8 Vertical Stresses Below Applied Loads
8 Vertical Stresses Below Applied Loads
8 Vertical Stresses Below Applied Loads
Equations have been developed to compute stresses at any point in a soil mass on the basis of the
theory of elasticity. According to elastic theory, constant ratios exist between stresses and strains .
I For the theory to be applicable, the real requirement is not that the material necessarily be elastic,
but there must be constant ratios between stresses and the corresponding strains. Therefore, in
non-elastic soil masses, the elastic theory may be assumed to hold so long as the stresses induced
in the soil mass are relatively small.
Since the stresses in the subsoil of a structure having adequate factor of safety against shear
failure are relatively small in comparison with the ultimate strength of the material, the soil may
be assumed to behave elastically under such stresses.
When a load is applied to the soil surface, it increases the vertical stresses within the soil mass.
The increased stresses are greatest directly under the loaded area, but extend indefinitely in all
directions. Many formulas based on the theory of elasticity have been used to compute stresses in
They are all similar and differ only in the assumptions made to represent the elastic conditions of
the soil mass. The formulas that are most widely used are the Boussinesq and Westergaard
formulas. These formulas were first developed for point loads acting at the surface.
The extent of the elastic layer below the surface loadings may be any one of the following:
1. Infinite in the vertical and horizontal directions.
2. Limited thickness in the vertical direction underlain with a rough rigid base such as a
rocky bed.
The following is an exhaustive list of assumptions made by Boussinesq in the derivation of his
(i) The soil medium is an elastic, homogeneous, isotropic, and semi-infinite medium, which
extends infinitely in all directions from a level surface. (Homogeneity indicates identical
properties at all points in identical directions, while isotropy indicates identical elastic
properties in all directions at a point).
(ii) The medium obeys Hooke's law.
The notation with regard to the stress components and the co-ordinate system is as shown in Fig. .::
(a) In Fig. (a), the origin of co-ordinates is taken as the point of application of the load Q and the
location of any point A in the soil mass is specified by the co-ordinates x, y , and z.
The stresses acting at point A on planes normal to the co-ordinate axes are shown in Fig. (b ), er' s
are the normal stresses on the planes normal to the co-ordinate axes; -r's are the shearing stresses.
The first subscript of 't denotes the axis normal to which the plane containing the shear stress is,
and the second subscript indicates direction of the axis parallel to which the shear stress acts.
The Boussinesq equations are as
3Q z3 x
Ci=-.- X' ,, x -:,--"
z 2n R 5 I I
/ I
2 I
3Q cos 0
= 2;. ---;2--
/ Y
3Q za /
/ I I 'Y01.
= 2n:z 2 [ l+(rlz) 2 ] y
Z' ;J\ IZ
I .\' \ I I (J
I ...<:. 1_,\ 1CTz I Y y
I \ I I
I .\' I I
x 2n [ R5 2
Rr (R + z) R 3r 2 crx A (b)
cr = -
Q 3y z 2 y - x
x z
- { 2 2 2 }] Fig. Notation for Boussinesq's analysis
Y 2n R[
Rr (R + z) R 3 r 2
For reference only (Make your own notes) 2
Soil Mechanics Material by SKY
The vertical stress O"z caused by a point load, as obtained by Westergaard, is given by:
. 1Jl-2u
Q 2n 2-2u
o, = ;;-[G=~~HJr
in which v, is Poisson's ratio. If v, is taken as zero for all practical purposes, the above equation
simplifies to Q 1; rr
az= z2[1+2(r/z)2]312
or, crz = K w2
Where, K = lln
w [1 + 2(r / z )z ]312
(i) Vertical stress distribution on a horizontal plane, at a depth z below the ground surface.
(ii) Vertical stress distribution along a vertical line, at a distance r from the line of action of the
single concentrated load.
r ~ A .. r
Fig. Vertical stress distribution on a horizontal plane at depth z (Boussinesq's)
For reference only (Make your own notes) 3
Soil Mechanics Material by SKY
For several assumed values of r, r/z is calculated and Ks is found for each, the value of G z is then
computed. For example the values have been calculated for different values of r from 0 to 2.5
considering z= l , as presented in the table below:
Table Variation of vertical stress V:ith ra dial distan ce a t a specified depth (z = 1 unit, say)
,. rlz KB {\
0 0 0 .4775 0.4775 Q
0 .25 0.25 0.4103 0.4103 Q
0 .50 0 .50 0.2733 0.2733 Q ,_
0 .75 0.75 0 .156.5 0.1565 Q
1.00 1.00 0.0844 0.0844 Q
1.2.5 1.25 0.0454 0.0454 Q
I .SO 1.50 0.025 1 0.0251 Q
1.75 1.75 0 .0144 0.0144 Q
2.00 2 .00 0 .0085 0.0085 Q
0 00 -- -- Indeterrninate
0.5 2.0 0 .0085 0.0340 0.0340 Q
1 1.0 0.0844 0 .0844 0.0844 Q +Z
of pressure' or simply the 'pressure bulb ' . The vertical pressure at each point on the pressure
bulb is the same.
Pressure at points inside the bulb is greater than that at a point on the surface of the bulb; and
pressures at points outside the bulb are smaller than that value. Any number of pressure bulbs
may be drawn for any applied load, since each one corresponds to an arbitrarily chosen value of
stress. A system of isobars indicates the decrease in stress intensity from the inner to the outer
ones and reminds one of an 'Onion bulb '. Hence the term 'pressure bulb ' . An isobar diagram,
"' consisting of a system of isobars appears somewhat as shown in Fig. below:
The calculations are best performed in the form of a table as given below:
Table Data for isobar of 0 2 = 0.1 Q per unit area
Boussinesq's solution :
Westergaard's :
solution '
Fig. Vertical stress distribution on a horizontal plane at specified depth-
comparison between Boussinesq's and Westergaard's solutions
Let us consider a small length dy of the line loads as shown; the equivalent point load is q'. dy ~
and, the vertical stress at A due to this load is given by:
" .:
3(q' .dy )z 3 3q' .z 3dy
d02 = 2n:r5 = 2n:(x2 + y2 + z2 )5/2
(a) (b)
Fig. Line load acting on the surface of semi-infinite elastic soil medium
oo 3q' 2 3 dy r= 3q' 2 3 dy
.. crz = J
-= 2n(x2 + y2 + 22 )5/2 = 2 Jo 2n(x2 + y2 + 22 )5/2
2q' 2 2q' 1
or cr~ = 9 9;2 = - . -- 2; ;>
"' n(x~ + 2~) nz [l + (x I 2) ]~
z z [l + (x I z ) ]
K 1 being the influence coefficient for line load using Boussinesq' s theory; or
2q' 4
= -.cos
2 q' 2 .
= -.-.cos
1t z
If the point A is situated vertically below the line load, at a depth z, we have x = 0, and hence the
vertical stress is then given by:
2 q'
<Jz = n Z
A strip load is the load transmitted by a structure of finite width and infinite length on a soil
surface. Two types of strip loads are common in geotechnical engineering. One is a load that
imposes a uniform stress on the soil, for example, the middle section of a long embankment
(Figure a). The other is a load that induces a triangular stress distribution over an area of width B
(Figure b). An example of a strip load with a triangular stress distribution is the stress under the
side of an embankment.
The increases in stresses due to a surface stress qs (force/area) are as follows:
(a) Area transmitting a uniform stress (Figure a)
6.a" = qs [a + sin a cos( a+
- 'IT
x 7r B
(x B R~ 2
z Ri
= -qs -ex - -In-+ -sm2R.
1 .
AT zx = Qs1T ( 1 + cos 2f3 - 2 BZ a )
.: (b)
where q5 is the applied surface stress.
ii I I I I I I ii
a ---/--- B ~
ii I I I I I I ii
qs(force/area) qs(force/area)
-r- l T '
i' _rl-
Ho Ho
1 2qy
= -(13
The lateral force and its location were derived by Jarquio (1981) and are
qs .
LlPx = [H0 (02 - 01 )]
H~(0 2 - 01) - (R1 - R1) + 57.3BHo
2H0 (02 - 01 )
where 0
1 = tan - 1( ; ) , +
02 = tan- 1( a Ho B)
ocr = 3(q.M). z3
Fig. Uniform load over circular area
z 2 7t (r2 + z2 )5/2
For reference only (Make your own notes) 8
Soil Mechanics Mate ri al by SKY
z (r-9 + z 2 )o
The total vertical stress cr2 at A due to entire loaded area is obtained by integrating d a2 within the
limits r = 0 to r = a.
3fr =a rdr
. - 3q z (
(Jz -
r=O r +z 2 )5/2
Setting r2 + z2 = R 2 , rdr = R.dR, the limits for R will be z and (a 2 + z2) 112 .
3 R = (a 2+z2>112 dR
.. cr = 3qz
JR=z -R4
= qz 3[-1-
If 8 is the angle made by OA with the tangent of the periphery of the loaded area from A,
0 2 = q (1 - cos 8)
{ boundary
(Jz = q 1-
{i+( ~
rr -q 1-
{i+( :;
rr Annular
{ loaded
Figure. /
The following is the popular form of B ...i.
Newmark' s equation for crz: which is
widely used for the calculation purpose.
CTz = qlcr
Fig. Vertical stress at the corner of a uniformly
loaded rectangu lar area
q J 2 +n 2 +1) (m 2 +n 2 +2)
(2mnm _1 2mnm
J 2 +n 2 +1 J !!
<Jz= 4n [ (m 2 +n 2 +1+m 2 n 2 ).(m 2 +n 2 +1) +tan (m 2 +n 2 +1-m 2n 2
where m =Biz and n =Liz, as explained in the figure above and the second term within the
brackets is an angle in radians.
The above equation may be written in the form: cr2 = q. Ia
where Ia= Influence value
. 2mnJm + n + 1
I = (1/ 4 rr )[[ <> 2 2 2
2 2
J(m )
+n +
2J _ 1[ .
2 2
2mnJm + n + J.
2 2
cr m ~ +n +l+m n m- +n~ +1 m +n +l-m n
You can program your calculator or use a spreadsheet program to find Ia. You must be careful in
the last term (tan- 1) in programming. If m2 + n2 + 1 < m2 n2 , then you have to add n to the
bracketed quantity in the last term.
In most cases the vertical stress increase below the center of a rectangular area is important. This
stress increase can be given by the relationship
O"z = qi
2[ m 1n 1 1+ mf + 2nf . - 1 1111 ]
I = 1T vi.+ ~~T -+ nf (1 + nf)(mf + nf) + sm -v;;;f +;;i vi +- nr .!.
111 1
=- , n1 = -
z ; b
B b 2
6 81 .0 2 3456810 8
v I 1111 Tm:;:3.oI I I I 11111.2
,..- <" B---,~-/ x
.26 I I I I I ~n=2 . 5
m=2 .0
- r'-"+-'k~'""1"""1
m = Bn=L
.24 f-hn=l.6~
~ ,.,""'
llcrz = 1q
... A
u(f_ s
m and n ;re i~terchangeable
Value of n ~1+-Jh-~~-l--l-_L-Ll.-Ll--l.18
0.01 2 3 4 5 6 80.l 2 3
.16 .16
.14 .14
.12 .12
u) .10 .10
~ m=0.3
~ g;
c m=0.2
' - .061----t- l-W--W---if!llll..~r....+,.i!'.-1-1--l-l--=-~=t:=:t=l=+:!=l:::t:l.C6
.04 I I I I H .04
m=O. l
D2 -~
O m=O.O O
0.01 0.1 1.0 10
Value of n
FIGURE Influence factor for calculating the vertical
stress increase under the corner of a rectangle.
(Source: NAV-FAC-DM 7.1.)
8.5 New marks influence Chart
It may not be possible to use Fadum's influence coefficients or chart for irregularly shaped
loaded areas. Newmark (1942) devised a simple, graphical procedure for computing the vertical
stress in the interior of a soil medium, loaded by uniformly distributed, vertical load at the
'-' surface. The chart devised by him for this purpose is called an ' Influence Chart' . This is
applicable to a semi-infinite, homogeneous, isotropic and elastic soil mass (and not for a
stratified soil).
The stress cr2 at the specified depth at the specified point is then given by:
cr2 = I. N q, where I= influence value of the chart.
(Note: The stress may be found at any point which lies either inside or outside the loaded area
with the aid of the chart).
Although it appears remarkably simple, Newmark's chart has also some inherent deficiencies:
1. Many loaded areas have to be drawn; alternatively, many influence charts have to be drawn.
2. For each different depth, counting of the influence meshes must be done. Considerable amount
of guesswork may be required in estimating the influence units partially covered by the loaded
However, the primary advantage is that it can be used for loaded area of any shape and that it is
relatively rapid. This makes it attractive.
8.6 Approximate stress distribution method for loaded Areas.
'' \ \
I z
by summing up the contributions of the individual ' \ \ I
'' ''\ \ R2 '\
point loads from each of the units by applying the
' ' R4\\'' I R3
appropriate Point Load formula, such as that of R1 ' ', ,, \ \
' \
Boussinesq. '
' ,, \\ I
'' ,'\.\
Referring to Fig, if the influence values are K8 1, ',\,,A
K 82 ,. .. for the point loads Q1,Q2, .. ., for az at A, we crz
have: Fig. Equivalent point load method
CTz = (Q1Ks1 + QzKs2 + ... )
Two is to One Method
This method involves the assumption
that the stresses get distributed
uniformly on to areas the edges of
which are obtained by taking the angle
of distribution at 2 vertical to 1
horizontal (tan 8 = 112), where 8 is the I
angle made by the line of distribution 2 2
with the vertical, as shown in Figure.
The average vertical stress cr 2 depends upon the shape of the loaded area, given as below:
I.Square Area (Bx B). 2. Circular Area (diameter D) 3. Strip Area (width B, unit length)
qB2 qD2 q(Bxl)
<Jz = (B+Z) 2 (Jz = (D+Z) 2 (Jz = (BxZ)xl