Lesson/Unit Plan Title: Set Goals
Lesson/Unit Plan Title: Set Goals
Lesson/Unit Plan Title: Set Goals
Set Goals
Time Required:
Draw, construct and
describe geometrical
figures and describe the
relationships between
Solve real-life and
mathematical problems
involving angle measure,
area, surface area, and
Understand congruence and
similarity using physical
models, transparencies, or
geometry software.
Understand and apply the
Pythagorean theorem.
Solve real-world and
mathematical problems
involving volume of cylinders,
cones and spheres.
Grade Level/Audience:
Reatha Harrison
Pre-req: some basic geometry for
this lesson/module
Grades 7 to 8
2. Draw (freehand, with
ruler and protractor, and
with technology)
geometric shapes with
given conditions. Focus on
constructing triangles
from three measures of
angles or sides, noticing
when the conditions
determine a unique
triangle, more than one
triangle, or no triangle.
3. Describe the twodimensional figures that
result from slicing three
dimensional figures, as in
plane sections of right
rectangular prisms and
right rectangular
pyramids. Solve real-life
and mathematical
problems involving angle
measure, area, surface
area, and volume.
4. Know the formulas for
the area and
circumference of a circle
and use them to solve
problems; give an
informal derivation of the
relationship between the
Why students do
need to understand
geometry terms and
what cartesian
coordinates are and
their importance in
engineering design.
Dispositions or Attitudes
Basic geometry
Teamwork and
brainstorming as a class,
in smaller groups and as
2D and 3D printing
Presentation to Peers
between 2D (X,Y
plotting) and 3D
space (X, Y, Z
plotting). 4D will
include the dimension
of Time.
Choice in product
approach, development
and design higher order
Analyze Status
1. Analyze
learners (List
at least 3
different kinds
of learners)
2. PreAssessment
(How will you
determine what
learners know
before lesson?)
Gifted Learners
Autistic Learners
ADD/ADHD Learners
International/Cultural Learners
*In this section I would break down learning requirements for each special needs student in
my class and include IEP/504 provisions. I would also brainstorm what accommodations I
would need for each and how they can collaborate with classmates.
First 2-4 days: Review of geometry terms and acquaintance to CAD web2.0 program
Write CAD terms and students identify them to check for understanding
Groupwork: any terms not known will be looked up and presented to the class the next day
Observe students as they work in groups. Notice which students need assistance or seem lost.
Make a note of who each student is and set aside a time to check in with each of these
Create an observation checklist of things to watch for when students are completing exercises
in a group.
Pay close attention to student thinking during discussions before and after an activity.
3. What will
Process, or
4. How will
For all students: A routine will be established at the beginning of the school year (first 2
modules) for protocol on learning vocabulary, concept understanding (demonstration,
formative assessments) and summative assessments (project-based assignments). Be sure
directions are clearly understood by all students before moving through each step. Check for
understanding during each activity before they begin and while they work. Formative
assignments should show weak areas. One-on-one instructions will take place when required.
Use methods such as examples/non-examples, jigsaw, think-pair-share, etc Consideration
will be given to student comfort level with the goal of students feeling slightly uncomfortable
but not stressed, unless IEP or 504 directs otherwise.
Gifted look for gifted students to take on the lead role in groups, but check for student
comfort levels. If students take over in groups, redirect by allowing them to develop future
lessons or allow them to investigate more complex CAD work (assembly drawings).
Autistic Know 504 or IEP parameters. Check for comfort levels on assignments to
determine if they should work on their own or in groups. The object is not to stress students.
By this point, a routine for assignments will be in place so students know what to expect.
Possibly shorten tasks and assignments if they show that they understand concept
ADHD This Web2.0 approach should keep the ADD/ADHD students busy. Allow students to
work between groups if they need to move around. Teach ways to stay on task with each
section of the module.
International/cultural be sure students feel safe and secure in class. During first module,
classes should focus on fairness and teamwork. Mix students within groups to help them build
EL skills if needed.
Readiness: Will assign CAD projects based on ability. One-on-one instruction will be
important for those who are not staying on task for whatever reason. Generally, these
sessions are performed in open lab and during class time.
Interest: Rubric will have basic parameters so they are allowed to create a unique project
that they will enjoy making and displaying. Each will be different.
Multiple Intelligence profile:
Visual Learners one way to assist visual learners with this lesson is to use the actual objects
mentioned in the lesson. Where there is a point, line or plane mentioned, demonstrate an
actual point, line or plane. This will also assist students with special needs in making a
Apply Status
(Give learners options for
acquiring information)
1. Identify
UDL Methods
and Materials
Engagement (Process)
(Tap into learner interest, need
for challenge, and motivation)
2. PostAssessment
(How will you
learners and
success of
3. Websites
Used in this