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Admixtures for |
concrete, mortar and |
grout Test methods |
Part 11: Determination of air void |
characteristics in hardened concrete |
The European Standard EN 480-11:1998 has the status of a |
British Standard |
ICS 91.100.30 |
BS EN 480-11:1999

National foreword
This part of BS EN 480 has been prepared by Subcommittee B/517/3 and is the
English language version of EN 480-11:1998, Admixtures for concrete, mortar and
grout Test methods Part 11: Determination of air void characteristics in
hardened concrete, published by the European Committee for Standardization
A list of organizations represented on this subcommittee can be obtained on request
to its secretary.
This standard is part of a package of standards comprising BS EN 480 Parts 1, 2, 4,
5, 6, 8, 10, 11 and 12, and BS EN 934 Parts 2 and 6. When all the standards in this
package have been published, BS 5075 Parts 1, 2 and 3 will be amended by deleting
all the clauses that conflict with the package.
This standard has been prepared to provide a method to test air entraining
admixtures for concrete for conformity to BS EN 943-2. It may find wider use to
provide data on the air void spacing in air entrained concrete. The method is not
used for testing air entraining/plasticizing admixtures for mortar covered by
prEN 934-3.
The UK has drawn the attention of CEN to some errors that have been corrected in
this English language version.
The British Standards which implement international or European publications
referred to in this document may be found in the BSI Standards Catalogue under the
section entitled International Standards Correspondence Index, or by using the
Find facility of the BSI Standards Electronic Catalogue.
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, the EN title page,
pages 2 to 12, an inside back cover and a back cover.

This British Standard, having Amendments issued since publication

been prepared under the
direction of the Sector Amd. No. Date Text affected
Committee for Building and Civil
Engineering, was published under
the authority of the Standards
Committee and comes into effect
on 15 February 1999

BSI 02-1999

ISBN 0 580 30794 8


ICS 91.100.10; 91.100.30

Descriptors: construction materials, concrete, hardened concrete, mortars: material, grouting, concrete admixtures, tests, characteristics,
void fractions, air

English version

Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout Test methods

Part 11: Determination of air void characteristics
in hardened concrete

Adjuvants pour betons, mortiers et coulis Zusatzmittel fur Beton, Mortel und
Methodes d'essais Einpremortel Prufverfahren
Partie 11: Determination des caracteristiques des Teil 11: Bestimmung von Luftporenkennwerten in
vides d'air dans le beton durci Festbeton

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 16 October 1997.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical
references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to
the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the
same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and
United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comite Europeen de Normalisation
Europaisches Komitee fur Normung

Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

1998 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national
Ref. No. EN 480-11:1998 E
Page 2
EN 480-11:1998

Foreword Page
7 Microscopical procedure 6
This European Standard has been prepared by
Technical Committee CEN/TC 104, Concrete 7.1 Basic procedure 6
(performance, production, placing and compliance 7.2 Values recorded 6
criteria), the Secretariat of which is held by DIN.
8 Calculations 7
This European Standard shall be given the status of a
national standard, either by publication of an identical 8.1 Data obtained 7
text or by endorsement, at the latest by April 1999, and 8.2 Total traverse length 7
conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at 8.3 Total air content 7
the latest by April 1999.
8.4 Total number of chords measured 7
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations,
the national standards organizations of the following 8.5 Specific surface of the air 7
countries are bound to implement this European 8.6 Paste: air ratio 7
Standard: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, 8.7 Spacing factor 7
Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, 8.8 Micro-air content 7
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. 8.9 Air void distribution 7
8.9.1 Basis of calculation 7
8.9.2 Calculation of chord frequency 7
8.9.3 Calculation of void frequency 8
8.9.4 Calculation of void distribution 8
Page 8.9.5 Calculation of air content 8
Foreword 2 8.9.6 Presentation of results 8
1 Scope 3 8.9.7 Column contents 8
2 Normative references 3 9 Test report 8
3 Definitions 3 Annex A (informative) Theoretical basis of
3.1 Air void 3 calculations involved in Table 1 10
3.2 Total air content A 3 Annex B (informative) Worked example of
the calculation of air void distribution 11
3.3 Paste Content P 3
3.4 Specific surface of air void system a 3
3.5 Spacing factor L 3
3.6 Air void distribution 3
3.7 Micro air content A300 3
3.8 Traverse line 3
3.9 Length of traverse Ttot 4
3.10 Chord length l 4
3.11 Chord length classification 4
4 Principle 4
5 Equipment 4
5.1 General 4
5.2 Specimen preparation 4
5.3 Microscopical analysis 4
6 Specimen production and preparation 5
6.1 Specimen production 5
6.2 Preparation of test surface 5

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1 Scope 3.3
This European Standard describes a test method for paste content P
determination of the air void structure in a hardened proportion of the total volume of the concrete that is
concrete sample which contains entrained air. The air hardened cement paste, expressed as a percentage by
void structure is described by means of the following volume. This is the sum of the proportional volumes of
parameters, which are defined in clause 3: cement, mixing water and any admixtures present. For
i) total air content; the purposes of this test method it is calculated from
ii) specific surface of air void system; the batch weights of the test concrete
iii) spacing factor; 3.4
iv) air void size distribution; specific surface of air void system a
v) micro air content.
calculated parameter representing the total surface
The method as described is only suitable for use on area of the air voids divided by their volume; units
hardened concrete specimens where the original mix are mm21. The calculation method used is based on
proportions of the concrete are accurately known and the average chord length and is valid for any system of
the specimen is representative of these mix spherical voids
proportions. This will generally be the case only where
the concrete concerned is produced in a laboratory. 3.5
spacing factor L
2 Normative references calculated parameter related to the maximum distance
This European Standard incorporates by dated or of any point in the cement paste from the periphery of
undated reference, provisions from other publications. an air void, measured through the cement paste; units
These normative references are cited at the are mm. The calculation of this parameter assumes
appropriate places in the text and the publications are that all air voids present are of uniform size and are
listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent evenly distributed through the cement paste such that
amendments to or revisions of any of these the model system has the same total volume and
publications apply to this European Standard only surface area as the real system
when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For NOTE This model is an approximation; the value obtained is
probably larger than the actual value.
undated references the latest edition of the publication
referred to applies. 3.6
EN 480-1, Admixtures for concrete, mortar and air void distribution
grout Test methods Part 1: Reference concrete set of calculated values of the number and/or volume
and reference mortar for testing. of air voids of various diameters within the hardened
EN 934-2, Admixtures for concrete, mortar and cement paste
grout Concrete admixtures Part 2: Definitions NOTE The model used for this calculation assumes that only
and requirements. voids having diameters of certain discrete values are present. This
ISO 2736-2, Concrete tests Making of test model will therefore lie between the real case and the single
diameter model that is used in the calculation of the spacing
specimens Part 2: Making and curing of test factor. A graphical representation of the distribution can be
specimens for strength tests. obtained by plotting the volume of air attributable to each size of
void, either as a volume percentage of the cement paste or as a
proportion of the total air content.
3 Definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the following
definitions apply. micro air content A300
3.1 calculated parameter representing the air content
attributed to air voids of 0,3 mm (300 mm) diameter or
air void less; the value for this parameter is obtained during the
space enclosed by the cement paste that was filled calculation of the air void distribution
with air or other gas prior to the setting of the paste.
This does not refer to voids of submicroscopic 3.8
dimensions, such as the porosity inherent in a hydrated traverse line
cement paste. For the purposes of this test method, all one of a series of lines across the polished specimen
voids within the cement paste are considered that are face traced by the relative motion of the microscope
visible at the test magnification with an intercepted and specimen during the test
chord length of up to 4 mm, other than obvious cracks
total air content A
proportion of the total volume of the concrete that is
air voids; expressed as a percentage by volume

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3.9 5.2 Specimen preparation

length of traverse Ttot a) Diamond saw.
total distance traversed across the surface of the b) Grinding machine. One or more instruments able
specimens during the test measurement. It is made up to provide a finished surface of the required quality.
of two parts, the total traverse across the surface on These include instruments with a cast iron disc,
solid phases, Ts, and across air voids, Ta, in each case usually with a minimum diameter of 400 mm, used in
the units are mm conjunction with silicon carbide powder of various
grain sizes (typically 120, 60, 30, 16 and 12 mm) or
instruments with special grinding discs of the
chord length l varying grain sizes.
distance along the traverse line across an air void, c) Refrigerator and oven.
units are mm
d) Various chemicals for treatment of the polished
3.11 surface, including; glycerol, stamp ink (matt or dull
chord length classification black, not water soluble), zinc paste and gypsum
powder (grain size # 3 mm).
chord lengths across individual air voids are classified
into classes based on the length of the chord. The total 5.3 Microscopical analysis
number of chords in any particular class, i, is a) A motorized or hand operated cross-traverse
designated by Ci. Clause 8.9 and Table 1 contain details table. This consists of a platform, on which the
of the boundary values for the classes specimen rests, which is mounted on lead screws by
means of which it can be moved smoothly in two
4 Principle perpendicular directions. One lead screw is required
for movement in a direction perpendicular to and
Hardened samples of air-entrained concrete are two lead screws for movement parallel to the
sectioned perpendicular to the original free upper original upper surface. The lead screws should be
surface to produce specimens for analysis. These capable of providing a measure of the total distance
specimens are then ground and polished to produce a travelled to an accuracy of 1 %.
smooth flat surface finish suitable for microscopical
investigation. b) Lighting equipment.
The air void structure is examined by scanning along a c) A means of recording the traverse distances and
series of traverse lines running parallel to the original the total number of air voids traversed, divided into
free upper surface. The number of air voids intersected classes based on the individual chord lengths.
by the traverse lines are recorded, as are the individual d) Stereoscopic microscope, magnification
chord lengths of the traverse across the air voids. (100 10) 3. The instrument used must be capable
A mathematical analysis of the recorded data then of providing the necessary resolution to classify the
allows a description of the air void system in terms of chords measured into classes as detailed in
the required parameters. section 7.2. Other forms of imaging may be used,
such as a television camera mounted on the
Other methods of air void analysis such as the point microscope with linked monitor. In these cases the
count method may be used provided that they can be image used for measurements must be selected so as
shown to give essentially the same results for the air to produce results for voids counted which are
void parameters required as the method described consistent with those produced using direct visual
herein. In the case of dispute the method described in examination through a microscope.
this standard shall be used. NOTE Use of imaging systems of other magnification may lead
to differences in the diameter of the smallest visible voids. These
may lead to counting variations and different values for calculated
5 Equipment parameters.
5.1 General
The following list of equipment has been found
suitable for this test. Other apparatus may be used if it
can be shown to produce satisfactory results. Not all
the equipment may be required for individual test

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6 Specimen production and preparation The exact procedure used will depend on the
equipment available. The purpose of the lapping
6.1 Specimen production procedure is to produce a surface suitable for
Two samples, of minimum dimension 150 mm, shall be microscopic examination of the air void structure
cast from the concrete under investigation. For testing within the concrete. A suitable surface should have a
admixtures in accordance with prEN 934-2 the concrete matt sheen when dry and have no noticeable relief
shall conform with EN 480-1. Suitable sample between the paste and aggregate surface. The edges of
geometries include 150 mm cubes or 150 mm diameter voids should be sharp, and should not be broken or
cylinders. Manufacture and curing of the samples shall rounded. Care should be taken at all stages of the
conform with ISO 2736-2. grinding and lapping processes to ensure that voids do
After the concrete has been cured for a minimum not become clogged with grinding residues.
of 7 days, a specimen approximately 100 mm wide After the fine lapping is complete, the test surfaces
by 150 mm high by 20 mm thick shall be cut from the should be cleaned to remove any residues. Suitable
approximate centre of each sample, such that the four methods are to use water and compressed air or a
cut surfaces are perpendicular to the sample face that suitable fine brush. Care should be taken during the
was uppermost during manufacture, see Figure 1. One cleaning process to ensure that the edges of the voids
of the largest faces of each specimen is used, after are not damaged. This may be of particular importance
preparation, for microscopical examination. if ultrasonic cleansing is used.
6.2 Preparation of test surface Reproducible results can be expected only with careful
and appropriate fine lapping and cleaning of the test
The intended test surfaces, one for each specimen, surfaces.
shall be wet ground until they are flat.
After wet grinding, a finely lapped finish to the test
surface shall be produced. When this is complete the
test surface shall be cleaned to remove any residues.
NOTE The time required for wet grinding depends on the
equipment used and will take approximately 5 min. During this
procedure, care should be taken to ensure that the test surface
and the opposite face of the specimen are as plane parallel as

1) Upper face during manufacture (original free upper surface)

Figure 1 Production of 150 mm 3 100 mm 3 20 mm specimen from 150 mm sample

(approximate dimensions)

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The specimen surface can be treated to produce a

better contrast between the air voids and the cement
paste, should this be required by the intended
measurement procedure. It is likely that this will be
necessary if automatic procedures are to be used. This
can be done by first applying ink to the surface of the
specimen from a stamp pad or roller. Care should be
taken to prevent the ink from sinking into the air
voids. The specimen is then placed in an oven at 50 8C
for 4 h. It is then covered with zinc paste and
refrigerated before any excess zinc paste is removed.
Finally, the surface is covered with fine gypsum
powder which is pressed into the zinc paste filled air 1) Traverse lines at 6 mm separation
voids. The excess gypsum powder is then removed
with a scraper. Figure 2 Distribution of traverse lines
on the test surface
7 Microscopical procedure
7.1 Basic procedure 7.2 Values recorded
The specimens are placed on the cross-traverse table The surface shall be viewed through the microscope at
so that the traverse lines which are to be followed run a magnification of (100 10) 3. The magnification shall
parallel to the original free upper surface of the not be changed during the period of measurement. The
specimen. sample is viewed along the lines of traverse described
in 7.1. During the traverse, the two lead screws for
A minimum traverse distance of 1 200 mm is required movement parallel to the original free upper surface
for each specimen, giving a minimum total of 2 400 mm shall be used to provide separate measures of the total
per test. A number of traverses across the specimen distances traversed across:
face are made to give the required total distance. As it
is often difficult to ensure a perfect surface finish to a) the solid portions of the specimen surface, Ts;
the very edge of a specimen, care shall be taken to b) any voids intercepted, Ta.
ensure that any damaged area is not included in the The sum of these two values gives the total traverse
traverse length. The traverse lines shall be laid out as distance, Ttot.
follows, see also Figure 2.
If the pore size distribution and/or the content of micro
a) Four traverse lines are made in the upper region pores has to be determined then, in addition, a
of the surface, across its width. The uppermost line separate tally of the number of chords produced by the
should be approximately 6 mm from the upper edge intersection of the traverse lines with air voids shall be
of the specimen and subsequent lines should be kept as follows:
spaced by approximately 6 mm from each other.
c) estimated length of each chord to the
b) A further four traverse lines are made in the nearest 5 mm;
lower region of the surface. The lowest line should
d) total number of chords in each class, using the
be approximately 6 mm from the lower edge of the
class limits given in Table 1 and further explained
specimen and subsequent lines should be spaced by
in 8.9.
approximately 6 mm from each other.
This procedure provides a subdivision of all chords
c) Further traverse lines are laid out in the central
occurring into 28 classes of different lengths. This
region of the surface, spaced by approximately 6 mm
classification can then be used to calculate a
from each other, so as to produce the total traverse
corresponding air void distribution. In the counting
distance required. A minimum of four traverse lines
procedure, include all chords which are across visible
will be required in this area, more may be needed to
voids in the hardened cement paste with a chord
provide the required minimum traverse lengths if
length on the traverse line of between 0 and 4 000 mm.
damaged areas exist on the surface.
The only exceptions to this being obvious cracks.
If, in spite of careful grinding, the edges of voids are
broken and such a breakage lies on a traverse line
then the completed circular section shall be used as
the basis for determining the chord length. The method
of determining the relevant chord length is shown in
Figure 31).

1) Automatic imaging systems will not be able to make this correction and this may lead to errors in the final analysis.

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1) Traverse line
2) Zero chord length (l)

Figure 3 Estimation of chord length, l for broken void edges during microscopic examination

8 Calculations 8.7 Spacing factor

The equation used for this calculation is dependant on
8.1 Data obtained
the value of R calculated from equation (5). If
The following data will be available from values R > 4,342 then equation (6) shall be used, if
obtained during the test procedure. For the purposes R # 4,342 then equation (7) shall be used.
of the calculation, the totals for both specimens for the
same test concrete shall be added together: 3[1,4(1 + R)1/3 2 1]
L= in mm (6)
i) paste content by volume calculated from the mix a
proportions, P; or
ii) total length of traverse across solid phases, Ts;
P 3 Ttot
iii) total length of traverse across air voids, Ta; L= in mm (7)
400 3 N
iv) the number of individual chords across air voids
in the various size classes, Ci. 8.8 Micro-air content
The micro-air content A300 is taken directly from
8.2 Total traverse length Table 1 as the calculated value in column 10 for
This is calculated as the sum of the traverse lengths class 18 expressed as % by volume.
across the solid phases and the voids.
8.9 Air void distribution
Ttot = Ts + Ta in mm (1)
The total traverse length shall be at least 2 400 mm. 8.9.1 Basis of calculation
The air void distribution is calculated from the
8.3 Total air content distribution of chord lengths measured during the
This is calculated as the proportion of the total traverse procedure. The calculated distribution is based
traverse length that was made across voids. on a model which assumes only a nominal set of air
T 3 100 void diameters are present. The nominal diameters are
A= a (2) those corresponding to the maximum chord length in
each of the classes.
8.4 Total number of chords measured The required data for this calculation are the total
This is calculated as the sum N of the number of length of traverse, Ttot, and the chord length
chords in each of the size classes. distribution. A worked example is given in annex B.
N = SCi (3) 8.9.2 Calculation of chord frequency
8.5 Specific surface of the air The chords measured are divided between a number of
43N classes in Table 1, based on length, recorded to the
a= in mm21 (4) nearest 5 mm. The class designation numbers and
boundaries are given in columns 1 and 2. By
8.6 Paste: air ratio comparison with the class boundaries, each chord is
This is calculated as the ratio R of the volume paste placed in a class, for example a chord of length 150 mm
content P, determined from the mix proportions, and is placed in class 11. The total number of chords in
the total air content A, calculated from equation (2). each class is entered in column 3. The number of
P chords per millimetre of the traverse line is then
R= (5) calculated by dividing the values in column 3 by Ttot
and placing the results in column 4.

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8.9.3 Calculation of void frequency 8.9.6 Presentation of results

Not every void within the cement paste will have been The air void distribution can be plotted against
intersected during the traverse, as the traverse lines do nominal air void diameter using values for the upper
not cover the whole volume of the concrete sample. It diameter of each class from column 2 and the value in
is therefore necessary to calculate the number of voids column 10. This can be plotted either as a cumulative
per cubic millimetre of concrete so as to be able to percentage as obtained in column 10 or as a cumulative
determine the air void distribution. It is possible to fraction of the total air content by dividing each value
calculate the fraction of the total number of voids that in column 10 by the total calculated air content as
might contain a chord of a particular length that have represented by the value in column 10 for class 28.
been intersected.
8.9.7 Column contents
The value for this fraction for each class of chord
lengths is shown in column 5. Dividing column 4 by The various columns on Table 1 can be briefly
column 5 therefore gives the total number of voids described as follows.
within a cubic millimetre of concrete that could
contain chords of the particular class. This value is Column 1: The class designation number.
entered into column 6. Column 2: The upper and lower boundaries of
NOTE The values in column 5 are constant for all cases and are chord length for each class, in mm.
derived from the equation: Column 3: The number of chords observed for
3 (5 + lmax 2 lmin) 3 (lmax + lmin)
each class.
Value = in mm2
4 3 106 Column 4: The number of chords per mm of
where traverse line.
lmax and lmin are the maximum and minimum chord lengths within Column 5: The fraction of possible voids that will
the class. The factor of 5 in the numerator of the equation is
present due to the rounding of all chords to the nearest 5 mm. The
have been actually counted. This factor
equation itself is based on a statistical evaluation of the void has units of mm2.
population. Column 6: The total number of voids per mm3 of
8.9.4 Calculation of void distribution concrete containing a chord of the
particular class size.
A chord of any particular length can be found in any
void of diameter greater than the chord length. Column 7: The total number of voids of diameter
Therefore the value in column 6 for any class includes equal to the upper limit of the class
all voids of diameter greater than the upper limit of per mm3 of concrete.
that class as well as voids of diameter within that Column 8: The volume attributed to each void of a
class. To provide a measure of the number of voids of class in mm3.
diameter equal to that of the upper boundary of a class
the value in column 6 for the next highest class is Column 9: The total volume attributed to all voids
subtracted from the value for the current class and within a class expressed as a
placed in column 7. For example, the column 7 value percentage of the volume of concrete.
for class 10 is derived by subtracting the column 6 Column 10: A cumulative total air content for air
value for class 11 from the column 6 value for class 10. voids up to the current class expressed
NOTE It is possible, in some cases, for values in column 7, and as a percentage of the volume of
therefore in those columns subsequently calculated from it, to be concrete.
negative. This is due to the division of chords into classes and the
class boundaries used; it can be avoided if the class boundaries
are adjusted appropriately. This will not materially affect the final 9 Test report
derived air volume distribution. For calculation purposes the
negative value should be retained and not ignored. The test report shall include the following information:
8.9.5 Calculation of air content full details of the mix design of the concrete
tested together with details of the density and
The total volume of air attributed to each class of
measured air content of the fresh concrete;
voids is calculated by multiplying column 7 by
column 8, which contains the volume of one void of details of the calculation of the paste content of
the class diameter, to give the air content as a fraction the concrete;
and then multiplying by 100 % to express this as a calculated values for the total air content, specific
percentage. The result is placed in column 9. The surface of air void system and spacing factor.
cumulative air content, the running total of column 9, If required:
is then placed in column 10.
micro air content;
NOTE The final total in class 28, Column 10 is nominally the total
air content. This should be similar to that calculated in 8.3 but plot of the air void distribution.
may vary slightly due to the different calculation procedures used.

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Table 1 Determination of air void distribution

Total traverse length, Ttot
Column 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Subject Class Class width Recorded Chord Fraction Possible Voids in Void volume Air content Cumulative
number of frequency encountered total class air content
chords in
Source 1) The values As Column 3 The values Column 4 Column 6 The values Column 7 Cumulative
shown in measured divided by shown in divided by minus next shown in multiplied total of
columns 1, 2, 5 Ci Ttot columns 1, 2, 5 column 5 value in columns 1, 2, 5 by column 8 column 9
and 8 do not and 8 do not column 6 and 8 do not multiplied
change from change from change from by 100
test to test1) test to test1) test to test1)
Units mm mm21 mm2 mm23 mm23 mm3 % %
1 0 to 10 0,000 117 8 5,24 3 107
2 15 to 20 0,000 274 9 4,19 3 104
3 25 to 30 0,000 432 0 1,41 3 103
4 35 to 40 0,000 589 0 3,35 3 103
5 45 to 50 0,000 746 1 6,54 3 103
6 55 to 60 0,000 903 2 1,13 3 104
7 65 to 80 0,002 278 0 2,68 3 104
8 85 to 100 0,002 906 0 5,24 3 104
9 105 to 120 0,003 534 0 9,05 3 103
10 125 to 140 0,004 163 0 1,44 3 103
11 145 to 160 0,004 791 0 2,14 3 103
12 165 to 180 0,005 419 0 3,05 3 103
13 185 to 200 0,006 047 6 4,19 3 103
14 205 to 220 0,006 676 0 5,58 3 103
15 225 to 240 0,007 304 0 7,24 3 103
16 245 to 260 0,007 933 0 9,20 3 103
17 265 to 280 0,008 561 0 1,15 3 103
18 285 to 300 0,009 189 0 1,41 3 103
19 305 to 350 0,025 720 0 2,24 3 103
20 355 to 400 0,029 650 0 3,35 3 103
21 405 to 450 0,033 580 0 4,77 3 103
22 455 to 500 0,037 500 0 6,54 3 103
23 505 to 1 000 0,591 000 0 5,24 3 101

EN 480-11:1998
24 1 005 to 1 500 0,983 700 0 1,77
25 1 505 to 2 000 1,376 000 0 4,19
26 2 005 to 2 500 1,769 000 0 8,18
27 2 505 to 3 000 2,162 000 0 1,41 3 1021

Page 9
28 3 005 to 4 000 5,502 000 0 3,35 3 1021
1) The columns of values 1, 2, 5 and 8 do not change from test to test.
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EN 480-11:1998

Annex A (informative) Step 2: Calculation of total possible number of

chord intercepts
Theoretical basis of calculations involved As mentioned above, not all voids will be intersected
in Table 1 during the linear traverse. To allow a calculation of the
A.1 Introduction total air content, the fraction of the possible total that
have actually been registered must be found. This is
The purpose of the calculation carried out in Table 1 is possible through the following:
to derive the distribution of air void diameters from
the measured distribution of chords. Once an air void Consider one air void, sufficiently large so as to
diameter distribution is known then the volume of air contain chords between x and x9 in length. A diagram
entrained can be calculated. representing this void is shown in Figure A.1. If this
was the only void in a mm3 of concrete, symmetrically
During the linear traverse only those air voids placed around the traverse line, then the probability of
intercepted by the traverse line will be counted in the this void being penetrated by the traverse line to
chord distribution; a large number will not be produce a chord within the limits given can be
intercepted and are therefore not included in the chord calculated by the cross-sectional area of the void
distribution. The calculations in Table 1 provide a which would produce such a chord divided by the
means of estimating the total number of voids from total cross-sectional area of the volume of concrete
those intercepted by means of a statistical analysis. considered. The cross-sectional area of concrete
A.2 Assumptions is 1 mm2 (106 mm2). The relevant cross-sectional area of
The basic assumption is that no air void is intercepted the void can be easily calculated through classical
more than once during the linear traverse. This means geometry and can be seen to be:
that each chord recorded represents a separate air
3 (4r 2 2 x 2) 2 3 (4r 2 2 x92) (A.1)
void. 4 4
A second assumption, made to ensure an easier This can be simplified to:
calculation procedure, is that the real air void
distribution can be represented by a calculated 3 (x92 3 x 2) (A.2)
distribution containing air voids of only those
diameters listed as the maximum value in each class and then expanded to:
width (column 2 of Table 1). No extension of this to a
3 (x9 + x) 3 (x9 2 x) (A.3)
true, continuous distribution of air void diameters is 4
given here. This would be exactly correct if the exact chord
Step 1: Classification of chord lengths and lengths were used in the classification. However, the
calculation of chord frequency chord lengths are recorded to the nearest 5 mm. If x
As the linear traverse is performed, as well as and x9 are the real limits of the chords then the class
producing a total for the traverse length across air limit boundaries, listed in Table 1, column 2, y and y9
voids, Ta the individual chords are classified to the are given by:
nearest 5 mm and recorded in the various classes. The y = x + 2,5 and y9 = x9 2 2,5 (A.4)
classes are specified in column 2 of the table and the Substituting into the previous equation gives:
number of chords in each class is recorded in
column 3. This classification procedure is the final
3 [(y9 + 2,5) + (y 2 2,5)] 2 [(y9 + 2,5) 2 (y 2 2,5)](A.5)
measurement procedure. The remainder of the table is 4
concerned with calculation. simplifying:
The first calculation step is to calculate the number of
chords in each class detected per mm of total traverse 3 (y9 + y) 2 (y9 2 y + 5) (A.6)
length, Ttot. This is placed in column 4. The purpose of The probability of intersecting this void, in a total
this is to provide measurements per unit length to cross-section area of 106 mm2, is therefore:
allow future calculations to be made to produce a
percentage value for the air content. 3 (y9 + y) 2 (y9 2 y + 5)
4 3106

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This value is constant for each class of chords and can Similarly:
be calculated. The calculated values are given in c13 = v13 + v14 + + v28
column 5 of Table 1. If this is the probability of
intersecting one void, it can be used to calculated the Therefore:
total number of voids existing as the number actually v12 = c12 2 c13
penetrated per mm of traverse line (which is the length This allows the total number of voids of a particular
of line contained in the 1 mm3 discussed above) is diameter to be calculated from the total number of
known from column 4 of Table 1. The total number of chords. This is carried out in column 7 of Table 1.
voids existing, which contain potential chords in the Step 4: Calculation of air content
group considered, is the number actually recorded
divided by the probability of intersecting any single The final step is to calculate the total air content.
void, i.e. column 4 divided by column 5 on Table 1. The Column 8 gives the volume of a void of diameter equal
resulting value is entered in column 6. Because of the to the maximum limit of each class. This, multiplied by
boundaries set in the above discussion, these values the number of voids of that diameter gives the total air
are the number of chords in each class per mm3 of volume per mm3 of concrete as a fraction, multiplying
concrete. by 100 gives the value as a percentage, which is placed
in column 9. A cumulative air content is then
Step 3: Calculation of total number of voids calculated in column 10.
Column 6 contains the possible total number of chord
intercepts, by class, whether or not actually penetrated Annex B (informative)
during the linear traverse. This is not the same as the
total number of voids. Each void can contain chords in Worked example of the calculation of air
a number of chord classes and will therefore have void distribution
been counted in the above calculation the same
Calculation of air void distribution is described in 8.9
number of times as the number of chord classes that it
and Table B.1 shows the details of the calculation
contains. Put another way, a chord in class n can be
procedure used. The example only covers the
found in voids of diameter n and above.
determination of the air void distribution and the micro
Consider the total number of chords in class 12, this is air content, it does not include the calculation of total
made up of chords in voids of diameter from the air content, specific surface or spacing factor.
maximum in class 12 up to class 28. If vn is taken as
Example data for calculation:
the number of voids of diameter n, and cn as the
number of chords in class n, then: a) total traverse length = 2 400 mm;
c12 = v12 + v13 + v14 + + v28 b) chord length distribution, as recorded in
column 3 of Table B.1.

Side view Cross-section

(along traverse line) (across traverse line)

Figure A.1

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Table B.1 Determination of air void distribution
Total traverse length, Ttot 2 400 mm
Column 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Subject Class Class width Recorded Chord Fraction Possible total Voids in class Void volume Air content Cumulative
number of frequency encountered air content
chords in
Source 1) 1) As Column 3 1) Column 4 Column 6 1) Column 7 Cumulative
measured Ci divided by divided by minus next multiplied by total of
Ttot column 5 value in column 8 column 9
column 6 multiplied
by 100
Units mm mm21 mm2 mm23 mm23 mm3 % %
1 0 to 10 65 0,027 08 0,000 117 8 229,909 45 140,483 5,24 31027 0,007 0,01
2 15 to 20 50 0,024 58 0,000 274 9 89,426 46 9,372 4,19 3 1026 0,004 0,01
3 25 to 30 83 0,034 58 0,000 432 0 80,054 01 6,483 1,41 3 1025 0,009 0,02
4 35 to 40 104 0,043 33 0,000 589 0 73,571 02 24,427 3,35 3 1025 0,082 0,10
5 45 to 50 88 0,036 67 0,000 746 1 49,144 44 13,161 6,54 3 1025 0,086 0,19
6 55 to 60 78 0,032 50 0,000 903 2 35,983 17 11,108 1,13 3 1024 0,126 0,31
7 65 to 80 136 0,056 67 0,002 278 0 24,875 62 13,405 2,68 3 1024 0,359 0,67
8 85 to 100 80 0,033 33 0,002 906 0 11,470 52 3,925 5,24 3 1024 0,206 0,88
9 105 to 120 64 0,026 67 0,003 534 0 7,545 75 2,341 9,05 3 1024 0,212 1,09
10 125 to 140 52 0,021 67 0,004 163 0 5,204 58 2,682 1,44 3 1023 0,386 1,48
11 145 to 160 29 0,012 08 0,004 791 0 2,522 09 0,600 2,14 3 1023 0,128 1,61
12 165 to 180 25 0,010 42 0,005 419 0 1,922 25 0,613 3,05 3 1023 0,187 1,79
13 185 to 200 19 0,007 92 0,006 047 6 1,309 06 0,623 4,19 3 1023 0,261 2,05
14 205 to 220 11 0,004 58 0,006 676 0 0,686 54 0,230 5,58 3 1023 0,128 2,18
15 225 to 240 8 0,003 33 0,002 304 0 0,456 37 0,036 7,24 3 1023 0,026 2,21
16 245 to 260 8 0,003 33 0,007 933 0 0,420 19 0,079 9,20 3 1023 0,073 2,28
17 265 to 280 7 0,002 92 0,008 561 0 0,340 69 0,114 1,15 3 1022 0,131 2,41
18 285 to 300 5 0,002 08 0,009 189 0 0,226 72 0,032 1,41 3 1022 0,046 2,462)
19 305 to 350 12 0,005 00 0,025 720 0 0,194 40 0,054 2,24 3 1022 0,121 2,58
20 355 to 400 10 0,004 17 0,029 650 0 0,140 53 0,016 3,35 3 1022 0,055 2,63
21 405 to 450 10 0,004 17 0,033 580 0 0,124 08 0,035 4,77 3 1022 0,168 2,80
22 485 to 500 8 0,003 33 0,037 500 0 0,088 89 0,072 6,54 3 1022 0,471 3,27
23 505 to 1000 24 0,010 00 0,591 000 0 0,016 92 0,014 5,24 3 1021 0,753 4,03
24 1 005 to 15 00 6 0,002 50 0,983 700 0 0,002 54 0,001 0 1,77 0,182 4,21
25 1 505 to 2 000 5 0,002 08 1,376 000 0 0,001 51 0,000 8 4,19 0,338 4,55
26 2 005 to 2 500 3 0,001 25 1,769 000 0 0,000 71 0,000 5 8,18 0,420 4,97
1,41 3 10+1
BSI 02-1999

27 2 505 to 3 000 1 0,000 42 2,162 000 0 0,000 19 0,000 2 0,272 5,24

28 3 005 to 4 000 0 0,000 00 5,502 000 0 0,000 00 0,000 3,35 3 10+1 0,000 5,24
1) The columns of values 1, 2, 5 and 8 do not change from test to test.
2) The boxed value in column 10 is the value taken for A300.
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