Chapter 10
Chapter 10
Chapter 10
Multiple Choice
1. In accounting, the term translation refers to
A) the calculation of gains or losses from hedging transactions.
B) the calculation of exchange rate gains or losses on individual transactions in foreign currencies.
C) the procedure required to identify a company's functional currency.
D) the calculation of gains or losses from all transactions for the year.
E) a procedure to prepare a foreign subsidiary's financial statements for consolidation.
Answer: E
Difficulty: Easy
2. What is a company's functional currency?
A) the currency of the primary economic environment in which it operates.
B) the currency of the country where it has its headquarters.
C) the currency in which it prepares its financial statements.
D) the reporting currency of its parent for a subsidiary.
E) the currency it chooses to designate as such.
Answer: A
Difficulty: Easy
3. According to SFAS 52, which method is usually required for translating a foreign subsidiary's financial
statements into the parent's reporting currency?
A) the temporal method.
B) the current rate method.
C) the current/noncurrent method.
D) the monetary/nonmonetary method.
E) the noncurrent rate method.
Answer: B
Difficulty: Easy
4. In translating a foreign subsidiary's financial statements, which exchange rate does the current method
require for the subsidiary's assets and liabilities?
A) the exchange rate in effect when each asset or liability was acquired.
B) the average exchange rate for the current year.
C) a calculated exchange rate based on market value.
D) the exchange rate in effect as of the balance sheet date.
E) the exchange rate in effect at the start of the current year.
Answer: D
Difficulty: Easy
5. The translation adjustment from translating a foreign subsidiary's financial statements should be shown
A) an asset or liability (depending on the balance) on the consolidated balance sheet.
B) a revenue or expense (depending on the balance) on the consolidated income statement.
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Chapter 10 Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements
Jan. 1 $1 = .6 2 5
Ju n e 3 0 $1 = .6 1 0
D ec. 31 $1 = .6 2 0
W e ig h te d a v e ra g e ra te fo r th e y e a r $1 = .6 3 0
REFER TO: Ref. 10_01
6. Westmore reported sales of 1,500,000 during 2008. What amount (rounded) would have been
included for this subsidiary in calculating consolidated sales?
A) $2,380,952.
B) $2,400,000.
C) $2,429,150.
D) $2,419,355.
E) $2,425,876.
Answer: A
Difficulty: Medium
REFER TO: Ref. 10_01
7. On December 31, Westmore had accounts receivable of 280,000. What amount (rounded) would
have been included for this subsidiary in calculating consolidated accounts receivable?
A) $444,444.
B) $451,613.
C) $142,600.
D) $176,400.
E) $452,830.
Answer: B
Difficulty: Medium
8. Gunther Co. established a subsidiary in Mexico on January 1, 2008. The subsidiary engaged in the
following transactions during 2008:
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Chapter 10 Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements
Gunther concluded that the subsidiarys functional currency was the dollar.
Exchange rates for 2008 were:
Jan. 1 1 peso = $.20
31 1 peso = $.19
Dec. 31 1 peso = $.16
Weighted average rate for the year 1 peso = $.18
What amount of foreign exchange gain or loss would have been recognized on Gunther's consolidated
income statement for 2008?
A) $200,400 loss.
B) $90,000 loss.
C) $226,000 loss.
D) $235,600 loss.
E) $250,000 loss.
Answer: E
Difficulty: Hard
REFER TO: Ref. 10_02
9. What exchange rate should have been used in translating Darron's revenues and expenses for 2009?
A) $1 = .48.
B) $1 = .44.
C) $1 = .46.
D) $1 = .42.
E) $1 = .45.
Answer: B
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Chapter 10 Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements
Difficulty: Easy
REFER TO: Ref. 10_02
10. What was the amount of the translation adjustment for 2009?
A) $293,479 increase in relative value of net assets.
B) $302,137 increase in relative value of net assets.
C) $300,160 increase in relative value of net assets.
D) $187,418 increase in relative value of net assets.
E) $270,800 increase in relative value of net assets.
Answer: B
Difficulty: Hard
11. Which of the following translation methods was originally mandated by SFAS No. 8?
A) Current/Noncurrent Method.
B) Monetary/Nonmonetary Method.
C) Current Rate Method.
D) Temporal Method.
E) Indirect Method.
Answer: D
Difficulty: Easy
12. Which accounts are remeasured using current exchange rates?
A) all revenues and expenses.
B) all assets and liabilities.
C) all monetary assets and liabilities.
D) all current assets and liabilities.
E) all noncurrent assets and liabilities.
Answer: D
Difficulty: Medium
13. For a foreign subsidiary that uses the US dollar as its functional currency, what translation method is
A) Current/Noncurrent Method.
B) Monetary/Nonmonetary Method.
C) Current Rate Method.
D) Temporal Method.
E) Indirect Method.
Answer: D
Difficulty: Medium
REFER TO: Ref. 10_03
14. Which one of the following statements would justify this conclusion?
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Chapter 10 Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements
A) Most of the subsidiary's sales and purchases were with companies in the U.S.
B) Dilty's functional currency is the dollar and Dilty is the parent.
C) Dilty's other subsidiaries all had the dollar as their functional currency.
D) Generally accepted accounting principles require that the subsidiary's functional currency must be the
dollar if consolidated financial statements are to be prepared.
E) Dilty is located in the U.S.
Answer: A
Difficulty: Medium
REFER TO: Ref. 10_03
15. What must Dilty do to ready the subsidiary's financial statements for consolidation?
A) first translate them, then remeasure them.
B) first remeasure them, then translate them.
C) state all of the subsidiary's accounts in U.S. dollars using the exchange rate in effect at the balance
sheet date.
D) translate them.
E) remeasure them.
Answer: E
Difficulty: Easy
S ta te d a t
C u rre n t H is to ric a l
R a te s R a te s
A c c o u n ts re c e iv a b le c u rre n t $ 2 8 0 ,0 0 0 $ 3 0 8 ,0 0 0
A c c o u n ts re c e iv a b le lo n g -te rm 1 4 0 ,0 0 0 1 5 4 ,0 0 0
P re p a id in s u ra n c e 7 0 ,0 0 0 7 7 ,0 0 0
G o o d w ill 1 1 2 ,0 0 0 1 1 9 ,0 0 0
T o ta ls $ 6 0 2 ,0 0 0 $ 6 5 8 ,0 0 0
REFER TO: Ref. 10_04
16. If a foreign currency is the functional currency of this subsidiary, what total should have been
included in Tulip's balance sheet for the preceding items?
A) $609,000.
B) $658,000.
C) $602,000.
D) $630,000.
E) $616,000.
Answer: C
Difficulty: Easy
REFER TO: Ref. 10_04
17. If the U.S. dollar is the functional currency of this subsidiary, what total should have been included in
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Chapter 10 Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements
November 1, $.19 = 1
December $.20 = 1
January 1, 2009 $.22 = 1
January 31, $.23 = 1
Average for $.24 = 1
18. What figure would have been reported for this inventory on Porter's consolidated balance sheet at
December 31, 2008?
A) $24,000.
B) $26,400.
C) $22,800.
D) $27,600.
E) $28,800.
Answer: A
Difficulty: Easy
REFER TO: Ref. 10_05
19. What figure would have been reported for cost of goods sold on Porter's consolidated income
statement at December 31, 2009?
A) $24,000.
B) $26,400.
C) $22,800.
D) $27,600.
E) $28,800.
Answer: E
Difficulty: Medium
20. A U.S. company's foreign subsidiary had the following amounts in stickles () in 2009:
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Chapter 10 Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements
C o s t o f g o o d s s o ld 1 2 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0
E n d in g in v e n to ry 6 0 0 ,0 0 0
B e g in n in g in v e n to ry 2 4 0 ,0 0 0
The average exchange rate during 2009 was 1 = $.96. The beginning inventory was acquired when the
exchange rate was 1 = $1.20. The ending inventory was acquired when the exchange rate was 1 =
$.90. The exchange rate at December 31, 2009 was 1 = $.84. Assuming that the foreign country had a
highly inflationary economy, at what amount should the foreign subsidiary's cost of goods sold have been
reflected in the 2009 U.S. dollar income statement?
A) $11,253,600.
B) $11,577,600.
C) $11,649,600.
D) $11,613,600.
E) $11,523,600.
Answer: D
Difficulty: Hard
21. A historical exchange rate for a foreign subsidiary is best described as
A) The rate at date of acquisition for a purchase transaction.
B) The rate when the common stock was originally issued for a purchase transaction.
C) The average rate from date of acquisition to the date of balance sheet.
D) The rate from the prior years balances.
E) The January 1 exchange rate.
Answer: A
Difficulty: Medium
22. A net asset balance sheet exposure exists and the foreign currency appreciates. Which of the
following statements is true?
A) There is no translation adjustment.
B) There is a transaction loss.
C) There is a transaction gain.
D) There is a negative translation adjustment.
E) There is a positive translation adjustment.
Answer: E
Difficulty: Medium
23. A net asset balance sheet exposure exists and the foreign currency depreciates. Which of the
following statements is true?
A) There is no translation adjustment.
B) There is a transaction loss.
C) There is a transaction gain.
D) There is a negative translation adjustment.
E) There is a positive translation adjustment.
Answer: D
Difficulty: Medium
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Chapter 10 Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements
24. A net liability balance sheet exposure exists and the foreign currency appreciates. Which of the
following statements is true?
A) There is no translation adjustment.
B) There is a transaction loss.
C) There is a transaction gain.
D) There is a negative translation adjustment.
E) There is a positive translation adjustment.
Answer: D
Difficulty: Medium
25. A net liability balance sheet exposure exists and the foreign currency depreciates. Which of the
following statements is true?
A) There is no translation adjustment.
B) There is a transaction loss.
C) There is a transaction gain.
D) There is a negative translation adjustment.
E) There is a positive translation adjustment.
Answer: E
Difficulty: Medium
26. Which method of translating a foreign subsidiary's financial statements is correct?
A) Historical rate method.
B) Working capital method.
C) Current rate method.
D) Remeasurement.
E) Temporal method.
Answer: C
Difficulty: Easy
27. Which method of remeasuring a foreign subsidiary's financial statements is correct?
A) Historical rate method.
B) Working capital method.
C) Current rate method.
D) Translation.
E) Temporal method.
Answer: E
Difficulty: Easy
28. Under the temporal method, inventory at market would be restated at what rate?
A) Beginning of the year rate.
B) Average rate.
C) Current rate.
D) Historical rate.
E) Composite amount.
Answer: C
Difficulty: Medium
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Chapter 10 Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements
29. Under the current rate method, inventory at market would be restated at what rate?
A) Beginning of the year rate.
B) Average rate.
C) Current rate.
D) Historical rate.
E) Composite amount.
Answer: C
Difficulty: Medium
30. Under the temporal method, common stock would be restated at what rate?
A) Beginning of the year rate.
B) Average rate.
C) Current rate.
D) Historical rate.
E) Composite amount.
Answer: D
Difficulty: Easy
31. Under the current rate method, common stock would be restated at what rate?
A) Beginning of the year rate.
B) Average rate.
C) Current rate.
D) Historical rate.
E) Composite amount.
Answer: D
Difficulty: Easy
32. Under the current rate method, property, plant & equipment would be restated at what rate?
A) Beginning of the year rate.
B) Average rate.
C) Current rate.
D) Historical rate.
E) Composite amount.
Answer: C
Difficulty: Medium
33. Under the temporal method, property, plant & equipment would be restated at what rate?
A) Beginning of the year rate.
B) Average rate.
C) Current rate.
D) Historical rate.
E) Composite amount.
Answer: D
Difficulty: Medium
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Chapter 10 Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements
34. Under the current rate method, retained earnings would be restated at what rate?
A) Beginning of the year rate.
B) Average rate.
C) Current rate.
D) Historical rate.
E) Composite amount.
Answer: E
Difficulty: Medium
35. Under the temporal method, retained earnings would be restated at what rate?
A) Beginning of the year rate.
B) Average rate.
C) Current rate.
D) Historical rate.
E) Composite amount.
Answer: E
Difficulty: Medium
36. Under the current rate method, depreciation expense would be restated at what rate?
A) Beginning of the year rate.
B) Average rate.
C) Current rate.
D) Historical rate.
E) Composite amount.
Answer: B
Difficulty: Medium
37. Under the temporal method, depreciation expense would be restated at what rate?
A) Beginning of the year rate.
B) Average rate.
C) Current rate.
D) Historical rate.
E) Composite amount.
Answer: D
Difficulty: Medium
38. Under the temporal method, how would cost of goods sold be restated?
A) Beginning of the year rate.
B) Average rate.
C) Current rate.
D) Historical rate.
E) Composite amount.
Answer: E
Difficulty: Medium
39. Under the current rate method, how would cost of goods sold be restated?
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Chapter 10 Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements
40. How is the disposition of the translated gain or loss reported on the parent company's financial
A) Net income/loss on the income statement.
B) Cumulative translation adjustment as a deferred asset.
C) Cumulative translation adjustment as a deferred liability.
D) Other comprehensive income.
E) Retained earnings.
Answer: D
Difficulty: Medium
41. How is the disposition of the remeasurement gain or loss reported on the parent company's financial
A) Net income/loss on the income statement.
B) Cumulative translation adjustment as a deferred asset.
C) Cumulative translation adjustment as a deferred liability.
D) Other comprehensive income.
E) Retained earnings.
Answer: A
Difficulty: Medium
42. A highly inflationary economy is defined as
A) Cumulative 5-year inflation in excess of 100%.
B) Cumulative 3-year inflation in excess of 100%.
C) Cumulative 5-year inflation in excess of 90%.
D) Cumulative 3-year inflation in excess of 90%.
E) Any country designated as a company operating in an underworld economy.
Answer: B
Difficulty: Medium
43. If a subsidiary is operating in a highly inflationary economy, how are the financial statements to be
A) Historical rate.
B) Working capital rate.
C) Translation.
D) Remeasurement.
E) Current rate.
Answer: D
Difficulty: Medium
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Chapter 10 Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements
44. When consolidating a foreign subsidiary, which of the following statements is true?
A) Parent reports a cumulative translation adjustment using the equity method.
B) Parent's reports a gain or loss in net income using the equity method.
C) Subsidiary's cumulative translation adjustment is carried forward to the consolidated balance sheet.
D) Subsidiary's income/loss is carried forward to the consolidated balance sheet.
E) All foreign currency gains/losses are eliminated on the consolidated income statement and balance
Answer: A
Difficulty: Hard
45. When preparing a consolidating statement of cash flows, which of the following statements is false?
A) Subsidiary dividends are deducted as a financing activity.
B) Noncontrolling interest in subsidiary dividends are deducted as a financing activity.
C) Parent dividends are deducted as a financing activity.
D) Amortization of cost over book value of the investment in subsidiary is added to net income as an
operating activity using the indirect method.
E) Intercompany gains do not appear on the consolidated statement of cash flows.
Answer: A
Difficulty: Medium
REFER TO: Ref. 10_06
46. Compute the cost of goods sold for 2009 in U.S. dollars using the temporal method.
A) $376,650.
B) $387,750.
C) $388,800.
D) $400,950.
E) $409,050.
Answer: B
Difficulty: Medium
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Chapter 10 Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements
REFER TO: Ref. 10_06
48. Compute ending inventory for 2009 under the temporal method.
A) $13,950.
B) $14,100.
C) $14,400.
D) $14,850.
E) $15,150.
Answer: D
Difficulty: Medium
REFER TO: Ref. 10_06
49. Compute ending inventory for 2009 under the current rate method.
A) $13,950.
B) $14,100.
C) $14,400.
D) $14,850.
E) $15,150.
Answer: E
Difficulty: Medium
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Chapter 10 Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements
REFER TO: Ref. 10_07
51. Compute the December 31, 2008, inventory balance using the current rate method.
A) $454,400.
B) $457,600.
C) $596,000.
D) $568,000.
E) $473,600.
Answer: A
Difficulty: Medium
REFER TO: Ref. 10_08
52. The financial statements for Perez are translated by its U.S. parent. What amount of gain or loss
would be reported in its translated income statement?
A) $1,530.
B) $1,575.
C) $1,590.
D) $1,090.
E) $1,650.
Answer: C
Difficulty: Medium
REFER TO: Ref. 10_08
53. The financial statements for Perez are remeasured by its U.S. parent. What amount of gain or loss
would be reported in its translated income statement?
A) $1,530.
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Chapter 10 Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements
B) $1,575.
C) $1,465.
D) $1,090.
E) $1,650.
Answer: D
Difficulty: Hard
Restated at
Current Rates Historical Rates
Cash $ 47,500 $ 45,000
Accounts receivable 95,000 90,000
Inventory, at market 76,000 72,000
Land 57,000 54,000
Equipment (net) 142,500 135,000
Total $418,000 $396,000
REFER TO: Ref. 10_09
54. Assuming the functional currency of the subsidiary is the U.S. dollar, what total should be included in
Parker's consolidated balance sheet at December 31, 2008, for the above items?
A) $407,500.
B) $418,000.
C) $396,000.
D) $403,500.
E) $398,500.
Answer: A
Difficulty: Medium
REFER TO: Ref. 10_09
55. Assuming the functional currency of the subsidiary is the local currency, what total should be
included in Parker's consolidated balance sheet at December 31, 2008, for the above items?
A) $407,500.
B) $418,000.
C) $396,000.
D) $403,500.
E) $398,500.
Answer: B
Difficulty: Easy
REFER TO: Ref. 10_09
56. If the current rate used to restate these balances is $.95, what was the historical rate used to restate the
same balances?
A) $.90.
B) $1.00.
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Chapter 10 Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements
C) $.95.
D) $.9474.
E) $1.0556.
Answer: A
Difficulty: Medium
REFER TO: Ref. 10_10
57. Calculate the US$ amount allocated to the patent at January 1, 2009.
A) $50,000.
B) $35,000.
C) $34,000.
D) $32,500.
E) $28,200.
Answer: B
Difficulty: Medium
REFER TO: Ref. 10_10
58. Amortization of the patent, translated, for 2009 would be
A) $7,000.
B) $10,000.
C) $6,800.
D) $9,000.
E) $6,500.
Answer: C
Difficulty: Medium
REFER TO: Ref. 10_10
59. Compute the amount of the patent reported on the consolidated balance sheet at December 31, 2009.
A) $28,200.
B) 428,000.
C) $35,000.
D) $27,200.
E) $26,000.
Answer: E
Difficulty: Medium
REFER TO: Ref. 10_10
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Chapter 10 Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements
Sales 400,000
Inventory (bought on February 1, 2008) 20,000
Equipment (bought on January 1, 2007) 90,000
Dividends (paid on September 1, 2008) 20,000
Accumulated depreciation Equipment 12/31/08 45,000
Depreciation expense Equipment, 2008 9,000
REFER TO: Ref. 10_11
61. Assume the functional currency is the euro, compute the restated amount for sales for 2008.
A) $364,000.
B) $372,000.
C) $380,000.
D) $360,000.
E) $404,000.
Answer: C
Difficulty: Easy
REFER TO: Ref. 10_11
62. Assume the functional currency is the euro, compute the restated amount for inventory for 2008.
A) $18,600.
B) $19,600.
C) $18,000.
D) $20,200
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Chapter 10 Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements
E) $19,000.
Answer: D
Difficulty: Easy
REFER TO: Ref. 10_11
63. Assume the functional currency is the euro, compute the restated amount for equipment for 2008.
A) $81,900.
B) $90,900.
C) $83,700.
D) $88,200.
E) $85,500.
Answer: B
Difficulty: Medium
REFER TO: Ref. 10_11
64. Assume the functional currency is the euro, compute the restated amount for dividends for 2008.
A) $19,000.
B) $20,200.
C) $18,600.
D) $19,400.
E) $19,600.
Answer: D
Difficulty: Easy
REFER TO: Ref. 10_11
65. Assume the functional currency is the euro, compute the restated amount for accumulated
depreciation for 2008.
A) $40,950.
B) $41,850.
C) $45,450.
D) $42,750.
E) $44,100.
Answer: C
Difficulty: Medium
REFER TO: Ref. 10_06
66. Assume the functional currency is the euro, compute the restated amount for depreciation expense for
A) $8,190.
B) $8,370.
C) $8,820.
D) $9,090.
E) $8,550.
Answer: E
Difficulty: Medium
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Chapter 10 Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements
REFER TO: Ref. 10_11
68. Assume the functional currency is the U.S. dollar, compute the restated amount for inventory for
A) $18,600.
B) $19,600.
C) $18,000.
D) $20,200.
E) $19,000.
Answer: B
Difficulty: Medium
REFER TO: Ref. 10_11
69. Assume the functional currency is the U.S. dollar, compute the restated amount for equipment for
A) $81,900.
B) $90,900.
C) $83,700.
D) $88,200.
E) $85,500.
Answer: A
Difficulty: Medium
REFER TO: Ref. 10_11
70. Assume the functional currency is the U.S. dollar, compute the restated amount for dividends for
A) $19,000.
B) $20,200.
C) $18,600.
D) $19,400.
E) $19,600.
Answer: D
Difficulty: Easy
REFER TO: Ref. 10_11
71. Assume the functional currency is the U.S. dollar, compute the restated amount for accumulated
depreciation for 2008.
A) $40,950.
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Chapter 10 Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements
B) $41,850.
C) $45,450.
D) $42,750.
E) $44,100.
Answer: A
Difficulty: Medium
REFER TO: Ref. 10_11
72. Assume the functional currency is the U.S. dollar, compute the restated amount for depreciation
expense for 2008.
A) $8,190.
B) $8,370.
C) $8,820.
D) $9,090.
E) $8,550.
Answer: A
Difficulty: Medium
REFER TO: Ref. 10_11
73. When translating Quadros' financial statements, which of the following statements is true?
A) There will be a remeasurement gain reported on the consolidated income statement.
B) There will be a remeasurement loss reported on the consolidated income statement.
C) There will be a positive cumulative translation adjustment reported on the consolidated balance sheet.
D) There will be a positive cumulative translation adjustment reported on the consolidated income
E) There will be a transaction gain reported on the consolidated income statement.
Answer: C
Difficulty: Medium
74. A foreign subsidiary was purchased on January 1, 2008. Determine the exchange rate used to restate
the following accounts at December 31, 2008. Land was purchased on October 1, 2008. Relevant
exchange dates follow:
(A) January 1, 2008
(B) October 1, 2008
(C) December 31, 2008
(D) Average, 2008
(E) Composite, using multiple dates.
Identify the exchange rate used to translate items 1-5:
____ 1. Land.
____ 2. Equipment.
____ 3. Bonds payable.
____ 4. Common stock.
____ 5. Retained earnings.
Identify the exchange rate used to remeasure the items 6-10:
____ 6. Land.
____ 7. Equipment.
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Chapter 10 Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements
75. In translating a foreign subsidiary's financial statements, what exchange rate should be used for the
subsidiary's revenues and expenses?
Answer: The historical rate that was in effect when the revenues and expenses were incurred should be
used unless those revenues and expenses occur throughout the year, then a weighted average exchange
rate for the year may be used.
Difficulty: Medium
76. How can a parent corporation determine the functional currency for a foreign subsidiary that
conducts business in more than one country?
Answer: If the foreign subsidiary has distinct and separable operations in different countries, each of these
operations can use a different currency. If the subsidiary does not have distinct operations in different
countries, the currency in which the most transactions are carried out should be selected.
Difficulty: Medium
77. What exchange rate should be used to translate (a) revenues and expenses that occur throughout the
year and (b) a gain or loss that occurs on a specific day?
Answer: Revenues and expenses occurring throughout the year may be translated using the average
exchange rate for the year. A gain or loss occurring on a specific date should be translated using the rate
in effect on that day.
Difficulty: Easy
78. Perkle Co. owned a subsidiary in Belgium; the subsidiary's functional currency was the Belgian
franc. During 2009, Perkle engaged in hedging transactions to offset part of the subsidiary's net asset
position. How should the effects of exchange rate fluctuations on the currency hedge be accounted for?
Answer: Any effect on the contract resulting from exchange rate fluctuations is classified as a translation
adjustment, rather than as a foreign exchange gain or loss.
Difficulty: Easy
79. Under what circumstances would the translation of a foreign subsidiary's financial statements not be
Answer: The translation of a foreign subsidiary's financial statements is not required in the following two
(A.) when the subsidiary's functional currency is the U.S. dollar.
(B.) when the subsidiary operates in a highly inflationary economy.
Difficulty: Medium
80. A foreign subsidiary of a U.S. corporation purchased equipment on January 4, 2005.
(A.) How would depreciation expense on the equipment be translated for 2008?
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Chapter 10 Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements
(B.) How would depreciation expense on the equipment be remeasured for 2008?
Answer: (A.) Depreciation expense would be translated using the average exchange rate for 2008. (B.)
Depreciation expense would be remeasured using the exchange rate in effect when the equipment was
Difficulty: Medium
81. What exchange rate would be used to translate the asset and liability account balances of a foreign
subsidiary? What justification can be given for using this exchange rate?
Answer: Assets and liabilities are translated using the current exchange rate, the rate in effect at the
balance sheet date. This rate is chosen because assets and liabilities are expected to affect future cash
flows. Therefore, they should be translated using the most up-to-date exchange rates available.
Difficulty: Easy
82. Farley Brothers, a U.S. company, had a subsidiary in Italy. Under what conditions would the U.S.
dollar be the functional currency for this subsidiary?
Answer: To determine the subsidiary's functional currency, Farley Brothers should look at the volume of
the subsidiary's transactions in various currencies. If most of the subsidiary's sales and purchases are in
dollars, the dollar may be the logical choice for the functional currency. If there are many transactions
between the subsidiary and the parent, and if most of the subsidiary's financing comes from the U.S., the
dollar may be a better choice than the lira or other European currencies.
Difficulty: Easy
83. What is the justification for the remeasurement of foreign currency transactions?
Answer: Remeasurement is needed for transactions denominated in a currency other than the entity's
functional currency. A U.S. company which engages in transactions in other countries may have to
remeasure some of its transactions. The implicit justification for remeasurement is that foreign currency
transactions which affect monetary assets and liabilities have a direct effect on the entity's cash flows.
There will be direct effects on future cash flows in the functional currency, and thus an effect on net
Difficulty: Medium
84. Contrast the purpose of remeasurement with the purpose of translation.
Answer: The purpose of translation is to transform a subsidiary's financial statements, prepared in its
functional currency, into the reporting currency of the parent. The purpose of remeasurement is to restate
transactions from one currency into the functional currency of the entity. Remeasurement is also required
when a subsidiary's financial statements have been denominated in a currency other than the subsidiary's
functional currency.
Difficulty: Medium
85. On January 1, 2008, Fandu Corp. started a foreign subsidiary. On April 1, 2008, the subsidiary
purchased inventory costing 150,000 stickles. One-fourth of this inventory remained unsold at the end of
2008 while 40% of the liability from the purchase had not yet been paid. The pertinent exchange rates
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Chapter 10 Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements
What should have been the December 31, 2008 inventory and accounts payable balances for this foreign
subsidiary as translated into U.S. dollars? (Round your answers to the nearest whole dollar.)
Difficulty: Medium
I n v e n to r y ( 1 5 0 ,0 0 0 x x ( 1 3 .6 ) ) $ 1 0 ,4 1 7
A c c o u n ts p a y a b le ( 1 5 0 ,0 0 0 x 4 0 % x ( 1 3 .6 )) $ 1 6 ,6 6 7
86. On January 1, 2008, Veldon Co., a U.S. corporation with the U.S. dollar as its functional currency,
established Malont Co. as a subsidiary. Malont is located in the country of Sorania, and its functional
currency is the stickle. Malont engaged in the following transactions during 2008:
Calculate the translation adjustment for Malont. (Round your answers to the nearest whole dollar.)
Stickles Rate U.S.
Net assets, 1/1/08 0
Change in net assets,
Common stock 500,00 $1 2.5H $200,000
issuance 0
Operating income 150,00 $1 2.4A 62,500
Loss on sale of (40,00 $1 2.1H (19,04
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Chapter 10 Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements
equipment 0) 8)
Dividends paid (60,00 $1 2.6H (23,077
0) )
Net assets, 12/31/08 550,000 $(220,37
Net assets, 12/31/08 at
current 550,000 $1 2.7C 203,704
exchange rate
Translation adjustment ,
2008 $
(negative) (16,671)
Difficulty: Hard
REFER TO: Ref. 10_12
87. Prepare an income statement for this subsidiary in stickles and then translate these amounts into U.S.
Ginvold Co. Subsidiary
Income Statement
For the Year Ended December 31, 2008
Difficulty: Medium
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Chapter 10 Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements
REFER TO: Ref. 10_12
88. Prepare a statement of retained earnings for this subsidiary in stickles and then translate these
amounts into U.S. dollars.
Ginvold Co. Subsidiary
Statement of Retained Earnings
For the Year Ended December 31, 2008
Difficulty: Medium
REFER TO: Ref. 10_12
89. Prepare a balance sheet for this subsidiary in stickles and then translate these amounts into U.S.
Ginvold Co. Subsidiary
Balance Sheet
December 31, 2008
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Chapter 10 Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements
Difficulty: Medium
REFER TO: Ref. 10_12
90. Prepare a statement of cash flows for this subsidiary in stickles and then translate these amounts into
U.S. dollars.
Ginvold Co. Subsidiary
Statement of Cash Flows
For the Year Ended, December 31, 2008
Investing activities:
Purchase of building (170,000) x $2.40H = (408,000)
Financing activities:
Proceeds from common stock 50,000 x $2.40H = 120,000
Proceeds from note payable 120,000 x $2.40H = 288,000
Dividend paid (6,000) x $2.16H = (12,960)
Net cash from financing 164,000 395,040
Increase in cash 49,000 112,740
Effect on exchange rate change on
cash (6,900)
Cash at December 31, 2007 0 0
Cash at December 31, 2008 49,000 x $2.16C = $105,840
Difficulty: Medium
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Chapter 10 Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements
REFER TO: 10_13
91. Assume (1) that Boerkian was a foreign subsidiary of a U.S. multinational company that used the
U.S. dollar as its functional currency and (2) that the stickle was the functional currency of the subsidiary.
What was the translation adjustment for this subsidiary for 2008?
The translation adjustment is based on changes in the net assets of the subsidiary.
Difficulty: Medium
REFER TO: Ref. 10_13
92. Assume (1) that Boerkian was a foreign subsidiary of a U.S. multinational company that used the
U.S. dollar as its reporting currency and (2) that the U.S. dollar was the functional currency of the
subsidiary. What was the remeasurement gain or loss for 2008?
Difficulty: Medium
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Chapter 10 Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements
The remeasurement gain or loss is based on changes in the net monetary assets of
the subsidiary.
Difficulty: Hard
REFER TO: Ref. 10_13
93. Required:
Assume that Boerkian was a foreign subsidiary of a U.S. multinational company. On the December 31,
2008 balance sheet, what was the translated value of the Land account?
Difficulty: Medium
T ra n s la te d v a lu e o f la n d 7 2 ,0 0 0 x $ .3 5 = $ 2 5 ,2 0 0
REFER TO: Ref. 10_13
94. Assume that Boerkian was a foreign subsidiary of a U.S. multinational company. On the December
31, 2008 balance sheet, what was the remeasured value of the Land account?
R e m e a s u re d v a lu e o f la n d 7 2 ,0 0 0 x $ .2 8 = $ 2 0 ,1 6 0
Difficulty: Medium
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