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Internet of Things (Iot) /cloud Computing: Prameet P. Patil

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Internet Of Things(IoT)/Cloud Computing

Prameet P. Patil

2nd Semester , Department of Electronics and Communication

K.L.E College of Engineering and technology, Chikodi


Vijayalaxmi S H

2nd Semester, Department of Electronics and Commmunication

K.L.E College of Engineering and technology, Chikodi


Abstract- This paper provides an overview of the Internet of (IoT) paradigm, many of the objects that surround us
Things (IoT) with emphasis on enabling will be on the network in one form or another. Radio
technologies, protocols, and application issues. The IoT is Frequency
enabled by the latest developments in RFID, smart sensors, IDentification (RFID) and sensor network technologies
communication technologies, and Internet protocols. The basic will rise to meet this new challenge, in which
premise is to have smart sensors collaborate directly without
information and communication systems are invisibly
human involvement to deliver a new class of applications. The
embedded in the environment around us. This results in
current revolution in Internet, mobile, and machine-to-machine
(M2M) technologies can be seen as the first phase of the IoT. In the generation of enormous amounts of data which have to
the coming years, the IoT is expected to bridge diverse be stored, processed and presented in a seamless, efficient,
technologies to enable new applications by connecting physical and easily interpretable form.
objects together in support of intelligent decision making. This This model will consist of services that are commodities
paper starts by providing a horizontal overview of the IoT. and delivered in a manner similar to traditional
Then, we give an overview of some technical details that pertain commodities. Cloud computing can provide the virtual
to the IoT enabling technologies, protocols, and applications. We infrastructure for such utility computing which integrates
explore the relation between the IoT and other emerging monitoring devices, storage devices, analytics tools,
technologies including big data analytics and cloud and fog
visualization platforms and client delivery. he cost based
computing. We also present the need for better horizontal
model that Cloud computing offers will enable end-to-end
integration among IoT services. Finally, we present detailed
service use-cases to illustrate how the different protocols service provisioning for businesses and users to access
presented in the paper fit together to deliver desired IoT applications on demand from anywhere. Smart connectivity
services. with existing networks and context-aware computation using
network resources is an indispensable part of IoT. With
the growing presence of WiFi and 4G-LTE wireless
Internet access, the evolution toward ubiquitous
Keywords- Internet of things, IoT, CoAP, MQTT, AMQP, information and communication networks is already
evident. However, for the Internet of Things vision to
XMPP, DDS, mDNS, IoT Gateway.
successfully emerge, the computing paradigm will need to go
Introduction: beyond traditional mobile computing scenarios that use smart
phones and portables, and evolve into connecting
The next wave in the era of computing will be outside the everyday existing objects and embedding intelligence into
realm of the traditional desktop. In the Internet of Things our environment. For technology to disappear from the
consciousness of the user, the Internet of Things demands: (1)
a shared understanding of the situation of its users and their
appliances, (2) software architectures and pervasive
communication networks to process and convey the
contextual information to where it is relevant, and (3) the
analytics tools in the Internet of Things that aim
for autonomous and smart behavior. With these three
fundamental grounds in place, smart connectivity and
context-aware computation can be accomplished. The term
Internet of Things was first coined by Kevin Ashton in 1999
in the context of supply chain management [1]. However, in
the past decade, the definition has been more inclusive
covering wide range of applications like healthcare, utilities,
trasport, etc [2]. Although the definition of Things has
changed as technology evolved, the main goal of making
computer sense information without the aid of human
intervention remains the same. A radical evolution of the
Internet into a Network of interconnected objects that not
only harvests information from the environment (sensing)
and interacts with the physical world I. How does it work
(actuation/command/control), but also uses existing Internet The IoT should be capable of interconnecting billions or
standards to provide services for information transfer, trillions of heterogeneous bjects through the Internet, so there
analytics, applications, and communications. Fuelled by the is a critical need for a flexible layered architecture. The
prevalence of devices enabled by open wireless technology ever increasing number of proposed architectures has not
such as Bluetooth, radio frequency identification (RFID), Wi- yet converged to a reference model [15]. Meanwhile,
Fi, and telephonic data services as well as embedded sensor there are some projects like IoT-A [16] which try to design
and actuator nodes, IoT has stepped out of its infancy and is a common architecture based on the analysis of the needs of
on the verge of transforming the current static Internet into a researchers and the industry.
fully integrated Future Internet [3]. The Internet revolution
led to the interconnection between people at an From the pool of proposed models, the basic model is a 3-
unprecedented scale and pace. The next revolution will layer architecture [3, 17, 18] consisting of the
be the interconnection between objects to create a smart Application, Network, and Perception Layers. In the
environment. Only in 2011, the number of interconnected recent literature,
devices on the planet overtook the actual number of however, some other models have been proposed that
people. Currently there are 9 billion interconnected devices add more abstraction to the IoT architecture [2, 3, 17-20].
and it is expected to reach 24 billion devices by 2020. Fig. 3 illustrates some common architectures among them
According to the GSMA, this amounts to $1.3 trillion is the 5-layer model (not to be confused with the TCP/IP
revenue opportunities for mobile network operators alone layers) which has been used in [3, 17, 18]. Next, we
spanning vertical segments such as health, automotive, provide a brief discussion on these five layers:
utilities and consumer electronics. A schematic of the
interconnection of objects is depicted in Figure 1, where the
application domains are chosen based on the scale of the
impact of the data generated. The users span rom an
individual to national level organizations addressing wide
ranging issues.This paper presents the current trends in IoT
research propelled by applications and the need for
convergence in several interdisciplinary technologies.

Fig. 1 The IoT Architecture

A. Objects Layer with the expected output to enhance services and maintain
The first layer, the Objects (devices) or perception layer, users
represents the physical sensors of the IoT that aim to privacy [3, 18].
collect and process information. This layer includes
sensors and actuators to perform different functionalities
such as querying location, temperature, weight, motion,
vibration, acceleration, humidity, etc. Standardized plug-
II. Charecteristics of IoT:
and-play mechanisms need to be used by the perception
layer to configure heterogeneous
objects [17, 18]. The perception layer digitizes and 1. Interconnectivity: With regard to IoT , anything a
transfers data to the Object Abstraction layer through can be interconnected with global information and
secure channels The big data created by the IoT are initiated communication infrastructure.
at this layer. 2. Things related service es: The IoT is capable of
B. Object Abstraction layer providing thing related services within the
Object Abstraction transfers data produced by the Objects
constraints of things, such as privacy protection and
layer to the Service anagement layer through secure
semantic consistency between physical things, in
channels. Data can be transferred through various
order to provide thing related services within the
technologies such as RFID, 3G, GSM, UMTS, WiFi,
constraints of things, both the technologies in
Bluetooth Low Energy, infrared, ZigBee, etc.
physical world and information world will change.
Furthermore, other functions like cloud computing and 3. Heterogeneity: The devices in IoT are heterogeneous
data management processes are handled at this layer [17]. as based on devices or service platforms and
C. Service Management Layer
networks. They can interact with other devices or
Service Management or Middleware (pairing) layer pairs a
service platforms through different networks.
service with its requester based on addresses and names. This
4. Dynamic changes: The state of devices change
layer enables the IoT application programmers to work
dynamically, e.g., Sleeping and waking up,
with heterogeneous objects without consideration to a
connected and/or disconnected as well as the context
specific hardware platform. Also, this layer processes
of devices including location and speed. Moreover,
received data, makes decisions, and delivers the required
the number of devices can change dynamically
services over the network wire protocols [3, 18, 20]. D.
5. Enormous scale: The number of devices that need to
Application Layer The application layer provides the
be managed and that communicate with each other
services requested by customers. For instance, the
will be at least an order of magnitude
application layer can provide temperature and air
humidity measurements to the customer who asks for that
III. IoT Common Standards
data. The importance of this layer for the IoT is that it has the Many IoT standards are proposed to facilitate and
ability to provide high-quality smart services to meet simplify application programmers and service
customers needs. The application layer covers numerous providers jobs. Different groups have been
vertical markets such as smart home, smart building, created to provide protocols in support of the
transportation, industrial automation and smart healthcare IoT including efforts led by the World Wide Web
[3, 17-19]. Consortium (W3C), Internet Engineering Task
E. Business Layer The business (management) layer
Force (IETF), EPCglobal, Institute of Electrical
manages the overall IoT system activities and services. The
and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the
responsibilities of this layer are to build a business model,
European Telecommunications Standards Institute
graphs, flowcharts, etc. based on the received data from
(ETSI). Table III, provides a summary of the most
the Application layer. It is also supposed to design,
prominent protocols defined by these groups. In
analyze, implement, evaluate, monitor, and develop IoT
this paper, we classify the IoT protocols into four
system related elements. The Business Layer makes it
broad categories, namely: application protocols,
possible to support decision-making processes based on Big
service discovery protocols, infrastructure
Data analysis. In addition, monitoring and management of
protocols and other influential protocols.
the underlying four layers is achieved at this layer.
Moreover, this layer compares the output of each layer
However, not all of these protocols have to be and process big data. In the following subsections, we
bundled together to deliver a given IoT discuss the relation between the IoT and big data
application. Moreover, based analytics, cloud and fog computing.
on the nature of the IoT application, some V. Cloud computing for the IoT
standards may not Cloud computing (CC) offers a new management
be required to be supported in an application. mechanism for big data that enables the processing of data
and the extraction of valuable knowledge from it. Employing
Table 1. CC for the IoT is not an easy task due to the following
challenges: Synchronization: Synchronization between
different cloud vendors presents a challenge to provide real-
time services since services are built on top of various cloud
platforms. Standardization: Standardizing CC also
presents a significant challenge for IoT cloud-based
services due having to interoperate with the various vendors.
Balancing: Making a balance between general cloud
service environments and IoT requirements presents
another challenge due to the differences in infrastructure.
Reliability: Security of IoT cloud-based services presents
another challenge due to the differences in the security
mechanisms between the IoT devices and the cloud
platforms. 1553-877X (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is
permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE
permission. See
s/index.html for more information.
IV. Big Data Analytics, Cloud and FOG This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue
Ccomputing in Support of IoT of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may
Connecting a large number of physical objects like humans, change prior to final publication. Citation information:
animals, plants, smart phones, PCs, etc. equipped with
DOI10.1109/COMST.2015.2444095, IEEE Communications
Surveys & Tutorials Management: Managing CC and
to the Internet generates what is called big data. Big
IoT systems is also a challenging factor due to the fact that
data needs smart and efficient storage. Obviously,
both have different resources and components.
connected devices need mechanisms to store, process, and
Enhancement: Validating IoT cloud-based services is
retrieve data. But big data is so huge such that it exceeds
necessary to ensure providing good services that meet the
the capability of commonly used hardware environments and
customers expectations. IoT can utilize numerous cloud
software tools to capture, manage, and process them
platforms with different capabilities and strengths such as
within an acceptable slot of time. The emerging and
ThingWorx, OpenIoT, Google Cloud, Amazon, GENI, etc.
developing technology of cloud computing is defined by
For example, Xively (formerly known as Cosm and
the US National Institute of Standards and Technology
Pachube) represents one of the first IoT application hosting
(NIST) as an access model to an on-demand network of
service providers allowing sensor data to be available on
shared configurable computing sources such as networks,
the web. Xively aims to connect devices to applications
servers, warehouses, applications, and services. Cloud
securely in real-time. Xively provides a Platform as a Service
services allow individuals and companies to use remote third-
(PaaS) solution for the IoT application developers and
party software and hardware components [164]. Cloud
service providers. It is able to integrate devices with the
computing enables researchers and businesses to use and
platform by ready libraries (such as ARM mbed, Electric
maintain many resources remotely, reliably and at a low cost.
Imp and iOS/OSX) and facilitate communication via
The IoT employs a large number of embedded devices,
HTTP(S), Sockets/Websocket, or MQTT [170]. It could
like sensors and actuators that generate big data which in
also integrate with other platforms using Java, JS,
turn requires complex computations to extract knowledge
Python, and Ruby libraries. The automated parking lot
[165]. Therefore, the storage and computing resources of
presented in [171],
the cloud present the best choice for the IoT to store
is a sample of using Xively to implement IoT applications. This paper presented an overview of the premise of this
Some of the features that made Xively one of the preferred concept, its enabling technologies, protocols, applications,
cloud-based service providers for IoT service offerings are and the recent
[172]: Open source, free and easy to use as it exposes research addressing different aspects of the IoT. This, in
accessible Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). turn, should provide a good foundation for researchers
Interoperability with many protocols, environments and its and practitioners who are interested to gain an insight into the
ability to manage real-time sensors and distribute data in IoT technologies and protocols to understand the overall
numerous formats such as JSON, XML and CSV. Enables architecture and role of the different components and
users to visualize their data graphically in real-time protocols that constitute the IoT. Further, some of the
using a website to monitor activities based on data challenges and issues that pertain to the design and
sensors. Also, it enables users to control sensors remotely by deployment of IoT implementations have been presented.
modifying scripts to receive an alert. Supported by many Moreover, the interplay between the IoT, big data
Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) like Arexx, analytics,
Nanode, OpenGear, Arduino and mBed. cloud and fog computing has been discussed. We finally
presented the need for new smart autonomic
management, data aggregation, and protocol adaptation
services to achieve better horizontal integration among
VI. Application and Service Use-Cases IoT service. Finally, detailed application-use cases were
This section will focus on the overall architecture of presented to illustrate typical protocol integration
theesired IoT applications and will not provide detailed scenarios to deliver desired IoT services.
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