Manhattan College Education Department Lesson Plan Template
Manhattan College Education Department Lesson Plan Template
Manhattan College Education Department Lesson Plan Template
Education Department
Instructions for the student: Use the following categories for each lesson plan you create.
1. Heading
Central Focus: Students will know that an equation is used to solve a word problem. Students will know
how to solve one-step and then learn two step equations and then multi-step equations. Errors are
common to be made and that’s why we strongly ask students to check their work just to be clear of any
mistakes being made.
2. Essential Question(s):
Why do we use equations to solve problems?
Why do you perform operations on both sides of an equation?
How can we check the solutions to solving an equation?
3. Standards:
7.EE.3: Solve multi-step real-life and mathematical problems posed with positive and
negative rational numbers in any form (whole numbers, fractions, and decimals), using
tools strategically. Apply properties of operations to calculate with numbers in any form;
convert between forms as appropriate; and assess the reasonableness of answers using
mental computation and estimation strategies.
Now that students have learned between both one-step and two-step equations. For as the assignment,
we will go over the answers to the previous homework to build our knowledge with these two-step
Date____________________________________________________ Grade________
1.) 2x + 4 = 12 2.) 4x + 8 = 16
3.) 6x + 5 = 47 4.) 3 + 5x = 3
5.) 6x + 2 = 74 6.) 6x + 9 = 15
7.) 6x + 9 = 75 8.) 8 + 6x = 26
9.) 5x + 3 = 53 10.) 7x + 5 = 54
11.) 7 + 2x = 23 12.) 10 + 7x = 45
Students need to understand that performing an Students will be informally assessed through
operation on one side of the equation means the problem set and exit ticket on their
performing the same operation on the other side, as accuracy, ability to explain along with their
well. explanation.
Students will develop fluency with creating Students will be informally assessed on their
expressions and turning into an equation and checking automaticity when determining if a number is a
to see if the equation made is true. solution to an equation.
8. Academic Language: Provide components of language that students need to learn and use in specific
content areas. Teachers need to consider:
Language functions (analyze, interpret, argue, compare, identify):
Syntax (e.g. sentences, graphs, and tables):
Discourse (oral and written language):
9. Procedure: Include an estimate of how much time you will allot for each phase below:
10. Follow up: What comes next to reinforce the lesson (HW or supplemental instruction).
11. Materials: (items, technology, etc.)
12. References and Resources Used for Planning: Cite (APA style) sources, texts, lesson plans used
Common Math Errors. (n.d.). Retrieved November 11, 2020, from
Equation Vocabulary; Patterns, Functions, and Algebra; 6. (n.d.). Retrieved November 12, 2020,
13. Mechanics: Review the lesson plan for spelling, punctuation and grammar errors.