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AVEVA_TS_000001 00
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Strategic Planning, Organization & Information Technology

Job Contractual item DANIELI Item


Isometric Book
Technical specification



00 22/11/2017 Issued for tender

M.Caneva G.Tominec M.Tonus
Rev. Date Revisions description Compiled Checked Approved

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1 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................3

2 SCOPE OF SUPPLY ....................................................................................................3

3 IMPLEMENTATION REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................4

3.1 General Requirements ........................................................................................................................................ 4

3.2 Programming Language ..................................................................................................................................... 4

3.3 Hardware\software running setup ..................................................................................................................... 4

3.3.1 Client Server functionality .............................................................................................................................. 4
3.3.2 Server ................................................................................................................................................................ 4
3.3.3 Client................................................................................................................................................................. 4

4 AVEVA E3D ENVIROMENT CONFIGURATION ..........................................................5

4.1 Model module....................................................................................................................................................... 5

4.2 Isodraft module.................................................................................................................................................... 5

5 IMPLEMENTATION DESCRIPTION.............................................................................6

5.1 Running from Aveva E3D application with GUI.............................................................................................. 6

5.2 Running in background with Aveva E3D in TTY mode .................................................................................. 7

5.3 Particular notes.................................................................................................................................................... 7

5.4 Known problems & errors.................................................................................................................................. 8

6 IMPLEMENTATION OUTPUT ......................................................................................8

7 PROJECT PLANNING..................................................................................................8

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Danieli reality is based on a full 3D design developed in Autodesk Inventor for the mechanical discipline and
in Aveva E3D for civil, structures, piping and electrical ones.
Seen the extent of use of Aveva E3D and having already consolidated the working practices the focus
remains on improving the working method in order to:
- Eliminate repetitive manual procedures;
- Increase automatism;
- Reduce check and verification time on documentation developed manually;
- Avoid user mistakes.
In light of above always more importance is given on the possibility to fully automate processes manually
handled until today.

The current specification defines the needs for an implementation of Aveva E3D named Isometric Book
generation aimed to:
- Verify the readiness and correctness of the pipelines for isometric drawing extraction;
- Verify the availability of Titleblock in .plt format, if not available generate it;
- Extract the verified isometric drawings in .dwg and .pdf version;
- Merge the .pdf files in a PDF collection composed of:
o Cover page;
o Document Index;
o Reference documents
o Isometric summary and remarks
o General notes;
o Isometric list;
o Isometric drawings.
- Generate a multipage .tiff version of the Isometric collection;
- Collect the documentation prepared/exported in .zip files by fluid systems;
- Revision management both of isometric sheets and isometric collection.
The implementation will need to be designed for 3 different operation modes:
- GUI in manual mode;
- GUI in wizard mode;
- TTY in background mode.
The complete scope of supply of the implementation is composed by:
- Customization source files;
- Customization settings files;
- Customization installation package (if any);
- Deployment tool (if required);
- User Manual for GUI operations;
- User Manual for configuration setup;
- Admin Manual for installation, deployment and system configuration.
The supplier must also inform Danieli of any list of third-part software required for compliance with
requirements for the implementation of the technology or features highlighted in this specification. Any use
of third-part licensed software must always be agreed in advance with Danieli.
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3.1 General Requirements

The implementation has to be user friendly and intuitive. Complicated procedures and
abundancy of options have to be avoided in order to minimize the human error on the
verification\generation of the documents.
Implementation should be fully automatic with warning and errors blocks completed of related
suggested errors resolutions.
Cross-computer operability should be guaranteed. Settings and data should not be saved in the
local machine but might be stored in the Aveva E3D database or Aveva E3D project folders.
Implementations settings, like Titleblock selection, customer name, etc should be project
wise and not common to all the projects. Furthermore, setting should be available through
session and from different workstations.

3.2 Programming Language

Programming Language can be Aveva PML or C# in .NET environment. In either way the
implementation must work on Aveva E3D version 1.0 and above, compatibility for Aveva E3D
future release should be considered.
Comments should be present on the source files for an easier understanding of the coding.

3.3 Hardware\software running setup

3.3.1 Client Server functionality

Implementation must be available in Server-Client mode and in Standalone mode.
3.3.2 Server
The application must be installed and run on servers running Windows Server 2012 with
32 and 64-bit architecture.
3.3.3 Client
The application must be installed and run on an unlimited number of clients, with
operating system Windows 7, Windows 10 for 64-bit architectures.

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4.1 Model module

The actual piping structure of Aveva E3D model foresee one database for each plant macro
area, each database can contain one and one only engineering SITE.
Inside each SITE pipelines are divided in main plants (PU1) and plant units (PU2), inside PU2s
pipes are grouped by fluids (FLUID).
The following scheme represents an example of the actual piping hierarchy:

4.2 Isodraft module

Generation of the isometric drawings is done through a configuration file .met already setup by
Danieli. Titleblock in .plt format is loaded through the configuration file.
All the data displayed on the isometric drawing are taken from model attributes.

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The implementation running methods are divided in two main groups:
- Running from Aveva E3D application with GUI;
- Running in background with Aveva E3D in TTY mode, startup done through CMD or batch file
compose of a single command string with attributes. Configuration file (txt or xml) solution can be
adopted to pass the settings to the implementation.
Resulting final document, settings and options available have to be the same for both the methods.

5.1 Running from Aveva E3D application with GUI

Implementation has to be:
compatible for running in Model module (default workflow);
compatible for running in Isodraft module (optional workflow);
A single mask will be opened on launch containing the possibility to switch to
wizard mode;
The following options have to be available within the mask:
Selection of the destination folder (input and browse);
Selection of SITE (drop-down menu with filter on piping SITEs);
Selection of PU1 (drop-down menu, single choice);
Selection of PU2 to process (drop-down menu, single choice);
Selection of FLUID (drop-down menu, multi-choice enabled);
Document number (suggestion as per Danieli STD with text edit
Titleblock & Doc. Revision configuration (button + additional mask):
o Customer logo loader (button);
o Danieli Logo selection (drop-down menu);
o Revision number, date, description, drawn by, check by, approved
by (editable table);
Reference documents (button + additional mask):
o Document type, Document number, Document Name (editable
table) (Document type from drop-down list with preset values);
Remarks (button + additional mask):
o Remarks, loaded from default remarks (editable multi-row text
Plant floor level (text);
From Bore (drop down list with pipe sizes filtered from previous
To Bore (drop down list with pipe sizes filtered from previous selections);
Verifications selection:
o Connections check (toggle) (default toggled);
o Fail line (toggle) (default toggled);
o Danieli codes (toggle) (default toggled);
o Item weights (toggle) (default toggled);
o Temp. and Pressure data (toggle) (default toggled);
Error suppression mode (toggle) (default un-toggled);
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Verify (button) start verifications and display warnings and errors;

Generate (button) active only after verification, launch the export and book
Issue status (table in foldup frame);
Reset (button) re-set the default values for all the mask;
Cancel (button) kills the implementation.
Additional information and explanations are available in the annexes of this technical

5.2 Running in background with Aveva E3D in TTY mode

TTY option will be used for the massive generation of Isometric books on a single project. The
options available should be the same ones of the GUI mode.
Options can be accessible through a configuration file (txt or xml) in which define all the
parameters to be used for the export and isometric book generation.
Another configuration file will be needed to define the list of which items, either plan unit name
or E3D item name, to be exported.
Once Options and list of items to export have been set, running a batch file it should be possible
to get the export of all the isometric book selected.
Progress of the operation while working and log file with successful operation, warnings and
errors should be given.
In case of errors on the export of an isometric book the systems should skip to the next book
without exit from the application. The failure of the operation should be clearly highlighted on
the log file.

5.3 Particular notes

For all the Isometric Books generated a backup copy of the isometric exported and
the isometric book should be saved in the E3D project folders. Copy of the
documentation should be retrievable through right-click option on Issue Status table
on the main window. Project folder structure will be defined during project
Revisions of the isometric book should be managed as follows:
Document Revision:
o Refers only to the cover page and general pages at the beginning of
the isometric book;
o All the pages should be updated on the header with the correct
o In case of any change from the previous revision the changes need
to be highlighted with the revision mark ( ) reporting the number
of the actual revision;
o In case of revisions higher than 01 the previously inserted revision
marks should be deleted highlighting in the current revision only the
modifications from the previous one;
Isometric Sheets revision:
o Revision clouds on modified piping items should be inserted on
every sheet of the isometric drawings both in cad and pdf versions;
o Revision mark ( ) should be placed near each cloud;
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o Revision on the Titleblock should be updated only for isometric

sheets with modifications, the remaining pipelines will keep the
previous revision number. If a pipeline is composed by more than
one sheet all the sheets take the highest revision even if the
modification is not present on all of them.
o In case of revisions higher than 01 the previously inserted revision
marks and clouds should be deleted highlighting in the current
revision only the modifications from the previous one;

5.4 Known problems & errors

The following problems are known during the isometric export and need to be handled during
the implementation development:
Not continuous pipelines: there are some cases where the PIPE element contains
branches that are not connected together. In this case an isometric export by PIPE
its not possible because E3D isometric generation would fail. In this case the
isometric of each single branch should be exported and named as the PIPE element.
Total quantity of sheets of the pipeline has to consider all the branch exported, as
well sheet number should be progressive considering all the branches exported.

The complete implementation output should be composed of:
- Isometric drawings of exported lines in DWG 2007 format;
- Isometric drawings of exported lines in PDF format, one file for each PIPE element;
- Isometric book complete of cover page, general pages and isometric drawings in PDF format. PDF
should be searchable in all its parts and containing bookmarks grouping the isometric lines by fluid;
- Isometric book complete of cover page, general pages and isometric drawings in TIFF Group-4
format, A4 size in 200x200 DPI with 1-bit color depth. It can be obtained by printing the PDF of the
isometric book.
A full document example is present in the annexes.

Implementation development will be divided as follows:
Phase 1 Quotation
- Detailed analysis of the implementation functionality;
- Definition of the principal mile-stone and development time;
- Clarification meeting between parties.
Phase 2 Development
- As per planning defined in Phase 1.
Phase 3 Beta release of GUI mode
- Release of Beta version of GUI mode with main functionalities for Danieli test;
- Q/A between parties after Danieli test.
Phase 4 Full functional release (GUI & TTY)
- Fully functional release of both GUI and TTY modes to be handover to Danieli completed in each
part defined in this specification and eventual comments\improvements that might rise during
previous phases;
- Q/A between parties after Danieli test;
Phase 5 Final release
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- Final implementation release of both GUI and TTY modes including all the functions and
comments\improvements that might rise during previous phases;
- Manuals;
- Source files;
Phase 6 GO-Live
- Deployment of the implementation to all the involved Danieli users.

Total project time for the GO-Live of the implementation is fixed to 2 months from the order.
Support of the developer have to be guaranteed during the development time and for at least 6 months after
the GO-Live date for fix possible issue that might rise.

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or to make it known in whole or in part to other parties or to competitors without specific written authorization of DANIELIs Management

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