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FRTB Ey Review

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The key takeaways are that the FRTB overhauls market risk capital requirements to address shortcomings of Basel 2.5 and reduce variability of risk-weighted assets across jurisdictions.

The objectives of the FRTB are to meet the goals of the Basel Committee in its effort to address shortcomings of the current Basel 2.5 market risk capital framework and reduce the variability of market risk weighted assets across jurisdictions.

Some key design features of FRTB include more granular and prescriptive standards, a revised trading book/banking book boundary, an overhaul of the Internal Models Approach and Standardized Approach, and stringent trading desk approval processes.

Fundamental review of the

trading book (FRTB)

The revised market risk capital framework
and its implications
February 2016

Key highlights
Fundamental review of These changes are estimated by the of application of the capital charge
Committee to result in an estimated 40% multiplier to non-modellable risk factors,
the trading book design weighted average increase in total market although the base multiplier applied to
risk capital requirements from current the ES capital charge has been increased
vs. Basel 2.5 levels, with individual bank results varying to 1.5 from 1
The FRTB overhauls the market risk capital depending on the composition of a banks Modifications to risk-theoretical P&L
requirements to meet the objectives of trading portfolios. calculations that no longer require the
the Basel Committee (the Committee) use of pricing models embedded in the
in its effort to address shortcomings of Changes from the prior banks ES models to measure P&L but
the current Basel 2.5 market risk capital
framework and reduce the variability of
FRTB draft instead the P&L that would be produced
by the banks pricing models if they only
market risk weighted assets (RWA) across The final FRTB contains certain included the risk factors used in risk
jurisdictions. FRTB design features intended recalibrations and modifications from the management models
to achieve these objectives include: prior draft proposal. Key areas of change in
Modifications to hypothetical P&L
More granular and prescriptive standards the final standards include:
calculations that no longer require the
designed to limit implementation The extension of the implementation use of books and records P&L but
interpretations and promote consistency timeline as compared to prior Committee the P&L produced by the banks pricing
across jurisdictions communications; national supervisory models
A revised trading book/banking book rule-making is now required by January
boundary with more explicit requirements 2019, and banks are required to Areas not final or subject
for inclusions and exclusions of positions report under the new standards by 31
and limitations on reclassifications to December 2019, giving banks more time to change
reduce the scope for arbitrage to implement the substantial changes to The Committee acknowledges that certain
models, data, technology and processes
An overhaul of the Internal Models areas require further work or may be
needed for FRTB
Approach (IMA) to focus on tail risk, subject to further change, including:
varying liquidity horizons, constrained Notable SA recalibrations such as The calibration of the SA as capital
diversification and risk factor the introduction of a cap on the charge floor for the IMA
observability standards capital charge of individual cash
securitizations at their fair value, lower The finalization of P&L attribution test
Stringent trading desk-level IMA approval risk weights for certain exposures thresholds
processes, including new profit and loss (such as non-Correlation Trading The standards for Pillar 3 disclosure
(P&L) attribution tests to assess the Portfolio securitizations and non-exotic requirements, which will be proposed in a
impact of the differences in risk factors instruments subject to the Residual separate public consultation
used in risk management and bank Risk Add-on), and higher risk weights
pricing models for general interest rate and foreign The finalization of the revised credit
exchange risk valuation adjustment framework using
An overhaul of the Standardized
the FRTB framework
Approach (SA) to make it more risk- Notable IMA recalibrations such as
sensitive and explicitly capture default reductions in certain expected shortfall
and other residual risks, and serve as a (ES) liquidity horizons and the lack
floor for IMA charges
Executive summary
The Basel Committees overhaul of the market risk regulatory capital results, dependent upon the composition of their trading portfolios.
framework is here. In a journey that started in 20111 to address the Further, the Committee estimated the FRTB will still result in a 40%
shortcomings of the current market risk capital framework2 (herein weighted average increase in total market risk capital requirements as
referred to as Basel 2.5) and design a minimum capital standard for compared to the current Basel 2.5 framework.6
market risk to be more uniformly applied across jurisdictions,3 the The changes that must be made to banks infrastructures to
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (the Committee or BCBS) implement the FRTB standards are transformational. The required
publicly released the new market risk framework, Fundamental data and technology changes needed to support analyzing the
review of the trading book (FRTB) on 14 January 2016.4 coverage of risk factors in risk and pricing model architecture and
Highlights of the final FRTB relative to the most recent draft proposal5 enhance market data observability processes under the internal
include a relaxed implementation timeline relative to prior Committee models approach are significant, and the standardized approach
Jan modified profit and loss (P&L) calculation
Jan standards requirements
Janto use granular risk Dec
factor sensitivities will also require
the implementation of the P&L attribution tests used to assess
2016 an overhaul of current market risk
2019 capital calculations and processes.
internal risk model alignment with the banks pricing models, and While detailed implementation requirements will be further defined
certain recalibrations that the Committee has estimated willMonitoring
result inand recalibrations
by rule-making in each jurisdiction, given the significance of the
lower, on average, industry-wide market risk weighted asset (RWA) changes, banks should quickly launch or accelerate their strategic
National rule-making
4 (QIS 4). andFRTB
increases than were estimated in Quantitative Impact Study Monitoring programs. This will allow banks to thoroughly consider the
approval process*
business strategy and implementation implications and make FRTB
However, the FRTB also includes certain recalibrations that may Institutional implementation
program choices early enough to meet the significant demands of
leave some banks with higher market RWA relative to the QIS 4
*Subject to regulatory
Relevant papers QIS
Jan 2011 Messages from the clarification and may vary
Apr 2014 1st QIS
academic literature by jurisdiction
Jul 2014 2nd QIS
May 2012 1st consultative paper Q2 2015 3rd QIS

Implementation timeline
Jan 2013 RCAP, market RWA
Oct 2013 2nd consultative paper
Q3 2015 4th QIS

Mar 2014 Annex to 2nd

National supervisors are expected to issue final regulations by January 2019, with banks required to report under the new standards by
consultative paper
year-end 2019.
Dec 2014 3rdPrior Committee
consultative paper communications Finalized
targeted implementation by 2018. The extension allows
Final additional
Latest first time to implement the
significant changes to data, technology and businessFRTB
strategy required to addressnational
FRTB. reporting
standards standards date

Jan Jan Jan Dec

Legend: 2018
2011 2016 2019 2019
Rule-making Monitoring and recalibrations
National rule-making
Monitoring and approval process*
Institutional implementation

Relevant papers QIS *Subject to regulatory

Jan 2011 Messages from the clarification and may vary
Apr 2014 1st QIS
academic literature by jurisdiction
Jul 2014 2nd QIS
May 2012 1st consultative paper Q2 2015 3rd QIS
Jan 2013 RCAP, market RWA Q3 2015 4th QIS
Oct 2013 2nd consultative paper
Mar 2014 Annex to 2nd
consultative paper
Dec 2014 3rd consultative paper Finalized Final Latest first
FRTB national reporting
standards standards date




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FRTB market risk capital components
The illustration below presents a simplified depiction of the market risk capital charge components under FRTB and a comparison to the
components under Basel 2.5.

FRTB Pillar 1 capital charge components

Internal models approach Standardized approach

(IMA) (SA)

Non- Sensitivity- Default

Expected Default risk Residual
modellable based risk charge
shortfall charge risk add-on
risk factors risk charge (DRC)
(ES) (DRC)


Basel 2.5

addressed Incremental No Pillar 1

Pillar 1

+ through RNiV
Standardized charge3
add-ons in risk charge charge
certain (IRC)2
VaR 1 jurisdictions

Securitization positions are included in the value-at-risk (VaR) and stressed-VaR measures under Basel 2.5. FRTB requires that
securitization positions be excluded from the IMA and included only in the SA.
Modeled default risk charges for correlation trading positions (CTPs) are measured through the comprehensive risk measure under
Basel 2.5. FRTB requires CTPs to be capitalized under the SA.
Certain jurisdictions apply Basel 2.5 standardized charges only for products with specific risk that have not received internal model
approval. Additionally, certain jurisdictions require de minimis charges for positions not included in VaR under Basel 2.5.

It is important to note that under FRTB, the SA will act as a floor and thus act as a minimum to the Pillar 1 capital charges under IMA,
whereas under Basel 2.5 an SA floor existed only for correlation trading portfolios subject to the CRM. Additionally, for some banks that may
redesignate the regulatory capital treatment of instruments between trading and banking books, a related Pillar 1 surcharge will exist that will
not allow banks to receive a reduction in their total capital charge as a result of such redesignations.

Fundamental review of the trading book | 3

Final FRTB design
The FRTB retains the core elements of the draft proposals to overhaul Includes formal market data observability standards requiring
the current market risk capital framework to meet the Committees risk-factor-level analysis to demonstrate that risk factors meet
objectives to enhance risk measurement and reduce market RWA real price criteria to support the eligibility of risk factors within
variability across firms and jurisdictions. Key revisions relative to the the ES measure or be subject to an alternative non-modellable
Basel 2.5 framework designed to achieve these objectives include: risk factor (NMRF) add-on charge
A more prescriptive trading book definition with tighter restrictions Replaces the current incremental risk charge (IRC) with a default
on trading book/banking book reclassifications that will reduce risk charge (DRC) as the modelled measure for default risk that
regulatory arbitrage now has mandatory inclusion of equities
A revised internal models approach that: A revised standardized approach that:
Replaces the current 99%, 10-day value-at-risk (VaR)/stressed- Is more risk-sensitive through the use of granular first- and
VaR approach with a 97.5% stressed expected shortfall (ES) to higher-order risk factor sensitivities in the delta, vega, and
improve the measurement of tail-risk (through the averaging of curvature charges based on internal pricing models
tail losses), account for market liquidity (through varying liquidity
Specifically capitalizes default and other risks through explicit
horizons), and recognize stressed correlations (through restraints
DRC and residual-risk add-on charges
on diversification benefits)
Upon further calibration, will act as a minimum (floor) to the
Requires, for all trading book positions, model approval at a
internal models approach-based Pillar 1 capital charges
trading-desk level that is dependent upon passing back-testing
and new P&L attribution requirements designed to monitor the
impacts of the use of different risk factors in risk models versus a
banks pricing models

Changes from QIS 4

The FRTB contains several recalibrations that will lead to changes in the overall capital impact of the final FRTB relative to earlier drafts
of the framework. The Committee has described that the final FRTB, although recalibrated to lower market RWA relative to QIS 4 results,
is still estimated to result in a 40% weighted average increase in total market risk capital requirements compared to the current Basel 2.5
framework. The FRTB also has several changes that will modify implementation efforts.
Notable changes, recalibrations and other modifications from QIS 4 are summarized in the table below.

FRTB final rule vs. QIS 4

Internal Models Approach Standardized Approach
The base multiplication factor applied to the internal model capital General interest rate risk and foreign exchange risk weights are
charge is increased to 1.5 from 1. increased.
ES liquidity horizons are now capped at 120 days, with notable Base vega risk weights for interest rate risk and all credit spread risk
reductions for credit and equity risks. classes are increased.
NMRF charges are no longer subject to the internal model capital A cap at fair value to the capital charge of individual cash
charge multiplier. securitizations is introduced.
NMRFs from idiosyncratic credit spread risk may apply the same Risk weights are lowered for certain buckets within individual risk
stress scenario and a zero correlation assumption may be made classes, with notably large decreases for non-correlation trading
when aggregating gains and losses subject to supervisory approval. portfolio securitizations.
IMA DRC liquidity horizon for equities is reduced to 60 days from one New buckets with lower risk weights are included for certain products
year. such as covered bonds .
ES quantitative standards no longer reference requirements for use Residual risk add-on for instruments with exotic underlyings (subject
of full-revaluation. to a 1% risk weight) such as weather derivatives and volatility swaps)
Look-back period for stressed period calibration has been shortened are differentiated from other residual risks (subject to a 0.1% risk
to 2007 from 2005. weight) in products such as path dependent options, basket options,
Vendors are recognized as acceptable source for real price data, and instruments with prepayment risk.
subject to certain conditions. Liquidity Horizons are reduced under the vega risk charge for the FX,
Hypothetical P&L calculations now reference use of bank pricing small cap equity, and all credit risk classes, in alignment with IMA.
models and not books and records.
Risk-theoretical P&L calculation is now the P&L produced by banks
pricing models using risk factors captured in ES but not specifically
the ES risk model.
Internal models approval standards now reference that supervisors
may continue to grant model approval under rare circumstances
where a bank has breached backtesting or P&L attribution thresholds
due to extraordinary circumstances such as a major regime shift or a
period of significant cross-border financial market stress

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Other requirements and features Credit valuation adjustment (CVA)
The FRTB has additional risk management and reporting commentary
requirements and other features that may require careful
implementation planning beyond the specific efforts to implement the The Committee also restated that the outstanding proposal on the
IMA and SA. These include: CVA standards7 will be incorporated into the FRTB framework, on
a stand-alone basis, when the CVA standards are complete. The
Intraday limit requirements to prepare, evaluate and have available Committee did not provide further guidance as to the proposed
for supervisors information on intraday limits utilization and implementation timing or upcoming revisions to the CVA standards.
breaches for banks with active intraday trading
Market liquidity requirements for banks to prepare information on Infrastructure considerations
inventory aging and market liquidity
For many banks, FRTB implementation will require significant changes
Daily monitoring expectations for banks to manage their market to current market risk infrastructure. Specific initiatives may include:
risk in such a way that the capital requirements are met on a
Comparing risk factors captured in risk management models to
continuous basis, including the close of each business day
those captured within a banks pricing models, to highlight potential
Stress-testing requirements to have bankwide and trading desk- drivers of eligibility test failure and assist in prioritizing risk
level stress-testing programs to identify and measure the risk of management model enhancements to include additional risk factors
scenarios that stress factors that could generate extraordinary where applicable
trading book losses
Comparing the banks current methodologies to measure risk factor
Potential entity-level capital calculations for supervisors to monitor sensitivities to the prescribed methodologies under the sensitivity-
the market risk of individual entities on a non-consolidated basis based approach and undertake remediation efforts to support the
and the recognition that there may be circumstances in which SA calculation
supervisory authorities require the individual risk positions from
Identifying sources of gaps in transaction data that meet real
certain entities to be taken into the measurement system without
price criteria and determining the infrastructure and processes
any offsetting or netting against risk positions in the remainder of
required to remediate such gaps
the group
Determining additional historical risk factor time series data
Open requirements coverage back to 2007 needed to support the calibration of the ES
model to a stressed period
Despite the FRTB being final, the Committee acknowledges that
aspects of the FRTB will be subject to new or potentially different Analyzing sources of reference data needed to produce ES and SA
requirements that will evolve prior to the effective date. Aspects of measures
the FRTB identified by the Committee that may change include: Assessing the hardware and calculation efficiency efforts needed to
The calibration of the SA floor to the IMA charges meet the increased demands for computation and data storage

P&L attribution test thresholds, which also may change subject to FRTB programs should also coordinate with other in-flight programs
the monitoring such as banks BCBS 2398 programs, Uncleared Margin Rule
Standard Initial Margin Methodology9 programs for non-centrally
Pillar 3 disclosure requirements, which were published in draft form cleared derivatives, stress testing enhancement programs, and P&L
in prior publications but were not included in the final FRTB and explain initiatives, as applicable, all of which will likely share common
will be proposed for public consultation and finalized in a separate components, data attributes and/or calculations with the FRTB
BCBS publication framework.

Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, January 2011, http://www.bis.org/publ/bcbs_wp19.pdf
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, December 2010, https://www.bis.org/publ/bcbs193.pdf
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, January 2013, http://www.bis.org/publ/bcbs240.pdf
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, January 2016, https://www.bis.org/bcbs/publ/d352.pdf
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, July 2015, http://www.bis.org/bcbs/qis/instr_impact_study_jul15.pdf (see Annex I)
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, January 2016, https://www.bis.org/bcbs/publ/d352_note.pdf
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, January 2016, http://www.bis.org/bcbs/publ/d325.pdf
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, January 2013, http://www.bis.org/publ/bcbs239.pdf
ISDA Working Group on Margin Requirements Implementation Initiative, February 2015,

Fundamental review of the trading book | 5

Actions to be considered
The need both to analyze the impacts of the FRTB recalibrations and changes on a banks business and to plan for the
significant implementation efforts warrants immediate action by banks, including:

Developing rule interpretations and assumptions Executing gap analysis and project planning efforts
that will impact the banks view of implementation to assess the banks current state infrastructure and
requirements prior to launching projects relevant in-flight programs against the FRTB key
Updating RWA impact analyses to reflect the updated requirements to identify critical gaps
liquidity horizons, risk weights and other changes from Identifying areas with the longest implementation
QIS 4 to enhance the estimate of FRTB RWA impacts lead times such as modelling, data and overall risk
at various levels (e.g., top of the house, specific lines of infrastructure enhancements that will be needed
business, trading desks) not only for minimum compliance but also for RWA
Increasing FRTB communication with senior optimization strategies through pursuing model
management and the front office, to increase approval
awareness and engagement regarding the Launching strategic FRTB implementation programs,
implementation timing of the FRTB, the national migrating from tactical working groups and QIS
supervisory rule-making status, the anticipated RWA execution teams, formalizing the governance, oversight
impacts, business strategy and enterprise capital and accountability of stakeholders, and developing
planning considerations and the anticipated size and resource and budget needs across the bank
scale of the banks FRTB program and related
resource needs
Forming business strategy and capital optimization
working groups or projects, to further analyze the
drivers of FRTB pro forma RWA to allow for early
identification of priority work streams, and assessment
of future potential market impacts of the FRTB (e.g.,
market liquidity, bid-ask spreads, pricing, profitability)

Michael Sheptin Dr. Sonja Koerner

Principal Partner
Tel: + 1 212 773 6032 Tel: + 44 78 6767 6491
Email: michael.sheptin@ey.com Email: skoerner@uk.ey.com

Manhua Leng Shaun Abueita

Principal Director
Tel: + 1 212 773 2891 Tel: + 44 207 951 0067
Email: manhua.leng@ey.com Email: sabueita@uk.ey.com

Young Wang Lionel Stehlin

Principal Director
Tel: + 1 212 773 2958 Tel: + 44 20 7951 2432
Email: young.wang@ey.com Email: lstehlin@uk.ey.com

Qun Zuo
Executive Director
Tel: + 1 212 773 6974
Email: qun.zuo@ey.com

Iskander R. Zabikhodjayev
Senior Manager
Tel: + 1 212 773 8942
Email: iskander.zabikhodjayev@ey.com

Greg Diiorio
Senior Manager
Tel: + 1 212 773 0694
Email: greg.diiorio@ey.com

Higher-order risk
Linear risk
Stress testing

Non-modellable risk factors

Desk-level model approval
Expected shortfall Liquidity horizons
Trading book boundary
Sensitivity-based approach
Risk theoretical P&L

P&L attribution Market data time series Default risk charge

Residual risk add-on

Intraday monitoring Hypothetical P&L
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