design on it and I want you to create it on
your board just like how it looks in the picture.

1) What shapes are shown with this design? square and rectangle
Does someone want to show me where they think a pair of parallel lines
What about perpendicular lines?

2) What different shapes do we see within this design? triangles

How many triangles are there altogether? 3
Does anyone know what a line of symmetry means?
How would we be able to fold this design in half so it looks exactly the
same on both sides?

3) Where is the set of parallel lines within this design? How do you know?
Why arent these two lines parallel?
Where would the line of symmetry be located in this design?

4) Use 2 separate rubber bands to create this one since it is larger.

What shape is this design made up of if you look closely and pretend like
the line of rubber bands going down the middle isnt there? squares
How many squares total? 5

5) What is different about this design?

Where would the set of parallel lines be in this design?
What does this set of parallel lines tell you about parallel lines in
general? that lines dont have to be the same length to be parallel

6) Does anyone know what the shape we made is called? pentagon

How do you know? 5 sides
Amount Teaching & Learning Activities Describe what YOU (teacher) will be doing and/or what STUDENTS will be doing
of Time during this part of the lesson.
Where is the set of perpendicular lines in this design?

Exploration #2 The last activity of our time together will be the overall formal assessment of all of
our lessons throughout the semester.
20 I will be having the students complete a number of different problems that we have
minutes covered throughout all of the different lessons.
Every problem they see on the assessment should look familiar to them from the
time we covered before.

In order for me to see everything you guys have learned from all of our weeks
together, you will be completing an assessment with different problems on it from
each lesson we have completed together as a group.
I want you guys to try your best and really think back to all of the different helpful
hints and tips we learned about each topic.
Keep your eyes on your own paper and if you have any questions, dont be afraid
to ask me.
After you finish up, we will do something fun for all of your hardwork.

I will then give the students time to work on the assessment and I will float around
to answer any questions the students may have.

Exploration #3 Since I dont know how much time the assessment will take for each student, I
However promised the students that on the last day we are together, they could do something
much fun with the pattern blocks or whiteboards.
time is
left As each student finishes up with their test, I will be giving them a choice to build
with pattern blocks or draw on the whiteboards.

After everyone is finished with the assessment, we will play a game of hangman on
my whiteboard.
Amount Teaching & Learning Activities Describe what YOU (teacher) will be doing and/or what STUDENTS will be doing
of Time during this part of the lesson.

Closure: Overall, how do you think the assessment went?

Do you remember learning all of the things that were included in the
What was the hardest part?

I will then close by saying how happy I am that I got to teach my students
throughout the semester. I will ask what each of their favorite lessons was and why.

Accommodations and Modifications

How might I differentiate Exploration 1: If this activity were too difficult for students, I would stick to having the
instruction for the range of students make simple shapes with one rubber band. As an extension to this activity, I would
learners? have students complete the Decomposing on the Geoboard activity in which they divide the
design on their geoboards into an equal number of a certain shape.
Extensions and enrichment:
Exploration 2: As an extension to the assessment, I would go through and correct each
Additional supports: students assessment. I would then take into consideration all of the problems that seemed to
be missed the most and I would recover or reteach these topics in other units in which they
could be intertwined.

Assessments: Informal and/or Formal used for this lesson.

Describe the tools/procedures that Informal / Formal I will be assessing exploration 1 by checking evidence of
will be used in this lesson to monitor understanding and listening to each student answer the questions I
students learning of the lesson ask after creating each design on the geoboard. Do they
objective/s (include type of understand the concept of parallel and perpendicular lines? Can
assessment & what is assessed). they correctly name different shapes?
Informal / Formal I will be assessing exploration 2 by grading each assessment one-
by-one and seeing what each student has learned throughout the
Research/Theories Applied
(Identify theories or research that The first research theory my lesson plan focuses on is Vygotskys Zone of Proximal Development. The Zone of
supports the approach you used. Proximal Development is the distance between a students ability to perform a task under adult guidance and the
students ability to solve problems independently. This is exhibited within my lesson plan because the students
are first learning through a geoboard activity in which I am leading the lesson and guiding them through each
problem. The students will then complete a formal assessment alone in which they will be using this knowledge
to solve problems independently. These different learning techniques helps students play an active role in
learning. The next theory that supports my lesson plan is Blooms Taxonomy. This is because my lesson plan
and the activities within it encourage students to exhibit higher-level thinking. This last lesson plan which
incorporates a formal assessment with information from all of our lessons combined is a great way for student to
remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, and create information and data. Not only this, but all of these
different verbs have helped make my students become doers of mathematics. Throughout this lesson plan, my
students will be taking math ideas to the next level by connecting to previous material and using prior knowledge
to respond to information and make formal responses.

Lesson Reflection/Evaluation
Analyze the lesson for: Overall, it was very bittersweet leaving my students today. I cant believe how attached I became to my students
What went well and why: after just a few times of meeting with them and doing lessons. I cant imagine what its like leaving your students
What changes could or should be after an entire school year. The students really enjoyed working with the geoboards today and I couldnt believe
made? how much knowledge they already knew about parallel lines, perpendicular lines, and right angles. One of my
How will I use assessment data for next students would get very upset and anxious if she couldnt get a design correct right away on her geoboard. I told her
steps? that its okay if we dont get it perfect, as long as we just try our best to create the shape. After the geoboard activity,
my students completed the formal assessment. I told them right away in the beginning that all of the problems are
topics that we have talked about throughout our lessons so nothing should be a surprise. I think the assessment went
very well for the students. The trickiest part for them was the variable question that involved division. I tried my
best to help explain it to them in a way that wouldnt reveal the answer, but instead help them in the process of
figuring out the answer. I am very pleased with the results of my assessment and am so happy that my students
learned many different things from our time together. At the end of our lesson, we all played a math hangman game
to end our time together. Even the teacher played with us which made it so much fun. This was such an amazing
experience and it makes me so excited to teach math in my own classroom. Thank you!!

Include supporting material such as slides of problems, copy of textbook problems, handouts for any activities students will be using
as part of your lesson.
Formal Lesson Assessment Name:

Answer each of the questions to the best of your ability. Use the space provided to show your work for each

1) Mrs. Smiths class is going to the zoo. Her class has 30 students in it. You can fit 4 students into a van.
How many vans are needed so that all students are able to go to the zoo?

2) Fill in the blanks.

Input Output
2 6
3 9
5 ___
6 ___
___ 24

Rule: _________

3) What is the variable?

a.) x + 9 = 23
x = ______

b.) 5=p3
p = ______

c.) a b = 24
a = ______ b = ______

4) Circle which fraction is larger.

a.) 2/3 or 3/6

b.) 1/4 or 2/6

5) Circle the set of parallel lines in this shape.

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