l9 Traditons Inuit Bad
l9 Traditons Inuit Bad
l9 Traditons Inuit Bad
Nice work.
Review: Where do the Acadians live?
Where did they come from?
Why do they wear wooden shoes?
I actually learned that they also wear them when its muddy because they help to spread the
weight of a person all around and thus, they dont sink into the mud.
8 mins
Where do the Ukrainians live now?
Where did they move to Canada from?
How many of you paint Easter eggs in your family?
Nifty, sometimes we borrow traditions, like painting easter eggs, from other cultures. Its okay to
borrow traditions from other cultures so long as we do it respectfully.
What do I mean when I say respectfully?
Body Time
Priming: Ill be reading two stories about two different Inuit artists.
I want you to think about why they create the pieces of art that they do. What is the reason
behind it.
If we were to write a song about Barnwell, what language do you think it would be in? Why?
What would you want to tell people about your community?
Who would you like to share your story with?
- Read pages 2-7 about traditional Inuit authors and singers.
- Play video of O Siem by Susan Aglukark
The artists that we read about drew pictures, wrote stories, and sang songs about their culture.
Why did they do that?
Did they want to share their culture with others?
Alright, when I say go, use your marshmallow feet to move back to your desks.
Now, Ill get my book person to pass out a text book to everyone, but I want to tell you about
what were doing next week, because I think it will be fun.
Im hoping to a have a whole social class dedicated to celebrating each of the cultures that we
have been studying.
What I need us to do, is plan out what types of activities and music we want. We need to think
about the kinds of food and drinks we should have.
I want the first culture day to be all traditional Inuit culture.
As were reading through the textbook today, we also need to be keeping an eye out for food,
drinks, activities, and music we can listen to and enjoy.
30 mins
Well start on page 19.
Terminology: Traditions: ways that are passed down from parents, grandparents, and others
who have lived before you.
- Write this on the board.
- Write, Inuit Celebration Ideas on the board as well
- Draw names and have students read one or two sentences and then ask questions to
other students about what was just read.
- List all of the celebration ideas on the board so they can follow that as well.
- Read pages 19-21, 31-33
Reading Questions: What did they live in during the winter?
What were igloos made of?
Maybe we should wear our own winter boots to the celebration, or if you have moccasins, you
could wear those too!
Do you think that the grandma is happy that things have changed?
What would the good parts be?
What would something bad be?
What do we call those things that have stayed the same for years? Theyve passed down, and its
all todays lesson has really been focused on.
Raise your hand if you think we should have throat singing at the celebration?
And maybe I can find a whole book of Inuit legends like the one we read last week!
It looks like theyre playing tug of war in that picture above, maybe we could bring supplies to do
that too!
Ill find some traditional recipes and well definitely have some food!
I could try to find some Maktaaq
Maybe we could have some games set up like our own Artic Winter Games?
Closure Time
Great work today guys!
Can anyone tell me one really cool thing you learned about the Inuit culture today? 2 mins
- Ask this to a couple of students until 3:35
I left that last five minutes as per my T.A. so the students have time to clean up.
This week will be a bunch of reading lessons, but I think it will pay off when next week we can
have some big celebrations about culture. You can only learn so much from a book and I think
something more physical they will be able to appreciate more.
Im going to attempt to do a set of three exit slips as a final summative assessment after each
cultural celebration. I want them to think about their favorite things that they learnt about. I
want them to think about how their view of the culture has changed since learning about them.
I would like them to compare and contrast their own culture to that of the Inuit peoples. Well
see how it goes, but I would like this to be something they have at least been exposed to once