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General Mathematics Grade11 Syllabus PDF

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Holy Angel University
Angeles City



The learner must know how to solve problems involving rational, exponential and logarithmic functions.

CONTENT The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of functions, rational, inverse, exponential and
STANDARD logarithmic functions.

PERFORMANCE The learner is able to accurately construct mathematical models to represent real-life situations using
STANDARD functions; to accurately formulate and solve real-life problems involving rational functions and to apply
concepts of inverse, exponential and logarithmic functions to formulate and solve real-life problems with
precision and accuracy.


WEEK 1 Review on Functions The learner Formative:

Evaluating Functions 1. M11GM-Ia-1: represents real-life Quiz bee (Function or not a
Domain and Range of a situations using functions, including piece- function)
Function wise functions. Board work
Operations on Functions Recitation: Evaluating
Composite Functions 2. M11GM-Ia-2: evaluates a function. Functions
Types of Functions and
their Graphs 3. Enrichment: identifies the domain and Summative:
range of functions. LAS 1 (Review on
Values: Functions)
Life-long learning 4. M11GM-Ia-3: performs addition, LAS 2 (Operations of
In evaluating functions, one must subtraction, multiplication, division, and Functions)
specify values for expressions of composition of functions. Quiz 1-1: Solve problems

First Semester: Syllabus in General Mathematics | 1

the form f(x) for it to become true 5. M11GM-Ia-4: solves problems involving involving functions
and accurate. In our lives, we also functions.
need to identify our core values to
live life with a purpose. 6. Enrichment: determines the different
types of functions and their graphs.

WEEK 2 Rational Functions The learner Formative:

Rational Function 1. M11GM-Ib-1: represents real-life Recitation
Solving Rational Equations situations using rational functions. Board work
and Inequalities
2. M11GM-Ib-2: distinguishes rational Summative:
Values: function, rational equation, and rational Small group activity
Rational living in an irrational inequality. LAS 3 (Solve rational
world. At times, life would give you equations)
undefined answers to questions. 3. M11GM-Ib-3: solves rational equations LAS 4 (Representing
But this rationality will alert us and inequalities. rational equations)
when we have a false belief thats
making our life worse off. 4. M11GM-Ib-4: represents a rational
function through its: (a) table of values, (b)
graph, and (c) equation.

5. M11GM-Ib-5: finds the domain and range

of a rational function.

WEEK 3 Rational Functions The learner Formative:

Solving Problems Involving 1. M11GM-Ic-1: determines the: (a) Recitation
Rational Functions intercepts (b) zeroes; and (c) asymptotes of Board work
Graphs and Properties of rational functions. Mr. Diens Guide to
Rational Function Graphing Rational Functions
2. M11GM-Ic-2: graphs rational functions.
Values: Summative:
Resilience 3. M11GM-Ic-3: solves problems involving LAS 5 (Graphing rational
Sometimes, life will challenge us rational functions, equations, and functions using graphing
and will make our lives undefined. inequalities. papers)
However, the graphs or the right Quiz 1-2: Solve problems
pathways will guide us to follow the involving rational equations
First Semester: Syllabus in General Mathematics | 2
trend of slopes of life.

WEEK 4 Inverse Functions The learner Formative:

One-to-one Function 1. M11GM-Id-1: represents real-life Recitation
Inverse of a Function situations using one-to one functions. Board work
Graphs and Properties of
Inverse Functions 2. M11GM-Id-2: determines the inverse of a Summative:
one-to-one function. LAS 6 (Determine the
Values: inverse of a function)
Decision making 3. M11GM-Id-3: represents an inverse Quiz 1-3: Solve problems
Graphs and table of our values function through its: (a) table of values, and involving inverse functions
system will guide us to follow the (b) graph.
right trend slopes of life.
4. M11GM-Id-4: finds the domain and range
of an inverse function.

5. M11GM-Ie-1: graphs inverse functions.

6. M11GM-Ie-2: solves problems involving

inverse functions.


WEEK 6 Exponential Function The learner Formative:

Definition of Exponential 1. M11GM-Ie-3: represents real-life Board work
Function situations using exponential functions. Recitation
Solving Exponential Activity (Complete the table
Equations and Inequalities 2. M11GM-Ie-4: distinguishes between of exponential functions)
exponential function, exponential equation,
Values: and exponential inequality. Summative:
Self-Improvement LAS 7 & 8 (Solve
Exponential function shows us how 3. M11GM-If-1: solves exponential equations exponential equations)
exponential growth functions work. and inequalities. Quiz 1-4: Solve problems
Thus, it gives us an idea that we involving exponential
should ascend our lives when its 4. M11GM-If-2: represents an exponential functions
descending. Furthermore, we function through its: (a) table of values, (b)

First Semester: Syllabus in General Mathematics | 3

should learn how to divide our graph, and (c) equation.
talents equally so that we can
multiply them systematically. 5. M11GM-If-3: finds the domain and range
of an exponential function.

WEEK 7 Exponential Function The learner Formative:

Graphs and Properties of 1. M11GM-If-4: determines the intercepts, Recitation
Exponential Functions zeroes, and asymptotes of an exponential Board work
Solving Problems Involving function.
Exponential Functions Summative:
2. M11GM-Ig-1: graphs exponential LAS 9 (Graphing
Values: functions. exponential equations using
Decision Making graphing paper)
In solving and graphing functions, 3. M11GM-Ig-2: solves problems involving Quiz 1-5: Solve problems
a correct solution is rooted from an exponential functions, equations, and involving exponential
exact and accurate formula. To be inequalities. functions
able for us to solve the obstacles
in life, we should also have the
perfect formula for the problems
that we have.

WEEK 8 Logarithmic The learner Formative:

Definition of Logarithmic 1. M11GM-Ih-1: represents real-life Recitation
Function situations using logarithmic functions. Board work
Solving Logarithmic Reflect Upon Beyond Walls
Equations 2. M11GM-Ih-2: distinguishes logarithmic
Properties of Logarithm function, logarithmic equation, and Summative:
logarithmic inequality. LAS 10 & 11 (Solve
Values: logarithmic functions and
Life-long learning 3. M11GM-Ih-3: illustrates the laws of equations)
Logarithmic function is the inverse logarithms. Quiz 1-6: Solve problems
of exponential function. So, if we involving logarithmic
know that our lives are going in a 4. M11GM-Ii-1: solves logarithmic equations functions
descending direction, be mindful to and inequalities.
make it ascend.

First Semester: Syllabus in General Mathematics | 4

WEEK 9 Logarithmic The learner Formative:
Graphs and Properties of 1. M11GM-Ii-2: represents a logarithmic Recitation
Logarithmic Function function through its: (a) table of values, Board work
Solving Equations Involving (b) graph, and (c) equation. Summative:
Logarithms LAS 12 (Graphing
2. M11GM-Ii-3: finds the domain and range logarithmic equations using
of a logarithmic function. graphing papers)
Values: Quiz 1-7: Solve problems
Life-long learning 3. M11GM-Ii-4: determines the intercepts, involving logarithmic
Logarithmic function is the inverse zeroes, and asymptotes of logarithmic functions
of exponential function. So, if we functions.
know that our lives are going in a
descending direction, be mindful to 4. M11GM-Ij-1: graphs logarithmic functions.
make it ascend. Remember; be
guided with its graph so that we 5. M11GM-Ij-2: solves problems involving
could follow the right path. logarithmic functions, equations, and


First Semester: Syllabus in General Mathematics | 5

Holy Angel University
Angeles City



The learner must know how to solve business-related problems and to apply logic to real-life situations.

CONTENT The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of simple and compound interests; basic concepts of
STANDARD simple and general annuities; basic concepts of stocks and bonds; basic concepts of business and consumer
loans; key concepts of propositional logic; syllogisms and fallacies and the key methods of proof and disproof.

PERFORMANCE The learner is able to investigate, analyze and solve problems involving simple and compound interests and
STANDARD simple and general annuities using appropriate business and financial instruments, use appropriate financial
instruments involving stocks and bonds in formulating conclusions and making decisions, decide wisely on the
appropriateness of business or consumer loan and its proper utilization, judiciously apply logic in real-life
arguments , appropriately apply a method of proof and disproof in real-life situations.


WEEK 11 Simple and Compound Interest The learner Formative:

What is Interest? 1. M11GM-IIa-1: illustrates simple and Recitation: Lets talk about
Simple Interest compound interests. business
Maturity Value, Future Board work
Value and Present Value for 2. M11GM-IIa-2: distinguishes between
Simple Interest simple and compound interests. Summative:
Compound Interest LAS 1 (Simple Interest)
3. M11GM-IIb-1: computes interest, maturity LAS 2 (Compound
First Semester: Syllabus in General Mathematics | 6
Values: value, future value, and present value in Interest)
Good decision making simple interest and compound interest Quiz 2-1: Solve problems
Knowing the concept of simple and environment. involving Simple and
compound interest will help us Compound Interest
decide whether a liability 4. M11GM-IIb-2: solves problems involving
transaction (loan) is worth availing simple and compound interests.
or an asset transaction (deposit or
investment) is worth endowing.

WEEK 12 Simple and General Annuities The learner Formative:

What is Annuity? 1. M11GM-IIc-1: illustrates simple and Recitation: Do you know
Simple Annuity general annuities. what paluwagan is?
General Annuity Board work
2. M11GM-IIc-2: distinguishes between
Values: simple and general annuities. Summative:
Setting plans and goals LAS 3 (Simple and General
Annuities, whether simple or Annuities)
general, will help people to be LAS 4 (Survey)
knowledgeable of their financial
situation especially in dealing with
long-term financial plans.

WEEK 13 Simple and General Annuities The learner Formative:

Future and Present Values 1. M11GM-IId-1: finds the future value and Discussion: Survey
of Simple and General present value of both simple annuities and Recitation: Recap
Annuities general annuities.
Fair Market Value of a Cash Summative:
Flow Stream with Annuity 2. M11GM-IId-2: calculates the fair market LAS 5 (Future and Present
Deferred Annuity value of a cash flow stream that includes an Values of Simple and
annuity. General Annuities)
Values: LAS 6 (Fair Market Value
Critical Thinking 3. M11GM-IId-3: calculates the present value and Deferred Annuity)
The concept of simple and general and period of deferral of a deferred annuity. Quiz 2-2: Solve problems
annuities will let us know some involving Simple and
ideas for strategic options on General Annuities
where to effectively put our money.

First Semester: Syllabus in General Mathematics | 7

WEEK 14 Bonds and Stocks The learner Formative:
What are bonds? 1. M11GM-IIe-1: illustrate stocks and bonds. Recitation:
The Bond Market Board work
What are stocks? 2. M11GM-IIe-2: distinguishes between
The Stock Market stocks and bonds. Summative:
Computation on Bonds and LAS 7 (Bonds and Stocks)
Stocks 3. M11GM-IIe-3: describes the different LAS 8 (Computation on
Bond Valuation markets for stocks and bonds. Bonds and Stocks)
Stock Valuation Quiz 2-3: Solve problems
4. M11GM-IIe-4: analyzes the different
Theory of Efficient Market involving Bonds and Stocks
market indices for stocks and bonds.
Values: Insert 1st Performance
5. M11GM-IIe-5: interprets the theory of
Decision Making efficient markets.
Knowing the concept of bonds and
stocks will give us examples of
long-term investment. This way,
people may be able to have a
longer period to develop their
choice of investments. Also, it
could guide people in deciding
whether a bond or stock is worth


WEEK 16 Basic and Consumer Loans The learner Formative:

Consumer Credit 1. M11GM-IIf-1: illustrates business and Recitation: Do you have
Business Loans consumer loans. some credit/loans?
Consumer Loans Reporting
2. M11GM-IIf-2: distinguishes between
Values: business and consumer loans. Summative:
Cautious LAS 9 (Basic and
Loans differ in purpose, terms and 3. M11GM-IIf-3: solves problems involving Consumer Loans)
materiality. Hence, it is important business and consumer loans (amortization, Quiz 2-4: Solve problems
to identify these before making a mortgage). involving Basic and
First Semester: Syllabus in General Mathematics | 8
loan. In real life, we must always Consumer Loans
be cautious and financially
intelligent to discern which loan
offers the best terms that will be
more beneficial to us rather than

WEEK 17 Logic The learner Formative:

What is Logic? 1. M11GM-IIg-1: illustrates a proposition. Recitation: Lets expand the
Formal and Informal concept of common sense
Reasoning 2. M11GM-IIg-3: distinguishes between
simple and compound propositions. Summative:
What are Propositions? LAS 10 (Talking about
Hypothetical Propositions: 3. M11GM-IIg-4: performs the different types Logical thinking)
Simple and Compound of operations on propositions. Quiz 2-5: Solve problems
Propositions involving Logic and
Categorical Propositions 4. M11GM-IIh-1: determines the truth values Propositions
Truth Values of Simple and of propositions.
Compound Propositions
Truth Relations of the
Standard-form of
Categorical Proposition.

Everyone has a gift of natural logic
and common sense, but problems
in life are not all about common
sense. Learning this lessons will
help us evaluate such propositions
that we may encounter in everyday

First Semester: Syllabus in General Mathematics | 9

WEEK 18 Categorical Syllogisms The learner Formative:
Categorical Syllogisms 1. M11GM-IIh-2: illustrates the different Recitation: What can you
Validity of Categorical forms of conditional propositions. say?
Syllogisms Board work
Rules in Establishing 2. M11GM-IIi-2: determines the validity of
Validity categorical syllogisms. Summative:
LAS 11 (Syllogisms)
Symbolic Representation of 3. M11GM-IIg-2: symbolizes propositions. Quiz 2-6: Solve problems
Propositions involving Syllogisms
Symbolic Notation for 4. M11GM-IIi-3: establishes the validity and
Hypothetical Propositions falsity of real-life arguments using logical
Forms of Conditional propositions, syllogisms and fallacies.

Life-long learning
Syllogisms are statements which
can be evaluated as true. By this
concept, we will be guided on how
to check if a given conclusion is
valid or not. Whereas, this concept
will be applied to some real-life

WEEK 19 The Method of Deduction The learner Formative:

Argument and Argument 1. M11GM-IIj-1: illustrates the different Recitation
Forms methods of proof (direct and indirect) and Board work
Truth Tables disproof (indirect and by counterexample). LAS 12 (Tautologies)
Tautologous Propositions
Forms of Tautologies 2. M11GM-IIj-2: justifies mathematical and Summative:
Direct Proof of Validity real life statements using the different Quiz 2-7: Solve problems
methods of proof and disproof. involving the Method of
The Method of Proof and Deduction and Fallacies
Disproof 3. M11GM-IIi-1: illustrates different types of
The Method of Induction tautologies and fallacies. Insert 2nd Performance
First Semester: Syllabus in General Mathematics | 10
Informal Fallacies
Fallacies of relevance
Fallacies of presumption
Fallacies of ambiguity

In the real world, there are lots of
things needed to be proven so as
well the things that are being
disproved. Let us just be reminded
that we have to respect each
persons statement for we follow a
universal rule as a basis on
proving such opinion as true or


Prepared by Reviewed and Checked by

Jeric Arrevado Brielene T. Nacpil

Merliza B. David SHS STEM Coordinator
Camille D. Franco
Brielene T. Nacpil
Lories D. Pingul

First Semester: Syllabus in General Mathematics | 11

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